// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997.
// File: S M R A S . C P P
// Contents: The RAS engine that provides statistics to the status monitor
// Notes:
// Author: CWill 12/02/1997
#include "pch.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include "ncras.h"
#include "sminc.h"
#include "netcon.h"
#include "smpsh.h"
#include "mprapi.h"
// Member: CRasStatEngine::CRasStatEngine
// Purpose: Creator
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nil
CRasStatEngine::CRasStatEngine() : m_hRasConn(NULL) { m_ncmType = NCM_PHONE; m_dwCharacter = NCCF_OUTGOING_ONLY; return; }
// Member: CRasStatEngine::put_RasConn
// Purpose: Pass handles to the RAS engine
// Arguments: hRasConn - The handle being set
// Returns: Error code
VOID CRasStatEngine::put_RasConn(HRASCONN hRasConn) { AssertSz(hRasConn, "We should have a hRasConn"); m_hRasConn = hRasConn; }
// Member: CRasStatEngine::put_MediaType
// Purpose: Pass media type of RAS connection type to the RAS engine
// Arguments: ncmType - NETCON_MEDIATYPE being set
// ncsmType - NETCON_SUBMEDIATYPE being set
// Returns:
VOID CRasStatEngine::put_MediaType(NETCON_MEDIATYPE ncmType, NETCON_SUBMEDIATYPE ncsmType) { m_ncmType = ncmType; m_ncsmType = ncsmType; }
// Member: CRasStatEngine::put_Character
// Purpose: Character of RAS connection
// Arguments: dwCharacter - The character being set
// Returns:
VOID CRasStatEngine::put_Character(DWORD dwCharacter) { m_dwCharacter = dwCharacter; }
// Member: CRasStatEngine::HrUpdateData
// Purpose: Get new statistics from the devices. This data is used to be
// displayed in the UI.
// Arguments: pdwChangeFlags - Where to return for statistics
// Returns: Error code
HRESULT CRasStatEngine::HrUpdateData ( DWORD* pdwChangeFlags, BOOL* pfNoLongerConnected) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Initialize the output parameters.
if (pdwChangeFlags) { *pdwChangeFlags = SMDCF_NULL; }
*pfNoLongerConnected = FALSE;
CExceptionSafeComObjectLock EsLock(this);
// Get a pointer to the elements of the array.
if (m_dwCharacter & NCCF_OUTGOING_ONLY) { // Get the status of the connection.
NETCON_STATUS ncs; hr = HrRasGetNetconStatusFromRasConnectStatus ( m_hRasConn, &ncs);
// Make sure we have a statistics structure
if (!m_psmEngineData) { m_psmEngineData = new STATMON_ENGINEDATA;
if (m_psmEngineData) { ZeroMemory(m_psmEngineData, sizeof(STATMON_ENGINEDATA)); } }
// Set the status
if (m_psmEngineData) { if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && (NCS_DISCONNECTED != ncs)) { m_psmEngineData->SMED_CONNECTIONSTATUS = ncs; } else if (HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) == hr) { *pfNoLongerConnected = TRUE;
// set the connection status to "disconnected" so we can close the UI
hr = S_OK; } } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
if ((m_psmEngineData) && SUCCEEDED(hr) && (NCS_DISCONNECTED != ncs)) { // Retrieve the statistics of the connection
RAS_STATS rsNewData; rsNewData.dwSize = sizeof(RAS_STATS); DWORD dwErr = RasGetConnectionStatistics(m_hRasConn, &rsNewData); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32 (dwErr); TraceError ("RasGetConnectionStatistics", hr);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Update the change flags if asked for
