// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 2000.
// refdev.cpp
// Direct3D Reference Device - public interfaces
#include "pch.cpp"
#pragma hdrstop
// This is a global static array of the block sizes in bytes for the
// various DXTn compression formats
int g_DXTBlkSize[NUM_DXT_FORMATS] = { sizeof(DXTBlockRGB), sizeof(DXTBlockAlpha4), sizeof(DXTBlockAlpha4), sizeof(DXTBlockAlpha3), sizeof(DXTBlockAlpha3), };
// Memory management function installation
// global pointers to memory allocation functions (used through MEM* macros)
LPVOID (__cdecl *g_pfnMemAlloc)( size_t size ) = NULL; void (__cdecl *g_pfnMemFree)( LPVOID lptr ) = NULL; LPVOID (__cdecl *g_pfnMemReAlloc)( LPVOID ptr, size_t size ) = NULL;
// install memory management functions - must be called before instancing
// rasterizer object
void RefRastSetMemif( LPVOID(__cdecl *pfnMemAlloc)(size_t), void(__cdecl *pfnMemFree)(LPVOID), LPVOID(__cdecl *pfnMemReAlloc)(LPVOID,size_t)) { DPFRR(1, "RefRastSetMemif %08x %08x %08x\n", pfnMemAlloc,pfnMemFree,pfnMemReAlloc); g_pfnMemAlloc = pfnMemAlloc; g_pfnMemFree = pfnMemFree; g_pfnMemReAlloc = pfnMemReAlloc; }
// //
// Public Interface Methods //
// //
// SetRenderTarget -
void RefDev::SetRenderTarget( RDRenderTarget* pRenderTarget ) { m_pRenderTarget = pRenderTarget;
// update the W scaling values for mapping interpolated W's into buffer range
m_fWBufferNorm[0] = pRenderTarget->m_fWRange[0]; FLOAT fWRange = pRenderTarget->m_fWRange[1] - pRenderTarget->m_fWRange[0]; m_fWBufferNorm[1] = ( 0. != fWRange ) ? ( 1./fWRange ) : ( 1. );
// SetTextureStageState -
// map DX6(&7) texture filtering enums to DX8 enums
static DWORD MapDX6toDX8TexFilter( DWORD dwStageState, DWORD dwValue ) { switch (dwStageState) { case D3DTSS_MAGFILTER: switch (dwValue) { case D3DTFG_POINT : return D3DTEXF_POINT; case D3DTFG_LINEAR : return D3DTEXF_LINEAR; case D3DTFG_FLATCUBIC : return D3DTEXF_FLATCUBIC; case D3DTFG_GAUSSIANCUBIC : return D3DTEXF_GAUSSIANCUBIC; case D3DTFG_ANISOTROPIC : return D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC; } break; case D3DTSS_MINFILTER: switch (dwValue) { case D3DTFN_POINT : return D3DTEXF_POINT; case D3DTFN_LINEAR : return D3DTEXF_LINEAR; case D3DTFN_ANISOTROPIC : return D3DTEXF_ANISOTROPIC; } break; case D3DTSS_MIPFILTER: switch (dwValue) { case D3DTFP_NONE : return D3DTEXF_NONE; case D3DTFP_POINT : return D3DTEXF_POINT; case D3DTFP_LINEAR : return D3DTEXF_LINEAR; } break; } return 0x0; }
void RefDev::SetTextureStageState( DWORD dwStage, DWORD dwStageState, DWORD dwValue ) { // check for range before continuing
if ( dwStage >= D3DHAL_TSS_MAXSTAGES) { return; } if (dwStageState > D3DTSS_MAX) { return; }
// set in internal per-stage state
m_TextureStageState[dwStage].m_dwVal[dwStageState] = dwValue;
switch ( dwStageState ) {
// bind texture indicated by handle to m_pTexture array
if (IsDriverDX6AndBefore() || IsInterfaceDX6AndBefore()) { // This is the legacy behavior (prev. to DX7)
MapTextureHandleToDevice( dwStage ); } else { // This is the new behavior (DX7 and beyond)
SetTextureHandle( dwStage, dwValue ); } m_dwRastFlags |= RDRF_LEGACYPIXELSHADER_CHANGED; break;
// not including legacy headers, so don't have D3DTSS_ADDRESS
// // map single set ADDRESS to U, V controls (pre-DX8 interfaces only)
// m_TextureStageState[dwStage].m_dwVal[D3DTSS_ADDRESSU] = dwValue;
// m_TextureStageState[dwStage].m_dwVal[D3DTSS_ADDRESSV] = dwValue;
// break;
case D3DTSS_MAGFILTER: case D3DTSS_MINFILTER: case D3DTSS_MIPFILTER: if ( IsDriverDX7AndBefore() ) { m_TextureStageState[dwStage].m_dwVal[dwStageState] = MapDX6toDX8TexFilter( dwStageState, dwValue ); } break; } }
// TextureCreate - Instantiates new RDSurface2D object, computes texture handle
// to associate with it, and returns both to caller. Note that texture handle
// is a pointer and can be used to get at the corresponding texture object.
