#include <precomp.h>
#include "rpcsrv.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "intflist.h"
#include "deviceio.h"
#include "wzcsvc.h"
#include "notify.h"
#include "storage.h"
#include "zcdblog.h"
#include "tracing.h"
#include <wifipol.h>
#define WZEROCONF_SERVICE TEXT("wzcsvc")
//context of users preferences
WZC_INTERNAL_CONTEXT g_wzcInternalCtxt = {0};
BOOL WINAPI DllMain( HINSTANCE hinstDLL, // handle to the DLL module
DWORD fdwReason, // reason for calling function
LPVOID lpvReserved // reserved
) { if (g_hInstance == NULL) g_hInstance = hinstDLL; return TRUE; }
// Initialize the workstation to receive service requests
// by registering the service control handler.
g_WZCSvcStatusHandle = RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerEx( WZEROCONF_SERVICE, WZCSvcControlHandler, NULL); if (g_WZCSvcStatusHandle == (SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE)NULL) return;
// this is the first thread to run
// Initialize Tracing
TrcInitialize(); // Initialize the Event logging
EvtInitialize(); DbgPrint((TRC_TRACK,"**** [WZCSvcMain - Service Start Pending"));
// Initialize all the status fields so that the subsequent calls
// to SetServiceStatus need to only update fields that changed.
g_WZCSvcStatus.dwServiceType = SERVICE_WIN32_SHARE_PROCESS; g_WZCSvcStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_START_PENDING; g_WZCSvcStatus.dwControlsAccepted = 0; g_WZCSvcStatus.dwCheckPoint = 1; g_WZCSvcStatus.dwWaitHint = 4000; g_WZCSvcStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; g_WZCSvcStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0; // update status to START_PENDING
// Initialize global hashes. If this fails it means the most important
// critical section failed to initialize - no point in going further.
dwError = HshInitialize(&g_hshHandles); if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto exit; dwError = LstInitIntfHashes(); if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto exit; //Initialize the service's context
dwError = WZCContextInit(&g_wzcInternalCtxt); if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto exit;
// TODO: the block below should be moved to a function responsible for
// loading the whole g_wzcInternalCtxt from the persistent storage
{ // load the service's context from the registry
dwError = StoLoadWZCContext(NULL, &(g_wzcInternalCtxt.wzcContext)); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError) goto exit;
// load the global interface template from the registry.
dwError = StoLoadIntfConfig(NULL, g_wzcInternalCtxt.pIntfTemplate); DbgAssert((dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS,"Err %d loading the template interface from the registry")); }
// Open log database if logging enabled
EnterCriticalSection(&g_wzcInternalCtxt.csContext); bLogEnabled = ((g_wzcInternalCtxt.wzcContext.dwFlags & WZC_CTXT_LOGGING_ON) != 0); LeaveCriticalSection(&g_wzcInternalCtxt.csContext);
dwError = InitWZCDbGlobals(bLogEnabled); if ((INT)dwError < 0) { EvtLogWzcError(WZCSVC_SERVICE_FAILED, dwError); dwError = ERROR_DATABASE_FAILURE; }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwError) goto exit;
dwError = LstInitTimerQueue(); if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto exit;
// Start EAPOL/802.1X
EAPOLServiceMain (dwArgc, NULL); #endif
// load the interfaces list
dwError = LstLoadInterfaces(); DbgAssert((dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS,"LstLoadInterfaces failed with error %d", dwError));
// register for service control notifications
ZeroMemory (&PnPFilter, sizeof(PnPFilter)); PnPFilter.dbcc_size = sizeof(PnPFilter); PnPFilter.dbcc_devicetype = DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE; PnPFilter.dbcc_classguid = GUID_NDIS_LAN_CLASS; // NOTE: EAPOL service is only working with ANSI strings, hence the ANSI calls
g_WZCSvcDeviceNotif = RegisterDeviceNotificationA( (HANDLE)g_WZCSvcStatusHandle, &PnPFilter, DEVICE_NOTIFY_SERVICE_HANDLE ); DbgAssert((g_WZCSvcDeviceNotif != (HDEVNOTIFY) NULL, "Registering for device notifications failed with error %d", GetLastError));
// register with WMI for device notifications
dwError = WZCSvcWMINotification(TRUE); DbgAssert((dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS,"WZCSvcRegisterWMINotif failed with error %d", dwError));
// Start the RPC Server.
