Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999
Module Name:
Implementation file for the CMachineNode class.
Revision History: mmaguire 12/03/97 byao 6/11/98 Added asynchrnous connect
--*/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// standard includes:
#include "Precompiled.h"
// where we can find declaration for main class in this file:
#include "MachineNode.h"
#include "Component.h"
#include "SnapinNode.cpp" // Template implementation
// where we can find declarations needed in this file:
#include "NapUtil.h"
#include "MachineEnumTask.h"
#include "NodeTypeGUIDS.h"
#include "ChangeNotification.h"
Used to determine whether we extend the node type of a given GUID, and sets the m_enumExtendedSnapin variable to indicate what snapin we are extending.
--*/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
BOOL CMachineNode::IsSupportedGUID( GUID & guid ) {
if( IsEqualGUID( guid, InternetAuthenticationServiceGUID_ROOTNODETYPE ) ) { m_enumExtendedSnapin = INTERNET_AUTHENTICATION_SERVICE_SNAPIN; return TRUE; } else { if( IsEqualGUID( guid, NetworkConsoleGUID_ROOTNODETYPE) ) { m_enumExtendedSnapin = NETWORK_MANAGEMENT_SNAPIN; return TRUE; } else { if( IsEqualGUID( guid, RoutingAndRemoteAccessGUID_MACHINENODETYPE ) ) { m_enumExtendedSnapin = RRAS_SNAPIN; return TRUE; } } }
return FALSE; }
Depending on which snapin we are extending, when queried for a node object corresponding to a particular machine, we must decide which node we want to give a pointer to.
When we extend a snapin like IAS or Network Management, where there is one instance of a snapin per machine being configured, we simply return a pointer to "this" -- this CMachineNode object is the single one being administed.
When we extend a snapin like RRAS where there is an "Enterprise" view and one snapin may need to manage a view of multiple machines, this CMachineNode will act as a redirector to a CMachineNode in a list of m_mapMachineNodes it maintains which corresponds to the appropriate machines.
--*/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
CSnapInItem * CMachineNode::GetExtNodeObject(LPDATAOBJECT pDataObject, CMachineNode * pDataClass ) { TRACE_FUNCTION("CMachineNode::GetExtNodeObject");
if( m_enumExtendedSnapin == INTERNET_AUTHENTICATION_SERVICE_SNAPIN || m_enumExtendedSnapin == NETWORK_MANAGEMENT_SNAPIN ) { // There is one instance of a machine node per snapin.
// This machine node is a "virtual root" that shadows the node being extended.
m_fNodeHasUI = TRUE; return this; } else { try {
_ASSERTE( m_enumExtendedSnapin == RRAS_SNAPIN );
// There are many machine nodes and one extension snapin needs to handle them all.
// We use this function to extract the machine name from the clipboard format.
// It will set the corrent value in m_bstrServerAddress.
m_fAlreadyAnalyzedDataClass = FALSE; InitDataClass( pDataObject, pDataClass ); // See if we already have a CMachineNode object corresponding to the
// machine named in m_bstrServerAddress and insert it if we do not.
SERVERSMAP::iterator theIterator; BOOL bAddedAsLocal = ExtractComputerAddedAsLocal(pDataObject);
std::basic_string< wchar_t > MyString = m_bstrServerAddress;
// local machine has special entry
if(bAddedAsLocal) MyString = _T(""); CMachineNode * pMachineNode = NULL;
theIterator = m_mapMachineNodes.find(MyString); if( theIterator == m_mapMachineNodes.end() ) { // We need to insert a new CMachineNode object for m_bstrServerAddress.
pMachineNode = new CMachineNode(); pMachineNode->m_pComponentData = m_pComponentData; pMachineNode->m_enumExtendedSnapin = m_enumExtendedSnapin; m_mapMachineNodes.insert( SERVERSMAP::value_type( MyString, pMachineNode ) );
// ISSUE: We should be able to use the pair returned from insert above,
// but for now, just use find again.
