Microsoft Windows Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1981 - 1999
Module Name:
Rahul Thombre (RahulTh) 4/30/1998
Revision History:
4/30/1998 RahulTh
Created this module.
// SendProgress.cpp : implementation file
#include "precomp.hxx"
#include "winsock.h"
#include <irmonftp.h>
#define DIALOG_DISPLAY_DURATION 800 //the minimum amount of time a dialog
//should be displayed (in milliseconds)
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif
// CSendProgress dialog
CSendProgress::CSendProgress(LPTSTR lpszFileList /*=NULL*/, int iCharCount /*=0*/, CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) { m_dwMagicID = MAGIC_ID; //an id used to validate CSendProgress pointers
//received over an RPC interface.
m_lpszFileList = lpszFileList; m_iCharCount = iCharCount; m_lSelectedDeviceID = errIRFTP_SELECTIONCANCELLED; m_lpszSelectedDeviceName[0] = '\0'; m_fSendDone = FALSE; m_fTimerExpired = FALSE; m_ptl = NULL; m_fCancelled = FALSE; appController->PostMessage (WM_APP_KILL_TIMER); InterlockedIncrement (&g_lUIComponentCount); Create(IDD, appController); //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CSendProgress)
// NOTE: the ClassWizard will add member initialization here
void CSendProgress::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CSendProgress)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_XFER_PERCENTAGE, m_xferPercentage); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CONNECTIONTEXT, m_connectedTo); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_FILESEND_PROGRESS, m_transferProgress); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_FILESEND_ANIM, m_transferAnim); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_FILE_NAME, m_fileName); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SENDING_TITLE, m_sndTitle); DDX_Control(pDX, IDCANCEL, m_btnCancel); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CSendProgress, CDialog) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CSendProgress)
// CSendProgress message handlers
ULONG GetLocationDescription( FAILURE_LOCATION Location ) { switch (Location) { case locStartup: return IDS_LOC_STARTUP; case locConnect: return IDS_LOC_CONNECT; case locFileOpen: return IDS_LOC_FILEOPEN; case locFileRead: return IDS_LOC_FILEREAD; case locFileSend: return IDS_LOC_FILESEND; case locFileRecv: return IDS_LOC_FILERECV; case locFileWrite: return IDS_LOC_FILEWRITE; case locUnknown: default: return IDS_LOC_UNKNOWN; } }
BOOL CSendProgress::OnInitDialog() { TCHAR szConnectionInfo[100]; TCHAR szDeviceName[50]; TCHAR szConnecting[50]; error_status_t err; error_status_t sendError; LONG lDeviceID; FAILURE_LOCATION location=locUnknown; CError error; CError xferError (this); CString szConnect; CString szErrorDesc; CString szLocDesc; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; OBEX_DEVICE_TYPE DeviceType;
::LoadString (g_hInstance, IDS_CONNECTEDTO, szConnectionInfo, sizeof(szConnectionInfo)/sizeof(TCHAR)); ::LoadString (g_hInstance, IDS_CONNECTING, szConnecting, sizeof(szConnecting)/sizeof(TCHAR)); szConnect = szConnecting;
m_transferProgress.SetPos(0); m_transferAnim.Open (IDR_TRANSFER_AVI); m_transferAnim.Play(0, -1, -1); m_fileName.SetWindowText (L""); m_connectedTo.SetWindowText ((LPCTSTR) szConnect); m_xferPercentage.SetWindowText(TEXT("0%"));
if (!g_deviceList.GetDeviceCount()) { error.ShowMessage (IDS_NODEVICES_ERROR); DestroyWindow(); return TRUE; }
lDeviceID = g_deviceList.SelectDevice(this, szDeviceName, sizeof(szDeviceName)/sizeof(TCHAR));
switch(lDeviceID) { case errIRFTP_NODEVICE: error.ShowMessage (IDS_MISSING_RECIPIENT);
case errIRFTP_SELECTIONCANCELLED: DestroyWindow(); return TRUE;
case errIRFTP_MULTDEVICES: //there were multiple devices in range, one of which was selected
if (g_deviceList.GetDeviceType(m_lSelectedDeviceID,&DeviceType)) {
_SendFiles( NULL, (COOKIE)this, TEXT(""), m_lpszFileList, m_iCharCount, m_lSelectedDeviceID, DeviceType, &sendError, (int *)&location );
StringCbCat(szConnectionInfo,sizeof(szConnectionInfo), m_lpszSelectedDeviceName); m_connectedTo.SetWindowText(szConnectionInfo);
} else {
error.ShowMessage (IDS_MISSING_RECIPIENT); DestroyWindow(); return TRUE; } break;
default: //there was only one device in range
if (g_deviceList.GetDeviceType(lDeviceID,&DeviceType)) {
_SendFiles( NULL, (COOKIE)this, TEXT(""), m_lpszFileList, m_iCharCount, lDeviceID, DeviceType, &sendError, (int *)&location );
StringCbCat(szConnectionInfo,sizeof(szConnectionInfo), szDeviceName); m_connectedTo.SetWindowText(szConnectionInfo);
} else {
error.ShowMessage (IDS_MISSING_RECIPIENT); DestroyWindow(); return TRUE;
} break; }
if (sendError) { LPVOID lpMessageBuffer; TCHAR ErrDesc [ERROR_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH]; CString ErrorDescription;
sendError, 0, // try default language ids
(LPTSTR) &lpMessageBuffer, 0, NULL // ignored
)) { StringCbPrintf(ErrDesc, sizeof(ErrDesc),g_Strings.ErrorNoDescription, sendError); //using the overloaded CString assignment operator. It is
//essentially a string copy, but MFC takes care of allocating
//and freeing the destination buffer.