BOOL RefDev::TextureCreate( LPD3DTEXTUREHANDLE phTex, RDSurface2D** ppTex ) { // allocate internal texture structure
*ppTex = new RDSurface2D(); _ASSERTa( NULL != *ppTex, "new failure on texture create", return FALSE; );
// use separately allocated pointer for handle
RDSurface2D** ppTexForHandle = (RDSurface2D**)MEMALLOC( sizeof(RDSurface2D*) ); _ASSERTa( NULL != ppTexForHandle, "malloc failure on texture create", return FALSE; ); *ppTexForHandle = *ppTex;
// return texture handle
(*ppTex)->m_hTex = (ULONG_PTR)ppTexForHandle; *phTex = (*ppTex)->m_hTex;
return TRUE; }
// TextureDestroy -
BOOL RefDev::TextureDestroy( D3DTEXTUREHANDLE hTex ) { // first check if texture about to be destroyed is mapped - if so then
// unmap it
for ( int iStage=0; iStage<D3DHAL_TSS_MAXSTAGES; iStage++ ) { if ( hTex == m_TextureStageState[iStage].m_dwVal[D3DTSS_TEXTUREMAP] ) { SetTextureStageState( iStage, D3DTSS_TEXTUREMAP, 0x0 ); } }
// resolve handle to RDSurface2D pointer
RDSurface2D* pTex = MapHandleToTexture( hTex ); if ( NULL == pTex ) { return FALSE; }
// free the handle pointer
#ifdef _IA64_
_ASSERTa(FALSE, "This will not work on IA64", return FALSE;); #endif
RDSurface2D** ppTex = (RDSurface2D**)ULongToPtr(hTex); if ( NULL != ppTex) { MEMFREE( ppTex ); }
// free the RDSurface2D
delete pTex;
return TRUE; }
// TextureGetSurf -
DWORD RefDev::TextureGetSurf( D3DTEXTUREHANDLE hTex ) { RDSurface2D* pTex = MapHandleToTexture(hTex); if ( NULL == pTex ) { return 0x0; } return PtrToUlong( pTex->m_pDDSLcl[0] ); }
// GetCurrentTextureMaps - This function fills in a passed array texture handles
// and pointers. The array should be sized by D3DHAL_TSS_MAXSTAGES.
// This is used to facilitate external locking/unlocking of surfaces used for
// textures.
int RefDev::GetCurrentTextureMaps( D3DTEXTUREHANDLE *phTex, RDSurface2D** pTex) { UpdateActiveTexStageCount();
for ( int i=0; i<m_cActiveTextureStages; i++ ) { if ( NULL == m_pTexture[i] ) { phTex[i] = 0x0; pTex[i] = NULL; } else { phTex[i] = m_pTexture[i]->m_hTex; pTex[i] = m_pTexture[i]; } } return m_cActiveTextureStages; }
// SceneCapture - Used to trigger fragment buffer resolve.
#include <mmsystem.h>
void RefDev::SceneCapture( DWORD dwFlags ) { static INT32 iScene = 0; static INT32 iLastSceneEnd = 0; #ifdef DO_SCENE_RENDER_TIME
static DWORD timeBS = 0; #endif
switch (dwFlags) { case D3DHAL_SCENE_CAPTURE_START: iScene++; #ifdef DO_SCENE_RENDER_TIME
timeBS = timeGetTime(); #endif
break; case D3DHAL_SCENE_CAPTURE_END: if (iScene == iLastSceneEnd) break; // getting multiple END per BEGIN
iLastSceneEnd = iScene; #ifdef DO_SCENE_RENDER_TIME
DWORD timeES = timeGetTime(); FLOAT dt = (FLOAT)(timeES - timeBS)/1000.f; timeBS = 0; RDDebugPrintf("SceneRenderTime: %f", dt ); } #endif
break; } }
// Query functions to get pointer to current render target and render state.
