// ISSUE-2000/10/25-FrankYe Default to unique pointers // Probably should default pointer to unique, then won't // need so much redefinition of data structures to have // unique embedded pointers [ uuid(3faf4738-3a21-4307-b46c-fdda9bb8c0d5), version(1.0), endpoint("ncalrpc:[AudioSrv]")] interface AudioSrv { import "wtypes.idl"; typedef __int3264 RHANDLE;
typedef [string, unique] wchar_t * UNIQUE_PWSTR;
typedef struct { unsigned long Data1; unsigned short Data2; unsigned short Data3; byte Data4[ 8 ]; } RPC_GUID;
typedef struct _DILIST { int Count; [size_is(Count)] UNIQUE_PWSTR DeviceInterface[]; } DILIST;
typedef [unique] DILIST *UNIQUE_PDILIST; typedef struct _GFX { unsigned int Id; UNIQUE_PWSTR GfxFactoryDi; RPC_CLSID Clsid; unsigned int Type; unsigned int Order; } GFX, *PGFX;
typedef struct _PGFXLIST { int Count; [size_is(Count)] GFX Gfx[]; } GFXLIST;
typedef [unique] GFXLIST *UNIQUE_PGFXLIST;
long s_gfxCreateZoneFactoriesList([out] UNIQUE_PDILIST *ppDiList);
long s_gfxCreateGfxFactoriesList([in, string] wchar_t *pZoneDi, [out] UNIQUE_PDILIST *ppDiList);
long s_gfxCreateGfxList([in, string] wchar_t *pZoneDi, [out] UNIQUE_PGFXLIST *ppGfxList);
long s_gfxRemoveGfx([in] unsigned long Id);
long s_gfxAddGfx([in, string] wchar_t *ZoneFactoryDi, [in, string] wchar_t *GfxFactoryDi, [in] unsigned long Type, [in] unsigned long Order, [out] unsigned long *pNewId);
long s_gfxModifyGfx([in] unsigned long Id, [in] unsigned long Order);
// TODO learn how to pass HANDLE as OUT param long s_gfxOpenGfx([in] unsigned long dwProcessId, [in] unsigned long dwGfxId, [out] RHANDLE *pFileHandle); void s_gfxLogon([in] handle_t hBinding, [in] unsigned long dwProcessId);
void s_gfxLogoff(void);
long s_winmmRegisterSessionNotificationEvent([in] unsigned long dwProcessId, [in] RHANDLE hEvent, [out] PHANDLE_SESSIONNOTIFICATION phSessionNotification); long s_winmmUnregisterSessionNotification([in, out] PHANDLE_SESSIONNOTIFICATION phSessionNotification); long s_winmmSessionConnectState([in] unsigned long dwProcessId, [out] int *ConnectState); long s_wdmDriverOpenDrvRegKey([in] DWORD dwProcessId, [in] LPCTSTR DeviceInterface, [in] ULONG samDesired, [out] RHANDLE *phkey);
void s_winmmAdvisePreferredDeviceChange(void);
long s_winmmGetPnpInfo([out] long *pcbPnpInfo, [out, size_is(,*pcbPnpInfo)] BYTE **PnpInfo); }