#ifndef __glubackend_h_
#define __glubackend_h_
* * * Copyright (C) 1992, Silicon Graphics, Inc. * * * * These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs contain * * unpublished proprietary information of Silicon Graphics, Inc., and * * are protected by Federal copyright law. They may not be disclosed * * to third parties or copied or duplicated in any form, in whole or * * in part, without the prior written consent of Silicon Graphics, Inc. * * * **************************************************************************/
* backend.h - $Revision: 1.2 $ */
#include "trimvert.h"
#include "gridvert.h"
#include "gridtrim.h"
class BasicCurveEvaluator; class BasicSurfaceEvaluator;
class Backend { private: BasicCurveEvaluator& curveEvaluator; BasicSurfaceEvaluator& surfaceEvaluator; public: Backend( BasicCurveEvaluator &c, BasicSurfaceEvaluator& e ) : curveEvaluator(c), surfaceEvaluator(e) {}
/* surface backend routines */ void bgnsurf( int, int, long ); void patch( REAL, REAL, REAL, REAL ); void surfpts( long, REAL *, long, long, int, int, REAL, REAL, REAL, REAL ); void surfbbox( long, REAL *, REAL * ); void surfgrid( REAL, REAL, long, REAL, REAL, long ); void surfmesh( long, long, long, long ); void bgntmesh( char * ); void endtmesh( void ); void swaptmesh( void ); void tmeshvert( GridTrimVertex * ); void tmeshvert( TrimVertex * ); void tmeshvert( GridVertex * ); void linevert( TrimVertex * ); void linevert( GridVertex * ); void bgnoutline( void ); void endoutline( void ); void endsurf( void ); void triangle( TrimVertex*, TrimVertex*, TrimVertex* );
void bgntfan(); void endtfan(); void bgnqstrip(); void endqstrip(); void evalUStrip(int n_upper, REAL v_upper, REAL* upper_val, int n_lower, REAL v_lower, REAL* lower_val ); void evalVStrip(int n_left, REAL u_left, REAL* left_val, int n_right, REAL v_right, REAL* right_val ); void tmeshvertNOGE(TrimVertex *t); void tmeshvertNOGE_BU(TrimVertex *t); void tmeshvertNOGE_BV(TrimVertex *t); void preEvaluateBU(REAL u); void preEvaluateBV(REAL v);
/* curve backend routines */ void bgncurv( void ); void segment( REAL, REAL ); void curvpts( long, REAL *, long, int, REAL, REAL ); void curvgrid( REAL, REAL, long ); void curvmesh( long, long ); void curvpt( REAL ); void bgnline( void ); void endline( void ); void endcurv( void ); private: #ifndef NOWIREFRAME
int wireframetris; int wireframequads; int npts; REAL mesh[3][4]; int meshindex; #endif
#endif /* __glubackend_h_ */