// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: T C P A F . C P P
// Contents: TCP/IP answer file processing
// Notes:
// Author: tongl
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "tcpipobj.h"
#include "ncsetup.h"
#include "tcpconst.h"
#include "tcperror.h"
#include "tcputil.h"
#include "ncreg.h"
#include "ncperms.h"
#include "afilestr.h"
#include "ipafval.h"
extern const WCHAR c_szAdapterSections[];
BOOL FValidateIpFieldsFromAnswerFile(VSTR & vstrIpAddr, PCWSTR pszValueName, PCWSTR szAdapterName, BOOL fIsIpAddr = TRUE);
BOOL FValidateAdapterParametersFromAnswerFile(ADAPTER_INFO* pAdapter, PCWSTR pszAdapterName); BOOL FValidateGlobalParametersFromAnswerFile(GLOBAL_INFO* pGlobalInfo);
HRESULT HrLoadUnConfigurableParamFromAnswerFile(HINF hinf, PCWSTR pszSection, const ValueTypePair * prgVtpParams, UINT cParams, HKEY hkeyParam);
HRESULT CTcpipcfg::HrProcessAnswerFile(PCWSTR pszAnswerFile, PCWSTR pszAnswerSection) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HRESULT hrTmp = S_OK;
CSetupInfFile caf; // Class to process answer file
AssertSz(pszAnswerFile, "Answer file string is NULL!"); AssertSz(pszAnswerSection, "Answer file sections string is NULL!");
// Open the answer file.
hr = caf.HrOpen(pszAnswerFile, NULL, INF_STYLE_OLDNT | INF_STYLE_WIN4, NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hrTmp = HrLoadGlobalParamFromAnswerFile(caf.Hinf(), pszAnswerSection); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = hrTmp;
// Get the adapter specific Tcpip and NetBT parameters
WCHAR * mszAdapterList; hrTmp = HrSetupGetFirstMultiSzFieldWithAlloc(caf.Hinf(), pszAnswerSection, c_szAdapterSections, &mszAdapterList); if (SUCCEEDED(hrTmp) && NULL != mszAdapterList) { hrTmp = HrLoadAdapterParameterFromAnswerFile(caf.Hinf(), mszAdapterList); delete [] mszAdapterList; }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = hrTmp;
caf.Close(); }
TraceErrorOptional("CTcpipcfg::HrProcessAnswerFile", hr, SPAPI_E_LINE_NOT_FOUND == hr);
// Mask the errors since we will be using the defaults
if FAILED(hr) hr = S_OK;
return hr; }
// Load Global parameters from answerfile to memory structure
HRESULT CTcpipcfg::HrLoadGlobalParamFromAnswerFile(HINF hinf, PCWSTR pszTcpipMainSection) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HRESULT hrTmp;
BOOL fTmp; DWORD dwTmp;
hr = m_glbGlobalInfo.HrSetDefaults();
if SUCCEEDED(hr) { // $REVIEW(tongl 3/22/98): per Stuart Kwan, I'm reading global
// DNS server list just for the upgrade case
// DNSDomain -> m_strDnsDomain
tstring strDnsDomain; hrTmp = HrSetupGetFirstString( hinf, pszTcpipMainSection, c_szAfDnsDomain, &strDnsDomain);
if SUCCEEDED(hrTmp) { m_fUpgradeGlobalDnsDomain = TRUE; if (!strDnsDomain.empty()) { DNS_STATUS status; status = DnsValidateName(strDnsDomain.c_str(), DnsNameDomain);
//validate the global dns domain name
if (ERROR_INVALID_NAME == status || DNS_ERROR_INVALID_NAME_CHAR == status) { WriteTcpSetupErrorLog(IDS_TCP_AF_INVALID_GLOBAL_DNS_DOMAIN, strDnsDomain.c_str()); m_fUpgradeGlobalDnsDomain = FALSE; } }
if (m_fUpgradeGlobalDnsDomain) m_strUpgradeGlobalDnsDomain = strDnsDomain; } else if(hrTmp == SPAPI_E_LINE_NOT_FOUND) hrTmp = S_OK; else TraceError("HrLoadGlobalParameterFromAnswerFile: DNSDomain", hrTmp);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = hrTmp;
// DNSHostName -> m_strHostNameFromAnswerFile
