// Copyright (C) 1998 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
// File: d3dxmath.cpp
// Content:
#include "pchmath.h"
#define EPSILON 0.00001f
#include "d3dxmathvb.inl"
// WithinEpsilon - Are two values within EPSILON of each other?
static inline BOOL WithinEpsilon(float a, float b) { float f = a - b; return -EPSILON <= f && f <= EPSILON; }
// sincosf - Compute the sin and cos of an angle at the same time
static inline void sincosf(float angle, float *psin, float *pcos) { #ifdef _X86_
#define fsincos __asm _emit 0xd9 __asm _emit 0xfb
__asm { mov eax, psin mov edx, pcos fld angle fsincos fstp DWORD ptr [edx] fstp DWORD ptr [eax] } #undef fsincos
#else //!_X86_
*psin = sinf(angle); *pcos = cosf(angle); #endif //!_X86_
// 2D Vector
D3DXVECTOR2* WINAPI VB_D3DXVec2Normalize ( D3DXVECTOR2 *pOut, const D3DXVECTOR2 *pV ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pV) return NULL; #endif
float f = D3DXVec2LengthSq(pV);
if(WithinEpsilon(f, 1.0f)) { if(pOut != pV) *pOut = *pV; } else if(f > EPSILON * EPSILON) { *pOut = *pV / sqrtf(f); } else { pOut->x = 0.0f; pOut->y = 0.0f; }
return pOut; }
D3DXVECTOR2* WINAPI VB_D3DXVec2Hermite ( D3DXVECTOR2 *pOut, const D3DXVECTOR2 *pV1, const D3DXVECTOR2 *pT1, const D3DXVECTOR2 *pV2, const D3DXVECTOR2 *pT2, float s ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pV1 || !pT1 || !pV2 || !pT2) return NULL; #endif
float s2 = s * s; float s3 = s * s2;
float sV1 = 2.0f * s3 - 3.0f * s2 + 1.0f; float sT1 = s3 - 2.0f * s2 + s; float sV2 = -2.0f * s3 + 3.0f * s2; float sT2 = s3 - s2;
pOut->x = sV1 * pV1->x + sT1 * pT1->x + sV2 * pV2->x + sT2 * pT2->x; pOut->y = sV1 * pV1->y + sT1 * pT1->y + sV2 * pV2->y + sT2 * pT2->y; return pOut; }
D3DXVECTOR2* WINAPI VB_D3DXVec2CatmullRom ( D3DXVECTOR2 *pOut, const D3DXVECTOR2 *pV0, const D3DXVECTOR2 *pV1, const D3DXVECTOR2 *pV2, const D3DXVECTOR2 *pV3, float s ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pV0 || !pV1 || !pV2 || !pV3) return NULL; #endif
float s2 = s * s; float s3 = s * s2;
float sV0 = -s3 + s2 + s2 - s; float sV1 = 3.0f * s3 - 5.0f * s2 + 2.0f; float sV2 = -3.0f * s3 + 4.0f * s2 + s; float sV3 = s3 - s2;
pOut->x = 0.5f * (sV0 * pV0->x + sV1 * pV1->x + sV2 * pV2->x + sV3 * pV3->x); pOut->y = 0.5f * (sV0 * pV0->y + sV1 * pV1->y + sV2 * pV2->y + sV3 * pV3->y); return pOut; }
D3DXVECTOR2* WINAPI VB_D3DXVec2BaryCentric ( D3DXVECTOR2 *pOut, const D3DXVECTOR2 *pV1, const D3DXVECTOR2 *pV2, D3DXVECTOR2 *pV3, float f, float g) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pV1 || !pV2 || !pV3) return NULL; #endif
pOut->x = pV1->x + f * (pV2->x - pV1->x) + g * (pV3->x - pV1->x); pOut->y = pV1->y + f * (pV2->y - pV1->y) + g * (pV3->y - pV1->y); return pOut; }
D3DXVECTOR4* WINAPI VB_D3DXVec2Transform ( D3DXVECTOR4 *pOut, const D3DXVECTOR2 *pV, const D3DXMATRIX *pM ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pV || !pM) return NULL; #endif
#ifdef _X86_
__asm { mov eax, DWORD PTR [pV] mov edx, DWORD PTR [pM] mov ecx, DWORD PTR [pOut]
fld DWORD PTR [eax+0*4] ; X fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(0*4+0)*4] ; M00 fld DWORD PTR [eax+0*4] ; X fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(0*4+2)*4] ; M02 fld DWORD PTR [eax+0*4] ; X fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(0*4+1)*4] ; M01 fld DWORD PTR [eax+0*4] ; X fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(0*4+3)*4] ; M03 fxch st(3)
fld DWORD PTR [eax+1*4] ; Y fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(1*4+0)*4] ; M10 fld DWORD PTR [eax+1*4] ; Y fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(1*4+2)*4] ; M12 fld DWORD PTR [eax+1*4] ; Y fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(1*4+1)*4] ; M11 fld DWORD PTR [eax+1*4] ; Y fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(1*4+3)*4] ; M13 fxch st(3)
faddp st(4), st faddp st(4), st faddp st(4), st faddp st(4), st
fld DWORD PTR [edx+(3*4+0)*4] ; M30 faddp st(1), st fld DWORD PTR [edx+(3*4+1)*4] ; M31 faddp st(2), st fld DWORD PTR [edx+(3*4+2)*4] ; M32 faddp st(3), st fld DWORD PTR [edx+(3*4+3)*4] ; M33 faddp st(4), st
fstp DWORD PTR [ecx+0*4] fstp DWORD PTR [ecx+1*4] fstp DWORD PTR [ecx+2*4] fstp DWORD PTR [ecx+3*4] }
return pOut;
#else // !_X86_
D3DXVECTOR4 v; v.x = pV->x * pM->_11 + pV->y * pM->_21 + pM->_41; v.y = pV->x * pM->_12 + pV->y * pM->_22 + pM->_42; v.z = pV->x * pM->_13 + pV->y * pM->_23 + pM->_43; v.w = pV->x * pM->_14 + pV->y * pM->_24 + pM->_44;
*pOut = v; return pOut; #endif // !_X86_
D3DXVECTOR2* WINAPI VB_D3DXVec2TransformCoord ( D3DXVECTOR2 *pOut, const D3DXVECTOR2 *pV, const D3DXMATRIX *pM ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pV || !pM) return NULL; #endif
float w;
#ifdef _X86_
__asm { mov eax, DWORD PTR [pV] mov edx, DWORD PTR [pM] mov ecx, DWORD PTR [pOut]
fld DWORD PTR [eax+0*4] ; X fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(0*4+0)*4] ; M00 fld DWORD PTR [eax+0*4] ; X fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(0*4+1)*4] ; M01 fld DWORD PTR [eax+0*4] ; X fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(0*4+3)*4] ; M03 fxch st(2)
fld DWORD PTR [eax+1*4] ; Y fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(1*4+0)*4] ; M10 fld DWORD PTR [eax+1*4] ; Y fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(1*4+1)*4] ; M11 fld DWORD PTR [eax+1*4] ; Y fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(1*4+3)*4] ; M13 fxch st(2)
faddp st(3), st faddp st(3), st faddp st(3), st
fld DWORD PTR [eax+2*4] ; Z fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(2*4+0)*4] ; M20 fld DWORD PTR [eax+2*4] ; Z fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(2*4+1)*4] ; M21 fld DWORD PTR [eax+2*4] ; Z fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(2*4+3)*4] ; M23 fxch st(2)
faddp st(3), st faddp st(3), st faddp st(3), st
fld DWORD PTR [edx+(3*4+0)*4] ; M30 faddp st(1), st fld DWORD PTR [edx+(3*4+1)*4] ; M31 faddp st(2), st fld DWORD PTR [edx+(3*4+3)*4] ; M33 faddp st(3), st
fstp DWORD PTR [ecx+0*4] fstp DWORD PTR [ecx+1*4] fstp DWORD PTR [w] }
#else // !_X86_
v.x = pV->x * pM->_11 + pV->y * pM->_21 + pM->_41; v.y = pV->x * pM->_12 + pV->y * pM->_22 + pM->_42; w = pV->x * pM->_14 + pV->y * pM->_24 + pM->_44;
*pOut = *((D3DXVECTOR2 *) &v); #endif // !_X86_
if(!WithinEpsilon(w, 1.0f)) *pOut /= w;
return pOut; }
D3DXVECTOR2* WINAPI VB_D3DXVec2TransformNormal ( D3DXVECTOR2 *pOut, const D3DXVECTOR2 *pV, const D3DXMATRIX *pM ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pV || !pM) return NULL; #endif
#ifdef _X86_
__asm { mov eax, DWORD PTR [pV] mov edx, DWORD PTR [pM] mov ecx, DWORD PTR [pOut]
fld DWORD PTR [eax+0*4] ; X fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(0*4+0)*4] ; M00 fld DWORD PTR [eax+0*4] ; X fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(0*4+1)*4] ; M01 fxch st(1)
fld DWORD PTR [eax+1*4] ; Y fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(1*4+0)*4] ; M10 fld DWORD PTR [eax+1*4] ; Y fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(1*4+1)*4] ; M11 fxch st(1)
faddp st(2), st faddp st(2), st
fstp DWORD PTR [ecx+0*4] fstp DWORD PTR [ecx+1*4] }
return pOut;
#else // !_X86_
v.x = pV->x * pM->_11 + pV->y * pM->_21; v.y = pV->x * pM->_12 + pV->y * pM->_22;
*pOut = v; return pOut; #endif // !_X86_
// 3D Vector
D3DXVECTOR3* WINAPI VB_D3DXVec3Normalize ( D3DXVECTOR3 *pOut, const D3DXVECTOR3 *pV ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pV) return NULL; #endif