theIterator = m_mapMachineNodes.find(MyString); } else pMachineNode = (CMachineNode*)theIterator->second;
// RRAS refresh advise setup F bug 213623:
if(!pMachineNode->m_spRtrAdviseSink) pMachineNode->m_spRtrAdviseSink.p = CRtrAdviseSinkForIAS<CMachineNode>::SetAdvise(pMachineNode, pDataObject);
pMachineNode->m_fNodeHasUI = TRUE; // ~RRAS
// We already have a CMachineNode for this object.
return theIterator->second;
catch(...) { // Error.
return NULL; }
// OnRRASChange -- to decide if to show RAP node under the machine node
// Only show RAP node if NT Authentication is selected
--*/ HRESULT CMachineNode::OnRRASChange( /* [in] */ LONG_PTR ulConnection, /* [in] */ DWORD dwChangeType, /* [in] */ DWORD dwObjectType, /* [in] */ LPARAM lUserParam, /* [in] */ LPARAM lParam) {
HRESULT hr = S_OK; if(m_fNodeHasUI) hr = TryShow(NULL); return S_OK; }
HRESULT CMachineNode::TryShow(BOOL* pbVisible ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr<IConsole> spConsole; CComPtr<IConsoleNameSpace> spConsoleNameSpace; BOOL bShow = FALSE; if(!m_bServerSupported || !m_fAlreadyAnalyzedDataClass || !m_pPoliciesNode || !m_fNodeHasUI) return hr;
// when RRAS_SNAPIN extension
if(m_enumExtendedSnapin == RRAS_SNAPIN) { BSTR bstrMachine = NULL; if(!m_bConfigureLocal) bstrMachine = m_bstrServerAddress; bShow = (IsRRASConfigured(bstrMachine) && IsRRASUsingNTAuthentication(bstrMachine)); } // IAS, show only IAS service is installed on the machine
else if (INTERNET_AUTHENTICATION_SERVICE_SNAPIN == m_enumExtendedSnapin) { hr = IfServiceInstalled(m_bstrServerAddress, _T("IAS"), &bShow); if(hr != S_OK) return hr; } else // always show
{ bShow = TRUE; }
// deal with the node
hr = m_pComponentData->m_spConsole->QueryInterface( IID_IConsoleNameSpace, (VOID**)(&spConsoleNameSpace) );
if(S_OK != hr) goto Error;
if ( bShow && m_pPoliciesNode->m_scopeDataItem.ID == NULL) // show the node
{ hr = spConsoleNameSpace->InsertItem( &(m_pPoliciesNode->m_scopeDataItem) ); // _ASSERT( NULL != m_pPoliciesNode->m_scopeDataItem.ID );
} else if (!bShow && m_pPoliciesNode->m_scopeDataItem.ID != NULL) // hide
{ // hide the node
hr = spConsoleNameSpace->DeleteItem( m_pPoliciesNode->m_scopeDataItem.ID, TRUE ); m_pPoliciesNode->m_scopeDataItem.ID = NULL; } if(hr == S_OK && pbVisible) *pbVisible = bShow; Error:
return hr; }
--*/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
CMachineNode::CMachineNode(): CSnapinNode<CMachineNode, CComponentData, CComponent>( NULL ) { TRACE_FUNCTION("CMachineNode::CMachineNode");
// The children subnodes have not yet been created.
m_pPoliciesNode = NULL;
// Set the display name for this object
m_bstrDisplayName = L"@Some Machine";
// In IComponentData::Initialize, we are asked to inform MMC of
// the icons we would like to use for the scope pane.
// Here we store an index to which of these images we
// want to be used to display this node
m_scopeDataItem.nImage = IDBI_NODE_MACHINE_CLOSED; m_scopeDataItem.nOpenImage = IDBI_NODE_MACHINE_OPEN;
// initialize all the SDO pointers
m_fAlreadyAnalyzedDataClass = FALSE;
// connected?
m_fSdoConnected = FALSE;
// default to not configuring the local machine
m_bConfigureLocal = FALSE;
m_fUseActiveDirectory = FALSE; m_fDSAvailable = FALSE;
// helper class that connect to server asynchrnously
m_pConnectionToServer = NULL; m_fNodeHasUI = FALSE;
m_bServerSupported = TRUE;
--*/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
CMachineNode::~CMachineNode() { TRACE_FUNCTION("CMachineNode::~CMachineNode");
// RRAS refresh
if(m_spRtrAdviseSink != NULL) { m_spRtrAdviseSink->ReleaseSink(); m_spRtrAdviseSink.Release(); } // ~RRAS
if( NULL != m_pConnectionToServer ) { m_pConnectionToServer->Release(TRUE); }
// Delete children nodes
delete m_pPoliciesNode;
// Delete the list of machines in case we are extending a snapin with
// enterprise view like RRAS.