RDRenderTarget* RefDev::GetRenderTarget(void) { return m_pRenderTarget; }
HRESULT RefDev::UpdateRastState( void ) { // check 'dirty' flags
if (m_dwRastFlags & RDRF_MULTISAMPLE_CHANGED) { // update multi-sample RS related state
m_Rast.SetSampleMode( m_pRenderTarget->m_pColor->m_iSamples, m_dwRenderState[D3DRS_MULTISAMPLEANTIALIAS] ); m_Rast.SetSampleMask( m_dwRenderState[D3DRS_MULTISAMPLEMASK] ); m_dwRastFlags &= ~(RDRF_MULTISAMPLE_CHANGED); } if (m_dwRastFlags & RDRF_PIXELSHADER_CHANGED) { if (m_CurrentPShaderHandle) { m_Rast.m_pCurrentPixelShader = GetPShader(m_CurrentPShaderHandle); m_Rast.m_bLegacyPixelShade = FALSE; } else { // legacy pixel shader
m_Rast.UpdateLegacyPixelShader(); m_Rast.m_pCurrentPixelShader = m_Rast.m_pLegacyPixelShader; m_Rast.m_bLegacyPixelShade = TRUE; } UpdateActiveTexStageCount();
m_dwRastFlags &= ~(RDRF_PIXELSHADER_CHANGED); } if (m_dwRastFlags & RDRF_LEGACYPIXELSHADER_CHANGED) { if (m_Rast.m_bLegacyPixelShade) { m_Rast.UpdateLegacyPixelShader(); m_Rast.m_pCurrentPixelShader = m_Rast.m_pLegacyPixelShader; UpdateActiveTexStageCount(); } m_dwRastFlags &= ~(RDRF_LEGACYPIXELSHADER_CHANGED);
} if (m_dwRastFlags & RDRF_TEXTURESTAGESTATE_CHANGED) { m_Rast.UpdateTextureControls(); m_dwRastFlags &= ~(RDRF_TEXTURESTAGESTATE_CHANGED); } return S_OK; }
// Begin/End bracket functions - Called before/after a list of primitives are
// rendered.
HRESULT RefDev::BeginRendering( void ) { // If already in Begin, do nothing
if( m_bInBegin ) return S_OK; #ifdef _X86_
// save floating point mode and set to extended precision mode
{ WORD wTemp, wSave; __asm { fstcw wSave mov ax, wSave or ax, 300h ;; extended precision mode // and ax, 00FFh ;; single precision mode + round nearest or even
mov wTemp, ax fldcw wTemp } m_wSaveFP = wSave; } #endif
m_bInBegin = TRUE; return S_OK; } //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRESULT RefDev::EndRendering( void ) { if ( m_bInBegin ) { #ifdef _X86_
// restore floating point mode
{ WORD wSave = m_wSaveFP; __asm {fldcw wSave} } #endif
m_bInBegin = FALSE; } return S_OK; }
// Clear specified rectangles in the render target
// Directly handles the command from the DP2 stream
HRESULT RefDev::Clear(LPD3DHAL_DP2COMMAND pCmd) { D3DHAL_DP2CLEAR *pData = (D3DHAL_DP2CLEAR*)(pCmd + 1); WORD i; INT32 x,y; RDColor fillColor(pData->dwFillColor); RDDepth fillDepth; if (m_pRenderTarget->m_pDepth) { fillDepth.SetSType(m_pRenderTarget->m_pDepth->GetSurfaceFormat()); }
fillDepth = pData->dvFillDepth;