float f = D3DXVec3LengthSq(pV);
if(WithinEpsilon(f, 1.0f)) { if(pOut != pV) *pOut = *pV; } else if(f > EPSILON * EPSILON) { *pOut = *pV / sqrtf(f); } else { pOut->x = 0.0f; pOut->y = 0.0f; pOut->z = 0.0f; }
return pOut; }
D3DXVECTOR3* WINAPI VB_D3DXVec3Hermite ( D3DXVECTOR3 *pOut, const D3DXVECTOR3 *pV1, const D3DXVECTOR3 *pT1, const D3DXVECTOR3 *pV2, const D3DXVECTOR3 *pT2, float s ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pV1 || !pT1 || !pV2 || !pT2) return NULL; #endif
float s2 = s * s; float s3 = s * s2;
float sV1 = 2.0f * s3 - 3.0f * s2 + 1.0f; float sT1 = s3 - 2.0f * s2 + s; float sV2 = -2.0f * s3 + 3.0f * s2; float sT2 = s3 - s2;
pOut->x = sV1 * pV1->x + sT1 * pT1->x + sV2 * pV2->x + sT2 * pT2->x; pOut->y = sV1 * pV1->y + sT1 * pT1->y + sV2 * pV2->y + sT2 * pT2->y; pOut->z = sV1 * pV1->z + sT1 * pT1->z + sV2 * pV2->z + sT2 * pT2->z; return pOut; }
D3DXVECTOR3* WINAPI VB_D3DXVec3CatmullRom ( D3DXVECTOR3 *pOut, const D3DXVECTOR3 *pV0, const D3DXVECTOR3 *pV1, const D3DXVECTOR3 *pV2, const D3DXVECTOR3 *pV3, float s ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pV0 || !pV1 || !pV2 || !pV3) return NULL; #endif
float s2 = s * s; float s3 = s * s2;
float sV0 = -s3 + s2 + s2 - s; float sV1 = 3.0f * s3 - 5.0f * s2 + 2.0f; float sV2 = -3.0f * s3 + 4.0f * s2 + s; float sV3 = s3 - s2;
pOut->x = 0.5f * (sV0 * pV0->x + sV1 * pV1->x + sV2 * pV2->x + sV3 * pV3->x); pOut->y = 0.5f * (sV0 * pV0->y + sV1 * pV1->y + sV2 * pV2->y + sV3 * pV3->y); pOut->z = 0.5f * (sV0 * pV0->z + sV1 * pV1->z + sV2 * pV2->z + sV3 * pV3->z); return pOut; }
D3DXVECTOR3* WINAPI VB_D3DXVec3BaryCentric ( D3DXVECTOR3 *pOut, const D3DXVECTOR3 *pV1, const D3DXVECTOR3 *pV2, const D3DXVECTOR3 *pV3, float f, float g) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pV1 || !pV2 || !pV3) return NULL; #endif
pOut->x = pV1->x + f * (pV2->x - pV1->x) + g * (pV3->x - pV1->x); pOut->y = pV1->y + f * (pV2->y - pV1->y) + g * (pV3->y - pV1->y); pOut->z = pV1->z + f * (pV2->z - pV1->z) + g * (pV3->z - pV1->z); return pOut; }
D3DXVECTOR4* WINAPI VB_D3DXVec3Transform ( D3DXVECTOR4 *pOut, const D3DXVECTOR3 *pV, const D3DXMATRIX *pM ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pV || !pM) return NULL; #endif
#ifdef _X86_
__asm { mov eax, DWORD PTR [pV] mov edx, DWORD PTR [pM] mov ecx, DWORD PTR [pOut]
fld DWORD PTR [eax+0*4] ; X fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(0*4+0)*4] ; M00 fld DWORD PTR [eax+0*4] ; X fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(0*4+2)*4] ; M02 fld DWORD PTR [eax+0*4] ; X fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(0*4+1)*4] ; M01 fld DWORD PTR [eax+0*4] ; X fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(0*4+3)*4] ; M03 fxch st(3)
fld DWORD PTR [eax+1*4] ; Y fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(1*4+0)*4] ; M10 fld DWORD PTR [eax+1*4] ; Y fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(1*4+2)*4] ; M12 fld DWORD PTR [eax+1*4] ; Y fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(1*4+1)*4] ; M11 fld DWORD PTR [eax+1*4] ; Y fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(1*4+3)*4] ; M13 fxch st(3)
faddp st(4), st faddp st(4), st faddp st(4), st faddp st(4), st
fld DWORD PTR [eax+2*4] ; Z fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(2*4+0)*4] ; M20 fld DWORD PTR [eax+2*4] ; Z fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(2*4+2)*4] ; M22 fld DWORD PTR [eax+2*4] ; Z fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(2*4+1)*4] ; M21 fld DWORD PTR [eax+2*4] ; Z fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(2*4+3)*4] ; M23 fxch st(3)
faddp st(4), st faddp st(4), st faddp st(4), st faddp st(4), st
fld DWORD PTR [edx+(3*4+0)*4] ; M30 faddp st(1), st fld DWORD PTR [edx+(3*4+1)*4] ; M31 faddp st(2), st fld DWORD PTR [edx+(3*4+2)*4] ; M32 faddp st(3), st fld DWORD PTR [edx+(3*4+3)*4] ; M33 faddp st(4), st
fstp DWORD PTR [ecx+0*4] fstp DWORD PTR [ecx+1*4] fstp DWORD PTR [ecx+2*4] fstp DWORD PTR [ecx+3*4] }
return pOut;
#else // !_X86_
v.x = pV->x * pM->_11 + pV->y * pM->_21 + pV->z * pM->_31 + pM->_41; v.y = pV->x * pM->_12 + pV->y * pM->_22 + pV->z * pM->_32 + pM->_42; v.z = pV->x * pM->_13 + pV->y * pM->_23 + pV->z * pM->_33 + pM->_43; v.w = pV->x * pM->_14 + pV->y * pM->_24 + pV->z * pM->_34 + pM->_44;
*pOut = v; return pOut; #endif // !_X86_
D3DXVECTOR3* WINAPI VB_D3DXVec3TransformCoord ( D3DXVECTOR3 *pOut, const D3DXVECTOR3 *pV, const D3DXMATRIX *pM ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pV || !pM) return NULL; #endif
float w;
#ifdef _X86_
__asm { mov eax, DWORD PTR [pV] mov edx, DWORD PTR [pM] mov ecx, DWORD PTR [pOut]
fld DWORD PTR [eax+0*4] ; X fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(0*4+0)*4] ; M00 fld DWORD PTR [eax+0*4] ; X fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(0*4+2)*4] ; M02 fld DWORD PTR [eax+0*4] ; X fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(0*4+1)*4] ; M01 fld DWORD PTR [eax+0*4] ; X fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(0*4+3)*4] ; M03 fxch st(3)
fld DWORD PTR [eax+1*4] ; Y fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(1*4+0)*4] ; M10 fld DWORD PTR [eax+1*4] ; Y fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(1*4+2)*4] ; M12 fld DWORD PTR [eax+1*4] ; Y fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(1*4+1)*4] ; M11 fld DWORD PTR [eax+1*4] ; Y fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(1*4+3)*4] ; M13 fxch st(3)
faddp st(4), st faddp st(4), st faddp st(4), st faddp st(4), st
fld DWORD PTR [eax+2*4] ; Z fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(2*4+0)*4] ; M20 fld DWORD PTR [eax+2*4] ; Z fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(2*4+2)*4] ; M22 fld DWORD PTR [eax+2*4] ; Z fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(2*4+1)*4] ; M21 fld DWORD PTR [eax+2*4] ; Z fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(2*4+3)*4] ; M23 fxch st(3)
faddp st(4), st faddp st(4), st faddp st(4), st faddp st(4), st
fld DWORD PTR [edx+(3*4+0)*4] ; M30 faddp st(1), st fld DWORD PTR [edx+(3*4+1)*4] ; M31 faddp st(2), st fld DWORD PTR [edx+(3*4+2)*4] ; M32 faddp st(3), st fld DWORD PTR [edx+(3*4+3)*4] ; M33 faddp st(4), st
fstp DWORD PTR [ecx+0*4] fstp DWORD PTR [ecx+1*4] fstp DWORD PTR [ecx+2*4] fstp DWORD PTR [w] }
#else // !_X86_
v.x = pV->x * pM->_11 + pV->y * pM->_21 + pV->z * pM->_31 + pM->_41; v.y = pV->x * pM->_12 + pV->y * pM->_22 + pV->z * pM->_32 + pM->_42; v.z = pV->x * pM->_13 + pV->y * pM->_23 + pV->z * pM->_33 + pM->_43; w = pV->x * pM->_14 + pV->y * pM->_24 + pV->z * pM->_34 + pM->_44;
*pOut = v; #endif // !_X86_
if(!WithinEpsilon(w, 1.0f)) *pOut /= w;
return pOut; }
D3DXVECTOR3* WINAPI VB_D3DXVec3TransformNormal ( D3DXVECTOR3 *pOut, const D3DXVECTOR3 *pV, const D3DXMATRIX *pM ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pV || !pM) return NULL; #endif
#ifdef _X86_
__asm { mov eax, DWORD PTR [pV] mov edx, DWORD PTR [pM] mov ecx, DWORD PTR [pOut]
fld DWORD PTR [eax+0*4] ; X fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(0*4+0)*4] ; M00 fld DWORD PTR [eax+0*4] ; X fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(0*4+1)*4] ; M01 fld DWORD PTR [eax+0*4] ; X fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(0*4+2)*4] ; M02 fxch st(2)
