| compress.c - Microsoft Video 1 Compressor - compress code | | | | | | Copyright (c) 1990-1994 Microsoft Corporation. | | Portions Copyright Media Vision Inc. | | All Rights Reserved. | | | | You have a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, and perpetual | | license to use this source code in developing hardware, software | | (limited to drivers and other software required for hardware | | functionality), and firmware for video display and/or processing | | boards. Microsoft makes no warranties, express or implied, with | | respect to the Video 1 codec, including without limitation warranties | | of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Microsoft | | shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever, including without | | limitation consequential damages arising from your use of the Video 1 | | codec. | | | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <mmsystem.h> // for timeGetTime()
#include <win32.h>
#include "msvidc.h"
#include <memory.h> // for _fmemcmp
//#include <limits.h>
//#include <aviffmt.h>
DWORD numberOfBlocks; DWORD numberOfSolids; DWORD numberOfSolid4; DWORD numberOfSolid2; DWORD numberOfEdges; DWORD numberOfSkips; DWORD numberOfExtraSkips; DWORD numberOfSkipCodes; DWORD numberOfEvilRed;
#define SWAP(x,y) ( (x)^=(y), (y)^=(x), (x)^=(y) )
#define SWAPRGB(x,y)( SWAP((x).rgbRed, (y).rgbRed), \
SWAP((x).rgbGreen, (y).rgbGreen),\ SWAP((x).rgbBlue, (y).rgbBlue) )
// Take an RGB quad value and figure out it's lumanence
// Y = 0.3*R + 0.59*G + 0.11*B
#define RgbToY(rgb) ((((WORD)((rgb).rgbRed) * 30) + \
((WORD)((rgb).rgbGreen)* 59) + \ ((WORD)((rgb).rgbBlue) * 11))/100)
#define RGB16(r,g,b) ((((WORD)(r) >> 3) << 10) | \
(((WORD)(g) >> 3) << 5) | \ (((WORD)(b) >> 3) << 0) )
#define RGBQ16(rgb) RGB16((rgb).rgbRed,(rgb).rgbGreen,(rgb).rgbBlue)
// this array is used to associate each of the 16 luminance values
// with one of the sum values
BYTE meanIndex[16] = { 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 3, 3 };
// map Quality into our threshold
// Quality goes from ICQUALITY_LOW-ICQUALITY_HIGH (bad to good)
DWORD FAR QualityToThreshold(DWORD dwQuality) { #define THRESHOLD_HIGH ((256*256l)/2)
double dw1;
dw1 = (double)(dwQuality) / ICQUALITY_HIGH;
// unbelievably enough, pow() doesn't work on alpha or mips!
// also I can't believe this will be less efficient than pow(x, 4)
dw1 = (dw1 * dw1 * dw1 * dw1);
return (DWORD) (dw1 * THRESHOLD_HIGH);
//return (DWORD)(pow((double)(dwQuality)/ICQUALITY_HIGH,THRESHOLD_POW) * THRESHOLD_HIGH);
// table to map a 5bit index (0-31) to a 8 bit value (0-255)
static BYTE aw5to8[32] = {(BYTE)-1};
// inverse table to map a RGB16 to a 8bit pixel
#define MAPRGB16(rgb16) lpITable[(rgb16)]
#define MAPRGB(rgb) lpITable[RGBQ16(rgb)]
DWORD FAR CompressFrameBegin(LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbiIn, LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbiOut, LPBYTE *lplpITable, RGBQUAD *prgbqOut) { int i;
// init the 5bit to 8bit conversion table.
if (aw5to8[0] != 0) for (i=0; i<32; i++) aw5to8[i] = (BYTE)(i * 255 / 31);
// copy the color table to local storage
if (lpbiIn->biBitCount == 8) { if (lpbiIn->biClrUsed == 0) lpbiIn->biClrUsed = 256; }
// if we are compressing to 8bit, then build a inverse table
if (lpbiOut->biBitCount == 8) { if (lpbiOut->biClrUsed == 0) lpbiOut->biClrUsed = 256;
if (_fmemcmp((LPVOID)prgbqOut, (LPVOID)(lpbiOut+1), (int)lpbiOut->biClrUsed * sizeof(RGBQUAD))) { for (i=0; i<(int)lpbiOut->biClrUsed; i++) prgbqOut[i] = ((LPRGBQUAD)(lpbiOut+1))[i];
if (*lplpITable) GlobalFreePtr(*lplpITable);
*lplpITable = NULL; }
if (*lplpITable == NULL) { // !!! Need a critical section around this code!
