/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft Windows/NT **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999 **/ /**********************************************************************/
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "addrpool.h"
#include "rraswiz.h"
#include "rtrres.h"
#include "rtrcomn.h"
// This is the build where Static Address pools are enabled.
// This function is used to convert numbers in the presence of
// separators.
BOOL ConvertStringToNumber(LPCTSTR pszString, DWORD * pdwRet); void FilterBadChars (LPCTSTR pszEvilString, CString & stGood); // This array must match the column indices in the addrpool.h enum.
INT s_rgIPPoolColumnHeadersShort[] = { IDS_IPPOOL_COL_START, IDS_IPPOOL_COL_END, IDS_IPPOOL_COL_RANGE, 0 // sentinel
InitializeAddressPoolListControl - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT InitializeAddressPoolListControl(CListCtrl *pListCtrl, LPARAM flags, AddressPoolList *pList) { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( )); HRESULT hr = hrOK; LV_COLUMN lvCol; // list view column struct for radius servers
RECT rect; CString stColCaption; int nColWidth; POSITION pos; AddressPoolInfo pool; INT iPos; LV_ITEM lvItem; CString st, stStart; TCHAR szBuffer[64]; INT * prgColumnHeaders = NULL; int cColumns = 0; ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle(pListCtrl->GetSafeHwnd(), LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT); // Show a different set of columns depending on the flag
if (flags & ADDRPOOL_LONG) { // Subtract one for the sentinel
cColumns = DimensionOf(s_rgIPPoolColumnHeadersLong) - 1; prgColumnHeaders = s_rgIPPoolColumnHeadersLong; } else { // Subtract one for the sentinel
cColumns = DimensionOf(s_rgIPPoolColumnHeadersShort) - 1; prgColumnHeaders = s_rgIPPoolColumnHeadersShort; }
// Add the columns to the list control
pListCtrl->GetClientRect(&rect); nColWidth = rect.right / cColumns; lvCol.mask = LVCF_FMT | LVCF_WIDTH | LVCF_TEXT; lvCol.fmt = LVCFMT_LEFT; lvCol.cx = nColWidth;
// Insert the columns until we hit the sentinel value.
for (INT index=0; *prgColumnHeaders; index++,prgColumnHeaders++) { stColCaption.LoadString( *prgColumnHeaders ); lvCol.pszText = (LPTSTR)((LPCTSTR) stColCaption); pListCtrl->InsertColumn(index, &lvCol); }
// Now we go in and add the data
if (pList) { pos = pList->GetHeadPosition();
lvItem.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_PARAM; lvItem.stateMask = LVIS_FOCUSED | LVIS_SELECTED; lvItem.state = 0; while (pos) { // Break out of the loop if we do not support
// multiple address pools.
if (!pList->FUsesMultipleAddressPools() && (pListCtrl->GetItemCount() > 1)) { break; } pool = pList->GetNext(pos); stStart = INET_NTOA(pool.m_netStart); lvItem.iItem = pList->GetCount() + 1; lvItem.iSubItem = 0; lvItem.pszText = (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR) stStart; // We use the pool key as a way of finding the item in the
// list
lvItem.lParam = pool.m_dwKey; iPos = pListCtrl->InsertItem(&lvItem); if (iPos != -1) { pListCtrl->SetItemText(iPos, IPPOOLCOL_START, stStart); st = INET_NTOA(pool.m_netEnd); pListCtrl->SetItemText(iPos, IPPOOLCOL_END, st);
FormatNumber(pool.GetNumberOfAddresses(), szBuffer, DimensionOf(szBuffer), FALSE); pListCtrl->SetItemText(iPos, IPPOOLCOL_RANGE, szBuffer);
if (flags & ADDRPOOL_LONG) { st = INET_NTOA(pool.m_netAddress); pListCtrl->SetItemText(iPos, IPPOOLCOL_IPADDRESS, st); st = INET_NTOA(pool.m_netMask); pListCtrl->SetItemText(iPos, IPPOOLCOL_MASK, st); } } } } return hr; }
OnNewAddressPool - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void OnNewAddressPool(HWND hWnd, CListCtrl *pList, LPARAM flags, AddressPoolList *pPoolList) { LV_ITEM lvItem; CString st, stStart; INT iPos; TCHAR szBuffer[64]; AddressPoolInfo poolInfo; CAddressPoolDialog dlg(&poolInfo, pPoolList, TRUE);
if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) { poolInfo.GetNewKey(); // Add this to the list.
