Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
utils.c - Utility functions.
Internal utility functions for ATMARP:
- Allocation and deallocation of various structures - Timer management - Buffer/Packet management - Linking/unlinking ATMARP structures - Copy support functions
Revision History:
Who When What -------- -------- ---------------------------------------------- arvindm 07-15-96 Created
#include <precomp.h>
// AtmArpValidateTimerList and AtmArpValidateTimer are used in the checked
// build to validate the state of a timerlist and timer, respectively.
// They are not defined and used in the free build.
#if DBG
void AtmArpValidateTimerList( PATMARP_TIMER_LIST pTimerList );
void AtmArpValidateTimer( PATMARP_TIMER_LIST pTimerList, PATMARP_TIMER pTimer );
// AtmArpValidateTimerList is overkill for general use (even default
// free build) -- because it goes through the entire timer list --
// so disable it by default
#if 0
#define AA_VALIDATE_TIMER_LIST(_ptl) AtmArpValidateTimerList(_ptl)
#define AA_VALIDATE_TIMER_LIST(_ptl) ((void) 0)
#define AA_VALIDATE_TIMER(_ptl,_pt) AtmArpValidateTimer(_ptl,_pt)
#else // !DBG
#define AA_VALIDATE_TIMER_LIST(_ptl) ((void) 0)
#define AA_VALIDATE_TIMER(_ptl,_pt) ((void) 0)
#endif // !DBG
VOID AtmArpSetMemory( IN PUCHAR pStart, IN UCHAR Value, IN ULONG NumberOfBytes ) /*++
Routine Description:
Set "NumberOfBytes" bytes starting from "pStart" to "Value".
pStart - where to start filling. Value - the value to put everywhere NumberOfBytes - how many bytes to fill in
Return Value:
--*/ { while (NumberOfBytes--) { *pStart++ = Value; } }
ULONG AtmArpMemCmp( IN PUCHAR pString1, IN PUCHAR pString2, IN ULONG Length ) /*++
Routine Description:
Compare two byte strings.
pString1 - Start of first string pString2 - Start of second string Length - Length to compare
Return Value:
0 if both are equal, -1 if string 1 is "smaller", +1 if string 1 is "larger".
--*/ { while (Length--) { if (*pString1 != *pString2) { return ((*pString1 > *pString2)? (ULONG)1 : (ULONG)-1); } pString1++; pString2++; }
return (0); }
LONG AtmArpRandomNumber( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Generate a positive pseudo-random number; simple linear congruential algorithm. ANSI C "rand()" function. Courtesy JameelH.
Return Value:
a random number.
--*/ { LARGE_INTEGER Li; static LONG seed = 0;
if (seed == 0) { NdisGetCurrentSystemTime(&Li); seed = Li.LowPart; }
seed *= (0x41C64E6D + 0x3039); return (seed & 0x7FFFFFFF); }
VOID AtmArpCheckIfTimerIsInActiveList( IN PATMARP_TIMER pTimerToCheck, IN PATMARP_INTERFACE pInterface, IN PVOID pStruct, IN PCHAR pStructName ) /*
Instrumentation to catch a bug that causes the timer list to contain a pointer to an element that's been freed. */ { PATMARP_TIMER_LIST pTimerList; PATMARP_TIMER pTimer; ULONG i, j;
do { if (pInterface == NULL) { break; }
if (pTimerToCheck->State == ATMARP_TIMER_STATE_RUNNING || pTimerToCheck->State == ATMARP_TIMER_STATE_EXPIRING) { DbgPrint("ATMARPC: %s at %x contains timer %x still active on IF %x\n", pStructName, pStruct, pTimerToCheck, pInterface);
DbgBreakPoint(); }
AA_STRUCT_ASSERT(pInterface, aai);
for (i = 0; i < AAT_CLASS_MAX; i++) { pTimerList = &pInterface->TimerList[i];
for (j = 0; j < pTimerList->TimerListSize; j++) { for (pTimer = pTimerList->pTimers[j].pNextTimer; pTimer != NULL_PATMARP_TIMER; pTimer = pTimer->pNextTimer) { if (pTimer == pTimerToCheck) { DbgPrint("ATMARPC: %s at %x contains timer %x still active on IF %x, Head of list %x\n", pStructName, pStruct, pTimerToCheck, pInterface, &pTimerList->pTimers[j]); DbgBreakPoint(); } } } }
AA_RELEASE_IF_TIMER_LOCK(pInterface); break; } while (FALSE);
PATMARP_VC AtmArpAllocateVc( IN PATMARP_INTERFACE pInterface ) /*++
Routine Description:
Allocate an ATMARP VC structure, initialize it, and return it.
pInterface - Interface for which this VC is created.
Return Value:
Pointer to VC if allocated, NULL otherwise.
--*/ { PATMARP_VC pVc;
AA_STRUCT_ASSERT(pInterface, aai);
if (pVc != NULL_PATMARP_VC) { AA_SET_MEM(pVc, 0, sizeof(ATMARP_VC)); #if DBG
pVc->avc_sig = avc_signature; #endif // DBG
pVc->pInterface = pInterface; AA_INIT_VC_LOCK(pVc); }
AADEBUGP(AAD_LOUD, ("Allocated Vc 0x%x\n", pVc));
return (pVc); }
VOID AtmArpDeallocateVc( IN PATMARP_VC pVc ) /*++
Routine Description:
Deallocate an ATMARP VC structure. It is assumed that all references to this VC have gone, so there is no need to acquire a lock to the VC.
pVc - Pointer to the VC to be deallocated
Return Value:
--*/ { AA_STRUCT_ASSERT(pVc, avc); AA_ASSERT(pVc->RefCount == 0); AA_ASSERT(!AA_IS_TIMER_ACTIVE(&pVc->Timer));
AA_CHECK_TIMER_IN_ACTIVE_LIST(&pVc->Timer, pVc->pInterface, pVc, "VC");
#if DBG
pVc->avc_sig++; #endif
AADEBUGP(AAD_LOUD, ("Deallocated Vc 0x%x\n", pVc));
VOID AtmArpReferenceVc( IN PATMARP_VC pVc ) /*++
Routine Description:
Add a reference to the specified ATMARP VC. NOTE: The caller is assumed to possess a lock for the VC.
pVc - Pointer to the VC to be referenced
Return Value:
--*/ { AA_STRUCT_ASSERT(pVc, avc);
AADEBUGP(AAD_VERY_LOUD, ("Referencing Vc 0x%x, new count %d\n", pVc, pVc->RefCount)); }
ULONG AtmArpDereferenceVc( IN PATMARP_VC pVc ) /*++
Routine Description:
Subtract a reference from the specified ATMARP VC. If the VC's reference count becomes zero, deallocate it.
NOTE: The caller is assumed to possess a lock for the VC. SIDE EFFECT: See Return Value below
pVc - Pointer to the VC to be dereferenced.
Return Value:
Is the new reference count. [IMPORTANT] If the VC's reference count became zero, the VC will be deallocated -- the VC lock is, obviously, released in this case.
--*/ { ULONG rv; NDIS_HANDLE NdisVcHandle; BOOLEAN bVcOwnerIsAtmArp; NDIS_STATUS Status;
AA_STRUCT_ASSERT(pVc, avc); AA_ASSERT(pVc->RefCount > 0);
rv = --(pVc->RefCount); if (rv == 0) { #ifdef VC_REFS_ON_SENDS
NdisVcHandle = pVc->NdisVcHandle; bVcOwnerIsAtmArp = AA_IS_FLAG_SET(pVc->Flags, AA_VC_OWNER_MASK, AA_VC_OWNER_IS_ATMARP); #endif // VC_REFS_ON_SENDS
AA_RELEASE_VC_LOCK(pVc); AtmArpDeallocateVc(pVc);
if ((NdisVcHandle != NULL) && (bVcOwnerIsAtmArp)) { Status = NdisCoDeleteVc(NdisVcHandle); AA_ASSERT(Status == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS); AADEBUGP(AAD_LOUD, ("DereferenceVc 0x%x, deleted NdisVcHandle 0x%x\n", pVc, NdisVcHandle)); } #endif // VC_REFS_ON_SENDS
AADEBUGP(AAD_VERY_LOUD, ("Dereference Vc 0x%x, New RefCount %d\n", pVc, rv));
return (rv); }
PATMARP_ATM_ENTRY AtmArpAllocateAtmEntry( IN PATMARP_INTERFACE pInterface, IN BOOLEAN IsMulticast ) /*++
Routine Description:
Allocate an ATM Entry structure, initialize it, and return it.
pInterface - Pointer to ATMARP interface on which the entry is allocated IsMulticast - Is this a Multicast entry?
Return Value:
Pointer to allocated ATM Entry structure if successful, NULL otherwise.
--*/ { PATMARP_ATM_ENTRY pAtmEntry; ULONG Size;
AA_STRUCT_ASSERT(pInterface, aai);
Size = sizeof(ATMARP_ATM_ENTRY) #ifdef IPMCAST
+ (IsMulticast? sizeof(ATMARP_IPMC_ATM_INFO): 0); #else
; #endif
AA_ALLOC_MEM(pAtmEntry, ATMARP_ATM_ENTRY, Size); if (pAtmEntry != NULL_PATMARP_ATM_ENTRY) { AA_SET_MEM(pAtmEntry, 0, Size); #if DBG
pAtmEntry->aae_sig = aae_signature; #endif
pAtmEntry->Flags = AA_ATM_ENTRY_IDLE; #ifdef IPMCAST
if (IsMulticast) { pAtmEntry->Flags |= AA_ATM_ENTRY_TYPE_NUCAST; pAtmEntry->pMcAtmInfo = (PATMARP_IPMC_ATM_INFO) ((PUCHAR)pAtmEntry + sizeof(ATMARP_ATM_ENTRY)); } #endif // IPMCAST
AA_INIT_AE_LOCK(pAtmEntry); pAtmEntry->pInterface = pInterface;
AADEBUGP(AAD_INFO, ("Allocated ATM Entry: IF 0x%x, Entry 0x%x\n", pInterface, pAtmEntry));
return (pAtmEntry); }
VOID AtmArpDeallocateAtmEntry( IN PATMARP_ATM_ENTRY pAtmEntry ) /*++
Routine Description:
Free an ATMARP ATM Entry structure. It is assumed that all references to the structure have gone. We don't need any locks here.
pAtmEntry - Pointer to ATMARP ATM Entry to be freed.
