// Copyright(C) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation all rights reserved.
// Module: migratemdb.cpp
// Project: Windows 2000 IAS
// Description: IAS NT 4 MDB to IAS W2K MDB Migration Logic
// Author: TLP 1/13/1999
// Revision 02/24/2000 Moved to a separate dll
// 03/15/2000 Almost completely rewritten
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Attributes.h"
#include "Clients.h"
#include "DefaultProvider.h"
#include "GlobalData.h"
#include "migratemdb.h"
#include "migrateregistry.h"
#include "Objects.h"
#include "Policy.h"
#include "Properties.h"
#include "Profiles.h"
#include "profileattributelist.h"
#include "Providers.h"
#include "proxyservergroupcollection.h"
#include "RadiusAttributeValues.h"
#include "Realms.h"
#include "RemoteRadiusServers.h"
#include "ServiceConfiguration.h"
#include "Version.h"
#include "updatemschap.h"
// To remember:
// IAS_MAX_VSA_LENGTH = (253 * 2);
// 1.0 Format Offsets
// 2.0 Format Offsets
// Helper Functions
/////// From inet.c in ias util directory /////////////
// Macro to test if a character is a digit.
#define IASIsDigit(p) ((_TUCHAR)(p - _T('0')) <= 9)
// Macro to strip one byte of an IP address from a character string.
// 'p' pointer to the string to be parsed
// 'ul' unsigned long that will receive the result.
#define STRIP_BYTE(p,ul) { \
if (!IASIsDigit(*p)) goto error; \ ul = *p++ - _T('0'); \ if (IASIsDigit(*p)) { \ ul *= 10; ul += *p++ - _T('0'); \ if (IASIsDigit(*p)) { \ ul *= 10; ul += *p++ - _T('0'); \ } \ } \ if (ul > 0xff) goto error; \ }
// ias_inet_addr
// This function is similar to the WinSock inet_addr function (q.v.) except
// it returns the address in host order and it can operate on both ANSI
// and UNICODE strings.
unsigned long __stdcall ias_inet_addr(const WCHAR* cp) { unsigned long token; unsigned long addr;
STRIP_BYTE(cp,addr); if (*cp++ != _T('.')) goto error;
STRIP_BYTE(cp,token); if (*cp++ != _T('.')) goto error; addr <<= 8; addr |= token;
STRIP_BYTE(cp,token); if (*cp++ != _T('.')) goto error; addr <<= 8; addr |= token;
STRIP_BYTE(cp,token); addr <<= 8; return addr | token;
error: return 0xffffffff; }
// ConvertVSA
void CMigrateMdb::ConvertVSA( /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR pAttributeValueName, /*[in]*/ LPCWSTR pAttrValue, _bstr_t& NewString ) { const long IAS_MAX_VSA_LENGTH = (253 * 2); const byte VSA_OFFSET = 0; const byte VSA_OFFSET_NEW = 2; const byte VSA_OFFSET_VALUE_RFC_NEW = 14;
wchar_t szNewValue[IAS_MAX_VSA_LENGTH + 1];
szNewValue[0] = '\0';
// RFC compliant integer
if ( ! lstrcmp(pAttributeValueName, L"URDecimal or Hexadecimal (0x.. " L"format) Integer") ) { // Add the "02" as the type to the head of the string
lstrcat(szNewValue,L"02"); // Copy the old value to the new
lstrcpy(szNewValue + VSA_OFFSET_NEW, pAttrValue + VSA_OFFSET); // Strip of the "0x" if necessary and convert to decimal
if ( ! wcsncmp(&szNewValue[VSA_OFFSET_VALUE_RFC_NEW], L"0x", 2) ) { lstrcpy(&szNewValue[VSA_OFFSET_VALUE_RFC_NEW], &szNewValue[VSA_OFFSET_VALUE_RFC_NEW + 2] ); } } // RFC compliant string
else if ( ! lstrcmp(pAttributeValueName, L"URString") ) { // Set the new string type to "01"