fld DWORD PTR [eax+1*4] ; Y fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(1*4+0)*4] ; M10 fld DWORD PTR [eax+1*4] ; Y fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(1*4+1)*4] ; M11 fld DWORD PTR [eax+1*4] ; Y fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(1*4+2)*4] ; M12 fxch st(2)
faddp st(3), st faddp st(3), st faddp st(3), st
fld DWORD PTR [eax+2*4] ; Z fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(2*4+0)*4] ; M20 fld DWORD PTR [eax+2*4] ; Z fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(2*4+1)*4] ; M21 fld DWORD PTR [eax+2*4] ; Z fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(2*4+2)*4] ; M22 fxch st(2)
faddp st(3), st faddp st(3), st faddp st(3), st
fstp DWORD PTR [ecx+0*4] fstp DWORD PTR [ecx+1*4] fstp DWORD PTR [ecx+2*4] }
return pOut;
#else // !_X86_
v.x = pV->x * pM->_11 + pV->y * pM->_21 + pV->z * pM->_31; v.y = pV->x * pM->_12 + pV->y * pM->_22 + pV->z * pM->_32; v.z = pV->x * pM->_13 + pV->y * pM->_23 + pV->z * pM->_33;
*pOut = v; return pOut; #endif // !_X86_
D3DXVECTOR3* WINAPI VB_D3DXVec3Project ( D3DXVECTOR3 *pOut, const D3DXVECTOR3 *pV, const D3DVIEWPORT8 *pViewport, const D3DXMATRIX *pProjection, const D3DXMATRIX *pView, const D3DXMATRIX *pWorld) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pV) return NULL; #endif
D3DXMATRIX mat; const D3DXMATRIX *pMat = &mat;
switch(((NULL != pWorld) << 2) | ((NULL != pView) << 1) | (NULL != pProjection)) { case 0: // ---
D3DXMatrixIdentity(&mat); break;
case 1: // --P
pMat = pProjection; break;
case 2: // -V-
pMat = pView; break;
case 3: // -VP
D3DXMatrixMultiply(&mat, pView, pProjection); break;
case 4: // W--
pMat = pWorld; break;
case 5: // W-P
D3DXMatrixMultiply(&mat, pWorld, pProjection); break;
case 6: // WV-
D3DXMatrixMultiply(&mat, pWorld, pView); break;
case 7: // WVP
D3DXMatrixMultiply(&mat, pWorld, pView); D3DXMatrixMultiply(&mat, &mat, pProjection); break; }
D3DXVec3TransformCoord(pOut, pV, pMat);
if(pViewport) { pOut->x = ( pOut->x + 1.0f) * 0.5f * (float) pViewport->Width + (float) pViewport->X; pOut->y = (-pOut->y + 1.0f) * 0.5f * (float) pViewport->Height + (float) pViewport->Y; pOut->z = pOut->z * (pViewport->MaxZ - pViewport->MinZ) + pViewport->MinZ; }
return pOut; }
D3DXVECTOR3* WINAPI VB_D3DXVec3Unproject ( D3DXVECTOR3 *pOut, const D3DXVECTOR3 *pV, const D3DVIEWPORT8 *pViewport, const D3DXMATRIX *pProjection, const D3DXMATRIX *pView, const D3DXMATRIX *pWorld) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pV) return NULL; #endif
switch(((NULL != pWorld) << 2) | ((NULL != pView) << 1) | (NULL != pProjection)) { case 0: // ---
D3DXMatrixIdentity(&mat); break;
case 1: // --P
D3DXMatrixInverse(&mat, NULL, pProjection); break;
case 2: // -V-
D3DXMatrixInverse(&mat, NULL, pView); break;
case 3: // -VP
D3DXMatrixMultiply(&mat, pView, pProjection); D3DXMatrixInverse(&mat, NULL, &mat); break;
case 4: // W--
D3DXMatrixInverse(&mat, NULL, pWorld); break;
case 5: // W-P
D3DXMatrixMultiply(&mat, pWorld, pProjection); D3DXMatrixInverse(&mat, NULL, &mat); break;
case 6: // WV-
D3DXMatrixMultiply(&mat, pWorld, pView); D3DXMatrixInverse(&mat, NULL, &mat); break;
case 7: // WVP
D3DXMatrixMultiply(&mat, pWorld, pView); D3DXMatrixMultiply(&mat, &mat, pProjection); D3DXMatrixInverse(&mat, NULL, &mat); break; }
if(pViewport) { pOut->x = (pV->x - (float) pViewport->X) / (float) pViewport->Width * 2.0f - 1.0f; pOut->y = -((pV->y - (float) pViewport->Y) / (float) pViewport->Height * 2.0f - 1.0f); pOut->z = (pV->z - pViewport->MinZ) / (pViewport->MaxZ - pViewport->MinZ);
D3DXVec3TransformCoord(pOut, pOut, &mat); } else { D3DXVec3TransformCoord(pOut, pV, &mat); }
return pOut; }
// 4D Vector
D3DXVECTOR4* WINAPI VB_D3DXVec4Cross ( D3DXVECTOR4 *pOut, const D3DXVECTOR4 *pV1, const D3DXVECTOR4 *pV2, const D3DXVECTOR4 *pV3) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pV1 || !pV2 || !pV3) return NULL; #endif
v.x = pV1->y * (pV2->z * pV3->w - pV3->z * pV2->w) - pV1->z * (pV2->y * pV3->w - pV3->y * pV2->w) + pV1->w * (pV2->y * pV3->z - pV3->y * pV2->z);
v.y = pV1->x * (pV3->z * pV2->w - pV2->z * pV3->w) - pV1->z * (pV3->x * pV2->w - pV2->x * pV3->w) + pV1->w * (pV3->x * pV2->z - pV2->x * pV3->z);
v.z = pV1->x * (pV2->y * pV3->w - pV3->y * pV2->w) - pV1->y * (pV2->x * pV3->w - pV3->x * pV2->w) + pV1->w * (pV2->x * pV3->y - pV3->x * pV2->y);
v.w = pV1->x * (pV3->y * pV2->z - pV2->y * pV3->z) - pV1->y * (pV3->x * pV2->z - pV2->x * pV3->z) + pV1->z * (pV3->x * pV2->y - pV2->x * pV3->y);
*pOut = v; return pOut; }
D3DXVECTOR4* WINAPI VB_D3DXVec4Normalize ( D3DXVECTOR4 *pOut, const D3DXVECTOR4 *pV ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pV) return NULL; #endif
float f = D3DXVec4LengthSq(pV);
if(WithinEpsilon(f, 1.0f)) { if(pOut != pV) *pOut = *pV; } else if(f > EPSILON * EPSILON) { *pOut = *pV / sqrtf(f); } else { pOut->x = 0.0f; pOut->y = 0.0f; pOut->z = 0.0f; pOut->w = 0.0f; }
return pOut; }
D3DXVECTOR4* WINAPI VB_D3DXVec4Hermite ( D3DXVECTOR4 *pOut, const D3DXVECTOR4 *pV1, const D3DXVECTOR4 *pT1, const D3DXVECTOR4 *pV2, const D3DXVECTOR4 *pT2, float s ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pV1 || !pT1 || !pV2 || !pT2) return NULL; #endif
float s2 = s * s; float s3 = s * s2;
float sV1 = 2.0f * s3 - 3.0f * s2 + 1.0f; float sT1 = s3 - 2.0f * s2 + s; float sV2 = -2.0f * s3 + 3.0f * s2; float sT2 = s3 - s2;
pOut->x = sV1 * pV1->x + sT1 * pT1->x + sV2 * pV2->x + sT2 * pT2->x; pOut->y = sV1 * pV1->y + sT1 * pT1->y + sV2 * pV2->y + sT2 * pT2->y; pOut->z = sV1 * pV1->z + sT1 * pT1->z + sV2 * pV2->z + sT2 * pT2->z; pOut->w = sV1 * pV1->w + sT1 * pT1->w + sV2 * pV2->w + sT2 * pT2->w; return pOut; }
D3DXVECTOR4* WINAPI VB_D3DXVec4CatmullRom ( D3DXVECTOR4 *pOut, const D3DXVECTOR4 *pV0, const D3DXVECTOR4 *pV1, const D3DXVECTOR4 *pV2, const D3DXVECTOR4 *pV3, float s ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pV0 || !pV1 || !pV2 || !pV3) return NULL; #endif
float s2 = s * s; float s3 = s * s2;
float sV0 = -s3 + s2 + s2 - s; float sV1 = 3.0f * s3 - 5.0f * s2 + 2.0f; float sV2 = -3.0f * s3 + 4.0f * s2 + s; float sV3 = s3 - s2;
pOut->x = 0.5f * (sV0 * pV0->x + sV1 * pV1->x + sV2 * pV2->x + sV3 * pV3->x); pOut->y = 0.5f * (sV0 * pV0->y + sV1 * pV1->y + sV2 * pV2->y + sV3 * pV3->y); pOut->z = 0.5f * (sV0 * pV0->z + sV1 * pV1->z + sV2 * pV2->z + sV3 * pV3->z); pOut->w = 0.5f * (sV0 * pV0->w + sV1 * pV1->w + sV2 * pV2->w + sV3 * pV3->w); return pOut; }
D3DXVECTOR4* WINAPI VB_D3DXVec4BaryCentric ( D3DXVECTOR4 *pOut, const D3DXVECTOR4 *pV1, const D3DXVECTOR4 *pV2, const D3DXVECTOR4 *pV3, float f, float g) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pV1 || !pV2 || !pV3) return NULL; #endif
pOut->x = pV1->x + f * (pV2->x - pV1->x) + g * (pV3->x - pV1->x); pOut->y = pV1->y + f * (pV2->y - pV1->y) + g * (pV3->y - pV1->y); pOut->z = pV1->z + f * (pV2->z - pV1->z) + g * (pV3->z - pV1->z); pOut->w = pV1->w + f * (pV2->w - pV1->w) + g * (pV3->w - pV1->w); return pOut; }
D3DXVECTOR4* WINAPI VB_D3DXVec4Transform ( D3DXVECTOR4 *pOut, const D3DXVECTOR4 *pV, const D3DXMATRIX *pM ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pV || !pM) return NULL; #endif
#ifdef _X86_
__asm { mov eax, DWORD PTR [pV] mov edx, DWORD PTR [pM] mov ecx, DWORD PTR [pOut]
fld DWORD PTR [eax+0*4] ; X fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(0*4+0)*4] ; M00 fld DWORD PTR [eax+0*4] ; X fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(0*4+2)*4] ; M02 fld DWORD PTR [eax+0*4] ; X fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(0*4+1)*4] ; M01 fld DWORD PTR [eax+0*4] ; X fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(0*4+3)*4] ; M03 fxch st(3)