dwError = WZCSvcStartRPCServer(); DbgAssert((dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS,"WZCStartRPCServer failed with error %d", dwError));
//taroonM: Policy Engine Init
dwError = InitPolicyEngine(dwPolicyEngineParam, &hPolicyEngineThread); DbgAssert((dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS,"InitPolicyEngine failed with error %d", dwError)); exit:
if (dwError == ERROR_SUCCESS) { g_WZCSvcStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_RUNNING; g_WZCSvcStatus.dwControlsAccepted = SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP | SERVICE_ACCEPT_SHUTDOWN | SERVICE_ACCEPT_SESSIONCHANGE; g_WZCSvcStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0; g_WZCSvcStatus.dwWaitHint = 0; // update status to RUNNING
WZCSvcUpdateStatus(); DbgPrint((TRC_TRACK,"**** WZCSvcMain - Service Running")); DbLogWzcInfo(WZCSVC_SERVICE_STARTED, NULL); } else { DbgPrint((TRC_TRACK,"**** WZCSvcMain - Service Failed to start"));
// stop the WZC engine
// stop the EAP engine
EAPOLCleanUp (dwError);
// destroy the handles hash
// if database has been opened, close it here since there is no one else using it
// finaly destroy the WZC context
// if we did successfully register with SCM, then indicate the service has stopped
if (g_WZCSvcStatusHandle != (SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE)NULL) { g_WZCSvcStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; g_WZCSvcStatus.dwControlsAccepted = 0; g_WZCSvcStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0; g_WZCSvcStatus.dwWaitHint = 0; g_WZCSvcStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = ERROR_SERVICE_SPECIFIC_ERROR; g_WZCSvcStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = dwError; WZCSvcUpdateStatus(); }
EvtTerminate(); TrcTerminate(); }
InterlockedDecrement(&g_nThreads); return; }
// global array for the GUIDs for the WMI notifications
// Handles all WMI registration and de-registration
DWORD WZCSvcWMINotification(BOOL bRegister) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; INT nIdx;
DbgPrint((TRC_TRACK,"[WZCSvcWMINotification(%d)", bRegister));
// do the requested action - registration / deregistration
// if registering for notifications, break the loop first time a registration failed
// if de-registering, ignore the errors and go on deregistering the remaining notifications
for (nIdx = 0; nIdx < sizeof(g_lpGuidWmiNotif)/sizeof(LPGUID) && (!bRegister || dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS); nIdx++) { dwErr = WmiNotificationRegistrationW( g_lpGuidWmiNotif[nIdx], (BOOLEAN)bRegister, (PVOID)WZCSvcWMINotificationHandler, (ULONG_PTR)NULL, NOTIFICATION_CALLBACK_DIRECT); DbgAssert((dwErr == 0, "Failed to %s notif index %d", bRegister ? "register" : "de-register", nIdx)); }
// in case a registration was requested and one of the Wmi calls above failed,
// rollback the action by deregistering for whatever was registered successfully
if (bRegister && dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DbgPrint((TRC_GENERIC,"Rollback WmiNotif for %d Guids", nIdx)); for(nIdx--; nIdx>=0; nIdx--) { WmiNotificationRegistrationW( g_lpGuidWmiNotif[nIdx], (BOOLEAN)FALSE, (PVOID)WZCSvcWMINotificationHandler, (ULONG_PTR)NULL, NOTIFICATION_CALLBACK_DIRECT); } }
DbgPrint((TRC_TRACK, "WZCSvcWMINotification]=%d", dwErr)); return dwErr; }
DWORD WZCSvcUpdateStatus() { DbgPrint((TRC_TRACK,"[WZCSvcUpdateStatus(%d)]", g_WZCSvcStatus.dwCurrentState)); return SetServiceStatus(g_WZCSvcStatusHandle, &g_WZCSvcStatus) ? ERROR_SUCCESS : GetLastError(); }
DWORD WZCSvcControlHandler( IN DWORD dwControl, IN DWORD dwEventType, IN PVOID pEventData, IN PVOID pContext) { DWORD dwRetCode = NO_ERROR; BOOL bDecrement = TRUE;
DbgPrint((TRC_TRACK|TRC_NOTIF,"[WZCSvcControlHandler(%d,%d,..)", dwControl, dwEventType)); DbgPrint((TRC_NOTIF,"SCM Notification: Control=0x%x; EventType=0x%04x", dwControl, dwEventType));
switch (dwControl) {
if (pInfo->dbcc_devicetype == DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE) { PWZC_DEVICE_NOTIF pDevNotif;
pDevNotif = MemCAlloc(FIELD_OFFSET(WZC_DEVICE_NOTIF, dbDeviceIntf) + pInfo->dbcc_size); DbgAssert((pDevNotif != NULL, "Not enough memory?")); if (pDevNotif != NULL) { // build up the notification information
switch(dwEventType) { case DBT_DEVICEARRIVAL: pDevNotif->dwEventType = WZCNOTIF_DEVICE_ARRIVAL; break; case DBT_DEVICEREMOVECOMPLETE: pDevNotif->dwEventType = WZCNOTIF_DEVICE_REMOVAL; break; default: pDevNotif->dwEventType = WZCNOTIF_UNKNOWN; DbgPrint((TRC_ERR,"SCM Notification %d is not recognized", dwEventType)); break; }
// pass down notification only if it is recognized at this level
if (pDevNotif->dwEventType != WZCNOTIF_UNKNOWN) { memcpy(&(pDevNotif->dbDeviceIntf), pInfo, pInfo->dbcc_size);