Return Value:
--*/ { AA_STRUCT_ASSERT(pAtmEntry, aae); AA_ASSERT(pAtmEntry->RefCount == 0); AA_ASSERT(pAtmEntry->pVcList == NULL_PATMARP_VC); AA_ASSERT(!AA_AE_IS_ALIVE(pAtmEntry));
#if DBG
pAtmEntry->aae_sig++; #endif
AA_FREE_AE_LOCK(pAtmEntry); AA_FREE_MEM(pAtmEntry);
AADEBUGP(AAD_INFO, ("Deallocated ATM Entry: 0x%x\n", pAtmEntry)); }
VOID AtmArpReferenceAtmEntry( IN PATMARP_ATM_ENTRY pAtmEntry ) /*++
Routine Description:
Add a reference to the specified ATMARP Entry. NOTE: The caller is assumed to possess a lock for the Entry.
pAtmEntry - Pointer to the Entry to be referenced
Return Value:
--*/ { AA_STRUCT_ASSERT(pAtmEntry, aae);
AADEBUGP(AAD_VERY_LOUD, ("Referencing AtmEntry 0x%x, new count %d\n", pAtmEntry, pAtmEntry->RefCount)); }
ULONG AtmArpDereferenceAtmEntry( IN PATMARP_ATM_ENTRY pAtmEntry ) /*++
Routine Description:
Subtract a reference from the specified ATM Entry. If the Entry's reference count becomes zero, deallocate it.
NOTE: The caller is assumed to possess a lock for the Entry. SIDE EFFECT: See Return Value below
pAtmEntry - Pointer to the Entry to be dereferenced.
Return Value:
Is the new reference count. [IMPORTANT] If the Entry's reference count became zero, the Entry will be deallocated -- the Entry lock is, obviously, released in this case.
--*/ { ULONG rc; PATMARP_INTERFACE pInterface;
AA_STRUCT_ASSERT(pAtmEntry, aae); AA_ASSERT(pAtmEntry->RefCount > 0);
rc = --(pAtmEntry->RefCount); if (rc == 0) { PATMARP_ATM_ENTRY * ppAtmEntry;
// We are most likely going to delete this entry...
// We must observe the protocol of 1st locking the list lock then
// the pAtmEntry's lock, so this requires us to do the
// release/lock/lock sequence below.
// Temporarly addref it again, to make sure that when we
// release the lock below someone else doesn't get confused.
pInterface = pAtmEntry->pInterface; AA_STRUCT_ASSERT(pInterface, aai); AA_RELEASE_AE_LOCK(pAtmEntry);
// No locks held at this time!
// Acquire locks in the correct order...
AA_ASSERT(pAtmEntry->RefCount > 0); rc = --(pAtmEntry->RefCount);
// We can't assume that the ref count is still zero -- in principle
// someone may have addrefd this pAtmEntry while both locks
// were released above...
if (rc == 0) { //
// Unlink this entry from the Interface's list of ATM Entries.
ppAtmEntry = &(pInterface->pAtmEntryList); while (*ppAtmEntry != pAtmEntry) { AA_ASSERT(*ppAtmEntry != NULL_PATMARP_ATM_ENTRY); ppAtmEntry = &((*ppAtmEntry)->pNext); } *ppAtmEntry = pAtmEntry->pNext;
// Set state back to idle -- AtmArpDeallocate checks this...
if (rc == 0) { AtmArpDeallocateAtmEntry(pAtmEntry); } else { //
// Caller expects to still hold the lock on pAtmEntry!
// if we return nonzero rc ...
// We can't simply re-acquire the lock because the caller expects
// the that lock was never released.
// So, since the ref count had gone to zero, as far as the caller
// is concerned this structure has gone away and so we lie
// and return 0 here...
rc = 0; } }
AADEBUGP(AAD_VERY_LOUD, ("Dereference AtmEntry 0x%x, New RefCount %d\n", pAtmEntry, rc));
return (rc); }
PATMARP_IP_ENTRY AtmArpAllocateIPEntry( IN PATMARP_INTERFACE pInterface ) /*++
Routine Description:
Allocate an ATMARP IP Entry structure, initialize it, and return it.
pInterface - Pointer to ATMARP Interface on which this IP Entry is allocated.
Return Value:
Pointer to allocated IP Entry structure if successful, NULL otherwise.
--*/ { PATMARP_IP_ENTRY pIpEntry;
if (pIpEntry != NULL_PATMARP_IP_ENTRY) { AA_SET_MEM(pIpEntry, 0, sizeof(ATMARP_IP_ENTRY)); #if DBG
pIpEntry->aip_sig = aip_signature; #endif // DBG
pIpEntry->pInterface = pInterface; pIpEntry->Flags = AA_IP_ENTRY_IDLE; #ifdef IPMCAST
pIpEntry->NextMultiSeq = AA_MARS_INITIAL_Y; // Init on allocation
AA_INIT_IE_LOCK(pIpEntry); }
AADEBUGP(AAD_VERY_LOUD, ("Allocated IP Entry 0x%x\n", pIpEntry)); return (pIpEntry); }
VOID AtmArpDeallocateIPEntry( IN PATMARP_IP_ENTRY pIpEntry ) /*++
Routine Description:
Deallocate an ATMARP IP Entry. It is assumed that all references to this IP Entry have gone, so there is no need to acquire its lock.
pIpEntry - Pointer to the IP Entry to be deallocated.
Return Value:
--*/ { AA_STRUCT_ASSERT(pIpEntry, aip); AA_ASSERT(pIpEntry->RefCount == 0); AA_ASSERT(!AA_IE_IS_ALIVE(pIpEntry)); AA_ASSERT(!AA_IS_TIMER_ACTIVE(&pIpEntry->Timer));
AA_CHECK_TIMER_IN_ACTIVE_LIST(&pIpEntry->Timer, pIpEntry->pInterface, pIpEntry, "IP Entry");
#if DBG
pIpEntry->aip_sig = ~(pIpEntry->aip_sig); #endif // DBG
AADEBUGP(AAD_LOUD, ("Deallocated IP Entry 0x%x\n", pIpEntry));
VOID AtmArpReferenceIPEntry( IN PATMARP_IP_ENTRY pIpEntry ) /*++
Routine Description:
Add a reference to an ATMARP IP Entry. NOTE: The caller is assumed to possess a lock for the IP Entry.
pIpEntry - Pointer to an ATMARP IP Entry.
Return Value:
--*/ { AA_STRUCT_ASSERT(pIpEntry, aip);
AADEBUGP(AAD_VERY_LOUD, ("Referenced IP Entry 0x%x, new count %d\n", pIpEntry, pIpEntry->RefCount)); }
ULONG AtmArpDereferenceIPEntry( IN PATMARP_IP_ENTRY pIpEntry ) /*++
Routine Description:
Subtract a reference from an ATMARP IP Entry. If the reference count becomes zero, deallocate it. NOTE: It is assumed that the caller holds a lock to the IP Entry. See SIDE EFFECT below.
pIpEntry - Pointer to ATMARP IP Entry
Return Value:
The resulting reference count. If this is zero, then there are two SIDE EFFECTS: (1) the IP Entry lock is released (2) the structure is freed.
--*/ { ULONG rc;
AA_STRUCT_ASSERT(pIpEntry, aip);
rc = --(pIpEntry->RefCount);
if (rc == 0) { AA_RELEASE_IE_LOCK(pIpEntry); AtmArpDeallocateIPEntry(pIpEntry); }
AADEBUGP(AAD_VERY_LOUD, ("Dereference IP Entry 0x%x: new count %d\n", pIpEntry, rc));
return (rc); }
PATMARP_INTERFACE AtmArpAllocateInterface( IN PATMARP_ADAPTER pAdapter ) /*++
Routine Description:
Allocate an ATMARP interface structure, initialize it, link it to the given adapter structure, and return it.
Return Value:
Pointer to ATMARP interface structure, if successful, else NULL.
--*/ { PATMARP_INTERFACE pInterface; PATMARP_IP_ENTRY * pArpTable; PATMARP_TIMER_LIST pTimerList; NDIS_STATUS Status; PCO_SAP pIfSap; ULONG SapSize; PWSTR pIPConfigBuffer; USHORT ConfigBufferSize; INT i;
// Initialize
SapSize = sizeof(CO_SAP)+sizeof(ATM_SAP)+sizeof(ATM_ADDRESS); ConfigBufferSize = MAX_IP_CONFIG_STRING_LEN * sizeof(WCHAR);
do { //
// Allocate everything.
if ((pInterface == NULL_PATMARP_INTERFACE) || (pArpTable == (PATMARP_IP_ENTRY *)NULL) || (pIfSap == (PCO_SAP)NULL)) { Status = NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES; break; }
// Got (almost) everything allocated. Initialize the main IF structure
// first. IMPORTANT: Keep this SET_MEM right here! Otherwise, we will
// trash the timer list allocation coming right up.
AA_SET_MEM(pInterface, 0, sizeof(ATMARP_INTERFACE));
// Set up the Buffer pool quadword-aligned slist pointers.