lstrcat(szNewValue,L"01"); // Copy the old string to the new
lstrcpy(szNewValue + VSA_OFFSET_NEW, pAttrValue + VSA_OFFSET); // Convert the old hex formatted string to a BSTR (in place)
wchar_t wcSaved; wchar_t* pXlatPos = &szNewValue[VSA_OFFSET_VALUE_RFC_NEW]; wchar_t* pNewCharPos = pXlatPos; wchar_t* pEnd; while ( *pXlatPos != '\0' ) { wcSaved = *(pXlatPos + 2); *(pXlatPos + 2) = '\0'; *pNewCharPos = (wchar_t) wcstol(pXlatPos, &pEnd, 16); *(pXlatPos + 2) = wcSaved; pXlatPos += 2; ++pNewCharPos; } *pNewCharPos = '\0'; } // RFC compliant hex
else if ( ! lstrcmp(pAttributeValueName, L"URHexadecimal") ) { // Set the new type and copy the old string to the new
lstrcat(szNewValue,L"03"); lstrcpy(szNewValue + VSA_OFFSET_NEW, pAttrValue + VSA_OFFSET); } // Non RFC compliant (always hex)
else if ( ! lstrcmp(pAttributeValueName, L"UHHexadecimal") ) { // Set the new type and copy the old string to the new
lstrcat(szNewValue,L"00"); lstrcpy(szNewValue + VSA_OFFSET_NEW, pAttrValue + VSA_OFFSET); } // Error
else { _ASSERT(FALSE); }
// Return the new string
NewString = szNewValue; }
// MigrateProxyServers
void CMigrateMdb::MigrateProxyServers() { const long DEFAULT_PRIORITY = 1; const long DEFAULT_WEIGHT = 50;
// If there isn't any servers.
if ( m_GlobalData.m_pRadiusServers->IsEmpty() ) { return; }
CProxyServerGroupCollection& ServerCollection = CProxyServerGroupCollection::Instance();
// Do a loop on the RadiusServers sorted by server group
_bstr_t CurrentGroupName;
CProxyServersGroupHelper* pCurrentServerGroup = NULL; //avoid warning
// CurrentGroupName will never match a name received therefore
// pCurrentServerGroup will always be initialized before being used
HRESULT hr; do { _bstr_t GroupName = m_GlobalData.m_pRadiusServers->GetGroupName();
if ( CurrentGroupName != GroupName ) { CProxyServersGroupHelper ServerGroup(m_GlobalData); CurrentGroupName = GroupName;
// Add a server to the collection
pCurrentServerGroup = ServerCollection.Add(ServerGroup); }
if ( !pCurrentServerGroup ) { _com_issue_error(E_FAIL); }
CProxyServerHelper Server(m_GlobalData);
_bstr_t ServerName = m_GlobalData.m_pRadiusServers-> GetProxyServerName(); Server.SetAddress(ServerName); Server.SetAuthenticationPort( m_GlobalData.m_pRadiusServers->GetAuthenticationPortNumber() ); Server.SetAccountingPort( m_GlobalData.m_pRadiusServers->GetAccountingPortNumber() ); _bstr_t Secret = m_GlobalData.m_pRadiusServers->GetSharedSecret(); Server.SetAuthenticationSecret(Secret); Server.SetPriority(DEFAULT_PRIORITY); Server.SetWeight(DEFAULT_WEIGHT);
pCurrentServerGroup->Add(Server); // cannot be NULL pointer
hr = m_GlobalData.m_pRadiusServers->GetNext(); } while (hr == S_OK); // persist everything in the database
_com_util::CheckError(hr); }
// NewMigrateClients
void CMigrateMdb::NewMigrateClients() { // If there isn't any client, return
if ( m_GlobalData.m_pClients->IsEmpty() ) { return; }
// for each client in the client table, add it (blindly) to the dest table
// i.e. walkpath to find the clients container
// create the properties for that containes (clients).
