// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 2000.
// File: D I S P I M P L 2 . H
// Contents: Implementation of IDispatch without dual interfaces
// Notes:
// Author: mbend 26 Sep 2000
// -IDelegatingDispImpl for implementing IDispatch by delegation
// to another interface (typically a custom interface).
// These classes are useful because ATL's IDispatchImpl can
// only implement duals.
// IDelegatingDispImpl: For implementing IDispatch in terms of another
// (typically custom) interface, e.g.:
// [oleautomation]
// interface IFoo : IUnknown
// {
// ...
// }
// IDelegatingDispImpl implements all four IDispatch methods.
// IDelegatingDispImpl gets the IDispatch vtbl entries by deriving from
// IDispatch in addition to the implementation interface.
// Usage:
// class CFoo : ..., public IDelegatingDispImpl<IFoo>
// In the case where the coclass is intended to represent a control,
// there is a need for the coclass to have a [default] dispinterface.
// Otherwise, some control containers (notably VB) throw arcane error when
// the control is loaded. For a control that you intend to provide the
// custom interface and delegating dispatch mechanism, you will have to
// provide a dispinterface defined in terms of a custom interface like
// so:
// dispinterface DFoo
// {
// interface IFoo;
// }
// coclass Foo
// {
// [default] interface DFoo;
// interface IFoo;
// };
// For every other situation, declaring a dispinterface in terms of a
// custom interface is not necessary to use IDelegatingDispatchImpl.
// However, if you'd like DFoo to be in the base class list (as needed
// for the caveat control), you may use DFoo as the base class instead
// of the default template argument IDispatch like so:
// Usage:
// class CFoo : ..., public IDelegatingDispImpl<IFoo, &IID_IFoo, DFoo>
#pragma once
// IDelegatingDispImpl
template <class T, const IID* piid = &__uuidof(T), class D = IDispatch, const GUID* plibid = &CComModule::m_libid, WORD wMajor = 1, WORD wMinor = 0, class tihclass = CComTypeInfoHolder> class ATL_NO_VTABLE IDelegatingDispImpl : public T, public D { public: typedef tihclass _tihclass;
// IDispatch
STDMETHOD(GetTypeInfoCount)(UINT* pctinfo) { *pctinfo = 1; return S_OK; }
STDMETHOD(GetTypeInfo)(UINT itinfo, LCID lcid, ITypeInfo** pptinfo) { return _tih.GetTypeInfo(itinfo, lcid, pptinfo); }
STDMETHOD(GetIDsOfNames)(REFIID riid, LPOLESTR* rgszNames, UINT cNames, LCID lcid, DISPID* rgdispid) { return _tih.GetIDsOfNames(riid, rgszNames, cNames, lcid, rgdispid); } STDMETHOD(Invoke)(DISPID dispidMember, REFIID riid, LCID lcid, WORD wFlags, DISPPARAMS* pdispparams, VARIANT* pvarResult, EXCEPINFO* pexcepinfo, UINT* puArgErr) { // NOTE: reinterpret_cast because CComTypeInfoHolder makes the mistaken
// assumption that the typeinfo can only Invoke using an IDispatch*.
// Since the implementation only passes the itf onto
// ITypeInfo::Invoke (which takes a void*), this is a safe cast
// until the ATL team fixes CComTypeInfoHolder.
return _tih.Invoke(reinterpret_cast<IDispatch*>(static_cast<T*>(this)), dispidMember, riid, lcid, wFlags, pdispparams, pvarResult, pexcepinfo, puArgErr); }
protected: static _tihclass _tih;
static HRESULT GetTI(LCID lcid, ITypeInfo** ppInfo) { return _tih.GetTI(lcid, ppInfo); } };
template <class T, const IID* piid, class D, const GUID* plibid, WORD wMajor, WORD wMinor, class tihclass> typename IDelegatingDispImpl<T, piid, D, plibid, wMajor, wMinor, tihclass>::_tihclass IDelegatingDispImpl<T, piid, D, plibid, wMajor, wMinor, tihclass>::_tih = { piid, plibid, wMajor, wMinor, NULL, 0, NULL, 0 };
#endif // INC_DISPIMPL2