ErrorDescription = ErrDesc; } else { //Note: this is not a pointer assignment. We are using the
//overloaded CString assignment operator which essentially
//does a string copy. (see comments above)
ErrorDescription = (TCHAR *) lpMessageBuffer; LocalFree (lpMessageBuffer); }
szLocDesc.LoadString (GetLocationDescription(location)); xferError.ShowMessage (IDS_XFER_ERROR, (LPCTSTR) szLocDesc, (LPCTSTR) ErrorDescription); DestroyWindow(); }
//there were no errors.
//first put up a taskbar button for the dialog
//Initialize the taskbar list interface
hr = CoInitialize(NULL); if (SUCCEEDED (hr)) hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_TaskbarList, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ITaskbarList, (LPVOID*)&m_ptl); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = m_ptl->HrInit(); } else { m_ptl = NULL; }
if (m_ptl) { if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) m_ptl->AddTab(m_hWnd); else { m_ptl->Release(); m_ptl = NULL; } }
//Also set a timer to go off in half a second
//this timer is used to ensure that this dialog is displayed for
//at least half a second so that users can see that the file has been
//if we fail to get a timer, we simply treat this condition as if the
//timer has expired
m_fTimerExpired = SetTimer (1, DIALOG_DISPLAY_DURATION, NULL)?FALSE:TRUE; return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
// EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE
void CSendProgress::PostNcDestroy() { //do some cleanup
if (m_lpszFileList) delete [] m_lpszFileList;
BOOL fNoUIComponents = (0 == InterlockedDecrement (&g_lUIComponentCount)); if (fNoUIComponents && ! g_deviceList.GetDeviceCount()) { //there are no UI components displayed and there are no devices in
//range. Start the timer. If the timer expires, the app. will quit.
appController->PostMessage (WM_APP_START_TIMER); }
if (appController->IsSessionOver()) { //
// the console user has switched, close this seesion down so the next user will get the UI
appController->PostMessage (WM_CLOSE); }
delete this; }
//removes the taskbar button if one had been put up
BOOL CSendProgress::DestroyWindow() { //stop the animation and close the file.
m_transferAnim.Stop(); m_transferAnim.Close();
//if a taskbar button had been put up, remove that first
if (m_ptl) { m_ptl->DeleteTab(m_hWnd); m_ptl->Release(); m_ptl = NULL; }
//then destroy the window
return CWnd::DestroyWindow(); }
void CSendProgress::OnCancel() { TCHAR lpszCancel[MAX_PATH];
_CancelSend(NULL, (COOKIE)this); //important: do not destroy the window here.
//must wait until confirmation of the cancel
//is received from the other machine. after that
//irxfer will call sendcomplete. That is when the
//window should get destroyed. otherwise, CWnd pointer
//for this window might get reused and messages from
//irxfer meant for this window will go to another window
//which could cause it to get destroyed without the transmission
//getting interrupted.
