#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
template< class Key> class hash { private: hash() {} };
template<> class hash< char>: public unary_function< char, size_t> { public: result_type operator()( argument_type Arg) const { return static_cast<result_type>(Arg); } }; template<> class hash< unsigned char>: public unary_function< unsigned char, size_t> { public: result_type operator()( argument_type Arg) const { return static_cast<result_type>(Arg); } }; template<> class hash< signed char>: public unary_function< signed char, size_t> { public: result_type operator()( argument_type Arg) const { return static_cast<result_type>(Arg); } }; template<> class hash< short>: public unary_function< short, size_t> { public: result_type operator()( argument_type Arg) const { return static_cast<result_type>(Arg); } }; template<> class hash< unsigned short>: public unary_function< unsigned short, size_t> { public: result_type operator()( argument_type Arg) const { return static_cast<result_type>(Arg); } }; template<> class hash< int>: public unary_function< int, size_t> { public: result_type operator()( argument_type Arg) const { return static_cast<result_type>(Arg); } }; template<> class hash< unsigned int>: public unary_function< unsigned int, size_t> { public: result_type operator()( argument_type Arg) const { return static_cast<result_type>(Arg); } }; template<> class hash< long>: public unary_function< long, size_t> { public: result_type operator()( argument_type Arg) const { return static_cast<result_type>(Arg); } }; template<> class hash< unsigned long>: public unary_function< unsigned long, size_t> { public: result_type operator()( argument_type Arg) const { return static_cast<result_type>(Arg); } };
template< class T, const size_t Buckets, class Key, class HashFun, class ExtractKey, class EqualKey, class Allocator> class static_hash_table: public list< T, Allocator> { public: // Types
typedef static_hash_table< T, Buckets, Key, HashFun, ExtractKey, EqualKey, Allocator> table_type; typedef list< T, Allocator> list_type;
typedef Key key_type; using list_type::value_type; typedef HashFun hasher; typedef EqualKey key_equal; typedef ExtractKey key_extract; using list_type::pointer; using list_type::const_pointer; using list_type::reference; using list_type::const_reference; using list_type::size_type; using list_type::difference_type; using list_type::iterator; using list_type::const_iterator; using list_type::reverse_iterator; using list_type::const_reverse_iterator;
protected: // Types
typedef block< iterator, Buckets+ 1> table_buckets_type;
protected: // Variables
table_buckets_type m_buckets; hasher m_hasher; key_equal m_key_equal; key_extract m_key_extract;
public: // Functions
using list_type::begin; using list_type::end; using list_type::rbegin; using list_type::rend; using list_type::size; using list_type::max_size; using list_type::empty; size_type bucket_count() const { return m_buckets.size()- 1; } void resize( size_type n) { const bool NYI( false); assert( NYI); /* TODO: NYI */ } hasher hash_funct() const { return m_hasher; } key_equal key_eq() const { return m_key_equal; } static_hash_table( const HashFun& H, const EqualKey& EqK, const ExtractKey& ExK, const allocator_type& A): list_type( A), m_hasher( H), m_key_equal( EqK), m_key_extract( ExK) { fill( m_buckets.begin(), m_buckets.end(), end()); } static_hash_table( const table_type& HT): list_type( HT.get_allocator()) { fill( m_buckets.begin(), m_buckets.end(), end()); (*this)= HT; } ~static_hash_table() { } table_type& operator=( const table_type& Other) { if( this!= &Other) { clear(); m_hasher= Other.m_hasher; m_key_equal= Other.m_key_equal; m_key_extract= Other.m_key_extract; // TODO: insert_equal( Other.begin(), Other.end());
insert_unique( Other.begin(), Other.end()); } return *this; } using list_type::get_allocator; void swap( table_type& Other) { const bool NYI( false); assert( NYI); /* TODO: NYI
