Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  1. /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Microsoft Corporation
  3. Module Name:
  4. afilestr.h
  5. Abstract:
  6. Strings for accessing the AnswerFile
  7. Author:
  8. Kumar Pandit (kumarp)
  9. Revision History:
  10. Last modified: Time-stamp: <kumarp 04-February-99 (06:12:41 pm)>
  11. 17-Mar-1997 : Kumar Pandit (kumarp) : Created
  12. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  13. #pragma once
  14. #ifndef _AFILESTR_H_
  15. #define _AFILESTR_H_
  16. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. // General
  18. extern const WCHAR c_szAfNone[];
  19. extern const WCHAR c_szAfUnknown[];
  20. extern const WCHAR c_szAfListDelimiter[];
  21. extern const WCHAR c_szAfDisplay[];
  22. extern const WCHAR c_szAfAllowChanges[];
  23. extern const WCHAR c_szAfOnlyOnError[];
  24. extern const WCHAR c_szAfParams[];
  25. extern const WCHAR c_szAfSectionIdentification[];
  26. extern const WCHAR c_szAfSectionNetAdapters[];
  27. extern const WCHAR c_szAfSectionNetProtocols[];
  28. extern const WCHAR c_szAfSectionNetServices[];
  29. extern const WCHAR c_szAfSectionNetClients[];
  30. extern const WCHAR c_szAfSectionNetBindings[];
  31. extern const WCHAR c_szAfSectionWinsock[];
  32. extern const WCHAR c_szAfKeyWinsockOrder[];
  33. extern const WCHAR c_szAfAdapterSections[];
  34. extern const WCHAR c_szAfSpecificTo[];
  35. extern const WCHAR c_szAfCleanup[];
  36. extern const WCHAR c_szAfInfid[];
  37. extern const WCHAR c_szAfInfidReal[];
  38. extern const WCHAR c_szAfInstance[];
  39. extern const WCHAR c_szAfInstallDefaultComponents[];
  40. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  41. // ZAW related
  42. //
  43. extern const WCHAR c_szAfNetComponentsToRemove[];
  44. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  45. // Network upgrade related
  46. //
  47. extern const WCHAR c_szAfSectionNetworking[];
  48. extern const WCHAR c_szAfUpgradeFromProduct[];
  49. extern const WCHAR c_szAfBuildNumber[];
  50. extern const WCHAR c_szAfProcessPageSections[];
  51. extern const WCHAR c_szAfNtServer[];
  52. extern const WCHAR c_szAfNtSbServer[];
  53. extern const WCHAR c_szAfNtWorkstation[];
  54. extern const WCHAR c_szAfWin95[];
  55. extern const WCHAR c_szAfDisableServices[];
  56. extern const WCHAR c_szAfSectionToRun[];
  57. extern const WCHAR c_szRegKeyAnswerFileMap[];
  58. extern const WCHAR c_szAfPreUpgradeRouter[];
  59. extern const WCHAR c_szAfNwSapAgentParams[];
  60. extern const WCHAR c_szAfIpRipParameters[];
  61. extern const WCHAR c_szAfDhcpRelayAgentParameters[];
  62. extern const WCHAR c_szAfRadiusParameters[];
  63. extern const WCHAR c_szAfMiscUpgradeData[];
  64. extern const WCHAR c_szAfSapAgentUpgrade[];
  65. extern const WCHAR c_szAfServiceStartTypes[];
  66. extern const WCHAR c_szAfTapiSrvRunInSeparateInstance[];
  67. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  68. // OEM upgrade related
  69. //
  70. extern const WCHAR c_szAfOemSection[];
  71. extern const WCHAR c_szAfOemDir[];
  72. extern const WCHAR c_szAfOemDllToLoad[];
  73. extern const WCHAR c_szAfOemInf[];
  74. extern const WCHAR c_szAfSkipInstall[];
  75. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  76. // Net card related
  77. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  78. // The definition of INTERFACE_TYPE has been picked up from ntioapi.h
  79. // if we try to include ntioapi.h, it leads to inclusion of tons of other
  80. // irrelevant files.
