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// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 2000
// File: H N E T C O N N. H
// Contents: CHNetConn declarations
// Notes:
// Author: jonburs 23 May 2000
#pragma once
class ATL_NO_VTABLE CHNetConn : public CComObjectRootEx<CComMultiThreadModel>, public IHNetConnection { protected:
// IWbemServices for our namespace
IWbemServices *m_piwsHomenet;
// Path to the WMI instance for the connection
BSTR m_bstrConnection;
// Path to the WMI instance for the connection properties
BSTR m_bstrProperties;
// Pointer to our corresponding INetConnection. May
// be null, depending on how we were created.
INetConnection *m_pNetConn;
// Cached connection type. Always valid and read-only
// after construction
BOOLEAN m_fLanConnection;
// Cached GUID. Will be NULL until someone (possibly internal)
// asks for our GUID.
GUID *m_pGuid;
// Cached connection name. Will be NULL until someone
// asks for our name
LPWSTR m_wszName;
// Commonly used BSTR
BSTR m_bstrWQL;
// Policy check helper object
INetConnectionUiUtilities *m_pNetConnUiUtil;
// Netman update object
INetConnectionHNetUtil *m_pNetConnHNetUtil;
// Netman UI refresh object
INetConnectionRefresh *m_pNetConnRefresh;
// Retrieves the HNet_FwIcmpSettings associated with
// this connection
HRESULT GetIcmpSettingsInstance( IWbemClassObject **ppwcoSettings );
// Copies from an IWbemClassObject representing an ICMP settings
// instance to an HNET_FW_ICMP_SETTINGS structure
HRESULT CopyIcmpSettingsInstanceToStruct( IWbemClassObject *pwcoSettings, HNET_FW_ICMP_SETTINGS *pSettings );
// Copies from an HNET_FW_ICMP_SETTINGS structure to
// an IWbemClassObject representing an ICMP settings
// instance.
HRESULT CopyStructToIcmpSettingsInstance( HNET_FW_ICMP_SETTINGS *pSettings, IWbemClassObject *pwcoSettings );
// Ensures that all port mapping bindings have been created
// for this connection. Called when EnumPortMappings is
// called on the connection, and fEnabledOnly is false.
HRESULT CreatePortMappingBindings();
// Copies our property instance into an allocated structure
HRESULT InternalGetProperties( IWbemClassObject *pwcoProperties, HNET_CONN_PROPERTIES *pProperties );
// Configures the connection to be the private adapter
HRESULT SetupConnectionAsPrivateLan();
// Saves the current IP configuration into the store
HRESULT BackupIpConfiguration();
// Set's the IP configuration to what was saved in the store
HRESULT RestoreIpConfiguration();
// Open a registry key to our IP settings
HRESULT OpenIpConfigurationRegKey( ACCESS_MASK DesiredAccess, HANDLE *phKey );
// Retrieves our GUID. The caller must NOT free the pointer
// that is returned.
HRESULT GetGuidInternal( GUID **ppGuid );
// Retrieves the underlying connection object
HRESULT GetConnectionObject( IWbemClassObject **ppwcoConnection );
// Retrieves the underlying connection properties object
HRESULT GetConnectionPropertiesObject( IWbemClassObject **ppwcoProperties );
// Helper routine to perform policy checks. Returns
// TRUE if this action is prohibited.
BOOLEAN ProhibitedByPolicy( DWORD dwPerm );
// Helper routine to update netman that some homenet
// property changed
HRESULT UpdateNetman();
// Creates the association between the connection and the
// ICMP settings block
HRESULT CreateIcmpSettingsAssociation( BSTR bstrIcmpSettingsPath );
// Obtains the name of a RAS connection from the
// appropriate phonebook.
HRESULT GetRasConnectionName( OLECHAR **ppszwConnectionName );
// Helper routine to inform netman that a change requiring
// a UI refresh has occured.
HRESULT RefreshNetConnectionsUI( VOID );
// Inline constructor
CHNetConn() { m_piwsHomenet = NULL; m_bstrConnection = NULL; m_bstrProperties = NULL; m_pNetConn = NULL; m_fLanConnection = FALSE; m_pGuid = NULL; m_wszName = NULL; m_bstrWQL = NULL; m_pNetConnUiUtil = NULL; m_pNetConnHNetUtil = NULL; m_pNetConnRefresh = NULL; };
// ATL Methods
HRESULT FinalConstruct();
HRESULT FinalRelease();
// Ojbect initialization
HRESULT Initialize( IWbemServices *piwsNamespace, IWbemClassObject *pwcoProperties );
HRESULT InitializeFromConnection( IWbemServices *piwsNamespace, IWbemClassObject *pwcoConnection );
HRESULT InitializeFromInstances( IWbemServices *piwsNamespace, IWbemClassObject *pwcoConnection, IWbemClassObject *pwcoProperties );
HRESULT InitializeFull( IWbemServices *piwsNamespace, BSTR bstrConnection, BSTR bstrProperties, BOOLEAN fLanConnection );
HRESULT SetINetConnection( INetConnection *pConn );
// IHNetConnection methods
STDMETHODIMP GetINetConnection( INetConnection **ppNetConnection );
STDMETHODIMP GetGuid( GUID **ppGuid );
STDMETHODIMP GetName( OLECHAR **ppszwName );
STDMETHODIMP GetRasPhonebookPath( OLECHAR **ppszwPath );
STDMETHODIMP GetProperties( HNET_CONN_PROPERTIES **ppProperties );
STDMETHODIMP GetControlInterface( REFIID iid, void **ppv );
STDMETHODIMP Firewall( IHNetFirewalledConnection **ppFirewalledConn );
STDMETHODIMP SharePublic( IHNetIcsPublicConnection **ppIcsPublicConn );
STDMETHODIMP SharePrivate( IHNetIcsPrivateConnection **ppIcsPrivateConn );
STDMETHODIMP EnumPortMappings( BOOLEAN fEnabledOnly, IEnumHNetPortMappingBindings **ppEnum );
STDMETHODIMP GetBindingForPortMappingProtocol( IHNetPortMappingProtocol *pProtocol, IHNetPortMappingBinding **ppBinding );
STDMETHODIMP ShowAutoconfigBalloon( BOOLEAN *pfShowBalloon );
STDMETHODIMP DeleteRasConnectionEntry(); };