hrTmp = HrSetupGetFirstString(hinf, pszTcpipMainSection, c_szAfDnsHostname, &m_glbGlobalInfo.m_strHostNameFromAnswerFile); if(hrTmp == SPAPI_E_LINE_NOT_FOUND) hrTmp = S_OK; else TraceError("HrLoadGlobalParamFromAnswerFile: DNSHostName", hrTmp);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = hrTmp;
// DNSSuffixSearchOrder -> m_strSearchList
WCHAR * mszSearchList; hrTmp = HrSetupGetFirstMultiSzFieldWithAlloc( hinf, pszTcpipMainSection, c_szAfDnsSuffixSearchOrder, &mszSearchList);
if SUCCEEDED(hrTmp) { MultiSzToColString( mszSearchList, &m_glbGlobalInfo.m_vstrDnsSuffixList); delete [] mszSearchList; } if(hrTmp == SPAPI_E_LINE_NOT_FOUND) hrTmp = S_OK; else TraceError("HrLoadGlobalParamFromAnswerFile: DNSSuffixSearchOrder", hrTmp);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = hrTmp;
// EnableLMHosts -> m_fEnableLmHosts
hrTmp = HrSetupGetFirstStringAsBool(hinf, pszTcpipMainSection, c_szAfEnableLmhosts, &fTmp);
if SUCCEEDED(hrTmp) m_glbGlobalInfo.m_fEnableLmHosts = fTmp; else if(hrTmp == SPAPI_E_LINE_NOT_FOUND) hrTmp = S_OK; else TraceError("HrLoadGlobalParamFromAnswerFile: EnableLMHosts", hrTmp);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = hrTmp;
// Per AmritanR, drop the upgrade support of IpEnableRouter to fix bug 345700
// EnableIPForwarding -> m_fEnableRouter (BOOL)
//(nsun 11/03/98) parameters for RRAS during unattended install
hrTmp = HrSetupGetFirstStringAsBool(hinf, pszTcpipMainSection, c_szAfEnableICMPRedirect, &fTmp); if SUCCEEDED(hrTmp) m_glbGlobalInfo.m_fEnableIcmpRedirect = fTmp; else if(hrTmp == SPAPI_E_LINE_NOT_FOUND) hrTmp = S_OK; else TraceError("HrLoadGlobalParamFromAnswerFile: EnableICMPRedirect", hrTmp);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = hrTmp;
//(nsun 09/20/99) PerformRouterDiscoveryDefault was removed to fix bug 405636
hrTmp = HrSetupGetFirstStringAsBool(hinf, pszTcpipMainSection, c_szAfDeadGWDetectDefault, &fTmp); if SUCCEEDED(hrTmp) m_glbGlobalInfo.m_fDeadGWDetectDefault = fTmp; else if(hrTmp == SPAPI_E_LINE_NOT_FOUND) hrTmp = S_OK; else TraceError("HrLoadGlobalParamFromAnswerFile: DeadGWDetectDefault", hrTmp);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = hrTmp;
hrTmp = HrSetupGetFirstStringAsBool(hinf, pszTcpipMainSection, c_szAfDontAddDefaultGatewayDefault, &fTmp); if SUCCEEDED(hrTmp) m_glbGlobalInfo.m_fDontAddDefaultGatewayDefault = fTmp; else if(hrTmp == SPAPI_E_LINE_NOT_FOUND) hrTmp = S_OK; else TraceError("HrLoadGlobalParamFromAnswerFile: DontAddDefaultGatewayDefault", hrTmp);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = hrTmp;
// EnableSecurity -> m_fEnableFiltering
hrTmp = HrSetupGetFirstStringAsBool(hinf, pszTcpipMainSection, c_szAfEnableSecurity, &fTmp);
if SUCCEEDED(hrTmp) m_glbGlobalInfo.m_fEnableFiltering = fTmp; else if(hrTmp == SPAPI_E_LINE_NOT_FOUND) hrTmp = S_OK; else TraceError("HrLoadGlobalParamFromAnswerFile: EnableSecurity", hrTmp);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = hrTmp;
// 8/10/98 nsun: added to support UseDomainNameDevolution value in unattended install
hrTmp = HrSetupGetFirstStringAsBool(hinf, pszTcpipMainSection, c_szAfUseDomainNameDevolution, &fTmp); if SUCCEEDED(hrTmp) m_glbGlobalInfo.m_fUseDomainNameDevolution = fTmp; else if(hrTmp == SPAPI_E_LINE_NOT_FOUND) hrTmp = S_OK; else TraceError("HrLoadGlobalParamFromAnswerFile: UseDomainNameDevolution", hrTmp);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = hrTmp;
//$REVIEW (nsun 12/11/98) directly save the unconfigurable parameters
// right after reading it from the answer file.