swap( m_hasher, Other.m_hasher); swap( m_key_equal, Other.m_key_equal); swap( m_key_extract, Other.m_key_extract); if( m_Allocator== Other.m_Allocator) { list_type::swap( Other); m_buckets.swap( Other.m_buckets); } else insert_equal( Other.begin(), Other.end()); */ } pair< iterator, bool> insert_unique( const value_type& NewVal) { const key_type NewKey( m_key_extract( NewVal)); const size_t uiBucket( m_hasher( NewKey)% bucket_count());
table_buckets_type::iterator itBucket( m_buckets.begin()); itBucket+= uiBucket; table_buckets_type::iterator itNextBucket( itBucket); ++itNextBucket;
for( iterator itFound( *itBucket); itFound!= *itNextBucket; ++itFound) if( m_key_equal( NewKey, m_key_extract( *itFound))) return pair< iterator, bool>( itFound, false); iterator itInsertPos( *itNextBucket);
table_buckets_type::iterator itBeginFill( m_buckets.begin()); if( begin()!= itInsertPos) { iterator itPrevNode( itInsertPos); itBeginFill+= ( m_hasher( m_key_extract( *(--itPrevNode)))% bucket_count())+ 1; } iterator itNewNode( insert( itInsertPos, NewVal)); fill( itBeginFill, ++itBucket, itNewNode); return pair< iterator, bool>( itNewNode, true); } template <class InputIterator> void insert_unique( InputIterator f, InputIterator l) { while( f!= l) { insert_unique( *f); ++f; } } iterator insert_equal( const value_type& NewVal) { // TODO: NYI
const bool NYI( false); assert( NYI); return end(); } template< class InputIterator> void insert_equal( InputIterator f, InputIterator l) { while( f!= l) { insert_equal( *f); ++f; } } void erase( iterator pos) { table_buckets_type::iterator itBeginFill( m_buckets.begin()); if( begin()!= pos) { iterator itPrevNode( pos); itBeginFill+= ( m_hasher( m_key_extract( *(--itPrevNode)))% bucket_count())+ 1; } table_buckets_type::iterator itEndFill( m_buckets.begin()); itEndFill+= ( m_hasher( m_key_extract( *pos))% bucket_count())+ 1;
iterator itNextNode( pos); ++itNextNode; fill( itBeginFill, itEndFill, itNextNode); list_type::erase( pos); } size_type erase( const key_type& k) { size_type uiErased( 0); const size_type uiBucket( m_hasher( k)% bucket_count());
table_buckets_type::iterator itBucket( m_buckets.begin()); itBucket+= uiBucket; table_buckets_type::iterator itNextBucket( itBucket); ++itNextBucket;
iterator itChk( *itBucket); // Only the first in the bucket could modify the bucket values.
if( itChk!= *itNextBucket) { if( m_key_equal( k, m_key_extract( *itChk))) { iterator itDel( itChk); ++itChk; erase( itDel); ++uiErased; } else ++itChk; } while( itChk!= *itNextBucket) { if( m_key_equal( k, m_key_extract( *itChk))) { iterator itDel( itChk); ++itChk; list_type::erase( itDel); ++uiErased; } else ++itChk; } return uiErased; } void erase( iterator f, iterator l) { while( f!= l) { erase( f); ++f; } } iterator find( const key_type& k) { const size_type uiBucket( m_hasher( k)% bucket_count());
table_buckets_type::iterator itBucket( m_buckets.begin()); itBucket+= uiBucket; table_buckets_type::iterator itNextBucket( itBucket); ++itNextBucket;
for( iterator itFound( *itBucket); itFound!= *itNextBucket; ++itFound) if( m_key_equal( k, m_key_extract( *itFound))) return itFound;
return end(); } const_iterator find( const key_type& k) const { const size_type uiBucket( m_hasher( k)% bucket_count());
table_buckets_type::const_iterator itBucket( m_buckets.begin()); itBucket+= uiBucket; table_buckets_type::const_iterator itNextBucket( itBucket); ++itNextBucket;
for( const_iterator itFound( *itBucket); itFound!= *itNextBucket; ++itFound) if( m_key_equal( k, m_key_extract( *itFound))) return itFound;
return end(); } size_type count( const key_type& k) const { // TODO: NYI
const bool NYI( false); assert( NYI); return 0; } pair< iterator, iterator> equal_range( const key_type& k) { // TODO: NYI
const bool NYI( false); assert( NYI); return pair< iterator, iterator>( end(), end()); } pair< const_iterator, const_iterator> equal_range( const key_type& k) const { // TODO: NYI
const bool NYI( false); assert( NYI); return pair< const_iterator, const_iterator>( end(), end()); } void clear() { if( 0!= size()) { fill( m_buckets.begin(), m_buckets.end(), end()); list_type::clear(); } } };
// TODO: Global operators.