Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
// Defines the function CheckLicense.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "CheckLicense.h"
#include "iasapi.h"
#include "iasdb.h"
#include "iastrace.h"
#include "simtable.h"
namespace { // Selects the number of Remote RADIUS Server Groups.
const wchar_t selectGroupCount[] = L"SELECT Count(*) AS NumGroups\n" L"FROM ((Objects INNER JOIN Objects AS Objects_1 ON Objects.Parent = Objects_1.Identity) INNER JOIN Objects AS Objects_2 ON Objects_1.Parent = Objects_2.Identity) INNER JOIN Objects AS Objects_3 ON Objects_2.Parent = Objects_3.Identity\n" L"WHERE (((Objects_1.Name)=\"RADIUS Server Groups\") AND ((Objects_2.Name)=\"Microsoft Internet Authentication Service\") AND ((Objects_3.Identity)=1));";
// Selects the addresses of all the RADIUS Clients.
const wchar_t selectClientAddresses[] = L"SELECT Properties.StrVal\n" L"FROM (((((Objects INNER JOIN Objects AS Objects_1 ON Objects.Parent = Objects_1.Identity) INNER JOIN Objects AS Objects_2 ON Objects_1.Parent = Objects_2.Identity) INNER JOIN Objects AS Objects_3 ON Objects_2.Parent = Objects_3.Identity) INNER JOIN Objects AS Objects_4 ON Objects_3.Parent = Objects_4.Identity) INNER JOIN Objects AS Objects_5 ON Objects_4.Parent = Objects_5.Identity) INNER JOIN Properties ON Objects.Identity = Properties.Bag\n" L"WHERE (((Objects_1.Name)=\"Clients\") AND ((Objects_2.Name)=\"Microsoft RADIUS Protocol\") AND ((Objects_3.Name)=\"Protocols\") AND ((Objects_4.Name)=\"Microsoft Internet Authentication Service\") AND ((Objects_5.Identity)=1) AND ((Properties.Name)=\"IP Address\"));"; }
void CheckLicense( const wchar_t* path, IAS_SHOW_TOKEN_LIST type ) { using _com_util::CheckError;
IASTraceInitializer traceInit;
bool checkClients; bool checkGroups;
// Determine which limits need to be checked based on the token type.
switch (type) { case CONFIG: { checkClients = true; checkGroups = true; break; }
case CLIENTS: { checkClients = true; checkGroups = false; break; }
case CONNECTION_REQUEST_POLICIES: { checkClients = false; checkGroups = true; break; }
case VERSION: case SERVER_SETTINGS: case LOGGING: case REMOTE_ACCESS_POLICIES: default: { // Nothing to do.
return; } }
// Determine the allowed limits for the platform.
IAS_PRODUCT_LIMITS limits; DWORD error = IASGetProductLimits(0, &limits); if (error != NO_ERROR) { _com_issue_error(HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(error)); }
CComPtr<IUnknown> session; hr = IASOpenJetDatabase(path, TRUE, &session); CheckError(hr);
// Do we have to check the number of remote RADIUS server groups?
if (checkGroups && (limits.maxServerGroups < IAS_NO_LIMIT)) { LONG numGroups; hr = IASExecuteSQLFunction(session, selectGroupCount, &numGroups); CheckError(hr);
if (numGroups > limits.maxServerGroups) { IASTracePrintf( "License Violation: %ld Remote RADIUS Server Groups are " "configured, but only %lu are allowed for this product type.", numGroups, limits.maxServerGroups ); _com_issue_error(IAS_E_LICENSE_VIOLATION); } }
// Do we have to check the clients?
if (checkClients && ((limits.maxClients < IAS_NO_LIMIT) || !limits.allowSubnetSyntax)) { CComPtr<IRowset> rowset; hr = IASExecuteSQLCommand(session, selectClientAddresses, &rowset); CheckError(hr);
CSimpleTable addrs; hr = addrs.Attach(rowset); CheckError(hr);
DWORD numClients = 0;
while ((hr = addrs.MoveNext()) == S_OK) { ++numClients; if (numClients > limits.maxClients) { IASTracePrintf( "License Violation: Only %lu RADIUS Clients are allowed for " "this product type.", limits.maxClients ); _com_issue_error(IAS_E_LICENSE_VIOLATION); }
if (!limits.allowSubnetSyntax) { const wchar_t* address = static_cast<const wchar_t*>( addrs.GetValue(1) );
if (IASIsStringSubNetW(address)) { IASTraceString( "License Violation: At least one RADIUS Client uses sub-net " "syntax, which is not allowed for this product type." ); _com_issue_error(IAS_E_LICENSE_VIOLATION); } } }
CheckError(hr); } }