pPoolList->AddTail(poolInfo); // Add this to the UI
stStart = INET_NTOA(poolInfo.m_netStart); lvItem.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_PARAM; lvItem.stateMask = LVIS_FOCUSED | LVIS_SELECTED; lvItem.state = 0; lvItem.iItem = pPoolList->GetCount() + 1; lvItem.iSubItem = 0; lvItem.pszText = (LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR) stStart; // We use the pool key as a way of finding the item in the
// list
lvItem.lParam = poolInfo.m_dwKey; iPos = pList->InsertItem(&lvItem); if (iPos != -1) { pList->SetItemText(iPos, IPPOOLCOL_START, stStart); st = INET_NTOA(poolInfo.m_netEnd); pList->SetItemText(iPos, IPPOOLCOL_END, st); FormatNumber(poolInfo.GetNumberOfAddresses(), szBuffer, DimensionOf(szBuffer), FALSE); pList->SetItemText(iPos, IPPOOLCOL_RANGE, szBuffer);
if (flags & ADDRPOOL_LONG) { st = INET_NTOA(poolInfo.m_netAddress); pList->SetItemText(iPos, IPPOOLCOL_IPADDRESS, st); st = INET_NTOA(poolInfo.m_netMask); pList->SetItemText(iPos, IPPOOLCOL_MASK, st); } } } }
void OnEditAddressPool(HWND hWnd, CListCtrl *pList, LPARAM flags, AddressPoolList *pPoolList) { INT iPos; DWORD dwKey = 0; POSITION pos, posT; AddressPoolInfo poolInfo; TCHAR szBuffer[64]; CString st; // Is there a selected item?
if ((iPos = pList->GetNextItem(-1, LVNI_SELECTED)) == -1) return;
dwKey = pList->GetItemData(iPos);
// Given the key, find it in our list of items
pos = pPoolList->GetHeadPosition(); while (pos) { posT = pos;
poolInfo = pPoolList->GetNext(pos);
if (poolInfo.m_dwKey == dwKey) break; }
// Did we find a match?
if (dwKey) { Assert(posT); poolInfo = pPoolList->GetAt(posT);
CAddressPoolDialog dlg(&poolInfo, pPoolList, FALSE);
if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK) { // set it back
st = INET_NTOA(poolInfo.m_netStart); pList->SetItemText(iPos, IPPOOLCOL_START, st); st = INET_NTOA(poolInfo.m_netEnd); pList->SetItemText(iPos, IPPOOLCOL_END, st); FormatNumber(poolInfo.GetNumberOfAddresses(), szBuffer, DimensionOf(szBuffer), FALSE); pList->SetItemText(iPos, IPPOOLCOL_RANGE, szBuffer);
if (flags & ADDRPOOL_LONG) { st = INET_NTOA(poolInfo.m_netAddress); pList->SetItemText(iPos, IPPOOLCOL_IPADDRESS, st); st = INET_NTOA(poolInfo.m_netMask); pList->SetItemText(iPos, IPPOOLCOL_MASK, st); } pPoolList->SetAt(posT, poolInfo); } }
void OnDeleteAddressPool(HWND hWnd, CListCtrl *pList, LPARAM flags, AddressPoolList *pPoolList) { INT iPos; DWORD dwKey = 0; POSITION pos, posT; AddressPoolInfo poolInfo; // Ok, need to remove the selected item from the list and from the UI
// Is there a selected item?
if ((iPos = pList->GetNextItem(-1, LVNI_SELECTED)) == -1) return;
dwKey = pList->GetItemData(iPos);
// Given the key, find it in our list of items
pos = pPoolList->GetHeadPosition(); while (pos) { posT = pos;
poolInfo = pPoolList->GetNext(pos);
if (poolInfo.m_dwKey == dwKey) break; }
// Did we find a match?
