* * Copyright (C) 1995 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * File: newdpf.c * Content: new debug printf *@@BEGIN_MSINTERNAL * History: * Date By Reason * ==== == ====== * 10-oct-95 jeffno initial implementation *@@END_MSINTERNAL * ***************************************************************************/
#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(DBG)
#ifdef IS_16
#define OUTPUTDEBUGSTRING OutputDebugString
#define GETPROFILESTRING GetProfileString
#define GETPROFILEINT GetProfileInt
#define WSPRINTF wsprintf
#define WVSPRINTF wvsprintf
#define LSTRLEN lstrlen
#define OUTPUTDEBUGSTRING OutputDebugStringA
#define GETPROFILESTRING GetProfileStringA
#define GETPROFILEINT GetProfileIntA
#define WSPRINTF wsprintfA
#define WVSPRINTF wvsprintfA
#define LSTRLEN lstrlenA
#include "dpf.h"
#define DEBUG_TOPIC(flag,name) {#flag,name,TRUE},
static struct { char cFlag[4]; char cName[64]; BOOL bOn; } DebugTopics[] = { {"","Filler",FALSE}, {"A","API Usage",TRUE}, #include "DBGTOPIC.H"
{"","End",FALSE} };
#ifndef PROF_SECT
#define PROF_SECT "Direct3D"
#ifndef PROF_SECT_D3D
#define PROF_SECT_D3D "Direct3D"
#ifndef START_STR_D3D
#define START_STR_D3D "Direct3D8: "
#define END_STR "\r\n"
#define DPF_MODULE_NAME "Direct3D8: "
static DWORD bDetailOn = 1;
static BOOL bInited=FALSE; static BOOL bAllowMisc=TRUE; static bBreakOnAsserts=FALSE; static bPrintLineNumbers=FALSE; static bPrintFileNames=FALSE; static bPrintExecutableName=FALSE; static bPrintTID=FALSE; static bPrintPID=FALSE; static bIndentOnMessageLevel=FALSE; static bPrintTopicsAndLevels=FALSE; static bPrintModuleName=TRUE; static bPrintFunctionName=FALSE; static bRespectColumns=FALSE; static bPrintAPIStats=FALSE; static bPrintAllTopics=TRUE; static bAdvancedDPFs=FALSE;
static DWORD dwFileLineTID=0; static char cFile[100]; static char cFnName[100]; static DWORD dwLineNo; static bMute=FALSE;
// Debug level for D3D
LONG lD3dDebugLevel = 0;
DPF_PROC_STATS ProcStats[MAX_PROC_ORDINAL]; #ifdef cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif
void mystrncpy(char * to,char * from,int n) { for(;n;n--) *(to++)=*(from++); }
char * mystrrchr(char * in,char c) { char * last=0; while (*in) { if (*in == c) last = in; in++; } return last; }
char Junk[]="DPF_MODNAME undef'd"; char * DPF_MODNAME = Junk;
int DebugSetFileLineEtc(LPSTR szFile, DWORD dwLineNumber, LPSTR szFnName) { if (!(bPrintFileNames||bPrintLineNumbers||bPrintFunctionName)) { return 1; } #ifdef WIN32
dwFileLineTID = GetCurrentThreadId(); #endif
mystrncpy (cFile,szFile,sizeof(cFile)); mystrncpy (cFnName,szFnName,sizeof(cFnName)); dwLineNo = dwLineNumber; return 1; }
static void dumpStr( LPSTR str ) { /*
* Have to warm the string, since OutputDebugString is buried * deep enough that it won't page the string in before reading it. */ int i=0; if (str) while(str[i]) i++; OUTPUTDEBUGSTRING( str ); OUTPUTDEBUGSTRING("\n"); }
