// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: A F I L E X P . C P P
// Contents: Functions exported from netsetup for answerfile related work.
// Author: kumarp 25-November-97
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "afileint.h"
#include "afilexp.h"
#include "compid.h"
#include "kkenet.h"
#include "kkutils.h"
#include "ncerror.h"
#include "ncnetcfg.h"
#include "ncsetup.h"
#include "nsbase.h"
#include "oemupgrd.h"
#include "resource.h"
#include "upgrade.h"
#include <wdmguid.h>
#include "nslog.h"
// Global variables
CNetInstallInfo* g_pnii; CNetInstallInfo* g_pniiTemp; DWORD g_dwOperationFlags = 0;
// Function: HrDoUnattend
// Purpose: call member function of CNetInstallInfo to perform
// answerfile based install/upgrade work
// Arguments:
// hwndParent [in] handle of parent window
// punk [in] pointer to an interface
// idPage [in] id indicating which section to run
// ppdm [out] pointer to page display mode
// pfAllowChanges [out] pointer to flag controlling read/write behavior
// Returns: S_OK on success, otherwise an error code
// Author: kumarp 26-November-97
EXTERN_C HRESULT WINAPI HrDoUnattend ( IN HWND hwndParent, IN IUnknown* punk, IN EUnattendWorkType uawType, OUT EPageDisplayMode* ppdm, OUT BOOL* pfAllowChanges) { TraceFileFunc(ttidGuiModeSetup); Assert(punk); Assert(ppdm); Assert(pfAllowChanges); Assert(g_pnii);
#if DBG
if (FIsDebugFlagSet (dfidBreakOnDoUnattend)) { AssertSz(FALSE, "THIS IS NOT A BUG! The debug flag " "\"BreakOnDoUnattend\" has been set. Set your breakpoints now."); } #endif //_DEBUG
hr = g_pnii->HrDoUnattended(hwndParent, punk, uawType, ppdm, pfAllowChanges);
TraceHr(ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "HrDoUnattend"); return hr; }
// Function: HrInitForRepair
// Purpose: Initialize in repair mode.
// Arguments:
// Returns: S_OK on success, otherwise an error code
// Author: asinha 17-October-2001
HRESULT HrInitForRepair (VOID) { TraceFileFunc(ttidGuiModeSetup); HRESULT hr = S_OK;
g_pnii = NULL;
hr = CNetInstallInfo::HrCreateInstance ( NULL, &g_pnii);
TraceHr(ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "HrInitForRepair");
return hr; }
// Function: HrInitForUnattendedNetSetup
// Purpose: Initialize net setup for answerfile processing
// Arguments:
// pnc [in] pointer to INetCfg object
// pisd [in] pointer to private data supplied by base setup
// Returns: S_OK on success, otherwise an error code
// Author: kumarp 26-November-97
HRESULT HrInitForUnattendedNetSetup ( IN INetCfg* pnc, IN PINTERNAL_SETUP_DATA pisd) { TraceFileFunc(ttidGuiModeSetup); Assert(pnc); Assert(pisd);
g_dwOperationFlags = pisd->OperationFlags; if (pisd->OperationFlags & SETUPOPER_BATCH) { Assert(pisd->UnattendFile); AssertSz(!g_pnii, "who initialized g_pnii ??");
hr = HrInitAnswerFileProcessing(pisd->UnattendFile, &g_pnii); }
TraceHr(ttidError, FAL, hr, (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)) || (hr == NETSETUP_E_NO_ANSWERFILE), "HrInitNetSetup"); return hr; }
// Function: HrCleanupNetSetup
// Purpose: Do cleanup work in NetSetup
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
// Author: kumarp 26-November-97
VOID HrCleanupNetSetup() { TraceFileFunc(ttidGuiModeSetup); DeleteIfNotNull(g_pnii); DeleteIfNotNull(g_pniiTemp); }
// Function: HrGetAnswerFileName
// Purpose: Generate full path to the answerfile
// Arguments:
// pstrAnswerFileName [out] pointer to name of answerfile
// Returns: S_OK on success, otherwise an error code
// Author: kumarp 26-November-97
// Notes: !!!This function has a dependency on the base setup.!!!
// If base setup changes name of the answerfile, this fn
// function will break.