fld DWORD PTR [eax+1*4] ; Y fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(1*4+0)*4] ; M10 fld DWORD PTR [eax+1*4] ; Y fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(1*4+2)*4] ; M12 fld DWORD PTR [eax+1*4] ; Y fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(1*4+1)*4] ; M11 fld DWORD PTR [eax+1*4] ; Y fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(1*4+3)*4] ; M13 fxch st(3)
faddp st(4), st faddp st(4), st faddp st(4), st faddp st(4), st
fld DWORD PTR [eax+2*4] ; Z fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(2*4+0)*4] ; M20 fld DWORD PTR [eax+2*4] ; Z fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(2*4+2)*4] ; M22 fld DWORD PTR [eax+2*4] ; Z fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(2*4+1)*4] ; M21 fld DWORD PTR [eax+2*4] ; Z fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(2*4+3)*4] ; M23 fxch st(3)
faddp st(4), st faddp st(4), st faddp st(4), st faddp st(4), st
fld DWORD PTR [eax+3*4] ; W fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(3*4+0)*4] ; M30 fld DWORD PTR [eax+3*4] ; W fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(3*4+2)*4] ; M32 fld DWORD PTR [eax+3*4] ; W fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(3*4+1)*4] ; M31 fld DWORD PTR [eax+3*4] ; W fmul DWORD PTR [edx+(3*4+3)*4] ; M33 fxch st(3)
faddp st(4), st faddp st(4), st faddp st(4), st faddp st(4), st
fstp DWORD PTR [ecx+0*4] fstp DWORD PTR [ecx+1*4] fstp DWORD PTR [ecx+2*4] fstp DWORD PTR [ecx+3*4] }
return pOut;
#else // !_X86_
v.x = pV->x * pM->_11 + pV->y * pM->_21 + pV->z * pM->_31 + pV->w * pM->_41; v.y = pV->x * pM->_12 + pV->y * pM->_22 + pV->z * pM->_32 + pV->w * pM->_42; v.z = pV->x * pM->_13 + pV->y * pM->_23 + pV->z * pM->_33 + pV->w * pM->_43; v.w = pV->x * pM->_14 + pV->y * pM->_24 + pV->z * pM->_34 + pV->w * pM->_44;
*pOut = v; return pOut; #endif // !_X86_
// 4D Matrix
float WINAPI VB_D3DXMatrixfDeterminant ( const D3DXMATRIX *pM ) { #if DBG
if(!pM) return 0.0f; #endif
return (pM->_11 * (pM->_22 * (pM->_33 * pM->_44 - pM->_43 * pM->_34) - pM->_23 * (pM->_32 * pM->_44 - pM->_42 * pM->_34) + pM->_24 * (pM->_32 * pM->_43 - pM->_42 * pM->_33)))
- (pM->_12 * (pM->_21 * (pM->_33 * pM->_44 - pM->_43 * pM->_34) - pM->_23 * (pM->_31 * pM->_44 - pM->_41 * pM->_34) + pM->_24 * (pM->_31 * pM->_43 - pM->_41 * pM->_33)))
+ (pM->_13 * (pM->_21 * (pM->_32 * pM->_44 - pM->_42 * pM->_34) - pM->_22 * (pM->_31 * pM->_44 - pM->_41 * pM->_34) + pM->_24 * (pM->_31 * pM->_42 - pM->_41 * pM->_32)))
- (pM->_14 * (pM->_21 * (pM->_32 * pM->_43 - pM->_42 * pM->_33) - pM->_22 * (pM->_31 * pM->_43 - pM->_41 * pM->_33) + pM->_23 * (pM->_31 * pM->_42 - pM->_41 * pM->_32))); }
D3DXMATRIX* WINAPI VB_D3DXMatrixMultiply ( D3DXMATRIX *pOut, const D3DXMATRIX *pM1, const D3DXMATRIX *pM2 ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pM1 || !pM2) return NULL; #endif
#ifdef _X86_
#define MAT(m,a,b) DWORD PTR [(m)+(a)*4+(b)*4]
if(pM2 != pOut) goto LRowByColumn; if(pM1 != pOut) goto LColumnByRow;
Out = *pM2; pM2 = &Out; goto LRowByColumn;
LRowByColumn: __asm { mov ebx, DWORD PTR[pOut] // result
mov ecx, DWORD PTR[pM1] // a
mov edx, DWORD PTR[pM2] // b
mov edi, -4
LLoopRow: mov esi, -4
fld MAT(ecx, 0, 0) // a0
fld MAT(ecx, 0, 1) // a1
fld MAT(ecx, 0, 2) // a2
fld MAT(ecx, 0, 3) // a3
LLoopColumn: fld st(3) // a0
fmul MAT(edx, esi, 1*4) // a0*b0
fld st(3) // a1
fmul MAT(edx, esi, 2*4) // a1*b1
fld st(3) // a2
fmul MAT(edx, esi, 3*4) // a2*b2
fld st(3) // a3
fmul MAT(edx, esi, 4*4) // a3*b3
fxch st(3) faddp st(1), st // a2*b2+a0*b0
fxch st(2) faddp st(1), st // a3*b3+a1*b1
faddp st(1), st // a3*b3+a1*b1+a2*b2+a0*b0
fstp MAT(ebx, esi, 4)
inc esi jnz LLoopColumn
ffree st(3) ffree st(2) ffree st(1) ffree st(0)
lea ecx, MAT(ecx, 0, 4) lea ebx, MAT(ebx, 0, 4)
inc edi jnz LLoopRow }
return pOut;
LColumnByRow: __asm { mov ebx, DWORD PTR[pOut] // result
mov ecx, DWORD PTR[pM1] // a
mov edx, DWORD PTR[pM2] // b
mov edi, -4
LLoopColumn2: mov esi, -16
fld MAT(edx, edi, 1*4); // b0
fld MAT(edx, edi, 2*4); // b1
fld MAT(edx, edi, 3*4); // b2
fld MAT(edx, edi, 4*4); // b3
LLoopRow2: fld st(3) // b0
fmul MAT(ecx, esi, 0+16) // a0*b0
fld st(3) // b1
fmul MAT(ecx, esi, 1+16) // a1*b1
fld st(3) // b2
fmul MAT(ecx, esi, 2+16) // a2*b2
fld st(3) // b3
fmul MAT(ecx, esi, 3+16) // a3*b3
fxch st(3) faddp st(1), st // a2*b2+a0*b0
fxch st(2) faddp st(1), st // a3*b3+a1*b1
faddp st(1), st // a3*b3+a1*b1+a2*b2+a0*b0
fstp MAT(ebx, esi, 0+16)
add esi, 4 jnz LLoopRow2
ffree st(3) ffree st(2) ffree st(1) ffree st(0)
lea ebx, MAT(ebx, 0, 1) inc edi jnz LLoopColumn2 }
return pOut; #undef MAT
#else //!_X86_
D3DXMATRIX Out; D3DXMATRIX *pM = (pOut == pM1 || pOut == pM2) ? &Out : pOut;
pM->_11 = pM1->_11 * pM2->_11 + pM1->_12 * pM2->_21 + pM1->_13 * pM2->_31 + pM1->_14 * pM2->_41; pM->_12 = pM1->_11 * pM2->_12 + pM1->_12 * pM2->_22 + pM1->_13 * pM2->_32 + pM1->_14 * pM2->_42; pM->_13 = pM1->_11 * pM2->_13 + pM1->_12 * pM2->_23 + pM1->_13 * pM2->_33 + pM1->_14 * pM2->_43; pM->_14 = pM1->_11 * pM2->_14 + pM1->_12 * pM2->_24 + pM1->_13 * pM2->_34 + pM1->_14 * pM2->_44;
pM->_21 = pM1->_21 * pM2->_11 + pM1->_22 * pM2->_21 + pM1->_23 * pM2->_31 + pM1->_24 * pM2->_41; pM->_22 = pM1->_21 * pM2->_12 + pM1->_22 * pM2->_22 + pM1->_23 * pM2->_32 + pM1->_24 * pM2->_42; pM->_23 = pM1->_21 * pM2->_13 + pM1->_22 * pM2->_23 + pM1->_23 * pM2->_33 + pM1->_24 * pM2->_43; pM->_24 = pM1->_21 * pM2->_14 + pM1->_22 * pM2->_24 + pM1->_23 * pM2->_34 + pM1->_24 * pM2->_44;
pM->_31 = pM1->_31 * pM2->_11 + pM1->_32 * pM2->_21 + pM1->_33 * pM2->_31 + pM1->_34 * pM2->_41; pM->_32 = pM1->_31 * pM2->_12 + pM1->_32 * pM2->_22 + pM1->_33 * pM2->_32 + pM1->_34 * pM2->_42; pM->_33 = pM1->_31 * pM2->_13 + pM1->_32 * pM2->_23 + pM1->_33 * pM2->_33 + pM1->_34 * pM2->_43; pM->_34 = pM1->_31 * pM2->_14 + pM1->_32 * pM2->_24 + pM1->_33 * pM2->_34 + pM1->_34 * pM2->_44;
pM->_41 = pM1->_41 * pM2->_11 + pM1->_42 * pM2->_21 + pM1->_43 * pM2->_31 + pM1->_44 * pM2->_41; pM->_42 = pM1->_41 * pM2->_12 + pM1->_42 * pM2->_22 + pM1->_43 * pM2->_32 + pM1->_44 * pM2->_42; pM->_43 = pM1->_41 * pM2->_13 + pM1->_42 * pM2->_23 + pM1->_43 * pM2->_33 + pM1->_44 * pM2->_43; pM->_44 = pM1->_41 * pM2->_14 + pM1->_42 * pM2->_24 + pM1->_43 * pM2->_34 + pM1->_44 * pM2->_44;
if(pM != pOut) *pOut = *pM;
return pOut; #endif //!_X86_
D3DXMATRIX* WINAPI VB_D3DXMatrixTranspose ( D3DXMATRIX *pOut, const D3DXMATRIX *pM ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pM) return NULL; #endif
float f;
f = pM->_12; pOut->_12 = pM->_21; pOut->_21 = f; f = pM->_13; pOut->_13 = pM->_31; pOut->_31 = f; f = pM->_14; pOut->_14 = pM->_41; pOut->_41 = f; f = pM->_23; pOut->_23 = pM->_32; pOut->_32 = f; f = pM->_24; pOut->_24 = pM->_42; pOut->_42 = f; f = pM->_34; pOut->_34 = pM->_43; pOut->_43 = f;
if(pOut != pM) { pOut->_11 = pM->_11; pOut->_22 = pM->_22; pOut->_33 = pM->_33; pOut->_44 = pM->_44; }
return pOut; }
D3DXMATRIX* WINAPI VB_D3DXMatrixInverse ( D3DXMATRIX *pOut, float *pfDeterminant, const D3DXMATRIX *pM ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pM) return NULL; #endif
// XXXlorenmcq - The code was designed to work on a processor with more
// than 4 general-purpose registers. Is there a more optimal way of
// doing this on X86?