DPF(("Building ITable.... (%d colors)", (int)lpbiOut->biClrUsed)); *lplpITable = MakeITable(prgbqOut, (int)lpbiOut->biClrUsed); // !!! Critical section can end here....
if (*lplpITable == NULL) return (DWORD)ICERR_MEMORY; }
return ICERR_OK; }
DWORD FAR CompressFrameEnd(LPBYTE *lplpITable) { if (*lplpITable) GlobalFreePtr(*lplpITable);
*lplpITable = NULL;
return ICERR_OK; }
void FAR CompressFrameFree(void) { }
GetCell - get a 4x4 cell from a image.
returns pointer to next cell.
static LPVOID _FASTCALL GetCell(LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi, LPVOID lpBits, PCELL pCell) { UINT WidthBytes; int bits; int i; int x; int y; BYTE b; HPBYTE pb; RGBQUAD FAR *prgbqIn;
RGB555 rgb555;
pb = lpBits;
bits = (int)lpbi->biBitCount; WidthBytes = DIBWIDTHBYTES(*lpbi); WidthBytes-= (WIDTH_CBLOCK * bits/8);
((HPBYTE)lpBits) += (WIDTH_CBLOCK * bits/8); // "next" cell
i = 0;
switch (bits) { case 8: prgbqIn = (RGBQUAD FAR *) (lpbi + 1); for( y = 0; y < HEIGHT_CBLOCK; y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < WIDTH_CBLOCK; x++ ) { b = *pb++; pCell[i++] = prgbqIn[b]; } pb += WidthBytes; // next row in this block
} break;
case 16: for( y = 0; y < HEIGHT_CBLOCK; y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < WIDTH_CBLOCK; x++ ) { rgb555 = *((HPRGB555)pb)++; pCell[i].rgbRed = aw5to8[(rgb555 >> 10) & 0x1F]; pCell[i].rgbGreen = aw5to8[(rgb555 >> 5) & 0x1F]; pCell[i].rgbBlue = aw5to8[(rgb555 >> 0) & 0x1F]; i++; } pb += WidthBytes; // next row in this block
} break;
case 24: for( y = 0; y < HEIGHT_CBLOCK; y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < WIDTH_CBLOCK; x++ ) { pCell[i].rgbBlue = *pb++; pCell[i].rgbGreen = *pb++; pCell[i].rgbRed = *pb++; i++; } pb += WidthBytes; // next row in this block
} break;
case 32: for( y = 0; y < HEIGHT_CBLOCK; y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < WIDTH_CBLOCK; x++ ) { pCell[i].rgbBlue = *pb++; pCell[i].rgbGreen = *pb++; pCell[i].rgbRed = *pb++; pb++; i++; } pb += WidthBytes; // next row in this block
} break; }
// return the pointer to the "next" cell
return lpBits; }
CmpCell - compares two 4x4 cells and returns an error value.
the error value is a sum of squares error.
the error value ranges from
0 = exact 3*256^2 = way off
static DWORD _FASTCALL CmpCell(PCELL cellA, PCELL cellB) { #if 0
int i; long l; int dr,dg,db;
for (l=0,i=0; i < HEIGHT_CBLOCK*WIDTH_CBLOCK; i++) { dr = (int)cellA[i].rgbRed - (int)cellB[i].rgbRed; dg = (int)cellA[i].rgbGreen - (int)cellB[i].rgbGreen; db = (int)cellA[i].rgbBlue - (int)cellB[i].rgbBlue;
l += ((long)dr * dr) + ((long)dg * dg) + ((long)db * db); }
return l / (HEIGHT_CBLOCK*WIDTH_CBLOCK); #else
int i; DWORD dw;
#define SUMSQ(a,b) \
if (a > b) \ dw += (UINT)(a-b) * (UINT)(a-b); \ else \ dw += (UINT)(b-a) * (UINT)(b-a);
for (dw=0,i=0; i < HEIGHT_CBLOCK*WIDTH_CBLOCK; i++) { SUMSQ(cellA[i].rgbRed, cellB[i].rgbRed); SUMSQ(cellA[i].rgbGreen, cellB[i].rgbGreen); SUMSQ(cellA[i].rgbBlue, cellB[i].rgbBlue); }
return dw / (HEIGHT_CBLOCK*WIDTH_CBLOCK); #endif
#if 0 // This routine is unused
MapCell - map a CELL full of 24bit values down to thier nearest colors in the 8bit palette
static void _FASTCALL MapCell(PCELL pCell) { int i; int n;
for (i=0; i < HEIGHT_CBLOCK*WIDTH_CBLOCK; i++) { n = MAPRGB(pCell[i]); // map to nearest palette index
pCell[i] = prgbqOut[n]; // ...and map back to a RGB
