Copyright (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Contains general functions.
Sanjay Anand (SanjayAn) Nov. 14, 1995
User mode
Revision History:
Sanjay Anand (SanjayAn) Nov. 14, 1995 Created
--*/ #include "defs.h"
#define CONV_LOG_FILE_NAME TEXT("%SystemRoot%\\System32\\jetconv.exe")
#define CONV_MSGFILE_SKEY TEXT("EventMessageFile")
HANDLE EventlogHandle = NULL;
NTSTATUS JCRegisterEventSrc() /*++
Routine Description:
This routine registers JetConv as an eventsource.
Return Value:
strcat(logName, temp);
// Create the registry keys so we can register as an event source
RetVal = RegCreateKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, //predefined key value
logName, //subkey for JetConv
0, //must be zero (reserved)
TEXT("Class"), //class -- may change in future
REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, //non-volatile information
KEY_ALL_ACCESS, //we desire all access to the keyo
NULL, //let key have default sec. attributes
&LogRoot, //handle to key
&NewKeyInd //is it a new key (out arg) -- not
//looked at
if (RetVal != ERROR_SUCCESS) { MYDEBUG(("RegCreateKeyEx failed %lx for %s\n", RetVal, logName)); return(RetVal); }
Set the event id message file name */ lstrcpy(Buff, CONV_LOG_FILE_NAME);
Add the Event-ID message-file name to the subkey */ RetVal = RegSetValueEx( LogRoot, //key handle
CONV_MSGFILE_SKEY, //value name
0, //must be zero
REG_EXPAND_SZ, //value type
(LPBYTE)Buff, (lstrlen(Buff) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR) //length of value data
if (RetVal != ERROR_SUCCESS) { MYDEBUG(("RegSetValueEx failed %lx for %s", RetVal, Buff)); return(RetVal); }
RetVal = RegSetValueEx ( LogRoot, //subkey handle
TEXT("TypesSupported"), //value name
0, //must be zero
REG_DWORD, //value type
(LPBYTE)&dwData, //Address of value data
sizeof(DWORD) //length of value data
if (RetVal != ERROR_SUCCESS) { MYDEBUG(("RegSetValueEx failed %lx for TypesSupported on %s", RetVal, logName)); return(RetVal); }
* Done with the key. Close it */ RetVal = RegCloseKey(LogRoot);
if (RetVal != ERROR_SUCCESS) { MYDEBUG(("RegCloseKey failed %lx\n", RetVal)); return(RetVal); }
// Register JetConv as an event source
strcpy(logName, temp);
if (!(EventlogHandle = RegisterEventSource( NULL, logName))) { MYDEBUG(("RegisterEventSource failed %lx\n", GetLastError())); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } else { MYDEBUG(("RegisterEventSource succeeded\n")); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } }
NTSTATUS JCDeRegisterEventSrc() /*++
Routine Description:
This routine deregisters eventsources corresponding to those service that are installed in the system.
Return Value:
--*/ { if (EventlogHandle) { if (!DeregisterEventSource(EventlogHandle)) { MYDEBUG(("DeregisterEventSource failed: %lx for %s", GetLastError())); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } else { return STATUS_SUCCESS; } } return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
VOID JCLogEvent( DWORD EventId, LPSTR MsgTypeString1, LPSTR MsgTypeString2 OPTIONAL, LPSTR MsgTypeString3 OPTIONAL )
Routine Description:
This routine logs an entry in the eventlog.
EventId - the event identifier
MsgTypeString1 - string to be output
MsgTypeString2 - string2 to be output (OPTIONAL)
Return Value:
--*/ { LPSTR Strings[3]; WORD numStr;
Strings[0] = MsgTypeString1; Strings[1] = MsgTypeString2; Strings[2] = MsgTypeString3;
if (MsgTypeString3) { numStr = 3; } else if (MsgTypeString2) { numStr = 2; } else { numStr = 1; }
if( !ReportEvent( EventlogHandle, (WORD)EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE, 0, // event category
EventId, NULL, numStr, 0, Strings, NULL) ) {
MYDEBUG(("ReportEvent failed %ld.", GetLastError() )); }
return; }
VOID JCReadRegistry( IN PSERVICE_INFO pServiceInfo ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine reads the registry to determine which of the service among WINS, DHCP and RPL are installed. For those installed, it fills in the ServiceInfo structure.
pServiceInfo - Pointer to the service information struct.
