// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: N W C L I I N F . C P P
// Contents: NetWare client configuration notify object.
// Functionality from old INF
// Notes:
// Author: jeffspr 24 Jun 1997
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "lmerr.h"
#include "lmcons.h"
#include "lmserver.h"
#include "ncreg.h"
#include "nwclidef.h"
#include "nwcliobj.h"
extern const WCHAR c_szRegKeyCtlLsa[];
//---[ Constants ]------------------------------------------------------------
const WCHAR c_szConfigDLLName[] = NW_CONFIG_DLL_NAME; const WCHAR c_szAuthPackageName[] = NW_AUTH_PACKAGE_NAME; const WCHAR c_szParamOptionKeyPath[] = NW_NWC_PARAM_OPTION_KEY; const WCHAR c_szParamLogonKeyPath[] = NW_NWC_PARAM_LOGON_KEY;
const WCHAR c_szNwDocGWHelpName[] = L"nwdocgw.hlp"; const WCHAR c_szNwDocGWCNTName[] = L"nwdocgw.cnt"; const WCHAR c_szNwDocHelpName[] = L"nwdoc.hlp"; const WCHAR c_szNwDocCNTName[] = L"nwdoc.cnt";
const DWORD c_dwOptionKeyPermissions = KEY_SET_VALUE | KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY;
//---[ Prototypes ]-----------------------------------------------------------
// See the function headers for descriptions
HRESULT HrAppendNetwareToAuthPackages(); HRESULT HrCreateParametersSubkeys(); HRESULT HrMungeAutoexecNT(); BOOL FMoveSzToEndOfFile( PSTR pszAutoexecName, PSTR pszMatch); HRESULT HrAddNetWareToWOWKnownList(); HRESULT HrUpdateLanmanSharedDrivesValue(); HRESULT HrRemoveNetwareFromAuthPackages(); HRESULT HrRemoveNetWareFromWOWKnownList(); HRESULT HrDeleteParametersSubkeys(); HRESULT HrRenameNWDocFiles();
// Member: CNWClient::HrLoadConfigDLL
// Purpose: Load nwcfg.dll, so we can call some of the functions within.
// Also, do the GetProcAddress calls for all of the functions
// that we might need.
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns: S_OK or valid Win32 error code.
// Author: jeffspr 24 Jun 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT CNWClient::HrLoadConfigDLL() { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
AssertSz(!m_hlibConfig, "This should not be getting initialized twice");
TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfgFn, ">> CNWClient::HrLoadConfigDLL");
m_hlibConfig = LoadLibrary(c_szConfigDLLName); if (!m_hlibConfig) { DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError();
TraceLastWin32Error("HrLoadConfigDLL() failed");
// More specific info
TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfg, "HrLoadConfigDLL() - LoadLibrary failed on %S, Err: %d", c_szConfigDLLName, dwLastError);
hr = E_FAIL; goto Exit; }
// $$REVIEW: We probably won't need all of these, so make sure that we've
// cut out the ones that we're no longer using (or have never used).
m_pfnAppendSzToFile = (NWCFG_PROC) GetProcAddress(m_hlibConfig, "AppendSzToFile"); m_pfnRemoveSzFromFile = (NWCFG_PROC) GetProcAddress(m_hlibConfig, "RemoveSzFromFile"); m_pfnGetKernelVersion = (NWCFG_PROC) GetProcAddress(m_hlibConfig, "GetKernelVersion"); m_pfnSetEverybodyPermission = (NWCFG_PROC) GetProcAddress(m_hlibConfig, "SetEverybodyPermission"); m_pfnlodctr = (NWCFG_PROC) GetProcAddress(m_hlibConfig, "lodctr"); m_pfnunlodctr = (NWCFG_PROC) GetProcAddress(m_hlibConfig, "unlodctr"); m_pfnDeleteGatewayPassword = (NWCFG_PROC) GetProcAddress(m_hlibConfig, "DeleteGatewayPassword"); m_pfnSetFileSysChangeValue = (NWCFG_PROC) GetProcAddress(m_hlibConfig, "SetFileSysChangeValue"); m_pfnCleanupRegistryForNWCS = (NWCFG_PROC) GetProcAddress(m_hlibConfig, "CleanupRegistryForNWCS"); m_pfnSetupRegistryForNWCS = (NWCFG_PROC) GetProcAddress(m_hlibConfig, "SetupRegistryForNWCS");
if (!m_pfnAppendSzToFile || !m_pfnRemoveSzFromFile || !m_pfnGetKernelVersion || !m_pfnSetEverybodyPermission || !m_pfnlodctr || !m_pfnunlodctr || !m_pfnDeleteGatewayPassword || !m_pfnSetFileSysChangeValue || !m_pfnCleanupRegistryForNWCS || !m_pfnSetupRegistryForNWCS) { TraceLastWin32Error("HrLoadConfigDLL() - GetProcAddress failed"); hr = E_FAIL; goto Exit; }
Exit: TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfgFn, "<< CNWClient::HrLoadConfigDLL"); TraceError("HrLoadConfigDLL", hr); return hr; }
// Member: CNWClient::FreeConfigDLL
// Purpose: Free nwcfg.dll, and NULL out the function pointers.