struct { D3DHAL_DP2COMMAND cmd; D3DHAL_DP2CLEAR data; } WholeViewport;
if (!(pData->dwFlags & D3DCLEAR_COMPUTERECTS)) { // Do nothing for non-pure device
} else if (pCmd->wStateCount == 0) { // When wStateCount is zero we need to clear whole viewport
WholeViewport.cmd = *pCmd; WholeViewport.cmd.wStateCount = 1; WholeViewport.data.dwFlags = pData->dwFlags; WholeViewport.data.dwFillColor = pData->dwFillColor; WholeViewport.data.dvFillDepth = pData->dvFillDepth; WholeViewport.data.dwFillStencil = pData->dwFillStencil; WholeViewport.data.Rects[0].left = m_Clipper.m_Viewport.dwX; WholeViewport.data.Rects[0].top = m_Clipper.m_Viewport.dwY; WholeViewport.data.Rects[0].right = m_Clipper.m_Viewport.dwX + m_Clipper.m_Viewport.dwWidth; WholeViewport.data.Rects[0].bottom = m_Clipper.m_Viewport.dwY + m_Clipper.m_Viewport.dwHeight; // Replace pointers and continue as usual
pCmd = (LPD3DHAL_DP2COMMAND)&WholeViewport; pData = &WholeViewport.data; } else { // We need to cull all rects against the current viewport
UINT nRects = pCmd->wStateCount; // Compute how much memory we need to process rects
UINT NeededSize = sizeof(D3DHAL_DP2COMMAND) + sizeof(D3DHAL_DP2CLEAR) + (nRects-1) * sizeof(RECT); // One rect is in DP2CLEAR
HRESULT hr = S_OK; HR_RET(m_ClearRectBuffer.Grow(NeededSize));
RECT vwport; // Viewport rectangle to cull against
vwport.left = m_Clipper.m_Viewport.dwX; vwport.top = m_Clipper.m_Viewport.dwY; vwport.right = m_Clipper.m_Viewport.dwX + m_Clipper.m_Viewport.dwWidth; vwport.bottom = m_Clipper.m_Viewport.dwY + m_Clipper.m_Viewport.dwHeight;
// Go through input rects and build output rect array
LPRECT pInputRects = pData->Rects; LPRECT pOutputRects = (LPRECT)(&m_ClearRectBuffer[0] + sizeof(D3DHAL_DP2COMMAND) + sizeof(D3DHAL_DP2CLEAR) - sizeof(RECT)); UINT nOutputRects = 0; for (UINT i = 0; i < nRects; i++) { if (IntersectRect(&pOutputRects[nOutputRects], &vwport, &pInputRects[i])) { nOutputRects++; } }
if (nOutputRects == 0) return S_OK;
// Now replace pCmd and pData pointers and continue as usual
pCmd = (LPD3DHAL_DP2COMMAND)&m_ClearRectBuffer[0]; pData = (D3DHAL_DP2CLEAR*)(pCmd + 1); *pCmd = *pOldCmd; pCmd->wStateCount = (WORD)nOutputRects; pData->dwFlags = pOldData->dwFlags; pData->dwFillColor = pOldData->dwFillColor; pData->dvFillDepth = pOldData->dvFillDepth; pData->dwFillStencil = pOldData->dwFillStencil; }
#ifdef _X86_
// Float to integer conversion routines for 24+ bit buffers work
// only with extended FPU mode.