float fX00, fX01, fX02; float fX10, fX11, fX12; float fX20, fX21, fX22; float fX30, fX31, fX32; float fY01, fY02, fY03, fY12, fY13, fY23; float fZ02, fZ03, fZ12, fZ13, fZ22, fZ23, fZ32, fZ33;
#define fX03 fX01
#define fX13 fX11
#define fX23 fX21
#define fX33 fX31
#define fZ00 fX02
#define fZ10 fX12
#define fZ20 fX22
#define fZ30 fX32
#define fZ01 fX03
#define fZ11 fX13
#define fZ21 fX23
#define fZ31 fX33
#define fDet fY01
#define fRcp fY02
// read 1st two columns of matrix
fX00 = pM->_11; fX01 = pM->_12; fX10 = pM->_21; fX11 = pM->_22; fX20 = pM->_31; fX21 = pM->_32; fX30 = pM->_41; fX31 = pM->_42;
// compute all six 2x2 determinants of 1st two columns
fY01 = fX00 * fX11 - fX10 * fX01; fY02 = fX00 * fX21 - fX20 * fX01; fY03 = fX00 * fX31 - fX30 * fX01; fY12 = fX10 * fX21 - fX20 * fX11; fY13 = fX10 * fX31 - fX30 * fX11; fY23 = fX20 * fX31 - fX30 * fX21;
// read 2nd two columns of matrix
fX02 = pM->_13; fX03 = pM->_14; fX12 = pM->_23; fX13 = pM->_24; fX22 = pM->_33; fX23 = pM->_34; fX32 = pM->_43; fX33 = pM->_44;
// compute all 3x3 cofactors for 2nd two columns
fZ33 = fX02 * fY12 - fX12 * fY02 + fX22 * fY01; fZ23 = fX12 * fY03 - fX32 * fY01 - fX02 * fY13; fZ13 = fX02 * fY23 - fX22 * fY03 + fX32 * fY02; fZ03 = fX22 * fY13 - fX32 * fY12 - fX12 * fY23; fZ32 = fX13 * fY02 - fX23 * fY01 - fX03 * fY12; fZ22 = fX03 * fY13 - fX13 * fY03 + fX33 * fY01; fZ12 = fX23 * fY03 - fX33 * fY02 - fX03 * fY23; fZ02 = fX13 * fY23 - fX23 * fY13 + fX33 * fY12;
// compute all six 2x2 determinants of 2nd two columns
fY01 = fX02 * fX13 - fX12 * fX03; fY02 = fX02 * fX23 - fX22 * fX03; fY03 = fX02 * fX33 - fX32 * fX03; fY12 = fX12 * fX23 - fX22 * fX13; fY13 = fX12 * fX33 - fX32 * fX13; fY23 = fX22 * fX33 - fX32 * fX23;
// read 1st two columns of matrix
fX00 = pM->_11; fX01 = pM->_12; fX10 = pM->_21; fX11 = pM->_22; fX20 = pM->_31; fX21 = pM->_32; fX30 = pM->_41; fX31 = pM->_42;
// compute all 3x3 cofactors for 1st two columns
fZ30 = fX11 * fY02 - fX21 * fY01 - fX01 * fY12; fZ20 = fX01 * fY13 - fX11 * fY03 + fX31 * fY01; fZ10 = fX21 * fY03 - fX31 * fY02 - fX01 * fY23; fZ00 = fX11 * fY23 - fX21 * fY13 + fX31 * fY12; fZ31 = fX00 * fY12 - fX10 * fY02 + fX20 * fY01; fZ21 = fX10 * fY03 - fX30 * fY01 - fX00 * fY13; fZ11 = fX00 * fY23 - fX20 * fY03 + fX30 * fY02; fZ01 = fX20 * fY13 - fX30 * fY12 - fX10 * fY23;
// compute 4x4 determinant & its reciprocal
fDet = fX30 * fZ30 + fX20 * fZ20 + fX10 * fZ10 + fX00 * fZ00;
if(pfDeterminant) *pfDeterminant = fDet;
fRcp = 1.0f / fDet;
if(!_finite(fRcp)) return NULL;
// multiply all 3x3 cofactors by reciprocal & transpose
pOut->_11 = fZ00 * fRcp; pOut->_12 = fZ10 * fRcp; pOut->_13 = fZ20 * fRcp; pOut->_14 = fZ30 * fRcp; pOut->_21 = fZ01 * fRcp; pOut->_22 = fZ11 * fRcp; pOut->_23 = fZ21 * fRcp; pOut->_24 = fZ31 * fRcp; pOut->_31 = fZ02 * fRcp; pOut->_32 = fZ12 * fRcp; pOut->_33 = fZ22 * fRcp; pOut->_34 = fZ32 * fRcp; pOut->_41 = fZ03 * fRcp; pOut->_42 = fZ13 * fRcp; pOut->_43 = fZ23 * fRcp; pOut->_44 = fZ33 * fRcp;
return pOut; }
D3DXMATRIX* WINAPI VB_D3DXMatrixScaling ( D3DXMATRIX *pOut, float sx, float sy, float sz ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut) return NULL; #endif
pOut->_12 = pOut->_13 = pOut->_14 = pOut->_21 = pOut->_23 = pOut->_24 = pOut->_31 = pOut->_32 = pOut->_34 = pOut->_41 = pOut->_42 = pOut->_43 = 0.0f;
pOut->_11 = sx; pOut->_22 = sy; pOut->_33 = sz; pOut->_44 = 1.0f; return pOut; }
D3DXMATRIX* WINAPI VB_D3DXMatrixTranslation ( D3DXMATRIX *pOut, float x, float y, float z ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut) return NULL; #endif
pOut->_12 = pOut->_13 = pOut->_14 = pOut->_21 = pOut->_23 = pOut->_24 = pOut->_31 = pOut->_32 = pOut->_34 = 0.0f;
pOut->_11 = pOut->_22 = pOut->_33 = pOut->_44 = 1.0f;
pOut->_41 = x; pOut->_42 = y; pOut->_43 = z; return pOut; }
D3DXMATRIX* WINAPI VB_D3DXMatrixRotationX ( D3DXMATRIX *pOut, float angle ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut) return NULL; #endif
float s, c; sincosf(angle, &s, &c);
pOut->_11 = 1.0f; pOut->_12 = 0.0f; pOut->_13 = 0.0f; pOut->_14 = 0.0f; pOut->_21 = 0.0f; pOut->_22 = c; pOut->_23 = s; pOut->_24 = 0.0f; pOut->_31 = 0.0f; pOut->_32 = -s; pOut->_33 = c; pOut->_34 = 0.0f; pOut->_41 = 0.0f; pOut->_42 = 0.0f; pOut->_43 = 0.0f; pOut->_44 = 1.0f;
return pOut; }
D3DXMATRIX* WINAPI VB_D3DXMatrixRotationY ( D3DXMATRIX *pOut, float angle ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut) return NULL; #endif
float s, c; sincosf(angle, &s, &c);
pOut->_11 = c; pOut->_12 = 0.0f; pOut->_13 = -s; pOut->_14 = 0.0f; pOut->_21 = 0.0f; pOut->_22 = 1.0f; pOut->_23 = 0.0f; pOut->_24 = 0.0f; pOut->_31 = s; pOut->_32 = 0.0f; pOut->_33 = c; pOut->_34 = 0.0f; pOut->_41 = 0.0f; pOut->_42 = 0.0f; pOut->_43 = 0.0f; pOut->_44 = 1.0f;
return pOut; }
D3DXMATRIX* WINAPI VB_D3DXMatrixRotationZ ( D3DXMATRIX *pOut, float angle ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut) return NULL; #endif
float s, c; sincosf(angle, &s, &c);
pOut->_11 = c; pOut->_12 = s; pOut->_13 = 0.0f; pOut->_14 = 0.0f; pOut->_21 = -s; pOut->_22 = c; pOut->_23 = 0.0f; pOut->_24 = 0.0f; pOut->_31 = 0.0f; pOut->_32 = 0.0f; pOut->_33 = 1.0f; pOut->_34 = 0.0f; pOut->_41 = 0.0f; pOut->_42 = 0.0f; pOut->_43 = 0.0f; pOut->_44 = 1.0f;
return pOut; }
D3DXMATRIX* WINAPI VB_D3DXMatrixRotationAxis ( D3DXMATRIX *pOut, const D3DXVECTOR3 *pV, float angle ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pV) return NULL; #endif
float s, c; sincosf(angle, &s, &c); float c1 = 1 - c;
D3DXVECTOR3 v = *pV; VB_D3DXVec3Normalize(&v, &v);
float xyc1 = v.x * v.y * c1; float yzc1 = v.y * v.z * c1; float zxc1 = v.z * v.x * c1;
pOut->_11 = v.x * v.x * c1 + c; pOut->_12 = xyc1 + v.z * s; pOut->_13 = zxc1 - v.y * s; pOut->_14 = 0.0f;
pOut->_21 = xyc1 - v.z * s; pOut->_22 = v.y * v.y * c1 + c; pOut->_23 = yzc1 + v.x * s; pOut->_24 = 0.0f;
pOut->_31 = zxc1 + v.y * s; pOut->_32 = yzc1 - v.x * s; pOut->_33 = v.z * v.z * c1 + c; pOut->_34 = 0.0f;
pOut->_41 = 0.0f; pOut->_42 = 0.0f; pOut->_43 = 0.0f; pOut->_44 = 1.0f;
return pOut; }
D3DXMATRIX* WINAPI VB_D3DXMatrixRotationQuaternion ( D3DXMATRIX *pOut, const D3DXQUATERNION *pQ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pQ) return NULL; #endif
float x2 = pQ->x + pQ->x; float y2 = pQ->y + pQ->y; float z2 = pQ->z + pQ->z;
float wx2 = pQ->w * x2; float wy2 = pQ->w * y2; float wz2 = pQ->w * z2; float xx2 = pQ->x * x2; float xy2 = pQ->x * y2; float xz2 = pQ->x * z2; float yy2 = pQ->y * y2; float yz2 = pQ->y * z2; float zz2 = pQ->z * z2;
pOut->_11 = 1.0f - yy2 - zz2; pOut->_12 = xy2 + wz2; pOut->_13 = xz2 - wy2; pOut->_14 = 0.0f;
pOut->_21 = xy2 - wz2; pOut->_22 = 1.0f - xx2 - zz2; pOut->_23 = yz2 + wx2; pOut->_24 = 0.0f;
pOut->_31 = xz2 + wy2; pOut->_32 = yz2 - wx2; pOut->_33 = 1.0f - xx2 - yy2; pOut->_34 = 0.0f;
pOut->_41 = 0.0f; pOut->_42 = 0.0f; pOut->_43 = 0.0f; pOut->_44 = 1.0f;
return pOut; }
D3DXMATRIX* WINAPI VB_D3DXMatrixRotationYawPitchRoll ( D3DXMATRIX *pOut, float yaw, float pitch, float roll ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut) return NULL; #endif
D3DXQuaternionRotationYawPitchRoll(&q, yaw, pitch, roll); D3DXMatrixRotationQuaternion(pOut, &q);
return pOut; }
D3DXMATRIX* WINAPI VB_D3DXMatrixTransformation ( D3DXMATRIX *pOut, const D3DXVECTOR3 *pScalingCenter, const D3DXQUATERNION *pScalingRotation, const D3DXVECTOR3 *pScaling, const D3DXVECTOR3 *pRotationCenter, const D3DXQUATERNION *pRotation, const D3DXVECTOR3 *pTranslation) { #if DBG
if(!pOut) return NULL; #endif
D3DXMATRIX matS, matR, matRI;
if (pScaling) { if (pScalingRotation) { matS._12 = matS._13 = matS._14 = matS._21 = matS._23 = matS._24 = matS._31 = matS._32 = matS._34 = matS._41 = matS._42 = matS._43 = 0.0f;
matS._11 = pScaling->x; matS._22 = pScaling->y; matS._33 = pScaling->z; matS._44 = 1.0f;
D3DXMatrixRotationQuaternion(&matR, pScalingRotation);
if (pScalingCenter) { // SC-1, SR-1, S, SR, SC
D3DXMatrixTranspose(&matRI, &matR); D3DXMatrixIdentity(pOut);
pOut->_41 -= pScalingCenter->x; pOut->_42 -= pScalingCenter->y; pOut->_43 -= pScalingCenter->z;
D3DXMatrixMultiply(pOut, pOut, &matRI); D3DXMatrixMultiply(pOut, pOut, &matS); D3DXMatrixMultiply(pOut, pOut, &matR);
pOut->_41 += pScalingCenter->x; pOut->_42 += pScalingCenter->y; pOut->_43 += pScalingCenter->z; } else { // SR-1, S, SR
D3DXMatrixTranspose(pOut, &matR); D3DXMatrixMultiply(pOut, pOut, &matS); D3DXMatrixMultiply(pOut, pOut, &matR); } } else { // S
pOut->_12 = pOut->_13 = pOut->_14 = pOut->_21 = pOut->_23 = pOut->_24 = pOut->_31 = pOut->_32 = pOut->_34 = pOut->_41 = pOut->_42 = pOut->_43 = 0.0f;
pOut->_11 = pScaling->x; pOut->_22 = pScaling->y; pOut->_33 = pScaling->z; pOut->_44 = 1.0f; }
} else { D3DXMatrixIdentity(pOut); }
if (pRotation) { D3DXMatrixRotationQuaternion(&matR, pRotation);
if (pRotationCenter) { // RC-1, R, RC
pOut->_41 -= pRotationCenter->x; pOut->_42 -= pRotationCenter->y; pOut->_43 -= pRotationCenter->z;
D3DXMatrixMultiply(pOut, pOut, &matR);
pOut->_41 += pRotationCenter->x; pOut->_42 += pRotationCenter->y; pOut->_43 += pRotationCenter->z; } else { // R
D3DXMatrixMultiply(pOut, pOut, &matR); } }
if (pTranslation) { // T
pOut->_41 += pTranslation->x; pOut->_42 += pTranslation->y; pOut->_43 += pTranslation->z; } return pOut; }
D3DXMATRIX* WINAPI VB_D3DXMatrixAffineTransformation ( D3DXMATRIX *pOut, float Scaling, const D3DXVECTOR3 *pRotationCenter, const D3DXQUATERNION *pRotation, const D3DXVECTOR3 *pTranslation) { #if DBG
if(!pOut) return NULL; #endif
// S
pOut->_12 = pOut->_13 = pOut->_14 = pOut->_21 = pOut->_23 = pOut->_24 = pOut->_31 = pOut->_32 = pOut->_34 = pOut->_41 = pOut->_42 = pOut->_43 = 0.0f;
pOut->_11 = Scaling; pOut->_22 = Scaling; pOut->_33 = Scaling; pOut->_44 = 1.0f;
if (pRotation) { D3DXMATRIX matR; D3DXMatrixRotationQuaternion(&matR, pRotation);
if (pRotationCenter) { // RC-1, R, RC
pOut->_41 -= pRotationCenter->x; pOut->_42 -= pRotationCenter->y; pOut->_43 -= pRotationCenter->z;
D3DXMatrixMultiply(pOut, pOut, &matR);
pOut->_41 += pRotationCenter->x; pOut->_42 += pRotationCenter->y; pOut->_43 += pRotationCenter->z; } else { // R
D3DXMatrixMultiply(pOut, pOut, &matR); } }
if (pTranslation) { // T
pOut->_41 += pTranslation->x; pOut->_42 += pTranslation->y; pOut->_43 += pTranslation->z; }
return pOut; }
D3DXMATRIX* WINAPI VB_D3DXMatrixLookAtRH ( D3DXMATRIX *pOut, const D3DXVECTOR3 *pEye, const D3DXVECTOR3 *pAt, const D3DXVECTOR3 *pUp ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pEye || !pAt || !pUp) return NULL; #endif
D3DXVECTOR3 XAxis, YAxis, ZAxis;
// Compute direction of gaze. (-Z)
D3DXVec3Subtract(&ZAxis, pEye, pAt); D3DXVec3Normalize(&ZAxis, &ZAxis);
// Compute orthogonal axes from cross product of gaze and pUp vector.
