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/*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (C) 1999 Microsoft Corporation */ /* File: Bookmark.h */ /* Description: Implementation of Bookmark API */ /* Author: Steve Rowe */ /* Modified: David Janecek */ /*************************************************************************/ #include "stdafx.h"
#include "msdvd.h"
#include "msdvdadm.h"
#include "Bookmark.h"
/*************************************************************************/ /* Global consts. */ /*************************************************************************/ static const WCHAR* cgszBookmarkName = L"StopBookMark"; static const TCHAR g_szBookmark[] = TEXT("DVD.bookmark");
/*************************************************************************/ /* Outgoing interaface implementation. */ /*************************************************************************/
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: SaveBookmark */ /*************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSWebDVD::SaveBookmark(){
try {
throw(E_UNEXPECTED); }/* end of if statement */
CComPtr<IDvdState> pBookmark;
hr = m_pDvdInfo2->GetState(&pBookmark);
throw(hr); }/* end of if statement */
hr = CBookmark::SaveToRegistry(pBookmark); }/* end of try statement */ catch(HRESULT hrTmp){ hr = hrTmp; }/* end of catch statement */ catch(...){ hr = E_UNEXPECTED; }/* end of catch statement */
return HandleError(hr); }/* end of function SaveBookmark */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: RestoreBookmark */ /* Description: Restores the state by loading the bookmark stream */ /*************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSWebDVD::RestoreBookmark(){
try { CComPtr<IDvdState> pBookmark;
HRESULT hrTemp = CBookmark::LoadFromRegistry(&pBookmark);
INITIALIZE_GRAPH_IF_NEEDS_TO_BE if(!m_pDvdCtl2){ throw(E_UNEXPECTED); }/* end of if statement */ hr = m_pDvdCtl2->SetState(pBookmark, DVD_CMD_FLAG_Block| DVD_CMD_FLAG_Flush, 0); }
}/* end of try statement */ catch(HRESULT hrTmp){ hr = hrTmp; }/* end of catch statement */ catch(...){ hr = E_UNEXPECTED; }/* end of catch statement */
return HandleError(hr); }/* end of function RestoreBookmark */
/*************************************************************************/ /* Function: DeleteBookmark */ /* Description: Blasts the bookmark file away. */ /*************************************************************************/ STDMETHODIMP CMSWebDVD::DeleteBookmark(){
try {
hr = CBookmark::DeleteFromRegistry();
}/* end of try statement */ catch(HRESULT hrTmp){ hr = hrTmp; }/* end of catch statement */ catch(...){ hr = E_UNEXPECTED; }/* end of catch statement */
return HandleError(hr); }/* end of function DeleteBookmark */
/*************************************************************************/ /* CBookMark helper class implementation. */ /*************************************************************************/
/*************************************************************/ /* Name: SaveToRegistry
/* Description: Save the bookmark to registry
/*************************************************************/ HRESULT CBookmark::SaveToRegistry(IDvdState *pbookmark) { IPersistMemory* pPersistMemory; HRESULT hr = pbookmark->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistMemory, (void **) &pPersistMemory );
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
ULONG ulMax; hr = pPersistMemory->GetSizeMax( &ulMax ); if( SUCCEEDED( hr )) {
BYTE *buffer = new BYTE[ulMax]; hr = pPersistMemory->Save( buffer, TRUE, ulMax ); DWORD dwLen = ulMax; if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { BOOL bSuccess = SetRegistryBytesCU(g_szBookmark, buffer, dwLen); if (!bSuccess) hr = E_FAIL; }
delete[] buffer; } pPersistMemory->Release(); } return hr; }
/*************************************************************/ /* Name: LoadFromRegistry
/* Description: load the bookmark from registry
/*************************************************************/ HRESULT CBookmark::LoadFromRegistry(IDvdState **ppBookmark) { HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_DVDState, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IDvdState, (LPVOID*) ppBookmark );
if( SUCCEEDED( hr )) {
IPersistMemory* pPersistMemory; hr = (*ppBookmark)->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistMemory, (void **) &pPersistMemory );
if( SUCCEEDED( hr )) {
ULONG ulMax; hr = pPersistMemory->GetSizeMax( &ulMax ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { BYTE *buffer = new BYTE[ulMax]; DWORD dwLen = ulMax; BOOL bFound = GetRegistryBytesCU(g_szBookmark, buffer, &dwLen); if (bFound && dwLen != 0){ hr = pPersistMemory->Load( buffer, dwLen); } else{ dwLen = ulMax; bFound = GetRegistryBytes(g_szBookmark, buffer, &dwLen); if (bFound && dwLen != 0){ hr = pPersistMemory->Load( buffer, dwLen); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)){ SetRegistryBytes(g_szBookmark, NULL, 0); } } else{ hr = E_FAIL; } } delete[] buffer;
} pPersistMemory->Release(); } } return hr; }
/*************************************************************/ /* Name: DeleteFromRegistry
/* Description: load the bookmark from registry
/*************************************************************/ HRESULT CBookmark::DeleteFromRegistry() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL bSuccess = SetRegistryBytesCU(g_szBookmark, NULL, 0); if (!bSuccess) hr = E_FAIL; return hr; }
/*************************************************************************/ /* End of file: Bookmark.cpp */ /*************************************************************************/