{ for (i=0;i<AA_HEADER_TYPE_MAX;i++) { //
// Verify that HeaderBufList is 8-byte aligned...
// (we fully expect it to be because HeaderBufList is of type
// SLIST_HEADER which has longlong alignment) -- so that
// if the INTERFACE structure in which it is embedded in is
// 8-byte aligned, so will HeaderBufList...).
ASSERT((((ULONG_PTR)&(pInterface->HeaderPool[i].HeaderBufList)) & 0x7) == 0);
// Spec says you gotta init it...
AA_INIT_SLIST(&(pInterface->HeaderPool[i].HeaderBufList)); } }
// Allocate timer structures
for (i = 0; i < AAT_CLASS_MAX; i++) { pTimerList = &(pInterface->TimerList[i]); #if DBG
pTimerList->atl_sig = atl_signature; #endif // DBG
AA_ALLOC_MEM( pTimerList->pTimers, ATMARP_TIMER, sizeof(ATMARP_TIMER) * AtmArpTimerListSize[i] ); if (pTimerList->pTimers == NULL_PATMARP_TIMER) { Status = NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES; break; } }
if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { break; } //
// Continue initializing the IF structure.
#if DBG
// Signatures, for debugging.
pInterface->aai_sig = aai_signature; pInterface->aaim_sig = aaim_signature; pInterface->aaia_sig = aaia_signature; pInterface->aait_sig = aait_signature; pInterface->aaio_sig = aaio_signature; pInterface->aaic_sig = aaic_signature;
pInterface->SapList.aas_sig = aas_signature; #if ATMARP_WMI
pInterface->aaiw_sig = aaiw_signature; #endif
#endif // DBG
// Initialize state fields.
pInterface->AdminState = IF_STATUS_DOWN; pInterface->State = IF_STATUS_DOWN; pInterface->LastChangeTime = GetTimeTicks(); pInterface->ReconfigState = RECONFIG_NOT_IN_PROGRESS;
// Initialize IP interface fields.
pInterface->BroadcastMask = 0; pInterface->BroadcastAddress = IP_LOCAL_BCST; #ifndef OLD_ENTITY_LIST
// Initialize spinlocks.
AA_INIT_IF_LOCK(pInterface); AA_INIT_IF_TABLE_LOCK(pInterface); AA_INIT_IF_ATM_LIST_LOCK(pInterface); AA_INIT_IF_TIMER_LOCK(pInterface); AA_INIT_BLOCK_STRUCT(&(pInterface->Block)); NdisAllocateSpinLock(&(pInterface->BufferLock));
// Initialize list and table status
pInterface->AtmEntryListUp = TRUE; pInterface->ArpTableUp = TRUE;
// Initialize timer wheels.
for (i = 0; i < AAT_CLASS_MAX; i++) { pTimerList = &(pInterface->TimerList[i]); AA_SET_MEM( pTimerList->pTimers, 0, sizeof(ATMARP_TIMER) * AtmArpTimerListSize[i] ); pTimerList->MaxTimer = AtmArpMaxTimerValue[i]; pTimerList->TimerPeriod = AtmArpTimerPeriod[i]; pTimerList->ListContext = (PVOID)pInterface; pTimerList->TimerListSize = AtmArpTimerListSize[i];
AA_INIT_SYSTEM_TIMER( &(pTimerList->NdisTimer), AtmArpTickHandler, (PVOID)pTimerList ); }
// Initialize all sub-components.
// Link all sub-components to the Interface structure.
pInterface->pArpTable = pArpTable; pInterface->SapList.pInfo = pIfSap;
// Link the Interface to the Adapter.
pInterface->pAdapter = pAdapter; pInterface->pNextInterface = pAdapter->pInterfaceList; pAdapter->pInterfaceList = pInterface;
// Cache the adapter handle.
pInterface->NdisAdapterHandle = pAdapter->NdisAdapterHandle;
Status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; break; } while (FALSE);
if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { //
// Failed to allocate atleast one component. Free the other(s).
if (pInterface != NULL_PATMARP_INTERFACE) { for (i = 0; i < AAT_CLASS_MAX; i++) { pTimerList = &(pInterface->TimerList[i]); if (pTimerList->pTimers != NULL_PATMARP_TIMER) { AA_FREE_MEM(pTimerList->pTimers); pTimerList->pTimers = NULL_PATMARP_TIMER; } } AA_FREE_MEM(pInterface); pInterface = NULL_PATMARP_INTERFACE; // return value
if (pArpTable != (PATMARP_IP_ENTRY *)NULL) { AA_FREE_MEM(pArpTable); }
if (pIfSap != (PCO_SAP)NULL) { AA_FREE_MEM(pIfSap); } }
AADEBUGP(AAD_VERY_LOUD, ("Allocated ATMARP Interface 0x%x\n", pInterface));
return (pInterface);
VOID AtmArpDeallocateInterface( IN PATMARP_INTERFACE pInterface ) /*++
Routine Description:
Deallocate an ATMARP Interface structure. It is assumed that all references to this structure have gone, so it is not necessary to acquire a lock to it.
Also delink this from the adapter structure it's linked to.
pInterface - Pointer to Interface structure to be deallocated.
Return Value:
PVOID pNext; // Catch-all for all list traversals
AA_STRUCT_ASSERT(pInterface, aai); AA_ASSERT(pInterface->RefCount == 0);
AADEBUGP(AAD_INFO, ("Deallocate Interface 0x%x\n", pInterface));
#if DBG
pInterface->aai_sig = ~(pInterface->aai_sig); #endif // DBG
// Unlink from Adapter structure
AA_ACQUIRE_GLOBAL_LOCK(pAtmArpGlobalInfo); pAdapter = pInterface->pAdapter; if (pAdapter != NULL_PATMARP_ADAPTER) { ppInterface = &(pAdapter->pInterfaceList); while (*ppInterface != NULL_PATMARP_INTERFACE) { if (*ppInterface == pInterface) { *ppInterface = pInterface->pNextInterface; break; } else { ppInterface = &((*ppInterface)->pNextInterface); } } } AA_RELEASE_GLOBAL_LOCK(pAtmArpGlobalInfo);
// Free all subcomponents
// ARP Table
if (pInterface->pArpTable != (PATMARP_IP_ENTRY *)NULL) { AA_FREE_MEM(pInterface->pArpTable); pInterface->pArpTable = (PATMARP_IP_ENTRY *)NULL; }
// Local SAP list
for (pAtmArpSap = pInterface->SapList.pNextSap; pAtmArpSap != NULL_PATMARP_SAP; pAtmArpSap = (PATMARP_SAP)pNext) { pNext = (PVOID)(pAtmArpSap->pNextSap); if (pAtmArpSap->pInfo != (PCO_SAP)NULL) { AA_FREE_MEM(pAtmArpSap->pInfo); } AA_FREE_MEM(pAtmArpSap); } if (pInterface->SapList.pInfo != (PCO_SAP)NULL) { AA_FREE_MEM(pInterface->SapList.pInfo); } pInterface->SapList.pNextSap = NULL_PATMARP_SAP;
// List of local IP addresses
for (pIpEntry = pInterface->LocalIPAddress.pNext; pIpEntry != (PIP_ADDRESS_ENTRY)NULL; pIpEntry = (PIP_ADDRESS_ENTRY)pNext) { pNext = (PVOID)pIpEntry->pNext; AA_FREE_MEM(pIpEntry); }
// List of proxy ARP addresses
for (pProxyEntry = pInterface->pProxyList; pProxyEntry != (PPROXY_ARP_ENTRY)NULL; pProxyEntry = (PPROXY_ARP_ENTRY)pNext) { pNext = (PVOID)pProxyEntry->pNext; AA_FREE_MEM(pProxyEntry); } pInterface->pProxyList = (PPROXY_ARP_ENTRY)NULL;
// List of ARP Server addresses
for (pServerEntry = pInterface->ArpServerList.pList; pServerEntry != NULL_PATMARP_SERVER_ENTRY; pServerEntry = (PATMARP_SERVER_ENTRY)pNext) { pNext = (PVOID)pServerEntry->pNext; AA_FREE_MEM(pServerEntry); } pInterface->ArpServerList.pList = NULL_PATMARP_SERVER_ENTRY;
#ifdef IPMCAST
// List of MARS Server addresses
for (pServerEntry = pInterface->MARSList.pList; pServerEntry != NULL_PATMARP_SERVER_ENTRY; pServerEntry = (PATMARP_SERVER_ENTRY)pNext) { pNext = (PVOID)pServerEntry->pNext; AA_FREE_MEM(pServerEntry); } pInterface->MARSList.pList = NULL_PATMARP_SERVER_ENTRY; #endif // IPMCAST
// ARP Table
if (pInterface->pArpTable != (PATMARP_IP_ENTRY *)NULL) { AA_FREE_MEM(pInterface->pArpTable); pInterface->pArpTable = (PATMARP_IP_ENTRY *)NULL; }
// ATM Entry List
for (pAtmEntry = pInterface->pAtmEntryList; pAtmEntry != NULL_PATMARP_ATM_ENTRY; pAtmEntry = (PATMARP_ATM_ENTRY)pNext) { pNext = (PVOID)pAtmEntry->pNext; AA_FREE_MEM(pAtmEntry); } pInterface->pAtmEntryList = NULL_PATMARP_ATM_ENTRY;
// Unresolved VC list
for (pVc = pInterface->pUnresolvedVcs; pVc != NULL_PATMARP_VC; pVc = (PATMARP_VC)pNext) { pNext = (PVOID)pVc->pNextVc; AA_FREE_MEM(pVc); } pInterface->pUnresolvedVcs = (PATMARP_VC)NULL;
// Timers
for (i = 0; i < AAT_CLASS_MAX; i++) { PATMARP_TIMER_LIST pTimerList = &(pInterface->TimerList[i]);
if (pTimerList->pTimers != NULL_PATMARP_TIMER) { AA_FREE_MEM(pTimerList->pTimers); pTimerList->pTimers = NULL_PATMARP_TIMER; } }
// ProtocolPacketPool
// ProtocolBufferPool
// ProtocolBufList
// HeaderBufList
// pHeaderTrkList
// Free all Interface locks.
