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// ObjectWithSiteImplSec.h : Secure implementation of IObjectWithSite
// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 2002.
#pragma once
#include <guiddef.h>
#include <ocidl.h>
#include <urlmon.h>
#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(W32_OBJECT_STREAMING)
#include <atlconv.h>
using namespace ::ATL; #include <strsafe.h>
inline HRESULT IsSafeZone(DWORD dwZone) { switch (dwZone) { case URLZONE_LOCAL_MACHINE: case URLZONE_INTRANET: case URLZONE_TRUSTED: // the fixed list of zones we trust
return NOERROR; default: // everything else is untrusted
return E_FAIL; } } inline HRESULT IsSafeSite(IUnknown* pSite) { CComQIPtr<IServiceProvider> psp(pSite); if (!psp) { // no service provider interface on the site implies that we're not running in IE
// so by defn running local and trusted thus we return OK
return NOERROR; } CComQIPtr<IInternetHostSecurityManager> pManager; HRESULT hr = psp->QueryService(SID_SInternetHostSecurityManager, IID_IInternetHostSecurityManager, (LPVOID *)&pManager); if (FAILED(hr)) { // no security manager interface on the site's service provider implies that we're not
// running in IE, so by defn running local and trusted thus we return OK
return NOERROR; } const int MAXZONE = MAX_SIZE_SECURITY_ID+6/*scheme*/+4/*zone(dword)*/+1/*wildcard*/+1/*trailing null*/; char pbSecurityId[MAXZONE]; DWORD pcbSecurityId = sizeof(pbSecurityId); ZeroMemory(pbSecurityId, sizeof(pbSecurityId)); hr = pManager->GetSecurityId(reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(pbSecurityId), &pcbSecurityId, NULL); if(FAILED(hr)){ // security manager not working(unexpected). but, the site tried to provide one. thus we
// must assume untrusted content and fail
return E_FAIL; } char *pbEnd = pbSecurityId + pcbSecurityId - 1; if (*pbEnd == '*') { //ignore the optional wildcard flag
pbEnd--; } pbEnd -= 3; // point to beginning of little endian zone dword
DWORD dwZone = *(reinterpret_cast<long *>(pbEnd)); return IsSafeZone(dwZone); }
template<class T> class ATL_NO_VTABLE IObjectWithSiteImplSec : public IObjectWithSite {
CComPtr<IUnknown> m_pSite;
// IObjectWithSite
STDMETHOD(GetSite)(REFIID iid, void** ppvSite) { if (!ppvSite) { return E_POINTER; } T* pT = static_cast<T*>(this);
if (!pT->m_pSite) { return E_NOINTERFACE; } return pT->m_pSite->QueryInterface(iid, ppvSite); } STDMETHOD(SetSite)(IUnknown* pSite) { HRESULT hr = IsSafeSite(pSite); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { T* pT = static_cast<T*>(this); pT->m_pSite = pSite; } return hr; }
// end of file objectwithsiteimplsec.h