File mprapip.h
Declarations for private mprapi.dll functions.
6/24/98 */
#include <mprapi.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { #endif
// Definitions of flags to be used with
// MprAdminUserReadProfFlags/MprAdminUserWriteProfFlags
// Only valid for MprAdminUserWriteProfFlags
// Definition for new information to be reported
// through user parms
#define RASPRIV_DialinPolicy 0x10
// Defines the type of access a domain can give
// See MprDomainSetAccess, MprDomainQueryAccess
#define MPRFLAG_PORT_Dialin 0x1 // set ports to dialin usage
#define MPRFLAG_PORT_Router 0x2 // set ports to router usage
#define MPRFLAG_PORT_NonVpnDialin 0x4 // set non-vpn ports to dialin
// Flags that govern the behavior of MprPortSetUsage
#define MPRFLAG_PORT_Dialin 0x1
#define MPRFLAG_PORT_Router 0x2
// Connects to a user server
DWORD WINAPI MprAdminUserServerConnect ( IN PWCHAR pszMachine, IN BOOL bLocal, OUT PHANDLE phUserServer);
// Disconnects from a user server
DWORD WINAPI MprAdminUserServerDisconnect ( IN HANDLE hUserServer);
// Opens the given user on the given user server
DWORD WINAPI MprAdminUserOpen ( IN HANDLE hUserServer, IN PWCHAR pszUser, OUT PHANDLE phUser);
// Closes the given user
DWORD WINAPI MprAdminUserClose ( IN HANDLE hUser);
// Reads in user ras-specific values
DWORD WINAPI MprAdminUserRead ( IN HANDLE hUser, IN DWORD dwLevel, IN const LPBYTE pRasUser);
// Writes out user ras-specific values
DWORD WINAPI MprAdminUserWrite ( IN HANDLE hUser, IN DWORD dwLevel, IN const LPBYTE pRasUser);
// Reads default profile flags
DWORD WINAPI MprAdminUserReadProfFlags( IN HANDLE hUserServer, OUT LPDWORD lpdwFlags);
// Writes default profile flags
DWORD WINAPI MprAdminUserWriteProfFlags( IN HANDLE hUserServer, IN DWORD dwFlags);
// Upgrades users from previous OS version to current.
DWORD APIENTRY MprAdminUpgradeUsers( IN PWCHAR pszServer, IN BOOL bLocal);
// Registers/Unregisters a ras server in a domain.
// Must be called from context of a domain admin.
DWORD WINAPI MprDomainRegisterRasServer ( IN PWCHAR pszDomain, IN PWCHAR pszMachine, IN BOOL bEnable);
DWORD WINAPI MprAdminEstablishDomainRasServer ( IN PWCHAR pszDomain, IN PWCHAR pszMachine, IN BOOL bEnable);
DWORD WINAPI MprAdminIsDomainRasServer ( IN PWCHAR pszDomain, IN PWCHAR pszMachine, OUT PBOOL pbIsRasServer); //
// Determines whether the given machine is registered
// in the given domain.
DWORD WINAPI MprDomainQueryRasServer ( IN PWCHAR pszDomain, IN PWCHAR pszMachine, OUT PBOOL pbIsRasServer);
// Modifies the given domain with so that it yeilds the given access.
// See MPR_DOMAIN_ACCESS_* values for the flags
DWORD WINAPI MprDomainSetAccess( IN PWCHAR pszDomain, IN DWORD dwAccessFlags);
// Discovers what if any access is yeilded by the given domain.
// See MPR_DOMAIN_ACCESS_* values for the flags
DWORD WINAPI MprDomainQueryAccess( IN PWCHAR pszDomain, IN LPDWORD lpdwAccessFlags);
// Sets all port usages to the given mode. See MPRFLAG_PORT_*.
// The naming convention here is intentionally private. Eventually,
// there should be MprAdmin and MprConfig api's to set port usage.