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns: No return (VOID)
// Author: jeffspr 24 Jun 1997
// Notes:
VOID CNWClient::FreeConfigDLL() { TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfgFn, ">> CNWClient::FreeConfigDLL()");
// If we successfully loaded the library, free it.
if (m_hlibConfig) { // Free up the library resources.
FreeLibrary(m_hlibConfig); m_hlibConfig = NULL;
m_pfnAppendSzToFile = NULL; m_pfnRemoveSzFromFile = NULL; m_pfnGetKernelVersion = NULL; m_pfnSetEverybodyPermission = NULL; m_pfnlodctr = NULL; m_pfnunlodctr = NULL; m_pfnDeleteGatewayPassword = NULL; m_pfnSetFileSysChangeValue = NULL; m_pfnCleanupRegistryForNWCS = NULL; m_pfnSetupRegistryForNWCS = NULL; }
TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfgFn, "<< CNWClient::FreeConfigDLL()"); }
// Member: CNWClient::HrInstallCodeFromOldINF
// Purpose: This contains all of the logic from the old oemnsvnw.inf, or
// at least calls to helper functions that perform all of the
// logic. This runs pretty much straight through the old
// installadapter code.
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns: S_OK or valid Win32 error code.
// Author: jeffspr 24 Jun 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT CNWClient::HrInstallCodeFromOldINF() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL fResult = FALSE;
// Get result from NWCFG functions. We won't use it though.
PWSTR pszDummy = NULL;
TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfgFn, ">> CNWClient::HrInstallCodeFromOldINF()");
hr = HrLoadConfigDLL(); if (FAILED(hr)) { // Error traced in the call itself.
goto Exit; }
// Call the NWCFG function that does (their comment):
// "set the FileSysChangeValue to please NETWARE.DRV.
// also set win.ini parameter so wfwnet.drv knows we are there."
fResult = m_pfnSetupRegistryForNWCS(0, NULL, &pszDummy); if (!fResult) { TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfg, "HrInstallCodeFromOldINF() - m_pfnSetupRegistryForNWCS failed"); goto Exit; }
// Append our name to the Lsa Authentication packages reg value.
hr = HrAppendNetwareToAuthPackages(); if (FAILED(hr)) { // Error traced within the function itself.
goto Exit; }
// Create the required subkeys under the services\NWCWorkstation\parameters
// key
hr = HrCreateParametersSubkeys(); if (FAILED(hr)) { // Error traced within the function itself.
goto Exit; }
// Munge the autoexec.nt (or autoexec.tmp) file. Pass the function pointers
// to the munge that will allow it to manipulate the autoexec.nt
hr = HrMungeAutoexecNT(); if (FAILED(hr)) { // Error traced within the function itself.
goto Exit; }
hr = HrAddNetWareToWOWKnownList(); if (FAILED(hr)) { // Error traced within the function itself.
goto Exit; }
// If this is the gateway that we're installing, do the work that will
// allow us to share a redirected resource.
if (PF_SERVER == m_pf) { hr = HrUpdateLanmanSharedDrivesValue(); if (FAILED(hr)) { // Error traced within the function itself.
goto Exit; }
// On the server build, rename nwdocgw.* to nwdoc.*
hr = HrRenameNWDocFiles(); if (FAILED(hr)) { goto Exit; }
Exit: // This will work even if the handle is NULL.
TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfgFn, "<< CNWClient::HrInstallCodeFromOldINF()"); TraceError("CNWClient::HrInstallCodeFromOldINF()", hr); return hr; }
// Member: CNWClient::HrRemoveCodeFromOldINF
// Purpose: This contains all of the remove logic from the old
// oemnsvnw.inf, or at least calls to helper functions that
// perform all of the logic. This runs pretty much straight
// through the old removeadapter code.
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns: S_OK or valid Win32 error code.
// Author: jeffspr 24 Jun 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT CNWClient::HrRemoveCodeFromOldINF() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL fResult = FALSE;
// Get result from NWCFG functions. We won't use it though.
PWSTR pszDummy = NULL;
TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfgFn, ">> CNWClient::HrRemoveCodeFromOldINF()");
hr = HrLoadConfigDLL(); if (FAILED(hr)) { // Error traced in the call itself.
goto Exit; }
// Call the NWCFG function that does (their comment):
// "set the FileSysChangeValue to please NETWARE.DRV.
// also set win.ini parameter so wfwnet.drv knows we are there."
fResult = m_pfnCleanupRegistryForNWCS(0, NULL, &pszDummy); if (!fResult) { TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfg, "HrRemoveCodeFromOldINF() - m_pfnCleanupRegistryForNWCS failed"); goto Exit; }
// Remove our name from the Lsa Authentication packages reg value.
hr = HrRemoveNetwareFromAuthPackages(); if (FAILED(hr)) { // Error traced within the function itself.
goto Exit; }
// Delete the NWC subkeys under the services\NWCWorkstation\parameters
// key
hr = HrDeleteParametersSubkeys(); if (FAILED(hr)) { // Error traced within the function itself.
goto Exit; }
hr = HrRemoveNetWareFromWOWKnownList(); if (FAILED(hr)) { // Error traced within the function itself.
goto Exit; }
Exit: // This will work even if the handle is NULL.
TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfgFn, "<< CNWClient::HrRemoveCodeFromOldINF()"); TraceError("CNWClient::HrRemoveCodeFromOldINF()", hr); return hr; }
// Function: HrAppendNetwareToAuthPackages
// Purpose: Helper function for HrCodeFromOldINF() - Appends the netware
// authentication provider name to the end of the LSA
// authentication packages value.
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns: S_OK or valid Win32 Error code.
// Author: jeffspr 24 Jun 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT HrAppendNetwareToAuthPackages() { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfgFn, ">> HrAppendNetwareToAuthPackages");
// Call the cool new AddString... function
hr = HrRegAddStringToMultiSz( (PWSTR) c_szAuthPackageName, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szRegKeyCtlLsa, L"Authentication Packages", STRING_FLAG_ENSURE_AT_END, 0); if (FAILED(hr)) { TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfg, "HrAppendNetwareToAuthPackages() - Failed to " "Add string to multi-sz 'Authentication Packages' in key: %S", c_szRegKeyCtlLsa); goto Exit;
Exit: TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfgFn, "<< HrAppendNetwareToAuthPackages"); TraceError("HrAppendNetwareToAuthPackages", hr);
return hr; }
// Function: HrRemoveNetwareFromAuthPackages
// Purpose: Helper function for HrCodeFromOldINF() - Appends the netware
// authentication provider name to the end of the LSA
// authentication packages value.
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns: S_OK or valid Win32 Error code.
// Author: jeffspr 24 Jun 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT HrRemoveNetwareFromAuthPackages() { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfgFn, ">> HrRemoveNetwareFromAuthPackages");
// Call the cool new AddString... function
hr = HrRegRemoveStringFromMultiSz( (PWSTR) c_szAuthPackageName, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szRegKeyCtlLsa, L"Authentication Packages", STRING_FLAG_REMOVE_ALL); if (FAILED(hr)) { TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfg, "HrRemoveNetwareFromAuthPackages() - Failed to " "Remove string to multi-sz 'Authentication Packages' in key: %S", c_szRegKeyCtlLsa); goto Exit;
Exit: TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfgFn, "<< HrRemoveNetwareFromAuthPackages"); TraceError("HrRemoveNetwareFromAuthPackages", hr);
return hr; }
// Function: HrNwLibSetEverybodyPermission
// Purpose: Set the registry key to everybody "Set Value" (or whatever
// the caller want.)