const WCHAR ClientContainerPath[] = L"Root\0" L"Microsoft Internet Authentication Service\0" L"Protocols\0" L"Microsoft Radius Protocol\0" L"Clients\0";
LONG ClientContainerIdentity; m_GlobalData.m_pObjects->WalkPath( ClientContainerPath, ClientContainerIdentity );
HRESULT hr; do { _bstr_t ClientName = m_GlobalData.m_pClients->GetHostName(); _bstr_t ClientSecret = m_GlobalData.m_pClients->GetSecret();
LONG ClientIdentity; m_GlobalData.m_pObjects->InsertObject( ClientName, ClientContainerIdentity, ClientIdentity );
// Now insert the properties:
// IP Address
_bstr_t PropertyName = L"IP Address"; m_GlobalData.m_pProperties->InsertProperty( ClientIdentity, PropertyName, VT_BSTR, ClientName ); // NAS Manufacturer
PropertyName = L"NAS Manufacturer"; _bstr_t StrValZero = L"0"; // RADIUS Standard
m_GlobalData.m_pProperties->InsertProperty( ClientIdentity, PropertyName, VT_I4, StrValZero ); // Require Signature
PropertyName = L"Require Signature"; m_GlobalData.m_pProperties->InsertProperty( ClientIdentity, PropertyName, VT_BOOL, StrValZero ); // Shared Secret
PropertyName = L"Shared Secret"; m_GlobalData.m_pProperties->InsertProperty( ClientIdentity, PropertyName, VT_BSTR, ClientSecret ); hr = m_GlobalData.m_pClients->GetNext(); } while ( hr == S_OK );
_com_util::CheckError(hr); }
// ConvertAttribute
void CMigrateMdb::ConvertAttribute( const _bstr_t& Value, LONG Syntax, LONG& Type, bstr_t& StrVal ) { const size_t SIZE_LONG_MAX = 14; switch (Syntax) { case IAS_SYNTAX_OCTETSTRING: { // abinary => OctetString
Type = VT_BSTR; StrVal = Value; break; }
case IAS_SYNTAX_STRING: case IAS_SYNTAX_UTCTIME: case IAS_SYNTAX_PROVIDERSPECIFIC: { Type = VT_BSTR; StrVal = Value; break; } case IAS_SYNTAX_INETADDR: { unsigned long ulValue = ias_inet_addr(Value); _ASSERT( ulValue != 0xffffffff ); Type = VT_I4; WCHAR TempString[SIZE_LONG_MAX]; StrVal = _ultow(ulValue, TempString, 10); break; } case IAS_SYNTAX_BOOLEAN: { LONG lValue = _wtol(Value); Type = VT_BOOL; StrVal = lValue? L"-1":L"0"; break; } case IAS_SYNTAX_INTEGER: case IAS_SYNTAX_UNSIGNEDINTEGER: case IAS_SYNTAX_ENUMERATOR: { Type = VT_I4; StrVal = Value; break; } default: { _com_issue_error(E_INVALIDARG); } } }
// MigrateAttribute
void CMigrateMdb::MigrateAttribute( const _bstr_t& Attribute, LONG AttributeNumber, const _bstr_t& AttributeValueName, const _bstr_t& StringValue, LONG RASProfileIdentity ) { // Note: Order might not be needed if the previous DB is always sorted
const size_t SIZE_LONG_MAX = 14; _bstr_t LDAPName, StrVal; LONG Syntax, Type; // Type: VT_BSTR, VT_I4, VT_BOOL
BOOL IsMultiValued; HRESULT hr = m_GlobalData.m_pAttributes->GetAttribute( AttributeNumber, LDAPName, Syntax, IsMultiValued ); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { // Attribute unknown in the new dictionary
// that should never happen
return; }
const LONG VSA = 26; //Vendor-Specific-Attribute
if ( StringValue.length() && ( AttributeNumber != VSA) ) { // ordinary attribute, not an enumerator
ConvertAttribute( StringValue, Syntax, Type, StrVal ); if ( IsMultiValued ) { // If the attribute is multivalued then we need to add the value
// Otherwise we just update the attribute value
m_GlobalData.m_pProperties->InsertProperty( RASProfileIdentity, LDAPName, Type, StrVal ); } else { m_GlobalData.m_pProperties->UpdateProperty( RASProfileIdentity, LDAPName, Type, StrVal ); } } else if ( StringValue.length() && ( AttributeNumber == VSA) ) { // VSA Attribute (convert...)
if ( !AttributeValueName ) { _com_issue_error(E_INVALIDARG); } ConvertVSA(AttributeValueName, StringValue, StrVal); Type = VT_BSTR; m_GlobalData.m_pProperties->InsertProperty( RASProfileIdentity, LDAPName, Type, StrVal ); } else if ( !StringValue.length() ) { // Multivalued attribute.