D3DXVec3Cross(&XAxis, pUp, &ZAxis); D3DXVec3Normalize(&XAxis, &XAxis); D3DXVec3Cross(&YAxis, &ZAxis, &XAxis);
// Set rotation and translate by pEye
pOut->_11 = XAxis.x; pOut->_21 = XAxis.y; pOut->_31 = XAxis.z; pOut->_41 = -D3DXVec3Dot(&XAxis, pEye);
pOut->_12 = YAxis.x; pOut->_22 = YAxis.y; pOut->_32 = YAxis.z; pOut->_42 = -D3DXVec3Dot(&YAxis, pEye);
pOut->_13 = ZAxis.x; pOut->_23 = ZAxis.y; pOut->_33 = ZAxis.z; pOut->_43 = -D3DXVec3Dot(&ZAxis, pEye);
pOut->_14 = 0.0f; pOut->_24 = 0.0f; pOut->_34 = 0.0f; pOut->_44 = 1.0f;
return pOut; }
D3DXMATRIX* WINAPI VB_D3DXMatrixLookAtLH ( D3DXMATRIX *pOut, const D3DXVECTOR3 *pEye, const D3DXVECTOR3 *pAt, const D3DXVECTOR3 *pUp ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pEye || !pAt || !pUp) return NULL; #endif
D3DXVECTOR3 XAxis, YAxis, ZAxis;
// Compute direction of gaze. (+Z)
D3DXVec3Subtract(&ZAxis, pAt, pEye); D3DXVec3Normalize(&ZAxis, &ZAxis);
// Compute orthogonal axes from cross product of gaze and pUp vector.
D3DXVec3Cross(&XAxis, pUp, &ZAxis); D3DXVec3Normalize(&XAxis, &XAxis); D3DXVec3Cross(&YAxis, &ZAxis, &XAxis);
// Set rotation and translate by pEye
pOut->_11 = XAxis.x; pOut->_21 = XAxis.y; pOut->_31 = XAxis.z; pOut->_41 = -D3DXVec3Dot(&XAxis, pEye);
pOut->_12 = YAxis.x; pOut->_22 = YAxis.y; pOut->_32 = YAxis.z; pOut->_42 = -D3DXVec3Dot(&YAxis, pEye);
pOut->_13 = ZAxis.x; pOut->_23 = ZAxis.y; pOut->_33 = ZAxis.z; pOut->_43 = -D3DXVec3Dot(&ZAxis, pEye);
pOut->_14 = 0.0f; pOut->_24 = 0.0f; pOut->_34 = 0.0f; pOut->_44 = 1.0f;
return pOut; }
D3DXMATRIX* WINAPI VB_D3DXMatrixPerspectiveRH ( D3DXMATRIX *pOut, float w, float h, float zn, float zf ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut) return NULL; #endif
pOut->_11 = 2.0f * zn / w; pOut->_12 = 0.0f; pOut->_13 = 0.0f; pOut->_14 = 0.0f;
pOut->_21 = 0.0f; pOut->_22 = 2.0f * zn / h; pOut->_23 = 0.0f; pOut->_24 = 0.0f;
pOut->_31 = 0.0f; pOut->_32 = 0.0f; pOut->_33 = zf / (zn - zf); pOut->_34 = -1.0f;
pOut->_41 = 0.0f; pOut->_42 = 0.0f; pOut->_43 = pOut->_33 * zn; pOut->_44 = 0.0f;
return pOut; }
D3DXMATRIX* WINAPI VB_D3DXMatrixPerspectiveLH ( D3DXMATRIX *pOut, float w, float h, float zn, float zf ) {
#if DBG
if(!pOut) return NULL; #endif
pOut->_11 = 2.0f * zn / w; pOut->_12 = 0.0f; pOut->_13 = 0.0f; pOut->_14 = 0.0f;
pOut->_21 = 0.0f; pOut->_22 = 2.0f * zn / h; pOut->_23 = 0.0f; pOut->_24 = 0.0f;
pOut->_31 = 0.0f; pOut->_32 = 0.0f; pOut->_33 = zf / (zf - zn); pOut->_34 = 1.0f;
pOut->_41 = 0.0f; pOut->_42 = 0.0f; pOut->_43 = -pOut->_33 * zn; pOut->_44 = 0.0f;
return pOut; }
D3DXMATRIX* WINAPI VB_D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovRH ( D3DXMATRIX *pOut, float fovy, float aspect, float zn, float zf ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut) return NULL; #endif
float s, c; sincosf(0.5f * fovy, &s, &c);
float h = c / s; float w = aspect * h;
pOut->_11 = w; pOut->_12 = 0.0f; pOut->_13 = 0.0f; pOut->_14 = 0.0f;
pOut->_21 = 0.0f; pOut->_22 = h; pOut->_23 = 0.0f; pOut->_24 = 0.0f;
pOut->_31 = 0.0f; pOut->_32 = 0.0f; pOut->_33 = zf / (zn - zf); pOut->_34 = -1.0f;
pOut->_41 = 0.0f; pOut->_42 = 0.0f; pOut->_43 = pOut->_33 * zn; pOut->_44 = 0.0f; return pOut; }
D3DXMATRIX* WINAPI VB_D3DXMatrixPerspectiveFovLH ( D3DXMATRIX *pOut, float fovy, float aspect, float zn, float zf ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut) return NULL; #endif
float s, c; sincosf(0.5f * fovy, &s, &c);
float h = c / s; float w = aspect * h;
pOut->_11 = w; pOut->_12 = 0.0f; pOut->_13 = 0.0f; pOut->_14 = 0.0f;
pOut->_21 = 0.0f; pOut->_22 = h; pOut->_23 = 0.0f; pOut->_24 = 0.0f;
pOut->_31 = 0.0f; pOut->_32 = 0.0f; pOut->_33 = zf / (zf - zn); pOut->_34 = 1.0f;
pOut->_41 = 0.0f; pOut->_42 = 0.0f; pOut->_43 = -pOut->_33 * zn; pOut->_44 = 0.0f;
return pOut; }
D3DXMATRIX* WINAPI VB_D3DXMatrixPerspectiveOffCenterRH ( D3DXMATRIX *pOut, float l, float r, float b, float t, float zn, float zf ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut) return NULL; #endif
float wInv = 1.0f / (r - l); float hInv = 1.0f / (t - b);
pOut->_11 = 2.0f * zn * wInv; pOut->_12 = 0.0f; pOut->_13 = 0.0f; pOut->_14 = 0.0f;
pOut->_21 = 0.0f; pOut->_22 = 2.0f * zn * hInv; pOut->_23 = 0.0f; pOut->_24 = 0.0f;
pOut->_31 = (l + r) * wInv; pOut->_32 = (t + b) * hInv; pOut->_33 = zf / (zn - zf); pOut->_34 = -1.0f;
pOut->_41 = 0.0f; pOut->_42 = 0.0f; pOut->_43 = pOut->_33 * zn; pOut->_44 = 0.0f;
return pOut; }
D3DXMATRIX* WINAPI VB_D3DXMatrixPerspectiveOffCenterLH ( D3DXMATRIX *pOut, float l, float r, float b, float t, float zn, float zf ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut) return NULL; #endif
float wInv = 1.0f / (r - l); float hInv = 1.0f / (t - b);
pOut->_11 = 2.0f * zn * wInv; pOut->_12 = 0.0f; pOut->_13 = 0.0f; pOut->_14 = 0.0f;
pOut->_21 = 0.0f; pOut->_22 = 2.0f * zn * hInv; pOut->_23 = 0.0f; pOut->_24 = 0.0f;
pOut->_31 = -(l + r) * wInv; pOut->_32 = -(t + b) * hInv; pOut->_33 = zf / (zf - zn); pOut->_34 = 1.0f;
pOut->_41 = 0.0f; pOut->_42 = 0.0f; pOut->_43 = -pOut->_33 * zn; pOut->_44 = 0.0f;
return pOut; }
D3DXMATRIX* WINAPI VB_D3DXMatrixOrthoRH ( D3DXMATRIX *pOut, float w, float h, float zn, float zf ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut) return NULL; #endif
pOut->_11 = 2.0f / w; pOut->_12 = 0.0f; pOut->_13 = 0.0f; pOut->_14 = 0.0f;
pOut->_21 = 0.0f; pOut->_22 = 2.0f / h; pOut->_23 = 0.0f; pOut->_24 = 0.0f;
pOut->_31 = 0.0f; pOut->_32 = 0.0f; pOut->_33 = 1.0f / (zn - zf); pOut->_34 = 0.0f;
pOut->_41 = 0.0f; pOut->_42 = 0.0f; pOut->_43 = pOut->_33 * zn; pOut->_44 = 1.0f; return pOut; }
D3DXMATRIX* WINAPI VB_D3DXMatrixOrthoLH ( D3DXMATRIX *pOut, float w, float h, float zn, float zf ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut) return NULL; #endif
pOut->_11 = 2.0f / w; pOut->_12 = 0.0f; pOut->_13 = 0.0f; pOut->_14 = 0.0f;
pOut->_21 = 0.0f; pOut->_22 = 2.0f / h; pOut->_23 = 0.0f; pOut->_24 = 0.0f;
pOut->_31 = 0.0f; pOut->_32 = 0.0f; pOut->_33 = 1.0f / (zf - zn); pOut->_34 = 0.0f;
pOut->_41 = 0.0f; pOut->_42 = 0.0f; pOut->_43 = -pOut->_33 * zn; pOut->_44 = 1.0f;
return pOut; }
D3DXMATRIX* WINAPI VB_D3DXMatrixOrthoOffCenterRH ( D3DXMATRIX *pOut, float l, float r, float b, float t, float zn, float zf ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut) return NULL; #endif
float wInv = 1.0f / (r - l); float hInv = 1.0f / (t - b);
pOut->_11 = 2.0f * wInv; pOut->_12 = 0.0f; pOut->_13 = 0.0f; pOut->_14 = 0.0f;
pOut->_21 = 0.0f; pOut->_22 = 2.0f * hInv; pOut->_23 = 0.0f; pOut->_24 = 0.0f;
pOut->_31 = 0.0f; pOut->_32 = 0.0f; pOut->_33 = 1.0f / (zn - zf); pOut->_34 = 0.0f;
pOut->_41 = -(l + r) * wInv; pOut->_42 = -(t + b) * hInv; pOut->_43 = pOut->_33 * zn; pOut->_44 = 1.0f;
return pOut; }
D3DXMATRIX* WINAPI VB_D3DXMatrixOrthoOffCenterLH ( D3DXMATRIX *pOut, float l, float r, float b, float t, float zn, float zf ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut) return NULL; #endif
float wInv = 1.0f / (r - l); float hInv = 1.0f / (t - b);
pOut->_11 = 2.0f * wInv; pOut->_12 = 0.0f; pOut->_13 = 0.0f; pOut->_14 = 0.0f;
