Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
User-mode interface to HTTP.SYS: Client-side APIs
Rajesh Sundaram (rajeshsu) 1-Aug-2000
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#include <stdio.h>
// Private macros.
#define HTTP_PREFIX_W L"HTTP://"
#define HTTP_PREFIX_LENGTH (sizeof(HTTP_PREFIX_W) - sizeof(WCHAR))
#define HTTPS_PREFIX_LENGTH (sizeof(HTTPS_PREFIX_W) - sizeof(WCHAR))
// Ssl stream filter stuff.
WCHAR g_StrmFilt[] = L"strmfilt.dll"; LONG g_bStrmFiltLoaded = 0; HMODULE g_hStrmFilt = NULL; FARPROC g_pStrmFiltInitialize = NULL; FARPROC g_pStrmFiltStart = NULL; FARPROC g_pStrmFiltStop = NULL; FARPROC g_pStrmFiltTerminate = NULL; extern CRITICAL_SECTION g_InitCritSec;
#ifndef DBG
#define DbgCriticalSectionOwned(pcs) (TRUE)
Routine Description:
This routine determines if the calling thread owns a critical section.
pcs - Pointer to CRITICAL_SECTION.
Return Value:
--***************************************************************************/ BOOLEAN DbgCriticalSectionOwned( PCRITICAL_SECTION pcs ) { #define HANDLE_TO_DWORD(Handle) ((DWORD)PtrToUlong(Handle))
if (pcs->LockCount >= 0 && HANDLE_TO_DWORD(pcs->OwningThread) == GetCurrentThreadId()) { return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
Routine Description:
This function resolves a name to an IP.
pServerName - The name to be resolved. ServerNameLength - Length of the name (in WCHAR).
Return Value:
DWORD - Completion status.
--***************************************************************************/ DWORD ResolveName( IN PWCHAR pServerName, IN USHORT ServerNameLength, IN USHORT PortNumber, OUT PTRANSPORT_ADDRESS *pTransportAddress, OUT PUSHORT TransportAddressLength ) { LPSTR pBuffer; ULONG BufferLen; struct addrinfo *pAi, *pTempAi; ULONG AiLen, AiCount; DWORD dwResult; PTA_ADDRESS CurrentAddress;
// We need space to store the ANSI version of the name.
BufferLen = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, pServerName, ServerNameLength, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
if(!BufferLen) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// Account for '\0'
BufferLen = BufferLen + 1;
pBuffer = RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, BufferLen );
if(!pBuffer) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } //
// Convert the name to ANSI.
if(WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pServerName, ServerNameLength, pBuffer, BufferLen-1, NULL, NULL) == 0) { dwResult = GetLastError();
RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, pBuffer);
return dwResult; }
// NULL terminate it.
*(pBuffer + BufferLen - 1) = 0;
// Resolve it.
if((dwResult = getaddrinfo(pBuffer, NULL, 0, &pAi)) != 0) { RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, pBuffer);
return dwResult; } else { //
// Compute size of all entries returned by getaddrinfo
pTempAi = pAi; AiLen = 0; AiCount = 0;
while(pAi != NULL) { if(pAi->ai_family == PF_INET || pAi->ai_family == AF_INET6) { AiCount ++;
// ai_addrlength includes the size of the AddressType,
// but TA_ADDRESS expects AddressLength to exclude this.
AiLen = AiLen + ((ULONG)pAi->ai_addrlen - RTL_FIELD_SIZE(TA_ADDRESS, AddressType)); } pAi = pAi->ai_next; }
if(AiCount == 0) { // No addresses found.
if(BufferLen >= AiLen) { *pTransportAddress = (PTRANSPORT_ADDRESS) pBuffer; } else { RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, pBuffer ); *pTransportAddress = (PTRANSPORT_ADDRESS) RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, AiLen );
if(!*pTransportAddress) { freeaddrinfo(pAi); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } } //
// Convert this to a Transport Address.
pAi = pTempAi;
(*pTransportAddress)->TAAddressCount = AiCount;
CurrentAddress = (*pTransportAddress)->Address;
while(pAi != NULL) { switch(pAi->ai_family) { case PF_INET: case PF_INET6: //
// ai_addrlength includes the size of the AddressType,
// but TA_ADDRESS expects AddressLength to exclude this.