//but make the user aware that an attempt to cancel the send is being made
m_fCancelled = TRUE; m_btnCancel.EnableWindow(FALSE); m_sndTitle.SetWindowText (TEXT("")); m_fileName.SetWindowText (TEXT("")); lpszCancel[0] = '\0'; ::LoadString (g_hInstance, IDS_SENDCANCEL, lpszCancel, MAX_PATH); m_fileName.SetWindowText (lpszCancel); }
void CSendProgress::OnTimer (UINT nTimerID) { m_fTimerExpired = TRUE; //we don't need the timer any more. it needs to go off only once
KillTimer(1); //half a second has elapsed since we started
//if the send is already complete, then it is this routine's
//responsibility to destroy the window since the SEND_COMPLETE
//notification has already been received
if (m_fSendDone) DestroyWindow(); }
BOOL CSendProgress::OnCopyData(CWnd* pWnd, COPYDATASTRUCT* pCopyDataStruct) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE (AfxGetStaticModuleState());
SEND_FAILURE_DATA * pData = (SEND_FAILURE_DATA *) (pCopyDataStruct->lpData);
LPVOID lpMessageBuffer; TCHAR ErrDesc [ERROR_DESCRIPTION_LENGTH]; CString ErrorDescription; CString szErrorDesc; CString szLocDesc; CError error (this);
if (m_fCancelled) { return TRUE; }
pData->Error, 0, // try default language ids
(LPTSTR) &lpMessageBuffer, 0, NULL // ignored
)) { StringCbPrintf(ErrDesc,sizeof(ErrDesc), g_Strings.ErrorNoDescription, pData->Error); //using the overloaded CString assignment operator. It is
//essentially a string copy, but MFC takes care of allocating
//and freeing the destination buffer.
ErrorDescription = ErrDesc; } else { //Note: this is not a pointer assignment. We are using the
//overloaded CString assignment operator which essentially
//does a string copy. (see comments above)
ErrorDescription = (TCHAR *) lpMessageBuffer; LocalFree (lpMessageBuffer); }
szLocDesc.LoadString (GetLocationDescription(pData->Location)); error.ShowMessage (IDS_SEND_FAILURE, pData->FileName, (LPCTSTR) szLocDesc, (LPCTSTR) ErrorDescription);
return TRUE; }
void CSendProgress::OnUpdateProgress (WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { TCHAR szXferPercentage [50]; StringCbPrintf(szXferPercentage,sizeof(szXferPercentage), TEXT("%d%%"), (int)lParam); m_xferPercentage.SetWindowText (szXferPercentage); m_transferProgress.SetPos((int)lParam); }
void CSendProgress::OnSendComplete (WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { m_fSendDone = TRUE; //make sure that the dialog is displayed for at least half a second
if (m_fTimerExpired) DestroyWindow(); }
// Member: SetCurrentFileName
// Synopsis: displays on the progress dialog the name of the file that is
// currently being transmitted
// Arguments: [in] pwszCurrFile : name of the file being transmitted
// Returns: nothing
// History: 12/14/1998 RahulTh created
// Notes:
void CSendProgress::SetCurrentFileName (wchar_t * pwszCurrFile) { WCHAR * pwszSource; WCHAR * pwszDest; WCHAR * pwszTemp; int len; int cbStart; int cbEnd; int i; WCHAR TempBuffer[MAX_FILENAME_DISPLAY+1]; const int cbCenter = 5;
if (m_fCancelled) { //the user has already hit cancel on this dialog and we are just
//waiting for confirmation from irxfer. Hence we do not change
//the file name as that control is now being used to indicate
//that we are trying to abort the file transfer
return; }
if (!pwszCurrFile) { m_fileName.SetWindowText (L""); return; }
len = wcslen (pwszCurrFile);
#if 0
cbStart = MAX_FILENAME_DISPLAY/2 - cbCenter; cbEnd = MAX_FILENAME_DISPLAY - cbStart - cbCenter; pwszTemp = pwszCurrFile + cbStart; pwszTemp [0] = L' '; pwszTemp[1] = pwszTemp[2] = pwszTemp[3] = L'.'; pwszTemp[4] = L' '; for (i = 0, pwszSource = pwszCurrFile + len - cbEnd, pwszDest = pwszTemp + cbCenter; i <= cbEnd; /*account for the terminating NULL too*/ i++, pwszSource++, pwszDest++) *pwszDest = *pwszSource; #else
StringCchCopyW(TempBuffer,MAX_FILENAME_DISPLAY/2 - cbCenter,pwszCurrFile);
StringCchCatW(TempBuffer,sizeof(TempBuffer)/sizeof(WCHAR),L" ... ");
StringCchCatW(TempBuffer,sizeof(TempBuffer)/sizeof(WCHAR),&pwszCurrFile[len-MAX_FILENAME_DISPLAY/2]); m_fileName.SetWindowText(TempBuffer); #endif
} else { //
// file name is short enough to display
m_fileName.SetWindowText(pwszCurrFile); } return; }