typedef HRESULT CALLBACK FNDumpFnCallBack(LPVOID pParam, LPCVOID pvKey, LPCVOID pvRef, LPCVOID pvAddress);
template <class T> class StlDbgBase : public T { public: static HRESULT HrInitialRead(ULONG64 lpAddress, StlDbgBase<T>** lpHeader);
// Implement these in your derived classes:
static HRESULT HrDumpAllFromUl64(ULONG64 lpAddress, LPVOID lpParam, FNDumpFnCallBack* pFNDumpFnCallBack); };
//// STL MAP<key, ref> //
template <class T> class StlDbgMap : public StlDbgBase<T> { private: typedef T::_Imp::_Node _StlDbgNode; typedef T::_Imp::_Nodeptr _StlDbgNodePtr;
static HRESULT HrDumpAll(LPVOID lpAddress, LPVOID lpParam, FNDumpFnCallBack* pFNDumpFnCallBack); static HRESULT HrDumpNode(LPVOID pvHead, LPVOID pvDbgHead, DWORD dwLevel, LPVOID lpParam, FNDumpFnCallBack* pFNDumpFnCallBack);
public: static HRESULT HrDumpAllFromUl64(ULONG64 lpAddress, LPVOID lpParam, FNDumpFnCallBack* pFNDumpFnCallBack); };
//// STL LIST<ref> //
template <class T> class StlDbgList : public StlDbgBase<T> { private: typedef T::_Node _StlDbgNode; typedef T::_Nodeptr _StlDbgNodePtr;
static HRESULT HrDumpAll(LPVOID lpAddress, LPVOID lpParam, FNDumpFnCallBack* pFNDumpFnCallBack); static HRESULT HrDumpNode(LPVOID pvHead, LPVOID pvDbgHead, DWORD dwLevel, LPVOID lpParam, FNDumpFnCallBack* pFNDumpFnCallBack);
public: static HRESULT HrDumpAllFromUl64(ULONG64 lpAddress, LPVOID lpParam, FNDumpFnCallBack* pFNDumpFnCallBack); };
template <class T> HRESULT StlDbgMap<T>::HrDumpNode(LPVOID pvHead, LPVOID pvDbgHead, DWORD dwLevel, LPVOID lpParam, FNDumpFnCallBack* pFNDumpFnCallBack) { _StlDbgNodePtr pHead = reinterpret_cast<_StlDbgNodePtr>(pvHead); _StlDbgNodePtr pDbgHead = reinterpret_cast<_StlDbgNodePtr>(pvDbgHead);
dprintfVerbose("Dumping node (level %d) from head: [0x%08x]\n", dwLevel, pvDbgHead); if (!pvDbgHead) { return S_FALSE; }
if ( (!pHead->_Left) && (!pHead->_Right) ) // aparently with the STL version we are using, this identifies an end node.
{ return S_FALSE; }
HRESULT hr; hr = pFNDumpFnCallBack(lpParam, &(pHead->_Value.first), &(pHead->_Value.second), &(pDbgHead->_Value)); dprintfVerbose("%d: left is : 0x%08x\n", dwLevel, pHead->_Left); dprintfVerbose("%d: right is: 0x%08x\n", dwLevel, pHead->_Right); if (0 != pHead->_Left) { _StlDbgNodePtr pNodeLeft = reinterpret_cast<_StlDbgNodePtr>(new BYTE[sizeof(_StlDbgNode)]); if (pNodeLeft) { ZeroMemory(pNodeLeft, sizeof(_StlDbgNodePtr)); dprintfVerbose("%d: Reading left child node ", dwLevel); hr = HrReadMemory(pHead->_Left, sizeof(_StlDbgNode), pNodeLeft); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = HrDumpNode(pNodeLeft, pHead->_Left, dwLevel+1, lpParam, pFNDumpFnCallBack); } delete [] reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(pNodeLeft); } }
if (0 != pHead->_Right) { _StlDbgNodePtr pNodeRight = reinterpret_cast<_StlDbgNodePtr>(new BYTE[sizeof(_StlDbgNode)]); if (pNodeRight) { ZeroMemory(pNodeRight, sizeof(_StlDbgNode));
dprintfVerbose("%d: Reading right child node ", dwLevel); hr = HrReadMemory(pHead->_Right, sizeof(_StlDbgNode), pNodeRight); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = HrDumpNode(pNodeRight, pHead->_Right, dwLevel+1, lpParam, pFNDumpFnCallBack); } delete [] reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(pNodeRight); } } return S_OK; }
template <class T> HRESULT StlDbgMap<T>::HrDumpAll(LPVOID lpAddress, LPVOID lpParam, FNDumpFnCallBack* pFNDumpFnCallBack) { return HrDumpAllFromUl64((ULONG64)(ULONG_PTR)(lpAddress), lpParam, pFNDumpFnCallBack); }
template <class T> HRESULT StlDbgList<T>::HrDumpAll(LPVOID lpAddress, LPVOID lpParam, FNDumpFnCallBack* pFNDumpFnCallBack) { return HrDumpAllFromUl64((ULONG64)(ULONG_PTR)(lpAddress), lpParam, pFNDumpFnCallBack); }
template <class T> HRESULT StlDbgMap<T>::HrDumpAllFromUl64(ULONG64 lpAddress, LPVOID lpParam, FNDumpFnCallBack* pFNDumpFnCallBack) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
C_ASSERT(sizeof(T) == sizeof(StlDbgMap<T>)); // If you have a compile error on this line it means you added non-static data to your class.