AA_FREE_IF_LOCK(pInterface); AA_FREE_IF_TABLE_LOCK(pInterface); AA_FREE_IF_ATM_LIST_LOCK(pInterface); AA_FREE_IF_TIMER_LOCK(pInterface); AA_FREE_BLOCK_STRUCT(&(pInterface->Block)); NdisFreeSpinLock(&(pInterface->BufferLock));
// Free the Interface structure now
// If we just freed the last Interface structure on this
// adapter, and an Unbind operation was in progress, complete
// it now.
if ((pAdapter->pInterfaceList == NULL_PATMARP_INTERFACE) && (pAdapter->Flags & AA_ADAPTER_FLAGS_UNBINDING)) { AtmArpCompleteUnbindAdapter(pAdapter); } }
VOID AtmArpReferenceInterface( IN PATMARP_INTERFACE pInterface ) /*++
Routine Description:
Add a reference to an Interface structure. NOTE: The caller is assumed to possess a lock for the interface structure.
pInterface - Pointer to the ATMARP interface
Return Value:
--*/ { AA_STRUCT_ASSERT(pInterface, aai);
AADEBUGP(AAD_VERY_LOUD, ("Reference Interface 0x%x, new count %d\n", pInterface, pInterface->RefCount)); }
ULONG AtmArpDereferenceInterface( IN PATMARP_INTERFACE pInterface ) /*++
Routine Description:
Subtract a reference from an ATMARP Interface. If the reference count becomes zero, deallocate it. NOTE: It is assumed that the caller holds a lock to the Interface structure. See SIDE EFFECT below.
pInterface - Pointer to the ATMARP interface
Return Value:
The resulting reference count. If this is zero, then there are two SIDE EFFECTS: (1) the Interface lock is released (2) the structure is freed.
--*/ { ULONG rc;
AA_STRUCT_ASSERT(pInterface, aai); AA_ASSERT(pInterface->RefCount > 0);
rc = --(pInterface->RefCount);
AADEBUGP(AAD_VERY_LOUD, ("Dereference Interface 0x%x, new count %d\n", pInterface, rc));
if (rc == 0) { AA_RELEASE_IF_LOCK(pInterface); AtmArpDeallocateInterface(pInterface); }
return (rc); }
VOID AtmArpReferenceJoinEntry( IN PATMARP_IPMC_JOIN_ENTRY pJoinEntry ) /*++
Routine Description:
Add a reference to a Join Entry.
pJoinEntry - Pointer to Join Entry
Return Value:
--*/ { NdisInterlockedIncrement(&pJoinEntry->RefCount); }
ULONG AtmArpDereferenceJoinEntry( IN PATMARP_IPMC_JOIN_ENTRY pJoinEntry ) /*++
Routine Description:
Decrements the ref count on a Join Entry. If it goes down to zero, deallocates it.
pJoinEntry - Pointer to the Join Entry
Return Value:
The final ref count
--*/ { ULONG rc;
rc = NdisInterlockedDecrement(&pJoinEntry->RefCount);
if (rc == 0) { AA_CHECK_TIMER_IN_ACTIVE_LIST(&pJoinEntry->Timer, pJoinEntry->pInterface, pJoinEntry, "Join Entry"); AA_FREE_MEM(pJoinEntry); }
return (rc); }
VOID AtmArpStartTimer( IN PATMARP_INTERFACE pInterface, IN PATMARP_TIMER pTimer, IN ATMARP_TIMEOUT_HANDLER TimeoutHandler, IN ULONG SecondsToGo, IN PVOID Context ) /*++
Routine Description:
Start an ATMARP timer. Based on the length (SecondsToGo) of the timer, we decide on whether to insert it in the short duration timer list or in the long duration timer list in the Interface structure.
NOTE: the caller is assumed to either hold a lock to the structure that contains the timer, or ensure that it is safe to access the timer structure.
pInterface - Pointer to the ATMARP Interface pTimer - Pointer to ATMARP Timer structure TimeoutHandler - Handler function to be called if this timer expires SecondsToGo - When does this timer go off? Context - To be passed to timeout handler if this timer expires
Return Value:
--*/ { PATMARP_TIMER_LIST pTimerList; // List to which this timer goes
PATMARP_TIMER pTimerListHead; // Head of above list
ULONG Index; // Into timer wheel
ULONG TicksToGo; INT i;
AA_STRUCT_ASSERT(pInterface, aai);
AADEBUGP(AAD_EXTRA_LOUD, ("StartTimer: pIf 0x%x, Secs %d, Handler 0x%x, Ctxt 0x%x, pTimer 0x%x\n", pInterface, SecondsToGo, TimeoutHandler, Context, pTimer));
if (AA_IS_TIMER_ACTIVE(pTimer)) { AADEBUGP(AAD_ERROR, ("Start timer: pTimer 0x%x: is active (list 0x%x, hnd 0x%x), stopping it\n", pTimer, pTimer->pTimerList, pTimer->TimeoutHandler));
AtmArpStopTimer(pTimer, pInterface); }
// Find the list to which this timer should go, and the
// offset (TicksToGo)
for (i = 0; i < AAT_CLASS_MAX; i++) { pTimerList = &(pInterface->TimerList[i]); if (SecondsToGo < pTimerList->MaxTimer) { //
// Found it.
TicksToGo = SecondsToGo / (pTimerList->TimerPeriod); break; } } AA_ASSERT(i < AAT_CLASS_MAX);
// Find the position in the list for this timer
Index = pTimerList->CurrentTick + TicksToGo; if (Index >= pTimerList->TimerListSize) { Index -= pTimerList->TimerListSize; } AA_ASSERT(Index < pTimerList->TimerListSize);
pTimerListHead = &(pTimerList->pTimers[Index]);
// Fill in the timer
pTimer->pTimerList = pTimerList; pTimer->LastRefreshTime = pTimerList->CurrentTick; pTimer->Duration = TicksToGo; pTimer->TimeoutHandler = TimeoutHandler; pTimer->Context = Context; pTimer->State = ATMARP_TIMER_STATE_RUNNING; //
// Insert this timer in the "ticking" list
pTimer->pPrevTimer = pTimerListHead; pTimer->pNextTimer = pTimerListHead->pNextTimer; if (pTimer->pNextTimer != NULL_PATMARP_TIMER) { pTimer->pNextTimer->pPrevTimer = pTimer; } pTimerListHead->pNextTimer = pTimer;
// Start off the system tick timer if necessary.
pTimerList->TimerCount++; if (pTimerList->TimerCount == 1) { AADEBUGP(AAD_LOUD, ("StartTimer: Starting system timer 0x%x, class %d on IF 0x%x\n", &(pTimerList->NdisTimer), i, pInterface));
AA_START_SYSTEM_TIMER(&(pTimerList->NdisTimer), pTimerList->TimerPeriod); } AA_VALIDATE_TIMER_LIST(pTimerList); AA_VALIDATE_TIMER(pTimerList, pTimer);
// We're done
AADEBUGP(AAD_LOUD, ("Started timer 0x%x, IF 0x%x, Secs %d, Index %d, Head 0x%x\n", pTimer, pInterface, SecondsToGo, Index, pTimerListHead));
return; }
Routine Description:
Stop an ATMARP timer, if it is running. We remove this timer from the active timer list and mark it so that we know it's not running.
NOTE: the caller is assumed to either hold a lock to the structure that contains the timer, or ensure that it is safe to access the timer structure.
SIDE EFFECT: If we happen to stop the last timer (of this "duration") on the Interface, we also stop the appropriate Tick function.
pTimer - Pointer to ATMARP Timer structure pInterface - Pointer to interface to which the timer belongs
Return Value:
TRUE if the timer was running, FALSE otherwise.
--*/ { PATMARP_TIMER_LIST pTimerList; // Timer List to which this timer belongs
BOOLEAN WasRunning;
AADEBUGP(AAD_LOUD, ("Stopping Timer 0x%x, IF 0x%x, List 0x%x, Prev 0x%x, Next 0x%x\n", pTimer, pInterface, pTimer->pTimerList, pTimer->pPrevTimer, pTimer->pNextTimer));
if (AA_IS_TIMER_ACTIVE(pTimer)) { WasRunning = TRUE;
// Unlink timer from the list
AA_ASSERT(pTimer->pPrevTimer); // the list head always exists
pTimer->pPrevTimer->pNextTimer = pTimer->pNextTimer; if (pTimer->pNextTimer) { pTimer->pNextTimer->pPrevTimer = pTimer->pPrevTimer; }
pTimer->pNextTimer = pTimer->pPrevTimer = NULL_PATMARP_TIMER;
// Update timer count on Interface, for this class of timers
pTimerList = pTimer->pTimerList; pTimerList->TimerCount--;
// If all timers of this class are gone, stop the system tick timer
// for this class
if (pTimerList->TimerCount == 0) { AADEBUGP(AAD_LOUD, ("Stopping system timer 0x%x, List 0x%x, IF 0x%x\n", &(pTimerList->NdisTimer), pTimerList, pInterface));
pTimerList->CurrentTick = 0; AA_STOP_SYSTEM_TIMER(&(pTimerList->NdisTimer)); }
// Mark stopped timer as not active
pTimer->pTimerList = (PATMARP_TIMER_LIST)NULL;
} else { WasRunning = FALSE; }
return (WasRunning); }
VOID AtmArpRefreshTimer( IN PATMARP_TIMER pTimer ) /*++
Routine Description:
Refresh a timer that is already running.