Return Value:
{ HKEY hkey ; SERVICES i ; DWORD type ; DWORD size = 0 ; DWORD error; TCHAR tempPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR servicePath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR parametersPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR dbfilePath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR dbfileName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR backupFilePath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR logfilePath[MAX_PATH]; HANDLE ServiceHandle, SCHandle;
for ( i = 0; i < NUM_SERVICES; i++) {
switch (i) { case WINS: strcpy(servicePath, WINS_REGISTRY_SERVICE_PATH); strcpy(parametersPath, WINS_REGISTRY_PARAMETERS_PATH); strcpy(dbfilePath, WINS_REGISTRY_DBFILE_PATH); strcpy(logfilePath, WINS_REGISTRY_LOGFILE_PATH); strcpy(backupFilePath, WINS_REGISTRY_BACKUP_PATH);
case DHCP: strcpy(servicePath, DHCP_REGISTRY_SERVICE_PATH); strcpy(parametersPath, DHCP_REGISTRY_PARAMETERS_PATH); strcpy(dbfilePath, DHCP_REGISTRY_DBFILE_PATH); strcpy(dbfileName, DHCP_REGISTRY_DBFILE_NAME); // strcpy(logfilePath, DHCP_REGISTRY_LOGFILE_PATH);
strcpy(backupFilePath, DHCP_REGISTRY_BACKUP_PATH);
case RPL: strcpy(servicePath, RPL_REGISTRY_SERVICE_PATH); strcpy(parametersPath, RPL_REGISTRY_PARAMETERS_PATH); strcpy(dbfilePath, RPL_REGISTRY_DBFILE_PATH);
// no such path
// strcpy(logfilePath, RPL_REGISTRY_LOGFILE_PATH);
// strcpy(backupFilePath, RPL_REGISTRY_BACKUP_PATH);
break; }
// Check if service is installed - if the service name key is
// present, it is installed.
if ((error = RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, servicePath, &hkey)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
MYDEBUG(("RegOpenKey %s returned error: %lx\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName, error)); MYDEBUG(("%s not installed\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName)); pServiceInfo[i].Installed = FALSE; continue;
} else {
// NtBug: 139281
// Its likely that the regkey exists, but the service was DISABLED!
MYDEBUG(("*************************Opening SC Manager\n"));
if( SCHandle != NULL ) {
ServiceHandle = OpenService( SCHandle, pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName, SERVICE_QUERY_CONFIG );
if( ServiceHandle == NULL ) {
MYDEBUG(("SCManager tells us that the service %s is cant be opened: %lx!\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName, GetLastError())); pServiceInfo[i].Installed = FALSE; CloseServiceHandle(SCHandle);
} else { LPQUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG ServiceConfig; DWORD cbBufSize; DWORD cbBytesNeeded; BOOL result = FALSE;
cbBytesNeeded = 0;
// First send 0 buffer to figure out what the length needs to be.
