// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1998
// File: rasprof.cpp
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "rasdial.h"
#include "rasprof.h"
#include "profsht.h"
#include "pgiasadv.h"
// Open profile UI API -- expose advanced page
// critical section protected pointer map
class CAdvPagePointerMap { public: ~CAdvPagePointerMap() { HPROPSHEETPAGE hPage = NULL; CPgIASAdv* pPage = NULL; m_cs.Lock(); POSITION pos = m_mPointers.GetStartPosition(); while(pos) { m_mPointers.GetNextAssoc(pos, hPage, pPage); if(pPage) delete pPage; } m_mPointers.RemoveAll(); m_cs.Unlock(); };
BOOL AddItem(HPROPSHEETPAGE hPage, CPgIASAdv* pPage) { BOOL bRet = TRUE; if(!pPage || !hPage) return FALSE; m_cs.Lock(); try{ m_mPointers.SetAt(hPage, pPage); }catch(...) { bRet = FALSE; } m_cs.Unlock();
return bRet; }; CPgIASAdv* FindAndRemoveItem(HPROPSHEETPAGE hPage) { CPgIASAdv* pPage = NULL; if (!hPage) return NULL; m_cs.Lock(); m_mPointers.Lookup(hPage, pPage); m_mPointers.RemoveKey(hPage); m_cs.Unlock();
return pPage; };
protected: CMap<HPROPSHEETPAGE, HPROPSHEETPAGE, CPgIASAdv*, CPgIASAdv*> m_mPointers; CCriticalSection m_cs; } AdvancedPagePointerMap;
// Open profile UI API -- expose advanced page
// create a profile advanced page
DllExport HPROPSHEETPAGE WINAPI IASCreateProfileAdvancedPage( ISdo* pProfile, ISdoDictionaryOld* pDictionary, LONG lFilter, // Mask used to test which attributes will be included.
void* pvData // Contains std::vector< CComPtr< IIASAttributeInfo > > *
try{ pPage = new CPgIASAdv(pProfile, pDictionary);
if(pPage) { pPage->SetData(lFilter, pvData); hPage = ::CreatePropertySheetPage(&pPage->m_psp);
if (!hPage) delete pPage; else AdvancedPagePointerMap.AddItem(hPage, pPage); } } catch (...) { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); if(pPage) { delete pPage; pPage = NULL; hPage = NULL; } }
return hPage; }
// Open profile UI API -- expose advanced page
// clean up the resources used by C++ object
DllExport BOOL WINAPI IASDeleteProfileAdvancedPage( HPROPSHEETPAGE hPage ) { CPgIASAdv* pPage = AdvancedPagePointerMap.FindAndRemoveItem(hPage);
if (!pPage) return FALSE; delete pPage;
return TRUE; }
// Open profile UI API
DllExport HRESULT OpenRAS_IASProfileDlg( LPCWSTR pMachineName, ISdo* pProfile, // profile SDO pointer
ISdoDictionaryOld * pDictionary, // dictionary SDO pointer
BOOL bReadOnly, // if the dlg is for readonly
DWORD dwTabFlags, // what to show
void *pvData // additional data
) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if(!pProfile || !pDictionary) return E_INVALIDARG;
CRASProfileMerge profile(pProfile, pDictionary);
hr = profile.Load();
if(!FAILED(hr)) { CProfileSheetMerge sh(profile, true, IDS_EDITDIALINPROFILE);
sh.SetReadOnly(bReadOnly); sh.PreparePages(dwTabFlags, pvData); if(IDOK == sh.DoModal()) { if(sh.GetLastError() != S_OK) hr = sh.GetLastError(); else if(!sh.IsApplied()) hr = S_FALSE; } else hr = S_FALSE; }
return hr; }