Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999
Module Name:
Header file for the MachineNode subnode.
See MachineNode.cpp for implementation.
Revision History: mmaguire 12/03/97 - created
--*/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
#if !defined(_LOG_MACHINE_NODE_H_)
// where we can find what this class derives from:
#include "SnapinNode.h"
#include "rtradvise.h"
// where we can find what this class has or uses:
#include "LoggingMethodsNode.h"
#include "ConnectionToServer.h"
#include <map>
#include <string>
class CLoggingMachineNode; class CLoggingComponentData;
typedef std::map< std::basic_string< wchar_t > , CLoggingMachineNode * > LOGGINGSERVERSMAP;
class CLoggingMachineNode : public CSnapinNode< CLoggingMachineNode, CLoggingComponentData, CLoggingComponent > { public: // Clipboard format through which this extension snapin receives
// information about machine it's focussed on.
static CLIPFORMAT m_CCF_MMC_SNAPIN_MACHINE_NAME; static void InitClipboardFormat();
// Returns whether we extend a particular GUID and sets the
// m_enumExtendedSnapin to indicate which snapin we are extending.
BOOL IsSupportedGUID( GUID & guid );
// Indicates which standalone snapin we are extending.
_enum_EXTENDED_SNAPIN m_enumExtendedSnapin;
HRESULT InitSdoObjects();
CSnapInItem * GetExtNodeObject(LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, CLoggingMachineNode * pDataClass );
LPOLESTR GetResultPaneColInfo(int nCol);
STDMETHOD(CheckConnectionToServer)( BOOL fVerbose = TRUE );
// Pointer to the CComponentData object owning this node.
// A root node doesn't belong to another node, so its
// m_pParentNode pointer is NULL.
// Rather it is owned by the unique IComponentData object
// for this snapin.
// We pass in this CComponentData pointer during CComponentData initialization.
// By storing this pointer, we can have access to member
// variables stored in CComponentData, e.g. a pointer to IConsole.
// Since all nodes store a pointer to their parent, any node
// can look its way up the tree and get access to CComponentData.
CLoggingComponentData * m_pComponentData;
void InitDataClass(IDataObject* pDataObject, CSnapInItem* pDefault);
BOOL m_fAlreadyAnalyzedDataClass; BOOL m_bConfigureLocal;
CComBSTR m_bstrServerAddress;
virtual HRESULT OnExpand( LPARAM arg , LPARAM param , IComponentData * pComponentData , IComponent * pComponent , DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type );
virtual HRESULT OnRename( LPARAM arg , LPARAM param , IComponentData * pComponentData , IComponent * pComponent , DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type );
virtual HRESULT OnRefresh( LPARAM arg , LPARAM param , IComponentData * pComponentData , IComponent * pComponent , DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type );
virtual HRESULT OnRemoveChildren( LPARAM arg , LPARAM param , IComponentData * pComponentData , IComponent * pComponent , DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type ); STDMETHOD(TaskNotify)( IDataObject * pDataObject , VARIANT * pvarg , VARIANT * pvparam );
STDMETHOD(EnumTasks)( IDataObject * pDataObject , BSTR szTaskGroup , IEnumTASK** ppEnumTASK );
HRESULT OnTaskPadDefineNetworkAccessPolicy( IDataObject * pDataObject , VARIANT * pvarg , VARIANT * pvparam );
CLoggingComponentData * GetComponentData( void ); HRESULT DataRefresh(); // Pointers to child nodes.
CLoggingMethodsNode * m_pLoggingNode; // this is one CPoliciesNode object
// Asynchrnous connect related...
HRESULT BeginConnectAction( void ); HRESULT LoadSdoData(BOOL fDSAvailable); HRESULT LoadCachedInfoFromSdo( void );
// OnRRASChange -- to decide if to show LOGGING node under the machine node
// Only show LOGGING node if NT Accounting is selected
HRESULT OnRRASChange( /* [in] */ LONG_PTR ulConnection, /* [in] */ DWORD dwChangeType, /* [in] */ DWORD dwObjectType, /* [in] */ LPARAM lUserParam, /* [in] */ LPARAM lParam);
HRESULT TryShow(BOOL* pbVisible);
// SDO related pointers
CComPtr<ISdoDictionaryOld> m_spDictionarySdo; // Dictionary SDO
// if the server being focused is supported by this node
// during connection, if server is NT4, this is set to false
BOOL m_bServerSupported;
protected: virtual HRESULT SetVerbs( IConsoleVerb * pConsoleVerb ); BOOL m_fSdoConnected; BOOL m_fUseActiveDirectory; BOOL m_fDSAvailable; CLoggingConnectionToServer * m_pConnectionToServer; BOOL m_fNodeHasUI;
// For extending snapins like RRAS which have multiple machine views.
LOGGINGSERVERSMAP m_mapMachineNodes; CComPtr< CRtrAdviseSinkForIAS<CLoggingMachineNode> > m_spRtrAdviseSink; };
_declspec( selectany ) CLIPFORMAT CLoggingMachineNode::m_CCF_MMC_SNAPIN_MACHINE_NAME = 0; // _declspec( selectany ) _enum_EXTENDED_SNAPIN CLoggingMachineNode::m_enumExtendedSnapin = INTERNET_AUTHENTICATION_SERVICE_SNAPIN;
#endif // _LOG_MACHINE_NODE_H_