SERVERSMAP::iterator theIterator; for( theIterator = m_mapMachineNodes.begin(); theIterator != m_mapMachineNodes.end(); ++theIterator ) { delete theIterator->second; } m_mapMachineNodes.clear();
See CSnapinNode::GetResultPaneColInfo (which this method overrides) for detailed info.
--*/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
LPOLESTR CMachineNode::GetResultPaneColInfo(int nCol) { TRACE_FUNCTION("CMachineNode::GetResultPaneColInfo");
if (nCol == 0) { return m_bstrDisplayName; }
// TODO : Return the text for other columns
return OLESTR("Running"); }
HRESULT CMachineNode::OnRemoveChildren( LPARAM arg , LPARAM param , IComponentData * pComponentData , IComponent * pComponent , DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type ) {
// policy node will be removed, so we should set the ID to 0
if(m_pPoliciesNode) m_pPoliciesNode->m_scopeDataItem.ID = 0;
// disconnect RRAS on change notify
// RRAS refresh
if(m_spRtrAdviseSink != NULL) { m_spRtrAdviseSink->ReleaseSink(); m_spRtrAdviseSink.Release(); } m_fNodeHasUI = FALSE; return S_OK;
} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
--*/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// called to refresh the nodes
HRESULT CMachineNode::DataRefresh() { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
CComPtr<ISdo> spSdo; CComPtr<ISdoDictionaryOld> spDic; hr = m_pConnectionToServer->ReloadSdo(&spSdo, &spDic);
// refresh client node
if(hr == S_OK) { hr = m_pPoliciesNode->DataRefresh(spSdo, spDic); } return hr; }
See CSnapinNode::OnExpand (which this method overrides) for detailed info.
--*/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CMachineNode::OnExpand( LPARAM arg , LPARAM param , IComponentData * pComponentData , IComponent * pComponent , DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type ) { TRACE_FUNCTION("CMachineNode::OnExpand");
IConsoleNameSpace * pConsoleNameSpace; HRESULT hr = S_FALSE;
if( TRUE == arg ) {
// we are expanding the root node -- which is the machine node here.
// Try to create the children of this Machine node
if( NULL == m_pPoliciesNode ) { m_pPoliciesNode = new CPoliciesNode ( this, m_bstrServerAddress, m_enumExtendedSnapin == INTERNET_AUTHENTICATION_SERVICE_SNAPIN ); }
if( NULL == m_pPoliciesNode ) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;
// Use MessageBox() rather than IConsole::MessageBox() here because the
// first time this gets called m_ipConsole is not fully initialized
// ISSUE: The above statement is probably not true for this node.
::MessageBox( NULL, L"@Unable to allocate new nodes", L"CMachineNode::OnExpand", MB_OK );
return(hr); }
// we need to get all the SDO pointers, this include the SdoServer,
// Dictionary, Profile collection, policy collection and condition collection
//todo: report error when not connected?
hr = BeginConnectAction(); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; }
// But to get that, first we need IConsole
CComPtr<IConsole> spConsole; if( pComponentData != NULL ) { spConsole = ((CComponentData*)pComponentData)->m_spConsole; } else { // We should have a non-null pComponent
spConsole = ((CComponent*)pComponent)->m_spConsole; } _ASSERTE( spConsole != NULL );
hr = spConsole->QueryInterface(IID_IConsoleNameSpace, (VOID**)(&pConsoleNameSpace) ); _ASSERT( S_OK == hr );
// This was done in MeanGene's Step 3 -- I'm guessing MMC wants this filled in
m_pPoliciesNode->m_scopeDataItem.relativeID = (HSCOPEITEM) param;
hr = TryShow(NULL); #else
hr = pConsoleNameSpace->InsertItem( &(m_pPoliciesNode->m_scopeDataItem) ); _ASSERT( NULL != m_pPoliciesNode->m_scopeDataItem.ID ); #endif
pConsoleNameSpace->Release(); // Don't forget to do this!