HKEY hkeyTcpipParam = NULL; Assert(m_pnccTcpip);
if(m_pnccTcpip) { hrTmp = m_pnccTcpip->OpenParamKey(&hkeyTcpipParam); if (SUCCEEDED(hrTmp)) { Assert(hkeyTcpipParam); hrTmp = HrLoadUnConfigurableParamFromAnswerFile(hinf, pszTcpipMainSection, rgVtpIp, sizeof(rgVtpIp)/sizeof(rgVtpIp[0]), hkeyTcpipParam); RegSafeCloseKey(hkeyTcpipParam); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = hrTmp; }
HKEY hkeyWinsParam = NULL; Assert(m_pnccWins); if(m_pnccWins) { hrTmp = m_pnccWins->OpenParamKey(&hkeyWinsParam); if (SUCCEEDED(hrTmp)) { Assert(hkeyWinsParam); hrTmp = HrLoadUnConfigurableParamFromAnswerFile(hinf, pszTcpipMainSection, rgVtpNetBt, sizeof(rgVtpNetBt)/sizeof(rgVtpNetBt[0]), hkeyWinsParam); RegSafeCloseKey(hkeyWinsParam); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = hrTmp; }
if (!FValidateGlobalParametersFromAnswerFile(&m_glbGlobalInfo)) { TraceError("FValidateGlobalParametersFromAnswerFile() got invalid tcp settings", E_FAIL); } }
TraceError("CTcpipcfg::HrLoadGlobalParamFromAnswerFile", hr); return hr; }
// Load adapter specific parameters from answerfile to memory structure
HRESULT CTcpipcfg::HrLoadAdapterParameterFromAnswerFile(HINF hinf, PCWSTR mszTcpipAdapterSections) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; HRESULT hrTmp = S_OK; HRESULT hrReg = S_OK;
PCWSTR pszAdapterSection = mszTcpipAdapterSections; tstring strAdapterName; tstring strInterfaceRegPath;
//$REVIEW (nsun 12/11/98) bug #204145
//directly save the unconfigurable parameters right after reading
//it from the answer file.
HKEY hkeyTcpipParam = NULL; hrReg = m_pnccTcpip->OpenParamKey(&hkeyTcpipParam); hr = hrReg;
while (*pszAdapterSection) { // Get the card name "SpecificTo = ..."
hrTmp = HrSetupGetFirstString(hinf, pszAdapterSection, c_szAfSpecificTo, &strAdapterName); if (SUCCEEDED(hrTmp)) { GUID guidNetCard; if (!FGetInstanceGuidOfComponentInAnswerFile( strAdapterName.c_str(), m_pnc, &guidNetCard)) { TraceTag(ttidError, "FGetInstanceGuidOfComponentInAnswerFile failed to match GUID for adapter %S", strAdapterName.c_str());
// Move to the next card
pszAdapterSection += lstrlenW(pszAdapterSection) + 1; continue; }
// Do we already have this adapter in our list ?