// pDevNotif will be MemFree-ed by the worker thread
if (QueueUserWorkItem( (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)WZCWrkDeviceNotifHandler, (LPVOID)pDevNotif, WT_EXECUTELONGFUNCTION)) { bDecrement = FALSE; } } else { MemFree(pDevNotif); } } } } break;
case SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP: case SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN: // make sure the control is not sent twice forcing the service to lock
// a critical section already destroyed! (see WZCSvcShutdown->StoSaveConfig)
if (g_WZCSvcStatus.dwCurrentState != SERVICE_STOPPED) { g_WZCSvcStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOP_PENDING; g_WZCSvcStatus.dwCheckPoint = 1; g_WZCSvcStatus.dwWaitHint = 60000; WZCSvcUpdateStatus();
// Shutdown Zero Conf
// Shutdown EAPOL/802.1X
EAPOLCleanUp (NO_ERROR); DbgPrint((TRC_TRACK,"EAPOLCleanUp done!"));
// destroy the handles hash
DbgPrint((TRC_TRACK,"Hashes Destroyed!"));
// clean up the service's context
g_WZCSvcStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; g_WZCSvcStatus.dwControlsAccepted = 0; g_WZCSvcStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0; g_WZCSvcStatus.dwWaitHint = 0; g_WZCSvcStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; g_WZCSvcStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0; WZCSvcUpdateStatus();
// this is the last thread of the service (guaranteed by WZCSvcShutdown)
// all datastructures have been closed, tracing has been disabled. No need
// to decrement the thread counter since no one uses it anymore.
// just set it to 0 to play safe
bDecrement = FALSE; g_nThreads = 0;
EvtTerminate(); TrcTerminate(); }
case SERVICE_CONTROL_SESSIONCHANGE: // 802.1X session change handler
ElSessionChangeHandler ( pEventData, dwEventType ); break; }
if (bDecrement) { DbgPrint((TRC_TRACK|TRC_NOTIF,"WZCSvcControlHandler]")); InterlockedDecrement(&g_nThreads); }
// WZCSvcWMINotificationHandler: Callback function called by WMI on any registered
// notification (as of 01/19/01: bind/unbind/connect/disconnect)
// increment the thread counter
DbgPrint((TRC_TRACK|TRC_NOTIF, "[WZCSvcWMIHandler(0x%p)", pWnodeHdr));
// check if the service is still running, otherwise ignore
// the notification
if (g_WZCSvcStatus.dwCurrentState != SERVICE_RUNNING) goto exit;
// check if we have valid notification data from WMI
if (pWnodeHdr == NULL) { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto exit; }
// allocate memory for the WZC Notification Structure.
pDevNotif = MemCAlloc(FIELD_OFFSET(WZC_DEVICE_NOTIF, wmiNodeHdr) + pWnodeHdr->BufferSize); if (pDevNotif == NULL) { dwErr = GetLastError(); goto exit; }
// translate the specific WMI notification code to WZC notification
else if (!memcmp( &(pWnodeHdr->Guid), &GUID_NDIS_STATUS_MEDIA_CONNECT, sizeof(GUID))) pDevNotif->dwEventType = WZCNOTIF_MEDIA_CONNECT; else if (!memcmp( &(pWnodeHdr->Guid), &GUID_NDIS_STATUS_MEDIA_DISCONNECT, sizeof(GUID))) pDevNotif->dwEventType = WZCNOTIF_MEDIA_DISCONNECT; else if (!memcmp( &(pWnodeHdr->Guid), &GUID_NDIS_NOTIFY_BIND, sizeof(GUID))) pDevNotif->dwEventType = WZCNOTIF_ADAPTER_BIND; else if (!memcmp( &(pWnodeHdr->Guid), &GUID_NDIS_NOTIFY_UNBIND, sizeof(GUID))) pDevNotif->dwEventType = WZCNOTIF_ADAPTER_UNBIND; else { pDevNotif->dwEventType = WZCNOTIF_UNKNOWN; DbgPrint((TRC_ERR,"WMI Notification GUID is not recognized")); goto exit; }
// copy the WMI notification data into the local buffer
memcpy(&(pDevNotif->wmiNodeHdr), pWnodeHdr, pWnodeHdr->BufferSize);
// pDevNotif will be MemFree-ed by the worker thread
if (!QueueUserWorkItem( (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)WZCWrkDeviceNotifHandler, (LPVOID)pDevNotif, WT_EXECUTELONGFUNCTION)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); goto exit; }
bDecrement = FALSE;
// since the working thread has been created successfully, the notification
// structure allocated above will be free-ed by the thread. Set the local
// pointer to NULL to prevent the memory from being free-ed prematurely
// (MemFree does nothing when pointer is NULL)
pDevNotif = NULL;
exit: MemFree(pDevNotif);
DbgPrint((TRC_TRACK|TRC_NOTIF, "WZCSvcWMIHandler=%d]", dwErr));
if (bDecrement) InterlockedDecrement(&g_nThreads); }
VOID WZCSvcShutdown(IN DWORD dwErrorCode) { DbgPrint((TRC_TRACK,"[WZCSvcShutdown(%d)", dwErrorCode));
if (g_WZCSvcDeviceNotif != NULL && !UnregisterDeviceNotification(g_WZCSvcDeviceNotif)) { DbgPrint((TRC_ERR,"Err: UnregisterDeviceNotification->%d", GetLastError())); } // reset the notification handler since it has already been unregistered
g_WZCSvcDeviceNotif = NULL;
// unregister from WMI
WZCSvcWMINotification(FALSE); // stop first the RPC server
// all the notification registrations have been removed.