} else // arg != TRUE so not expanding
// do nothing for now -- I don't think arg = FALSE is even implemented
// for MMC v. 1.0 or 1.1
return hr; }
See CSnapinNode::OnRename (which this method overrides) for detailed info.
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HRESULT CMachineNode::OnRename( LPARAM arg , LPARAM param , IComponentData * pComponentData , IComponent * pComponent , DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type ) { TRACE_FUNCTION("MachineNode::OnRename");
//ISSUE: Consider moving this into base CNAPNode class or a CLeafNode class
OLECHAR * pTemp = new OLECHAR[lstrlen((OLECHAR*) param) + 1]; if ( NULL == pTemp ) { return S_FALSE; }
lstrcpy( pTemp, (OLECHAR*) param );
m_bstrDisplayName = pTemp;
return S_OK; }
See CSnapinNode::SetVerbs (which this method overrides) for detailed info.
--*/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CMachineNode::SetVerbs( IConsoleVerb * pConsoleVerb ) { TRACE_FUNCTION("CMachineNode::SetVerbs");
// We want the user to be able to choose Properties on this node
hr = pConsoleVerb->SetVerbState( MMC_VERB_PROPERTIES, ENABLED, TRUE );
// We want the default verb to be Properties
hr = pConsoleVerb->SetDefaultVerb( MMC_VERB_PROPERTIES );
// We want the user to be able to delete this node
hr = pConsoleVerb->SetVerbState( MMC_VERB_DELETE, ENABLED, TRUE );
// We want the user to be able to rename this node
hr = pConsoleVerb->SetVerbState( MMC_VERB_RENAME, ENABLED, TRUE );
return hr; }
This method returns our unique CComponentData object representing the scope pane of this snapin.
It relies upon the fact that each node has a pointer to its parent, except for the root node, which instead has a member variable pointing to CComponentData.
This would be a useful function to use if, for example, you need a reference to some IConsole but you weren't passed one. You can use GetComponentData and then use the IConsole pointer which is a member variable of our CComponentData object.
--*/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
CComponentData * CMachineNode::GetComponentData( void ) { TRACE_FUNCTION("CMachineNode::GetComponentData");
return m_pComponentData;
return NULL; }
// Function: CMachineNode::InitClipboardFormat
// Synopsis: initialize the clipboard format that's used to pass computer name
// from the primary snap-in and extension snap-in
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
// History: Created Header byao 2/25/98 7:04:33 PM
void CMachineNode::InitClipboardFormat() { TRACE_FUNCTION("CMachineNode::InitClipboardFormat");
// Init a clipboard format which will allow us to exchange
// machine name information.
// Function: CMachineNode::InitDataClass
// Synopsis: gets passed the IDataObject sent to the extension snapin for this
// node, queries this IDataObject for the name of the machine
// which this snapin is extending
// Arguments: None
// Returns: Nothing
// History: Created Header mmaguire 2/25/98 9:07 PM
void CMachineNode::InitDataClass(IDataObject* pDataObject, CSnapInItem* pDefault) { TRACE_FUNCTION("CMachineNode::InitDataClass");
// Check for preconditions.
if( m_fAlreadyAnalyzedDataClass ) { // We have already performed any work we needed to do with the dataobject here.
return; }
if (pDataObject == NULL) { return; }
// Try a large size because RRAS seems to want 2048
OLECHAR szMachineName[4000];
// Fill the structures which will tell the IDataObject what information
// we want it to give us.
// Allocate enough global memory for the IDataObject to write
// the max computer name length.
stgmedium.hGlobal = GlobalAlloc(0, sizeof(OLECHAR)*(IAS_MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH) ); if (stgmedium.hGlobal == NULL) { return; }
// Ask the IDataObject for the computer name.
hr = pDataObject->GetDataHere(&formatetc, &stgmedium); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Parse the data given back to us.