result = QueryServiceConfig( ServiceHandle, // handle of service
NULL, // address of service config. structure
0, // size of service configuration buffer
&cbBytesNeeded // address of variable for bytes needed
if (!result) {
MYDEBUG(("QueryService failed due to :%d \n", GetLastError()));
} else {
MYDEBUG(("QueryService PASSED with NULL. Shouldnt happen.\n"));
ServiceConfig = (LPQUERY_SERVICE_CONFIG) malloc (cbBytesNeeded); cbBufSize = cbBytesNeeded;
if (NULL == ServiceConfig) {
MYDEBUG(("Can't alloc memory to query the SC\n")); pServiceInfo[i].Installed = FALSE; MYDEBUG(("SERVICE %s is DISABLED\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName)); CloseServiceHandle(ServiceHandle); CloseServiceHandle(SCHandle); continue;
if (!QueryServiceConfig( ServiceHandle, // handle of service
ServiceConfig, // address of service config. structure
cbBufSize, // size of service configuration buffer
&cbBytesNeeded // address of variable for bytes needed
)) {
free(ServiceConfig); MYDEBUG(("Things didnt work:%lx, %d , %d\n", GetLastError(), cbBufSize, cbBytesNeeded)); pServiceInfo[i].Installed = FALSE; MYDEBUG(("SERVICE %s is DISABLED\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName)); CloseServiceHandle(ServiceHandle); CloseServiceHandle(SCHandle); continue;
} else {
if (SERVICE_DISABLED == ServiceConfig->dwStartType) {
free(ServiceConfig); pServiceInfo[i].Installed = FALSE; MYDEBUG(("SERVICE %s is DISABLED\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName)); CloseServiceHandle(ServiceHandle); CloseServiceHandle(SCHandle); continue;
} else {
MYDEBUG(("Cant open SCManager:%;x!\n", GetLastError())); MYDEBUG(("%s not installed\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName)); pServiceInfo[i].Installed = FALSE; continue;
pServiceInfo[i].Installed = TRUE; size = MAX_PATH;
if ((error = JCRegisterEventSrc()) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { MYDEBUG(("JCRegisterEventSrc failed\n")); pServiceInfo[i].Installed = FALSE; continue; }
// Open the parameters key
if ((error = RegOpenKeyEx( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, parametersPath, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkey)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
MYDEBUG(("RegOpenKeyEx %s\\Parameters returned error: %lx\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName, error));
} else { //
// Read in the path to the Dbase file.
size = MAX_PATH; if ((error = RegQueryValueEx(hkey, dbfilePath, NULL, &type, pServiceInfo[i].DBPath, &size)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
MYDEBUG(("RegQueryValueEx of %s dbpath failed: %lx\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName, error));
// If no path parameter, it shd be in %systemroot%\system32\<service> - the path was initialized to
// the default.
MYDEBUG(("%s dbfile path not present; assuming it is in %s\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName, pServiceInfo[i].DBPath)); } else {
pServiceInfo[i].DefaultDbPath = FALSE;
// DHCP splits the name and path
if (i == DHCP) { TCHAR dhcpDBFileName[MAX_PATH];
// Copy this path to the logfilepath too.
strcpy(pServiceInfo[i].LogFilePath, pServiceInfo[i].DBPath);
// Read the name too
size = MAX_PATH; if ((error = RegQueryValueEx(hkey, dbfileName, NULL, &type, dhcpDBFileName, &size)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
MYDEBUG(("RegQueryValueEx of %s dbName failed: %lx\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName, error));
// If no path parameter, it shd be in %systemroot%\system32\<service> - the path was initialized to
// the default.
MYDEBUG(("%s dbfile name not present; assuming it is dhcp.mdb\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName));
strcat(pServiceInfo[i].DBPath, TEXT("\\dhcp.mdb"));
} else { strcat(pServiceInfo[i].DBPath, TEXT("\\")); strcat(pServiceInfo[i].DBPath, dhcpDBFileName); } } else if (i == RPL) {
// Copy this path to the logfilepath too.
strcpy(pServiceInfo[i].LogFilePath, pServiceInfo[i].DBPath);
// Copy this path to the backuppath too
strcpy(pServiceInfo[i].BackupPath, pServiceInfo[i].DBPath); strcat(pServiceInfo[i].BackupPath, TEXT("\\backup"));
// The DBFile is always called rplsvc.mdb
strcat(pServiceInfo[i].DBPath, TEXT("\\rplsvc.mdb")); }
// Read in the path to the Log file.
