** Copyright 1991, Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** All Rights Reserved. ** ** This is UNPUBLISHED PROPRIETARY SOURCE CODE of Silicon Graphics, Inc.; ** the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied or ** duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior written ** permission of Silicon Graphics, Inc. ** ** RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND: ** Use, duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions ** as set forth in subdivision (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data ** and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013, and/or in similar or ** successor clauses in the FAR, DOD or NASA FAR Supplement. Unpublished - ** rights reserved under the Copyright Laws of the United States. ** ** $Revision: 1.4 $ ** $Date: 1993/07/27 17:42:12 $ */ #include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
** A simple few routines which saves a cache for specular and spotlight ** computation (rather than recomputing the tables every time the user ** changes the specular or spotlight exponents). */
** Any more than TOO_MANY_LUT_ENTRIES entries, and we free any that ** become unreferenced. */ #define TOO_MANY_LUT_ENTRIES 32
typedef struct { __GLfloat exp; __GLspecLUTEntry *table; } __GLspecLUTEntryPtr;
typedef struct __GLspecLUTCache_Rec { GLint nentries; GLint allocatedSize; __GLspecLUTEntryPtr entries[1]; } __GLspecLUTCache;
void FASTCALL __glInitLUTCache(__GLcontext *gc) { __GLspecLUTCache *lutCache;
lutCache = gc->light.lutCache = (__GLspecLUTCache *) GCALLOC(gc, sizeof(__GLspecLUTCache)); #ifdef NT
if (!lutCache) return; #endif // NT
lutCache->nentries = 0; lutCache->allocatedSize = 1; }
void FASTCALL __glFreeLUTCache(__GLcontext *gc) { int i; GLint nentries; __GLspecLUTEntryPtr *entry; __GLspecLUTCache *lutCache;
lutCache = gc->light.lutCache; #ifdef NT
if (!lutCache) return; #endif // NT
nentries = lutCache->nentries; for (i = 0; i < nentries; i++) { entry = &(lutCache->entries[i]); GCFREE(gc, entry->table); } GCFREE(gc, lutCache); }
static __GLspecLUTEntry *findEntry(__GLspecLUTCache *lutCache, __GLfloat exp, GLint *location) { GLint nentries; GLint bottom, half, top; __GLspecLUTEntry *table; __GLspecLUTEntryPtr *entry;
#ifdef NT
ASSERTOPENGL(lutCache != NULL, "No LUT cache\n"); #endif // NT
nentries = lutCache->nentries; /* First attempt to find this entry in our cache */ bottom = 0; top = nentries; while (top > bottom) { /* Entry might exist in the range [bottom, top-1] */ half = (bottom+top)/2; entry = &(lutCache->entries[half]); if (entry->exp == exp) { /* Found the table already cached! */ table = entry->table; *location = half; return table; } if (exp < entry->exp) { /* exp might exist somewhere earlier in the table */ top = half; } else /* exp > entry->exp */ { /* exp might exist somewhere later in the table */ bottom = half+1; } } *location = bottom; return NULL; }
__GLspecLUTEntry *__glCreateSpecLUT(__GLcontext *gc, __GLfloat exp) { GLint nentries, allocatedSize; GLint location; __GLspecLUTCache *lutCache; __GLspecLUTEntryPtr *entry; __GLspecLUTEntry *table; __GLfloat *tableEntry; GLdouble threshold, scale, x, dx; GLint i;
/* This code uses double-precision math, so make sure that the FPU */ /* is set properly: */
lutCache = gc->light.lutCache; #ifdef NT
if (!lutCache) return (__GLspecLUTEntry *)NULL; #endif // NT