// Block here until all worker/rpc threads terminate.
DbgPrint((TRC_SYNC,"Waiting for %d thread(s) to terminate", g_nThreads)); while(g_nThreads != 1) { Sleep(1000); DbgPrint((TRC_SYNC,"Waiting for %d more thread(s).", g_nThreads)); }
// save the configuration to the registry
// destroy all the hashes related to the list of interfaces
// (included the list itself)
LstDestroyIntfHashes(); // destroy the timer queue. At this point there should be no timer queued so
// there is no point in waiting for any completion
DbgPrint((TRC_TRACK,"WZCSvcShutdown]")); }
VOID WZCWrkDeviceNotifHandler( IN LPVOID pvData) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; PWZC_DEVICE_NOTIF pDevNotif = (PWZC_DEVICE_NOTIF)pvData; PWNODE_SINGLE_INSTANCE pWnode = (PWNODE_SINGLE_INSTANCE)&(pDevNotif->wmiNodeHdr); LPBYTE pbDeviceKey = NULL; // pointer in the notification data where the dev key is
UINT nDeviceKeyLen; // number of bytes for the dev key
LPWSTR pwszDeviceKey = NULL; PINTF_CONTEXT pIntfContext = NULL; PHASH_NODE *ppHash = NULL; // reference to the hash to use for getting the INTF_CONTEXT
PHASH_NODE pHashNode = NULL; // interface's node in the hash
BOOL bForwardUp = FALSE; // specifies whether the notification needs to passed to the upper layers
DbgPrint((TRC_TRACK,"[WZCWrkDeviceNotifHandler(wzcnotif %d)", pDevNotif->dwEventType)); DbgAssert((pDevNotif != NULL, "(null) device notification info!"));
// don't do one single bit of work if the service is not in the running state
if (g_WZCSvcStatus.dwCurrentState != SERVICE_RUNNING) goto exit;
// get the Device Key information for the event (either the GUID or the Description)
switch(pDevNotif->dwEventType) { case WZCNOTIF_DEVICE_REMOVAL: case WZCNOTIF_ADAPTER_UNBIND: // do forward up device removal or unbind no matter what
bForwardUp = TRUE; // no break.
if (pDevNotif->dwEventType == WZCNOTIF_DEVICE_ARRIVAL || pDevNotif->dwEventType == WZCNOTIF_DEVICE_REMOVAL) { // if the notification comes from SCM, get the pointer to the "\device\{guid}"
// string from the dbcc_name field
pbDeviceKey = (LPBYTE)(pDevNotif->dbDeviceIntf.dbcc_name); } else { // check if the notification refers to the NDISUIO transport
pbDeviceKey = RtlOffsetToPointer(pWnode, pWnode->DataBlockOffset); // if this is not a notification for the NDISUIO transport, ignore it.