if (dwKey) { INT nCount; Assert(posT); pPoolList->RemoveAt(posT); pList->DeleteItem(iPos);
// Ok, update the selected state to point at the next item
nCount = pList->GetItemCount(); if (nCount > 0) { iPos = min(nCount-1, iPos); pList->SetItemState(iPos, LVIS_SELECTED, LVIS_SELECTED); } } }
AddressPoolInfo::GetNewKey - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DWORD AddressPoolInfo::GetNewKey() { static DWORD s_dwAddressPoolKey = 1;
m_dwKey = s_dwAddressPoolKey; ++s_dwAddressPoolKey; return m_dwKey; }
AddressPoolInfo::SetAddressAndMask - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void AddressPoolInfo::SetAddressAndMask(DWORD netAddress, DWORD netMask) { // Ok, need to determine the start and end address
DWORD netStart, netEnd;
m_netStart = netAddress & netMask; m_netEnd = netAddress | ~netMask; m_netAddress = netAddress; m_netMask = netMask; }
AddressPoolInfo::SetStartAndEnd - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void AddressPoolInfo::SetStartAndEnd(DWORD netStart, DWORD netEnd) { DWORD dwAddress, dwMask, dwTemp, dwMaskTemp; DWORD dwStart, dwEnd; // Given the start and the end, figure out the address and mask
// Save the start/end addresses before they get converted to host form.
m_netStart = netStart; m_netEnd = netEnd; dwStart = ntohl(netStart); dwEnd = ntohl(netEnd);
// This will put 1's where the bits have the same value
dwTemp = ~(dwStart ^ dwEnd);
// Now we look for the first 0 bit (looking from high bit to low bit)
// This will give us our mask
dwMask = 0; dwMaskTemp = 0; for (int i=0; i<sizeof(DWORD)*8; i++) { dwMaskTemp >>= 1; dwMaskTemp |= 0x80000000;
// Is there a zero bit?
if ((dwMaskTemp & dwTemp) != dwMaskTemp) { // There is a zero, so we break out.
break; }
// If not, continue
dwMask = dwMaskTemp; }
m_netMask = htonl(dwMask); m_netAddress = htonl(dwMask & dwStart); }
AddressPoolList::HrIsValidAddressPool - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT AddressPoolList::HrIsValidAddressPool(AddressPoolInfo *pInfo) { DWORD dwStart, dwEnd; // in host order
dwStart = ntohl(pInfo->m_netStart); dwEnd = ntohl(pInfo->m_netEnd); // Verify that this is a valid address pool entry.
// First, check to see that the end is greater than the start
// We add one to the start address, to include the RAS adapter
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
if (dwStart >= dwEnd) { return IDS_ERR_IP_ADDRESS_POOL_RANGE_TOO_SMALL; }
// Now check to see that the 127 range is not included
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
if ((dwEnd >= MAKEIPADDRESS(127,0,0,0)) && (dwStart <= MAKEIPADDRESS(127,255,255,255))) { return IDS_ERR_IP_ADDRESS_POOL_RANGE_OVERLAPS_127; }
// Check to see that the addresses are in the normal range
// <= address <
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
if ((dwStart < MAKEIPADDRESS(1,0,0,0)) || (dwEnd > MAKEIPADDRESS(223,255,255,255))) { return IDS_ERR_IP_ADDRESS_POOL_RANGE_NOT_NORMAL; }
Assert(pInfo->GetNumberOfAddresses() > 0);
//$ TODO : Need to check that we don't have overlaps
if (GetCount()) { POSITION pos; AddressPoolInfo poolInfo; DWORD dwPoolStart, dwPoolEnd;
pos = GetHeadPosition();
while (pos) { poolInfo = GetNext(pos);
if (poolInfo.m_dwKey == pInfo->m_dwKey) continue;
dwPoolStart = ntohl(poolInfo.m_netStart); dwPoolEnd = ntohl(poolInfo.m_netEnd);
// do we overlap?