// This is not allowed as it will break the binary compatibility of the structure.
StlDbgMap<T> *pStlDbgCore;
hr = HrInitialRead(lpAddress, reinterpret_cast<StlDbgBase<T> **>(&pStlDbgCore)); if (S_OK == hr) // don't care if 0 entries
{ _StlDbgNodePtr pStlDbgHeadNode = reinterpret_cast<_StlDbgNodePtr>(new BYTE[sizeof(_StlDbgNode)]); if (pStlDbgHeadNode) { ZeroMemory(pStlDbgHeadNode, sizeof(_StlDbgNode));
dprintfVerbose("Reading map<>.[_Tr]._Head"); hr = HrReadMemory(pStlDbgCore->_Tr._Head, sizeof(_StlDbgNode), pStlDbgHeadNode); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { _StlDbgNodePtr pDbgMapRootNode = reinterpret_cast<_StlDbgNodePtr>(new BYTE[sizeof(_StlDbgNode)]); if (pDbgMapRootNode) { ZeroMemory(pDbgMapRootNode, sizeof(_StlDbgNode));
dprintfVerbose("Reading map<>.[_Tr]._Head._Parent"); hr = HrReadMemory( pStlDbgHeadNode->_Parent, sizeof(_StlDbgNode), pDbgMapRootNode); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = HrDumpNode(pDbgMapRootNode, pStlDbgHeadNode->_Parent, 0, lpParam, pFNDumpFnCallBack); } delete [] reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(pDbgMapRootNode); } } delete [] reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(pStlDbgHeadNode); } delete reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(pStlDbgCore); }
return hr; }
template <class T> HRESULT StlDbgList<T>::HrDumpAllFromUl64(ULONG64 lpAddress, LPVOID lpParam, FNDumpFnCallBack* pFNDumpFnCallBack) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
C_ASSERT(sizeof(T) == sizeof(StlDbgList<T>)); // If you have a compile error on this line it means you added non-static data to your class.
// This is not allowed as it will break the binary compatibility of the structure.
StlDbgList<T> *pStlDbgCore;
hr = HrInitialRead(lpAddress, reinterpret_cast<StlDbgBase<T> **>(&pStlDbgCore)); if (S_OK == hr) // don't care if 0 entries
{ _StlDbgNodePtr pStlDbgHeadNode = reinterpret_cast<_StlDbgNodePtr>(new BYTE[sizeof(_StlDbgNode)]); if (pStlDbgHeadNode) { ZeroMemory(pStlDbgHeadNode, sizeof(_StlDbgNode));
dprintfVerbose("Reading list<>._Head"); hr = HrReadMemory(pStlDbgCore->_Head, sizeof(_StlDbgNode), pStlDbgHeadNode); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { _StlDbgNodePtr pStlDbgNodeNext = reinterpret_cast<_StlDbgNodePtr>(new BYTE[sizeof(_StlDbgNode)]); if (pStlDbgNodeNext) { BOOL fDone = FALSE; dprintfVerbose("Reading list<>._Head->_Next"); hr = HrReadMemory(pStlDbgHeadNode->_Next, sizeof(_StlDbgNode), pStlDbgNodeNext); LPVOID ulReadAddress = pStlDbgNodeNext->_Value; while (SUCCEEDED(hr) && !fDone) { dprintfVerbose("dumping list entry at from 0x%08x\r\n", pStlDbgNodeNext->_Value); hr = pFNDumpFnCallBack(lpParam, NULL, pStlDbgNodeNext->_Value, ulReadAddress);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (pStlDbgNodeNext->_Next == pStlDbgCore->_Head) { dprintfVerbose("end of list\n"); fDone = TRUE; } else { hr = HrReadMemory(pStlDbgNodeNext->_Next, sizeof(_StlDbgNode), pStlDbgNodeNext); ulReadAddress = pStlDbgNodeNext->_Value; } } } } } delete [] reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(pStlDbgHeadNode); } delete reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(pStlDbgCore); }
return hr; }
template <class T> HRESULT StlDbgBase<T>::HrInitialRead(ULONG64 lpAddress, StlDbgBase<T>** lpHeader) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
C_ASSERT(sizeof(T) == sizeof(StlDbgBase<T>));// If you have a compile error on this line it means you added non-static data to your class.
// This is not allowed as it will break the binary compatibility of the structure.
StlDbgBase<T> *pStlDbgCore = reinterpret_cast<StlDbgBase<T> *>(new BYTE[sizeof(StlDbgBase<T>)]); if (pStlDbgCore) { ZeroMemory(pStlDbgCore, sizeof(StlDbgBase<T>));
dprintfVerbose("Reading STL class starting at %08x", lpAddress); hr = HrReadMemoryFromUlong(lpAddress, sizeof(StlDbgBase<T>), pStlDbgCore); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { dprintf("%d entries found:\n", pStlDbgCore->size());
if (pStlDbgCore->size()) { hr = S_OK; } else { hr = S_FALSE; } }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { *lpHeader = pStlDbgCore; } else { delete reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(pStlDbgCore); } } return hr; }