if (wcsncmp ((LPWSTR)pbDeviceKey, L"NDISUIO", 7)) { DbgPrint((TRC_NOTIF,"Ignore WMI Notif %d for Transport %S", pDevNotif->dwEventType, pbDeviceKey)); goto exit; } // get first the pointer to the Transport Name
pbDeviceKey = RtlOffsetToPointer(pWnode, pWnode->DataBlockOffset); // skip to the "\device\{guid}" string
pbDeviceKey += (wcslen((LPWSTR)pbDeviceKey) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); } // build now the actual "{guid}" string from the L"\DEVICE\{guid}" string
// pointed by wszGuid
pbDeviceKey = (LPBYTE)wcsrchr( (LPWSTR)pbDeviceKey, L'{' ); if (pbDeviceKey != NULL) pbDeviceKeyEnd = (LPBYTE)wcsrchr( (LPWSTR)pbDeviceKey, L'}' );
if (pbDeviceKey == NULL || pbDeviceKeyEnd == NULL) { DbgPrint((TRC_ERR,"Err: Mal-formed dbcc_name")); goto exit; } // include the closing curved bracket in the GUID string
pbDeviceKeyEnd += sizeof(WCHAR); nDeviceKeyLen = (UINT)(pbDeviceKeyEnd - pbDeviceKey); // get the reference to the GUID hash. This will be used in order to locate
// the interface context. This reference is guaranteed to exist since it is a static
// global variable.
ppHash = &g_lstIntfHashes.pHnGUID; break; }
// disconnect should be forwarded up no matter what
// for connects, we assume we'll forward it up. After dispatching the event
// to the state machine, if this resulted in a WZC notification we'll block
// the forwarding.
bForwardUp = TRUE;
// for MEDIA_CONNECT / DISCONNECT events, we also get the adapter's GUID
pbDeviceKey = RtlOffsetToPointer(pWnode, pWnode->DataBlockOffset); // build now the actual "{guid}" string from the L"\DEVICE\{guid}" string
// pointed by wszGuid
pbDeviceKey = (LPBYTE)wcsrchr( (LPWSTR)pbDeviceKey, L'{' ); if (pbDeviceKey != NULL) pbDeviceKeyEnd = (LPBYTE)wcsrchr( (LPWSTR)pbDeviceKey,L'}' );
if (pbDeviceKey == NULL || pbDeviceKeyEnd == NULL) { DbgPrint((TRC_ERR,"Err: Mal-formed device name")); goto exit; } pbDeviceKeyEnd += sizeof(WCHAR); nDeviceKeyLen = (UINT)(pbDeviceKeyEnd - pbDeviceKey); // get the reference to the GUID hash. This will be used in order to locate
// the interface context. This reference is guaranteed to exist since it is a static
// global variable.
ppHash = &g_lstIntfHashes.pHnGUID; break; } // no need to specify "default:" as the event type has been already filtered
// out to one of the valid events
// get memory for GUID (add space for the null terminator)
pwszDeviceKey = (LPWSTR)MemCAlloc(nDeviceKeyLen + sizeof(WCHAR)); if (pwszDeviceKey == NULL) { dwErr = GetLastError(); goto exit; } // copy the GUID string in the key (because of the CAlloc, the '\0' is already there)
memcpy(pwszDeviceKey, pbDeviceKey, nDeviceKeyLen);
// locate now the INTF_CONTEXT structure related to this notification
// and keep the lock on the hashes all the time (since the PnP event mostly sure
// results in removing / adding an interface context which means altering the
// hash)
EnterCriticalSection(&(g_lstIntfHashes.csMutex)); dwErr = HshQueryObjectRef( *ppHash, pwszDeviceKey, &pHashNode); if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { pIntfContext = (PINTF_CONTEXT)pHashNode->pObject;
// at this point we know the notification type, the key info and
// the INTERFACE_CONTEXT object (if any) for the device.
DbgPrint((TRC_NOTIF,"WZCNotif %d for Device Key \"%S\". Context=0x%p", pDevNotif->dwEventType, pwszDeviceKey, pIntfContext)); }
// forward now the notification for processing
dwErr = LstNotificationHandler(&pIntfContext, pDevNotif->dwEventType, pwszDeviceKey);
// At this point, bForwardUp is FALSE only for ADAPTER_BIND or DEVICE_ARRIVAL
// If this is a new adapter, but not a wireless one, pass up the notification.
if (pDevNotif->dwEventType == WZCNOTIF_ADAPTER_BIND || pDevNotif->dwEventType == WZCNOTIF_DEVICE_ARRIVAL) bForwardUp = bForwardUp || (dwErr == ERROR_MEDIA_INCOMPATIBLE);
// At this point, bForwardUp is FALSE only for ADAPTER_BIND or DEVICE_ARRIVAL for a wireless adapter
// If WZC doesn't seem to be enabled for this adapter, pass up the notification
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS && pIntfContext != NULL) bForwardUp = bForwardUp || ((pIntfContext->dwCtlFlags & INTFCTL_ENABLED) == 0);
// At this point, bForwardUp is FALSE only for ADAPTER_BIND or DEVICE_ARRIVAL for a wireless adapter
// on which WZC is enabled. For all the other cases, notification is passed through.