Type = VT_I4; // Get the number associated with it from the RadiusAttributeValues
// table
LONG Number = m_GlobalData.m_pRADIUSAttributeValues->GetAttributeNumber ( Attribute, AttributeValueName );
WCHAR TempString[SIZE_LONG_MAX ]; StrVal = _ltow(Number, TempString, 10);
// The attribute should be multivalued
_ASSERTE(IsMultiValued); m_GlobalData.m_pProperties->InsertProperty( RASProfileIdentity, LDAPName, Type, StrVal );
} else { // other (unknown)
_com_issue_error(E_FAIL); } }
// MigrateOtherProfile
void CMigrateMdb::MigrateOtherProfile( const _bstr_t& ProfileName, LONG ProfileIdentity ) { _bstr_t Attribute, AttributeValueName, StringValue; LONG Order, AttributeNumber;
// Now add the attributes from the NT4 file
HRESULT hr = m_GlobalData.m_pProfileAttributeList->GetAttribute( ProfileName, Attribute, AttributeNumber, AttributeValueName, StringValue, Order ); LONG IndexAttribute = 1; // For each attribute in the Profile Attribute List
// with szProfile = ProfileName
while ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // migrate it to the default RAS profile in IAS.mdb
MigrateAttribute( Attribute, AttributeNumber, AttributeValueName, StringValue, ProfileIdentity );
hr = m_GlobalData.m_pProfileAttributeList->GetAttribute( ProfileName, Attribute, AttributeNumber, AttributeValueName, StringValue, Order, IndexAttribute ); ++IndexAttribute; } }
// MigrateCorpProfile
void CMigrateMdb::MigrateCorpProfile( const _bstr_t& ProfileName, const _bstr_t& Description ) { _bstr_t Attribute, AttributeValueName, StringValue; LONG Order, AttributeNumber;
// empty the default profiles attributes
const WCHAR RASProfilePath[] = L"Root\0" L"Microsoft Internet Authentication Service\0" L"RadiusProfiles\0";
LONG RASProfileIdentity; m_GlobalData.m_pObjects->WalkPath(RASProfilePath, RASProfileIdentity);
// Now get the first profile: that's the default (localized) RAS profile
_bstr_t DefaultProfileName; LONG DefaultProfileIdentity; m_GlobalData.m_pObjects->GetObject( DefaultProfileName, DefaultProfileIdentity, RASProfileIdentity );
// Clean the default attributes
m_GlobalData.m_pProperties->DeleteProperty( DefaultProfileIdentity, L"msRADIUSServiceType" ); m_GlobalData.m_pProperties->DeleteProperty( DefaultProfileIdentity, L"msRADIUSFramedProtocol" );
// Now add the attributes from the NT4 file
HRESULT hr = m_GlobalData.m_pProfileAttributeList->GetAttribute( ProfileName, Attribute, AttributeNumber, AttributeValueName, StringValue, Order ); LONG IndexAttribute = 1; // For each attribute in the Profile Attribute List
// with szProfile = ProfileName
while ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { // migrate it to the default RAS profile in IAS.mdb
MigrateAttribute( Attribute, AttributeNumber, AttributeValueName, StringValue, DefaultProfileIdentity );
hr = m_GlobalData.m_pProfileAttributeList->GetAttribute( ProfileName, Attribute, AttributeNumber, AttributeValueName, StringValue, Order, IndexAttribute ); ++IndexAttribute; }
// now not matter what, if Description == ODBC,
// Then the policy should have a condition to never match.
// (update msNPConstraint
const _bstr_t BadProvider = L"ODBC"; if ( Description == BadProvider ) //safe compare
{ // Get the Policy container
const WCHAR RASPolicyPath[] = L"Root\0" L"Microsoft Internet Authentication Service\0" L"NetworkPolicy\0"; // Get its (unique) child
LONG RASPolicyIdentity; m_GlobalData.m_pObjects->WalkPath(RASPolicyPath, RASPolicyIdentity);
// Now get the first policy: that's the default (localized) RAS policy
_bstr_t DefaultPolicyName; LONG DefaultPolicyIdentity; m_GlobalData.m_pObjects->GetObject( DefaultPolicyName, DefaultPolicyIdentity, RASPolicyIdentity ); // delete the msNPConstraint (s)
const _bstr_t Constraint = L"msNPConstraint"; m_GlobalData.m_pProperties->DeleteProperty( DefaultPolicyIdentity, Constraint ); // add a TIMEOFDAY that never matches
const _bstr_t DumbTime = L"TIMEOFDAY(\"\")"; m_GlobalData.m_pProperties->InsertProperty( RASPolicyIdentity, Constraint, VT_BSTR, DumbTime ); } }
// NewMigrateProfiles
void CMigrateMdb::NewMigrateProfiles() { const LONG AUTH_PROVIDER_WINDOWS = 1; const LONG AUTH_PROVIDER_RADIUS_PROXY = 2; const LONG ACCT_PROVIDER_RADIUS_PROXY = 2; const _bstr_t RemoteRADIUSServers = L"Remote RADIUS Servers"; const _bstr_t MCIS = L"MCIS"; const _bstr_t MCISv2 = L"MCIS version 2.0"; const _bstr_t ODBC = L"ODBC"; const _bstr_t WindowsNT = L"Windows NT"; const _bstr_t MatchAll = L"TIMEOFDAY(\"0 00:00-24:00; 1 00:00" L"-24:00; 2 00:00-24:00; 3 00:00-24:00; 4 00:00-24:00; 5 00:" L"00-24:00; 6 00:00-24:00\")";
// Get the Default Provider's data
_bstr_t DPUserDefinedName, DPProfile; VARIANT_BOOL DPForwardAccounting, DPSupressAccounting , DPLogoutAccounting;
m_GlobalData.m_pDefaultProvider->GetDefaultProvider( DPUserDefinedName, DPProfile, DPForwardAccounting, DPSupressAccounting, DPLogoutAccounting ); _bstr_t ProfileName = m_GlobalData.m_pProfiles->GetProfileName();
// Delete the RRAS specific policy.