ADAPTER_INFO * pAdapterInfo = PAdapterFromInstanceGuid(&guidNetCard); if (!pAdapterInfo) { pAdapterInfo = new ADAPTER_INFO;
if (NULL == pAdapterInfo) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; continue; }
hrTmp = pAdapterInfo->HrSetDefaults(&guidNetCard, c_szEmpty, c_szEmpty, c_szEmpty); if (SUCCEEDED(hrTmp)) { m_vcardAdapterInfo.push_back(pAdapterInfo);
// Set the flag that we only got this card from answer file,
// not from binding path, i.e. it's not on the binding path yet.
pAdapterInfo->m_fIsFromAnswerFile = TRUE; } else { delete pAdapterInfo; pAdapterInfo = NULL; } }
if (SUCCEEDED(hrTmp)) { BOOL fWins;
hrTmp = HrSetupGetFirstStringAsBool(hinf, pszAdapterSection, c_szAfWins, &fWins);
if (FAILED(hrTmp)) { if(hrTmp == SPAPI_E_LINE_NOT_FOUND) hrTmp = S_OK; else TraceError("HrLoadAdapterParamFormAnswerFile: fWins", hrTmp); } else if (fWins) { // WinsServerList -> m_vstrWinsServerList
WCHAR * mszWinsServerList; hrTmp = HrSetupGetFirstMultiSzFieldWithAlloc(hinf, pszAdapterSection, c_szAfWinsServerList, &mszWinsServerList);
if SUCCEEDED(hrTmp) { MultiSzToColString(mszWinsServerList, &pAdapterInfo->m_vstrWinsServerList); delete [] mszWinsServerList; } else if(hrTmp == SPAPI_E_LINE_NOT_FOUND) hrTmp = S_OK; else TraceError("HrLoadAdapterParamFromAnswerFile: WinsServerList", hrTmp);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = hrTmp; }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = hrTmp;
// DHCP -> m_fEnableDhcp
BOOL fEnableDhcp; hrTmp = HrSetupGetFirstStringAsBool(hinf, pszAdapterSection, c_szAfDhcp, &fEnableDhcp);
if SUCCEEDED(hrTmp) pAdapterInfo->m_fEnableDhcp = fEnableDhcp; else if(hrTmp == SPAPI_E_LINE_NOT_FOUND) hrTmp = S_OK; else TraceError("HrLoadAdapterParamFromAnswerFile: DHCP", hrTmp);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = hrTmp;
// IPAddress -> m_vstrIpAddresses
WCHAR * mszIPAddresses; hrTmp = HrSetupGetFirstMultiSzFieldWithAlloc(hinf, pszAdapterSection, c_szAfIpaddress, &mszIPAddresses); if SUCCEEDED(hrTmp) { MultiSzToColString(mszIPAddresses, &pAdapterInfo->m_vstrIpAddresses); delete [] mszIPAddresses; } else if(hrTmp == SPAPI_E_LINE_NOT_FOUND) hrTmp = S_OK; else TraceError("HrLoadAdapterParamFromAnswerFile: IPAddress", hrTmp);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = hrTmp;
// SubnetMask -> m_vstrSubnetMask
WCHAR * mszSubnetMasks; hrTmp = HrSetupGetFirstMultiSzFieldWithAlloc(hinf, pszAdapterSection, c_szAfSubnetmask, &mszSubnetMasks); if SUCCEEDED(hrTmp) { MultiSzToColString(mszSubnetMasks, &pAdapterInfo->m_vstrSubnetMask); delete [] mszSubnetMasks; } else if(hrTmp == SPAPI_E_LINE_NOT_FOUND) hrTmp = S_OK; else TraceError("HrLoadAdapterParamFromAnswerFile: SubnetMask", hrTmp);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = hrTmp;
// Gateway -> m_vstrDefaultGateway
WCHAR * mszDefaultGateways;