CurrentAddress->AddressLength = (USHORT) pAi->ai_addrlen - RTL_FIELD_SIZE(TA_ADDRESS, AddressType); CurrentAddress->AddressType = pAi->ai_addr->sa_family;
RtlCopyMemory( &CurrentAddress->Address, pAi->ai_addr->sa_data, CurrentAddress->AddressLength );
if(PF_INET == pAi->ai_family) { ((TDI_ADDRESS_IP *) CurrentAddress->Address)->sin_port = htons(PortNumber); } else { ((TDI_ADDRESS_IP6 *) CurrentAddress->Address)->sin6_port = htons(PortNumber); } CurrentAddress = (PTA_ADDRESS) (CurrentAddress->Address + CurrentAddress->AddressLength); break;
default: break; }
pAi = pAi->ai_next; }
*TransportAddressLength = (USHORT) AiLen;
freeaddrinfo(pTempAi); }
return NO_ERROR; }
Routine Description:
This function takes in a string (of the form "Hostname[:PortNumber]"), performs DNS lookup on "Hostname". Returns a TRANSPORT_ADDRESS containing the resolved Host address and port number.
Hostname can be: hostname (e.g. foo.bar.com) or IPv4 address (e.g. or IPv6 address (e.g. [FEDC:BA98:7654:3210:FEDC:BA98:7654:3210])
This Function is a HACK and will go away when we do DNS in the kernel.
pServerLocationStr - (Input) Hostname:PortNumber string ServerLocationStrLength - (Input) Server Location string length pTransportAddress - (Output) Transport address (and port) of Server TransportAddressLength - (Output) Length of the structure pointed to by pTransportAddress
Return Value:
DWORD - Completion status.
--***************************************************************************/ DWORD ProcessHostAndPort( IN PWCHAR pServerLocationStr, IN USHORT ServerLocationStrLength, IN USHORT DefaultPort, OUT PTRANSPORT_ADDRESS *pTransportAddress, OUT PUSHORT pTransportAddressLength ) { DWORD Status; ULONG PortNumber = 0; PWSTR ptr; PWSTR pEndStr = pServerLocationStr + (ServerLocationStrLength/sizeof(WCHAR));
PWSTR pStartHostname = pServerLocationStr; PWSTR pEndHostname = pEndStr; // may change due to presence of port #
// Empty Host String?
if (pEndStr == pServerLocationStr) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
// check if the HostStr contains IPv6 address (RFC 2732)
if (*pServerLocationStr == L'[') { // skip '['
pStartHostname = pServerLocationStr + 1;
// find the matching ']'
for (ptr = pServerLocationStr+1; ptr != pEndStr && *ptr != L']'; ptr++) /* do nothing */;
// missing ']'?
if (ptr == pEndStr) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
// IPv6 host address ends here
pEndHostname = ptr;
// skip ']'
if (ptr != pEndStr && *ptr != L':') return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else // Host name or IPv4 address is present
{ pStartHostname = pServerLocationStr;
// Check if a port number is present
for (ptr = pServerLocationStr; ptr != pEndStr && *ptr != L':'; ptr++) /* do nothing */;
pEndHostname = ptr; }
// If a port number is present...grab it.
if (ptr != pEndStr) { ASSERT(*ptr == L':');
for (ptr++; ptr != pEndStr; ptr++) { if (!iswdigit(*ptr)) { // Junk instead of digits
PortNumber = 10*PortNumber + (ULONG)(*ptr - L'0');
// Port numbers are only 16 bit wide
if (PortNumber >= (ULONG)(1<<16)) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } }
if(PortNumber == 0) { PortNumber = DefaultPort; }
Status = ResolveName(pStartHostname, (USHORT) (pEndHostname-pStartHostname), (USHORT)PortNumber, pTransportAddress, pTransportAddressLength ); return Status; }
Routine Description:
Loads dymanically linked library strmfilt.dll. If the library is already loaded, it returns NO_ERROR
Return Value:
NO_ERROR - Library was loaded (now or previously) successfully Other errors as encountered.