// All that remains is to block the pass-through of the notification if we deal with a valid context
// for which INTFCTL_INTERNAL_BLK_MEDIACONN bit is set. This bit is being set in StateNotifyFn
// and it is reset after processing each event / command so it is only a narrow case where we really
// need to block. We do block it because one WZC notification must have already been sent up so
// there is totally redundant to pass another one up.
if (pIntfContext != NULL) { bForwardUp = bForwardUp && !(pIntfContext->dwCtlFlags & INTFCTL_INTERNAL_BLK_MEDIACONN);
// now, since we determined whether we need or not to pass up the PnP notification
// we can (and must) clear up the INTFCTL_INTERNAL_BLK_MEDIACONN bit.
pIntfContext->dwCtlFlags &= ~INTFCTL_INTERNAL_BLK_MEDIACONN; }
// for all the remaining cases, the notification is going to be substituted
// later (in {SN} state) with a "WZCNOTIF_WZC_CONNECT" notification. Assume something goes wrong
// and the interface never gets to {SN}, it means there is no reason for the upper layer to act
// on an interface for which the underlying layer (Zero Conf) failed.
// unlock the hashes at the end
if (bForwardUp) { // Notify upper level app (802.1x) that the selected
// 802.11 configuration is successful.
DbgPrint((TRC_NOTIF, "Passing through notification %d",pDevNotif->dwEventType)); dwErr = ElMediaEventsHandler(pDevNotif); DbgAssert((dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Error or Exception 0x%x when passing through notification", dwErr)); }
exit: MemFree(pwszDeviceKey); MemFree(pDevNotif);
DbgPrint((TRC_TRACK,"WZCWrkDeviceNotifHandler=%d]", dwErr));
// decrement the thread counter
InterlockedDecrement(&g_nThreads); }
// WZCTimeoutCallback: timer callback routine. It should not lock any cs, but just spawn
// the timer handler routine after referencing the context (to avoid premature deletion)
VOID WINAPI WZCTimeoutCallback( IN PVOID pvData, IN BOOL fTimerOrWaitFired) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; PINTF_CONTEXT pIntfContext = (PINTF_CONTEXT)pvData; BOOL bDecrement = TRUE;
// increment the thread counter the first thing!
DbgPrint((TRC_TRACK|TRC_NOTIF, "[WZCTimeoutCallback(0x%p)", pIntfContext)); DbgAssert((pIntfContext != NULL, "Invalid (null) context in timer callback!"));
// reference the context to make sure no one will delete it unexpectedly.
if (!QueueUserWorkItem( (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)WZCSvcTimeoutHandler, (LPVOID)pIntfContext, WT_EXECUTELONGFUNCTION)) { dwErr = GetLastError(); goto exit; }
bDecrement = FALSE;
exit: DbgPrint((TRC_TRACK|TRC_NOTIF, "WZCTimeoutCallback=%d]", dwErr));
if (bDecrement) { // getting here would be really bad - it would mean we failed to spawn the
// timer handler. We need to make sure we not unbalance the reference counter
// on the context. The counter can't get to 0 since the device notification thread
// is waiting for all the timer routines to complete.
InterlockedDecrement(&(pIntfContext->rccs.nRefCount)); InterlockedDecrement(&g_nThreads); } }
VOID WZCSvcTimeoutHandler( IN PVOID pvData) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; PINTF_CONTEXT pIntfContext = (PINTF_CONTEXT)pvData;
DbgPrint((TRC_TRACK,"[WZCSvcTimeoutHandler(0x%p)", pIntfContext));
// lock the context here (it has been referenced in the timer callback!)
// the timer handler should be a noop in all the following cases:
// - the service doesn't look to be either starting or running
// - the timer handler is invalid. This is an indication the context is being destroyed
// - the timer flag is not set! Same indication the context is being destroyed.
if ((g_WZCSvcStatus.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_RUNNING || g_WZCSvcStatus.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_START_PENDING) && (pIntfContext->hTimer != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) && (pIntfContext->dwCtlFlags & INTFCTL_INTERNAL_TM_ON)) { // since the timer fired already for this event and we only deal with
// one time timers, reset the TIMER_ON flag for this context:
pIntfContext->dwCtlFlags &= ~INTFCTL_INTERNAL_TM_ON;
// dispatch the timeout event
dwErr = StateDispatchEvent( eEventTimeout, pIntfContext, NULL);
// clear up the INTFCTL_INTERNAL_BLK_MEDIACONN bit since this is not a media sense handler
DbgAssert((dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Dispatching timeout event failed for context 0x%p\n", pIntfContext)); }
// unlock unref the context!