if ((dwEnd >= dwPoolStart) && (dwStart <= dwPoolEnd)) { return IDS_ERR_IP_ADDRESS_POOL_OVERLAP; } } } return hrOK; }
BOOL AddressPoolList::FUsesMultipleAddressPools() { return m_fMultipleAddressPools; }
HRESULT AddressPoolList::LoadFromReg(HKEY hkeyRasIp, DWORD dwBuildNo) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; RegKey regkeyRasIp; RegKey regkeyPool; RegKey regkeyRange; CString stIpAddr, stIpMask; AddressPoolInfo poolInfo; DWORD dwIpAddr, dwMask; DWORD dwFrom, dwTo; RegKeyIterator regkeyIter; HRESULT hrIter; CString stKey;
m_fMultipleAddressPools = FALSE;
COM_PROTECT_TRY { // Remove all of the old addresses
// Support multiple address pools only if we are on newer builds.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
m_fMultipleAddressPools = (dwBuildNo >= STATIC_ADDRESSPOOL_BUILDNO);
// Check to see if the StaticAddressPool key exists, if so
// then we use that, otherwise use the ip addr and mask
// entries
// Check out RemoteAccess\Parameters\Ip\StaticAddressPool
// ------------------------------------------------------------
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == regkeyPool.Open(regkeyRasIp, c_szRegValStaticAddressPool)) { TCHAR szKeyName[32]; INT iCount = 0; // Instead of enumerating we open up the keys one-by-one
// (to maintain the order of the keys).
// --------------------------------------------------------
while (TRUE) { // Cleanup from previous loop
// ----------------------------------------------------
// Setup for this loop
// ----------------------------------------------------
wsprintf(szKeyName, _T("%d"), iCount);
// Try to open the key
// If we fail, bail out of the loop.
// ----------------------------------------------------
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != regkeyRange.Open(regkeyPool, szKeyName)) break;
regkeyRange.QueryValue(c_szRegValFrom, dwFrom); regkeyRange.QueryValue(c_szRegValTo, dwTo);
poolInfo.SetStartAndEnd(htonl(dwFrom), htonl(dwTo)); poolInfo.GetNewKey();
// Ok, add this to the list of address ranges
// ----------------------------------------------------
AddTail(poolInfo); iCount++; } } else { // We can't find the StaticAddressPool key, so use the
// data in the address/mask entries.
// --------------------------------------------------------
regkeyRasIp.QueryValue(c_szRegValIpAddr, stIpAddr); regkeyRasIp.QueryValue(c_szRegValIpMask, stIpMask);
if (!stIpAddr.IsEmpty() && !stIpMask.IsEmpty()) { dwIpAddr = INET_ADDR((LPTSTR) (LPCTSTR) stIpAddr); dwMask = INET_ADDR((LPTSTR) (LPCTSTR) stIpMask); poolInfo.SetAddressAndMask(dwIpAddr, dwMask); poolInfo.GetNewKey();
// Add this to the head of the list
AddHead(poolInfo); } } } COM_PROTECT_CATCH;
regkeyRasIp.Detach(); return hr; }
AddressPoolList::SaveToReg - Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT AddressPoolList::SaveToReg(HKEY hkeyRasIp, DWORD dwBuildNo) { HRESULT hr = hrOK; AddressPoolInfo poolInfo; CString stAddress, stMask; CString stRange; POSITION pos; RegKey regkeyRasIp; RegKey regkeyPool; RegKey regkeyRange; DWORD dwCount; DWORD dwErr, dwData;
COM_PROTECT_TRY { // Reset the m_fMultipleAddressPools
m_fMultipleAddressPools = (dwBuildNo >= STATIC_ADDRESSPOOL_BUILDNO);
// If this is a newer build, use the StaticAddressPoolKey,
// otherwise use the old keys.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
if (m_fMultipleAddressPools) { // Open RemoteAccess\Parameters\Ip\StaticAddressPool
// --------------------------------------------------------
CWRg( regkeyPool.Create(regkeyRasIp, c_szRegValStaticAddressPool) );
// Delete all of the current keys in the list
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Delete any of the older keys
// --------------------------------------------------------
regkeyRasIp.DeleteValue(c_szRegValIpAddr); regkeyRasIp.DeleteValue(c_szRegValIpMask); // Now enumerate through the address pool list and
// add all of those keys.