HRESULT HrGetAnswerFileName( OUT tstring* pstrAnswerFileName) { TraceFileFunc(ttidGuiModeSetup); static const WCHAR c_szAfSubDirAndName[] = L"\\system32\\$winnt$.inf";
WCHAR szWinDir[MAX_PATH+1]; DWORD cNumCharsReturned = GetSystemWindowsDirectory(szWinDir, MAX_PATH);
if (cNumCharsReturned) { *pstrAnswerFileName = szWinDir; *pstrAnswerFileName += c_szAfSubDirAndName; } else { hr = HrFromLastWin32Error(); }
TraceHr(ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "HrGetAnswerFileName"); return hr; }
// Function: HrInitAnswerFileProcessing
// Purpose: Initialize answerfile processing
// Arguments:
// szAnswerFileName [in] name of answerfile
// ppnii [out] pointer to pointer to CNetInstallInfo object
// Returns: S_OK on success, otherwise an error code
// Author: kumarp 26-November-97
HRESULT HrInitAnswerFileProcessing ( IN PCWSTR szAnswerFileName, OUT CNetInstallInfo** ppnii) { TraceFileFunc(ttidGuiModeSetup); Assert(ppnii);
HRESULT hr = S_OK; tstring strAnswerFileName;
*ppnii = NULL;
if (!szAnswerFileName) { hr = HrGetAnswerFileName(&strAnswerFileName); } else { strAnswerFileName = szAnswerFileName; }
if (S_OK == hr) { hr = CNetInstallInfo::HrCreateInstance ( strAnswerFileName.c_str(), ppnii); }
TraceHr(ttidError, FAL, hr, (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)) || (hr == NETSETUP_E_NO_ANSWERFILE), "HrInitAnswerFileProcessing"); return hr; }
// Function: HrOemUpgrade
// Purpose: Process special OEM upgrades by running an inf section
// Arguments:
// hkeyDriver [in] the driver key
// pszAnswerFile [in] pointer to answer filename string.
// pszAnswerSection [in] pointer to answer filname sections string
// Returns: S_OK on success, otherwise an error code
// Date: 30 Mar 1998
EXTERN_C HRESULT WINAPI HrOemUpgrade( IN HKEY hkeyDriver, IN PCWSTR pszAnswerFile, IN PCWSTR pszAnswerSection) { TraceFileFunc(ttidGuiModeSetup); Assert(hkeyDriver); Assert(pszAnswerFile); Assert(pszAnswerSection);
// Open the answer file.
HINF hinf; HRESULT hr = HrSetupOpenInfFile(pszAnswerFile, NULL, INF_STYLE_OLDNT | INF_STYLE_WIN4, NULL, &hinf);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { tstring strInfToRun; tstring strSectionToRun; tstring strInfToRunType;
// Get the file and section to run for upgrade
hr = HrAfGetInfToRunValue(hinf, pszAnswerFile, pszAnswerSection, I2R_AfterInstall, &strInfToRun, &strSectionToRun, &strInfToRunType);
if (S_OK == hr) { HINF hinfToRun; // Open the inf file containing the section to run
hr = HrSetupOpenInfFile(strInfToRun.c_str(), NULL, INF_STYLE_OLDNT | INF_STYLE_WIN4, NULL, &hinfToRun);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { TraceTag(ttidNetSetup, "Running section %S in %S", strSectionToRun.c_str(), strInfToRun.c_str());
// Run the section against the key
hr = HrSetupInstallFromInfSection (NULL, hinfToRun, strSectionToRun.c_str(), SPINST_REGISTRY, hkeyDriver, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
NetSetupLogHrStatusV(hr, SzLoadIds (IDS_STATUS_OF_APPLYING), pszAnswerSection, strInfToRunType.c_str(), strSectionToRun.c_str(), strInfToRun.c_str()); SetupCloseInfFile(hinfToRun); } } else if (SPAPI_E_LINE_NOT_FOUND == hr) { // Nothing to run.
hr = S_FALSE; } SetupCloseInfFile(hinf); }
TraceHr(ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "HrOemUpgrade"); return hr; }
// Function: HrGetAnswerFileParametersForComponent
// Purpose: Search in answerfile for a component whose InfId matches
// the one specified.