} } #endif
// take care of any outstanding skips
#define FlushSkips() \
\ while (SkipCount > 0) \ { \ WORD w; \ \ w = min(SkipCount, SKIP_MAX); \ SkipCount -= w; \ w |= SKIP_MAGIC; \ *dst++ = w; \ numberOfSkipCodes++; \ actualSize += 2; \ }
routine: CompressFrame16 purp: compress a frame, outputing 16 bit compressed data. returns: number of bytes in compressed buffer *******************************************************************/
DWORD FAR CompressFrame16(LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi, // DIB header to compress
LPVOID lpBits, // DIB bits to compress
LPVOID lpData, // put compressed data here
DWORD threshold, // edge threshold
DWORD thresholdInter, // inter-frame threshold
LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbiPrev, // previous frame
LPVOID lpPrev, // previous frame
LONG (CALLBACK *Status) (LPARAM lParam, UINT message, LONG l), LPARAM lParam, PCELLS pCells) { UINT bix; UINT biy; UINT WidthBytes; UINT WidthBytesPrev;
WORD SkipCount;
WORD luminance[16], luminanceMean[4]; DWORD luminanceSum; WORD sumR,sumG,sumB; WORD sumR0[4],sumG0[4],sumB0[4]; WORD sumR1[4],sumG1[4],sumB1[4]; WORD meanR0[4],meanG0[4],meanB0[4]; WORD meanR1[4],meanG1[4],meanB1[4]; WORD zeros[4], ones[4]; UINT x,y; WORD mask; HPBYTE srcPtr; HPBYTE prvPtr; DWORD actualSize; UINT i; UINT mi; HPWORD dst; RGBQUAD rgb; int iStatusEvery;
#ifdef DEBUG
DWORD time = timeGetTime(); #endif
WidthBytes = DIBWIDTHBYTES(*lpbi);
if (lpbiPrev) WidthBytesPrev = DIBWIDTHBYTES(*lpbiPrev);
bix = (int)lpbi->biWidth/WIDTH_CBLOCK; biy = (int)lpbi->biHeight/HEIGHT_CBLOCK;
if (bix < 100) iStatusEvery = 4; else if (bix < 200) iStatusEvery = 2; else iStatusEvery = 1;
actualSize = 0; numberOfSkipCodes = 0; numberOfSkips = 0; numberOfExtraSkips = 0; numberOfEdges = 0; numberOfBlocks = 0; numberOfSolids = 0; numberOfSolid4 = 0; numberOfSolid2 = 0; numberOfEvilRed = 0;
dst = (HPWORD)lpData; SkipCount = 0;
for( y = 0; y < biy; y++ ) { if (Status && ((y % iStatusEvery) == 0)) { if (Status(lParam, ICSTATUS_STATUS, (y * 100) / biy) != 0) return (DWORD) -1; }
srcPtr = lpBits; prvPtr = lpPrev;
for( x = 0; x < bix; x++ ) { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// get the cell to compress from the image.
srcPtr = GetCell(lpbi, srcPtr, pCells->cell);
// see if it matches the cell in the previous frame.
if (lpbiPrev) { prvPtr = GetCell(lpbiPrev, prvPtr, pCells->cellPrev);
if (CmpCell(pCells->cell, pCells->cellPrev) <= thresholdInter) { skip_cell: numberOfSkips++; SkipCount++; continue; } }
// compute luminance of each pixel in the compression block
// sum the total luminance in the block
// find the pixels with the largest and smallest luminance
luminanceSum = 0; sumR = 0; sumG = 0; sumB = 0;
for (i = 0; i < HEIGHT_CBLOCK*WIDTH_CBLOCK; i++) { sumR += pCells->cell[i].rgbRed; sumG += pCells->cell[i].rgbGreen; sumB += pCells->cell[i].rgbBlue;
luminance[i] = RgbToY(pCells->cell[i]); luminanceSum += luminance[i]; }
// see if we make the cell a single color, and get away with it
rgb.rgbRed = (BYTE)sumR; rgb.rgbGreen = (BYTE)sumG; rgb.rgbBlue = (BYTE)sumB;
for (i=0; i < HEIGHT_CBLOCK*WIDTH_CBLOCK; i++) pCells->cellT[i] = rgb;
if (CmpCell(pCells->cell, pCells->cellT) <= threshold) { if (lpbiPrev && CmpCell(pCells->cellT, pCells->cellPrev) <= thresholdInter) { numberOfExtraSkips++; goto skip_cell; }
// single color!!