hrTmp = HrSetupGetFirstMultiSzFieldWithAlloc(hinf, pszAdapterSection, c_szAfDefaultGateway, &mszDefaultGateways); if (SUCCEEDED(hrTmp)) { MultiSzToColString(mszDefaultGateways, &pAdapterInfo->m_vstrDefaultGateway); delete [] mszDefaultGateways; } else if(hrTmp == SPAPI_E_LINE_NOT_FOUND) hrTmp = S_OK; else TraceError("HrLoadAdapterParamFromAnswerFile: Gateway", hrTmp);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = hrTmp;
// DNSDomain -> m_strDnsDomain
tstring strDnsDomain; hrTmp = HrSetupGetFirstString( hinf, pszAdapterSection, c_szAfDnsDomain, &strDnsDomain);
if SUCCEEDED(hrTmp) pAdapterInfo->m_strDnsDomain = strDnsDomain; else if(hrTmp == SPAPI_E_LINE_NOT_FOUND) hrTmp = S_OK; else TraceError("HrLoadAdapterParameterFromAnswerFile: DNSDomain", hrTmp);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = hrTmp;
// DNSServerSearchOrder -> m_vstrDnsServerList
WCHAR * mszDnsServerList; hrTmp = HrSetupGetFirstMultiSzFieldWithAlloc(hinf, pszAdapterSection, c_szAfDnsServerSearchOrder, &mszDnsServerList); if SUCCEEDED(hrTmp) { MultiSzToColString(mszDnsServerList, &pAdapterInfo->m_vstrDnsServerList); delete [] mszDnsServerList; } else if(hrTmp == SPAPI_E_LINE_NOT_FOUND) hrTmp = S_OK; else TraceError("HrLoadAdapterParameterFromAnswerFile: DNSServerSearchOrder", hrTmp);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = hrTmp;
BOOL fTmp = FALSE; hrTmp = HrSetupGetFirstStringAsBool(hinf, pszAdapterSection, c_szAfDisableDynamicUpdate, &fTmp); if (SUCCEEDED(hrTmp)) { pAdapterInfo->m_fDisableDynamicUpdate = fTmp; } else if(hrTmp == SPAPI_E_LINE_NOT_FOUND) hrTmp = S_OK; else TraceError( "HrLoadAdapterParameterFromAnswerFile: DisableDynamicUpdate", hrTmp);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = hrTmp;
hrTmp = HrSetupGetFirstStringAsBool(hinf, pszAdapterSection, c_szAfEnableAdapterDomainNameRegistration, &fTmp); if (SUCCEEDED(hrTmp)) { pAdapterInfo->m_fEnableNameRegistration = fTmp; } else if(hrTmp == SPAPI_E_LINE_NOT_FOUND) hrTmp = S_OK; else TraceError( "HrLoadAdapterParameterFromAnswerFile: EnableAdapterDomainNameRegistration", hrTmp);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = hrTmp;
// NetBIOSOptions ->m_dwNetbiosOptions
DWORD dwNetbiosOptions; hrTmp = HrSetupGetFirstDword(hinf, pszAdapterSection, c_szAfNetBIOSOptions, &dwNetbiosOptions); if SUCCEEDED(hrTmp) { if ((dwNetbiosOptions == c_dwUnsetNetbios) || (dwNetbiosOptions == c_dwEnableNetbios) || (dwNetbiosOptions == c_dwDisableNetbios)) { pAdapterInfo->m_dwNetbiosOptions = dwNetbiosOptions; } } else if(hrTmp == SPAPI_E_LINE_NOT_FOUND) hrTmp = S_OK; else TraceError("HrLoadAdapterParameterFromAnswerFile: NetBIOSOptions", hrTmp);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = hrTmp;
// TcpAllowedPorts -> m_vstrTcpFilterList
WCHAR * mszTcpFilterList; hrTmp = HrSetupGetFirstMultiSzFieldWithAlloc(hinf, pszAdapterSection, c_szAfTcpAllowedPorts, &mszTcpFilterList); if (SUCCEEDED(hrTmp)) { MultiSzToColString(mszTcpFilterList, &pAdapterInfo->m_vstrTcpFilterList); delete [] mszTcpFilterList; } else if(hrTmp == SPAPI_E_LINE_NOT_FOUND) hrTmp = S_OK; else TraceError("HrLoadAdapterParamFromAnswerFile: TcpAllowedPorts", hrTmp);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = hrTmp;