// Arguments:
// hKey [] The handle of the registry key to set security on
// dwPermission [] The permission to add to "everybody"
// Returns:
// Author: jeffspr 18 Jun 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT HrNwLibSetEverybodyPermission( IN HKEY hKey, IN DWORD dwPermission) { LONG err; // error code
PSID pSid = NULL; // original SID
PACL pDacl = NULL; // Absolute DACL
PACL pSacl = NULL; // Absolute SACL
PSID pOSid = NULL; // Absolute Owner SID
PSID pPSid = NULL; // Absolute Primary SID
do { // Not a loop, just for breaking out of error
// Initialize all the variables...
// world sid authority
PACL pAcl; // original ACL
BOOL fDaclPresent; BOOL fDaclDefault; SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR absSD; // Absolute SD
DWORD AbsSize = sizeof(SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR); // Absolute SD size
DWORD DaclSize; // Absolute DACL size
DWORD SaclSize; // Absolute SACL size
DWORD OSidSize; // Absolute OSID size
DWORD PSidSize; // Absolute PSID size
// Get the original DACL list
RegGetKeySecurity( hKey, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, NULL, &cbSize);
psd = (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *)LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, cbSize+sizeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE)+sizeof(ACCESS_MASK)+sizeof(SID)); pDacl = (PACL)LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, cbSize+sizeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE)+sizeof(ACCESS_MASK)+sizeof(SID)); pSacl = (PACL)LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, cbSize); pOSid = (PSID)LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, cbSize); pPSid = (PSID)LocalAlloc(LMEM_ZEROINIT, cbSize); DaclSize = cbSize+sizeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE)+sizeof(ACCESS_MASK)+sizeof(SID); SaclSize = cbSize; OSidSize = cbSize; PSidSize = cbSize;
if (( NULL == psd) || ( NULL == pDacl) || ( NULL == pSacl) || ( NULL == pOSid) || ( NULL == pPSid)) { err = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; break; }
if ( (err = RegGetKeySecurity( hKey, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, psd, &cbSize )) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { break; } if ( !GetSecurityDescriptorDacl( psd, &fDaclPresent, &pAcl, &fDaclDefault )) { err = GetLastError(); break; }
// Increase the size for an extra ACE
pAcl->AclSize += sizeof(ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE)+sizeof(ACCESS_MASK)+sizeof(SID);
// Get World SID
if ( (err = RtlAllocateAndInitializeSid( &SidAuth, 1, SECURITY_WORLD_RID, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &pSid)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; }
// Add Permission ACE
if ( !AddAccessAllowedAce(pAcl, ACL_REVISION, dwPermission ,pSid)) { err = GetLastError(); break; }
// Convert from relate format to absolute format
if ( !MakeAbsoluteSD( psd, &absSD, &AbsSize, pDacl, &DaclSize, pSacl, &SaclSize, pOSid, &OSidSize, pPSid, &PSidSize )) { err = GetLastError(); break; }
// Set SD
if ( !SetSecurityDescriptorDacl( &absSD, TRUE, pAcl, FALSE )) { err = GetLastError(); break; } if ( (err = RegSetKeySecurity( hKey, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, psd )) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { break; }
} while (FALSE);
// Clean up the memory
RtlFreeSid( pSid ); LocalFree( psd ); LocalFree( pDacl ); LocalFree( pSacl ); LocalFree( pOSid ); LocalFree( pPSid );
return (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(err)); }
// Function: HrSetEverybodyPermissionsOnOptionsKeys
// Purpose: Recurse through the options keys (if any), and set the
// "Everybody" permissions on them.