  81. #ifndef _NTIOAPI_
  82. typedef enum _INTERFACE_TYPE {
  83. InterfaceTypeUndefined = -1,
  84. Internal,
  85. Isa,
  86. Eisa,
  87. MicroChannel,
  88. TurboChannel,
  89. PCIBus,
  90. VMEBus,
  91. NuBus,
  92. PCMCIABus,
  93. CBus,
  94. MPIBus,
  95. MPSABus,
  96. ProcessorInternal,
  97. InternalPowerBus,
  98. PNPISABus,
  99. MaximumInterfaceType
  101. #endif
  102. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  103. //Hardware Bus-Types
  104. extern const WCHAR c_szAfInfIdWildCard[];
  105. extern const WCHAR c_szAfNetCardAddr[];
  106. extern const WCHAR c_szAfBusType[];
  107. extern const WCHAR c_szAfBusInternal[];
  108. extern const WCHAR c_szAfBusIsa[];
  109. extern const WCHAR c_szAfBusEisa[];
  110. extern const WCHAR c_szAfBusMicrochannel[];
  111. extern const WCHAR c_szAfBusTurbochannel[];
  112. extern const WCHAR c_szAfBusPci[];
  113. extern const WCHAR c_szAfBusVme[];
  114. extern const WCHAR c_szAfBusNu[];
  115. extern const WCHAR c_szAfBusPcmcia[];
  116. extern const WCHAR c_szAfBusC[];
  117. extern const WCHAR c_szAfBusMpi[];
  118. extern const WCHAR c_szAfBusMpsa[];
  119. extern const WCHAR c_szAfBusProcessorinternal[];
  120. extern const WCHAR c_szAfBusInternalpower[];
  121. extern const WCHAR c_szAfBusPnpisa[];
  122. //Net card parameters
  123. extern const WCHAR c_szAfAdditionalParams[];
  124. extern const WCHAR c_szAfPseudoAdapter[];
  125. extern const WCHAR c_szAfDetect[];
  126. extern const WCHAR c_szAfIoAddr[];
  127. extern const WCHAR c_szAfIrq[];
  128. extern const WCHAR c_szAfDma[];
  129. extern const WCHAR c_szAfMem[];
  130. extern const WCHAR c_szAfTransceiverType[];
  131. extern const WCHAR c_szAfSlotNumber[];
  132. extern const WCHAR c_szAfConnectionName[];
  133. //Transceiver Types
  134. extern const WCHAR c_szAfThicknet[];
  135. extern const WCHAR c_szAfThinnet[];
  136. extern const WCHAR c_szAfTp[];
  137. extern const WCHAR c_szAfAuto[];
  138. enum NetTransceiverType
  139. {
  141. };
  142. // Netcard upgrade specific
  143. extern const WCHAR c_szAfPreUpgradeInstance[];
  144. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  145. // Identification Page related
  146. extern const WCHAR c_szAfComputerName[];
  147. extern const WCHAR c_szAfJoinWorkgroup[];
  148. extern const WCHAR c_szAfJoinDomain[];
  149. extern const WCHAR c_szAfDomainAdmin[];
  150. extern const WCHAR c_szAfDomainAdminPassword[];
  151. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  152. // Protocols related
  153. //TCPIP
  154. extern const WCHAR c_szAfEnableSecurity[];
  155. extern const WCHAR c_szAfEnableICMPRedirect[];
  156. extern const WCHAR c_szAfDeadGWDetectDefault[];
  157. extern const WCHAR c_szAfDontAddDefaultGatewayDefault[];
  158. extern const WCHAR c_szAfIpAllowedProtocols[];
  159. extern const WCHAR c_szAfTcpAllowedPorts[];
  160. extern const WCHAR c_szAfUdpAllowedPorts[];
  161. extern const WCHAR c_szDatabasePath[];
  162. extern const WCHAR c_szAfForwardBroadcasts[];
  163. extern const WCHAR c_szAfPPTPTcpMaxDataRetransmissions[];
  164. extern const WCHAR c_szAfUseZeroBroadcast[];
  165. extern const WCHAR c_szAfArpAlwaysSourceRoute[];
  166. extern const WCHAR c_szAfArpCacheLife[];
  167. extern const WCHAR c_szAfArpTRSingleRoute[];
  168. extern const WCHAR c_szAfArpUseEtherSNAP[];
  169. extern const WCHAR c_szAfDefaultTOS[];
  170. extern const WCHAR c_szDefaultTTL[];
  171. extern const WCHAR c_szEnableDeadGWDetect[];
  172. extern const WCHAR c_szEnablePMTUBHDetect[];
  173. extern const WCHAR c_szEnablePMTUDiscovery[];
  174. extern const WCHAR c_szForwardBufferMemory[];
  175. extern const WCHAR c_szHostname[];