--****************************************************************************/ DWORD LoadStrmFilt( VOID ) { LONG OldValue; HRESULT hr; DWORD Error;
// Quick check outside the lock to see if the library is already loaded.
if (g_bStrmFiltLoaded) { return NO_ERROR; }
// Make sure there is no other thread trying to load the library.
if (g_bStrmFiltLoaded == 0) { //
// Library is not loaded. Proceed to load StrmFilt.dll.
g_hStrmFilt = LoadLibrary(g_StrmFilt);
if (g_hStrmFilt == NULL) { Error = GetLastError(); goto Quit; }
// Get addresses of the following procedures:
// StreamFilterClientInitialize, StreamFilterClientTerminate
// StreamFilterClientStart, StreamFilterClientStop
g_pStrmFiltInitialize = GetProcAddress(g_hStrmFilt, "StreamFilterClientInitialize");
if (g_pStrmFiltInitialize == NULL) { Error = GetLastError(); goto Unload; }
g_pStrmFiltStart = GetProcAddress(g_hStrmFilt, "StreamFilterClientStart");
if (g_pStrmFiltStart == NULL) { Error = GetLastError(); goto Unload; }
g_pStrmFiltStop = GetProcAddress(g_hStrmFilt, "StreamFilterClientStop");
if (g_pStrmFiltStop == NULL) { Error = GetLastError(); goto Unload; }
g_pStrmFiltTerminate = GetProcAddress(g_hStrmFilt, "StreamFilterClientTerminate");
if (g_pStrmFiltTerminate == NULL) { Error = GetLastError(); goto Unload; }
// Try to initialize StrmFilt.
hr = (HRESULT)g_pStrmFiltInitialize();
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// StrmFilt initialized suceessfully. Now try to start it.
hr = (HRESULT)g_pStrmFiltStart();
if (FAILED(hr)) { //
// Could not start StrmFilt. Terminate it!
g_pStrmFiltTerminate(); } }
if (FAILED(hr)) { Error = (DWORD)hr; goto Unload; }
// Remember that StrmFilt has been loaded and initialized.
// Atomically set bStrmFilt to 1. The reason for atomic operation
// is that g_bStrmFiltLoaded can be read without a lock.
OldValue = InterlockedExchange(&g_bStrmFiltLoaded, 1);
// g_bStrmFiltLoaded is always set to 1 under g_InitCritSec.
ASSERT(OldValue == 0); }
// This is the normal case, when everything went OK.
return NO_ERROR;
// Erroneous cases come here.
Unload: //
// Set these function pointers so that they aren't be used.
g_pStrmFiltInitialize = NULL; g_pStrmFiltStart = NULL; g_pStrmFiltStop = NULL; g_pStrmFiltTerminate = NULL;
// Unload strmfilt.dll.
g_hStrmFilt = NULL;
return Error; }
Routine Description:
Unloads strmfilt.dll, if loaded previously. This routine is called inside g_InitCritSec critical section.
Return Value:
NO_ERROR if strmfilt.dll successfully unloaded. Other errors as encountered.
--****************************************************************************/ DWORD UnloadStrmFilt( VOID ) { LONG OldValue;
OldValue = InterlockedExchange(&g_bStrmFiltLoaded, 0);
// Has strmfilt been initialized before?
if (OldValue == 0) { return ERROR_NOT_FOUND; }
ASSERT(OldValue == 1);
// Sanity checks.
ASSERT(g_pStrmFiltInitialize); ASSERT(g_pStrmFiltStart); ASSERT(g_pStrmFiltStop); ASSERT(g_pStrmFiltTerminate);
// Stop StreamFilter and terminate it.
g_pStrmFiltStop(); g_pStrmFiltTerminate();
// Set these function pointers so that they aren't used.
g_pStrmFiltInitialize = NULL; g_pStrmFiltStart = NULL; g_pStrmFiltStop = NULL; g_pStrmFiltTerminate = NULL;
// Unload strmfilt.dll.
g_hStrmFilt = NULL;
return NO_ERROR; }
Routine Description:
This is the first api that an application uses before it can talk to a server. This call creates a NT FileHandle for the origin server
ServerNameLength - The Length of server name pServerName - The Full URI (starts with http[s]://servername/...)
dwServerFlags - Flags pConfigInfo - Array of config objects pReserved - Must be NULL pServerHandle - The File Handle
Return Value:
ULONG - Completion status.