// Arguments:
// hkeyOptions []
// dwPermissions []
// Returns:
// Author: jeffspr 10 Sep 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT HrSetEverybodyPermissionsOnOptionsKeys(HKEY hkeyOptions, DWORD dwPermissions) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD dwIndex = 0; WCHAR szSubkeyName[MAX_PATH+1]; FILETIME ft;
// First, do it on the root key.
hr = HrNwLibSetEverybodyPermission(hkeyOptions, dwPermissions);
// Enumerate the keys, and set it on them as well
while (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DWORD dwSubkeyNameSize = MAX_PATH+1;
// Get the next key (starting with 0)
hr = HrRegEnumKeyEx( hkeyOptions, dwIndex++, szSubkeyName, &dwSubkeyNameSize, NULL, NULL, &ft); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { HKEY hkeyUser = NULL;
// Open that key for write
hr = HrRegOpenKeyEx(hkeyOptions, szSubkeyName, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkeyUser);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = HrNwLibSetEverybodyPermission(hkeyUser, dwPermissions); }
RegSafeCloseKey(hkeyUser); } }
TraceError("HrSetEverybodyPermissionsOnOptionsKeys", hr); return hr; }
// Function: HrCreateParametersSubkeys
// Purpose: Creates the subkeys under the NWCWorkstation parameters key.
// This could have been done in the INF, but there were some
// permissions that needed to be set on the keys as well, so
// all of the work now takes place in this function.
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns: S_OK or valid Win32 error code.
// Author: jeffspr 24 Jun 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT HrCreateParametersSubkeys() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HKEY hkeyOption = NULL; HKEY hkeyLogon = NULL; DWORD dwDisposition = 0;
TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfgFn, ">> HrCreateParametersSubkeys");
hr = HrRegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szParamOptionKeyPath, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkeyOption, &dwDisposition); if (FAILED(hr)) { TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfg, "HrCreateParametersSubkeys() - failed to " "create/open key %S", c_szParamOptionKeyPath); goto Exit; }
hr = HrRegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szParamLogonKeyPath, 0, KEY_SET_VALUE, NULL, &hkeyLogon, &dwDisposition); if (FAILED(hr)) { TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfg, "HrCreateParametersSubkeys() - failed to " "create/open key %S", c_szParamLogonKeyPath); goto Exit; }
hr = HrSetEverybodyPermissionsOnOptionsKeys(hkeyOption, c_dwOptionKeyPermissions); if (FAILED(hr)) { TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfg, "HrSetEverybodyPermissionsOnOptionsKeys failed, hr: 0x%08x", hr); goto Exit; }
Exit: // Close the hkeys, if they're open
RegSafeCloseKey(hkeyLogon); RegSafeCloseKey(hkeyOption);
TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfgFn, ">> HrCreateParametersSubkeys"); TraceError("HrCreateParametersSubkeys", hr);
return hr; }
// Function: HrDeleteParametersSubkeys
// Purpose: Deletes the subkeys under the NWCWorkstation parameters key.
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns: S_OK or valid Win32 error code.
// Author: jeffspr 24 Jun 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT HrDeleteParametersSubkeys() { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfgFn, ">> HrDeleteParametersSubkeys");
// Note: We need to be taking ownership of these keys so we can delete
// them. Regardless, ignore if the key deletions fail.
hr = HrRegDeleteKeyTree(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szParamOptionKeyPath); if (FAILED(hr)) { TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfg, "HrDeleteParametersSubkeys() - failed to " "delete key %S, hr = 0x%08x", c_szParamOptionKeyPath, hr); hr = S_OK; }
hr = HrRegDeleteKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szParamLogonKeyPath); if (FAILED(hr)) { TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfg, "HrDeleteParametersSubkeys() - failed to " "delete key %S, hr = 0x%08x", c_szParamLogonKeyPath, hr); hr = S_OK; }
TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfgFn, ">> HrDeleteParametersSubkeys"); TraceError("HrDeleteParametersSubkeys", hr);
return hr; }
// Function: FCheckForExistingFile
// Purpose: Checks for the existance of the passed in file. Should be
// common-ized.
// Arguments:
// pszFileToCheck [] The file name to verify
// Returns: TRUE if the file was found, FALSE otherwise.
// Author: jeffspr 24 Jun 1997
// Notes: $$TODO: Should be improved if we move this to common code.
// The thing that it doesn't do is distinguish between a file
// being "not found" and a file error (such as access rights
// or sharing violations) on the CreateFile call.