m_GlobalData.m_pObjects->DeleteObject(203); m_GlobalData.m_pObjects->DeleteObject(204);
// Do the NT4 CORP migration first if needed
if ( m_Utils.IsNT4Corp() ) { // This is NT4 CORP. migrate the default profile into
// the default policy/profile (not the proxy default)
_bstr_t Description = m_GlobalData.m_pProviders-> GetProviderDescription(DPUserDefinedName);
MigrateCorpProfile(ProfileName, Description);
// stop here
return; } // Now that is not a NT4 CORP migration
// Delete the default Proxy Policy / profile
const WCHAR ProxyPoliciesPath[] = L"Root\0" L"Microsoft Internet Authentication Service\0" L"Proxy Policies\0";
LONG ProxyPolicyIdentity; m_GlobalData.m_pObjects->WalkPath(ProxyPoliciesPath, ProxyPolicyIdentity);
// Now get the first profile: that's the default (localized) RAS policy
_bstr_t DefaultPolicyName; LONG DefaultPolicyIdentity; m_GlobalData.m_pObjects->GetObject( DefaultPolicyName, DefaultPolicyIdentity, ProxyPolicyIdentity ); m_GlobalData.m_pObjects->DeleteObject(DefaultPolicyIdentity); // From now on the default proxy policy / profile is deleted
// Now empty the default RAS profiles attributes
const WCHAR RASProfilePath[] = L"Root\0" L"Microsoft Internet Authentication Service\0" L"RadiusProfiles\0";
LONG RASProfileIdentity; m_GlobalData.m_pObjects->WalkPath(RASProfilePath, RASProfileIdentity);
// Now get the first profile: that's the default (localized) RAS profile
_bstr_t DefaultProfileName; LONG DefaultProfileIdentity; m_GlobalData.m_pObjects->GetObject( DefaultProfileName, DefaultProfileIdentity, RASProfileIdentity );
// Clean the default attributes
m_GlobalData.m_pProperties->DeleteProperty( DefaultProfileIdentity, L"msRADIUSServiceType" ); m_GlobalData.m_pProperties->DeleteProperty( DefaultProfileIdentity, L"msRADIUSFramedProtocol" );
// from now on the default RAS profile has its default attributes (the one
// in the Advanced tab in the UI) deleted.
HRESULT hr; LONG Sequence = 1; // Get the list of the profiles
do { LONG RealmIndex = 0; ProfileName = m_GlobalData.m_pProfiles->GetProfileName();
// Note: hr should be set only by GetRealmIndex
do { // Get the realms associated with that profile
CPolicy TempPolicy; hr = m_GlobalData.m_pRealms->GetRealmIndex(ProfileName,RealmIndex); if ( hr != S_OK ) { // exit that internal do / while to get the next profile
break; } _bstr_t RealmName = m_GlobalData.m_pRealms->GetRealmName(); TempPolicy.SetmsNPAction(RealmName);
// That will set the realm part of the profile based on the
// values in NT4 as well as the reg keys values
m_GlobalData.m_pRealms->SetRealmDetails( TempPolicy, m_Utils );
_bstr_t UserDefinedName = m_GlobalData.m_pRealms ->GetUserDefinedName(); // Look up the provider in the providers table. Note: Assume
// the proxy servers (and groups) are already migrated.