void DebugPrintfInit(void) { signed int lDebugLevel; int i; char cTopics[100];
lD3dDebugLevel = GetProfileInt( PROF_SECT_D3D, "debug", 0 );
for (i=0;i<LAST_TOPIC;i++) DebugTopics[i].bOn=FALSE;
GETPROFILESTRING( "DirectX", DPF_CONTROL_LINE, "DefaultTopics", cTopics, sizeof(cTopics) ); if (!strcmp(cTopics,"DefaultTopics")) { DebugSetTopicsAndLevels(""); bAllowMisc=TRUE; bPrintAllTopics=TRUE; lDebugLevel = (signed int) GETPROFILEINT( PROF_SECT, "debug", 0 ); if (lDebugLevel <0) { if (lDebugLevel < -9) lDebugLevel=-9;
bDetailOn |= (1<<(-lDebugLevel)); } else { for (i=0;i<= (lDebugLevel<10?lDebugLevel:10);i++) bDetailOn |= 1<<i; } } else { bAdvancedDPFs=TRUE; DebugSetTopicsAndLevels(cTopics); if (!strcmp(cTopics,"?") && !bInited) { dumpStr("--------------" DPF_MODULE_NAME " Debug Output Control -------------"); dumpStr("Each character on the control line controls a topic, a detail"); dumpStr("level or an extra info. E.g. 0-36A@ means print detail levels 0"); dumpStr("through 3 and 6 for topic A with source file name and line numbers."); dumpStr("The extra info control characters are:"); dumpStr(" !: Break on asserts"); dumpStr(" ^: Print TID of calling thread"); dumpStr(" #: Print PID of calling process"); dumpStr(" >: Indent on message detail levels"); dumpStr(" &: Print the topic and detail level of each message"); dumpStr(" =: Print function name"); dumpStr(" +: Print all topics, including topic-less"); dumpStr(" / or -: do not allow topic-less messages"); dumpStr(" @ or $: Print source filename and line number of DPF"); dumpStr("Topics for this module are:"); for(i=0;strcmp(DebugTopics[i].cName,"End");i++) { OUTPUTDEBUGSTRING(" "); OUTPUTDEBUGSTRING(DebugTopics[i].cFlag); OUTPUTDEBUGSTRING(": "); dumpStr(DebugTopics[i].cName); } dumpStr("Tip: Use 0-3A to get debug info about API calls"); } } bInited=TRUE; }
* * The full output can be: * Module:(Executable,TxNNNN,PxNN):FunctionName:"file.c",#nnn(AAnn) Messagemessagemessage * or, if indentation turned on: * Module:(Executable,TxNNNN,PxNN):FunctionName:"file.c",#nnn(AAnn) Messagemessagemessage */ int DebugPrintf(DWORD dwDetail, ...) { #define MSGBUFFERSIZE 1000
BOOL bAllowed=FALSE; BOOL bMiscMessage=TRUE; char cMsg[MSGBUFFERSIZE]; char cTopics[20]; DWORD_PTR arg; LPSTR szFormat; int i; #ifdef WIN95
char szTemp[MSGBUFFERSIZE]; char *psz = NULL; #endif
va_list ap;
if (!bInited) DebugPrintfInit();
//error checking:
if (dwDetail >= 10) return 1;
if ( (bDetailOn & (1<<dwDetail)) == 0 ) return 1;
if (bMute) return 1; va_start(ap,dwDetail); WSPRINTF(cTopics,"%d",dwDetail);
//Pull out which topics this DPF refers to
while ( (arg = va_arg(ap,DWORD_PTR)) <256 ) { if (arg>0 && arg < LAST_TOPIC) { bMiscMessage=FALSE; if (DebugTopics[arg].bOn) bAllowed = TRUE; } }
//if this message has no topics, then it's a misc message.
//we turn them on only if allowed (i.e. "-" is not in the enable string).