DbgPrint((TRC_TRACK,"WZCSvcTimeoutHandler=%d]", dwErr)); InterlockedDecrement(&g_nThreads); }
DbgPrint((TRC_TRACK,"[WZCWrkWzcSendNotif(0x%p)", pvData)); DbgPrint((TRC_NOTIF, "Sending WZC_CONFIG_NOTIF to upper level apps")); dwErr = ElMediaEventsHandler(pvData);
DbgPrint((TRC_TRACK,"WZCWrkWzcSendNotif]=%d", dwErr)); InterlockedDecrement(&g_nThreads); }
// Called by Netman module query the ncs state of the GUID under 802.1X control
// Arguments:
// pGuidConn - Interface GUID
// pncs - NCS status of the interface
// Returns:
// S_OK - network connection status is reported by WZC
// S_FALSE - status is not controlled by WZC
InterlockedIncrement(&g_nThreads); // check if the service is still running, return the call instantly
if (g_WZCSvcStatus.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_RUNNING || g_WZCSvcStatus.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_START_PENDING) { // check what Zero Config says about the adapter's status
if (hr == S_FALSE) { WCHAR wszGuid[64]; // enough for "{xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}"
// convert the GUID to "{xxx...}" and get the ncStatus from the interface context (if any)
if (StringFromGUID2(pGuidConn, wszGuid, 64) != 0) hr = LstQueryGUIDNCStatus(wszGuid, pncs); }
// check what 802.1x says about the adapter's status
if (hr == S_FALSE) { hr = EAPOLQueryGUIDNCSState ( pGuidConn, pncs); } } InterlockedDecrement(&g_nThreads); return hr; }
// WZCTrayIconReady
// Purpose: Called by Netman module to inform about Tray being
// ready for notifications from WZCSVC
// Arguments:
// pszUserName - Username of the user logged in on the desktop
// Returns:
// None
VOID WZCTrayIconReady ( IN const WCHAR * pszUserName) { EAPOLTrayIconReady(pszUserName); }
// WZCContextInit
// Description:Initialises an internal context with default values
// Parameters: pointer to an internal context with storage pre allocated
// Returns: win32 error code
DbgPrint((TRC_TRACK,"[WZCContextInit(%p=%d)", pwzcICtxt, pwzcICtxt->bValid));
if (pwzcICtxt->bValid) { dwErr = ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED; } else { PWZC_CONTEXT pwzcCtxt = &(pwzcICtxt->wzcContext);
DbgPrint((TRC_TRACK,"Initializing wzc context"));
// null out the service's context
ZeroMemory(pwzcCtxt, sizeof(WZC_CONTEXT));
__try { //set defaults
pwzcCtxt->tmTr = TMMS_DEFAULT_TR; pwzcCtxt->tmTc = TMMS_DEFAULT_TC; pwzcCtxt->tmTp = TMMS_DEFAULT_TP; pwzcCtxt->tmTf = TMMS_DEFAULT_TF; pwzcCtxt->tmTd = TMMS_DEFAULT_TD;
//Init CriticalSection
DbgPrint((TRC_TRACK,"Critical section initialized successfully"));
// mark the context is valid
pwzcICtxt->bValid = TRUE; } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { dwErr = GetExceptionCode(); }
if (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwErr = LstConstructIntfContext( NULL, &(pwzcICtxt->pIntfTemplate)); } }
DbgPrint((TRC_TRACK,"WZCContextInit]=%d", dwErr)); return dwErr; }
// WZCContextDestroy
// Description:Destroys an internal context with default values
// Parameters: pointer to an internal context initialised using WZCContextInit
// Returns: win32 error code
if (pwzcICtxt->bValid) { // destroy the global context here
LstDestroyIntfContext(pwzcICtxt->pIntfTemplate); pwzcICtxt->pIntfTemplate = NULL;
pwzcICtxt->bValid = FALSE; //Destroy critical section
DeleteCriticalSection(&(pwzcICtxt->csContext)); }
DbgPrint((TRC_TRACK,"WZCContextDestroy]=%d", dwErr)); return dwErr; }
// WzcContextQuery
// Description: Queries specified params in the global context and sends the
// values back to the client.
// Parameters:
// [in] dwInFlags - Bitmask of the WZC_CTL_* flags, indicates the
// appropriate parameter.