BOOL FCheckForExistingFile( PSTR pszFileToCheck ) { BOOL fReturn = TRUE; HANDLE hFile = NULL;
TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfgFn, ">> FCheckForExistingFile");
hFile = CreateFileA(pszFileToCheck, GENERIC_READ, 0, // No sharing allowed
NULL, // No security attributes
OPEN_EXISTING, // Fail if file doesn't exist
FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(hFile); hFile = NULL; } else { // This was previously a bug. We weren't setting FALSE here, which made
// the function somewhat useless.
fReturn = FALSE; }
TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfgFn, "<< FCheckForExistingFile");
return fReturn; }
// Function: KillTrailingWhitespace
// Purpose: Remove whitespace from a non-UNICODE string. This is a utility
// function for the autoexec.nt parser
// Arguments:
// pszKillMyWhitespace [] String from which to remove whitespace
// Returns:
// Author: jeffspr 24 Jun 1997
// Notes:
VOID KillTrailingWhitespace( PSTR pszKillMyWhitespace ) { long lLength = 0;
if (!pszKillMyWhitespace) { Assert(pszKillMyWhitespace); goto Exit; }
lLength = lstrlenA(pszKillMyWhitespace); if (lLength == 0) { goto Exit; }
while (isspace(pszKillMyWhitespace[lLength-1])) { pszKillMyWhitespace[--lLength] = '\0'; }
Exit: return; }
// Function: FMoveSzToEndOfFile
// Purpose: Find a string in the file of this name, and if it's present,
// move the string to the end of the file. This is used by the
// autoexec.nt parser to move the IPX stuff to the end of the
// file. This is a rewrite of similar code in the nwcfg.dll
// stuff. That code apparently wasn't UNICODE, and didn't work
// for what we were doing.
// Arguments:
// pszAutoexecName [] Name of the file to modify
// pszMatch [] String to move
// Returns:
// Author: jeffspr 24 Jun 1997
// Notes:
BOOL FMoveSzToEndOfFile( PSTR pszAutoexecName, PSTR pszMatch ) { FILE * hsrcfile = NULL; FILE * hdesfile = NULL; char * pszTempname = NULL; char szInput[1000];
TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfgFn, ">> FMoveSzToEndOfFile");
// Get a temp name
pszTempname = tmpnam(NULL);
// Open the original and the destination files
hsrcfile = fopen(pszAutoexecName, "r"); hdesfile = fopen(pszTempname, "w");
if (( hsrcfile != NULL ) && ( hdesfile != NULL )) { while (fgets(szInput,1000,hsrcfile)) { CHAR szInputCopy[1000];
// Copy to another temp buffer so that when we remove the
// trailing whitespace for the comparison, we won't lose the
// original text.
strcpy(szInputCopy, szInput);
// Remove the trailing whitespace, so we only have to compare the
// real text
// Compare the strings
if (lstrcmpiA(szInputCopy, pszMatch) != 0) { // If the strings weren't identical, then we still want
// to copy the line
fputs(szInput,hdesfile); } }
// Append the string to the end of the file.
fputs(pszMatch, hdesfile); fputs("\r\n",hdesfile); }
if (hsrcfile != NULL) { fclose(hsrcfile); }
if (hdesfile != NULL) { fclose(hdesfile); }
if (( hsrcfile != NULL ) && ( hdesfile != NULL )) { CopyFileA(pszTempname,pszAutoexecName, FALSE); DeleteFileA(pszTempname); }
TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfgFn, "<< FMoveSzToEndOfFile");
return TRUE; }
// Function: HrMungeAutoexecNT
// Purpose: Move the IPX stuff to the end of the autoexec.nt. Do this by
// calling FMoveSzToEndOfFile on each of our lines.
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns: S_OK or valid Win32 error code.