_bstr_t ProviderDescription = m_GlobalData.m_pProviders ->GetProviderDescription(UserDefinedName);
// Set the sequence order
// Now set the authentication provider
if ( ProviderDescription == RemoteRADIUSServers ) { TempPolicy.SetmsAuthProviderType( AUTH_PROVIDER_RADIUS_PROXY, UserDefinedName ); } else if ( ( ProviderDescription == MCIS ) || ( ProviderDescription == MCISv2 ) || ( ProviderDescription == WindowsNT ) ) { TempPolicy.SetmsAuthProviderType(AUTH_PROVIDER_WINDOWS); } else if ( ProviderDescription == ODBC ) { // If ODBC is the authentication provider,
// then convert that realm into a policy that would never match.
// Authentication provider should be NT Domain.
TempPolicy.SetmsAuthProviderType(AUTH_PROVIDER_WINDOWS); const _bstr_t MatchNothing = L"TIMEOFDAY(\"\")"; TempPolicy.SetmsNPConstraint(MatchNothing); } else { _com_issue_error(E_INVALIDARG); }
// persist the policy
LONG ProfileIdentity = TempPolicy.Persist(m_GlobalData);
// migrate the profile associated with that policy
MigrateOtherProfile(ProfileName, ProfileIdentity);
++Sequence; } while (hr == S_OK);
hr = m_GlobalData.m_pProfiles->GetNext(); } while ( hr == S_OK );
if ( DPUserDefinedName.length() ) { // there is a default provider: a default policy needs to be created
// same logic as above (mostly)
CPolicy DefaultPolicy; DefaultPolicy.SetmsNPAction(DPProfile);
_bstr_t ProviderDescription = m_GlobalData.m_pProviders ->GetProviderDescription(DPUserDefinedName);
if ( ProviderDescription == RemoteRADIUSServers ) { DefaultPolicy.SetmsAuthProviderType( AUTH_PROVIDER_RADIUS_PROXY, DPUserDefinedName ); DefaultPolicy.SetmsNPConstraint(MatchAll); } else if ( ( ProviderDescription == MCIS ) || ( ProviderDescription == MCISv2 ) || ( ProviderDescription == WindowsNT ) ) { DefaultPolicy.SetmsNPConstraint(MatchAll); DefaultPolicy.SetmsAuthProviderType(AUTH_PROVIDER_WINDOWS); } else if ( ProviderDescription == ODBC ) { // If ODBC is the authentication provider,
// then convert that realm into a policy that would never match.
// Authentication provider should be NT Domain.
DefaultPolicy.SetmsAuthProviderType(AUTH_PROVIDER_WINDOWS); const _bstr_t MatchNothing = L"TIMEOFDAY(\"\")"; DefaultPolicy.SetmsNPConstraint(MatchNothing); } else { _com_issue_error(E_INVALIDARG); }
DefaultPolicy.SetmsNPSequence(Sequence); if ( DPForwardAccounting ) { DefaultPolicy.SetmsAcctProviderType(ACCT_PROVIDER_RADIUS_PROXY); }
LONG ProfileIdentity = DefaultPolicy.Persist(m_GlobalData);
MigrateOtherProfile(DPProfile, ProfileIdentity); } // else no default provider: no default policy
// NewMigrateAccounting
void CMigrateMdb::NewMigrateAccounting() { const WCHAR AccountingPath[] = L"Root\0" L"Microsoft Internet Authentication Service\0" L"RequestHandlers\0" L"Microsoft Accounting\0";
LONG AccountingIdentity; m_GlobalData.m_pObjects->WalkPath(AccountingPath, AccountingIdentity);
_bstr_t MaxLogSize = m_GlobalData.m_pServiceConfiguration->GetMaxLogSize();
_bstr_t LogFrequency = m_GlobalData.m_pServiceConfiguration-> GetLogFrequency();
_bstr_t PropertyName = L"New Log Frequency"; m_GlobalData.m_pProperties->UpdateProperty( AccountingIdentity, PropertyName, VT_I4, LogFrequency );
PropertyName = L"New Log Size"; m_GlobalData.m_pProperties->UpdateProperty( AccountingIdentity, PropertyName, VT_I4, MaxLogSize ); DWORD Value; m_Utils.NewGetAuthSrvParameter(L"LogAuthentications", Value);