pOut->_21 = 0.0f; pOut->_22 = 2.0f * hInv; pOut->_23 = 0.0f; pOut->_24 = 0.0f;
pOut->_31 = 0.0f; pOut->_32 = 0.0f; pOut->_33 = 1.0f / (zf - zn); pOut->_34 = 0.0f;
pOut->_41 = -(l + r) * wInv; pOut->_42 = -(t + b) * hInv; pOut->_43 = -pOut->_33 * zn; pOut->_44 = 1.0f;
return pOut; }
D3DXMATRIX* WINAPI VB_D3DXMatrixShadow ( D3DXMATRIX *pOut, const D3DXVECTOR4 *pLight, const D3DXPLANE *pPlane ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pLight || !pPlane) return NULL; #endif
D3DXPLANE p; D3DXPlaneNormalize(&p, pPlane); float dot = D3DXPlaneDot(&p, pLight); p = -p;
pOut->_11 = p.a * pLight->x + dot; pOut->_21 = p.b * pLight->x; pOut->_31 = p.c * pLight->x; pOut->_41 = p.d * pLight->x;
pOut->_12 = p.a * pLight->y; pOut->_22 = p.b * pLight->y + dot; pOut->_32 = p.c * pLight->y; pOut->_42 = p.d * pLight->y;
pOut->_13 = p.a * pLight->z; pOut->_23 = p.b * pLight->z; pOut->_33 = p.c * pLight->z + dot; pOut->_43 = p.d * pLight->z;
pOut->_14 = p.a * pLight->w; pOut->_24 = p.b * pLight->w; pOut->_34 = p.c * pLight->w; pOut->_44 = p.d * pLight->w + dot;
return pOut; }
D3DXMATRIX* WINAPI VB_D3DXMatrixReflect ( D3DXMATRIX *pOut, const D3DXPLANE *pPlane ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pPlane) return NULL; #endif
D3DXPLANE p; D3DXPlaneNormalize(&p, pPlane); float fa = -2.0f * p.a; float fb = -2.0f * p.b; float fc = -2.0f * p.c;
pOut->_11 = fa * p.a + 1.0f; pOut->_12 = fb * p.a; pOut->_13 = fc * p.a; pOut->_14 = 0.0f;
pOut->_21 = fa * p.b; pOut->_22 = fb * p.b + 1.0f; pOut->_23 = fc * p.b; pOut->_24 = 0.0f;
pOut->_31 = fa * p.c; pOut->_32 = fb * p.c; pOut->_33 = fc * p.c + 1.0f; pOut->_34 = 0.0f;
pOut->_41 = fa * p.d; pOut->_42 = fb * p.d; pOut->_43 = fc * p.d; pOut->_44 = 1.0f;
return pOut; }
// Quaternion
void WINAPI VB_D3DXQuaternionToAxisAngle ( const D3DXQUATERNION *pQ, D3DXVECTOR3 *pAxis, float *pAngle ) { #if DBG
if(!pQ) return; #endif
// expects unit quaternions!
// q = cos(A/2), sin(A/2) * v
float lsq = D3DXQuaternionLengthSq(pQ);
if(lsq > EPSILON * EPSILON) { if(pAxis) { float scale = 1.0f / sqrtf(lsq); pAxis->x = pQ->x * scale; pAxis->y = pQ->y * scale; pAxis->z = pQ->z * scale; }
if(pAngle) *pAngle = 2.0f * acosf(pQ->w);
} else { if(pAxis) { pAxis->x = 1.0; pAxis->y = 0.0; pAxis->z = 0.0; }
if(pAngle) *pAngle = 0.0f; } }
D3DXQUATERNION* WINAPI VB_D3DXQuaternionRotationMatrix ( D3DXQUATERNION *pOut, const D3DXMATRIX *pM) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pM) return NULL; #endif
// Algorithm in Ken Shoemake's article in 1987 SIGGRAPH course notes
// article "Quaternion Calculus and Fast Animation". (Taken from GDMAG feb'98 p38)
float trace = pM->_11 + pM->_22 + pM->_33; float root;
if ( trace > 0.0f ) { // |w| > 1/2, may as well choose w > 1/2
root = sqrtf(trace + 1.0f); // 2w
pOut->w = 0.5f * root;
root = 0.5f / root; // 1/(4w)
pOut->x = (pM->_23 - pM->_32) * root; pOut->y = (pM->_31 - pM->_13) * root; pOut->z = (pM->_12 - pM->_21) * root; } else { // |w| <= 1/2
static const int next[3] = { 1, 2, 0 };
int i = 0; i += (pM->_22 > pM->_11); i += (pM->_33 > pM->m[i][i]);
int j = next[i]; int k = next[j];
root = sqrtf(pM->m[i][i] - pM->m[j][j] - pM->m[k][k] + 1.0f); (*pOut)[i] = 0.5f * root;
if(0.0f != root) root = 0.5f / root;
pOut->w = (pM->m[j][k] - pM->m[k][j]) * root; (*pOut)[j] = (pM->m[i][j] + pM->m[j][i]) * root; (*pOut)[k] = (pM->m[i][k] + pM->m[k][i]) * root; }
return pOut; }
D3DXQUATERNION* WINAPI VB_D3DXQuaternionRotationAxis ( D3DXQUATERNION *pOut, const D3DXVECTOR3 *pV, float angle ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pV) return NULL; #endif
D3DXVECTOR3 v; D3DXVec3Normalize(&v, pV);
float s; sincosf(0.5f * angle, &s, &pOut->w);
pOut->x = v.x * s; pOut->y = v.y * s; pOut->z = v.z * s;
return pOut; }
D3DXQUATERNION* WINAPI VB_D3DXQuaternionRotationYawPitchRoll ( D3DXQUATERNION *pOut, float yaw, float pitch, float roll ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut) return NULL; #endif
// Roll first, about axis the object is facing, then
// pitch upward, then yaw to face into the new heading
float SR, CR, SP, CP, SY, CY;
sincosf(0.5f * roll, &SR, &CR); sincosf(0.5f * pitch, &SP, &CP); sincosf(0.5f * yaw, &SY, &CY);
pOut->x = CY*SP*CR + SY*CP*SR; pOut->y = SY*CP*CR - CY*SP*SR; pOut->z = CY*CP*SR - SY*SP*CR; pOut->w = CY*CP*CR + SY*SP*SR;
return pOut; }
if(!pQ1 || !pQ2) return 0.0f; #endif
return pQ1->x * pQ2->x + pQ1->y * pQ2->y + pQ1->z * pQ2->z + pQ1->w * pQ2->w; } */
if(!pOut || !pQ1 || !pQ2) return NULL; #endif
#ifdef _X86_
__asm { mov eax, DWORD PTR [pQ2] mov edx, DWORD PTR [pQ1] mov ecx, DWORD PTR [pOut]
fld DWORD PTR [eax+3*4] fmul DWORD PTR [edx+0*4] ; wx fld DWORD PTR [eax+3*4] fmul DWORD PTR [edx+2*4] ; wz fld DWORD PTR [eax+3*4] fmul DWORD PTR [edx+1*4] ; wy fld DWORD PTR [eax+3*4] fmul DWORD PTR [edx+3*4] ; ww fxch st(3) // wx wy wz ww
fld DWORD PTR [eax+0*4] fmul DWORD PTR [edx+3*4] ; xw fld DWORD PTR [eax+0*4] fmul DWORD PTR [edx+1*4] ; xy fld DWORD PTR [eax+0*4] fmul DWORD PTR [edx+2*4] ; xz fld DWORD PTR [eax+0*4] fmul DWORD PTR [edx+0*4] ; xx fxch st(3) // xw xz xy xx wx wy wz ww
faddp st(4), st fsubp st(4), st faddp st(4), st fsubp st(4), st // wx-xw wy-xz wz+xy ww-xx
fld DWORD PTR [eax+1*4] fmul DWORD PTR [edx+2*4] ; yz fld DWORD PTR [eax+1*4] fmul DWORD PTR [edx+0*4] ; yx fld DWORD PTR [eax+1*4] fmul DWORD PTR [edx+3*4] ; yw fld DWORD PTR [eax+1*4] fmul DWORD PTR [edx+1*4] ; yy fxch st(3) // yz yw yx yy wx-xw wy-xz wz+xy ww-xx
faddp st(4), st faddp st(4), st fsubp st(4), st fsubp st(4), st // wx-xw+yz wy-xz+yw wz+xy-yx ww-xx-yy
fld DWORD PTR [eax+2*4] fmul DWORD PTR [edx+1*4] ; zy fld DWORD PTR [eax+2*4] fmul DWORD PTR [edx+3*4] ; zw fld DWORD PTR [eax+2*4] fmul DWORD PTR [edx+0*4] ; zx fld DWORD PTR [eax+2*4] fmul DWORD PTR [edx+2*4] ; zz fxch st(3) // zy zx zw zz wx-xw+yz wy-xz+yw wz+xy-yx ww-xx-yy
fsubp st(4), st faddp st(4), st faddp st(4), st fsubp st(4), st // wx-xw+yz-zy wy-xz+yw+zx wz+xy-yx+zw ww-xx-yy-zz
fstp DWORD PTR [ecx+0*4] fstp DWORD PTR [ecx+1*4] fstp DWORD PTR [ecx+2*4] fstp DWORD PTR [ecx+3*4] }
return pOut;
#else // !_X86_
Q.x = pQ2->w * pQ1->x + pQ2->x * pQ1->w + pQ2->y * pQ1->z - pQ2->z * pQ1->y; Q.y = pQ2->w * pQ1->y - pQ2->x * pQ1->z + pQ2->y * pQ1->w + pQ2->z * pQ1->x; Q.z = pQ2->w * pQ1->z + pQ2->x * pQ1->y - pQ2->y * pQ1->x + pQ2->z * pQ1->w; Q.w = pQ2->w * pQ1->w - pQ2->x * pQ1->x - pQ2->y * pQ1->y - pQ2->z * pQ1->z;
*pOut = Q; return pOut; #endif // !_X86_
if(!pOut || !pQ) return NULL; #endif
float f = D3DXQuaternionLengthSq(pQ);
if(WithinEpsilon(f, 1.0f)) { if(pOut != pQ) *pOut = *pQ; } else if(f > EPSILON * EPSILON) { *pOut = *pQ / sqrtf(f); } else { pOut->x = 0.0f; pOut->y = 0.0f; pOut->z = 0.0f; pOut->w = 0.0f; }
return pOut; }
if(!pOut || !pQ) return NULL; #endif
float f = D3DXQuaternionLengthSq(pQ);
if(f > EPSILON*EPSILON) { D3DXQuaternionConjugate(pOut, pQ);
if(!WithinEpsilon(f, 1.0f)) *pOut /= f; } else { pOut->x = 0.0f; pOut->y = 0.0f; pOut->z = 0.0f; pOut->w = 0.0f; }
return pOut; }
if(!pOut || !pQ) return NULL; #endif
// expects unit quaternions!
