/* mcitest.c - WinMain(), main dialog box and support code for MCITest.
* * MCITest is a Windows with Multimedia sample application illustrating * the use of the Media Control Interface (MCI). MCITest puts up a dialog * box allowing you to enter and execute MCI string commands. * * (C) Copyright (c) 1991-1998 Microsoft Corporation * * You have a royalty-free right to use, modify, reproduce and * distribute the Sample Files (and/or any modified version) in * any way you find useful, provided that you agree that * Microsoft has no warranty obligations or liability for any * Sample Application Files which are modified. */
| mcitest.c - A testbed for MCI | | | | | | History: | | 01/01/88 toddla Created | | 03/01/90 davidle Modified quick app into MCI testbed | | 09/17/90 t-mikemc Added Notification box with 3 notification types | | 11/02/90 w-dougb Commented & formatted the code to look pretty | | 05/29/91 NigelT ported to Win32 | | \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
| | | i n c l u d e f i l e s | | | \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
#include "mcihwnd.h"
// BOOL CreateMappedFile(void) INTERNAL
// Set up a global named file to use for interprocess communication.
// This process will be the only one to write into this shared memory.
// On exit the memory has been mapped, and our global variable set to
// point to it. From here on in most of the work is done in WINMM,
// including the window creation.
*/ BOOL CreateMappedFile(void) { HANDLE hFileMapping; DWORD err;
hFileMapping = CreateFileMapping( (HANDLE)-1, // put onto the paging file
NULL, // security attributes
PAGE_READWRITE, 0, // high order size
sizeof(GLOBALMCI),// only need a few bytes
aszMciWindow // name of file
); dprintf3("hFileMapping from CreateFileMapping is %x", hFileMapping); if (!hFileMapping) { // Note: This prevents the module being run twice...
// The second create will fail
err = GetLastError(); dprintf2("Error %d from CreateFileMapping", err); return FALSE; }
base = MapViewOfFile( hFileMapping, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, 0); // from beginning for total length
dprintf3("Base address from MapViewOfFile is %x", base); if (!base) { err = GetLastError(); dprintf2("Error %d from MapViewOfFile", err); return(FALSE); }
memset(base, 0, sizeof(GLOBALMCI)); base->dwGlobalProcessId = GetCurrentProcessId(); base->dwGlobalThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId(); dprintf3("Setting notify pid/tid to %x %x", base->dwGlobalProcessId, base->dwGlobalThreadId);
return(TRUE); }
BOOL SrvCreateEvent(VOID) {
SA.bInheritHandle = TRUE; SA.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; SA.nLength = sizeof(SA);
hEvent = CreateEvent( &SA, TRUE, // Manual reset
FALSE, // initially not signalled
NULL); // no name
if (hEvent) {
dprintf2("Created shared event, handle is %8x", hEvent); base->hEvent = hEvent; return(TRUE);
} else { #if DBG
DWORD err; err = GetLastError(); dprintf2("Error %d creating MCI shared event", err); #endif
return(FALSE); } }
BOOL SrvCreateMutex(VOID) {
SA.bInheritHandle = TRUE; SA.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; SA.nLength = sizeof(SA);
hMutex = CreateMutex( &SA, FALSE, // initially not owned
NULL); // no name
if (hMutex) {
dprintf2("Created shared mutex, handle is %8x", hMutex); base->hMutex = hMutex; return(TRUE);
} else { #if DBG
DWORD err; err = GetLastError(); dprintf2("Error %d creating MCI shared mutex", err); #endif
return(FALSE); } }
| MAIN: | | | | Description: | | The main procedure for the app. After initializing, it just goes | | into a message-processing loop until it gets a WM_QUIT message | | (meaning the app was closed). | | | | Arguments: | | hInst instance handle of this instance of the app | | hPrev instance handle of previous instance, NULL if first | | szCmdLine null-terminated command line string | | sw specifies how the window is to be initially displayed | | | | Returns: | | The exit code as specified in the WM_QUIT message. | | | \*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef BOOL (* BOOLPROC)(void);
int __cdecl main( int argc, char *argv[], char *envp[]) { MSG Msg; /* Windows message structure */ HANDLE hLib; BOOLPROC proc;
// If we are in DEBUG mode, get debug level for this module
#if DBG
dprintf2("MCIHWND started (debug level %d)", __iDebugLevel); #endif
/* Call the initialization procedure */ /* We load the library explicitly to prevent module load causing */ /* WINMM's DLL initialisation to be run. We have probably started */ /* as a result of that initialisation. */
if (!CreateMappedFile()) return 0; if (!SrvCreateEvent()) return 0; // Set up the shared event
if (!SrvCreateMutex()) return 0; // Set up the shared mutex
base->dwType = GMCI_MCIHWND;
UnmapViewOfFile(base); base = NULL;
hLib = LoadLibrary("WINMM"); if (!hLib) { dprintf("MCIHWND failed to load WINMM"); return(FALSE); }
proc = (BOOLPROC)GetProcAddress(hLib, (LPCSTR)"mciSoundInit");
if (NULL == proc) { dprintf("cannot get address of mciWndInit"); return FALSE; }
if (!(*proc)()) { dprintf("failure returned from mciWndInit"); return FALSE; }
dprintf4("MCIHWND now going into its message loop");
/* Poll the event queue for messages */
while (GetMessage(&Msg, NULL, 0, 0)) {
/* Main message processing */ dprintf4("Message received %8x Hwnd=%8x wParam=%8x lParam=%8x", Msg.message, Msg.hwnd, Msg.wParam, Msg.lParam);
TranslateMessage(&Msg); DispatchMessage(&Msg); } dprintf2("MCIHWND exited its message loop"); dprintf2(" Last message %8x Hwnd=%8x wParam=%8x lParam=%8x", Msg.message, Msg.hwnd, Msg.wParam, Msg.lParam);
DebugBreak(); dprintf1("MCIHWND should not be here...");
return Msg.wParam; }