* * ACMSTRM.C * * routine for compressing audio with the ACM * * Copyright (c) 1992 - 1995 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. * * You have a royalty-free right to use, modify, reproduce and * distribute the Sample Files (and/or any modified version) in * any way you find useful, provided that you agree that * Microsoft has no warranty obligations or liability for any * Sample Application Files which are modified. * ***************************************************************************/
// What this file does:
// Given an audio Stream (that is, essentially, a function that it can call
// to get audio samples), this presents the same sort of interface and allows
// other people to call it to get compressed audio.
#include <win32.h>
#include <vfw.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <mmreg.h>
#include <msacm.h>
#include "avifilei.h" // uUseCount
#include "acmcmprs.h"
#include "avifile.rc" // for resource ids
#include "debug.h"
#define WAVEFORMATSIZE(pwf) \
((((LPWAVEFORMAT)(pwf))->wFormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_PCM) ? \ sizeof(PCMWAVEFORMAT) : \ sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX) + ((LPWAVEFORMATEX)(pwf))->cbSize)
HRESULT CACMCmpStream::MakeInst( IUnknown FAR* pUnknownOuter, const IID FAR& riid, void FAR* FAR* ppv) { IUnknown FAR* pUnknown; CACMCmpStream FAR* pAVIStream; HRESULT hresult;
pAVIStream = new FAR CACMCmpStream(pUnknownOuter, &pUnknown); if (!pAVIStream) return ResultFromScode(E_OUTOFMEMORY); hresult = pUnknown->QueryInterface(riid, ppv); if (FAILED(GetScode(hresult))) delete pAVIStream; return hresult; }
/* - - - - - - - - */
CACMCmpStream::CACMCmpStream( IUnknown FAR* pUnknownOuter, IUnknown FAR* FAR* ppUnknown) { m_pavi = 0; m_hs = 0; m_lpFormat = 0; m_lpFormatC = 0; m_lpIn = 0; m_lpOut = 0;
if (pUnknownOuter) m_pUnknownOuter = pUnknownOuter; else m_pUnknownOuter = this; *ppUnknown = this; m_refs = 0; }
/* - - - - - - - - */
STDMETHODIMP CACMCmpStream::QueryInterface( const IID FAR& iid, void FAR* FAR* ppv) { if (iid == IID_IUnknown) *ppv = (IUnknown FAR *) this; else if (iid == IID_IAVIStream) *ppv = (IAVIStream FAR *) this; else { *ppv = NULL; return ResultFromScode(E_NOINTERFACE); } AddRef(); return NULL; }
/* - - - - - - - - */
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CACMCmpStream::AddRef() { uUseCount++; return ++m_refs; }
/* - - - - - - - - */
LONG CACMCmpStream::SetUpCompression() { LONG lRet = AVIERR_OK; MMRESULT err;
// Get the initial format
AVIStreamFormatSize(m_pavi, AVIStreamStart(m_pavi), &m_cbFormat); m_lpFormat = (LPWAVEFORMATEX) GlobalAllocPtr(GHND | GMEM_SHARE, m_cbFormat); if (!m_lpFormat) { lRet = AVIERR_MEMORY; goto exit; } AVIStreamReadFormat(m_pavi, AVIStreamStart(m_pavi), m_lpFormat, &m_cbFormat);
if (m_lpFormatC != NULL) { // we already have the format, let's hope it works...
// We could check if the format matches the original format....