solid_color: mask = RGB16(sumR, sumG, sumB) | 0x8000;
if ((mask & ~SKIP_MASK) == SKIP_MAGIC) { numberOfEvilRed++; mask ^= SKIP_MAGIC; mask |= 0x8000; }
*dst++ = mask; numberOfSolids++; actualSize += 2; continue; }
// make a 4x4 block
luminanceMean[0] = (WORD)(luminanceSum >> 4);
// zero summing arrays
zeros[0]=0; ones[0] =0; sumR0[0]=0; sumR1[0]=0; sumG0[0]=0; sumG1[0]=0; sumB0[0]=0; sumB1[0]=0;
// define which of the two colors to choose
// for each pixel by creating the mask
mask = 0; for( i=0; i < HEIGHT_CBLOCK*WIDTH_CBLOCK; i++ ) { if( luminance[i] < luminanceMean[0] ) { // mask &= ~(1 << i); // already clear
zeros[0]++; sumR0[0] += pCells->cell[i].rgbRed; sumG0[0] += pCells->cell[i].rgbGreen; sumB0[0] += pCells->cell[i].rgbBlue; } else { mask |= (1 << i); ones[0]++; sumR1[0] += pCells->cell[i].rgbRed; sumG1[0] += pCells->cell[i].rgbGreen; sumB1[0] += pCells->cell[i].rgbBlue; } }
// define the "one" color as the mean of each element
if( ones[0] != 0 ) { meanR1[0] = sumR1[0] / ones[0]; meanG1[0] = sumG1[0] / ones[0]; meanB1[0] = sumB1[0] / ones[0]; } else { meanR1[0] = meanG1[0] = meanB1[0] = 0; }
if( zeros[0] != 0 ) { meanR0[0] = sumR0[0] / zeros[0]; meanG0[0] = sumG0[0] / zeros[0]; meanB0[0] = sumB0[0] / zeros[0]; } else { meanR0[0] = meanG0[0] = meanB0[0] = 0; }
// build the block and make sure, it is within error.
for( i=0; i < HEIGHT_CBLOCK*WIDTH_CBLOCK; i++ ) { if( luminance[i] < luminanceMean[0] ) { pCells->cellT[i].rgbRed = (BYTE)meanR0[0]; pCells->cellT[i].rgbGreen = (BYTE)meanG0[0]; pCells->cellT[i].rgbBlue = (BYTE)meanB0[0]; } else { pCells->cellT[i].rgbRed = (BYTE)meanR1[0]; pCells->cellT[i].rgbGreen = (BYTE)meanG1[0]; pCells->cellT[i].rgbBlue = (BYTE)meanB1[0]; } }
if (CmpCell(pCells->cell, pCells->cellT) <= threshold) { if (lpbiPrev && CmpCell(pCells->cellT, pCells->cellPrev) <= thresholdInter) { numberOfExtraSkips++; goto skip_cell; }
// handle any outstanding skip codes
// we should never, ever generate a mask of all ones or
// zeros!
if (mask == 0x0000) { DPF(("4x4 generated a zero mask!")); sumR = meanR0[0]; sumG = meanG0[0]; sumB = meanB0[0]; goto solid_color; }
if (mask == 0xFFFF) { DPF(("4x4 generated a FFFF mask!")); sumR = meanR1[0]; sumG = meanG1[0]; sumB = meanB1[0]; goto solid_color; }
// remember the high bit of the mask is used to mark
// a skip or solid color, so make sure the high bit
// is zero.