NOTE: The caller is assumed to possess a lock protecting the timer structure (i.e. to the structure containing the timer).
NOTE: We don't acquire the IF Timer Lock here, to optimize the refresh operation. So, _within_ the confines of this routine, the tick handler may fire, and expire this timer. The only care that we take here is to make sure that we don't crash if the timer expires while we access the Timer list.
pTimer - Pointer to ATMARP_TIMER structure
Return Value:
--*/ { PATMARP_TIMER_LIST pTimerList;
if ((pTimerList = pTimer->pTimerList) != (PATMARP_TIMER_LIST)NULL) { pTimer->LastRefreshTime = pTimerList->CurrentTick; } else { AADEBUGP(AAD_VERY_LOUD, ("RefreshTimer: pTimer 0x%x not active: Hnd 0x%x, Cntxt 0x%x\n", pTimer, pTimer->TimeoutHandler, pTimer->Context )); }
AADEBUGP(AAD_LOUD, ("Refreshed timer 0x%x, List 0x%x, hnd 0x%x, Cntxt 0x%x, LastRefresh %d\n", pTimer, pTimer->pTimerList, pTimer->TimeoutHandler, pTimer->Context, pTimer->LastRefreshTime)); }
#endif // NO_TIMER_MACRO
VOID AtmArpTickHandler( IN PVOID SystemSpecific1, IN PVOID Context, IN PVOID SystemSpecific2, IN PVOID SystemSpecific3 ) /*++
Routine Description:
This is the handler we register with the system for processing each Timer List. This is called every "tick" seconds, where "tick" is determined by the granularity of the timer type.
Context - Actually a pointer to a Timer List structure SystemSpecific[1-3] - Not used
Return Value:
--*/ {
PATMARP_TIMER pExpiredTimer; // Start of list of expired timers
PATMARP_TIMER pNextTimer; // for walking above list
PATMARP_TIMER pTimer; // temp, for walking timer list
PATMARP_TIMER pPrevExpiredTimer; // for creating expired timer list
ULONG Index; // into the timer wheel
ULONG NewIndex; // for refreshed timers
pTimerList = (PATMARP_TIMER_LIST)Context; AA_STRUCT_ASSERT(pTimerList, atl);
pInterface = (PATMARP_INTERFACE)pTimerList->ListContext; AA_STRUCT_ASSERT(pInterface, aai);
AADEBUGP(AAD_VERY_LOUD, ("Tick: pIf 0x%x, List 0x%x, Count %d\n", pInterface, pTimerList, pTimerList->TimerCount));
if (pInterface->AdminState == IF_STATUS_UP) { //
// Pick up the list of timers scheduled to have expired at the
// current tick. Some of these might have been refreshed.
Index = pTimerList->CurrentTick; pExpiredTimer = (pTimerList->pTimers[Index]).pNextTimer; (pTimerList->pTimers[Index]).pNextTimer = NULL_PATMARP_TIMER;
// Go through the list of timers scheduled to expire at this tick.
// Prepare a list of expired timers, using the pNextExpiredTimer
// link to chain them together.
// Some timers may have been refreshed, in which case we reinsert
// them in the active timer list.
pPrevExpiredTimer = NULL_PATMARP_TIMER;
for (pTimer = pExpiredTimer; pTimer != NULL_PATMARP_TIMER; pTimer = pNextTimer) { //
// Save a pointer to the next timer, for the next iteration.
pNextTimer = pTimer->pNextTimer;
AADEBUGP(AAD_EXTRA_LOUD, ("Tick Handler: pIf 0x%x, looking at timer 0x%x, next 0x%x\n", pInterface, pTimer, pNextTimer));
// Find out when this timer should actually expire.
NewIndex = pTimer->LastRefreshTime + pTimer->Duration; if (NewIndex >= pTimerList->TimerListSize) { NewIndex -= pTimerList->TimerListSize; }
// Check if we are currently at the point of expiry.
if (NewIndex != Index) { //
// This timer still has some way to go, so put it back.
AADEBUGP(AAD_LOUD, ("Tick: Reinserting Timer 0x%x: Hnd 0x%x, Durn %d, Ind %d, NewInd %d\n", pTimer, pTimer->TimeoutHandler, pTimer->Duration, Index, NewIndex));
// Remove it from the expired timer list. Note that we only
// need to update the forward (pNextExpiredTimer) links.
if (pPrevExpiredTimer == NULL_PATMARP_TIMER) { pExpiredTimer = pNextTimer; } else { pPrevExpiredTimer->pNextExpiredTimer = pNextTimer; }
// And insert it back into the running timer list.
pTimer->pNextTimer = (pTimerList->pTimers[NewIndex]).pNextTimer; if (pTimer->pNextTimer != NULL_PATMARP_TIMER) { pTimer->pNextTimer->pPrevTimer = pTimer; } pTimer->pPrevTimer = &(pTimerList->pTimers[NewIndex]); (pTimerList->pTimers[NewIndex]).pNextTimer = pTimer; } else { //
// This one has expired. Keep it in the expired timer list.
pTimer->pNextExpiredTimer = pNextTimer; if (pPrevExpiredTimer == NULL_PATMARP_TIMER) { pExpiredTimer = pTimer; } pPrevExpiredTimer = pTimer;
// Mark it as inactive.
AA_ASSERT(pTimer->pTimerList == pTimerList); pTimer->pTimerList = (PATMARP_TIMER_LIST)NULL;
// Update the active timer count.
pTimerList->TimerCount--; } }
// Update current tick index in readiness for the next tick.
if (++Index == pTimerList->TimerListSize) { pTimerList->CurrentTick = 0; } else { pTimerList->CurrentTick = Index; }
if (pTimerList->TimerCount > 0) { //
// Re-arm the tick handler
AADEBUGP(AAD_LOUD, ("Tick[%d]: Starting system timer 0x%x, on IF 0x%x\n", pTimerList->CurrentTick, &(pTimerList->NdisTimer), pInterface)); AA_START_SYSTEM_TIMER(&(pTimerList->NdisTimer), pTimerList->TimerPeriod); } else { pTimerList->CurrentTick = 0; }
// Now pExpiredTimer is a list of expired timers.
// Walk through the list and call the timeout handlers
// for each timer.
while (pExpiredTimer != NULL_PATMARP_TIMER) { pNextTimer = pExpiredTimer->pNextExpiredTimer;
AADEBUGP(AAD_LOUD, ("Expired timer 0x%x: handler 0x%x, next 0x%x\n", pExpiredTimer, pExpiredTimer->TimeoutHandler, pNextTimer));
pExpiredTimer->State = ATMARP_TIMER_STATE_EXPIRED; (*(pExpiredTimer->TimeoutHandler))( pExpiredTimer, pExpiredTimer->Context );
pExpiredTimer = pNextTimer; }
PNDIS_PACKET AtmArpAllocatePacket( IN PATMARP_INTERFACE pInterface ) /*++
Routine Description:
Allocate an NDIS packet for the specified Interface. Currently just a wrapper for the corresponding NDIS function.
pInterface - Pointer to ATMARP Interface structure
Return Value:
Pointer to NDIS packet if allocated, NULL otherwise.
--*/ { NDIS_STATUS Status; PNDIS_PACKET pNdisPacket; struct PacketContext *PC;
NdisAllocatePacket( &Status, &pNdisPacket, pInterface->ProtocolPacketPool );
if (pNdisPacket != (PNDIS_PACKET)NULL) { PC = (struct PacketContext *)pNdisPacket->ProtocolReserved; PC->pc_common.pc_owner = PACKET_OWNER_LINK; }
AADEBUGP(AAD_EXTRA_LOUD, ("Allocate Packet: IF 0x%x, Status 0x%x, Packet 0x%x\n", pInterface, Status, pNdisPacket));
return (pNdisPacket); }
VOID AtmArpFreePacket( IN PATMARP_INTERFACE pInterface, IN PNDIS_PACKET pPacket ) /*++
Routine Description:
Deallocate an NDIS packet on the specified Interface. Currently just a wrapper around the corresponding NDIS function.
pInterface - Pointer to ATMARP Interface structure pPacket - Pointer to packet being freed.
Return Value:
--*/ { NdisFreePacket(pPacket);
AADEBUGP(AAD_EXTRA_LOUD, ("Free Packet: IF 0x%x, Packet 0x%x\n", pInterface, pPacket)); }
Routine Description:
Allocate a bunch of header buffers on the specified ATMARP interface. Return one of them.
We allocate a new Buffer tracker structure, a new NDIS Buffer pool, and finally a chunk of system memory that we break down into header buffers. These header buffers are then attached to NDIS Buffers before they are inserted into the list of free header buffers for this Interface.
pInterface - Pointer to ATMARP Interface structure HdrType - Unicast or Nonunicast
Return Value:
Pointer to allocated NDIS buffer if successful, NULL otherwise.