if (m_cbFormat == m_cbFormatC && (_fmemcmp(m_lpFormat, m_lpFormatC, (int) m_cbFormat) == 0)) goto sameformat; } else if (m_lpFormat->wFormatTag != WAVE_FORMAT_PCM) { acmMetrics(NULL, ACM_METRIC_MAX_SIZE_FORMAT, (LPVOID)&m_cbFormatC); m_lpFormatC = (LPWAVEFORMATEX) GlobalAllocPtr(GHND | GMEM_SHARE, m_cbFormatC); if (!m_lpFormatC) { lRet = AVIERR_MEMORY; goto exit; }
m_lpFormatC->wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; if (acmFormatSuggest(NULL, m_lpFormat, m_lpFormatC, m_cbFormatC, 0L) != 0) goto sameformat; } else { sameformat: DPF("Leaving the format unchanged....\n"); m_lpFormatC = m_lpFormat; m_cbFormatC = m_cbFormat; m_lpFormat = NULL; m_cbFormat = 0;
m_hs = (HACMSTREAM) -1; goto exit; }
afdU.cbStruct = sizeof(afdU); afdU.pwfx = m_lpFormat; afdU.cbwfx = m_cbFormat; afdU.fdwSupport = 0; afdU.dwFormatTag = m_lpFormat->wFormatTag;
aftdU.cbStruct = sizeof(aftdU); aftdU.dwFormatTag = m_lpFormat->wFormatTag; aftdU.fdwSupport = 0;
afdC.cbStruct = sizeof(afdC); afdC.pwfx = m_lpFormatC; afdC.cbwfx = m_cbFormatC; afdC.dwFormatTag = m_lpFormatC->wFormatTag; afdC.fdwSupport = 0;
aftdC.cbStruct = sizeof(aftdC); aftdC.dwFormatTag = m_lpFormatC->wFormatTag; aftdC.fdwSupport = 0;
DPF("Converting %s %s to %s %s\n", (LPSTR) &aftdU.szFormatTag, (LPSTR) &afdU.szFormat, (LPSTR) &aftdC.szFormatTag, (LPSTR) &afdC.szFormat);
// Open the compressor they asked for...
lRet = acmStreamOpen(&m_hs, // returned stream handle
NULL, // use any converter you want
m_lpFormat, // starting format
m_lpFormatC, // ending format
0L, // no filter
0L, // no callback
0L, // instance data for callback
ACM_STREAMOPENF_NONREALTIME);//emph. quality not speed
// !!! translate error code
if (!m_hs) { DPF("Unable to convert!\n"); #if 0
TCHAR * pachMessage; TCHAR achTemp[128]; static int iEntered = 0; LPTSTR aStrings[4]; // !!! This isn't defined in dev\inc\windows.h. I don't understand why.
aStrings[0] = (LPTSTR) &aftdU.szFormatTag; aStrings[1] = (LPTSTR) &afdU.szFormat; aStrings[2] = (LPTSTR) &aftdC.szFormatTag; aStrings[3] = (LPTSTR) &afdC.szFormat; FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, (LPVOID) ghInst, IDS_CNVTERR, 0, // !!! GetSystemDefaultLanguage?
(LPTSTR) &pachMessage, 999, (LPDWORD) &aStrings); // !!! needs to be va_list for NT?
LoadString(ghInst, IDS_ACMERR, (LPTSTR)achTemp, sizeof(achTemp)/sizeof(TCHAR)); if (iEntered++ == 0) MessageBox(NULL, pachMessage, achTemp, MB_OK); iEntered--;
LocalFree((HLOCAL) pachMessage); #endif
lRet = AVIERR_ERROR; goto exit; }
// Fix avistream header
m_avistream.dwSampleSize = m_lpFormatC->nBlockAlign; m_avistream.dwScale = m_lpFormatC->nBlockAlign; m_avistream.dwRate = m_lpFormatC->nAvgBytesPerSec;
acmStreamSize(m_hs, AVIStreamLength(m_pavi) * m_lpFormat->nBlockAlign, (LPDWORD) &m_avistream.dwLength, ACM_STREAMSIZEF_SOURCE);
// !!! acmStreamSize rounds up here, do we need to compensate?
// !!! should we round off/up here?
m_avistream.dwLength /= m_lpFormatC->nBlockAlign;
m_avistream.dwQuality = 0; // !!!
m_cbIn = 4096; // !!!
m_cbIn -= m_cbIn % m_lpFormat->nBlockAlign; // round down to block aligned
acmStreamSize(m_hs, m_cbIn, (LPDWORD) &m_cbOut, ACM_STREAMSIZEF_SOURCE);
DPF("ACM conversion: input %ld bytes, output %ld bytes\n", m_cbIn, m_cbOut);
m_lpIn = (BYTE _huge *) GlobalAllocPtr(GHND, m_cbIn); m_lpOut = (BYTE _huge *) GlobalAllocPtr(GHND, m_cbOut);
if (!m_lpIn || !m_lpOut) { lRet = AVIERR_MEMORY; goto exit; }
m_acm.cbStruct = sizeof(m_acm); m_acm.fdwStatus = 0; m_acm.dwUser = 0; m_acm.pbSrc = m_lpIn; m_acm.cbSrcLength = m_cbIn; m_acm.cbSrcLengthUsed = 0; m_acm.pbDst = m_lpOut; m_acm.cbDstLength = m_cbOut; m_acm.cbDstLengthUsed = 0;
// !!! add in start, end flags for ACM....
