Copyright (c) 1998-2002 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains code for opening a handle to UL.
Keith Moore (keithmo) 10-Jun-1998
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma alloc_text( PAGE, UlCreate )
#endif // ALLOC_PRAGMA
#define IS_NAMED_FILE_OBJECT(pFileObject) \
((pFileObject)->FileName.Length != 0)
// Public functions.
Routine Description:
This is the routine that handles Create IRPs in Http.sys. Create IRPs are issued when the file object is created.
Control Channel (\Device\Http\Control) - unnamed only - open only, create to fail. - Open will be allowed by any user. - EA must have proper major/minorversion, everything else must be NULL/0
AppPool (\Device\Http\AppPool) - can be unnamed or named - unnamed --> anyone can create, no one can open (server API customers) - named --> admin only can create, anyone with correct SD can open (IIS WAS + Worker process) - EA must have proper major/minorversion, everything else must be NULL/0
Filter (\Device\Http\Filter) - only named and MUST be either SSLFilterChannel or SSLClientFilterChannel. - SSLFilterChannel can be created only by admin/local system, opened with correct SD. - SSLClientFilterChannel can be created by anyone, opened by anyone with correct SD, but only if EnableHttpClient is set - EA must have proper major/minorversion, everything else must be NULL/0
Server (\Device\Http\Server\) - only unnamed - Create only, open to fail. - can be done by anyone. - Should be allowed only if EnableHttpClient is present. - EA must have major/minorversion, server & TRANSPORT_ADDRESS structure. Proxy is optional.
pDeviceObject - Supplies a pointer to the target device object.
pIrp - Supplies a pointer to IO request packet.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - Completion status.
--***************************************************************************/ NTSTATUS UlCreate( IN PDEVICE_OBJECT pDeviceObject, IN PIRP pIrp ) { NTSTATUS status; PIO_STACK_LOCATION pIrpSp; PFILE_OBJECT pFileObject = NULL; PFILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION pEaBuffer; PHTTP_OPEN_PACKET pOpenPacket; UCHAR createDisposition; PWSTR pName = NULL; USHORT nameLength; PIO_SECURITY_CONTEXT pSecurityContext; STRING CompareVersionName; STRING EaName; PWSTR pSafeName = NULL;
// Sanity check.
PAGED_CODE(); UL_ENTER_DRIVER( "UlCreate", pIrp );
#if defined(_WIN64)
// We do not support 32-bit processes on 64-bit platforms.
if (IoIs32bitProcess(pIrp)) { status = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; goto complete; } #endif
// Find and validate the open packet.
pEaBuffer = (PFILE_FULL_EA_INFORMATION)(pIrp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer);
if (pEaBuffer == NULL) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto complete; } RtlInitString(&CompareVersionName, HTTP_OPEN_PACKET_NAME); EaName.MaximumLength = pEaBuffer->EaNameLength + 1; EaName.Length = pEaBuffer->EaNameLength; EaName.Buffer = pEaBuffer->EaName;
if ( RtlEqualString(&CompareVersionName, &EaName, FALSE) ) { //
// Found the version information in the EA
if( pEaBuffer->EaValueLength != sizeof(*pOpenPacket) ) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto complete; }
if(pEaBuffer->NextEntryOffset != 0) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto complete; } pOpenPacket = (PHTTP_OPEN_PACKET) (pEaBuffer->EaName + pEaBuffer->EaNameLength + 1 );
ASSERT(pOpenPacket == ALIGN_UP_POINTER(pOpenPacket, PVOID)); //
// For now, we'll fail if the incoming version doesn't EXACTLY match
// the expected version. In future, we may need to be a bit more
// flexible to allow down-level clients.
if (pOpenPacket->MajorVersion != HTTP_INTERFACE_VERSION_MAJOR || pOpenPacket->MinorVersion != HTTP_INTERFACE_VERSION_MINOR) { status = STATUS_REVISION_MISMATCH; goto complete; }
if(pDeviceObject != g_pUcServerDeviceObject && (pOpenPacket->ProxyNameLength != 0 || pOpenPacket->ServerNameLength != 0 || pOpenPacket->TransportAddressLength != 0 || pOpenPacket->pProxyName != NULL || pOpenPacket->pServerName != NULL || pOpenPacket->pTransportAddress != NULL)) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto complete; } } else { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto complete; } //
// Snag the current IRP stack pointer, then extract the creation
// disposition. IO stores this as the high byte of the Options field.