WORD wSaveFP; // save floating point mode and set to extended precision mode
{ WORD wTemp, wSave; __asm { fstcw wSaveFP mov ax, wSaveFP or ax, 300h ;; extended precision mode mov wTemp, ax fldcw wTemp } } #endif
if(pData->dwFlags & D3DCLEAR_TARGET) { if (m_dwRenderState[D3DRENDERSTATE_DITHERENABLE] == FALSE) { m_pRenderTarget->Clear(fillColor, pCmd); } else { for (i = 0; i < pCmd->wStateCount; i++) { for (y = pData->Rects[i].top; y < pData->Rects[i].bottom; ++y) { for (x = pData->Rects[i].left; x < pData->Rects[i].right; ++x) { m_pRenderTarget->WritePixelColor(x, y, fillColor, TRUE); } } } } }
switch (pData->dwFlags & (D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER | D3DCLEAR_STENCIL)) { case (D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER): m_pRenderTarget->ClearDepth(fillDepth, pCmd); break; case (D3DCLEAR_STENCIL): m_pRenderTarget->ClearStencil(pData->dwFillStencil, pCmd); break; case (D3DCLEAR_ZBUFFER | D3DCLEAR_STENCIL): m_pRenderTarget->ClearDepthStencil(fillDepth, pData->dwFillStencil, pCmd); break; }
#ifdef _X86_
// restore floating point mode
{ __asm {fldcw wSaveFP} } #endif
return D3D_OK; }
// Clear specified rectangles in the render target
// Directly handles the command from the DP2 stream
void RDRenderTarget::Clear(RDColor fillColor, LPD3DHAL_DP2COMMAND pCmd) { LPD3DHAL_DP2CLEAR pData = (LPD3DHAL_DP2CLEAR)(pCmd + 1); UINT32 dwColor = 0; fillColor.ConvertTo( m_pColor->GetSurfaceFormat(), 0.5f, (char*)&dwColor);
for (DWORD i = 0; i < pCmd->wStateCount; i++) { DWORD x0 = pData->Rects[i].left; DWORD y0 = pData->Rects[i].top; DWORD dwWidth = ( pData->Rects[i].right - x0 ) * m_pColor->GetSamples(); DWORD dwHeight = pData->Rects[i].bottom - y0; char* pSurface = PixelAddress( x0, y0, 0, 0, m_pColor ); switch ( m_pColor->GetSurfaceFormat() ) { case RD_SF_B8G8R8A8: case RD_SF_B8G8R8X8: { for (DWORD y = dwHeight; y > 0; y--) { UINT32 *p = (UINT32*)pSurface; for (DWORD x = dwWidth; x > 0; x--) { *p++ = dwColor; } pSurface += m_pColor->GetPitch(); } } break;
case RD_SF_B8G8R8: { for (DWORD y = dwHeight; y > 0; y--) { UINT8 *p = (UINT8*)pSurface; for (DWORD x = dwWidth; x > 0; x--) { *p++ = ((UINT8*)&dwColor)[0]; *p++ = ((UINT8*)&dwColor)[1]; *p++ = ((UINT8*)&dwColor)[2]; } pSurface += m_pColor->GetPitch(); } } break;
case RD_SF_B4G4R4A4: case RD_SF_B5G6R5: case RD_SF_B5G5R5A1: case RD_SF_B5G5R5X1: { for (DWORD y = dwHeight; y > 0; y--) { UINT16 *p = (UINT16*)pSurface; for (DWORD x = dwWidth; x > 0; x--) { *p++ = (UINT16)dwColor; } pSurface += m_pColor->GetPitch(); } } break;
case RD_SF_B2G3R3: { for (DWORD y = dwHeight; y > 0; y--) { UINT8 *p = (UINT8*)pSurface; for (DWORD x = dwWidth; x > 0; x--) { *p++ = (UINT8)dwColor; } pSurface += m_pColor->GetPitch(); } } break; default: { for (int y = y0; y < pData->Rects[i].bottom; ++y) { for (int x = x0; x < pData->Rects[i].right; ++x) { this->WritePixelColor(x, y, fillColor, TRUE); } } } } } }
// Clear specified rectangles in the depth buffer
// Directly handles the command from the DP2 stream
void RDRenderTarget::ClearDepth(RDDepth fillDepth, LPD3DHAL_DP2COMMAND pCmd) { LPD3DHAL_DP2CLEAR pData = (LPD3DHAL_DP2CLEAR)(pCmd + 1);