//And level zero messages are always allowed
if (bMiscMessage) { if (bAllowMisc || dwDetail == 0) bAllowed=TRUE; } else { //topic-ed message is only allowed if the advanced DPF line is set in [DirectX]
if (!bAdvancedDPFs) bAllowed=FALSE; }
//Advanced DPFs have the option ("+") to print every topic
if (bAdvancedDPFs) { if ( bPrintAllTopics ) bAllowed=TRUE; }
if (!bAllowed) return FALSE;
szFormat = (LPSTR) arg;
* Add the module name first */
if (bPrintModuleName) { WSPRINTF( cMsg+strlen(cMsg),DPF_MODULE_NAME); }
if (dwDetail==0) { WSPRINTF( cMsg+strlen(cMsg),"(ERROR) :" ); } if (dwDetail==1) { WSPRINTF( cMsg+strlen(cMsg),"(WARN) :" ); } if (dwDetail==2) { WSPRINTF( cMsg+strlen(cMsg),"(INFO) :" ); }
if (bPrintExecutableName || bPrintTID || bPrintPID) WSPRINTF( cMsg+strlen(cMsg),"(");
#ifdef WIN32
#if 0
* deleted due to RIP in GetModuleFilename on debug windows when win16 lock held */ if (bPrintExecutableName) { GetModuleFileName(NULL,str,256); if (mystrrchr(str,'\\')) WSPRINTF(cMsg+strlen(cMsg),"%12s",mystrrchr(str,'\\')+1); } #endif
if (bPrintPID) { if (bPrintExecutableName) strcat(cMsg,","); WSPRINTF( cMsg+strlen(cMsg),"Px%02x",GetCurrentProcessId()); }
if (bPrintTID) { if (bPrintExecutableName || bPrintPID) strcat(cMsg,","); WSPRINTF( cMsg+strlen(cMsg),"Tx%04x",GetCurrentThreadId()); }
if (bPrintExecutableName || bPrintTID || bPrintPID) WSPRINTF( cMsg+strlen(cMsg),"):"); #endif
if (bPrintFunctionName) { WSPRINTF( cMsg+strlen(cMsg),cFnName); }
if (bPrintFileNames || bPrintLineNumbers) { if (mystrrchr(cFile,'\\')) WSPRINTF( cMsg+strlen(cMsg),":%12s",mystrrchr(cFile,'\\')+1 ); else WSPRINTF( cMsg+strlen(cMsg),":%12s",cFile); WSPRINTF( cMsg+strlen(cMsg),"@%d",dwLineNo); }
if (bPrintTopicsAndLevels) { WSPRINTF( cMsg+strlen(cMsg),"(%3s)",cTopics); }
if (cMsg[strlen(cMsg)-1] != ':') WSPRINTF( cMsg+strlen(cMsg),":");
if (bIndentOnMessageLevel) { for(i=0;(DWORD)i<dwDetail;i++) strcat(cMsg," "); }
// 7/07/2000(RichGr) - IA64: The %p format specifier that can handle either a 32-bit
// or a 64-bit pointer doesn't work on Win95 or Win98 - it's not recognized. So it
// needs to be replaced in Win9x builds.
#ifdef WIN95
strcpy(szTemp, szFormat); // Copy to a local string that we can modify.
//WARNING: This code does not handle escape sequences using %p. Extra code must be added to
// deal with that case if necessary
while (psz = strstr(szTemp, "%p")) // Look for each "%p".
*(psz+1) = 'x'; // Substitute 'x' for 'p'. Don't try to expand the string.
WVSPRINTF( cMsg+LSTRLEN( cMsg ), szTemp, ap); // Use the local, modified string.
WVSPRINTF( cMsg+LSTRLEN( cMsg ), szFormat, ap); // Standard code for Win2K/Whistler/IA64.
if (bAllowed) dumpStr( cMsg );
va_end(ap); return 1;
void DebugSetMute(BOOL bMuteFlag) { bMute=bMuteFlag; }
void DebugEnterAPI(char *pFunctionName , LPDWORD pIface) { DebugPrintf(2,A,"%08x->%s",pIface,pFunctionName); }
void DebugSetTopicsAndLevels(char * cTopics) { int i; int j; bAllowMisc=TRUE; bBreakOnAsserts=FALSE; bPrintLineNumbers=FALSE; bPrintFileNames=FALSE; bPrintExecutableName=FALSE; bPrintTID=FALSE; bPrintPID=FALSE; bIndentOnMessageLevel=FALSE; bPrintTopicsAndLevels=FALSE; bPrintFunctionName=FALSE; bPrintAPIStats=FALSE; bPrintAllTopics=FALSE; bDetailOn=1; /* always print detail level 0*/
for (i=0;(DWORD)i<strlen(cTopics);i++) { switch (cTopics[i]) { case '/': case '-': bAllowMisc=FALSE; break; case '!': bBreakOnAsserts=TRUE; break; case '@': bPrintLineNumbers=TRUE; break; case '$': bPrintFileNames=TRUE; break; #if 0