if (pdwChangeFlags) { if (m_psmEngineData->SMED_PACKETSTRANSMITTING != rsNewData.dwFramesXmited) { *pdwChangeFlags |= SMDCF_TRANSMITTING; }
if (m_psmEngineData->SMED_PACKETSRECEIVING != rsNewData.dwFramesRcved) { *pdwChangeFlags |= SMDCF_RECEIVING; } }
// Get the rest of the data
m_psmEngineData->SMED_DURATION = rsNewData.dwConnectDuration/1000;
// Don't pass out speed info for VPN connections (294953)
if (NCM_TUNNEL != m_ncmType) { m_psmEngineData->SMED_SPEEDTRANSMITTING = rsNewData.dwBps; m_psmEngineData->SMED_SPEEDRECEIVING = rsNewData.dwBps; }
m_psmEngineData->SMED_BYTESTRANSMITTING = rsNewData.dwBytesXmited; m_psmEngineData->SMED_BYTESRECEIVING = rsNewData.dwBytesRcved;
m_psmEngineData->SMED_COMPRESSIONTRANSMITTING = rsNewData.dwCompressionRatioOut; m_psmEngineData->SMED_COMPRESSIONRECEIVING = rsNewData.dwCompressionRatioIn;
m_psmEngineData->SMED_ERRORSTRANSMITTING = 0; m_psmEngineData->SMED_ERRORSRECEIVING = rsNewData.dwCrcErr + rsNewData.dwTimeoutErr + rsNewData.dwAlignmentErr + rsNewData.dwHardwareOverrunErr + rsNewData.dwFramingErr + rsNewData.dwBufferOverrunErr;
m_psmEngineData->SMED_PACKETSTRANSMITTING = rsNewData.dwFramesXmited; m_psmEngineData->SMED_PACKETSRECEIVING = rsNewData.dwFramesRcved;
m_psmEngineData->SMED_INFRASTRUCTURE_MODE = IM_NOT_SUPPORTED; } } } else if (m_dwCharacter & NCCF_INCOMING_ONLY) { // RAS inbound connection
if (!m_psmEngineData) { m_psmEngineData = new STATMON_ENGINEDATA; if(m_psmEngineData) { ZeroMemory(m_psmEngineData, sizeof(STATMON_ENGINEDATA)); } }
// Set the status
if (m_psmEngineData) { // Set the status to connected by default
// Unless we get ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER on any of the function calls below
m_psmEngineData->SMED_CONNECTIONSTATUS = NCS_CONNECTED; } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } LeaveCriticalSection(&g_csStatmonData);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && m_psmEngineData) { // Get the server handle
RAS_SERVER_HANDLE hMprAdmin; DWORD dwError = MprAdminServerConnect(NULL, &hMprAdmin);
if (dwError == NO_ERROR) { // Get connection duration
RAS_CONNECTION_0 * pConn0; dwError = MprAdminConnectionGetInfo(hMprAdmin, 0, m_hRasConn, (LPBYTE*)&pConn0); if (dwError == NO_ERROR) { // duration needs to be in milliseconds
m_psmEngineData->SMED_DURATION = pConn0->dwConnectDuration;
// Get connection speed
// Don't pass out speed info for VPN connections (357758)
if (NCM_TUNNEL != m_ncmType) { // Enum all the ports and add up the link speed
RAS_PORT_0 * pPort0; DWORD dwPortCount; DWORD dwTotalEntries; dwError = MprAdminPortEnum (hMprAdmin, 0, m_hRasConn, (LPBYTE*)&pPort0, -1, &dwPortCount, &dwTotalEntries, NULL); if (dwError == NOERROR) { RAS_PORT_0 * pCurPort0 = pPort0; DWORD dwConnSpeed=0; while (dwPortCount) { RAS_PORT_1 * pCurPort1; dwError = MprAdminPortGetInfo(hMprAdmin, 1, pCurPort0->hPort, (LPBYTE*)&pCurPort1); if (dwError == NO_ERROR) { dwConnSpeed += pCurPort1->dwLineSpeed; } else { break; } MprAdminBufferFree(pCurPort1); dwPortCount--; pCurPort0++; } MprAdminBufferFree(pPort0); if (dwError == NO_ERROR) { // Get the accumulated connection speed