if (mask & 0x8000) { *dst++ = ~mask; *dst++ = RGB16(meanR0[0],meanG0[0],meanB0[0]); *dst++ = RGB16(meanR1[0],meanG1[0],meanB1[0]); } else { *dst++ = mask; *dst++ = RGB16(meanR1[0],meanG1[0],meanB1[0]); *dst++ = RGB16(meanR0[0],meanG0[0],meanB0[0]); } actualSize += 6; numberOfBlocks++;
continue; }
// see if we make the cell four solid colorls, and get away with it
// C D E F
// 8 9 A C
// 4 5 6 7
// 0 1 2 3
#ifdef DEBUG
for (i=0; i <= 10; i == 2 ? (i += 6) : (i += 2)) { pCells->cellT[i].rgbRed = (BYTE)(((WORD)pCells->cell[i].rgbRed + pCells->cell[i+1].rgbRed + pCells->cell[i+4].rgbRed + pCells->cell[i+5].rgbRed ) / 4); pCells->cellT[i].rgbGreen = (BYTE)(((WORD)pCells->cell[i].rgbGreen + pCells->cell[i+1].rgbGreen + pCells->cell[i+4].rgbGreen + pCells->cell[i+5].rgbGreen ) / 4); pCells->cellT[i].rgbBlue = (BYTE)(((WORD)pCells->cell[i].rgbBlue + pCells->cell[i+1].rgbBlue + pCells->cell[i+4].rgbBlue + pCells->cell[i+5].rgbBlue ) / 4); pCells->cellT[i+1] = pCells->cellT[i+4] = pCells->cellT[i+5] = pCells->cellT[i]; }
if (CmpCell(pCells->cell, pCells->cellT) <= threshold) { // four colors
numberOfSolid4++; } #endif
// make a 2x2 block
luminanceMean[0] = (luminance[0] + luminance[1] + luminance[4] + luminance[5]) / 4; luminanceMean[1] = (luminance[2] + luminance[3] + luminance[6] + luminance[7]) / 4; luminanceMean[2] = (luminance[8] + luminance[9] + luminance[12] + luminance[13]) / 4; luminanceMean[3] = (luminance[10] + luminance[11] + luminance[14] + luminance[15]) / 4;
// zero summing arrays
zeros[0]=zeros[1]=zeros[2]=zeros[3]=0; ones[0]=ones[1]=ones[2]=ones[3]=0; sumR0[0]=sumR0[1]=sumR0[2]=sumR0[3]=0; sumR1[0]=sumR1[1]=sumR1[2]=sumR1[3]=0; sumG0[0]=sumG0[1]=sumG0[2]=sumG0[3]=0; sumG1[0]=sumG1[1]=sumG1[2]=sumG1[3]=0; sumB0[0]=sumB0[1]=sumB0[2]=sumB0[3]=0; sumB1[0]=sumB1[1]=sumB1[2]=sumB1[3]=0;
// define which of the two colors to choose
// for each pixel by creating the mask
mask = 0; for( i=0; i < HEIGHT_CBLOCK*WIDTH_CBLOCK; i++ ) { mi = meanIndex[i]; if( luminance[i] < luminanceMean[mi] ) { // mask &= ~(1 << i); // already clear
zeros[mi]++; sumR0[mi] += pCells->cell[i].rgbRed; sumG0[mi] += pCells->cell[i].rgbGreen; sumB0[mi] += pCells->cell[i].rgbBlue; } else { mask |= (1 << i); ones[mi]++; sumR1[mi] += pCells->cell[i].rgbRed; sumG1[mi] += pCells->cell[i].rgbGreen; sumB1[mi] += pCells->cell[i].rgbBlue; } }
// store the mask
if (mask & 0x8000) *dst++ = ~mask; else *dst++ = mask;
actualSize += 2;
// make the colors
for( i=0; i < 4; i++ ) { // define the "one" color as the mean of each element
if( ones[i] != 0 ) { meanR1[i] = sumR1[i] / ones[i]; meanG1[i] = sumG1[i] / ones[i]; meanB1[i] = sumB1[i] / ones[i]; } else { meanR1[i] = meanG1[i] = meanB1[i] = 0; }
if( zeros[i] != 0 ) { meanR0[i] = sumR0[i] / zeros[i]; meanG0[i] = sumG0[i] / zeros[i]; meanB0[i] = sumB0[i] / zeros[i]; } else { meanR0[i] = meanG0[i] = meanB0[i] = 0; }
// convert to 555 and set bit 15 if this is an edge and
// this is the first color
if (mask & 0x8000) { *dst++ = RGB16(meanR0[i],meanG0[i],meanB0[i]) | (i==0 ? 0x8000 : 0); *dst++ = RGB16(meanR1[i],meanG1[i],meanB1[i]); } else { *dst++ = RGB16(meanR1[i],meanG1[i],meanB1[i]) | (i==0 ? 0x8000 : 0); *dst++ = RGB16(meanR0[i],meanG0[i],meanB0[i]); } actualSize += 4; } }
// next scan.
((HPBYTE)lpBits) += WidthBytes * HEIGHT_CBLOCK;
if (lpPrev) ((HPBYTE)lpPrev) += WidthBytesPrev * HEIGHT_CBLOCK; }
// take care of any outstanding skips, !!! note we dont need this if we
// assume a EOF!