// UdpAllowedPorts -> m_vstrUdpFilterList
WCHAR * mszUdpFilterList; hrTmp = HrSetupGetFirstMultiSzFieldWithAlloc(hinf, pszAdapterSection, c_szAfUdpAllowedPorts, &mszUdpFilterList); if (SUCCEEDED(hrTmp)) { MultiSzToColString(mszUdpFilterList, &pAdapterInfo->m_vstrUdpFilterList); delete [] mszUdpFilterList; } else if(hrTmp == SPAPI_E_LINE_NOT_FOUND) hrTmp = S_OK; else TraceError("HrLoadAdapterParamFromAnswerFile: UdpAllowedPorts", hrTmp);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = hrTmp;
// IpAllowedProtocols -> m_vstrIpFilterList
WCHAR * mszIpFilterList; hrTmp = HrSetupGetFirstMultiSzFieldWithAlloc(hinf, pszAdapterSection, c_szAfIpAllowedProtocols, &mszIpFilterList); if (SUCCEEDED(hrTmp)) { MultiSzToColString(mszIpFilterList, &pAdapterInfo->m_vstrIpFilterList); delete [] mszIpFilterList; } else if(hrTmp == SPAPI_E_LINE_NOT_FOUND) hrTmp = S_OK; else TraceError("HrLoadAdapterParamFromAnswerFile: IpAllowedProtocols", hrTmp);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = hrTmp;
//$REVIEW (nsun 12/11/98) bug #204145
//directly save the unconfigurable parameters right after reading
//it from the answer file.
if (SUCCEEDED(hrReg)) { Assert(hkeyTcpipParam); HKEY hkeyInterfaceParam = NULL; strInterfaceRegPath = c_szInterfacesRegKey; strInterfaceRegPath += L"\\";
WCHAR szGuid [c_cchGuidWithTerm]; StringFromGUID2(guidNetCard, szGuid, c_cchGuidWithTerm); strInterfaceRegPath += szGuid;
DWORD dwDisposition; hrTmp = HrRegCreateKeyEx(hkeyTcpipParam, strInterfaceRegPath.c_str(), REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_READ_WRITE_DELETE, NULL, &hkeyInterfaceParam, &dwDisposition); if( SUCCEEDED(hrTmp)) { Assert(hkeyInterfaceParam); hrTmp = HrLoadUnConfigurableParamFromAnswerFile( hinf, pszAdapterSection, rgVtpIpAdapter, sizeof(rgVtpIpAdapter)/sizeof(rgVtpIpAdapter[0]), hkeyInterfaceParam ); RegSafeCloseKey(hkeyInterfaceParam); } else TraceError("HrLoadAdapterParamFromAnswerFile: CreateTcpipParm Reg key", hrTmp); }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = hrTmp;
if (!FValidateAdapterParametersFromAnswerFile(pAdapterInfo, strAdapterName.c_str())) { TraceError("FValidateAdapterParameterFromAnswerFile() got invalid tcp settings", E_FAIL); } } }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = hrTmp;
// Move to the next card
pszAdapterSection += lstrlenW(pszAdapterSection)+1;
} // end of while loop
if (SUCCEEDED(hrReg)) RegSafeCloseKey(hkeyTcpipParam);
TraceError("CTcpipcfg::HrLoadAdapterParamFromAnswerFile", hr); return hr; }
HRESULT HrLoadUnConfigurableParamFromAnswerFile(HINF hinf, PCWSTR pszSection, const ValueTypePair * prgVtpParams, UINT cParams, HKEY hkeyParam) { Assert(prgVtpParams);
HRESULT hr = S_OK; HRESULT hrTmp = S_OK; HRESULT hrReg = S_OK; BOOL fTmp; DWORD dwTmp; tstring strTmp; WCHAR * mszTmp;