--*/ { PATMARP_BUFFER_TRACKER pTracker; // for new set of buffers
PUCHAR pSpace; PNDIS_BUFFER pNdisBuffer; PNDIS_BUFFER pReturnBuffer; PNDIS_BUFFER pBufferList; // allocated list
INT i; // iteration counter
// Initialize
do { if (pInterface->HeaderPool[HdrType].CurHeaderBufs >= pInterface->HeaderPool[HdrType].MaxHeaderBufs) { AADEBUGP(AAD_WARNING, ("Grow Hdrs: IF 0x%x, Type %d, CurHdrBufs %d > MaxHdrBufs %d\n", pInterface, HdrType, pInterface->HeaderPool[HdrType].CurHeaderBufs, pInterface->HeaderPool[HdrType].MaxHeaderBufs)); break; }
// Allocate and initialize Buffer tracker
AA_ALLOC_MEM(pTracker, ATMARP_BUFFER_TRACKER, sizeof(ATMARP_BUFFER_TRACKER)); if (pTracker == NULL_PATMARP_BUFFER_TRACKER) { AADEBUGP(AAD_WARNING, ("Grow Hdrs: IF 0x%x, alloc failed for tracker\n", pInterface)); break; }
// Get the NDIS Buffer pool
NdisAllocateBufferPool( &Status, &(pTracker->NdisHandle), AA_DEF_HDRBUF_GROW_SIZE );
if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { AADEBUGP(AAD_WARNING, ("Grow Hdrs: IF 0x%x, NdisAllocateBufferPool err status 0x%x\n", pInterface, Status)); break; }
// Allocate system space for a bunch of header buffers
AA_ALLOC_MEM(pTracker->pPoolStart, UCHAR, pInterface->HeaderPool[HdrType].HeaderBufSize * AA_DEF_HDRBUF_GROW_SIZE);
if (pTracker->pPoolStart == (PUCHAR)NULL) { AADEBUGP(AAD_WARNING, ("Grow Hdrs: IF 0x%x, could not alloc buf space %d bytes\n", pInterface, pInterface->HeaderPool[HdrType].HeaderBufSize * AA_DEF_HDRBUF_GROW_SIZE)); break; }
// Make NDIS buffers out of the allocated space, and put them
// into the free header buffer list. Retain one for returning
// to caller.
// We also fill in the contents of the buffers right away, so
// that we don't have to prepare them afresh for each transmit.
pBufferList = (PNDIS_BUFFER)NULL; pSpace = pTracker->pPoolStart; for (i = 0; i < AA_DEF_HDRBUF_GROW_SIZE; i++) { if (HdrType == AA_HEADER_TYPE_UNICAST) { //
// Fill in the (Unicast) LLC/SNAP header
AA_COPY_MEM(pSpace, &AtmArpLlcSnapHeader, pInterface->HeaderPool[HdrType].HeaderBufSize); } else { AA_ASSERT(HdrType == AA_HEADER_TYPE_NUNICAST); //
// Fill in the (Multicast) Type 1 short form header
#ifdef IPMCAST
AA_COPY_MEM(pSpace, &AtmArpMcType1ShortHeader, pInterface->HeaderPool[HdrType].HeaderBufSize); #else
NdisAllocateBuffer( &Status, &pNdisBuffer, pTracker->NdisHandle, pSpace, pInterface->HeaderPool[HdrType].HeaderBufSize );
if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { AADEBUGP(AAD_WARNING, ("Grow Hdrs: NdisAllocateBuffer failed: IF 0x%x, status 0x%x\n", pInterface, Status)); break; }
if (i == 0) { pReturnBuffer = pNdisBuffer; } else { NDIS_BUFFER_LINKAGE(pNdisBuffer) = pBufferList; pBufferList = pNdisBuffer; } pSpace += pInterface->HeaderPool[HdrType].HeaderBufSize; }
if (i > 0) { //
// Successfully allocated atleast one more header buffer
pTracker->pNext = pInterface->HeaderPool[HdrType].pHeaderTrkList; pInterface->HeaderPool[HdrType].pHeaderTrkList = pTracker; pInterface->HeaderPool[HdrType].CurHeaderBufs += i;
pNdisBuffer = pBufferList; while (pNdisBuffer != (PNDIS_BUFFER)NULL) { pBufferList = NDIS_BUFFER_LINKAGE(pNdisBuffer); NDIS_BUFFER_LINKAGE(pNdisBuffer) = NULL; AtmArpFreeHeader(pInterface, pNdisBuffer, HdrType); pNdisBuffer = pBufferList; } }
} while (FALSE);
if (pReturnBuffer == (PNDIS_BUFFER)NULL) { //
// Failed to allocate. Undo all.
if (pTracker != NULL_PATMARP_BUFFER_TRACKER) { if (pTracker->pPoolStart != (PUCHAR)NULL) { AA_FREE_MEM(pTracker->pPoolStart); } if (pTracker->NdisHandle != (NDIS_HANDLE)NULL) { NdisFreeBufferPool(pTracker->NdisHandle); } AA_FREE_MEM(pTracker); } }
AADEBUGP(AAD_INFO, ("Grow ARP Headers: IF 0x%x, RetBuf 0x%x, New Tracker 0x%x\n", pInterface, pReturnBuffer, pTracker));
return (pReturnBuffer);
PNDIS_BUFFER AtmArpAllocateHeader( IN PATMARP_INTERFACE pInterface, IN AA_HEADER_TYPE HdrType, OUT PUCHAR * pBufferAddress ) /*++
Routine Description:
Allocate an NDIS Buffer to be used as an LLC/SNAP header prepended to an IP packet. We pick up the buffer at the top of the pre-allocated buffer list, if one exists. Otherwise, we try to grow this list and allocate.
pInterface - Pointer to ATMARP Interface HdrType - Unicast or Nonunicast pBufferAddress - Place to return virtual address of allocated buffer
Return Value:
Pointer to NDIS buffer if successful, NULL otherwise.
--*/ { PNDIS_BUFFER pNdisBuffer; NDIS_STATUS Status; ULONG Length; PAA_SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY pListEntry;
pListEntry = AA_POP_FROM_SLIST( &(pInterface->HeaderPool[HdrType].HeaderBufList), &(pInterface->BufferLock.SpinLock) ); if (pListEntry != NULL_PAA_SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY) { pNdisBuffer = STRUCT_OF(NDIS_BUFFER, pListEntry, Next); NDIS_BUFFER_LINKAGE(pNdisBuffer) = NULL; *pBufferAddress = NdisBufferVirtualAddress(pNdisBuffer); } else { pNdisBuffer = AtmArpGrowHeaders(pInterface, HdrType); if (pNdisBuffer != (PNDIS_BUFFER)NULL) { NDIS_BUFFER_LINKAGE(pNdisBuffer) = NULL; NdisQueryBuffer(pNdisBuffer, (PVOID)pBufferAddress, &Length); AADEBUGP(AAD_INFO, ("After growing hdrs: Type %d, returning pNdisBuf 0x%x, Start 0x%x, Len %d\n", HdrType, pNdisBuffer, *pBufferAddress, Length)); } }
AADEBUGP(AAD_VERY_LOUD, ("Allocated Header Buffer: 0x%x, IF: 0x%x\n", pNdisBuffer, pInterface)); return (pNdisBuffer); }
VOID AtmArpFreeHeader( IN PATMARP_INTERFACE pInterface, IN PNDIS_BUFFER pNdisBuffer, IN AA_HEADER_TYPE HdrType ) /*++
Routine Description:
Deallocate a header buffer.
pInterface - Pointer to ATMARP interface from which the buffer came pNdisBuffer - Pointer to NDIS buffer being freed HdrType - Unicast or Nonunicast
Return Value:
--*/ { AA_PUSH_TO_SLIST( &(pInterface->HeaderPool[HdrType].HeaderBufList), STRUCT_OF(AA_SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY, &(pNdisBuffer->Next), Next), &(pInterface->BufferLock.SpinLock) );
AADEBUGP(AAD_VERY_LOUD, ("Freed Header Buffer: 0x%x, IF: 0x%x, HdrType %d\n", pNdisBuffer, pInterface, HdrType)); }
VOID AtmArpDeallocateHeaderBuffers( IN PATMARP_INTERFACE pInterface ) /*++
Routine Description:
Deallocate everything pertaining to header buffers on an Interface.
pInterface - Pointer to ATMARP Interface
Return Value:
for (HdrType = 0; HdrType < AA_HEADER_TYPE_MAX; HdrType++) { //
// Free all NDIS buffers in the header buffer list.
do { pListEntry = AA_POP_FROM_SLIST( &(pInterface->HeaderPool[HdrType].HeaderBufList), &(pInterface->BufferLock.SpinLock) ); if (pListEntry != NULL_PAA_SINGLE_LIST_ENTRY) { pNdisBuffer = STRUCT_OF(NDIS_BUFFER, pListEntry, Next); NDIS_BUFFER_LINKAGE(pNdisBuffer) = NULL; NdisFreeBuffer(pNdisBuffer); } else { //
// No more NDIS buffers.
break; } } while (TRUE);
// Now free all the buffer trackers.
pTracker = pInterface->HeaderPool[HdrType].pHeaderTrkList;
while (pTracker != NULL_PATMARP_BUFFER_TRACKER) { pNextTracker = pTracker->pNext; if (pTracker->pPoolStart != (PUCHAR)NULL) { AA_FREE_MEM(pTracker->pPoolStart); pTracker->pPoolStart = (PUCHAR)NULL; } if (pTracker->NdisHandle != (NDIS_HANDLE)NULL) { NdisFreeBufferPool(pTracker->NdisHandle); pTracker->NdisHandle = (NDIS_HANDLE)NULL; } AA_FREE_MEM(pTracker); pTracker = pNextTracker; }
} // for
PNDIS_BUFFER AtmArpAllocateProtoBuffer( IN PATMARP_INTERFACE pInterface, IN ULONG Length, OUT PUCHAR * pBufferAddress ) /*++
Routine Description:
Allocate a buffer to be used for an ATM ARP protocol message. Attach it to an NDIS_BUFFER structure and return a pointer to this.
pInterface - Pointer to ATMARP Interface Length - Length, in bytes, of the buffer. pBufferAddress - Place to return virtual address of allocated buffer.
Return Value:
Pointer to NDIS Buffer if successful, NULL otherwise.
