// enforcer.cpp
// This file defines the class PolicyEnforcer.
#include <ias.h>
#include <iastlutl.h>
#include <iasutil.h>
#include <sdoias.h>
#include <enforcer.h>
#include <factory.h>
#include <policylist.h>
#include <SortedSdoCollection.h>
#include <TunnelTagger.h>
#include <BuildTree.h>
#include <xprparse.h>
_COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ISdo, __uuidof(ISdo)); _COM_SMARTPTR_TYPEDEF(ISdoCollection, __uuidof(ISdoCollection));
PolicyEnforcerBase::~PolicyEnforcerBase() throw () { TunnelTagger::Free(tagger); }
void PolicyEnforcerBase::processException( IRequest* pRequest, const _com_error& ce ) throw () { LONG reason; if (ce.Error() == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_MORE_DATA)) { reason = IAS_MALFORMED_REQUEST; } else { reason = IAS_INTERNAL_ERROR; }
// If there was any kind of error, discard the packet.
pRequest->SetResponse(IAS_RESPONSE_DISCARD_PACKET, reason); }
void PolicyEnforcerBase::setPolicies(IDispatch* pDisp) { using _com_util::CheckError;
if (tagger == 0) { tagger = TunnelTagger::Alloc(); }
// Get the underlying collection.
ISdoCollectionPtr collection(pDisp);
// Get the enumerator out of the collection.
IUnknownPtr unk; CheckError(get__NewSortedEnum(collection, &unk, PROPERTY_POLICY_MERIT)); IEnumVARIANTPtr iter(unk);
// Find out how many policies there are ...
long count; CheckError(collection->get_Count(&count));
// ... and create a temporary list to hold them.
PolicyList temp; temp.reserve(count);
// Iterate through each policy in the collection.
_variant_t element; unsigned long fetched;
while (iter->Next(1, &element, &fetched) == S_OK && fetched == 1) { // Get an SDO out of the variant.
ISdoPtr policy(element); element.Clear();
// Get the action and expression from the SDO.
_variant_t policyName, propAction, propExpr; CheckError(policy->GetProperty(PROPERTY_SDO_NAME, &policyName)); CheckError(policy->GetProperty(PROPERTY_POLICY_ACTION, &propAction)); CheckError(policy->GetProperty(PROPERTY_POLICY_CONSTRAINT, &propExpr));
// Create the Action object.
ActionPtr action( new Action( V_BSTR(&policyName), nameAttr, propAction, *tagger ) );
// Parse the msNPConstraint strings into a token array.
_variant_t tokens; CheckError(IASParseExpressionEx(&propExpr, &tokens));
// Convert the token array into a logic tree.
IConditionPtr expr; CheckError(IASBuildExpression(&tokens, &expr));
// Insert the objects into our policy list.
temp.insert(expr, action); }
// We successfully traversed the collection, so save the results.
policies.swap(temp); }
STDMETHODIMP PolicyEnforcerBase::Shutdown() { policies.clear();
// We may as well clear the factory cache here.
return S_OK; }
STDMETHODIMP PolicyEnforcerBase::PutProperty(LONG Id, VARIANT *pValue) { if (pValue == NULL) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
switch (Id) { case PROPERTY_NAP_POLICIES_COLLECTION: { if (V_VT(pValue) != VT_DISPATCH) { return DISP_E_TYPEMISMATCH; } try { setPolicies(V_DISPATCH(pValue)); } CATCH_AND_RETURN(); break; }
default: { return DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND; } }
return S_OK; }
IASREQUESTSTATUS PolicyEnforcerBase::onSyncRequest(IRequest* pRequest) throw () { _ASSERT(pRequest != NULL); return IAS_REQUEST_STATUS_ABORT; }
IASREQUESTSTATUS PolicyEnforcer::onSyncRequest(IRequest* pRequest) throw () { _ASSERT(pRequest != NULL);
try { IASRequest request(pRequest);
if (!policies.apply(request)) { // Access-Request: reject the user.
request.SetResponse(IAS_RESPONSE_ACCESS_REJECT, IAS_NO_POLICY_MATCH); } } catch (const _com_error& ce) { processException(pRequest, ce); }
IASREQUESTSTATUS ProxyPolicyEnforcer::onSyncRequest(IRequest* pRequest) throw () { _ASSERT(pRequest != NULL);
try { IASRequest request(pRequest);
if (!policies.apply(request)) { // If no policy fired, then check is that was an Accounting
// or an access request
// Accounting: discard the packet
if (request.get_Request() == IAS_REQUEST_ACCOUNTING) { request.SetResponse(IAS_RESPONSE_DISCARD_PACKET, IAS_NO_CXN_REQ_POLICY_MATCH); } else { // Access-Request: reject the user.
request.SetResponse(IAS_RESPONSE_ACCESS_REJECT, IAS_NO_CXN_REQ_POLICY_MATCH); } } } catch (const _com_error& ce) { processException(pRequest, ce); }