if (!m_pDepth) return; for (DWORD i = 0; i < pCmd->wStateCount; i++) { DWORD x0 = pData->Rects[i].left; DWORD y0 = pData->Rects[i].top; DWORD dwWidth = ( pData->Rects[i].right - x0 ) * m_pDepth->GetSamples(); DWORD dwHeight = pData->Rects[i].bottom - y0; char* pSurface = PixelAddress( x0, y0, 0, 0, m_pDepth ); switch ( m_pDepth->GetSurfaceFormat() ) { case RD_SF_Z16S0: { UINT16 Depth = UINT16(fillDepth); for (DWORD y = dwHeight; y > 0; y--) { UINT16 *p = (UINT16*)pSurface; for (DWORD x = dwWidth; x > 0; x--) { *p++ = Depth; } pSurface += m_pDepth->GetPitch(); } } break; case RD_SF_Z24S8: case RD_SF_Z24X8: case RD_SF_Z24X4S4: { UINT32 Depth = UINT32(fillDepth) << 8; for (DWORD y = dwHeight; y > 0; y--) { UINT32 *p = (UINT32*)pSurface; for (DWORD x = dwWidth; x > 0; x--) { // need to do read-modify-write to not step on stencil
*p++ = (*p & ~(0xffffff00)) | Depth; } pSurface += m_pDepth->GetPitch(); } } break; case RD_SF_S8Z24: case RD_SF_X8Z24: case RD_SF_X4S4Z24: { UINT32 Depth = UINT32(fillDepth) & 0x00ffffff; for (DWORD y = dwHeight; y > 0; y--) { UINT32 *p = (UINT32*)pSurface; for (DWORD x = dwWidth; x > 0; x--) { // need to do read-modify-write to not step on stencil
*p++ = (*p & ~(0x00ffffff)) | Depth; } pSurface += m_pDepth->GetPitch(); } } break; case RD_SF_Z15S1: { UINT16 Depth = UINT16(fillDepth) << 1; for (DWORD y = dwHeight; y > 0; y--) { UINT16 *p = (UINT16*)pSurface; for (DWORD x = dwWidth; x > 0; x--) { // need to do read-modify-write to not step on stencil
*p++ = (*p & ~(0xfffe)) | Depth; } pSurface += m_pDepth->GetPitch(); } } break; case RD_SF_S1Z15: { UINT16 Depth = UINT16(fillDepth) & 0x7fff; for (DWORD y = dwHeight; y > 0; y--) { UINT16 *p = (UINT16*)pSurface; for (DWORD x = dwWidth; x > 0; x--) { // need to do read-modify-write to not step on stencil
*p++ = (*p & ~(0x7fff)) | Depth; } pSurface += m_pDepth->GetPitch(); } } break; case RD_SF_Z32S0: { UINT32 Depth = UINT32(fillDepth); for (DWORD y = dwHeight; y > 0; y--) { UINT32 *p = (UINT32*)pSurface; for (DWORD x = dwWidth; x > 0; x--) { *p++ = Depth; } pSurface += m_pDepth->GetPitch(); } } break; default: { for (int y = y0; y < pData->Rects[i].bottom; ++y) { for (int x = x0; x < pData->Rects[i].right; ++x) { this->WritePixelDepth(x, y, fillDepth); } } } } } }
// Clear specified rectangles in the stencil buffer
// Directly handles the command from the DP2 stream
void RDRenderTarget::ClearStencil(UINT8 uStencil, LPD3DHAL_DP2COMMAND pCmd) { LPD3DHAL_DP2CLEAR pData = (LPD3DHAL_DP2CLEAR)(pCmd + 1);
for (DWORD i = 0; i < pCmd->wStateCount; i++) { DWORD x0 = pData->Rects[i].left; DWORD y0 = pData->Rects[i].top; DWORD dwWidth = (pData->Rects[i].right - x0 ) * m_pDepth->GetSamples(); DWORD dwHeight = pData->Rects[i].bottom - y0; char* pSurface = PixelAddress( x0, y0, 0, 0, m_pDepth ); switch ( m_pDepth->GetSurfaceFormat() ) { case RD_SF_Z24S8: { for (DWORD y = dwHeight; y > 0; y--) { UINT8 *p = (UINT8*)pSurface; for (DWORD x = dwWidth; x > 0; x--) { *p = uStencil; p += 4; } pSurface += m_pDepth->GetPitch(); } } break; case RD_SF_S8Z24: { for (DWORD y = dwHeight; y > 0; y--) { UINT8 *p = (UINT8*)&pSurface[3]; for (DWORD x = dwWidth; x > 0; x--) { *p = uStencil; p += 4; } pSurface += m_pDepth->GetPitch(); } } break; case RD_SF_Z24X4S4: { UINT32 stencil = uStencil & 0xf; for (DWORD y = dwHeight; y > 0; y--) { UINT32 *p = (UINT32*)pSurface; for (DWORD x = dwWidth; x > 0; x--) { // need to do read-modify-write to not step on depth