err = acmStreamPrepareHeader(m_hs, &m_acm, 0);
if (err != 0) { DPF("acmStreamPrepareHeader returns %u\n", err);
m_dwPosIn = m_dwPosOut = 0;
m_dwSamplesLeft = 0;
exit: if (lRet != AVIERR_OK) { // Don't release here!
return lRet; }
/* - - - - - - - - */
// ACM stream:
// lParam1 should be a PAVISTREAM (an audio one!)
// lParam2 should be an LPWAVEFORMAT for the format you want converted
// to.
DPF("Creating ACM compression stream....\n"); // Get the stream header for future reference....
pavi->Info(&m_avistream, sizeof(m_avistream)); m_avistream.fccHandler = 0; if (m_avistream.fccType != streamtypeAUDIO) { DPF("Stream isn't audio!\n"); lRet = AVIERR_INTERNAL; goto exit; }
if (acmGetVersion() < 0x02000000L) { DPF("Bad ACM version!\n"); lRet = AVIERR_INTERNAL; goto exit; }
if (lpOpts && lpOpts->lpFormat) { lpwfNew = (LPWAVEFORMAT) lpOpts->lpFormat;
if (lpOpts->cbFormat < WAVEFORMATSIZE(lpwfNew)) { DPF("Bad format size!\n"); lRet = AVIERR_INTERNAL; goto exit; } m_cbFormatC = WAVEFORMATSIZE(lpwfNew); m_lpFormatC = (LPWAVEFORMATEX) GlobalAllocPtr(GMEM_MOVEABLE, m_cbFormatC); if (m_lpFormatC == NULL) { DPF("Out of memory for format!\n"); lRet = AVIERR_MEMORY; goto exit; }
hmemcpy(m_lpFormatC, lpOpts->lpFormat, m_cbFormatC); } else { m_cbFormatC = 0; m_lpFormatC = NULL; }
// Make sure the uncompressed stream doesn't go away without our
// knowledge....
// Don't put this in the structure until we've done the AddRef....
m_pavi = pavi;
exit: return ResultFromScode(lRet); }
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CACMCmpStream::Release() { uUseCount--;
if (--m_refs) return m_refs;
if (m_lpFormat) { GlobalFreePtr(m_lpFormat);
if (m_hs) { m_acm.cbSrcLength = m_cbIn; acmStreamUnprepareHeader(m_hs, &m_acm, 0); acmStreamClose(m_hs, 0); } }
if (m_lpIn) { GlobalFreePtr(m_lpIn); }
if (m_lpOut) { GlobalFreePtr(m_lpOut); }
if (m_pavi) { // Release our hold on the uncompressed stream....
AVIStreamClose(m_pavi); }
if (m_lpFormatC) GlobalFreePtr(m_lpFormatC);
delete this;
return 0; }
STDMETHODIMP CACMCmpStream::Info(AVISTREAMINFOW FAR * psi, LONG lSize) { if (m_hs == 0) { LONG lRet; // !!! If they ask for info before writing or setting the
// format, this will become a "read" stream!
lRet = SetUpCompression();
if (lRet != 0) return ResultFromScode(lRet); }
hmemcpy(psi, &m_avistream, min(lSize, sizeof(m_avistream)));
// return sizeof(m_avistream);
return 0; }
STDMETHODIMP CACMCmpStream::ReadFormat(LONG lPos, LPVOID lpFormat, LONG FAR *lpcbFormat) { LONG lRet;
if (m_hs == 0) { lRet = SetUpCompression();
if (lRet != 0) return ResultFromScode(lRet); }
if (lpFormat) hmemcpy(lpFormat, m_lpFormatC, min(*lpcbFormat, (LONG) m_cbFormatC));
*lpcbFormat = (LONG) m_cbFormatC; return 0; }
STDMETHODIMP CACMCmpStream::Read( LONG lStart, LONG lSamples, LPVOID lpBuffer, LONG cbBuffer, LONG FAR * plBytes, LONG FAR * plSamples) { LONG lRet;
if (plBytes) *plBytes = 0; if (plSamples) *plSamples = 0;
if (m_hs == 0) { lRet = SetUpCompression();
if (lRet != 0) return ResultFromScode(lRet); }
if (m_lpFormat == NULL) { // Just return original format....