for(UINT i = 0; i < cParams; i++) { TraceTag(ttidTcpip, "HrLoadUnConfigurableParamFromAnswerFile: configuring '%S'...", prgVtpParams[i].pszValueName);
switch(prgVtpParams[i].dwType) { case REG_BOOL: hrTmp = HrSetupGetFirstStringAsBool(hinf, pszSection, prgVtpParams[i].pszValueName, &fTmp); if (SUCCEEDED(hrTmp)) hrReg = HrRegSetDword(hkeyParam, prgVtpParams[i].pszValueName, fTmp); break;
case REG_DWORD: hrTmp = HrSetupGetFirstDword(hinf, pszSection, prgVtpParams[i].pszValueName, &dwTmp); if (SUCCEEDED(hrTmp)) hrReg = HrRegSetDword(hkeyParam, prgVtpParams[i].pszValueName, dwTmp);
case REG_SZ: hrTmp = HrSetupGetFirstString(hinf, pszSection, prgVtpParams[i].pszValueName, &strTmp); if (SUCCEEDED(hrTmp)) hrReg = HrRegSetString(hkeyParam, prgVtpParams[i].pszValueName, strTmp); break;
case REG_MULTI_SZ: hrTmp = HrSetupGetFirstMultiSzFieldWithAlloc( hinf, pszSection, prgVtpParams[i].pszValueName, &mszTmp);
if (SUCCEEDED(hrTmp)) { hrReg = HrRegSetMultiSz(hkeyParam, prgVtpParams[i].pszValueName, mszTmp); delete [] mszTmp; } break;
case REG_FILE: hrTmp = HrSetupGetFirstString(hinf, pszSection, prgVtpParams[i].pszValueName, &strTmp); if (SUCCEEDED(hrTmp) && (strTmp.length() > 0)) { DWORD dwDisposition=0; TOKEN_PRIVILEGES * ptpRestore = NULL; HKEY hkeyRestore=NULL;
hrReg = HrRegCreateKeyEx(hkeyParam, prgVtpParams[i].pszValueName, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkeyRestore, &dwDisposition); if (S_OK == hr) { hrReg = HrEnableAllPrivileges(&ptpRestore); if (SUCCEEDED(hrReg)) { TraceTag(ttidTcpip, "HrLoadUnConfigurableParamFromAnswerFile: trying to restore regkey from file '%S'..", strTmp.c_str()); hrReg = HrRegRestoreKey(hkeyRestore, strTmp.c_str(), 0); (void) HrRestorePrivileges(ptpRestore); delete [] reinterpret_cast<BYTE *>(ptpRestore); } RegCloseKey(hkeyRestore); } } break; }
if(FAILED(hrTmp)) { if(hrTmp == SPAPI_E_LINE_NOT_FOUND) hrTmp = S_OK; else { TraceTag(ttidError, "HrLoadUnConfigurableParamFromAnswerFile: failed to load %S. hr = %x.", prgVtpParams[i].pszValueName, hrTmp); } }
if(FAILED(hrReg)) { TraceTag(ttidError, "HrLoadUnConfigurableParamFromAnswerFile: failed to set %S to the registry. hr = %x.", prgVtpParams[i].pszValueName, hrReg); } #endif
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = hrTmp;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = hrReg; }
TraceError("CTcpipcfg::HrLoadUnConfigurableParamFromAnswerFile", hr); return hr; }
BOOL FValidateIpFieldsFromAnswerFile(VSTR & vstrIpAddr, PCTSTR pszValueName, PCWSTR pszAdapterName, BOOL fIsIpAddr)
{ BOOL fRet = TRUE;
for (VSTR::iterator iter = vstrIpAddr.begin(); iter != vstrIpAddr.end(); iter++) { tstring* pstrIpAddr = *iter; if (!FIsValidIpFields(pstrIpAddr->c_str(), fIsIpAddr)) { WriteTcpSetupErrorLog(fIsIpAddr ? IDS_TCP_AF_INVALID_IP_FIELDS : IDS_TCP_AF_INVALID_FIELDS, pszValueName, pszAdapterName, pstrIpAddr->c_str()); fRet = FALSE; } }
return fRet; }