_bstr_t LogAuth; Value ? LogAuth = L"-1": LogAuth = L"0";
PropertyName = L"Log Authentication Packets"; m_GlobalData.m_pProperties->UpdateProperty( AccountingIdentity, PropertyName, VT_BOOL, LogAuth );
m_Utils.NewGetAuthSrvParameter(L"LogAccounting", Value);
_bstr_t LogAcct; Value ? LogAcct = L"-1": LogAcct = L"0";
PropertyName = L"Log Accounting Packets"; m_GlobalData.m_pProperties->UpdateProperty( AccountingIdentity, PropertyName, VT_BOOL, LogAcct );
_bstr_t FormatIAS1 = L"0"; PropertyName = L"Log Format"; m_GlobalData.m_pProperties->UpdateProperty( AccountingIdentity, PropertyName, VT_I4, FormatIAS1 );
_bstr_t DeleteIfFull = L"0"; PropertyName = L"Delete If Full"; m_GlobalData.m_pProperties->UpdateProperty( AccountingIdentity, PropertyName, VT_BOOL, DeleteIfFull );
PropertyName = L"Log File Directory"; _bstr_t LogFileDir = m_GlobalData.m_pServiceConfiguration->GetLogFileDirectory(); m_GlobalData.m_pProperties->UpdateProperty( AccountingIdentity, PropertyName, VT_BSTR, LogFileDir ); }
// NewMigrateEventLog
void CMigrateMdb::NewMigrateEventLog() { const WCHAR EventLogPath[] = L"Root\0" L"Microsoft Internet Authentication Service\0" L"Auditors\0" L"Microsoft NT Event Log Auditor\0";
LONG EventLogIdentity; m_GlobalData.m_pObjects->WalkPath(EventLogPath, EventLogIdentity);
DWORD Value; m_Utils.NewGetAuthSrvParameter(L"LogData", Value);
_bstr_t LogData; Value ? LogData = L"-1": LogData = L"0";
_bstr_t PropertyName = L"Log Verbose"; m_GlobalData.m_pProperties->UpdateProperty( EventLogIdentity, PropertyName, VT_BOOL, LogData );
m_Utils.NewGetAuthSrvParameter(L"LogBogus", Value);
_bstr_t LogBogus; Value ? LogBogus = L"-1": LogBogus = L"0";
PropertyName = L"Log Malformed Packets"; m_GlobalData.m_pProperties->UpdateProperty( EventLogIdentity, PropertyName, VT_BOOL, LogBogus ); }
// NewMigrateService
void CMigrateMdb::NewMigrateService() { const LONG PORT_SIZE_MAX = 34; const WCHAR ServicePath[] = L"Root\0" L"Microsoft Internet Authentication Service\0" L"Protocols\0" L"Microsoft Radius Protocol\0";
LONG ServiceIdentity;
m_GlobalData.m_pObjects->WalkPath(ServicePath, ServiceIdentity);
DWORD Value; m_Utils.NewGetAuthSrvParameter(L"RadiusPort", Value);
WCHAR TempString[PORT_SIZE_MAX]; _bstr_t RadiusPort = _ultow(Value, TempString, 10);
_bstr_t PropertyName = L"Authentication Port"; m_GlobalData.m_pProperties->UpdateProperty( ServiceIdentity, PropertyName, VT_BSTR, RadiusPort );
m_Utils.NewGetAuthSrvParameter(L"AcctPort", Value);
_bstr_t AcctPort = _ltow(Value, TempString, 10);
PropertyName = L"Accounting Port"; m_GlobalData.m_pProperties->UpdateProperty( ServiceIdentity, PropertyName, VT_BSTR, AcctPort ); }
// NewMigrate
void CMigrateMdb::NewMigrate() { NewMigrateClients();
if ( !m_Utils.IsNT4Corp() ) // it's either Win2k or NT4 ISP
{ // the proxy servers must be migrated before the policies and
// profiles
MigrateProxyServers(); }
NewMigrateProfiles(); NewMigrateAccounting(); NewMigrateEventLog(); NewMigrateService();
// Migrate the Registry Keys
CMigrateRegistry MigrateRegistry(m_Utils); MigrateRegistry.MigrateProviders();
// Update the MSChap Authentication types (password)
CUpdateMSCHAP UpdateMSCHAP(m_GlobalData); UpdateMSCHAP.Execute(); }