ULONG WINAPI HttpInitializeServerContext( IN USHORT ServerNameLength, IN PWCHAR pServerName, IN USHORT ProxyLength OPTIONAL, IN PWCHAR pProxy OPTIONAL, IN ULONG ServerFlags OPTIONAL, IN PVOID pReserved, OUT PHANDLE pServerHandle ) { NTSTATUS Status; ULONG Win32Status; PTRANSPORT_ADDRESS pTransportAddress; USHORT TransportAddressLength = 0; DWORD CreateDisposition; PWCHAR pServerNameStart = NULL; USHORT DefaultPort;
if(ServerFlags != 0 || pReserved != NULL) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
CreateDisposition = FILE_CREATE;
// Process the scheme name. We need at least one character after the
// http:// or https://, so the comparision is > instead of >=
if(ServerNameLength > HTTP_PREFIX_LENGTH) { if (_wcsnicmp(pServerName, HTTP_PREFIX_W, HTTP_PREFIX_LENGTH/sizeof(WCHAR)) == 0) { pServerNameStart = pServerName + (HTTP_PREFIX_LENGTH/sizeof(WCHAR)); DefaultPort = HTTP_DEFAULT_PORT; } else if(ServerNameLength > HTTPS_PREFIX_LENGTH) { if (_wcsnicmp(pServerName, HTTPS_PREFIX_W, HTTPS_PREFIX_LENGTH/sizeof(WCHAR)) == 0) { pServerNameStart = pServerName + (HTTPS_PREFIX_LENGTH/sizeof(WCHAR));
// If an HTTPS server is being initialized, load strmfilt.dll
Win32Status = LoadStrmFilt();
if (Win32Status != NO_ERROR) { return Win32Status; } } else { // neither http:// nor https://
return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } else { // Not enough space to compare https://
return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } else { // Not enough space to compare http://
ASSERT(pServerNameStart != NULL);
// We don't do DNS in the kernel yet, so for now, we'll do DNS resolution
// in user mode and pass the IP address across the boundary. This hack
// has to be removed when we get DNS support in the kernel.
if(ProxyLength) { // The user has supplied a proxy, we don't have to resolve the
// server name.
DefaultPort = HTTP_DEFAULT_PORT; if((Win32Status = ProcessHostAndPort(pProxy, ProxyLength, DefaultPort, &pTransportAddress, &TransportAddressLength )) != NO_ERROR) { return Win32Status; } } else { PWCHAR pServerNameEnd; PWCHAR pUriEnd = pServerName + (ServerNameLength / sizeof(WCHAR));
// At this point pUri points to the first thing after the scheme. Walk
// through the URI until either we hit the end or find a terminating /.
// By the comparision above, we are guaranteed to have at least one
// character
ASSERT(pUriEnd != pServerNameStart); pServerNameEnd = pServerNameStart; while(*pServerNameEnd != L'/') { pServerNameEnd ++;
// See if we still have URI left to examine.
if (pServerNameEnd == pUriEnd) { break; } }
// Check for a zero server name -
if(pServerNameStart == pServerNameEnd) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if((Win32Status = ProcessHostAndPort( pServerNameStart, (USHORT) (pServerNameEnd - pServerNameStart) * sizeof(WCHAR), DefaultPort, &pTransportAddress, &TransportAddressLength)) != NO_ERROR) { return Win32Status; } }
Status = HttpApiOpenDriverHelper( pServerHandle, pServerName, // URI
ServerNameLength, pProxy, // Proxy
ProxyLength, pTransportAddress, TransportAddressLength, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE | SYNCHRONIZE, // Acces
HttpApiServerHandleType, 0, // Object Name
0, // Options
CreateDisposition, // createDisposition
// If we couldn't open the driver because it's not running, then try
// to start the driver & retry the open.
if (Status == STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND || Status == STATUS_OBJECT_PATH_NOT_FOUND) { if (HttpApiTryToStartDriver(HTTP_SERVICE_NAME)) { Status = HttpApiOpenDriverHelper( pServerHandle, pServerName, // URI
ServerNameLength, pProxy, // Proxy
ProxyLength, pTransportAddress, TransportAddressLength, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE | SYNCHRONIZE, // Desired Acces
HttpApiServerHandleType, 0, // Object Name
0, // Options
CreateDisposition, // createDisposition
NULL ); } }
// Need to free the pTransportAddress
RtlFreeHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), 0, pTransportAddress );
return HttpApiNtStatusToWin32Status( Status ); }
Routine Description: Sends an HTTP request.