// Author: jeffspr 24 Jun 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT HrMungeAutoexecNT() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CHAR szAutoNTPath[MAX_PATH+1] = {0}; CHAR szAutoTmpPath[MAX_PATH+1] = {0}; CHAR szWindowsDirANSI[MAX_PATH+1] = {0}; PSTR pszAutoPath = NULL; BOOL fResult = FALSE; PCWSTR pszRem1 = NULL; PSTR pszaRem1MultiByte = NULL; int iLength = 0;
TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfgFn, ">> HrMungeAutoexecNT");
// Get the windows directory
if (GetSystemWindowsDirectoryA(szWindowsDirANSI, sizeof(szWindowsDirANSI)) == 0) { TraceLastWin32Error("HrMungeAutoexecNT - Call to GetWindowsDirectoryA"); hr = HrFromLastWin32Error(); goto Exit; }
// Build the path to the autoexec.nt
wsprintfA(szAutoNTPath, "%s\\system32\\%s", szWindowsDirANSI, "autoexec.nt"); if (FCheckForExistingFile(szAutoNTPath) == FALSE) { wsprintfA(szAutoTmpPath, "%s\\system32\\%s", szWindowsDirANSI, "autoexec.tmp"); if (FCheckForExistingFile(szAutoTmpPath) == FALSE) { // Per the old INF, skip the whole shebang.
goto Exit; } else { pszAutoPath = szAutoTmpPath; } } else { pszAutoPath = szAutoNTPath; }
// At this point, we should have found at least one valid
// autoexec.nt or .tmp file. If not, we should have dropped out of the
// function
pszRem1 = SzLoadStringPcch(_Module.GetResourceInstance(), IDS_AUTOEXEC_REM1, &iLength); if (!pszRem1 || iLength == 0) { AssertSz(FALSE, "Failed to load STR_AUTOEXEC_REM from the resources");
TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfg, "ERROR: Failed to load STR_AUTOEXEC_REM from the resources");
hr = E_FAIL; goto Exit; }
// Allocate memory for the demoted string.
pszaRem1MultiByte = (PSTR) MemAlloc(lstrlenW(pszRem1) + 1); if (!pszaRem1MultiByte) { TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfg, "ERROR: Failed to alloc memory for demoted string"); hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; }
// Demote the loaded string to multibyte (single char)
WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, // ANSI code page
0, // flags for non-mapped character action
pszRem1, // source string
-1, // source string is NULL terminated
pszaRem1MultiByte, // destination string (multibyte)
lstrlenW(pszRem1) + 1, // size of destination string
NULL, // default char on non-mapped char
NULL); // return for default char mapping action
// Move the REM from the autoexec.nt
fResult = FMoveSzToEndOfFile(pszAutoPath, pszaRem1MultiByte); if (!fResult) { // Traced in called function.
hr = E_FAIL; goto Exit; }
// Move the line that loads nw16
fResult = FMoveSzToEndOfFile(pszAutoPath, "lh %SystemRoot%\\system32\\nw16"); if (!fResult) { // Traced in called function.
hr = E_FAIL; goto Exit; }
// Move the line that loads vwipxspx
fResult = FMoveSzToEndOfFile(pszAutoPath, "lh %SystemRoot%\\system32\\vwipxspx"); if (!fResult) { // Traced in called function.
hr = E_FAIL; goto Exit; }
Exit: MemFree(pszaRem1MultiByte);
TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfgFn, "<< HrMungeAutoexecNT"); TraceError("HrMungeAutoexecNT", hr);
return hr; }
// Function: HrAddNetWareToWOWKnownList
// Purpose: Add the netware.drv to the WOW "known DLLS" list.
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns: S_OK or valid Win32 error code.
// Author: jeffspr 24 Jun 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT HrAddNetWareToWOWKnownList() { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfgFn, ">> HrAddNetWareToWOWKnownList");
// Call the cool new AddString... function
hr = HrRegAddStringToSz( L"netware.drv", HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\WOW", L"KnownDLLS", L' ', STRING_FLAG_ENSURE_AT_END, 0);
TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfgFn, "<< HrAddNetWareToWOWKnownList"); TraceError("HrAddNetWareToWOWKnownList", hr);
return hr;
// Function: HrRemoveNetWareFromWOWKnownList
// Purpose: Add the netware.drv to the WOW "known DLLS" list.
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns: S_OK or valid Win32 error code.
// Author: jeffspr 24 Jun 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT HrRemoveNetWareFromWOWKnownList() { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfgFn, ">> HrRemoveNetWareFromWOWKnownList");
// Call the cool new AddString... function
hr = HrRegRemoveStringFromSz( L"netware.drv", HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\WOW", L"KnownDLLS", L' ', STRING_FLAG_REMOVE_SINGLE);
TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfgFn, "<< HrRemoveNetWareFromWOWKnownList"); TraceError("HrRemoveNetWareFromWOWKnownList", hr);
return hr;
// Function: HrUpdateLanmanSharedDrivesValue
// Purpose: If the LanmanServer service exists, make sure that they have the
// EnableSharedNetDrives value turned on.