return AVIStreamRead(m_pavi, lStart, lSamples, lpBuffer, cbBuffer, plBytes, plSamples); }
if (lStart < 0 || lStart > (LONG) (m_avistream.dwStart + m_avistream.dwLength)) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_BADPARAM);
if (lSamples == AVISTREAMREAD_CONVENIENT) { // If they didn't specify a number of samples, fill their buffer....
lSamples = (cbBuffer ? cbBuffer : 32768L) / m_lpFormatC->nBlockAlign; }
// Don't let anybody try to read past the end....
if (lSamples + lStart > (LONG) (m_avistream.dwStart + m_avistream.dwLength)) lSamples = (LONG) (m_avistream.dwStart + m_avistream.dwLength) - lStart;
if (lSamples <= 0) return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_BADPARAM);
if (lpBuffer) { LONG lBytes;
if (cbBuffer < lSamples * m_lpFormatC->nBlockAlign) { DPF("Returning buffer too small\n"); if (plBytes) *plBytes = lSamples * m_lpFormatC->nBlockAlign; return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_BUFFERTOOSMALL); }
if (lStart < m_dwPosOut) { // !!! return to beginning!
m_dwPosOut = 0; m_dwPosIn = AVIStreamStart(m_pavi); m_dwSamplesLeft = 0; } while (lSamples > 0) { DPF("Want %ld samples at %ld (PosOut=%ld, SamplesLeft=%ld)\n", lSamples, lStart, m_dwPosOut, m_dwSamplesLeft); if (lStart >= m_dwPosOut + m_dwSamplesLeft) { // Throw away current converted buffer....
m_dwPosOut += m_dwSamplesLeft; hr = AVIStreamRead(m_pavi, m_dwPosIn, m_cbIn / m_lpFormat->nBlockAlign, m_lpIn, m_cbIn, &lBytes, &lRet);
if (lBytes != m_cbIn) { DPF("AVIStreamRead: Asked for %lx bytes at %lx, got %lx!\n", m_cbIn, m_dwPosIn, lBytes);
if (lBytes < m_cbIn) { // Fill buffer with silence, and hope....
BYTE _huge *hp; LONG cb; BYTE b;
cb = (m_cbIn - lBytes); hp = (BYTE _huge *) m_lpIn + lBytes;
if ((m_lpFormat->wFormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_PCM) && (m_lpFormat->wBitsPerSample == 8)) b = 0x80; else b = 0;
while (cb-- > 0) *hp++ = b;
// If we couldn't read anything, pretend we
// really read enough.
if (lBytes == 0 && m_dwPosIn >= AVIStreamLength(m_pavi)) { lBytes = m_cbIn; hr = NOERROR; } }
// !!!
// lSampLen = lRet; // !!!
// lByteLen = lSampLen * m_lpFormat->nBlockAlign;
if (FAILED(GetScode(hr))) { DPF("AVIStreamReadFailed! (start=%lx, len=%lx, err=%08lx)\n", m_dwPosIn, m_cbIn / m_lpFormat->nBlockAlign, hr); return hr; }
m_acm.cbSrcLength = lBytes;
err = acmStreamConvert(m_hs, &m_acm, ACM_STREAMCONVERTF_BLOCKALIGN);
if (err != 0) { DPF("acmStreamConvert returns %u\n", err);
return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_COMPRESSOR); }
DPF("Converted %lu of %lu bytes to %lu bytes (buffer size = %lu)\n", m_acm.cbSrcLengthUsed, m_acm.cbSrcLength, m_acm.cbDstLengthUsed, m_acm.cbDstLength);
if (m_acm.cbSrcLengthUsed == 0) { err = acmStreamConvert(m_hs, &m_acm, 0);
if (err != 0) { DPF("acmStreamConvert returns %u\n", err);
return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_COMPRESSOR); }
DPF("Converted (non-blockalign) %lu of %lu bytes to %lu bytes (buffer size = %lu)\n", m_acm.cbSrcLengthUsed, m_acm.cbSrcLength, m_acm.cbDstLengthUsed, m_acm.cbDstLength); } // Lie: say that the ACM returned a full block....