Arguments: ServerHandle - Supplies the handle corresponding to a particular server. This is the handle as returned by HttpInitializeServerContext. pHttpRequest - The HTTP request. HttpRequestFlags - The Request Flags. pConfig - Config information for this request. pOverlapped - Overlapped structure for Overlapped I/O. ResponseBufferLength - Contains the response buffer length. ResponseBuffer - A pointer to a buffer to return the response. pBytesReceived - The # of bytes that actually got written. pRequestID - A pointer to a request identifier - This will return an ID that can be used in subsequent calls. Return Value:
ULONG - Completion status.
ULONG WINAPI HttpSendHttpRequest( IN HANDLE ServerHandle, IN PHTTP_REQUEST pHttpRequest, IN ULONG HttpRequestFlags, IN USHORT RequestConfigCount OPTIONAL, IN PHTTP_REQUEST_CONFIG pRequestConfig OPTIONAL, IN LPOVERLAPPED pOverlapped OPTIONAL, IN ULONG ResponseBufferLength OPTIONAL, OUT PHTTP_RESPONSE pResponseBuffer OPTIONAL, IN ULONG Reserved, // must be 0
OUT PVOID pReserved, // must be NULL
if(Reserved != 0 || pReserved != NULL) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
RtlZeroMemory(&HttpSendRequestInput, sizeof(HTTP_SEND_REQUEST_INPUT_INFO));
HTTP_SET_NULL_ID(pRequestID); HttpSendRequestInput.pHttpRequestId = pRequestID; HttpSendRequestInput.pHttpRequest = pHttpRequest; HttpSendRequestInput.HttpRequestFlags = HttpRequestFlags; HttpSendRequestInput.pRequestConfig = pRequestConfig; HttpSendRequestInput.RequestConfigCount = RequestConfigCount; HttpSendRequestInput.pBytesTaken = pBytesReceived;
return HttpApiDeviceControl( ServerHandle, // FileHandle
pOverlapped, // Overlapped
&HttpSendRequestInput, // InputBuffer
sizeof(HttpSendRequestInput), // InputBufferLength
pResponseBuffer, // Output Buffer
ResponseBufferLength, // Output Buffer length
pBytesReceived ); }
Routine Description: Sends additional entity bodies.
Arguments: ServerHandle - Supplies the handle corresponding to a particular server. This is the handle as returned by HttpInitializeServerContext. RequestID - The request ID that was returned by HttpSendRequest. Flags - The Request Flags. pOverlapped - Overlapped structure for Overlapped I/O. EntityBodyLength - The count of entity bodies. pHttpEntityBody - The pointer to the entity bodies. ID that can be used in subsequent calls. Return Value:
ULONG - Completion status.
RtlZeroMemory(&HttpEntity, sizeof(HTTP_SEND_REQUEST_ENTITY_BODY_INFO));
HttpEntity.EntityChunkCount = EntityBodyCount; HttpEntity.Flags = Flags; HttpEntity.RequestID = RequestID; HttpEntity.pHttpEntityChunk = pHttpEntityBody;
return HttpApiDeviceControl( ServerHandle, // FileHandle
pOverlapped, // Overlapped
&HttpEntity, // InputBuffer
sizeof(HttpEntity), // InputBufferLength
NULL, // ResponseBuffer
0, // Output Buffer length
NULL // Bytes received.
); }
Routine Description: Receives the response
Arguments: ServerHandle - Supplies the handle corresponding to a particular server.This is the handle as returned by HttpInitializeServerContext. RequestID - The request ID that was returned by HttpSendRequest. Flags - The Request Flags. pOverlapped - Overlapped structure for Overlapped I/O. EntityBodyLength - The count of entity bodies. pHttpEntityBody - The pointer to the entity bodies. ID that can be used in subsequent calls. Return Value:
ULONG - Completion status.
