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  1. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  2. //
  3. // IPSEC Policy Storage Component
  4. // Contract Category: Directory Schema
  5. // Copyright (C) 1997 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
  6. //
  7. // File: cpolstor.h
  8. //
  9. // Contents: C interface for access to Polstore DLL
  10. //
  11. // Notes:
  12. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  13. #ifndef __C_POLICY_STORAGE_H__
  14. #define __C_POLICY_STORAGE_H__
  15. #include "polguids.h"
  16. // This is a structure that has the policy's name and guid in it
  17. struct C_IPSEC_POLICY_INFO
  18. {
  19. TCHAR szPolicyName[MAX_PATH];
  20. TCHAR szPolicyDescription[MAX_PATH];
  21. GUID guidPolicyId;
  22. C_IPSEC_POLICY_INFO * pNextPolicyInfo;
  23. };
  24. STDAPI HrGetLocalIpSecPolicyList(C_IPSEC_POLICY_INFO ** ppPolicyInfoList, C_IPSEC_POLICY_INFO ** ppActivePolicyInfo);
  25. STDAPI HrFreeLocalIpSecPolicyList(C_IPSEC_POLICY_INFO* pPolicyInfoList);
  26. STDAPI HrSetAssignedLocalPolicy(GUID* pActivePolicyGuid);
  27. //HrIsLocalPolicyAssigned() return values:
  28. // S_OK = Yes, local policy is assigned.
  29. // S_FALSE = No, local policy not assigned.
  30. STDAPI HrIsLocalPolicyAssigned();
  31. //HrIsDomainPolicyAssigned() return values:
  32. // S_OK = Yes, domain policy is assigned.
  33. // S_FALSE = No, domain policy not assigned.
  34. STDAPI HrIsDomainPolicyAssigned();
  35. STDAPI HrGetAssignedDomainPolicyName(LPTSTR strPolicyName, DWORD *pdwBufferSize);
  36. #endif