  176. extern const WCHAR c_szIGMPLevel[];
  177. extern const WCHAR c_szKeepAliveInterval[];
  178. extern const WCHAR c_szKeepAliveTime[];
  179. extern const WCHAR c_szMaxForwardBufferMemory[];
  180. extern const WCHAR c_szMaxForwardPending[];
  181. extern const WCHAR c_szMaxNumForwardPackets[];
  182. extern const WCHAR c_szMaxUserPort[];
  183. extern const WCHAR c_szMTU[];
  184. extern const WCHAR c_szNumForwardPackets[];
  185. extern const WCHAR c_szTcpMaxConnectRetransmissions[];
  186. extern const WCHAR c_szTcpMaxDataRetransmissions[];
  187. extern const WCHAR c_szTcpNumConnections[];
  188. extern const WCHAR c_szTcpTimedWaitDelay[];
  189. extern const WCHAR c_szTcpUseRFC1122UrgentPointer[];
  190. extern const WCHAR c_szDefaultGateway[];
  191. extern const WCHAR c_szDomain[];
  192. extern const WCHAR c_szEnableSecurityFilters[];
  193. extern const WCHAR c_szNameServer[];
  194. extern const WCHAR c_szMaxHashTableSize[];
  195. extern const WCHAR c_szEnableAddrMaskReply[];
  196. extern const WCHAR c_szPersistentRoutes[];
  197. extern const WCHAR c_szArpCacheMinReferencedLife[];
  198. extern const WCHAR c_szArpRetryCount[];
  199. extern const WCHAR c_szTcpMaxConnectresponseRetransmissions[];
  200. extern const WCHAR c_szTcpMaxDupAcks[];
  201. extern const WCHAR c_szSynAttackProtect[];
  202. extern const WCHAR c_szTCPMaxPortsExhausted[];
  203. extern const WCHAR c_szTCPMaxHalfOpen[];
  204. extern const WCHAR c_szTCPMaxHalfOpenRetried[];
  205. extern const WCHAR c_szDontAddDefaultGateway[];
  206. extern const WCHAR c_szPPTPFiltering[];
  207. extern const WCHAR c_szDhcpClassId[];
  208. extern const WCHAR c_szAfUseDomainNameDevolution[];
  209. extern const WCHAR c_szSyncDomainWithMembership[];
  210. extern const WCHAR c_szAfDisableDynamicUpdate[];
  211. extern const WCHAR c_szAfEnableAdapterDomainNameRegistration[];
  212. //NetBt
  213. extern const WCHAR c_szBcastNameQueryCount[];
  214. extern const WCHAR c_szBcastQueryTimeout[];
  215. extern const WCHAR c_szCacheTimeout[];
  216. extern const WCHAR c_szNameServerPort[];
  217. extern const WCHAR c_szNameSrvQueryCount[];
  218. extern const WCHAR c_szNameSrvQueryTimeout[];
  219. extern const WCHAR c_szSessionKeepAlive[];
  220. extern const WCHAR c_szSizeSmallMediumLarge[];
  221. extern const WCHAR c_szBroadcastAddress[];
  222. extern const WCHAR c_szEnableProxyRegCheck[];
  223. extern const WCHAR c_szInitialRefreshTimeout[];
  224. extern const WCHAR c_szLmhostsTimeout[];
  225. extern const WCHAR c_szMaxDgramBuffering[];
  226. extern const WCHAR c_szNodeType[];
  227. extern const WCHAR c_szRandomAdapter[];
  228. extern const WCHAR c_szRefreshOpCode[];
  229. extern const WCHAR c_szSingleResponse[];
  230. extern const WCHAR c_szWinsDownTimeout[];
  231. extern const WCHAR c_szEnableProxy[];
  232. //DNS
  233. extern const WCHAR c_szAfDns[];
  234. extern const WCHAR c_szAfDnsHostname[];
  235. extern const WCHAR c_szAfDnsDomain[];
  236. extern const WCHAR c_szAfDnsServerSearchOrder[];
  237. extern const WCHAR c_szAfDnsSuffixSearchOrder[];
  238. //DHCP
  239. extern const WCHAR c_szAfDhcp[];
  240. extern const WCHAR c_szAfIpaddress[];
  241. extern const WCHAR c_szAfSubnetmask[];
  242. extern const WCHAR c_szAfDefaultGateway[];
  243. extern const WCHAR c_szAfBindToDhcpServer[];
  244. //WINS
  245. extern const WCHAR c_szAfWins[];
  246. extern const WCHAR c_szAfWinsServerList[];
  247. //extern const WCHAR c_szAfWinsPrimary[];
  248. //extern const WCHAR c_szAfWinsSecondary[];
  249. extern const WCHAR c_szAfScopeid[];
  250. extern const WCHAR c_szAfEnableLmhosts[];