// ------------------------------------------------------------
if (GetCount()) { pos = GetHeadPosition(); dwCount = 0;
while (pos) { poolInfo = GetNext(pos);
// This is the title for the key
// ------------------------------------------------
stRange.Format(_T("%d"), dwCount);
CWRg( regkeyRange.Create(regkeyPool, stRange) );
dwData = ntohl(poolInfo.m_netStart); CWRg( regkeyRange.SetValue(c_szRegValFrom, dwData) ); dwData = ntohl(poolInfo.m_netEnd); CWRg( regkeyRange.SetValue(c_szRegValTo, dwData) );
dwCount++; } } } else { // Just write out the first address we find, if there are none then
// write out blanks (to erase any previous values).
if (GetCount()) { // Get the first address info
Assert(GetCount() == 1); poolInfo = GetHead(); stAddress = INET_NTOA(poolInfo.m_netAddress); stMask = INET_NTOA(poolInfo.m_netMask); CWRg( regkeyRasIp.SetValue( c_szRegValIpAddr, (LPCTSTR) stAddress) ); CWRg( regkeyRasIp.SetValue( c_szRegValIpMask, (LPCTSTR) stMask) ); } else { CWRg( regkeyRasIp.SetValue( c_szRegValIpAddr, (LPCTSTR) _T("")) ); CWRg( regkeyRasIp.SetValue( c_szRegValIpMask, (LPCTSTR) _T("")) ); } } COM_PROTECT_ERROR_LABEL; } COM_PROTECT_CATCH;
regkeyRasIp.Detach(); return hr; }
CAddressPoolDialog implementation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CAddressPoolDialog::CAddressPoolDialog( AddressPoolInfo *pPool, AddressPoolList *pPoolList, BOOL fCreate) : CBaseDialog(IDD_IPPOOL), m_pPool(pPool), m_fCreate(fCreate), m_fReady(FALSE), m_pPoolList(pPoolList) { }
void CAddressPoolDialog::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange *pDX) { CBaseDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); }
BOOL CAddressPoolDialog::OnInitDialog() { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( )); CString st; TCHAR szBuffer[64]; CBaseDialog::OnInitDialog();
st.LoadString(m_fCreate ? IDS_ADD_IPPOOL_TITLE : IDS_EDIT_IPPOOL_TITLE); SetWindowText((LPCTSTR) st);
m_ipStartAddress.Create(GetSafeHwnd(), IDC_IPPOOL_IP_START); st = INET_NTOA(m_pPool->m_netStart); m_ipStartAddress.SetAddress((LPCTSTR) st); m_ipEndAddress.Create(GetSafeHwnd(), IDC_IPPOOL_IP_END); st = INET_NTOA(m_pPool->m_netEnd); m_ipEndAddress.SetAddress((LPCTSTR) st);
m_fReady = TRUE;
return TRUE; }
void CAddressPoolDialog::OnOK() { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState( )); CString st; DWORD netStart, netEnd; HRESULT hr = hrOK; UINT ids = 0; // Ok, check the validity of the addresses
// Are all of the fields there?
if (m_ipStartAddress.IsBlank()) { AfxMessageBox(IDS_ERR_ADDRESS_POOL_NO_START_ADDRESS); return; } if (m_ipEndAddress.IsBlank()) { AfxMessageBox(IDS_ERR_ADDRESS_POOL_NO_END_ADDRESS); return; }
m_ipStartAddress.GetAddress(st); netStart = INET_ADDR((LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)st); if ((netStart == 0) || (netStart == 0xFFFFFFFF)) { AfxMessageBox(IDS_ERR_ADDRESS_POOL_NO_START_ADDRESS); return; } m_ipEndAddress.GetAddress(st); netEnd = INET_ADDR((LPTSTR)(LPCTSTR)st); if ((netEnd == 0) || (netEnd == 0xFFFFFFFF)) { AfxMessageBox(IDS_ERR_ADDRESS_POOL_NO_END_ADDRESS); return; }
m_pPool->SetStartAndEnd(netStart, netEnd);
if (!FHrOK(hr = m_pPoolList->HrIsValidAddressPool(m_pPool))) { if (FHrSucceeded(hr)) { // If it is not hrOK and is not an error code,
// the success code can be interpreted as a string id
AfxMessageBox(hr); } return; }
CBaseDialog::OnOK(); }
void CAddressPoolDialog::OnChangeStartAddress() { if (m_fReady) GenerateRange(); }
void CAddressPoolDialog::OnChangeEndAddress() { if (m_fReady) GenerateRange(); }
void CAddressPoolDialog::OnChangeRange() { if (m_fReady) { CString st; DWORD dwAddr, dwSize; DWORD netAddr; DWORD dwRange;
m_fReady = FALSE; // Get the start address and update the end address
m_ipStartAddress.GetAddress(st); dwAddr = ntohl(INET_ADDR(st));
// Have to read in the text, but strip out the
// commas in the range, sigh.