--*/ { PNDIS_BUFFER pNdisBuffer; NDIS_STATUS Status;
// Initialize
pNdisBuffer = NULL;
AA_ASSERT(Length <= pInterface->ProtocolBufSize);
*pBufferAddress = pInterface->ProtocolBufList; if (*pBufferAddress != (PUCHAR)NULL) { NdisAllocateBuffer( &Status, &pNdisBuffer, pInterface->ProtocolBufferPool, *pBufferAddress, Length );
if (Status == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { pInterface->ProtocolBufList = *((PUCHAR *)*pBufferAddress); } }
AADEBUGP(AAD_LOUD, ("Allocated protocol buffer: IF 0x%x, pNdisBuffer 0x%x, Length %d, Loc 0x%x\n", pInterface, pNdisBuffer, Length, *pBufferAddress));
return (pNdisBuffer); }
VOID AtmArpFreeProtoBuffer( IN PATMARP_INTERFACE pInterface, IN PNDIS_BUFFER pNdisBuffer ) /*++
Routine Description:
Free an NDIS buffer (and associated memory) used for a protocol packet. We return the associated memory to the ProtocolBufList in the interface structure, and the NDIS buffer to NDIS.
pInterface - Pointer to ATMARP interface structure pNdisBuffer - Pointer to NDIS buffer to be freed
Return Value:
--*/ { PUCHAR * pBufferLinkage; ULONG Length;
NdisQueryBuffer(pNdisBuffer, (PVOID)&pBufferLinkage, &Length);
*pBufferLinkage = pInterface->ProtocolBufList; pInterface->ProtocolBufList = (PUCHAR)pBufferLinkage;
AADEBUGP(AAD_LOUD, ("Freed Protocol Buf: IF 0x%x, pNdisBuffer 0x%x, Loc 0x%x\n", pInterface, pNdisBuffer, pBufferLinkage));
NDIS_STATUS AtmArpInitProtoBuffers( IN PATMARP_INTERFACE pInterface ) /*++
Routine Description:
Initialize the protocol buffer pool for an interface.
Allocate a chunk of memory to be used for ATMARP protocol messages. We prepare a linked list of protocol buffers, and attach it to the Interface structure.
pInterface - Pointer to Interface on which we need to allocate protocol buffers. Return Value:
NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS if successful, NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES if we run into a resource failure.
--*/ { NDIS_STATUS Status; PUCHAR pSpace; ULONG i;
do { NdisAllocatePacketPool( &Status, &(pInterface->ProtocolPacketPool), pInterface->MaxProtocolBufs, sizeof(struct PCCommon) );
if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { break; }
NdisAllocateBufferPool( &Status, &(pInterface->ProtocolBufferPool), pInterface->MaxProtocolBufs );
if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { break; }
// Allocate a big chunk of system memory that we can divide up into
// protocol buffers.
AA_ALLOC_MEM( pInterface->ProtocolBufTracker, UCHAR, (pInterface->ProtocolBufSize * pInterface->MaxProtocolBufs) );
if (pInterface->ProtocolBufTracker == (PUCHAR)NULL) { Status = NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES; break; }
// Make all protocol buffers free.
pSpace = pInterface->ProtocolBufTracker; { PUCHAR LinkPtr;
LinkPtr = (PUCHAR)NULL; for (i = 0; i < pInterface->MaxProtocolBufs; i++) { *((PUCHAR *)pSpace) = LinkPtr; LinkPtr = pSpace; pSpace += pInterface->ProtocolBufSize; } pSpace -= pInterface->ProtocolBufSize; pInterface->ProtocolBufList = pSpace; } } while (FALSE);
if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { //
// Undo everything.
AtmArpDeallocateProtoBuffers(pInterface); }
return (Status); }
VOID AtmArpDeallocateProtoBuffers( IN PATMARP_INTERFACE pInterface ) /*++
Routine Description:
Free the protocol buffer pool for an interface.
pInterface - Pointer to ATMARP interface structure
Return Value:
--*/ { if (pInterface->ProtocolPacketPool != (NDIS_HANDLE)NULL) { NdisFreePacketPool(pInterface->ProtocolPacketPool); pInterface->ProtocolPacketPool = NULL; }
if (pInterface->ProtocolBufferPool != (NDIS_HANDLE)NULL) { NdisFreeBufferPool(pInterface->ProtocolBufferPool); pInterface->ProtocolBufferPool = NULL; }
if (pInterface->ProtocolBufTracker != (PUCHAR)NULL) { AA_FREE_MEM(pInterface->ProtocolBufTracker); pInterface->ProtocolBufTracker = (PUCHAR)NULL; } }
VOID AtmArpLinkVcToAtmEntry( IN PATMARP_VC pVc, IN PATMARP_ATM_ENTRY pAtmEntry ) /*++
Routine Description:
Link an ATMARP VC to an ATM Entry. The caller is assumed to hold locks to both structures.
If this VC is a "best effort" VC, and there is no "best effort" VC linked to the ATM Entry, we make this as the "best effort VC" on this ATM Entry.
pVc - Pointer to ATMARP VC structure pAtmEntry - Pointer to ATMARP ATM Entry structure
Return Value:
--*/ { PATMARP_VC *ppNext; ULONG SendBandwidth;
AADEBUGP(AAD_EXTRA_LOUD, ("Link VC: 0x%x to AtmEntry 0x%x\n", pVc, pAtmEntry));
// Back pointer from VC to ATM Entry.
pVc->pAtmEntry = pAtmEntry;
// Find the position in which this VC should appear in the ATM Entry's
// VC list. We maintain this list in descending order of send bandwidth,
// so that the largest bandwidth VC to a destination appears first.
SendBandwidth = pVc->FlowSpec.SendPeakBandwidth; ppNext = &(pAtmEntry->pVcList); while (*ppNext != NULL_PATMARP_VC) { if (SendBandwidth >= (*ppNext)->FlowSpec.SendPeakBandwidth) { break; } else { ppNext = &((*ppNext)->pNextVc); } }
// Found the place we were looking for. Insert the VC here.
pVc->pNextVc = *ppNext; *ppNext = pVc;
if ((pAtmEntry->pBestEffortVc == NULL_PATMARP_VC) && AA_IS_BEST_EFFORT_FLOW(&(pVc->FlowSpec))) { pAtmEntry->pBestEffortVc = pVc; }
AA_REF_AE(pAtmEntry, AE_REFTYPE_VC); // VC reference
VOID AtmArpUnlinkVcFromAtmEntry( IN PATMARP_VC pVc, IN BOOLEAN bDerefAtmEntry ) /*++
Routine Description:
Unlink an ATMARP VC from the ATM Entry it is linked to. The caller is assumed to hold a lock for the VC structure.
pVc - Pointer to ATMARP VC structure bDerefAtmEntry - Should we deref the ATM entry or not.
Return Value:
--*/ { PATMARP_ATM_ENTRY pAtmEntry; PATMARP_VC * ppVc;
AADEBUGP(AAD_EXTRA_LOUD, ("Unlink VC: 0x%x from AtmEntry 0x%x\n", pVc, pVc->pAtmEntry));
pAtmEntry = pVc->pAtmEntry; AA_ASSERT(pAtmEntry != NULL_PATMARP_ATM_ENTRY); pVc->pAtmEntry = NULL_PATMARP_ATM_ENTRY;
// Reacquire locks in the right order.
// Search for the position of this VC in the ATM Entry's VC list
ppVc = &(pAtmEntry->pVcList); while (*ppVc != pVc) { AA_ASSERT(*ppVc != NULL_PATMARP_VC); ppVc = &((*ppVc)->pNextVc); }
// Make the predecessor point to the next VC in the list.
*ppVc = pVc->pNextVc;
// If this was the Best Effort VC for this ATM Entry, try
// to find a replacement
if (pAtmEntry->pBestEffortVc == pVc) { //
// Yes, it was. Walk through the list of remaining VCs,
// if we find another Best Effort VC, make that the
// BestEffortVc for this ATM Entry
pAtmEntry->pBestEffortVc = NULL_PATMARP_VC;
ppVc = &(pAtmEntry->pVcList); while (*ppVc != NULL_PATMARP_VC) { if (AA_IS_BEST_EFFORT_FLOW(&((*ppVc)->FlowSpec))) { pAtmEntry->pBestEffortVc = *ppVc; break; } else { ppVc = &((*ppVc)->pNextVc); } } AADEBUGP(AAD_LOUD, ("Atm Entry 0x%x, new Best Effort VC: 0x%x\n", pAtmEntry, pAtmEntry->pBestEffortVc)); }
if (bDerefAtmEntry) { if (AA_DEREF_AE(pAtmEntry, AE_REFTYPE_VC) != 0) { AA_RELEASE_AE_LOCK(pAtmEntry); } } else { AA_RELEASE_AE_LOCK(pAtmEntry); }
// Acquire the VC lock again for the caller's sake
PNDIS_BUFFER AtmArpCopyToNdisBuffer( IN PNDIS_BUFFER pDestBuffer, IN PUCHAR pDataSrc, IN UINT LenToCopy, IN OUT PUINT pOffsetInBuffer ) /*++
Routine Description:
Copy data into an NDIS buffer chain. Use up as much of the given NDIS chain as needed for "LenToCopy" bytes. After copying is over, return a pointer to the first NDIS buffer that has space for writing into (for the next Copy operation), and the offset within this from which to start writing.
pDestBuffer - First NDIS buffer in a chain of buffers pDataSrc - Where to copy data from LenToCopy - How much data to copy pOffsetInBuffer - Offset in pDestBuffer where we can start copying into.
Return Value:
The NDIS buffer in the chain where the next Copy can be done. We also set *pOffsetInBuffer to the write offset in the returned NDIS buffer.
Note: if we are low on memory and run into a failure, we return NULL.