ULONG WINAPI HttpReceiveHttpResponse( IN HANDLE ServerHandle, IN HTTP_REQUEST_ID RequestID, IN ULONG Flags, IN ULONG ResponseBufferLength, OUT PHTTP_RESPONSE pResponseBuffer, IN ULONG Reserved, // must be 0
OUT PVOID pReserved, // must be NULL
if(Reserved != 0 || pReserved != NULL) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
RtlZeroMemory(&HttpResponse, sizeof(HTTP_RECEIVE_RESPONSE_INFO));
HttpResponse.RequestID = RequestID; HttpResponse.Flags = Flags; HttpResponse.pBytesTaken = pBytesReceived;
return HttpApiDeviceControl( ServerHandle, // FileHandle
pOverlapped, // Overlapped
&HttpResponse, // InputBuffer
sizeof(HttpResponse), // InputBufferLength
pResponseBuffer, // Output Buffer
ResponseBufferLength, // Output Buffer length
pBytesReceived // Bytes received.
); }
Routine Description: Sets server config
Arguments: ServerHandle - Supplies the handle corresponding to a particular server. This is the handle as returned by HttpInitializeServerContext. pConfig - The Config object Return Value:
ULONG - Completion status.
--***************************************************************************/ ULONG WINAPI HttpSetServerContextInformation( IN HANDLE ServerHandle, IN HTTP_SERVER_CONFIG_ID ConfigId, IN PVOID pInputBuffer, IN ULONG InputBufferLength, IN LPOVERLAPPED pOverlapped ) { HTTP_SERVER_CONTEXT_INFORMATION Info;
Info.ConfigID = ConfigId; Info.pInputBuffer = pInputBuffer; Info.InputBufferLength = InputBufferLength; Info.pBytesTaken = NULL;
return HttpApiDeviceControl( ServerHandle, pOverlapped, IOCTL_HTTP_SET_SERVER_CONTEXT_INFORMATION, &Info, sizeof(Info), NULL, 0, NULL ); }
Routine Description: Query server config
Arguments: ServerHandle - Supplies the handle corresponding to a particular server. This is the handle as returned by HttpInitializeServerContext. pConfig - The Config object Return Value:
ULONG - Completion status.
--***************************************************************************/ ULONG WINAPI HttpQueryServerContextInformation( IN HANDLE ServerHandle, IN HTTP_SERVER_CONFIG_ID ConfigId, IN PVOID pReserved1, IN ULONG Reserved2, OUT PVOID pOutputBuffer, IN ULONG OutputBufferLength, OUT PULONG pReturnLength, IN LPOVERLAPPED pOverlapped ) { HTTP_SERVER_CONTEXT_INFORMATION Info;
if(pReserved1 != NULL || Reserved2 != 0) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
Info.ConfigID = ConfigId; Info.pInputBuffer = NULL; Info.InputBufferLength = 0; Info.pBytesTaken = pReturnLength;
return HttpApiDeviceControl( ServerHandle, pOverlapped, IOCTL_HTTP_QUERY_SERVER_CONTEXT_INFORMATION, &Info, sizeof(Info), pOutputBuffer, OutputBufferLength, pReturnLength ); }
Routine Description: Cancels a request
Arguments: ServerHandle - Supplies the handle corresponding to a particular server.This is the handle as returned by HttpInitializeServerContext. RequestID - The request ID that was returned by HttpSendRequest. pOverlapped - Overlapped structure.
Return Value:
ULONG - Completion status.
--***************************************************************************/ ULONG WINAPI HttpCancelHttpRequest( IN HANDLE ServerHandle, IN HTTP_REQUEST_ID RequestID, IN ULONG Flags, IN LPOVERLAPPED pOverlapped OPTIONAL ) { HTTP_RECEIVE_RESPONSE_INFO HttpResponse;
RtlZeroMemory(&HttpResponse, sizeof(HTTP_RECEIVE_RESPONSE_INFO));
HttpResponse.RequestID = RequestID; HttpResponse.Flags = Flags;
return HttpApiDeviceControl( ServerHandle, // FileHandle
pOverlapped, // Overlapped
&HttpResponse, // InputBuffer
sizeof(HttpResponse), // InputBufferLength
NULL, 0, NULL ); }