// Arguments:
// pszInfId [in] inf id of component
// ppszAnswerFile [out] pointer to answer filename string.
// ppszAnswerSection [out] pointer to answer filename section string
// Returns: S_OK on success, otherwise an error code
// Author: billbe 12 July 1999
// Notes: This fcn is not for adapters. If you need the answerfile
// parameters for an adapter, use
// HrGetAnswerFileParametersForNetCard.
HRESULT HrGetAnswerFileParametersForComponent ( IN PCWSTR pszInfId, OUT PWSTR* ppszAnswerFile, OUT PWSTR* ppszAnswerSection) { TraceFileFunc(ttidGuiModeSetup); Assert(pszInfId); Assert(ppszAnswerFile); Assert(ppszAnswerSection);
TraceTag (ttidNetSetup, "In HrGetAnswerFileParametersForComponent");
*ppszAnswerFile = NULL; *ppszAnswerSection = NULL;
// If we don't already have a cached pointer...
if (!g_pniiTemp) { // Initialize our net install info.
hr = HrInitAnswerFileProcessing(NULL, &g_pniiTemp); }
if (S_OK == hr) { Assert(g_pniiTemp); if (!g_pniiTemp->AnswerFileInitialized()) { hr = NETSETUP_E_NO_ANSWERFILE; TraceTag (ttidNetSetup, "No answerfile"); }
if (S_OK == hr) { // Find the component in the list of component's with
// answer file sections.
CNetComponent* pnetcomp; pnetcomp = g_pniiTemp->FindFromInfID (pszInfId);
if (!pnetcomp) { // The component doesn't have a section. Return
// no answer file.
hr = NETSETUP_E_NO_ANSWERFILE; TraceTag (ttidNetSetup, "Component not found"); } else { if (NCT_Adapter == pnetcomp->Type()) { // We don't support getting answerfile parameters
// for adapters. HrGetAnswerFileParametersForNetCard
// is the fcn for adapters.
hr = NETSETUP_E_NO_ANSWERFILE; } else { // Allocate and save the answerfile name and the
// component's section.
hr = HrCoTaskMemAllocAndDupSz (g_pniiTemp->AnswerFileName(), ppszAnswerFile, MAX_PATH); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = HrCoTaskMemAllocAndDupSz ( pnetcomp->ParamsSections().c_str(), ppszAnswerSection, MAX_PATH); } } } } } else { TraceTag (ttidNetSetup, "Answerfile could not be initialized"); }
TraceHr (ttidError, FAL, hr, (NETSETUP_E_NO_ANSWERFILE == hr) || (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) == hr), "HrGetAnswerFileParametersForComponent");
return hr; }
// Function: HrGetAnswerFileParametersForNetCard
// Purpose: Search in answerfile for a net card whose InfID matches
// at least one in the supplied multi-sz list.
// Arguments:
// mszInfIDs [in] list of InfIDs
// pszDeviceName [in] exported device name of the card to search
// pguidNetCardInstance [in] pointer to instance guid of the card
// pszAnswerFile [out] pointer to answer filename string.
// pszAnswerSection [out] pointer to answer filname sections string
// Returns: S_OK on success, otherwise an error code
// Author: kumarp 26-November-97
// Notes: If more than one such card is found in the answerfile, then
// resolve between the cards by finding out the net-card-address
// of the pszServiceInstance and matching it against that
// stored in the answerfile.
