// CSecondaryControlChannel
// SecondaryControlChannel.cpp : Implementation of CSecondaryControlChannel
#include "PreComp.h"
#include "AlgController.h"
#include "SecondaryControlChannel.h"
// Cancel the redirect when it was created we stored the original demanded addresses & ports
// now we need to reverse(Cancel) them
STDMETHODIMP CSecondaryControlChannel::Cancel() { //
// By removing this Channel from the collection of SecondaryChannel
// the Redirect associated with this channel will be cancel(release)
// and ref count decrement.
return g_pAlgController->m_ControlChannelsSecondary.Remove(this); }
STDMETHODIMP CSecondaryControlChannel::GetChannelProperties( ALG_SECONDARY_CHANNEL_PROPERTIES** ppProperties ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; if (NULL != ppProperties) { *ppProperties = reinterpret_cast<ALG_SECONDARY_CHANNEL_PROPERTIES*>( CoTaskMemAlloc(sizeof(ALG_SECONDARY_CHANNEL_PROPERTIES)) );
if (NULL != *ppProperties) { CopyMemory(*ppProperties, &m_Properties, sizeof(ALG_SECONDARY_CHANNEL_PROPERTIES)); } else { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } } else { hr = E_POINTER; }
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP CSecondaryControlChannel::GetOriginalDestinationInformation( IN ULONG ulSourceAddress, IN USHORT usSourcePort, OUT ULONG* pulOriginalDestinationAddress, OUT USHORT* pusOriginalDestinationPort, OUT OPTIONAL IAdapterInfo** ppReceiveAdapter ) { MYTRACE_ENTER("CSecondaryControlChannel::GetOriginalDestinationInformation");
if ( pulOriginalDestinationAddress==NULL || pusOriginalDestinationPort== NULL ) { MYTRACE_ERROR("Invalid argument pass pulOriginalDestinationAddress or pulOriginalDestinationPort", E_INVALIDARG); return E_INVALIDARG; }
ULONG nAdapterCookie;
HRESULT hr = g_pAlgController->GetNat()->GetOriginalDestinationInformation( m_Properties.eProtocol, m_ulNewDestinationAddress, m_usNewDestinationPort, ulSourceAddress, usSourcePort, pulOriginalDestinationAddress, pusOriginalDestinationPort, &nAdapterCookie );
if ( FAILED(hr) ) { MYTRACE_ERROR("GetNat()->GetOriginalDestinationInformation", hr); return hr; }
if ( ppReceiveAdapter ) { hr = g_pAlgController->m_CollectionOfAdapters.GetAdapterInfo( nAdapterCookie, ppReceiveAdapter ); }
return hr;
// Public method
// release associated Redirects
HRESULT CSecondaryControlChannel::CancelRedirects() { HRESULT hr;
if ( m_HandleDynamicRedirect ) { //
// We have a handle to a dynamic redirect so we cancel it using this handle
hr = g_pAlgController->GetNat()->CancelDynamicRedirect(m_HandleDynamicRedirect); } else { //
// Normal redirect cancel using original argument pass to CreateRedirect
hr = g_pAlgController->GetNat()->CancelRedirect( (UCHAR)m_Properties.eProtocol, m_ulDestinationAddress, m_usDestinationPort, m_ulSourceAddress, m_usSourcePort, m_ulNewDestinationAddress, m_usNewDestinationPort, m_ulNewSourceAddress, m_usNewSourcePort ); }
return hr; }