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns: S_OK or valid Win32 error code.
// Author: jeffspr 24 Jun 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT HrUpdateLanmanSharedDrivesValue() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; const DWORD c_dwESNDValue = 1; HKEY hkeyLMSP = NULL; SERVER_INFO_1540 si1540 = {0}; NET_API_STATUS nas = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwDisposition = 0;
TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfgFn, ">> HrUpdateLanmanSharedDrivesValue");
// Open the LanmanServer parameters key, if it exists. If it doesn't exist,
// it will still return S_OK, but the hkey will still be NULL.
hr = HrRegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\LanmanServer\\Parameters", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_SET_VALUE, // samDesired
NULL, &hkeyLMSP, &dwDisposition); if (FAILED(hr)) { TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfgFn, "Failed to create/open the " "LanmanServer\\Parameters key"); goto Exit; }
hr = HrRegSetDword( hkeyLMSP, L"EnableSharedNetDrives", c_dwESNDValue); if (FAILED(hr)) { TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfgFn, "Failed to set the EnabledSharedNetDrives value in " "HrUpdateLanmanSharedDrivesValue()"); goto Exit; }
// Call the NetServerSetInfo with the Enable Shared Net Drives info (1540).
// This will allow this info to be set dynamically (so as not to require a
// restart of the "Server" service.
si1540.sv1540_enablesharednetdrives = TRUE;
// Set the server info for the EnableSharedDrives value. This will cause it to
// take effect if the service is running (and will do nothing if it is not).
nas = NetServerSetInfo(NULL, 1540, (LPBYTE) &si1540, NULL); if (nas != NERR_Success) { // It's actually OK if this fails in one condition (0x842), because
// it WILL fail if the server service That's not a problem, because
// the value that I set in the registry above will be picked up the
// next time the server service starts.
// OK, cheesy, but I don't know the define, I just know that this is the
// right return code for our ignorable failure.
if (nas != 0x842) { AssertSz(nas == 0x842, "NetServerSetInfo failed for a reason other " "than the service not running (which would have been ok)"); } }
Exit: // Close the hkey, if it's open
TraceTag(ttidNWClientCfgFn, "<< HrUpdateLanmanSharedDrivesValue"); TraceError("HrUpdateLanmanSharedDrivesValue()", hr);
return hr; }
// Function: HrRenameNWDocFiles
// Purpose: On the server install, rename the nwdocgw.* files, since
// whether we're on CSNW or GSNW, the files are always called
// nwdoc.*
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns:
// Author: jeffspr 13 Jul 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT HrRenameNWDocFiles() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WCHAR szWindowsDir[MAX_PATH+1]; WCHAR szSourceName[MAX_PATH+1]; WCHAR szTargetName[MAX_PATH+1];
// Get the windows directory
if (GetSystemWindowsDirectory(szWindowsDir, MAX_PATH) == 0) { TraceLastWin32Error("HrRenameNWDocFiles - Call to GetSystemWindowsDirectory"); hr = HrFromLastWin32Error(); goto Exit; }
// Build the path for the first rename
wsprintfW(szSourceName, L"%s\\system32\\%s", szWindowsDir, c_szNwDocGWHelpName); wsprintfW(szTargetName, L"%s\\system32\\%s", szWindowsDir, c_szNwDocHelpName);
// Rename the .HLP file. If this fails, no big deal.
if (!MoveFileEx(szSourceName, szTargetName, MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING)) { // For debugging only.
DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError(); }
// Build the path for the second rename
wsprintfW(szSourceName, L"%s\\system32\\%s", szWindowsDir, c_szNwDocGWCNTName); wsprintfW(szTargetName, L"%s\\system32\\%s", szWindowsDir, c_szNwDocCNTName);
// Rename the .CNT file. If this fails, no big deal.
if (!MoveFileEx(szSourceName, szTargetName, MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING)) { // For debugging only.
DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError(); }
Exit: return hr; }