EXTERN_C HRESULT WINAPI HrGetAnswerFileParametersForNetCard( IN HDEVINFO hdi, IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA pdeid, IN PCWSTR pszDeviceName, IN const GUID* pguidNetCardInstance, OUT PWSTR* ppszwAnswerFile, OUT PWSTR* ppszwAnswerSections) { TraceFileFunc(ttidGuiModeSetup); Assert(IsValidHandle(hdi)); Assert(pdeid); Assert(pguidNetCardInstance); Assert(ppszwAnswerFile); Assert(ppszwAnswerSections);
HRESULT hr=E_FAIL; CNetAdapter* pna=NULL; WORD wNumAdapters=0; QWORD qwNetCardAddr=0;
*ppszwAnswerFile = NULL; *ppszwAnswerSections = NULL;
if (!g_pniiTemp) { hr = HrInitAnswerFileProcessing(NULL, &g_pniiTemp); #if DBG
if (S_OK == hr) { Assert(g_pniiTemp); } #endif
if (FAILED(hr) || !g_pniiTemp->AnswerFileInitialized()) { TraceHr (ttidNetSetup, FAL, hr, (hr == NETSETUP_E_NO_ANSWERFILE) || hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND), "HrGetAnswerFileParametersForNetCard");
return hr; } }
// the defs of HIDWORD and LODWORD are wrong in byteorder.hxx
# define LODWORD(a) (DWORD)( (a) & ( (DWORD)~0 ))
# define HIDWORD(a) (DWORD)( (a) >> (sizeof(DWORD)*8) )
hr = HrGetNetCardAddr(pszDeviceName, &qwNetCardAddr); if ((S_OK == hr) && qwNetCardAddr) { // there is a bug in wvsprintfA (used in trace.cpp) which does not
// handle %I64x therefore we need to show the QWORD addr as follows
TraceTag(ttidNetSetup, "net card address of %S is 0x%x%x", pszDeviceName, HIDWORD(qwNetCardAddr), LODWORD(qwNetCardAddr));
hr = g_pniiTemp->FindAdapter(qwNetCardAddr, &pna);
if (NETSETUP_E_NO_EXACT_MATCH == hr) { TraceTag(ttidError, "there is no card with this netcard address in the answer-file"); } } else { TraceTag(ttidError, "error getting netcard address of %S", pszDeviceName);
// if we either (a) failed to get the NetCard address, or
// (b) if the netcard address was 0 (ISDN adapters), we try other means
if (NETSETUP_E_AMBIGUOUS_MATCH == hr) { // could not match netcard using the mac addr. If this device is
// PCI, try to match using location info.
TraceTag (ttidNetSetup, "Did not find a match for netcard address. " "But there was at least one section that did not specify an " "address.\nChecking bus type of installed adapter.");
GUID BusTypeGuid; hr = HrSetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty (hdi, pdeid, SPDRP_BUSTYPEGUID, NULL, (BYTE*)&BusTypeGuid, sizeof (BusTypeGuid), NULL);
if (S_OK == hr) { if (GUID_BUS_TYPE_PCI == BusTypeGuid) { TraceTag (ttidNetSetup, "Installed adapter is PCI. " "Retrieving its location info.");
DWORD BusNumber; hr = HrSetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty (hdi, pdeid, SPDRP_BUSNUMBER, NULL, (BYTE*)&BusNumber, sizeof (BusNumber), NULL);
if (S_OK == hr) { DWORD Address; hr = HrSetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty (hdi, pdeid, SPDRP_ADDRESS, NULL, (BYTE*)&Address, sizeof (Address), NULL);
if (S_OK == hr) { TraceTag (ttidNetSetup, "Installed device location: " "Bus: %X, Device %x, Function %x\n Will try to " "use location info to find a match with the " "remaining ambiguous sections.", BusNumber, HIWORD(Address), LOWORD(Address));
hr = g_pniiTemp->FindAdapter (BusNumber, Address, &pna);
if (NETSETUP_E_NO_EXACT_MATCH == hr) { TraceTag (ttidNetSetup, "No match was found " "using PCI location info."); } else if (NETSETUP_E_AMBIGUOUS_MATCH == hr) { TraceTag (ttidNetSetup, "Location info did not " "match but some sections did not specify " "location info."); } #endif // ENABLETRACE
} } } else { hr = NETSETUP_E_AMBIGUOUS_MATCH; } }
if (FAILED(hr) && (NETSETUP_E_AMBIGUOUS_MATCH != hr) && (NETSETUP_E_NO_EXACT_MATCH != hr)) { TraceHr(ttidNetSetup, FAL, hr, FALSE, "Trying to retrieve/use " "PCI location info."); hr = NETSETUP_E_AMBIGUOUS_MATCH; }
if (NETSETUP_E_AMBIGUOUS_MATCH == hr) { // could not match netcard using the mac addr. try to match
// using the PnP ID
TraceTag (ttidNetSetup, "Will try to use pnp id to find a match " "with the remaining ambiguous sections.");
PWSTR mszInfIds; hr = HrGetCompatibleIds (hdi, pdeid, &mszInfIds);
if (S_OK == hr) { #ifdef ENABLETRACE
TStringList slInfIds; tstring strInfIds; MultiSzToColString(mszInfIds, &slInfIds); ConvertStringListToCommaList(slInfIds, strInfIds); TraceTag(ttidNetSetup, "(InfIDs (%d): %S\tDeviceName: %S)", slInfIds.size(), strInfIds.c_str(), pszDeviceName); #endif
// find out how many adapters have this InfID
wNumAdapters = (WORD)g_pniiTemp->AdaptersPage()->GetNumCompatibleAdapters(mszInfIds);
TraceTag(ttidNetSetup, "%d adapters of type '%S' found in the answer-file", wNumAdapters, mszInfIds);
if (wNumAdapters == 1) { // a definite match found
pna = (CNetAdapter*) g_pniiTemp->AdaptersPage()->FindCompatibleAdapter(mszInfIds); Assert(pna);
// Since matching by inf id can cause one section to be
// matched to multiple adapters, we pass on sections that
// have already been give to an adapter.