// all done generate a EOF zero mask
*dst++ = 0; actualSize += 2;
DPF(("CompressFrame16:")); DPF((" time: %ld", timeGetTime() - time)); DPF((" tol: %ld/%ld", threshold, thresholdInter)); DPF((" Size: %ld", actualSize)); DPF((" Skips: %ld (%ld)", numberOfSkips, numberOfSkipCodes)); DPF((" Extra Skips: %ld", numberOfExtraSkips)); DPF((" Solid: %ld", numberOfSolids)); DPF((" 4x4: %ld", numberOfBlocks)); DPF((" 2x2: %ld", numberOfEdges)); DPF((" EvilRed: %ld", numberOfEvilRed)); DPF((" 4Solid: %ld", numberOfSolid4));
return( actualSize ); }
routine: CompressFrame8 purp: compress a frame, outputing 8 bit compressed data. returns: number of bytes in compressed buffer
!!! this is almost a 1:1 copy of the above routine help! *******************************************************************/
DWORD FAR CompressFrame8(LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbi, // DIB header to compress
LPVOID lpBits, // DIB bits to compress
LPVOID lpData, // put compressed data here
DWORD threshold, // edge threshold
DWORD thresholdInter, // inter-frame threshold
LPBITMAPINFOHEADER lpbiPrev, // previous frame
LPVOID lpPrev, // previous frame
LONG (CALLBACK *Status) (LPARAM lParam, UINT message, LONG l), LPARAM lParam, PCELLS pCells, LPBYTE lpITable, RGBQUAD * prgbqOut)
{ UINT bix; UINT biy; UINT WidthBytes; UINT WidthBytesPrev;
WORD SkipCount;
WORD luminance[16], luminanceMean[4]; DWORD luminanceSum; WORD sumR,sumG,sumB; WORD sumR0[4],sumG0[4],sumB0[4]; WORD sumR1[4],sumG1[4],sumB1[4]; WORD meanR0[4],meanG0[4],meanB0[4]; WORD meanR1[4],meanG1[4],meanB1[4]; WORD zeros[4], ones[4]; UINT x,y; WORD mask; HPBYTE srcPtr; HPBYTE prvPtr; DWORD actualSize; UINT i; WORD mi; HPWORD dst; RGBQUAD rgb,rgb0,rgb1; BYTE b, b0, b1; WORD w; int iStatusEvery;
#ifdef DEBUG
DWORD time = timeGetTime(); #endif
WidthBytes = DIBWIDTHBYTES(*lpbi);
if (lpbiPrev) WidthBytesPrev = DIBWIDTHBYTES(*lpbiPrev);
bix = (int)lpbi->biWidth/WIDTH_CBLOCK; biy = (int)lpbi->biHeight/HEIGHT_CBLOCK;
if (bix < 100) iStatusEvery = 4; else if (bix < 200) iStatusEvery = 2; else iStatusEvery = 1;
actualSize = 0; numberOfSkipCodes = 0; numberOfSkips = 0; numberOfExtraSkips = 0; numberOfEdges = 0; numberOfBlocks = 0; numberOfSolids = 0; numberOfSolid4 = 0; numberOfSolid2 = 0; numberOfEvilRed = 0;
dst = (HPWORD)lpData; SkipCount = 0;
if (lpITable == NULL) { DPF(("ICM_COMPRESS_BEGIN not recieved!")); return 0; }
for( y = 0; y < biy; y++ ) { srcPtr = lpBits; prvPtr = lpPrev;
if (Status && ((y % iStatusEvery) == 0)) { if (Status(lParam, ICSTATUS_STATUS, (y * 100) / biy) != 0) return (DWORD) -1; }
for( x = 0; x < bix; x++ ) { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// get the cell to compress from the image.
srcPtr = GetCell(lpbi, srcPtr, pCells->cell);
// see if it matches the cell in the previous frame.
if (lpbiPrev) { prvPtr = GetCell(lpbiPrev, prvPtr, pCells->cellPrev);
if (CmpCell(pCells->cell, pCells->cellPrev) <= thresholdInter) { skip_cell: numberOfSkips++; SkipCount++; continue; } }
// compute luminance of each pixel in the compression block
// sum the total luminance in the block
// find the pixels with the largest and smallest luminance
luminanceSum = 0; sumR = 0; sumG = 0; sumB = 0;
for (i = 0; i < HEIGHT_CBLOCK*WIDTH_CBLOCK; i++) { sumR += pCells->cell[i].rgbRed; sumG += pCells->cell[i].rgbGreen; sumB += pCells->cell[i].rgbBlue;
luminance[i] = RgbToY(pCells->cell[i]); luminanceSum += luminance[i]; }
// see if we make the cell a single color, and get away with it
rgb.rgbRed = (BYTE)sumR; rgb.rgbGreen = (BYTE)sumG; rgb.rgbBlue = (BYTE)sumB;
b = MAPRGB(rgb); // map color to 8bit
rgb = prgbqOut[b];
for (i=0; i < HEIGHT_CBLOCK*WIDTH_CBLOCK; i++) pCells->cellT[i] = rgb;
if (CmpCell(pCells->cell, pCells->cellT) <= threshold) { if (lpbiPrev && CmpCell(pCells->cellT, pCells->cellPrev) <= thresholdInter) { numberOfExtraSkips++; goto skip_cell; }
solid_color: // single color!!