m_psmEngineData->SMED_SPEEDTRANSMITTING = dwConnSpeed; m_psmEngineData->SMED_SPEEDRECEIVING = dwConnSpeed; } } }
if (dwError == NO_ERROR) { // Get Transmitted\Received Bytes, Compression and Bytes
RAS_CONNECTION_1 * pConn1; dwError = MprAdminConnectionGetInfo(hMprAdmin, 1, m_hRasConn, (LPBYTE*)&pConn1); if (dwError == NO_ERROR) { // Update the change flags if asked for
if (pdwChangeFlags) { if (m_psmEngineData->SMED_BYTESTRANSMITTING != pConn1->dwBytesXmited) { *pdwChangeFlags |= SMDCF_TRANSMITTING; }
if (m_psmEngineData->SMED_BYTESRECEIVING != pConn1->dwBytesRcved) { *pdwChangeFlags |= SMDCF_RECEIVING; } }
m_psmEngineData->SMED_BYTESTRANSMITTING = pConn1->dwBytesXmited; m_psmEngineData->SMED_BYTESRECEIVING = pConn1->dwBytesRcved;
m_psmEngineData->SMED_COMPRESSIONTRANSMITTING = pConn1->dwCompressionRatioOut; m_psmEngineData->SMED_COMPRESSIONRECEIVING = pConn1->dwCompressionRatioIn;
m_psmEngineData->SMED_ERRORSTRANSMITTING = 0; m_psmEngineData->SMED_ERRORSRECEIVING = pConn1->dwCrcErr + pConn1->dwTimeoutErr + pConn1->dwAlignmentErr + pConn1->dwHardwareOverrunErr + pConn1->dwFramingErr + pConn1->dwBufferOverrunErr; }
MprAdminBufferFree(pConn1); } }
if (dwError != NO_ERROR) { *pfNoLongerConnected = TRUE;
// set the connection status to "disconnected" so we can close the UI
hr = S_OK; } } MprAdminServerDisconnect (hMprAdmin); } }
TraceError("CRasStatEngine::HrUpdateData", hr); return hr; }
// //
// CPspRasGen //
// //
CPspRasGen::CPspRasGen(VOID) { m_ncmType = NCM_PHONE; m_dwCharacter = NCCF_OUTGOING_ONLY;
m_adwHelpIDs = NULL; }
// Member: CPspRasGen::put_MediaType
// Purpose: Pass media type of RAS connection type to the RAS engine
// Arguments: ncmType - NETCON_MEDIATYPE being set
// ncsmType - NETCON_SUBMEDIATYPE being set
// Returns:
VOID CPspRasGen::put_MediaType(NETCON_MEDIATYPE ncmType, NETCON_SUBMEDIATYPE ncsmType) { m_ncmType = ncmType; m_ncsmType = ncsmType; }
VOID CPspRasGen::put_Character(DWORD dwCharacter) { m_dwCharacter = dwCharacter; }
// //
// CPspRasTool //
// //
CPspRasTool::CPspRasTool(VOID) { m_ncmType = NCM_PHONE; m_dwCharacter = NCCF_OUTGOING_ONLY;
m_adwHelpIDs = NULL; }
VOID CPspRasTool::put_MediaType(NETCON_MEDIATYPE ncmType, NETCON_SUBMEDIATYPE ncsmType) { m_ncmType = ncmType; m_ncsmType = ncsmType; }
VOID CPspRasTool::put_Character(DWORD dwCharacter) { m_dwCharacter = dwCharacter; }
// Member: CPspRasTool::HrInitToolPageType
// Purpose: Gets from the connection any information that is relevant to
// this particular connection type.
// Arguments: pncInit - The connection assocatied with this dialog
// Returns: Error code
HRESULT CPspRasTool::HrInitToolPageType(INetConnection* pncInit) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
TraceError("CPspRasTool::HrInitToolPageType", hr); return hr; }
// Member: CPspRasTool::HrAddCommandLineFlags
// Purpose: Adds the flags for this selection to the command line for the
// tool being launched.