// Create a stream on HGLOBAL
CComPtr<IStream> spStream; hr = CreateStreamOnHGlobal(stgmedium.hGlobal, FALSE, &spStream); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // Read from the stream.
unsigned long uWritten; hr = spStream->Read(szMachineName, sizeof(OLECHAR)*(IAS_MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH), &uWritten); if( SUCCEEDED(hr) ) { m_bstrServerAddress = szMachineName;
// check to see if we are configuring the local machine
CString strLocalMachine; DWORD dwSize = MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH;
::GetComputerName(strLocalMachine.GetBuffer(dwSize), &dwSize); strLocalMachine.ReleaseBuffer();
// If the machine name we read was either an empty string,
// or it equals the name of the current computer,
// then we are configuring the local machine.
if ( ! szMachineName[0] || strLocalMachine.CompareNoCase(szMachineName) == 0) { m_bConfigureLocal = TRUE; } else m_bConfigureLocal = FALSE;
} else { ShowErrorDialog( NULL, USE_DEFAULT, NULL, S_OK, USE_DEFAULT, GetComponentData()->m_spConsole ); } }
if( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ) { // If we made it to here with an successful HRESULT, we have successfully analyzed
// the IDataObject and we set this flag so that we don't do this work again.
m_fAlreadyAnalyzedDataClass = TRUE; }
See CSnapinNode::TaskNotify (which this method overrides) for detailed info.
--*/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
STDMETHODIMP CMachineNode::TaskNotify( IDataObject * pDataObject , VARIANT * pvarg , VARIANT * pvparam ) { TRACE_FUNCTION("CMachineNode::TaskNotify");
// Check for preconditions:
// None.
if ( !m_fSdoConnected ) { return S_OK; }
if (pvarg->vt == VT_I4) { switch (pvarg->lVal) { case MACHINE_TASK__DEFINE_NETWORK_ACCESS_POLICY: hr = OnTaskPadDefineNetworkAccessPolicy( pDataObject, pvarg, pvparam ); break; default: break; }
// ISSUE: What should I be returning here?
return hr;
See CSnapinNode::EnumTasks (which this method overrides) for detailed info.
--*/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
STDMETHODIMP CMachineNode::EnumTasks( IDataObject * pDataObject , BSTR szTaskGroup , IEnumTASK** ppEnumTASK ) { TRACE_FUNCTION("CMachineNode::EnumTasks");
// Check for preconditions:
// None.
if ( !m_fSdoConnected ) { return S_OK; }
HRESULT hr = S_OK; CMachineEnumTask * pMachineEnumTask = new CMachineEnumTask( this );
if ( pMachineEnumTask == NULL ) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; } else { // Make sure release works properly on failure.
pMachineEnumTask ->AddRef ();
hr = pMachineEnumTask ->Init( pDataObject, szTaskGroup); if( hr == S_OK ) { hr = pMachineEnumTask->QueryInterface( IID_IEnumTASK, (void **)ppEnumTASK ); } pMachineEnumTask->Release(); }
return hr; }
Respond to the Define Network Access Policy taskpad command.
--*/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CMachineNode::OnTaskPadDefineNetworkAccessPolicy( IDataObject * pDataObject , VARIANT * pvarg , VARIANT * pvparam ) { TRACE_FUNCTION("CMachineNode::OnTaskPadDefineNetworkAccessPolicy");
// Check for preconditions:
// None.
if ( !m_fSdoConnected ) { return S_OK; }
HRESULT hr = S_OK ; bool bDummy = TRUE;
// Simulate a call to the OnNewPolicy message on the CPoliciesNode object,
// just as if the user had clicked on New Policy
_ASSERTE( m_pPoliciesNode != NULL );
// The process command message will need a pointer to CSnapInObjectRoot
CComponentData *pComponentData = GetComponentData(); _ASSERTE( pComponentData != NULL ); hr = m_pPoliciesNode->OnNewPolicy( bDummy // Not needed.
