* Module Name: dl_init.c * * Display list initialization and sharing rountines. * * Copyright (c) 1995-96 Microsoft Corporation \**************************************************************************/ /*
** Copyright 1991-1993, Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.; ** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or ** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written ** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** ** RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: ** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions ** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data ** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or ** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished - ** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States. ** ** Display list init/destroy code. ** ** $Revision: 1.7 $ ** $Date: 1993/09/29 00:44:06 $ */ #include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
** Empty data structure for display lists. */ static __GLdlist emptyDlist = { 2, /* refcount, two so that it can never die */ 0 /* Everything else, some initialized later */ };
static __GLnamesArrayTypeInfo dlistTypeInfo = { &emptyDlist, sizeof(__GLdlist), __glDisposeDlist, NULL };
** Used to share display lists between two different contexts. */ #ifdef NT_SERVER_SHARE_LISTS
GLboolean FASTCALL __glCanShareDlist(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcontext *shareMe) { GLboolean canShare = GL_TRUE; if (gc->dlist.namesArray != NULL) { __glNamesLockArray(gc, gc->dlist.namesArray); // Make sure we're not trying to replace a shared list
// The spec also says that it is illegal for the new context
// to have any display lists
canShare = gc->dlist.namesArray->refcount == 1 && gc->dlist.namesArray->tree == NULL && shareMe->dlist.namesArray != NULL;
__glNamesUnlockArray(gc, gc->dlist.namesArray); } return canShare; } #endif
void FASTCALL __glShareDlist(__GLcontext *gc, __GLcontext *shareMe) { #ifdef NT_SERVER_SHARE_LISTS
__glFreeDlistState(gc); __glNamesLockArray(gc, shareMe->dlist.namesArray); #endif
gc->dlist.namesArray = shareMe->dlist.namesArray; gc->dlist.namesArray->refcount++; #ifdef NT_SERVER_SHARE_LISTS
DBGLEVEL3(LEVEL_INFO, "Sharing dlists %p with %p, count %d\n", gc, shareMe, gc->dlist.namesArray->refcount);
__glNamesUnlockArray(gc, shareMe->dlist.namesArray); #endif
void FASTCALL __glInitDlistState(__GLcontext *gc) { __GLdlistMachine *dlist;
// This is required by the names management code
ASSERTOPENGL(offsetof(__GLdlist, refcount) == 0, "Dlist refcount not at offset zero\n");
// Set empty dlist to contain no entries
emptyDlist.end = emptyDlist.head; dlist = &gc->dlist;
dlist->nesting = 0; dlist->currentList = 0; dlist->listData = NULL; dlist->beginRec = NULL;
ASSERTOPENGL(dlist->namesArray == NULL, "Dlist namesArray not NULL\n"); dlist->namesArray = __glNamesNewArray(gc, &dlistTypeInfo); }
void FASTCALL __glFreeDlistState(__GLcontext *gc) { __GLnamesArray *narray;
narray = gc->dlist.namesArray;
if (narray == NULL) { return; } #ifdef NT_SERVER_SHARE_LISTS
__glNamesLockArray(gc, narray);
// Clean up any lists that this context may have locked
DlReleaseLocks(gc); #endif
DBGLEVEL2(LEVEL_INFO, "Freeing dlists for %p, ref %d\n", gc, narray->refcount);
narray->refcount--; if (narray->refcount == 0) { // NULL the array pointer first, preventing its reuse
// after we unlock it. We need to unlock before we free it
// because the critical section will be cleaned up in the
// free
gc->dlist.namesArray = NULL; // Decrement dlist refcounts and free them if they reach 0
__glNamesFreeArray(gc, narray); } else { __glNamesUnlockArray(gc, narray); gc->dlist.namesArray = NULL; }
if (gc->dlist.listData != NULL) { // We were in the middle of compiling a display list when this
// function is called! Free the display list data.
__glFreeDlist(gc, gc->dlist.listData); gc->dlist.listData = NULL; gc->dlist.currentList = 0; } }
* * glsrvShareLists * * Server side implementation of wglShareLists * * History: * Tue Dec 13 17:14:18 1994 -by- Drew Bliss [drewb] * Created * \**************************************************************************/
ULONG APIENTRY glsrvShareLists(__GLcontext *gcShare, __GLcontext *gcSource) { if (!__glCanShareDlist(gcShare, gcSource) || !__glCanShareTextures(gcShare, gcSource)) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { __glShareDlist(gcShare, gcSource); __glShareTextures(gcShare, gcSource); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } } #endif
* * __glDlistThreadCleanup * * Performs thread-exit cleanup for dlist state * * History: * Mon Dec 19 13:22:38 1994 -by- Drew Bliss [drewb] * Created * \**************************************************************************/
#if DBG
// Critical section check routine from usersrv
extern void APIENTRY CheckCritSectionOut(LPCRITICAL_SECTION pcs); #endif
void __glDlistThreadCleanup(__GLcontext *gc) { #if DBG
// Make sure we're not holding the display list critical section
// We only hold this for short periods of time in our own code
// so we should never be holding it unless we have bugs
// In other words, it's ok to just assert this because no
// client action can cause us to hold it
CheckCritSectionOut(&gc->dlist.namesArray->critsec); #endif
} #endif