mask = SOLID_MAGIC | b;
*dst++ = mask; numberOfSolids++; actualSize += 2; continue; }
// make a 4x4 block
luminanceMean[0] = (WORD)(luminanceSum >> 4);
// zero summing arrays
zeros[0]=0; ones[0] =0; sumR0[0]=0; sumR1[0]=0; sumG0[0]=0; sumG1[0]=0; sumB0[0]=0; sumB1[0]=0;
// define which of the two colors to choose
// for each pixel by creating the mask
mask = 0; for( i=0; i < HEIGHT_CBLOCK*WIDTH_CBLOCK; i++ ) { if( luminance[i] < luminanceMean[0] ) { // mask &= ~(1 << i); // already clear
zeros[0]++; sumR0[0] += pCells->cell[i].rgbRed; sumG0[0] += pCells->cell[i].rgbGreen; sumB0[0] += pCells->cell[i].rgbBlue; } else { mask |= (1 << i); ones[0]++; sumR1[0] += pCells->cell[i].rgbRed; sumG1[0] += pCells->cell[i].rgbGreen; sumB1[0] += pCells->cell[i].rgbBlue; } }
// define the "one" color as the mean of each element
if( ones[0] != 0 ) { meanR1[0] = sumR1[0] / ones[0]; meanG1[0] = sumG1[0] / ones[0]; meanB1[0] = sumB1[0] / ones[0]; } else { meanR1[0] = meanG1[0] = meanB1[0] = 0; }
if( zeros[0] != 0 ) { meanR0[0] = sumR0[0] / zeros[0]; meanG0[0] = sumG0[0] / zeros[0]; meanB0[0] = sumB0[0] / zeros[0]; } else { meanR0[0] = meanG0[0] = meanB0[0] = 0; }
// map colors to 8-bit
rgb0.rgbRed = (BYTE)meanR0[0]; rgb0.rgbGreen = (BYTE)meanG0[0]; rgb0.rgbBlue = (BYTE)meanB0[0]; b0 = MAPRGB(rgb0); rgb0 = prgbqOut[b0];
rgb1.rgbRed = (BYTE)meanR1[0]; rgb1.rgbGreen = (BYTE)meanG1[0]; rgb1.rgbBlue = (BYTE)meanB1[0]; b1 = MAPRGB(rgb1); rgb1 = prgbqOut[b1];
// build the block and make sure, it is within error.
for( i=0; i < HEIGHT_CBLOCK*WIDTH_CBLOCK; i++ ) { if( luminance[i] < luminanceMean[0] ) pCells->cellT[i] = rgb0; else pCells->cellT[i] = rgb1; }
if (CmpCell(pCells->cell, pCells->cellT) <= threshold) { if (lpbiPrev && CmpCell(pCells->cellT, pCells->cellPrev) <= thresholdInter) { numberOfExtraSkips++; goto skip_cell; }
// store the mask
// we should never, ever generate a mask of all ones or
// zeros!
if (mask == 0x0000) { DPF(("4x4 generated a zero mask!")); b = b0; goto solid_color; }
if (mask == 0xFFFF) { DPF(("4x4 generated a FFFF mask!")); b = b1; goto solid_color; }
if (b0 == b1) { DPF(("4x4 generated two colors the same!")); b = b1; goto solid_color; }
// remember the high bit of the mask is used to mark
// a skip or solid color, so make sure the high bit
// is zero.