BOOL FValidateGlobalParametersFromAnswerFile(GLOBAL_INFO* pGlobalInfo) { BOOL fRet = TRUE;
DNS_STATUS status;
if (!pGlobalInfo->m_vstrDnsSuffixList.empty()) { for (VSTR::iterator iter = pGlobalInfo->m_vstrDnsSuffixList.begin(); iter != pGlobalInfo->m_vstrDnsSuffixList.end(); iter++) { status = DnsValidateName((*iter)->c_str(), DnsNameDomain); if (ERROR_INVALID_NAME == status || DNS_ERROR_INVALID_NAME_CHAR == status) { WriteTcpSetupErrorLog(IDS_TCP_AF_INVALID_DNS_SUFFIX, c_szAfDnsSuffixSearchOrder, (*iter)->c_str()); fRet = FALSE; } } }
if (!fRet) { FreeCollectionAndItem(pGlobalInfo->m_vstrDnsSuffixList); }
return fRet; }
BOOL FValidateAdapterParametersFromAnswerFile(ADAPTER_INFO* pAdapter, PCWSTR pszAdapterName) { BOOL fRet = TRUE;
if (!pAdapter->m_fEnableDhcp) { if (!pAdapter->m_vstrIpAddresses.empty()) { if (!FValidateIpFieldsFromAnswerFile(pAdapter->m_vstrIpAddresses, c_szAfIpaddress, pszAdapterName)) { fRet = FALSE; } }
if (!pAdapter->m_vstrSubnetMask.empty()) { if (!FValidateIpFieldsFromAnswerFile(pAdapter->m_vstrSubnetMask, c_szAfSubnetmask, pszAdapterName, FALSE)) { fRet = FALSE; } }
if (fRet) { IP_VALIDATION_ERR err = ValidateIp(pAdapter);
if (err != ERR_NONE) { fRet = FALSE;
switch (err) { case ERR_INCORRECT_IP: WriteTcpSetupErrorLog(IDS_TCP_AF_INVALID_SUBNET, pszAdapterName); break; case ERR_NO_IP: WriteTcpSetupErrorLog(IDS_TCP_AF_NO_IP, pszAdapterName); break; case ERR_NO_SUBNET: WriteTcpSetupErrorLog(IDS_TCP_AF_NO_SUBNET, pszAdapterName); break; default: //$REVIEW: we don't want to check other invalid settings at this time
// because the setting maybe is valid in NT4, for example: uncontiguous
// subnet mask
fRet = TRUE; break; } } }
if (!fRet) { //Invalid IP settings in the answer file. Set IP settings back to default
pAdapter->m_fEnableDhcp = TRUE; FreeCollectionAndItem(pAdapter->m_vstrIpAddresses); FreeCollectionAndItem(pAdapter->m_vstrSubnetMask); } }
if (!pAdapter->m_strDnsDomain.empty()) { DNS_STATUS status;
status = DnsValidateName(pAdapter->m_strDnsDomain.c_str(), DnsNameDomain);
if (ERROR_INVALID_NAME == status || DNS_ERROR_INVALID_NAME_CHAR == status) { WriteTcpSetupErrorLog(IDS_TCP_AF_INVALID_DNS_DOMAIN, pszAdapterName); pAdapter->m_strDnsDomain = c_szEmpty;
fRet = FALSE; } }
if (!pAdapter->m_vstrDnsServerList.empty()) { if (!FValidateIpFieldsFromAnswerFile(pAdapter->m_vstrDnsServerList, c_szAfDnsServerSearchOrder, pszAdapterName)) { FreeCollectionAndItem(pAdapter->m_vstrDnsServerList); fRet = FALSE; } }
if (!pAdapter->m_vstrDefaultGateway.empty()) { if (!FValidateIpFieldsFromAnswerFile(pAdapter->m_vstrDefaultGateway, c_szAfDefaultGateway, pszAdapterName)) { FreeCollectionAndItem(pAdapter->m_vstrDefaultGateway); fRet = FALSE; } }
if (!pAdapter->m_vstrWinsServerList.empty()) { if (!FValidateIpFieldsFromAnswerFile(pAdapter->m_vstrWinsServerList, c_szAfWinsServerList, pszAdapterName)) { FreeCollectionAndItem(pAdapter->m_vstrWinsServerList); fRet = FALSE; } }
return fRet; }