// !!! acm.cbDstLengthUsed += m_lpFormatC->nBlockAlign - 1;
// acm.cbDstLengthUsed -= acm.cbDstLengthUsed % m_lpFormatC->nBlockAlign;
m_dwPosIn += m_acm.cbSrcLengthUsed / m_lpFormat->nBlockAlign; m_dwSamplesLeft = (m_acm.cbDstLengthUsed + m_lpFormatC->nBlockAlign - 1) / m_lpFormatC->nBlockAlign;
if (m_dwSamplesLeft == 0) { // Instead, say that we got one block back, 0 bytes long.
DPF("ACM returned no data at all! Ack!\n"); m_dwSamplesLeft = 1; } m_dwBytesMissing = m_dwSamplesLeft * m_lpFormatC->nBlockAlign - m_acm.cbDstLengthUsed; }
if (lStart >= m_dwPosOut) { LONG lSamplesRead; LONG lBytesRead; lSamplesRead = min(m_dwSamplesLeft - (lStart - m_dwPosOut), lSamples);
lBytesRead = lSamplesRead * m_lpFormatC->nBlockAlign;
if (m_dwBytesMissing && (lStart - m_dwPosOut + lSamplesRead == m_dwSamplesLeft)) { DPF("Not copying %ld missing bytes....\n", m_dwBytesMissing); lBytesRead -= m_dwBytesMissing; } DPF("Copying %ld samples... (%ld bytes)\n", lSamplesRead, lBytesRead); hmemcpy(lpBuffer, (BYTE _huge *) m_lpOut + (lStart - m_dwPosOut) * m_lpFormatC->nBlockAlign, lBytesRead);
if (plBytes) *plBytes += lBytesRead;
if (plSamples) *plSamples += lSamplesRead;
lSamples -= lSamplesRead; lpBuffer = (BYTE _huge *) lpBuffer + lSamplesRead * m_lpFormatC->nBlockAlign; lStart += lSamplesRead; } } } else { // We always assume we could read whatever they asked for....
if (plBytes) *plBytes = lSamples * m_lpFormatC->nBlockAlign;
if (plSamples) *plSamples = lSamples; } return 0; }
STDMETHODIMP_(LONG) CACMCmpStream::FindSample(LONG lPos, LONG lFlags) { if (lFlags & FIND_FORMAT) { if (lFlags & FIND_PREV) return 0; else { if (lPos > 0) return -1; else return 0; } }
return lPos; }
STDMETHODIMP CACMCmpStream::SetFormat(LONG lPos,LPVOID lpFormat,LONG cbFormat) { // !!! It should really be possible to use SetFormat & Write on this
// stream.....
return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); }
STDMETHODIMP CACMCmpStream::Write(LONG lStart, LONG lSamples, LPVOID lpBuffer, LONG cbBuffer, DWORD dwFlags, LONG FAR *plSampWritten, LONG FAR *plBytesWritten) { // !!!
// Maybe this is the place to decompress data and write it to the original
// stream?
return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); }
STDMETHODIMP CACMCmpStream::Delete(LONG lStart,LONG lSamples) { return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); }
STDMETHODIMP CACMCmpStream::ReadData(DWORD fcc, LPVOID lp, LONG FAR *lpcb) { return AVIStreamReadData(m_pavi, fcc, lp, lpcb); }
STDMETHODIMP CACMCmpStream::WriteData(DWORD fcc, LPVOID lp, LONG cb) { return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); }
#if 0
STDMETHODIMP CACMCmpStream::Clone(PAVISTREAM FAR * ppaviNew) { return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); } #endif
#ifdef _WIN32
STDMETHODIMP CACMCmpStream::Reserved1(void) { return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); }
STDMETHODIMP CACMCmpStream::Reserved2(void) { return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); }
STDMETHODIMP CACMCmpStream::Reserved3(void) { return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); }
STDMETHODIMP CACMCmpStream::Reserved4(void) { return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); }
STDMETHODIMP CACMCmpStream::Reserved5(void) { return ResultFromScode(AVIERR_UNSUPPORTED); }