* * * Copyright (C) 1992, Silicon Graphics, Inc. * * * * These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs contain * * unpublished proprietary information of Silicon Graphics, Inc., and * * are protected by Federal copyright law. They may not be disclosed * * to third parties or copied or duplicated in any form, in whole or * * in part, without the prior written consent of Silicon Graphics, Inc. * * * **************************************************************************/
* quilt.c++ - $Revision: 1.2 $ * Derrick Burns - 1991 */
#include "glimport.h"
#include "mystdio.h"
#include "myassert.h"
#include "quilt.h"
#include "backend.h"
#include "mapdesc.h"
#include "flist.h"
#include "knotvect.h"
#include "patchlis.h"
#include "math.h" //fabs()
#define _abs_defined
#include "simplema.h" //min()
/* local preprocessor definitions */ #define DEF_PATCH_STEPSIZE .2
#define fsizeof(x) (sizeof(x)/sizeof(REAL))
Quilt::Quilt( Mapdesc *_mapdesc ) { mapdesc = _mapdesc; }
void Quilt::deleteMe( Pool& p ) { for( Quiltspec *q=qspec; q != eqspec; q++ ) { #if 1
if( q->breakpoints) delete[] q->breakpoints; q->breakpoints = 0; #else
if( q->breakpoints) { delete[] q->breakpoints; q->breakpoints = 0; printf("in here\n"); } #endif
} if( cpts ) delete[] cpts; cpts = 0; PooledObj::deleteMe( p ); }
void Quilt::show( void ) { #ifndef NDEBUG
int nc = mapdesc->getNcoords(); REAL *ps = cpts; ps += qspec[0].offset; ps += qspec[1].offset; for( int i=0; i!= qspec[0].order * qspec[0].width; i++ ) { for( int j = 0; j!= qspec[1].order * qspec[1].width; j++ ) { for( int k=0; k < nc; k++ ) dprintf( "%g ", ps[i*qspec[0].stride + j*qspec[1].stride + k] ); dprintf( "\n" ); } dprintf( "\n" ); } dprintf( "\n" ); #endif
* Quilt::select - find which map in each quilt contains the points * pta and ptb with pta[i] < ptb[i] *-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Quilt::select( REAL *pta, REAL *ptb ) { int dim = eqspec - qspec; for( int i=0; i<dim; i++) { for( int j=qspec[i].width-1; j>=0; j-- ) if( (qspec[i].breakpoints[j] <= pta[i] ) && (ptb[i] <= qspec[i].breakpoints[j+1] ) ) break; assert( j != -1 ); qspec[i].index = j; } }
void Quilt::download( Backend &backend ) { if( getDimension() == 2 ) { REAL *ps = cpts; ps += qspec[0].offset; ps += qspec[1].offset; ps += qspec[0].index * qspec[0].order * qspec[0].stride; ps += qspec[1].index * qspec[1].order * qspec[1].stride; backend.surfpts( mapdesc->getType(), ps, qspec[0].stride, qspec[1].stride, qspec[0].order, qspec[1].order, qspec[0].breakpoints[qspec[0].index], qspec[0].breakpoints[qspec[0].index+1], qspec[1].breakpoints[qspec[1].index], qspec[1].breakpoints[qspec[1].index+1] ); } else { REAL *ps = cpts; ps += qspec[0].offset; ps += qspec[0].index * qspec[0].order * qspec[0].stride; backend.curvpts( mapdesc->getType(), ps, qspec[0].stride, qspec[0].order, qspec[0].breakpoints[qspec[0].index], qspec[0].breakpoints[qspec[0].index+1] ); } }
* Quilt::downloadAll - download each map that contains the current patch *-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void Quilt::downloadAll( REAL *pta, REAL *ptb, Backend &backend ) { for( Quilt *m = this; m; m=m->next ) { m->select( pta, ptb ); m->download( backend ); } }
* Quilt::isCulled - determine if an entire quilt is trivially rejected. *-------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int Quilt::isCulled( void ) { if( mapdesc->isCulling() ) return mapdesc->xformAndCullCheck( cpts + qspec[0].offset + qspec[1].offset, qspec[0].order * qspec[0].width, qspec[0].stride, qspec[1].order * qspec[1].width, qspec[1].stride ); else return CULL_ACCEPT; }
* Quilt::getRange - retrieve the valid paramater range of a set of quilts *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void Quilt::getRange( REAL *from, REAL *to, Flist& slist, Flist &tlist ) { getRange( from, to, 0, slist ); getRange( from, to, 1, tlist ); }
* Quilt::getRange - retrieve the valid paramater range of a set of quilts *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void Quilt::getRange( REAL *from, REAL *to, int i, Flist &list ) { Quilt *maps = this; from[i] = maps->qspec[i].breakpoints[0]; to[i] = maps->qspec[i].breakpoints[maps->qspec[i].width]; int maxpts = 0; for( Quilt_ptr m=maps; m; m=m->next ) { if( m->qspec[i].breakpoints[0] > from[i] ) from[i] = m->qspec[i].breakpoints[0]; if( m->qspec[i].breakpoints[m->qspec[i].width] < to[i] ) to[i] = m->qspec[i].breakpoints[m->qspec[i].width]; maxpts += m->qspec[i].width + 1; }
list.grow( maxpts );
for( m=maps; m; m=m->next ) for( int j=0; j<=m->qspec[i].width; j++ ) { list.add( m->qspec[i].breakpoints[j] ); }
list.filter( ); list.taper( from[i], to[i] ); }
void Quilt::getRange( REAL *from, REAL *to, Flist& slist ) { getRange( from, to, 0, slist ); }
void Quilt::findRates( Flist& slist, Flist& tlist, REAL rate[2] ) { findSampleRates( slist, tlist ); rate[0] = qspec[0].step_size; rate[1] = qspec[1].step_size;
for( Quilt *q = next; q; q = q->next ) { q->findSampleRates( slist, tlist ); if( q->qspec[0].step_size < rate[0] ) rate[0] = q->qspec[0].step_size; if( q->qspec[1].step_size < rate[1] ) rate[1] = q->qspec[1].step_size; } }
void Quilt::findSampleRates( Flist& slist, Flist& tlist ) { qspec[0].step_size = DEF_PATCH_STEPSIZE * (qspec[0].breakpoints[qspec[0].width] - qspec[0].breakpoints[0]); qspec[1].step_size = DEF_PATCH_STEPSIZE * (qspec[1].breakpoints[qspec[1].width] - qspec[1].breakpoints[0]);
for( int i = slist.start; i < slist.end-1; i++ ) { for( int j = tlist.start; j < tlist.end-1; j++ ) {
REAL pta[2], ptb[2]; pta[0] = slist.pts[i]; ptb[0] = slist.pts[i+1]; pta[1] = tlist.pts[j]; ptb[1] = tlist.pts[j+1]; Patchlist patchlist( this, pta, ptb ); patchlist.getstepsize(); { float edge_len_s = min(fabs(ptb[0]-pta[0]),1.0); float edge_len_t = min(fabs(ptb[1]-pta[1]),1.0);
if( patchlist.getStepsize(0)/edge_len_s < qspec[0].step_size ) qspec[0].step_size = patchlist.getStepsize(0)/edge_len_s; if( patchlist.getStepsize(1)/edge_len_t < qspec[1].step_size ) qspec[1].step_size = patchlist.getStepsize(1)/edge_len_t; } } } }