--*/ { //
// Size and destination for individual (contiguous) copy operations
UINT CopySize; PUCHAR pDataDst;
// Start Virtual address for each NDIS buffer in chain.
PUCHAR VirtualAddress;
// Offset within pDestBuffer
UINT OffsetInBuffer = *pOffsetInBuffer;
// Bytes remaining in current buffer
UINT DestSize;
// Total Buffer Length
UINT BufferLength;
#ifdef ATMARP_WIN98
NdisQueryBuffer( pDestBuffer, &VirtualAddress, &BufferLength ); #else
NdisQueryBufferSafe( pDestBuffer, &VirtualAddress, &BufferLength, NormalPagePriority );
if (VirtualAddress == NULL) { return (NULL); } #endif // ATMARP_WIN98
AA_ASSERT(BufferLength >= OffsetInBuffer);
pDataDst = VirtualAddress + OffsetInBuffer; DestSize = BufferLength - OffsetInBuffer;
for (;;) { CopySize = MIN(LenToCopy, DestSize); AA_COPY_MEM(pDataDst, pDataSrc, CopySize);
pDataDst += CopySize; pDataSrc += CopySize;
LenToCopy -= CopySize; if (LenToCopy == 0) { break; }
DestSize -= CopySize;
if (DestSize == 0) { //
// Out of space in the current buffer. Move to the next.
pDestBuffer = NDIS_BUFFER_LINKAGE(pDestBuffer); AA_ASSERT(pDestBuffer != (PNDIS_BUFFER)NULL); #ifdef ATMARP_WIN98
NdisQueryBuffer( pDestBuffer, &VirtualAddress, &BufferLength ); #else
NdisQueryBufferSafe( pDestBuffer, &VirtualAddress, &BufferLength, NormalPagePriority );
if (VirtualAddress == NULL) { return (NULL); } #endif // ATMARP_WIN98
pDataDst = VirtualAddress; DestSize = BufferLength; } }
*pOffsetInBuffer = (UINT) (pDataDst - VirtualAddress);
return (pDestBuffer); }
PATMARP_INTERFACE AtmArpAddInterfaceToAdapter ( IN PATMARP_ADAPTER pAdapter, IN NDIS_HANDLE LISConfigHandle, // Handle to per-LIS config
IN NDIS_STRING *pIPConfigString ) { NDIS_STATUS Status; struct LLIPBindInfo BindInfo; PATMARP_INTERFACE pInterface; #ifdef ATMARP_WIN98
ANSI_STRING AnsiConfigString; #endif
do { //
// Create an ATMARP Interface structure to represent this LIS.
pInterface = AtmArpAllocateInterface(pAdapter); if (pInterface == NULL_PATMARP_INTERFACE) { AADEBUGP(AAD_WARNING, ("NotifyRegAfHandler: could not allocate Interface\n")); Status = NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES; break; }
// Adapter Binding Reference:
// Get all configuration information for this LIS.
Status = AtmArpCfgReadLISConfiguration( LISConfigHandle, pInterface );
if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { AADEBUGP(AAD_WARNING, ("AddInterfaceToAdapter: bad status (0x%x) reading LIS cfg\n", Status)); break; }
#ifndef ATMARP_WIN98
pInterface->IPConfigString = *pIPConfigString; // struct copy.
// Win98: Convert IPConfig string from Unicode to ANSI.
AnsiConfigString.MaximumLength = pIPConfigString->MaximumLength / sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(CHAR); AA_ALLOC_MEM(AnsiConfigString.Buffer, CHAR, AnsiConfigString.MaximumLength); if (AnsiConfigString.Buffer == NULL) { AADEBUGP(AAD_WARNING, ("NotifyRegAfHandler: couldn't alloc Ansi string (%d)\n", AnsiConfigString.MaximumLength)); Status = NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES; break; } AnsiConfigString.Length = 0; NdisUnicodeStringToAnsiString(&AnsiConfigString, pIPConfigString); AnsiConfigString.Buffer[AnsiConfigString.Length] = '\0'; #endif // !ATMARP_WIN98
// Allocate protocol buffers for this LIS.
Status = AtmArpInitProtoBuffers(pInterface); if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { AADEBUGP(AAD_WARNING, ("AddInterfaceToAdapter: bad status (0x%x) from InitBufs\n", Status)); break; }
// Initialize IP/ATM data structures for this LIS.
Status = AtmArpInitIpOverAtm(pInterface); if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { AADEBUGP(AAD_WARNING, ("AddInterfaceToAdapter: bad status (0x%x) from InitIP/ATM\n", Status)); break; }
// Initialize the Call Manager interface for this LIS.
Status = AtmArpOpenCallMgr(pInterface); if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { AADEBUGP(AAD_WARNING, ("AddInterfaceToAdapter: bad status (0x%x) from OpenCallMgr\n", Status)); break; }
// Announce this new interface to IP, along with our BindInfo
// structure.
AA_SET_MEM(&BindInfo, 0, sizeof(BindInfo));
// Query and set NIC offload capabilities.
BindInfo.lip_OffloadFlags = pAdapter->Offload.Flags; BindInfo.lip_MaxOffLoadSize = pAdapter->Offload.MaxOffLoadSize; BindInfo.lip_MaxSegments = pAdapter->Offload.MinSegmentCount; #endif // ATMOFFLOAD
BindInfo.lip_context = (PVOID)pInterface; #ifdef ATMARP_WIN98
BindInfo.lip_transmit = AtmArpIfTransmit; #else
BindInfo.lip_transmit = AtmArpIfMultiTransmit; #endif
BindInfo.lip_transfer = AtmArpIfTransfer; BindInfo.lip_close = AtmArpIfClose; BindInfo.lip_addaddr = AtmArpIfAddAddress; BindInfo.lip_deladdr = AtmArpIfDelAddress; BindInfo.lip_invalidate = AtmArpIfInvalidate; BindInfo.lip_open = AtmArpIfOpen; BindInfo.lip_qinfo = AtmArpIfQueryInfo; BindInfo.lip_setinfo = AtmArpIfSetInfo; BindInfo.lip_getelist = AtmArpIfGetEList; BindInfo.lip_mss = pInterface->MTU; BindInfo.lip_speed = pInterface->Speed; //
// Set LIP_COPY_FLAG to avoid having TransferData
// called all the time.
BindInfo.lip_flags = LIP_COPY_FLAG; BindInfo.lip_addrlen = AA_ATM_PHYSADDR_LEN; BindInfo.lip_addr = &(pInterface->LocalAtmAddress.Address[AA_ATM_ESI_OFFSET]); #ifdef _PNP_POWER_
BindInfo.lip_pnpcomplete = AtmArpIfPnPComplete; #endif // _PNP_POWER_
#ifdef PROMIS
BindInfo.lip_setndisrequest = AtmArpIfSetNdisRequest; #endif // PROMIS
#ifdef ATMARP_WIN98
#if DBG
AADEBUGP(AAD_FATAL, ("Will call AddIF: DeviceName [%ws]\n", &(pInterface->pAdapter->DeviceName.Buffer))); AADEBUGP(AAD_FATAL, ("And ConfigString: [%s]\n", AnsiConfigString.Buffer)); #endif
#endif // ATMARP_WIN98
Status = (*(pAtmArpGlobalInfo->pIPAddInterfaceRtn))( &(pInterface->pAdapter->DeviceName),
#ifndef ATMARP_WIN98
NULL, // IfName (unused) -- See 10/14/1998 entry
// in notes.txt
#endif // IFCHANGE1
pIPConfigString, #else
(PNDIS_STRING)&AnsiConfigString, #endif
pAdapter->SystemSpecific2, (PVOID)pInterface, AtmArpIfDynRegister, &BindInfo #if IFCHANGE1
#ifndef ATMARP_WIN98
,0, // RequestedIndex (unused) -- See 10/14/1998 entry
// in notes.txt
#endif // IFCHANGE1
if (Status == IP_SUCCESS) { Status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { AADEBUGP(AAD_ERROR, ("AddInterface: IPAddInterface ret 0x%x\n", Status));
Status = NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; } break; } while (FALSE);
if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { //
// There was a failure in processing this LIS.
if (pInterface != NULL_PATMARP_INTERFACE) { if (pInterface->NdisAfHandle != NULL) { (VOID)AtmArpCloseCallMgr(pInterface); }
pInterface->RefCount = 0; AtmArpDeallocateInterface(pInterface);
return pInterface;
#if DBG
void AtmArpValidateTimerList( PATMARP_TIMER_LIST pTimerList ) /*++
Routine Description:
pTimerList - Timer list
Return Value:
None -- will assert if timer is not valid.
{ PATMARP_TIMER pTimer; UINT u; UINT cTimers=0;
AA_ASSERT(pTimerList->atl_sig == atl_signature); AA_ASSERT(pTimerList->CurrentTick < pTimerList->TimerListSize);
for (u=0;u<pTimerList->TimerListSize;u++) { for ( pTimer = pTimerList->pTimers[u].pNextTimer; pTimer; pTimer = pTimer->pNextTimer) { AtmArpValidateTimer(pTimerList, pTimer); cTimers++; } }
AA_ASSERT(pTimerList->TimerCount == cTimers);
void AtmArpValidateTimer( PATMARP_TIMER_LIST pTimerList, // OPTIONAL
PATMARP_TIMER pTimer ) /*++
Routine Description:
pTimer - Timer
Return Value:
None -- will assert if timer is not valid.
{ if (pTimerList) { AA_ASSERT(pTimerList == pTimer->pTimerList); }
if (pTimer->pPrevTimer) { AA_ASSERT(pTimer->pPrevTimer->pNextTimer == pTimer); }
if (pTimer->pNextTimer) { AA_ASSERT(pTimer->pNextTimer->pPrevTimer == pTimer); } }
#endif // DBG