DWORD APIENTRY MprPortSetUsage( IN DWORD dwModes);
// Internal credentials functions shared by mprapi.dll and rasppp.dll
DWORD APIENTRY MprAdminInterfaceSetCredentialsInternal( IN LPWSTR lpwsServer OPTIONAL, IN LPWSTR lpwsInterfaceName, IN LPWSTR lpwsUserName OPTIONAL, IN LPWSTR lpwsDomainName OPTIONAL, IN LPWSTR lpwsPassword OPTIONAL );
DWORD APIENTRY MprAdminInterfaceGetCredentialsInternal( IN LPWSTR lpwsServer OPTIONAL, IN LPWSTR lpwsInterfaceName, IN LPWSTR lpwsUserName OPTIONAL, IN LPWSTR lpwsPassword OPTIONAL, IN LPWSTR lpwsDomainName OPTIONAL );
// Utilities
DWORD MprUtilGetSizeOfMultiSz( IN LPWSTR lpwsMultiSz);
// Internal on-the-wire representations of the structures exposed
// in mprapi.h
typedef struct _MPRI_INTERFACE_0 { IN OUT WCHAR wszInterfaceName[MAX_INTERFACE_NAME_LEN+1]; OUT DWORD dwInterface; IN OUT BOOL fEnabled; IN OUT ROUTER_INTERFACE_TYPE dwIfType; OUT ROUTER_CONNECTION_STATE dwConnectionState; OUT DWORD fUnReachabilityReasons; OUT DWORD dwLastError;
typedef struct _MPRI_INTERFACE_1 { IN OUT WCHAR wszInterfaceName[MAX_INTERFACE_NAME_LEN+1]; OUT DWORD dwInterface; IN OUT BOOL fEnabled; IN OUT ROUTER_INTERFACE_TYPE dwIfType; OUT ROUTER_CONNECTION_STATE dwConnectionState; OUT DWORD fUnReachabilityReasons; OUT DWORD dwLastError; OUT DWORD dwDialoutHoursRestrictionOffset; } MPRI_INTERFACE_1, *PMPRI_INTERFACE_1;
typedef struct _MPRI_INTERFACE_2 { IN OUT WCHAR wszInterfaceName[MAX_INTERFACE_NAME_LEN+1]; OUT DWORD dwInterface; IN OUT BOOL fEnabled; IN OUT ROUTER_INTERFACE_TYPE dwIfType; OUT ROUTER_CONNECTION_STATE dwConnectionState; OUT DWORD fUnReachabilityReasons; OUT DWORD dwLastError;
// Demand dial-specific properties
DWORD dwfOptions;
// Location/phone number
WCHAR szLocalPhoneNumber[ RAS_MaxPhoneNumber + 1 ]; DWORD dwAlternatesOffset;
// PPP/Ip
DWORD ipaddr; DWORD ipaddrDns; DWORD ipaddrDnsAlt; DWORD ipaddrWins; DWORD ipaddrWinsAlt;
// NetProtocols
DWORD dwfNetProtocols;
// Device
WCHAR szDeviceType[ MPR_MaxDeviceType + 1 ]; WCHAR szDeviceName[ MPR_MaxDeviceName + 1 ];
// X.25
WCHAR szX25PadType[ MPR_MaxPadType + 1 ]; WCHAR szX25Address[ MPR_MaxX25Address + 1 ]; WCHAR szX25Facilities[ MPR_MaxFacilities + 1 ]; WCHAR szX25UserData[ MPR_MaxUserData + 1 ]; DWORD dwChannels;
// Multilink
DWORD dwSubEntries; DWORD dwDialMode; DWORD dwDialExtraPercent; DWORD dwDialExtraSampleSeconds; DWORD dwHangUpExtraPercent; DWORD dwHangUpExtraSampleSeconds;
// Idle timeout
DWORD dwIdleDisconnectSeconds;
// Entry Type
DWORD dwType;
// EncryptionType
DWORD dwEncryptionType;
// EAP information
DWORD dwCustomAuthKey; DWORD dwCustomAuthDataSize; DWORD dwCustomAuthDataOffset;
// Guid of the connection
GUID guidId;
// Vpn Strategy
DWORD dwVpnStrategy;
typedef struct _RASI_PORT_0 { OUT DWORD dwPort; OUT DWORD dwConnection; OUT RAS_PORT_CONDITION dwPortCondition; OUT DWORD dwTotalNumberOfCalls; OUT DWORD dwConnectDuration; // In seconds
OUT WCHAR wszPortName[ MAX_PORT_NAME + 1 ]; OUT WCHAR wszMediaName[ MAX_MEDIA_NAME + 1 ]; OUT WCHAR wszDeviceName[ MAX_DEVICE_NAME + 1 ]; OUT WCHAR wszDeviceType[ MAX_DEVICETYPE_NAME + 1 ];