// Also snag the file object; we'll need it often.
pIrpSp = IoGetCurrentIrpStackLocation( pIrp );
createDisposition = (UCHAR)( pIrpSp->Parameters.Create.Options >> 24 ); pFileObject = pIrpSp->FileObject; pSecurityContext = pIrpSp->Parameters.Create.SecurityContext; ASSERT( pSecurityContext != NULL );
// Determine if this is a request to open a control channel or
// open/create an app pool.
if (pDeviceObject == g_pUlControlDeviceObject) { //
// It's a control channel.
// Validate the creation disposition. We allow open only.
if (createDisposition != FILE_OPEN) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto complete; }
// These things can't be named
if (IS_NAMED_FILE_OBJECT(pFileObject)) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto complete; }
ASSERT(pFileObject->FileName.Buffer == NULL);
UlTrace(OPEN_CLOSE, ( "UlCreate: opening a control channel: %p\n", pFileObject ));
// Open the control channel.
status = UlCreateControlChannel(GET_PP_CONTROL_CHANNEL(pFileObject));
if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { ASSERT( GET_CONTROL_CHANNEL(pFileObject) != NULL ); MARK_VALID_CONTROL_CHANNEL( pFileObject ); } } else if (pDeviceObject == g_pUlFilterDeviceObject) {
// It's a filter channel - It has to be named and has to be either
// a client or a server filter channel.
if (!IS_NAMED_FILE_OBJECT(pFileObject)) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto complete; }
ASSERT(L'\\' == pFileObject->FileName.Buffer[0]); pName = pFileObject->FileName.Buffer + 1; nameLength = pFileObject->FileName.Length - sizeof(WCHAR);
pSafeName = UL_ALLOCATE_POOL( PagedPool, nameLength + sizeof(WCHAR), UL_STRING_LOG_BUFFER_POOL_TAG );
if(pSafeName == NULL) { status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto complete; }
RtlCopyMemory(pSafeName, pName, nameLength); pSafeName[nameLength/sizeof(WCHAR)] = L'\0'; pName = pSafeName;
if(IsServerFilterChannel(pName, nameLength)) { // Yes - it's a filter channel. We'll allow Create or Open but
// both have to be admin only.
// If it's create, we'll do an access check
if(createDisposition == FILE_CREATE) { status = UlAccessCheck( g_pAdminAllSystemAll, pSecurityContext->AccessState, pSecurityContext->DesiredAccess, pIrp->RequestorMode, pName ); if(!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { goto complete; } } else if(createDisposition == FILE_OPEN) { // We are opening an existing channel - the access check
// will be done inside UlAttachFilterProcess
} else { // Neither FILE_CREATE nor FILE_OPEN. Bail!
status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto complete; }
UlTrace(OPEN_CLOSE, ( "UlCreate: opening a server filter channel: %p, %.*ls\n", pFileObject, nameLength / sizeof(WCHAR), pName ));
} else if(IsClientFilterChannel(pName, nameLength)) { // It's a client - Only Create. Also, make sure that the client
// code is really enabled.
if (createDisposition != FILE_CREATE || !g_HttpClientEnabled) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto complete; }
UlTrace(OPEN_CLOSE, ( "UlCreate: opening a client filter channel: %p, %.*ls\n", pFileObject, nameLength / sizeof(WCHAR), pName ));
// No access checks for the client!
} else { //
// If it is neither server nor client filter channel, fail the
// call.
status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto complete; }
status = UlAttachFilterProcess( pName, nameLength, (BOOLEAN)(createDisposition == FILE_CREATE), pSecurityContext->AccessState, pSecurityContext->DesiredAccess, pIrp->RequestorMode, GET_PP_FILTER_PROCESS(pFileObject) );
if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { ASSERT( GET_FILTER_PROCESS(pFileObject) != NULL ); MARK_VALID_FILTER_CHANNEL( pFileObject ); } } else if(pDeviceObject == g_pUlAppPoolDeviceObject ) { //
// It's an app pool.