* Currently deleted because GetModuleFilename causes a RIP on debug windows when the win16 * lock is held. */ case '?': bPrintExecutableName=TRUE; break; #endif
case '^': bPrintTID=TRUE; break; case '#': bPrintPID=TRUE; break; case '>': bIndentOnMessageLevel=TRUE; break; case '&': bPrintTopicsAndLevels=TRUE; break; case '=': bPrintFunctionName=TRUE; break; case '%': bPrintAPIStats=TRUE; break; case '+': bPrintAllTopics=TRUE; break; default: if (cTopics[i]>='0' && cTopics[i]<='9') { if (cTopics[i+1]=='-') { if (cTopics[i+2]>='0' && cTopics[i+2]<='9') { for(j=cTopics[i]-'0';j<=cTopics[i+2]-'0';j++) bDetailOn |= 1<<j; i+=2; } } else bDetailOn |= 1<<(cTopics[i]-'0'); } else { for(j=0;j<LAST_TOPIC;j++) if (cTopics[i]==DebugTopics[j].cFlag[0]) DebugTopics[j].bOn=TRUE; } } //end switch
} }
* NOTE: I don't want to get into error checking for buffer overflows when * trying to issue an assertion failure message. So instead I just allocate * a buffer that is "bug enough" (I know, I know...) */ #define ASSERT_BUFFER_SIZE 512
#define ASSERT_BANNER_STRING "************************************************************"
#define ASSERT_BREAK_SECTION "BreakOnAssert"
void _DDAssert( LPCSTR szFile, int nLine, LPCSTR szCondition ) { char buffer[ASSERT_BUFFER_SIZE];
* Build the debug stream message. */ WSPRINTF( buffer, "ASSERTION FAILED! File %s Line %d: %s", szFile, nLine, szCondition );
* Actually issue the message. These messages are considered error level * so they all go out at error level priority. */ dprintf( ASSERT_MESSAGE_LEVEL, ASSERT_BANNER_STRING ); dprintf( ASSERT_MESSAGE_LEVEL, buffer ); dprintf( ASSERT_MESSAGE_LEVEL, ASSERT_BANNER_STRING );
* Should we drop into the debugger? */ if( bBreakOnAsserts || GETPROFILEINT( PROF_SECT, ASSERT_BREAK_SECTION, ASSERT_BREAK_DEFAULT ) ) { /*
* Into the debugger we go... */ DEBUG_BREAK(); } }
static void cdecl D3Dprintf( UINT lvl, LPSTR msgType, LPSTR szFormat, va_list ap) { char str[256]; //char str2[256];
BOOL allow = FALSE;
if (bMute) return;
if( lD3dDebugLevel < 0 ) { if( (UINT) -lD3dDebugLevel == lvl ) { allow = TRUE; } } else if( (UINT) lD3dDebugLevel >= lvl ) { allow = TRUE; }
if( allow ) { wsprintf( (LPSTR) str, START_STR_D3D ); wsprintf( (LPSTR) str+lstrlen( str ), msgType );
#ifdef WIN95
{ char szTmp[512]; char *psz = szTmp; strncpy(szTmp, szFormat, 512);
// %p does not work on Windows95.
// We look for each "%p" and substitute 'x' for 'p'
// WARNING: This code does not handle escape sequences using %p.
// Extra code must be added to deal with that case
// if necessary
while (psz = strstr(psz, "%p")) *(psz+1) = 'x';
wvsprintf( str+lstrlen( str ), szTmp, ap); } #else
wvsprintf( str+lstrlen( str ), szFormat, ap); //(LPVOID)(&szFormat+1) );
#endif // WIN95
lstrcat( (LPSTR) str, END_STR ); dumpStr( str ); }
} /* D3Dprintf */
void cdecl D3DInfoPrintf( UINT lvl, LPSTR szFormat, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, szFormat);
D3Dprintf(lvl, "(INFO) :", szFormat, ap);
va_end(ap); }
void cdecl D3DWarnPrintf( UINT lvl, LPSTR szFormat, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap,szFormat);
D3Dprintf(lvl, "(WARN) :", szFormat, ap); va_end(ap); }
void cdecl D3DErrorPrintf( LPSTR szFormat, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap,szFormat);
D3Dprintf(0, "(ERROR) :", szFormat, ap); va_end(ap); }
#ifdef cplusplus
} #endif
#else // !debug
void DebugSetMute(BOOL bMuteFlag) { }
#endif //defined debug