if (table = findEntry(lutCache, exp, &location)) { table->refcount++; return table; } /*
** We failed to find our entry in our cache anywhere, and have to compute ** it. */ lutCache->nentries = nentries = 1 + lutCache->nentries; allocatedSize = lutCache->allocatedSize;
if (nentries > allocatedSize) { /* Allocate space for another six entries (arbitrarily) */ lutCache->allocatedSize = allocatedSize = allocatedSize + 6; if (!(lutCache = (__GLspecLUTCache *) GCREALLOC(gc, lutCache, sizeof(__GLspecLUTCache) + allocatedSize * sizeof(__GLspecLUTEntryPtr)))) { gc->light.lutCache->allocatedSize -= 6; gc->light.lutCache->nentries -= 1; return (__GLspecLUTEntry *)NULL; } gc->light.lutCache = lutCache; }
** We have enough space now. So we stick the new entry in the array ** at entry 'location'. The rest of the entries need to be moved up ** (move [location, nentries-2] up to [location+1, nentries-1]). */ if (nentries-location-1) { #ifdef NT
__GL_MEMMOVE(&(lutCache->entries[location+1]), &(lutCache->entries[location]), (nentries-location-1) * sizeof(__GLspecLUTEntryPtr)); #else
__GL_MEMCOPY(&(lutCache->entries[location+1]), &(lutCache->entries[location]), (nentries-location-1) * sizeof(__GLspecLUTEntryPtr)); #endif
} entry = &(lutCache->entries[location]); entry->exp = exp; table = entry->table = (__GLspecLUTEntry *) GCALLOC(gc, sizeof(__GLspecLUTEntry)); #ifdef NT
if (!table) return (__GLspecLUTEntry *)NULL; #endif // NT
/* Compute threshold */ if (exp == (__GLfloat) 0.0) { threshold = (GLdouble) 0.0; } else { #ifdef NT
// Changing this enabled conformance to pass for color index visuals
// with 4096 colors, and did not seem to affect anything else.
// What this does is sort of reduce the granularity at the beginning
// of the table, because without it we were getting too big a jump
// between 0 and the first entry in the table, causing l_sen.c to fail.
threshold = (GLdouble) __GL_POWF((__GLfloat) 0.0005, (__GLfloat) 1.0 / exp); #else
threshold = __GL_POWF(0.002, 1.0 / exp); #endif
scale = (GLdouble) (__GL_SPEC_LOOKUP_TABLE_SIZE - 1) / ((GLdouble) 1.0 - threshold); dx = (GLdouble) 1.0 / scale; x = threshold; tableEntry = table->table; for (i = __GL_SPEC_LOOKUP_TABLE_SIZE; --i >= 0; ) { *tableEntry++ = __GL_POWF(x, exp); x += dx; } table->threshold = threshold; table->scale = scale; table->refcount = 1; table->exp = exp;
return table; }
void FASTCALL __glFreeSpecLUT(__GLcontext *gc, __GLspecLUTEntry *lut) { __GLspecLUTCache *lutCache; GLint location, nentries; __GLspecLUTEntry *table;
if (lut == NULL) return;
ASSERTOPENGL(lut->refcount != 0, "Invalid refcount\n");
lut->refcount--; if (lut->refcount > 0) return;
lutCache = gc->light.lutCache; #ifdef NT
ASSERTOPENGL(lutCache != NULL, "No LUT cache\n"); #endif // NT
table = findEntry(lutCache, lut->exp, &location);
ASSERTOPENGL(table == lut, "Wrong LUT found\n");
if (table->refcount == 0 && lutCache->nentries >= TOO_MANY_LUT_ENTRIES) { /*
** Free entry 'location'. ** This requires reducing lutCache->nentries by one, and copying ** entries [location+1, nentries] to [location, nentries-1]. */ lutCache->nentries = nentries = lutCache->nentries - 1; #ifdef NT
__GL_MEMMOVE(&(lutCache->entries[location]), &(lutCache->entries[location+1]), (nentries-location) * sizeof(__GLspecLUTEntryPtr)); #else
__GL_MEMCOPY(&(lutCache->entries[location]), &(lutCache->entries[location+1]), (nentries-location) * sizeof(__GLspecLUTEntryPtr)); #endif
GCFREE(gc, table); } }