// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1999
// File: ddclipperobj.cpp
// ddClipperObj.cpp : Implementation of CDirectApp and DLL registration.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "Direct.h"
#include "dms.h"
#include "ddClipperObj.h"
typedef HRESULT (__stdcall *DDCREATECLIPPER)( DWORD dwFlags, LPDIRECTDRAWCLIPPER FAR *lplpDDClipper, IUnknown FAR *pUnkOuter );
C_dxj_DirectDrawClipperObject::C_dxj_DirectDrawClipperObject(){ m__dxj_DirectDrawClipper= NULL; parent = NULL; pinterface = NULL; nextobj = g_dxj_DirectDrawClipper; creationid = ++g_creationcount; DPF1(1,"Clipper Creation Id [%d] \n",g_creationcount);
g_dxj_DirectDrawClipper = (void *)this;
C_dxj_DirectDrawClipperObject::~C_dxj_DirectDrawClipperObject() {
C_dxj_DirectDrawClipperObject *prev=NULL; for(C_dxj_DirectDrawClipperObject *ptr=(C_dxj_DirectDrawClipperObject *)g_dxj_DirectDrawClipper; ptr; ptr=(C_dxj_DirectDrawClipperObject *)ptr->nextobj) { if(ptr == this) { if(prev) prev->nextobj = ptr->nextobj; else g_dxj_DirectDrawClipper = (void*)ptr->nextobj; break; } prev = ptr; } if(m__dxj_DirectDrawClipper){
int count = IUNK(m__dxj_DirectDrawClipper)->Release(); DPF1(1,"Clipper Real Ref count [%d] \n",count); if(count==0) m__dxj_DirectDrawClipper = NULL; }
if(parent) IUNK(parent)->Release();
DWORD C_dxj_DirectDrawClipperObject::InternalAddRef(){ DWORD i; i=CComObjectRoot::InternalAddRef(); DPF2(1,"Clipper [%d] AddRef %d \n",creationid,i); return i; }
DWORD C_dxj_DirectDrawClipperObject::InternalRelease(){ DWORD i; i=CComObjectRoot::InternalRelease(); DPF2(1,"Clipper [%d] Release %d \n",creationid,i); return i; }
PASS_THROUGH1_R(_dxj_DirectDrawClipper, isClipListChanged, IsClipListChanged, int *);
STDMETHODIMP C_dxj_DirectDrawClipperObject::getClipListSize(int *count) {
HRESULT retval; unsigned long buffsize;
//a NULL RGNDATA pointer returns size!!!
retval = m__dxj_DirectDrawClipper->GetClipList((LPRECT)NULL, (LPRGNDATA)NULL, &buffsize);
// return size as number of longs in the rect array
if ( retval != DD_OK ) *count = 0; // this case probably means no cliplist is avaible
else *count = (buffsize - sizeof(RGNDATAHEADER))/sizeof(LONG);
return retval; }
STDMETHODIMP C_dxj_DirectDrawClipperObject::getClipList( SAFEARRAY **list) { HRESULT retval; LPRGNDATA tmprgn=NULL; DWORD buffsize;
// allocate a private copy of the cliplist
retval = m__dxj_DirectDrawClipper->GetClipList((LPRECT)NULL, (LPRGNDATA)NULL, &buffsize); if FAILED(retval) return retval;
tmprgn = (LPRGNDATA)malloc(buffsize); if ( !tmprgn ) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; ZeroMemory(tmprgn,buffsize); tmprgn->rdh.dwSize = sizeof(RGNDATAHEADER); tmprgn->rdh.iType = RDH_RECTANGLES; tmprgn->rdh.nCount;
// get the actual clip list
retval = m__dxj_DirectDrawClipper->GetClipList(NULL,tmprgn,&buffsize); if ( retval != DD_OK ) return retval; __try{ memcpy ( (((SAFEARRAY*)*list))->pvData,tmprgn->Buffer,tmprgn->rdh.nRgnSize); } __except(1,1){ if (tmprgn) free(tmprgn); return E_FAIL; }
return retval; }
STDMETHODIMP C_dxj_DirectDrawClipperObject::setClipList( long count, SAFEARRAY **list) { HRESULT retval; LPRGNDATA tmprgn;
// allocate a private copy of the cliplist
tmprgn = (LPRGNDATA)malloc(sizeof(RGNDATAHEADER)+(count*sizeof(RECT))); if ( !tmprgn ) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
ZeroMemory(tmprgn,sizeof(RGNDATAHEADER)+(count*sizeof(RECT))); tmprgn->rdh.dwSize = sizeof(RGNDATAHEADER); tmprgn->rdh.iType = RDH_RECTANGLES; tmprgn->rdh.nCount = count; tmprgn->rdh.nRgnSize = count*sizeof(RECT);
__try{ memcpy ( tmprgn->Buffer,(((SAFEARRAY*)*list))->pvData,tmprgn->rdh.nRgnSize); } __except(1,1){ if (tmprgn) free(tmprgn); return E_FAIL; }
retval = m__dxj_DirectDrawClipper->SetClipList(tmprgn,0);
return retval; }
STDMETHODIMP C_dxj_DirectDrawClipperObject::getHWnd( HWnd *hwn) { if (!hwn) return E_FAIL; return m__dxj_DirectDrawClipper->GetHWnd( (HWND*)hwn ); }
STDMETHODIMP C_dxj_DirectDrawClipperObject::setHWnd( HWnd hwn) { return m__dxj_DirectDrawClipper->SetHWnd(0, (HWND)hwn); }