, (CSnapInObjectRootBase *) pComponentData );
return hr; }
--*/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
HRESULT CMachineNode::BeginConnectAction( void ) { TRACE_FUNCTION("CMachineNode::BeginConnectAction");
if( NULL != m_pConnectionToServer ) { // Already begun.
return S_FALSE; }
m_pConnectionToServer = new CConnectionToServer( this, m_bstrServerAddress, m_enumExtendedSnapin == INTERNET_AUTHENTICATION_SERVICE_SNAPIN ); if( NULL == m_pConnectionToServer ) { ShowErrorDialog( NULL, IDS_ERROR_CANT_CREATE_OBJECT, NULL, S_OK, USE_DEFAULT, GetComponentData()->m_spConsole ); return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } m_pConnectionToServer->AddRef();
// This starts the connect action off in another thread.
CComponentData * pComponentData = GetComponentData(); _ASSERTE( pComponentData != NULL ); _ASSERTE( pComponentData->m_spConsole != NULL );
HWND hWndMainWindow;
hr = pComponentData->m_spConsole->GetMainWindow( &hWndMainWindow ); _ASSERTE( SUCCEEDED( hr ) ); _ASSERTE( NULL != hWndMainWindow );
// This modeless dialog will take care of calling InitSdoPointers
// when it is notified by the worker thread it creates that
// the connect action got an SDO pointer.
HWND hWndConnectDialog = m_pConnectionToServer->Create( hWndMainWindow );
if( NULL == hWndConnectDialog ) { // Error -- couldn't create window.
ShowErrorDialog( NULL, USE_DEFAULT, NULL, S_OK, USE_DEFAULT, GetComponentData()->m_spConsole ); return E_FAIL; }
if ( m_enumExtendedSnapin != INTERNET_AUTHENTICATION_SERVICE_SNAPIN ) { //
// don't show the "Connecting ... " window for IAS, because IAS UI
// already does that
// MAM 07/27/98 -- Don't show any connection window at all -- we will
// change the policies icon to an hourglass.
} return S_OK; }
// Function: CMachineNode::LoadSdoData
// Synopsis: load data from SDO
// Arguments: BOOL fDSAvailable -- is DS service available for this machine?
// Returns: HRESULT -
// History: Created Header byao 6/11/98 3:17:21 PM
// Created for asynchrnous connect call
HRESULT CMachineNode::LoadSdoData(BOOL fDSAvailable) { TRACE_FUNCTION("CMachineNode::LoadSdoData");
m_fDSAvailable = fDSAvailable;
// Retrieve the SDO interfaces that we obtained during the
// connect action.
// No smart pointers here -- prevents needless AddRefing and Releasing.
ISdo* pSdoService;
hr = m_pConnectionToServer->GetSdoService( &pSdoService ); if( FAILED( hr ) || ! pSdoService ) { ErrorTrace(ERROR_NAPMMC_MACHINENODE, "Can't get service Sdo"); return hr; }
ISdoDictionaryOld * pSdoDictionaryOld;
hr = m_pConnectionToServer->GetSdoDictionaryOld( &pSdoDictionaryOld ); if( FAILED( hr ) || ! pSdoDictionaryOld ) { ErrorTrace(ERROR_NAPMMC_MACHINENODE, "Can't get dictionary Sdo"); return hr; }
// Is the server using Active Directory or the local machine?
CComVariant var;
hr = spMachineSdo->GetProperty(PROPERTY_SERVER_USE_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY, &var); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { ErrorTrace(ERROR_NAPMMC_MACHINENODE, "Can't get Server_Use_Active_Directory property, err = %x", hr); return hr; }
_ASSERTE( V_VT(&var) == VT_BOOL );
m_fUseActiveDirectory = (V_BOOL(&var)==VARIANT_TRUE);
// Give the policies node the pointer to the policies sdo collection.
if ( m_pPoliciesNode ) { hr = m_pPoliciesNode->SetSdo(pSdoService, pSdoDictionaryOld, TRUE, // fSdoConnected,
m_fUseActiveDirectory, m_fDSAvailable // fDSAvailable,
); } m_fSdoConnected = TRUE;
// We want to make sure all views get updated.
CChangeNotification *pChangeNotification = new CChangeNotification(); pChangeNotification->m_dwFlags = CHANGE_UPDATE_CHILDREN_OF_SELECTED_NODE; hr = GetComponentData()->m_spConsole->UpdateAllViews( NULL, (LPARAM) pChangeNotification, 0); pChangeNotification->Release();
return hr; }