GUID guid = GUID_NULL; pna->GetInstanceGuid(&guid);
if (GUID_NULL == guid) { // The section is still available.
hr = S_OK; } else { // This section was given to another adapter.
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); } } else { // either there are no adapters of this type in the answerfile
// or there are multiple adapters of the same type.
// we couldn't match the card using the mac addr earlier.
// must return error
hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); } MemFree (mszInfIds); } } }
if (S_OK == hr) { Assert(pna); pna->SetInstanceGuid(pguidNetCardInstance);
hr = HrCoTaskMemAllocAndDupSz(g_pniiTemp->AnswerFileName(), (PWSTR*) ppszwAnswerFile, MAX_PATH); if (S_OK == hr) { hr = HrCoTaskMemAllocAndDupSz(pna->ParamsSections().c_str(), (PWSTR*) ppszwAnswerSections, MAX_PATH); } }
if (S_OK != hr && (NETSETUP_E_NO_ANSWERFILE != hr)) { // add log so that we know why adapter specific params
// are lost after upgrade
if (g_dwOperationFlags & SETUPOPER_NTUPGRADE) { // bug 124805 - We only want to see this during upgradres
WCHAR szGuid[c_cchGuidWithTerm]; StringFromGUID2(*pguidNetCardInstance, szGuid, c_cchGuidWithTerm); NetSetupLogStatusV(LogSevWarning, SzLoadIds (IDS_ANSWERFILE_SECTION_NOT_FOUND), szGuid); } }
TraceHr(ttidError, FAL, hr, (hr == NETSETUP_E_NO_ANSWERFILE) || (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)), "HrGetAnswerFileParametersForNetCard"); return hr; }
// Function: HrGetInstanceGuidOfPreNT5NetCardInstance
// Purpose: Finds the instance guid of a component specified in the answerfile
// or an already installed component
// Arguments:
// szPreNT5NetCardInstance [in] pre-NT5 net card instance name e.g. "ieepro2"
// pguid [out] instance guid of the same card
// Returns: S_OK if found, S_FALSE if not, or an error code.
// Author: kumarp 12-AUG-97
// Notes:
EXTERN_C HRESULT WINAPI HrGetInstanceGuidOfPreNT5NetCardInstance ( IN PCWSTR szPreNT5NetCardInstance, OUT LPGUID pguid) { TraceFileFunc(ttidGuiModeSetup); Assert(szPreNT5NetCardInstance); Assert(pguid);
if (IsBadStringPtr(szPreNT5NetCardInstance, 64) || IsBadWritePtr(pguid, sizeof(GUID))) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } else if (g_pnii) { hr = g_pnii->HrGetInstanceGuidOfPreNT5NetCardInstance ( szPreNT5NetCardInstance, pguid); }
TraceHr(ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "HrGetInstanceGuidOfPreNT5NetCardInstance"); return hr; }
HRESULT HrResolveAnswerFileAdapters ( IN INetCfg* pnc) { TraceFileFunc(ttidGuiModeSetup); Assert(g_pnii);
if (g_pnii) { hr = g_pnii->AdaptersPage()->HrResolveNetAdapters(pnc); }
TraceHr(ttidError, FAL, hr, FALSE, "HrResolveAnswerFileAdapters"); return hr; }