// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: N C D H C P S . C P P
// Contents: Installation support for DHCP Server
// Notes:
// Author: jeffspr 13 May 1997
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "ncdhcps.h"
#include "ncreg.h"
#include "ncsvc.h"
#include "netoc.h"
#include "ncnetcfg.h"
#include "netcfgp.h"
#include "ncmisc.h"
#include "netcfgn.h"
extern const WCHAR c_szInfId_MS_DHCPServer[];
static const WCHAR c_szDHCPServerParamPath[] = L"System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\DHCPServer\\Parameters";
//$ REVIEW (jeffspr) 13 May 1997: These obviously need to be localized.
static const WCHAR c_szDisplayName[] = L"DHCP Server"; static const WCHAR c_szManufacturer[] = L"Microsoft"; static const WCHAR c_szProduct[] = L"DHCPServer";
// Function: HrInstallDHCPServerNotifyObject
// Purpose: Handles the installation of DHCP Server on behalf of the DHCP
// Server optional component. Calls into the INetCfg interface
// to do the install.
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns: S_OK if successful, Win32 error otherwise.
// Author: jeffspr 13 May 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT HrInstallDHCPServerNotifyObject(PNETOCDATA pnocd) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; INetCfg * pnc = NULL; INetCfgComponent* pncc = NULL; INetCfgComponentSetup* pnccSetup = NULL;
hr = HrOcGetINetCfg(pnocd, TRUE, &pnc); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { NETWORK_INSTALL_PARAMS nip = {0};
nip.dwSetupFlags = FInSystemSetup() ? NSF_PRIMARYINSTALL : NSF_POSTSYSINSTALL; Assert(pnocd);
TraceTag(ttidNetOc, "Installing DHCP Server notify object"); hr = HrInstallComponentOboUser( pnc, &nip, GUID_DEVCLASS_NETSERVICE, c_szInfId_MS_DHCPServer, &pncc); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { TraceTag(ttidNetOc, "QI'ing INetCfgComponentPrivate from DHCP pncc");
// Need to query for the private component interface which
// gives us access to the notify object.
INetCfgComponentPrivate* pnccPrivate = NULL; hr = pncc->QueryInterface( IID_INetCfgComponentPrivate, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pnccPrivate)); if (S_OK == hr) { TraceTag(ttidNetOc, "Getting notify object INetCfgComponentSetup from pnccSetup");
// Query the notify object for its setup interface.
// If it doesn't support it, that's okay, we can continue.
hr = pnccPrivate->QueryNotifyObject( IID_INetCfgComponentSetup, (void**) &pnccSetup); if (S_OK == hr) { TraceTag(ttidNetOc, "Calling pnccSetup->ReadAnswerFile()");
(VOID) pnccSetup->ReadAnswerFile(g_ocmData.sic.SetupData.UnattendFile, pnocd->pszSection);
hr = pnc->Apply();
ReleaseObj(pnccSetup); }
ReleaseObj(pnccPrivate); }
ReleaseObj(pncc); }
(VOID) HrUninitializeAndReleaseINetCfg(TRUE, pnc, TRUE); }
TraceError("HrInstallDHCPServerNotifyObject", hr); return hr; }
// Function: HrRemoveDHCPServerNotifyObject
// Purpose: Handles the removal of the DHCP Server on behalf of the DHCP
// Server optional component. Calls into the INetCfg interface
// to do the actual removal.
// Arguments:
// (none)
// Returns: S_OK if successful, Win32 error otherwise.
// Author: jeffspr 13 Jun 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT HrRemoveDHCPServerNotifyObject(PNETOCDATA pnocd) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; INetCfg * pnc = NULL;
hr = HrOcGetINetCfg(pnocd, TRUE, &pnc); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Ignore the return from this. This is purely to remove the
// spurious user refcount from NT4 to NT5 upgrade. This will
// likely fail when removing a fresh install of DHCP Server.
hr = HrRemoveComponentOboUser( pnc, GUID_DEVCLASS_NETSERVICE, c_szInfId_MS_DHCPServer);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pnc->Apply(); }
(VOID) HrUninitializeAndReleaseINetCfg(TRUE, pnc, TRUE); }
TraceError("HrRemoveDHCPServerNotifyObject", hr); return hr; }
// Function: HrSetDhcpServiceRecoveryOption
// Purpose: Sets the recovery options for the DHCPServer service
// Arguments:
// pnocd [in] Pointer to NETOC data.
// Returns: S_OK if successful, Win32 error otherwise.