// Bind to the specified app pool.
if (!IS_NAMED_FILE_OBJECT(pFileObject)) { ASSERT(pFileObject->FileName.Buffer == NULL);
pName = NULL; nameLength = 0;
// Validate the creation disposition. We allow create only
// for unnamed app-pools.
if(createDisposition != FILE_CREATE) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto complete; }
UlTrace(OPEN_CLOSE, ( "UlCreate: opening an unnamed AppPool: %p\n", pFileObject )); } else { if (pFileObject->FileName.Length > UL_MAX_APP_POOL_NAME_SIZE) { status = STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_INVALID; goto complete; }
// Skip the preceding '\' in the FileName added by iomgr.
ASSERT(L'\\' == pFileObject->FileName.Buffer[0]); pName = pFileObject->FileName.Buffer + 1; nameLength = pFileObject->FileName.Length - sizeof(WCHAR);
pSafeName = UL_ALLOCATE_POOL( PagedPool, nameLength + sizeof(WCHAR), UL_STRING_LOG_BUFFER_POOL_TAG );
if(pSafeName == NULL) { status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; goto complete; }
RtlCopyMemory(pSafeName, pName, nameLength); pSafeName[nameLength/sizeof(WCHAR)] = L'\0'; pName = pSafeName;
if(createDisposition == FILE_CREATE) { //
// Creation of named app-pools must be only for admins.
// The filter object is has FileAll for Admin/LocalSystem only
// so, we'll piggy back on that security descriptor.
status = UlAccessCheck( g_pAdminAllSystemAll, pSecurityContext->AccessState, pSecurityContext->DesiredAccess, pIrp->RequestorMode, pName ); if(!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { goto complete; } } else if(createDisposition == FILE_OPEN) { // UlAttachProcessToAppPool will do the appropriate checks
// to ensure that the security descriptors match.
} else { // Neither FILE_CREATE nor FILE_OPEN.
status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto complete; }
UlTrace(OPEN_CLOSE, ( "UlCreate: opening an AppPool: %p, %.*ls\n", pFileObject, nameLength / sizeof(WCHAR), pName )); }
status = UlAttachProcessToAppPool( pName, nameLength, (BOOLEAN)(createDisposition == FILE_CREATE), pSecurityContext->AccessState, pSecurityContext->DesiredAccess, pIrp->RequestorMode, GET_PP_APP_POOL_PROCESS(pFileObject) );
if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { ASSERT( GET_APP_POOL_PROCESS(pFileObject) != NULL ); MARK_VALID_APP_POOL( pFileObject ); } } else { ASSERT(pDeviceObject == g_pUcServerDeviceObject ); ASSERT(g_HttpClientEnabled);
// It is mandatory for the application to pass in a valid version
// and a valid URI. If either of this is missing, we bail.
if(pOpenPacket->ServerNameLength == 0 || pOpenPacket->pServerName == NULL || pOpenPacket->pTransportAddress == NULL || pOpenPacket->TransportAddressLength == 0 || IS_NAMED_FILE_OBJECT(pFileObject) ) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto complete; }
if(createDisposition != FILE_CREATE) { status = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto complete; }
UlTrace(OPEN_CLOSE, ( "UlCreate: opening a ServInfo: %p\n", pFileObject ));
// Create our context here and store it in
// pIrpSp->FileObject->FsContext
status = UcCreateServerInformation( (PUC_PROCESS_SERVER_INFORMATION *) &pFileObject->FsContext, pOpenPacket->pServerName, pOpenPacket->ServerNameLength, pOpenPacket->pProxyName, pOpenPacket->ProxyNameLength, pOpenPacket->pTransportAddress, pOpenPacket->TransportAddressLength, pIrp->RequestorMode ); //
// Setting this field to non-NULL value enable fast IO code path
// for reads and writes.
// pIrpSp->FileObject->PrivateCacheMap = (PVOID)-1;
MARK_VALID_SERVER( pFileObject ); }
// Complete the request.
if(pSafeName) { ASSERT(pSafeName == pName); UL_FREE_POOL(pSafeName, UL_STRING_LOG_BUFFER_POOL_TAG); }
UlTrace(OPEN_CLOSE, ( "UlCreate: %s file object = %p, %s\n", (NT_SUCCESS(status) ? "opened" : "did not open"), pFileObject, HttpStatusToString(status) )); pIrp->IoStatus.Status = status;
UlCompleteRequest( pIrp, IO_NO_INCREMENT );
UL_LEAVE_DRIVER( "UlCreate" ); RETURN(status); } // UlCreate