typedef struct _RASI_PORT_1 { OUT DWORD dwPort; OUT DWORD dwConnection; OUT RAS_HARDWARE_CONDITION dwHardwareCondition; OUT DWORD dwLineSpeed; // in bits/second
OUT DWORD dwBytesXmited; OUT DWORD dwBytesRcved; OUT DWORD dwFramesXmited; OUT DWORD dwFramesRcved; OUT DWORD dwCrcErr; OUT DWORD dwTimeoutErr; OUT DWORD dwAlignmentErr; OUT DWORD dwHardwareOverrunErr; OUT DWORD dwFramingErr; OUT DWORD dwBufferOverrunErr; OUT DWORD dwCompressionRatioIn; OUT DWORD dwCompressionRatioOut; } RASI_PORT_1, *PRASI_PORT_1;
typedef struct _RASI_CONNECTION_0 { OUT DWORD dwConnection; OUT DWORD dwInterface; OUT DWORD dwConnectDuration; OUT ROUTER_INTERFACE_TYPE dwInterfaceType; OUT DWORD dwConnectionFlags; OUT WCHAR wszInterfaceName[ MAX_INTERFACE_NAME_LEN + 1 ]; OUT WCHAR wszUserName[ UNLEN + 1 ]; OUT WCHAR wszLogonDomain[ DNLEN + 1 ]; OUT WCHAR wszRemoteComputer[ NETBIOS_NAME_LEN + 1 ];
typedef struct _RASI_CONNECTION_1 { OUT DWORD dwConnection; OUT DWORD dwInterface; OUT PPP_INFO PppInfo; OUT DWORD dwBytesXmited; OUT DWORD dwBytesRcved; OUT DWORD dwFramesXmited; OUT DWORD dwFramesRcved; OUT DWORD dwCrcErr; OUT DWORD dwTimeoutErr; OUT DWORD dwAlignmentErr; OUT DWORD dwHardwareOverrunErr; OUT DWORD dwFramingErr; OUT DWORD dwBufferOverrunErr; OUT DWORD dwCompressionRatioIn; OUT DWORD dwCompressionRatioOut; } RASI_CONNECTION_1, *PRASI_CONNECTION_1;
typedef struct _RASI_CONNECTION_2 { OUT DWORD dwConnection; OUT WCHAR wszUserName[ UNLEN + 1 ]; OUT ROUTER_INTERFACE_TYPE dwInterfaceType; OUT GUID guid; OUT PPP_INFO_2 PppInfo2; } RASI_CONNECTION_2, *PRASI_CONNECTION_2;
// Thunking api's
typedef VOID (* MprThunk_Free_Func)( IN PVOID pvData);
typedef PVOID (* MprThunk_Allocation_Func)( IN DWORD dwSize);
DWORD MprThunkInterfaceFree( IN PVOID pvData, IN DWORD dwLevel);
DWORD MprThunkInterface_WtoH( IN DWORD dwLevel, IN LPBYTE lpbBuffer, IN DWORD dwBufferSize, IN DWORD dwCount, IN MprThunk_Allocation_Func pAlloc, IN MprThunk_Free_Func pFree, OUT LPBYTE* lplpbBuffer);
DWORD MprThunkInterface_HtoW( IN DWORD dwLevel, IN LPBYTE lpbBuffer, OUT LPBYTE* lplpbBuffer, OUT LPDWORD lpdwSize);
DWORD MprThunkPort_WtoH( IN DWORD dwLevel, IN LPBYTE lpbBuffer, IN DWORD dwBufferSize, IN DWORD dwCount, IN MprThunk_Allocation_Func pAlloc, IN MprThunk_Free_Func pFree, OUT LPBYTE* lplpbBuffer);
DWORD MprThunkConnection_WtoH( IN DWORD dwLevel, IN LPBYTE lpbBuffer, IN DWORD dwBufferSize, IN DWORD dwCount, IN MprThunk_Allocation_Func pAlloc, IN MprThunk_Free_Func pFree, OUT LPBYTE* lplpbBuffer);
DWORD MprThunkCredentials_HtoW( IN DWORD dwLevel, IN BYTE *pBuffer, IN MprThunk_Allocation_Func pAlloc, OUT DWORD *pdwSize, OUT PBYTE *lplpbBuffer);
DWORD MprThunkCredentials_WtoH( IN DWORD dwLevel, IN MPR_CREDENTIALSEXI *pBuffer, IN MprThunk_Allocation_Func pAlloc, OUT PBYTE *lplpbBuffer);
PVOID MprThunkAlloc( IN DWORD dwSize);
VOID MprThunkFree( IN PVOID pvData); #ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"