GetDlgItemText(IDC_IPPOOL_EDIT_RANGE, st); if ( ConvertStringToNumber(st, &dwRange) ) { dwAddr += dwRange; // Subtract 1 since this is an inclusive range
// i.e. 0..(n-1) is n addresses.
dwAddr -= 1; netAddr = htonl(dwAddr); st = INET_NTOA(netAddr); m_ipEndAddress.SetAddress(st);
} else { CString stGood; //Filter the bad chars out of the box
FilterBadChars (st, stGood); SetDlgItemText (IDC_IPPOOL_EDIT_RANGE, stGood ); AfxMessageBox (IDS_ILLEGAL_CHARACTER, MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK ); }
m_fReady = TRUE; } }
void CAddressPoolDialog::OnKillFocusStartAddress() { GenerateRange();
if (m_ipEndAddress.IsBlank()) { CString st; m_ipStartAddress.GetAddress(st); m_ipEndAddress.SetAddress(st); } }
void CAddressPoolDialog::OnKillFocusEndAddress() { GenerateRange(); }
void CAddressPoolDialog::GenerateRange() { AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()); DWORD dwStart, dwEnd; TCHAR szBuffer[64]; CString st;
m_ipStartAddress.GetAddress(st); dwStart = ntohl(INET_ADDR(st)); m_ipEndAddress.GetAddress(st); dwEnd = ntohl(INET_ADDR(st));
m_fReady = FALSE;
// Display the range.
if (dwStart >= dwEnd) { SetDlgItemInt(IDC_IPPOOL_EDIT_RANGE, 0); } else { FormatNumber(dwEnd - dwStart + 1, szBuffer, DimensionOf(szBuffer), FALSE); SetDlgItemText(IDC_IPPOOL_EDIT_RANGE, szBuffer); } m_fReady = TRUE; }
void FilterBadChars (LPCTSTR pszEvilString, CString & stGood) { static TCHAR s_szThousandsSeparator[5] = TEXT(""); static int s_cchThousands; stGood.Empty(); if (s_szThousandsSeparator[0] == TEXT('\0')) { ::GetLocaleInfo( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_STHOUSAND, s_szThousandsSeparator, 4 ); s_cchThousands = StrLen(s_szThousandsSeparator); } while (*pszEvilString ) { if (_istdigit(*pszEvilString)) stGood += *pszEvilString++; else { // It's not a digit, we need to check to see if this
// is a separator
if (StrnCmp(pszEvilString, s_szThousandsSeparator, s_cchThousands) == 0) { // This is a separtor, skip over the string
pszEvilString += s_cchThousands; } else { // skip this character, we're at a character we don't understand
pszEvilString ++; } } } }
ConvertStringToNumber This will convert the string into a number (even in the presence of thousands separtors). Author: KennT ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL ConvertStringToNumber(LPCTSTR pszString, DWORD * pdwRet) { static TCHAR s_szThousandsSeparator[5] = TEXT(""); static int s_cchThousands; if (s_szThousandsSeparator[0] == TEXT('\0')) { ::GetLocaleInfo( LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_STHOUSAND, s_szThousandsSeparator, 4 ); s_cchThousands = StrLen(s_szThousandsSeparator); }
// Make a copy of the string
TCHAR * psz = (TCHAR *) _alloca((StrLen(pszString) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); TCHAR * pszCur = psz;
// Now copy over the characters from pszString to psz, skipping
// the numeric separators
int cLen = StrLen(pszString); while (*pszString) { if (_istdigit(*pszString)) *pszCur++ = *pszString++; else { // It's not a digit, we need to check to see if this
// is a separator
if (StrnCmp(pszString, s_szThousandsSeparator, s_cchThousands) == 0) { // This is a separtor, skip over the string
pszString += s_cchThousands; } // Else we're done, we're at a character we don't understand
else { //this is an error case
return FALSE; break; } } }
*pdwRet = _tcstoul(psz, NULL, 10); return TRUE; }