// Author: danielwe 26 May 1999
// Notes:
HRESULT HrSetDhcpServiceRecoveryOption(PNETOCDATA pnocd) { CServiceManager sm; CService service; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
SC_ACTION sra [4] = { { SC_ACTION_RESTART, 15*1000 }, // restart after 15 seconds
{ SC_ACTION_RESTART, 15*1000 }, // restart after 15 seconds
{ SC_ACTION_RESTART, 15*1000 }, // restart after 15 seconds
{ SC_ACTION_NONE, 30*1000 }, };
SERVICE_FAILURE_ACTIONS sfa = { 60 * 60, // dwResetPeriod is 1 hr
L"", // no reboot message
L"", // no command to execute
4, // 3 attempts to restart the server and stop after that
sra };
hr = sm.HrOpenService(&service, L"DHCPServer"); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = service.HrSetServiceRestartRecoveryOption(&sfa); }
TraceError("HrSetDhcpServiceRecoveryOption", hr); return hr; }
// Function: HrInstallDHCPServer
// Purpose: Called when DHCP Server is being installed. Handles all of the
// additional installation for DHCPS beyond that of the INF file.
// Arguments:
// pnocd [in] Pointer to NETOC data.
// Returns: S_OK if successful, Win32 error otherwise.
// Author: jeffspr 13 May 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT HrInstallDHCPServer(PNETOCDATA pnocd) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CServiceManager sm; CService srv;
hr = HrHandleStaticIpDependency(pnocd); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = HrInstallDHCPServerNotifyObject(pnocd); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = HrSetDhcpServiceRecoveryOption(pnocd); } }
TraceError("HrInstallDHCPServer", hr); return hr; }
// Function: HrRemoveDHCPServer
// Purpose: Handles additional removal requirements for DHCP Server
// component.
// hwnd [in] Parent window for displaying UI.
// poc [in] Pointer to optional component being installed.
// Returns: S_OK if successful, Win32 error otherwise.
// Author: jeffspr 13 May 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT HrRemoveDHCPServer(PNETOCDATA pnocd) { Assert(pnocd);
// Get the path to the database files from the regsitry.
// Important to do this before removing the component because
// the registry locations get removed when removing the component.
tstring strDatabasePath; tstring strBackupDatabasePath;
HKEY hkeyParams; HRESULT hr = HrRegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szDHCPServerParamPath, KEY_READ, &hkeyParams); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { (VOID) HrRegQueryExpandString ( hkeyParams, L"DatabasePath", &strDatabasePath);
(VOID) HrRegQueryExpandString ( hkeyParams, L"BackupDatabasePath", &strBackupDatabasePath);
RegCloseKey (hkeyParams); }
// Remove DHCP server.
hr = HrRemoveDHCPServerNotifyObject(pnocd);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && !(strDatabasePath.empty() && strBackupDatabasePath.empty())) { (VOID) HrDeleteFileSpecification ( L"*.mdb", strDatabasePath.c_str());
(VOID) HrDeleteFileSpecification ( L"*.log", strDatabasePath.c_str());
(VOID) HrDeleteFileSpecification ( L"*.mdb", strBackupDatabasePath.c_str());
(VOID) HrDeleteFileSpecification ( L"*.log", strBackupDatabasePath.c_str()); }
TraceError("HrRemoveDHCPServer", hr); return hr; }
// Function: HrOcExtDHCPServer
// Purpose: NetOC external message handler
// Arguments:
// pnocd []
// uMsg []
// wParam []
// lParam []
// Returns:
// Author: danielwe 17 Sep 1998
// Notes:
switch (uMsg) { case NETOCM_POST_INSTALL: hr = HrOcDhcpOnInstall(pnocd); break; }
TraceError("HrOcExtDHCPServer", hr); return hr; }
// Function: HrOcDhcpOnInstall
// Purpose: Called by optional components installer code to handle
// additional installation requirements for DHCP Server
// Arguments:
// pnocd [in] Pointer to NETOC data
// Returns: S_OK if successful, Win32 error otherwise.
// Author: jeffspr 13 May 1997
// Notes:
HRESULT HrOcDhcpOnInstall(PNETOCDATA pnocd) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
switch(pnocd->eit) { // Install DHCP
case IT_INSTALL: hr = HrInstallDHCPServer(pnocd); break;
// Remove DHCP
case IT_REMOVE: hr = HrRemoveDHCPServer(pnocd); break;
case IT_UPGRADE: hr = HrSetDhcpServiceRecoveryOption(pnocd); break; }
TraceError("HrOcDhcpOnInstall", hr); return hr; }