// In case of RPL, no such paths exist.
// Assume they are in the same directory as the database files.
if (i != RPL) {
// DHCP has no logfilepath
if (i != DHCP) { size = MAX_PATH; if ((error = RegQueryValueEx(hkey, logfilePath, NULL, &type, pServiceInfo[i].LogFilePath, &size)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
MYDEBUG(("RegQueryValueEx of %s logfilepath failed: %lx\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName, error));
// If no path parameter, it shd be in %systemroot%\system32\<service> - the path was initialized to
// the default.
MYDEBUG(("%s logfile path not present; assuming it is in %s\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName, pServiceInfo[i].LogFilePath)); } else { pServiceInfo[i].DefaultLogFilePath = FALSE; } }
// Read in the path to the backup file.
size = MAX_PATH; if ((error = RegQueryValueEx(hkey, backupFilePath, NULL, &type, pServiceInfo[i].BackupPath, &size)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
MYDEBUG(("RegQueryValueEx of %s BackupPath failed: %lx\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName, error));
// If no path parameter, it shd be in %systemroot%\system32\<service> - the path was initialized to
// the default.
MYDEBUG(("%s backupfile path not present; assuming it is in %s\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName, pServiceInfo[i].BackupPath)); } } }
// Expand the environment variables in the path.
strcpy(tempPath, pServiceInfo[i].DBPath);
if ((size = ExpandEnvironmentStrings( tempPath, pServiceInfo[i].DBPath, MAX_PATH)) == 0) { error = GetLastError(); MYDEBUG(("ExpandEnvironmentVaraibles %s returned error: %lx\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName, error)); }
SystemDrive[0] = pServiceInfo[i].DBPath[0]; SystemDrive[1] = pServiceInfo[i].DBPath[1]; SystemDrive[2] = pServiceInfo[i].DBPath[2]; SystemDrive[3] = '\0';
MYDEBUG(("pServiceInfo[i].DbasePath: %s\n", pServiceInfo[i].DBPath));
// Expand the environment variables in the log file path.
strcpy(tempPath, pServiceInfo[i].LogFilePath);
if ((size = ExpandEnvironmentStrings( tempPath, pServiceInfo[i].LogFilePath, MAX_PATH)) == 0) { error = GetLastError(); MYDEBUG(("ExpandEnvironmentVaraibles %s returned error: %lx\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName, error)); }
MYDEBUG(("pServiceInfo[i].LogFilePath: %s\n", pServiceInfo[i].LogFilePath));
// Expand the environment variables in the backup file path.
strcpy(tempPath, pServiceInfo[i].BackupPath);
if ((size = ExpandEnvironmentStrings( tempPath, pServiceInfo[i].BackupPath, MAX_PATH)) == 0) { error = GetLastError(); MYDEBUG(("ExpandEnvironmentVaraibles %s returned error: %lx\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName, error)); }
MYDEBUG(("pServiceInfo[i].BackupPath: %s\n", pServiceInfo[i].BackupPath)); }
for ( i = 0; i < NUM_SERVICES; i++) {
if (pServiceInfo[i].Installed) {
MYDEBUG(("Service %s is Installed\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName));
} else {
MYDEBUG(("Service %s is NOT Installed\n", pServiceInfo[i].ServiceName));
} }
VOID JCGetMutex ( IN HANDLE hMutex, IN DWORD To ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine waits on a mutex object.
hMutex - handle to mutex
To - time to wait
Return Value:
--*/ { if (WaitForSingleObject (hMutex, To) == WAIT_FAILED) { MYDEBUG(("WaitForSingleObject failed: %lx\n", GetLastError())); } }
VOID JCFreeMutex ( IN HANDLE hMutex )
Routine Description:
This routine releases a mutex.
hMutex - handle to mutex
Return Value:
--*/ { if (!ReleaseMutex(hMutex)) { MYDEBUG(("ReleaseMutex failed: %lx\n", GetLastError())); } }