Copyright (c) 2000, Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Implement a collection of the CPrimaryControlChannel.cpp & CSecondaryControlChannel in a threa safe way.
JP Duplessis (jpdup) 08-Dec-2000
Revision History:
#include "PreComp.h"
#include "AlgController.h"
#define NAT_PROTOCOL_TCP 0x06
#define NAT_PROTOCOL_UDP 0x11
CCollectionControlChannelsPrimary::~CCollectionControlChannelsPrimary() { RemoveAll(); }
// Add a new control channel (Thread safe)
HRESULT CCollectionControlChannelsPrimary::Add( CPrimaryControlChannel* pChannelToAdd ) { try { ENTER_AUTO_CS
m_ListOfChannels.push_back(pChannelToAdd); g_pAlgController->m_CollectionOfAdapters.ApplyPrimaryChannel(pChannelToAdd); pChannelToAdd->AddRef(); } catch(...) { return E_FAIL; }
return S_OK; }
// Remove a channel from the list (Thead safe)
HRESULT CCollectionControlChannelsPrimary::Remove( CPrimaryControlChannel* pChannelToRemove ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
LISTOF_CHANNELS_PRIMARY::iterator theIterator = std::find( m_ListOfChannels.begin(), m_ListOfChannels.end(), pChannelToRemove );
if ( *theIterator ) { m_ListOfChannels.erase(theIterator); // Remove from list
pChannelToRemove->CancelRedirects(); pChannelToRemove->Release(); } } catch(...) { return E_FAIL; }
return hr; }
// Empty the list and free the PrimaryControlChannels
HRESULT CCollectionControlChannelsPrimary::RemoveAll() {
// By deleting all the ControlChannel they will also cancel all associated Redirects
MYTRACE("Collection has %d item", m_ListOfChannels.size());
LISTOF_CHANNELS_PRIMARY::iterator theIterator;
while ( m_ListOfChannels.size() > 0 ) { theIterator = m_ListOfChannels.begin();
m_ListOfChannels.erase(theIterator); // Remove from list
(*theIterator)->CancelRedirects(); (*theIterator)->Release();
} catch(...) { return E_FAIL; }
return S_OK; }
// Set a dynamic redirection and all collected Primary ControlChannel
HRESULT CCollectionControlChannelsPrimary::SetRedirects( ALG_ADAPTER_TYPE eAdapterType, ULONG nAdapterIndex, ULONG nAdapterAddress ) { HRESULT hr=S_OK;
try { ENTER_AUTO_CS MYTRACE_ENTER("CCollectionControlChannelsPrimary::SetRedirects"); MYTRACE("AdapterType %d, RealAdapterIndex %d, Currently %d ControlChannel in the collection", eAdapterType, nAdapterIndex, m_ListOfChannels.size());
// Set redirect for all Channel
for ( LISTOF_CHANNELS_PRIMARY::iterator theIterator = m_ListOfChannels.begin(); theIterator != m_ListOfChannels.end(); theIterator++ ) { (*theIterator)->SetRedirect( eAdapterType, nAdapterIndex, nAdapterAddress ); }
} catch(...) { hr = E_FAIL; }
return hr; }
// Check to see if the any PrimaryChannel need to be apply or his redirect should be removed
HRESULT CCollectionControlChannelsPrimary::AdapterPortMappingChanged( ULONG nCookie, UCHAR ucProtocol, USHORT usPort ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ALG_PROTOCOL algProtocol;
MYTRACE_ENTER("CCollectionControlChannelsPrimary::AdapterPortMappingChanged"); MYTRACE("AdapterCookie %d, Protocol %d, Port %d", nCookie, ucProtocol, usPort);
if (NAT_PROTOCOL_TCP == ucProtocol) { algProtocol = eALG_TCP; } else if (NAT_PROTOCOL_UDP == ucProtocol) { algProtocol = eALG_UDP; } else { hr = E_INVALIDARG; }
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { try { ENTER_AUTO_CS
CPrimaryControlChannel *pControlChannel = FindControlChannel(algProtocol, usPort); if (NULL != pControlChannel && pControlChannel->m_Properties.fCaptureInbound) { hr = g_pAlgController->m_CollectionOfAdapters.AdapterUpdatePrimaryChannel( nCookie, pControlChannel ); } } catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; } }
return hr; }
// Called when an adapter got removed
// function will cancel any redirect that was done on this adapter index
HRESULT CCollectionControlChannelsPrimary::AdapterRemoved( ULONG nAdapterIndex ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; MYTRACE_ENTER("CCollectionControlChannelsPrimary::AdapterRemoved"); MYTRACE("AdapterIndex %d", nAdapterIndex);
// Set redirect for all Channel
for ( LISTOF_CHANNELS_PRIMARY::iterator theIterator = m_ListOfChannels.begin(); theIterator != m_ListOfChannels.end(); theIterator++ ) { (*theIterator)->CancelRedirectsForAdapter( nAdapterIndex ); }
} catch (...) { hr = E_FAIL; }
return hr; }
// Collection of Secondary control channels
CCollectionControlChannelsSecondary::~CCollectionControlChannelsSecondary() { RemoveAll(); }
// Add a new control channel (Thread safe)
HRESULT CCollectionControlChannelsSecondary::Add( CSecondaryControlChannel* pChannelToAdd ) { try { ENTER_AUTO_CS
m_ListOfChannels.push_back(pChannelToAdd); pChannelToAdd->AddRef(); } catch(...) { return E_FAIL; }
return S_OK; }
// Remove a channel from the list (Thead safe)
HRESULT CCollectionControlChannelsSecondary::Remove( CSecondaryControlChannel* pChannelToRemove ) { try { ENTER_AUTO_CS
LISTOF_CHANNELS_SECONDARY::iterator theIterator = std::find( m_ListOfChannels.begin(), m_ListOfChannels.end(), pChannelToRemove );
if ( *theIterator ) { m_ListOfChannels.erase(theIterator); // Remove from list
pChannelToRemove->CancelRedirects(); pChannelToRemove->Release(); } } catch(...) { return E_FAIL; }
return S_OK; }
// When a Control is cancel it need to Cancel all it's redirect previousely created
HRESULT CCollectionControlChannelsSecondary::RemoveAll() { try { ENTER_AUTO_CS
// By deleting all the SecondaryControlChannel they will also cancel all associated Redirects
MYTRACE("Collection has %d item", m_ListOfChannels.size());
LISTOF_CHANNELS_SECONDARY::iterator theIterator;
while ( m_ListOfChannels.size() > 0 ) { theIterator = m_ListOfChannels.begin();
m_ListOfChannels.erase(theIterator); // Remove from list
(*theIterator)->CancelRedirects(); (*theIterator)->Release(); }
} catch(...) { return E_FAIL; }
return S_OK;