// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
// Defines the class Request.
#include <polcypch.h>
#include <iasattr.h>
#include <sdoias.h>
#include <request.h>
#include <new>
PIASATTRIBUTE Request::findFirst(DWORD id) const throw () { for (PIASATTRIBUTE* a = begin; a != end; ++a) { if ((*a)->dwId == id) { return *a; } }
return NULL; }
Request* Request::narrow(IUnknown* pUnk) throw () { Request* request = NULL;
if (pUnk) { HRESULT hr = pUnk->QueryInterface( __uuidof(Request), (PVOID*)&request ); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { request->GetUnknown()->Release(); } }
return request; }
STDMETHODIMP Request::get_Source(IRequestSource** pVal) { if (*pVal = source) { source->AddRef(); } return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP Request::put_Source(IRequestSource* newVal) { if (source) { source->Release(); } if (source = newVal) { source->AddRef(); } return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP Request::get_Protocol(IASPROTOCOL *pVal) { *pVal = protocol; return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP Request::put_Protocol(IASPROTOCOL newVal) { protocol = newVal; return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP Request::get_Request(LONG *pVal) { *pVal = (LONG)request; return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP Request::put_Request(LONG newVal) { request = (IASREQUEST)newVal; return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP Request::get_Response(LONG *pVal) { *pVal = (LONG)response; return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP Request::get_Reason(LONG *pVal) { *pVal = (LONG)reason; return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP Request::SetResponse(IASRESPONSE eResponse, LONG lReason) { response = eResponse; reason = (IASREASON)lReason; return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP Request::ReturnToSource(IASREQUESTSTATUS eStatus) { return source ? source->OnRequestComplete(this, eStatus) : S_OK; }
HRESULT Request::AddAttributes( DWORD dwPosCount, PATTRIBUTEPOSITION pPositions ) { if (!reserve(size() + dwPosCount)) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
for ( ; dwPosCount; --dwPosCount, ++pPositions) { IASAttributeAddRef(pPositions->pAttribute); *end++ = pPositions->pAttribute; }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT Request::RemoveAttributes( DWORD dwPosCount, PATTRIBUTEPOSITION pPositions ) { for ( ; dwPosCount; --dwPosCount, ++pPositions) { PIASATTRIBUTE* pos = find(pPositions->pAttribute); if (pos != 0) { IASAttributeRelease(*pos); --end; memmove(pos, pos + 1, (end - pos) * sizeof(PIASATTRIBUTE)); } }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT Request::RemoveAttributesByType( DWORD dwAttrIDCount, DWORD *lpdwAttrIDs ) { for ( ; dwAttrIDCount; ++lpdwAttrIDs, --dwAttrIDCount) { for (PIASATTRIBUTE* i = begin; i != end; ) { if ((*i)->dwId == *lpdwAttrIDs) { IASAttributeRelease(*i); --end; memmove(i, i + 1, (end - i) * sizeof(PIASATTRIBUTE)); } else { ++i; } } }
return S_OK; }
HRESULT Request::GetAttributeCount( DWORD *lpdwCount ) { *lpdwCount = size();
return S_OK; }
HRESULT Request::GetAttributes( DWORD *lpdwPosCount, PATTRIBUTEPOSITION pPositions, DWORD dwAttrIDCount, DWORD *lpdwAttrIDs ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD count = 0;
// End of the caller supplied array.
PATTRIBUTEPOSITION stop = pPositions + *lpdwPosCount;
// Next struct to be filled.
// Force at least one iteration of the for loop.
if (!lpdwAttrIDs) { dwAttrIDCount = 1; }
// Iterate through the desired attribute IDs.
for ( ; dwAttrIDCount; ++lpdwAttrIDs, --dwAttrIDCount) { // Iterate through the request's attribute collection.
for (PIASATTRIBUTE* i = begin; i != end; ++i) { // Did the caller ask for all the attributes ?
// If not, is this a match for one of the requested IDs ?
if (!lpdwAttrIDs || (*i)->dwId == *lpdwAttrIDs) { if (next) { if (next == stop) { *lpdwPosCount = count; return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_MORE_DATA); }
IASAttributeAddRef(next->pAttribute = *i); ++next; }
++count; } } }
*lpdwPosCount = count;
return hr; }
STDMETHODIMP Request::InsertBefore( PATTRIBUTEPOSITION newAttr, PATTRIBUTEPOSITION refAttr ) { // Reserve space for the new attribute.
if (!reserve(size() + 1)) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// Find the position; if it doesn't exist we'll do a simple add.
PIASATTRIBUTE* pos = find(refAttr->pAttribute); if (pos == 0) { return AddAttributes(1, newAttr); }
// Move the existing attribute out of the way.
memmove(pos + 1, pos, (end - pos) * sizeof(PIASATTRIBUTE)); ++end;
// Store the new attribute.
*pos = newAttr->pAttribute; IASAttributeAddRef(*pos);
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP Request::Push( ULONG64 State ) { const PULONG64 END_STATE = state + sizeof(state)/sizeof(state[0]);
if (topOfStack != END_STATE) { *topOfStack = State;
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP Request::Pop( ULONG64* pState ) { if (topOfStack != state) { --topOfStack;
*pState = *topOfStack;
return S_OK; }
return E_FAIL; }
STDMETHODIMP Request::Top( ULONG64* pState ) { if (topOfStack != state) { *pState = *(topOfStack - 1);
return S_OK; }
return E_FAIL; }
Request::Request() throw () : source(NULL), protocol(IAS_PROTOCOL_RADIUS), request(IAS_REQUEST_ACCESS_REQUEST), response(IAS_RESPONSE_INVALID), reason(IAS_SUCCESS), begin(NULL), end(NULL), capacity(NULL), topOfStack(&state[0]) { topOfStack = state; }
Request::~Request() throw () { for (PIASATTRIBUTE* i = begin; i != end; ++i) { IASAttributeRelease(*i); }
delete[] begin;
if (source) { source->Release(); } }
inline size_t Request::size() const throw () { return end - begin; }
bool Request::reserve(size_t newCapacity) throw () { if (newCapacity <= capacity) { return true; }
// Increase the capacity by at least 50% and never less than 32.
size_t minCapacity = (capacity > 21) ? (capacity * 3 / 2): 32;
// Is the requested capacity less than the minimum resize?
if (newCapacity < minCapacity) { newCapacity = minCapacity; }
// Allocate the new array.
PIASATTRIBUTE* newArray = new (std::nothrow) PIASATTRIBUTE[newCapacity]; if (newArray == 0) { return false; }
// Save the values in the old array.
memcpy(newArray, begin, size() * sizeof(PIASATTRIBUTE));
// Delete the old array.
delete[] begin;
// Update our pointers.
end = newArray + size(); begin = newArray; capacity = newCapacity;
return true; }
PIASATTRIBUTE* Request::find(IASATTRIBUTE* key) const throw () { for (PIASATTRIBUTE* i = begin; i != end; ++i) { if (*i == key) { return i; } }
return 0; }