// Arguments: pstrFlags - The command line that the flags have to be
// appended to
// psmteSel - The tool entry associated with this selection
// Returns: Error code
HRESULT CPspRasTool::HrAddCommandLineFlags(tstring* pstrFlags, CStatMonToolEntry* psmteSel) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
// Check what flags are asked for and provide them if we can
TraceError("CPspRasTool::HrAddCommandLineFlags", hr); return hr; }
HRESULT CPspRasTool::HrGetDeviceType(INetConnection* pncInit) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
RASCONN* aRasConn; DWORD cRasConn; hr = HrRasEnumAllActiveConnections ( &aRasConn, &cRasConn);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { for (DWORD i = 0; i < cRasConn; i++) { if (m_guidId == aRasConn[i].guidEntry) { // Note: device types in RAS connections are defined
// as follows in public\sdk\inc ras.h as RASDT_XXX
m_strDeviceType = aRasConn[i].szDeviceType; break; } } MemFree (aRasConn); }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CPspRasTool::HrGetComponentList(INetConnection* pncInit) { // Obtain ras handle to this connection
if (m_dwCharacter & NCCF_OUTGOING_ONLY) { // for outgoing connection
INetRasConnection* pnrcNew = NULL;
hr = HrQIAndSetProxyBlanket(pncInit, &pnrcNew); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pnrcNew->GetRasConnectionHandle( reinterpret_cast<ULONG_PTR*>(&hRasConn)); ReleaseObj(pnrcNew); } } else if (m_dwCharacter & NCCF_INCOMING_ONLY) { // for incoming connection
INetInboundConnection* pnicNew;
hr = HrQIAndSetProxyBlanket(pncInit, &pnicNew);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pnicNew->GetServerConnectionHandle( reinterpret_cast<ULONG_PTR*>(&hRasConn));
ReleaseObj(pnicNew); } }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && hRasConn) { // Get protocols list
DWORD dwRetCode; DWORD dwSize;
// RASP_PppIp
RASPPPIP RasPppIp; RasPppIp.dwSize = sizeof( RasPppIp );
dwSize = sizeof( RasPppIp );
dwRetCode = RasGetProjectionInfo (hRasConn, RASP_PppIp, &RasPppIp, &dwSize); if ((dwRetCode == NO_ERROR) && (NO_ERROR == RasPppIp.dwError)) { m_lstpstrCompIds.push_back(new tstring(L"MS_TCPIP")); }
// RASP_PppIpx
RASPPPIPX RasPppIpx; RasPppIpx.dwSize = sizeof( RasPppIpx );
dwSize = sizeof( RasPppIpx );
dwRetCode = RasGetProjectionInfo (hRasConn, RASP_PppIpx, &RasPppIpx, &dwSize); if ((dwRetCode == NO_ERROR) && (NO_ERROR == RasPppIpx.dwError)) { m_lstpstrCompIds.push_back(new tstring(L"MS_NWIPX")); }
// RASP_PppNbf
RASPPPNBF RasPppNbf; RasPppNbf.dwSize = sizeof( RasPppNbf );
dwSize = sizeof( RasPppNbf );
dwRetCode = RasGetProjectionInfo (hRasConn, RASP_PppNbf, &RasPppNbf, &dwSize); if ((dwRetCode == NO_ERROR) && (NO_ERROR == RasPppNbf.dwError)) { m_lstpstrCompIds.push_back(new tstring(L"MS_NetBEUI")); }
// RASP_Slip
RASSLIP RasSlip; RasSlip.dwSize = sizeof( RasSlip );
dwSize = sizeof( RasSlip );
dwRetCode = RasGetProjectionInfo (hRasConn, RASP_Slip, &RasSlip, &dwSize); if ((dwRetCode == NO_ERROR) && (NO_ERROR == RasSlip.dwError)) { m_lstpstrCompIds.push_back(new tstring(L"MS_TCPIP")); } }
// Get client and services
// $REVIEW(tongl 10/19): checked with Rao, for now we hard code
// using MSClient and F&P services for all RAS connections
// (raid #132575)
m_lstpstrCompIds.push_back(new tstring(L"MS_MSCLIENT")); m_lstpstrCompIds.push_back(new tstring(L"MS_SERVER"));
return S_OK; }