*p++ = (*p & ~(0x000000ff)) | stencil; } pSurface += m_pDepth->GetPitch(); } } break; case RD_SF_X4S4Z24: { UINT32 stencil = (uStencil & 0xf) << 24; for (DWORD y = dwHeight; y > 0; y--) { UINT32 *p = (UINT32*)pSurface; for (DWORD x = dwWidth; x > 0; x--) { // need to do read-modify-write to not step on depth
*p++ = (*p & ~(0xff000000)) | stencil; } pSurface += m_pDepth->GetPitch(); } } break; case RD_SF_Z15S1: { UINT16 stencil = uStencil & 0x1; for (DWORD y = dwHeight; y > 0; y--) { UINT16 *p = (UINT16*)pSurface; for (DWORD x = dwWidth; x > 0; x--) { // need to do read-modify-write to not step on depth
*p++ = (*p & ~(0x0001)) | stencil; } pSurface += m_pDepth->GetPitch(); } } break; case RD_SF_S1Z15: { UINT16 stencil = uStencil << 15; for (DWORD y = dwHeight; y > 0; y--) { UINT16 *p = (UINT16*)pSurface; for (DWORD x = dwWidth; x > 0; x--) { // need to do read-modify-write to not step on depth
*p++ = (*p & ~(0x8000)) | stencil; } pSurface += m_pDepth->GetPitch(); } } break; case RD_SF_Z16S0: case RD_SF_Z32S0: break; default: { for (int y = y0; y < pData->Rects[i].bottom; ++y) { for (int x = x0; x < pData->Rects[i].right; ++x) { this->WritePixelStencil(x, y, uStencil); } } } } } }
// Clear specified rectangles in the depth and stencil buffers
// Directly handles the command from the DP2 stream
void RDRenderTarget::ClearDepthStencil(RDDepth fillDepth, UINT8 uStencil, LPD3DHAL_DP2COMMAND pCmd) { LPD3DHAL_DP2CLEAR pData = (LPD3DHAL_DP2CLEAR)(pCmd + 1);
for (DWORD i = 0; i < pCmd->wStateCount; i++) { DWORD x0 = pData->Rects[i].left; DWORD y0 = pData->Rects[i].top; DWORD dwWidth = ( pData->Rects[i].right - x0 ) * m_pDepth->GetSamples(); DWORD dwHeight = pData->Rects[i].bottom - y0; char* pSurface = PixelAddress( x0, y0, 0, 0, m_pDepth ); switch (m_pDepth->GetSurfaceFormat()) { case RD_SF_Z16S0: case RD_SF_Z32S0: break; case RD_SF_Z24S8: case RD_SF_Z24X8: case RD_SF_S8Z24: case RD_SF_X8Z24: case RD_SF_Z24X4S4: case RD_SF_X4S4Z24: { UINT32 v; switch (m_pDepth->GetSurfaceFormat()) { case RD_SF_Z24S8: v = (UINT32(fillDepth) << 8) + uStencil; break; case RD_SF_Z24X8: v = (UINT32(fillDepth) << 8); break; case RD_SF_S8Z24: v = (UINT32(fillDepth) & 0x00ffffff) + (uStencil << 24); break; case RD_SF_X8Z24: v = (UINT32(fillDepth) & 0x00ffffff); break; case RD_SF_Z24X4S4: v = (UINT32(fillDepth) << 8) + (uStencil & 0xf); break; case RD_SF_X4S4Z24: v = (UINT32(fillDepth) & 0x00ffffff) + ((uStencil & 0xf) << 24); break; } for (DWORD y = dwHeight; y > 0; y--) { UINT32 *p = (UINT32*)pSurface; for (DWORD x = dwWidth; x > 0; x--) { *p++ = v; } pSurface += m_pDepth->GetPitch(); } } break; case RD_SF_Z15S1: case RD_SF_S1Z15: { UINT16 v; switch (m_pDepth->GetSurfaceFormat()) { case RD_SF_Z15S1: v = (UINT16(fillDepth) << 1) + (uStencil & 0x1); break; case RD_SF_S1Z15: v = (UINT16(fillDepth) & 0x7fff) + (uStencil << 15); break; } for (DWORD y = dwHeight; y > 0; y--) { UINT16 *p = (UINT16*)pSurface; for (DWORD x = dwWidth; x > 0; x--) { *p++ = v; } pSurface += m_pDepth->GetPitch(); } } break; default: { for (int y = y0; y < pData->Rects[i].bottom; ++y) { for (int x = x0; x < pData->Rects[i].right; ++x) { this->WritePixelDepth(x, y, fillDepth); this->WritePixelStencil(x, y, uStencil); } } } } } }
// end