Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: rapwz_profile.cpp
Abstract: Implementation file for the CNewRAPWiz_EditProfile class. We implement the class needed to handle the first property page for a Policy node.
Revision History: mmaguire 12/15/97 - created byao 1/22/98 Modified for Network Access Policy
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#include "Precompiled.h"
#include "rapwz_profile.h"
#include "NapUtil.h"
#include "PolicyNode.h"
#include "PoliciesNode.h"
#include "rasprof.h"
#include "ChangeNotification.h"
// Function: CNewRAPWiz_EditProfile
// Class: CNewRAPWiz_EditProfile
// Synopsis: class constructor
// Arguments: CPolicyNode *pPolicyNode - policy node for this property page
// CIASAttrList *pAttrList -- attribute list
// TCHAR* pTitle = NULL -
// Returns: Nothing
// History: Created Header byao 2/16/98 4:31:52 PM
CNewRAPWiz_EditProfile::CNewRAPWiz_EditProfile( CRapWizardData* pWizData, LONG_PTR hNotificationHandle, CIASAttrList *pIASAttrList, TCHAR* pTitle, BOOL bOwnsNotificationHandle, bool isWin2k ) : CIASWizard97Page<CNewRAPWiz_EditProfile, IDS_NEWRAPWIZ_EDITPROFILE_TITLE, IDS_NEWRAPWIZ_EDITPROFILE_SUBTITLE> ( hNotificationHandle, pTitle, bOwnsNotificationHandle ), m_spWizData(pWizData), m_isWin2k(isWin2k) { TRACE_FUNCTION("CNewRAPWiz_EditProfile::CNewRAPWiz_EditProfile");
m_pIASAttrList = pIASAttrList; }
// Function: CNewRAPWiz_EditProfile
// Class: CNewRAPWiz_EditProfile
// Synopsis: class destructor
// Returns: Nothing
// History: Created Header byao 2/16/98 4:31:52 PM
CNewRAPWiz_EditProfile::~CNewRAPWiz_EditProfile() { TRACE_FUNCTION("CNewRAPWiz_EditProfile::~CNewRAPWiz_EditProfile");
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LRESULT CNewRAPWiz_EditProfile::OnInitDialog(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled) { TRACE_FUNCTION("CNewRAPWiz_EditProfile::OnInitDialog");
HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL fRet; CComPtr<IUnknown> spUnknown; CComPtr<IEnumVARIANT> spEnumVariant; long ulCount; ULONG ulCountReceived;
SetModified(FALSE); return TRUE; // ISSUE: what do we need to be returning here?
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BOOL CNewRAPWiz_EditProfile::OnWizardNext() {
// reset the dirty bit
return m_spWizData->GetNextPageId(((PROPSHEETPAGE*)(*this))->pszTemplate); }
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BOOL CNewRAPWiz_EditProfile::OnQueryCancel() { TRACE_FUNCTION("CNewRAPWiz_EditProfile::OnQueryCancel");
return TRUE; }
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// Signature of the entry point to the profile editing DLL.
typedef HRESULT (APIENTRY *OPENRAS_IASPROFILEDLG)( LPCWSTR pszMachineName, ISdo* pProfile, // profile SDO pointer
ISdoDictionaryOld* pDictionary, // dictionary SDO pointer
BOOL bReadOnly, // if the dlg is for readonly
DWORD dwTabFlags, // what to show
void *pvData // additional data
LRESULT CNewRAPWiz_EditProfile::OnEditProfile(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, HWND hwnd, BOOL& bHandled) { TRACE_FUNCTION("CNewRAPWiz_EditProfile::OnEditProfile");
HRESULT hr = S_OK; HMODULE hProfileDll = NULL;
hProfileDll = LoadLibrary(_T("rasuser.dll")); if ( NULL == hProfileDll ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); ErrorTrace(ERROR_NAPMMC_POLICYPAGE1, "LoadLibrary() failed, err = %x", hr);
ShowErrorDialog(m_hWnd, IDS_ERROR_CANT_FIND_PROFILEDLL, NULL, hr); return 0; } pfnProfileEditor = (OPENRAS_IASPROFILEDLG) GetProcAddress(hProfileDll, "OpenRAS_IASProfileDlg"); if ( NULL == pfnProfileEditor ) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError()); ErrorTrace(ERROR_NAPMMC_POLICYPAGE1, "GetProcAddress() failed, err = %x", hr);
ShowErrorDialog(m_hWnd, IDS_ERROR_CANT_FIND_PROFILEAPI, NULL, hr); FreeLibrary(hProfileDll); return 0; }
// findout if this is extending RRAS or IAS
CPoliciesNode* pPoliciesNode = dynamic_cast<CPoliciesNode*>(m_spWizData->m_pPolicyNode->m_pParentNode);
DWORD dwFlags = RAS_IAS_PROFILEDLG_SHOW_IASTABS; if(pPoliciesNode != NULL) { if(!pPoliciesNode->m_fExtendingIAS) dwFlags = RAS_IAS_PROFILEDLG_SHOW_RASTABS; }
if(m_isWin2k) { dwFlags |= RAS_IAS_PROFILEDLG_SHOW_WIN2K; } //
// now we do have this profile sdo, call the API
hr = pfnProfileEditor( m_spWizData->m_pPolicyNode->m_pszServerAddress, m_spWizData->m_spProfileSdo, m_spWizData->m_spDictionarySdo, FALSE, dwFlags, (void *)&(m_pIASAttrList->m_AttrList) ); FreeLibrary(hProfileDll); DebugTrace(DEBUG_NAPMMC_POLICYPAGE1, "OpenRAS_IASProfileDlg() returned %x", hr); if ( FAILED(hr) ) { return hr; }
return hr; }
Return values:
TRUE if the page can be made active FALSE if the page should be be skipped and the next page should be looked at.
If you want to change which pages are visited based on a user's choices in a previous page, return FALSE here as appropriate.
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BOOL CNewRAPWiz_EditProfile::OnSetActive() { ATLTRACE(_T("# CNewRAPWiz_EditProfile::OnSetActive\n")); // MSDN docs say you need to use PostMessage here rather than SendMessage.
::PropSheet_SetWizButtons(GetParent(), PSWIZB_BACK | PSWIZB_NEXT);
return TRUE;