if (mask & 0x8000) { mask = ~mask; SWAP(b0,b1); }
*dst++ = mask; *dst++ = (WORD)b1 | ((WORD)b0 << 8);
actualSize += 4; numberOfBlocks++;
continue; }
// make a 2x2 block
luminanceMean[0] = (luminance[0] + luminance[1] + luminance[4] + luminance[5]) / 4; luminanceMean[1] = (luminance[2] + luminance[3] + luminance[6] + luminance[7]) / 4; luminanceMean[2] = (luminance[8] + luminance[9] + luminance[12] + luminance[13]) / 4; luminanceMean[3] = (luminance[10] + luminance[11] + luminance[14] + luminance[15]) / 4;
// zero summing arrays
zeros[0]=zeros[1]=zeros[2]=zeros[3]=0; ones[0]=ones[1]=ones[2]=ones[3]=0; sumR0[0]=sumR0[1]=sumR0[2]=sumR0[3]=0; sumR1[0]=sumR1[1]=sumR1[2]=sumR1[3]=0; sumG0[0]=sumG0[1]=sumG0[2]=sumG0[3]=0; sumG1[0]=sumG1[1]=sumG1[2]=sumG1[3]=0; sumB0[0]=sumB0[1]=sumB0[2]=sumB0[3]=0; sumB1[0]=sumB1[1]=sumB1[2]=sumB1[3]=0;
// define which of the two colors to choose
// for each pixel by creating the mask
mask = 0; for( i=0; i < HEIGHT_CBLOCK*WIDTH_CBLOCK; i++ ) { mi = meanIndex[i]; if( luminance[i] < luminanceMean[mi] ) { // mask &= ~(1 << i); // already clear
zeros[mi]++; sumR0[mi] += pCells->cell[i].rgbRed; sumG0[mi] += pCells->cell[i].rgbGreen; sumB0[mi] += pCells->cell[i].rgbBlue; } else { mask |= (1 << i); ones[mi]++; sumR1[mi] += pCells->cell[i].rgbRed; sumG1[mi] += pCells->cell[i].rgbGreen; sumB1[mi] += pCells->cell[i].rgbBlue; } }
// store the mask
// in the 8-bit case the mask must have the following form:
// these bits can be forces high by exchanging the colors for
// the top two cells.
w = mask;
if (!(mask & 0x8000)) w ^= 0xCC00;
if (!(mask & 0x2000)) w ^= 0x3300;
*dst++ = w; actualSize += 2;
// make the colors
for( i=0; i < 4; i++ ) { // define the "one" color as the mean of each element
if( ones[i] != 0 ) { meanR1[i] = sumR1[i] / ones[i]; meanG1[i] = sumG1[i] / ones[i]; meanB1[i] = sumB1[i] / ones[i]; } else { meanR1[i] = meanG1[i] = meanB1[i] = 0; }
if( zeros[i] != 0 ) { meanR0[i] = sumR0[i] / zeros[i]; meanG0[i] = sumG0[i] / zeros[i]; meanB0[i] = sumB0[i] / zeros[i]; } else { meanR0[i] = meanG0[i] = meanB0[i] = 0; }
// convert to the 8bit palette, and write out the colors
// make sure to exchange the colors if we hade to invert
// the mask to normalize it.
rgb0.rgbRed = (BYTE)meanR0[i]; rgb0.rgbGreen = (BYTE)meanG0[i]; rgb0.rgbBlue = (BYTE)meanB0[i]; b0 = MAPRGB(rgb0);
rgb1.rgbRed = (BYTE)meanR1[i]; rgb1.rgbGreen = (BYTE)meanG1[i]; rgb1.rgbBlue = (BYTE)meanB1[i]; b1 = MAPRGB(rgb1);
if (i==3 && !(mask & 0x8000)) SWAP(b0,b1);
if (i==2 && !(mask & 0x2000)) SWAP(b0,b1);
if (b0 == b0) { numberOfSolid2++; }
*dst++ = (WORD)b1 | ((WORD)b0 << 8); actualSize += 2; } }
// next scan.
((HPBYTE)lpBits) += WidthBytes * HEIGHT_CBLOCK;
if (lpPrev) ((HPBYTE)lpPrev) += WidthBytesPrev * HEIGHT_CBLOCK; }
// take care of any outstanding skips, !!! note we dont need this if we
// assume a EOF!
// all done generate a EOF zero mask
*dst++ = 0; actualSize += 2;
DPF(("CompressFrame8:")); DPF((" time: %ld", timeGetTime() - time)); DPF((" tol: %ld/%ld", threshold, thresholdInter)); DPF((" Size: %ld", actualSize)); DPF((" Skips: %ld (%ld)", numberOfSkips, numberOfSkipCodes)); DPF((" Extra Skips: %ld", numberOfExtraSkips)); DPF((" Solid: %ld", numberOfSolids)); DPF((" 4x4: %ld", numberOfBlocks)); DPF((" 2x2: %ld", numberOfEdges));
return( actualSize ); }