// [out] pContext - Holds current values requested by user
// [out] pdwOutFlags - Indicates the values that were successfully returned
// Returns: win32 error code
DWORD WzcContextQuery( DWORD dwInFlags, PWZC_CONTEXT pContext, LPDWORD pdwOutFlags) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwOutFlags = 0; PWZC_CONTEXT pwzcCtxt = &g_wzcInternalCtxt.wzcContext;
DbgPrint((TRC_TRACK, "[WzcContextQuery(%d)", dwInFlags)); if (FALSE == g_wzcInternalCtxt.bValid) { dwErr = ERROR_ARENA_TRASHED; goto exit; }
EnterCriticalSection(&g_wzcInternalCtxt.csContext); if (dwInFlags & WZC_CONTEXT_CTL_LOG) { pContext->dwFlags |= (DWORD)(pwzcCtxt->dwFlags & WZC_CTXT_LOGGING_ON); dwOutFlags |= WZC_CONTEXT_CTL_LOG; } if (dwInFlags & WZC_CONTEXT_CTL_TIMER_TR) { pContext->tmTr = pwzcCtxt->tmTr; dwOutFlags |= WZC_CONTEXT_CTL_TIMER_TR; } if (dwInFlags & WZC_CONTEXT_CTL_TIMER_TC) { pContext->tmTc = pwzcCtxt->tmTc; dwOutFlags |= WZC_CONTEXT_CTL_TIMER_TC; } if (dwInFlags & WZC_CONTEXT_CTL_TIMER_TP) { pContext->tmTp = pwzcCtxt->tmTp; dwOutFlags |= WZC_CONTEXT_CTL_TIMER_TP; } if (dwInFlags & WZC_CONTEXT_CTL_TIMER_TF) { pContext->tmTf = pwzcCtxt->tmTf; dwOutFlags |= WZC_CONTEXT_CTL_TIMER_TF; } if (dwInFlags & WZC_CONTEXT_CTL_TIMER_TD) { pContext->tmTd = pwzcCtxt->tmTd; dwOutFlags |= WZC_CONTEXT_CTL_TIMER_TD; } LeaveCriticalSection(&g_wzcInternalCtxt.csContext);
exit: if (pdwOutFlags != NULL) *pdwOutFlags = dwOutFlags;
DbgPrint((TRC_TRACK, "WzcContextQuery(out: 0x%08x)]=%d", dwOutFlags, dwErr)); return dwErr; }
// WzcContextSet
// Description: Sets specified params in the global context to the values
// passed in by the client.
// Parameters:
// [in] dwInFlags - Bitmask of the WZC_CTL_* flags, indicates the
// appropriate parameter.
// [in] pContext - Should point to the user specified values
// [out] pdwOutFlags - Indicates the values that were successfully set
// Returns: win32 error code
DWORD WzcContextSet( DWORD dwInFlags, PWZC_CONTEXT pContext, LPDWORD pdwOutFlags) { DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwOutFlags = 0; PWZC_CONTEXT pwzcCtxt = &g_wzcInternalCtxt.wzcContext;
DbgPrint((TRC_TRACK, "[WzcContextSet(%d)", dwInFlags)); if (FALSE == g_wzcInternalCtxt.bValid) { dwErr = ERROR_ARENA_TRASHED; goto exit; }
EnterCriticalSection(&g_wzcInternalCtxt.csContext); //Set appropriate entries
if (dwInFlags & WZC_CONTEXT_CTL_LOG) { if (pContext->dwFlags & WZC_CTXT_LOGGING_ON) pwzcCtxt->dwFlags |= WZC_CONTEXT_CTL_LOG; else pwzcCtxt->dwFlags &= ~WZC_CONTEXT_CTL_LOG; dwOutFlags |= WZC_CONTEXT_CTL_LOG; } if (dwInFlags & WZC_CONTEXT_CTL_TIMER_TR) { pwzcCtxt->tmTr = pContext->tmTr; dwOutFlags |= WZC_CONTEXT_CTL_TIMER_TR; } if (dwInFlags & WZC_CONTEXT_CTL_TIMER_TC) { pwzcCtxt->tmTc = pContext->tmTc; dwOutFlags |= WZC_CONTEXT_CTL_TIMER_TC; } if (dwInFlags & WZC_CONTEXT_CTL_TIMER_TP) { pwzcCtxt->tmTp = pContext->tmTp; dwOutFlags |= WZC_CONTEXT_CTL_TIMER_TP; } if (dwInFlags & WZC_CONTEXT_CTL_TIMER_TF) { pwzcCtxt->tmTf = pContext->tmTf; dwOutFlags |= WZC_CONTEXT_CTL_TIMER_TF; } if (dwInFlags & WZC_CONTEXT_CTL_TIMER_TD) { pwzcCtxt->tmTd = pContext->tmTd; dwOutFlags |= WZC_CONTEXT_CTL_TIMER_TD; }
//Save into the registry
dwErr = StoSaveWZCContext(NULL, &g_wzcInternalCtxt.wzcContext); DbgAssert((ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErr, "Error saving context to registry %d",dwErr)); LeaveCriticalSection(&g_wzcInternalCtxt.csContext);
exit: if (pdwOutFlags != NULL) *pdwOutFlags = dwOutFlags;
DbgPrint((TRC_TRACK, "WzcContextSet(out: 0x%08x)]=%d", dwOutFlags, dwErr)); return dwErr; }