// q = (cos(theta), sin(theta) * v); ln(q) = (0, theta * v)
float theta, s;
if(pQ->w < 1.0f) { theta = acosf(pQ->w); s = sinf(theta);
if(!WithinEpsilon(s, 0.0f)) { float scale = theta / s; pOut->x = pQ->x * scale; pOut->y = pQ->y * scale; pOut->z = pQ->z * scale; pOut->w = 0.0f; } else { pOut->x = pQ->x; pOut->y = pQ->y; pOut->z = pQ->z; pOut->w = 0.0f; } } else { pOut->x = pQ->x; pOut->y = pQ->y; pOut->z = pQ->z; pOut->w = 0.0f; }
return pOut; }
if(!pOut || !pQ) return NULL; #endif
// expects pure quaternions! (w == 0)
// q = (0, theta * v) ; exp(q) = (cos(theta), sin(theta) * v)
float theta, s;
theta = sqrtf(pQ->x * pQ->x + pQ->y * pQ->y + pQ->z * pQ->z); sincosf(theta, &s, &pOut->w);
if(WithinEpsilon(s, 0.0f)) { if(pOut != pQ) { pOut->x = pQ->x; pOut->y = pQ->y; pOut->z = pQ->z; } } else { s /= theta;
pOut->x = pQ->x * s; pOut->y = pQ->y * s; pOut->z = pQ->z * s; }
return pOut; }
D3DXQUATERNION* WINAPI VB_D3DXQuaternionSlerp ( D3DXQUATERNION *pOut, const D3DXQUATERNION *pQ1, const D3DXQUATERNION *pQ2, float b ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pQ1 || !pQ2) return NULL; #endif
// expects unit quaternions!
float a, c, flip, s, omega, sInv;
a = 1.0f - b; c = D3DXQuaternionDot(pQ1, pQ2); flip = (c >= 0.0f) ? 1.0f : -1.0f; c *= flip;
if(1.0f - c > EPSILON) { s = sqrtf(1.0f - c * c); omega = atan2f(s, c); sInv = 1.0f / s;
a = sinf(a * omega) * sInv; b = sinf(b * omega) * sInv; }
b *= flip;
pOut->x = a * pQ1->x + b * pQ2->x; pOut->y = a * pQ1->y + b * pQ2->y; pOut->z = a * pQ1->z + b * pQ2->z; pOut->w = a * pQ1->w + b * pQ2->w;
return pOut; }
if(!pOut || !pQ1 || !pQ2 || !pQ3 || !pQ4) return NULL; #endif
// expects unit quaternions!
D3DXQuaternionSlerp(&QA, pQ1, pQ4, t); D3DXQuaternionSlerp(&QB, pQ2, pQ3, t); D3DXQuaternionSlerp(pOut, &QA, &QB, 2.0f * t * (1.0f - t));
return pOut; }
D3DXQUATERNION* WINAPI VB_D3DXQuaternionBaryCentric ( D3DXQUATERNION *pOut, const D3DXQUATERNION *pQ1, const D3DXQUATERNION *pQ2, const D3DXQUATERNION *pQ3, float f, float g ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pQ1 || !pQ2 || !pQ3) return NULL; #endif
// expects unit quaternions!
D3DXQUATERNION QA, QB; float s = f + g;
if(WithinEpsilon(s, 0.0f)) { if(pOut != pQ1) *pOut = *pQ1; } else { D3DXQuaternionSlerp(&QA, pQ1, pQ2, s); D3DXQuaternionSlerp(&QB, pQ1, pQ3, s); D3DXQuaternionSlerp(pOut, &QA, &QB, g / s); }
return pOut; }
// Plane
D3DXPLANE* WINAPI VB_D3DXPlaneNormalize ( D3DXPLANE *pOut, const D3DXPLANE *pP ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pP) return NULL; #endif
float f = pP->a * pP->a + pP->b * pP->b + pP->c * pP->c;
if(WithinEpsilon(f, 1.0f)) { if(pOut != pP) *pOut = *pP; } else if(f > EPSILON * EPSILON) { float fInv = 1.0f / sqrtf(f);
pOut->a = pP->a * fInv; pOut->b = pP->b * fInv; pOut->c = pP->c * fInv; pOut->d = pP->d * fInv; } else { pOut->a = 0.0f; pOut->b = 0.0f; pOut->c = 0.0f; pOut->d = 0.0f; }
return pOut; }
D3DXVECTOR3* WINAPI VB_D3DXPlaneIntersectLine ( D3DXVECTOR3 *pOut, const D3DXPLANE *pP, const D3DXVECTOR3 *pV1, const D3DXVECTOR3 *pV2) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pP || !pV1 || !pV2) return NULL; #endif
float d = D3DXPlaneDotNormal(pP, pV1) - D3DXPlaneDotNormal(pP, pV2);
if(d == 0.0f) return NULL;
float f = D3DXPlaneDotCoord(pP, pV1) / d;
if(!_finite(f)) return NULL;
D3DXVec3Lerp(pOut, pV1, pV2, f); return pOut; }
D3DXPLANE* WINAPI VB_D3DXPlaneFromPointNormal ( D3DXPLANE *pOut, const D3DXVECTOR3 *pPoint, const D3DXVECTOR3 *pNormal) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pPoint || !pNormal) return NULL; #endif
pOut->a = pNormal->x; pOut->b = pNormal->y; pOut->c = pNormal->z; pOut->d = -D3DXVec3Dot(pPoint, pNormal); return pOut; }
D3DXPLANE* WINAPI VB_D3DXPlaneFromPoints ( D3DXPLANE *pOut, const D3DXVECTOR3 *pV1, const D3DXVECTOR3 *pV2, const D3DXVECTOR3 *pV3) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pV1 || !pV2 || !pV3) return NULL; #endif
D3DXVECTOR3 V12 = *pV1 - *pV2; D3DXVECTOR3 V13 = *pV1 - *pV3;
D3DXVec3Cross((D3DXVECTOR3 *) pOut, &V12, &V13); D3DXVec3Normalize((D3DXVECTOR3 *) pOut, (D3DXVECTOR3 *) pOut);
pOut->d = -D3DXPlaneDotNormal(pOut, pV1); return pOut; }
D3DXPLANE* WINAPI VB_D3DXPlaneTransform ( D3DXPLANE *pOut, const D3DXPLANE *pP, const D3DXMATRIX *pM ) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pP || !pM) return NULL; #endif
D3DXPLANE P; D3DXPlaneNormalize(&P, pP);
D3DXVECTOR3 V(-P.a * P.d, -P.b * P.d, -P.c * P.d); D3DXVec3TransformCoord(&V, &V, pM);
D3DXVec3TransformNormal((D3DXVECTOR3 *) pOut, (const D3DXVECTOR3 *) &P, pM); D3DXVec3Normalize((D3DXVECTOR3 *) pOut, (const D3DXVECTOR3 *) pOut);
pOut->d = -D3DXPlaneDotNormal(pOut, &V); return pOut; }
// Color
D3DXCOLOR* WINAPI VB_D3DXColorAdjustSaturation (D3DXCOLOR *pOut, const D3DXCOLOR *pC, float s) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pC) return NULL; #endif
// Approximate values for each component's contribution to luminance.
// (Based upon the NTSC standard described in the comp.graphics.algorithms
// colorspace FAQ)
float grey = pC->r * 0.2125f + pC->g * 0.7154f + pC->b * 0.0721f;
pOut->r = grey + s * (pC->r - grey); pOut->g = grey + s * (pC->g - grey); pOut->b = grey + s * (pC->b - grey); pOut->a = pC->a; return pOut; }
D3DXCOLOR* WINAPI VB_D3DXColorAdjustContrast (D3DXCOLOR *pOut, const D3DXCOLOR *pC, float c) { #if DBG
if(!pOut || !pC) return NULL; #endif
pOut->r = 0.5f + c * (pC->r - 0.5f); pOut->g = 0.5f + c * (pC->g - 0.5f); pOut->b = 0.5f + c * (pC->b - 0.5f); pOut->a = pC->a; return pOut; }
// ColorAUX
long WINAPI VB_D3DColorARGB(short a, short r, short g , short b) { return D3DCOLOR_ARGB(a,r,g,b); }
long WINAPI VB_D3DColorRGBA(short r, short g , short b, short a) { return D3DCOLOR_RGBA(r,g,b,a); }
long WINAPI VB_D3DColorXRGB(short r, short g , short b) { return D3DCOLOR_XRGB(r,g,b); }
long WINAPI VB_D3DColorMake(float r,float g, float b, float a) { return D3DCOLOR_COLORVALUE(r,g,b,a); }