// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
// Defines the class RasUser.
#include <ias.h>
#include <iastlutl.h>
#include <iaslsa.h>
#include <iasntds.h>
#include <iasparms.h>
#include <sdoias.h>
#include <rasuser.h>
#include <userschema.h>
// Attributes that should be retrieved for each user.
const PCWSTR USER_PARMS[] = { L"userParameters", NULL };
HRESULT RasUser::initialize() throw () { //////////
// Let's get everything that could fail out of the way first.
PIASATTRIBUTE attrs[3]; DWORD error = IASAttributeAlloc(3, attrs); if (error) { return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(error); }
// Initialize the dial-in bit attributes.
attrs[0]->dwId = IAS_ATTRIBUTE_ALLOW_DIALIN; attrs[0]->Value.itType = IASTYPE_BOOLEAN; attrs[0]->Value.Boolean = TRUE; attrs[1]->dwFlags = 0; allowAccess.attach(attrs[0], false);
attrs[1]->dwId = IAS_ATTRIBUTE_ALLOW_DIALIN; attrs[1]->Value.itType = IASTYPE_BOOLEAN; attrs[1]->Value.Boolean = FALSE; attrs[1]->dwFlags = 0; denyAccess.attach(attrs[1], false);
attrs[2]->dwId = RADIUS_ATTRIBUTE_SERVICE_TYPE; attrs[2]->Value.itType = IASTYPE_ENUM; attrs[2]->Value.Enumerator = 4; attrs[2]->dwFlags = IAS_INCLUDE_IN_ACCEPT; callbackFramed.attach(attrs[2], false);
return S_OK; }
void RasUser::finalize() throw () { allowAccess.release(); denyAccess.release(); callbackFramed.release(); }
IASREQUESTSTATUS RasUser::processUser( IASRequest& request, PCWSTR domainName, PCWSTR username ) { IASTraceString("Using downlevel dial-in parameters.");
DWORD error; RAS_USER_0 ru0;
// Try using LDAP first since it's fastest.
IASNtdsResult result; error = IASNtdsQueryUserAttributes( domainName, username, LDAP_SCOPE_SUBTREE, const_cast<PWCHAR*>(USER_PARMS), &result ); if (error == NO_ERROR) { // Retrieve the connection for this message.
LDAP* ld = ldap_conn_from_msg(NULL, result.msg);
LDAPMessage* entry = ldap_first_entry(ld, result.msg); if (entry) { // Store the user's DN.
PWCHAR dn = ldap_get_dnW(ld, entry); IASStoreFQUserName(request, DS_FQDN_1779_NAME, dn); ldap_memfree(dn);
// There is at most one attribute.
PWCHAR *str = ldap_get_valuesW( ld, entry, const_cast<PWCHAR>(USER_PARMS[0]) );
// It's okay if we didn't get anything, the API can handle NULL
// UserParameters.
error = IASParmsQueryRasUser0((str ? *str : NULL), &ru0);
ldap_value_freeW(str); } else { error = ERROR_NO_SUCH_USER; } } else if (error == ERROR_DS_NOT_INSTALLED) { // No DS, so fall back to SAM APIs.
error = IASGetRASUserInfo(username, domainName, &ru0); }
if (error) { IASTraceFailure("Per-user attribute retrieval", error);
return IASProcessFailure(request, hr); }
// Used for injecting single attributes.
ATTRIBUTEPOSITION pos, *first, *last; first = &pos; last = first + 1;
// Insert the always present Allow-Dialin attribute.
if ((ru0.bfPrivilege & RASPRIV_DialinPrivilege) == 0) { first->pAttribute = denyAccess; } else { first->pAttribute = allowAccess; }
IASTraceString("Inserting attribute msNPAllowDialin."); OverwriteAttribute(request, first, last);
// Insert the "Callback Framed" service type if callback is allowed.
if ((ru0.bfPrivilege & RASPRIV_CallbackType) != RASPRIV_NoCallback) { first->pAttribute = callbackFramed;
IASTraceString("Inserting attribute msRADIUSServiceType."); OverwriteAttribute(request, first, last); }
// Insert the Callback-Number if present.
if (ru0.bfPrivilege & RASPRIV_AdminSetCallback) { IASAttribute callback(true); callback->dwId = RADIUS_ATTRIBUTE_CALLBACK_NUMBER; callback.setOctetString(ru0.wszPhoneNumber); callback.setFlag(IAS_INCLUDE_IN_ACCEPT);
first->pAttribute = callback;
IASTraceString("Inserting attribute msRADIUSCallbackNumber."); OverwriteAttribute(request, first, last); }
IASTraceString("Successfully retrieved per-user attributes."); return IAS_REQUEST_STATUS_HANDLED; }