  251. extern const WCHAR c_szAfImportLmhostsFile[];
  252. extern const WCHAR c_szAfNetBIOSOptions[];
  253. //IPX
  254. extern const WCHAR c_szAfInternalNetworkNumber[];
  255. extern const WCHAR c_szAfFrameType[];
  256. // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  257. // Services
  258. //MS_NetClient
  259. extern const WCHAR c_szAfMsNetClient[];
  260. extern const WCHAR c_szAfComputerBrowser[];
  261. extern const WCHAR c_szAfBrowseDomains[];
  262. extern const WCHAR c_szAfDefaultProvider[];
  263. extern const WCHAR c_szAfNameServiceAddr[];
  264. extern const WCHAR c_szAfNameServiceProtocol[];
  265. //LanmanServer
  266. extern const WCHAR c_szAfBrowserParameters[];
  267. extern const WCHAR c_szAfNetLogonParameters[];
  268. extern const WCHAR c_szAfLmServerShares[];
  269. extern const WCHAR c_szAfLmServerParameters[];
  270. extern const WCHAR c_szAfLmServerAutotunedParameters[];
  271. extern const WCHAR c_szAfLmServerOptimization[];
  272. extern const WCHAR c_szAfBroadcastToClients[];
  273. extern const WCHAR c_szAfMinmemoryused[];
  274. extern const WCHAR c_szAfBalance[];
  275. extern const WCHAR c_szAfMaxthroughputforfilesharing[];
  276. extern const WCHAR c_szAfMaxthrouputfornetworkapps[];
  277. //TCP/IP
  278. extern const WCHAR c_szAfIpAllowedProtocols[];
  279. extern const WCHAR c_szAfTcpAllowedPorts[];
  280. extern const WCHAR c_szAfUdpAllowedPorts[];
  281. //RAS
  282. extern const WCHAR c_szAfParamsSection[];
  283. extern const WCHAR c_szAfPortSections[];
  284. extern const WCHAR c_szAfPortname[];
  285. extern const WCHAR c_szAfPortUsage[];
  286. extern const WCHAR c_szAfPortUsageClient[];
  287. extern const WCHAR c_szAfPortUsageServer[];
  288. extern const WCHAR c_szAfPortUsageRouter[];
  289. extern const WCHAR c_szAfSetDialinUsage[];
  290. extern const WCHAR c_szAfForceEncryptedPassword[];
  291. extern const WCHAR c_szAfForceEncryptedData[];
  292. extern const WCHAR c_szAfMultilink[];
  293. extern const WCHAR c_szAfRouterType[];
  294. extern const WCHAR c_szAfDialinProtocols[];
  295. extern const WCHAR c_szAfDialIn[];
  296. extern const WCHAR c_szAfDialOut[];
  297. extern const WCHAR c_szAfDialInOut[];
  298. extern const WCHAR c_szAfNetbeui[];
  299. extern const WCHAR c_szAfTcpip[];
  300. extern const WCHAR c_szAfIpx[];
  301. extern const WCHAR c_szAfNetbeuiClientAccess[];
  302. extern const WCHAR c_szAfTcpipClientAccess[];
  303. extern const WCHAR c_szAfIpxClientAccess[];
  304. extern const WCHAR c_szAfNetwork[];
  305. extern const WCHAR c_szAfThisComputer[];
  306. extern const WCHAR c_szAfUseDhcp[];
  307. extern const WCHAR c_szAfIpAddressStart[];
  308. extern const WCHAR c_szAfIpAddressEnd[];
  309. extern const WCHAR c_szAfExcludeAddress[];
  310. extern const WCHAR c_szAfClientCanReqIpaddr[];
  311. extern const WCHAR c_szAfAutoNetworkNumbers[];
  312. extern const WCHAR c_szAfNetNumberFrom[];
  313. extern const WCHAR c_szAfSameNetworkNumber[];
  314. extern const WCHAR c_szAfClientReqNodeNumber[];
  315. extern const WCHAR c_szAfWanNetPoolSize[];
  316. extern const WCHAR c_szAfSecureVPN[];
  317. //PPTP
  318. extern const WCHAR c_szAfPptpEndpoints[];
  319. //Bindings
  320. extern const WCHAR c_szAfDisable[];
  321. extern const WCHAR c_szAfEnable[];
  322. extern const WCHAR c_szAfPromote[];
  323. extern const WCHAR c_szAfDemote[];
  324. extern const WCHAR c_szAfDhcpServerParameters[];
  325. extern const WCHAR c_szAfDhcpServerConfiguration[];
  326. extern const WCHAR c_szAfNWCWorkstationParameters[];
  327. extern const WCHAR c_szAfNWCWorkstationShares[];
  328. extern const WCHAR c_szAfNWCWorkstationDrives[];
  329. #endif // _AFILESTR_H_