// Microsoft Windows
// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1997 - 1999
// File: infopriv.h
#ifndef _INFOPRIV_H_
#define _INFOPRIV_H_
#include "setupapi.h"
HRESULT RasPhoneBookRemoveInterface(LPCTSTR pszMachine, LPCTSTR pszIf);
Class: CNetcardRegistryHelper
This class is provided for NT4/NT5 registry compatibility. This is a temporary class. Change to use the NetCfg APIs once they are in place, that is once they can be remoted. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
class CNetcardRegistryHelper { public: CNetcardRegistryHelper(); ~CNetcardRegistryHelper();
void Initialize(BOOL fNt4, HKEY hkeyBase, LPCTSTR pszKeyBase, LPCTSTR pszMachineName); DWORD ReadServiceName(); LPCTSTR GetServiceName(); DWORD ReadTitle(); LPCTSTR GetTitle();
DWORD ReadDeviceName(); LPCTSTR GetDeviceName();
private: void FreeDevInfo(); DWORD PrivateInit(); DWORD ReadRegistryCString(LPCTSTR pszKey, LPCTSTR pszValue, HKEY hkey, CString *pstDest); CString m_stTitle; // string holding title
CString m_stKeyBase; // string holding name of key in hkeyBase (NT5)
CString m_stDeviceName;
HKEY m_hkeyBase;
// Used for Connection info
HKEY m_hkeyConnection;
// Keys only used for NT4 only
HKEY m_hkeyService; // hkey where the service value is held
CString m_stService; // string holding service name
HKEY m_hkeyTitle; // hkey where the title value is held
// Values used for NT5 only
HDEVINFO m_hDevInfo; CString m_stMachineName; BOOL m_fInit; BOOL m_fNt4;
class CWeakRef { public: CWeakRef(); virtual ~CWeakRef() {};
virtual void ReviveStrongRef() {}; virtual void OnLastStrongRef() {};
STDMETHOD(AddWeakRef)(); STDMETHOD(ReleaseWeakRef)();
protected: // Total number of references (strong and weak) on this object
LONG m_cRef;
// Number of weak references on this object
LONG m_cRefWeak;
// Is there a strong reference on this object?
BOOL m_fStrongRef;
// Has the object been told to destruct? If so, it will do
// should call Destruct() in OnLastStrongRef().
BOOL m_fDestruct;
// Are we in the process of calling OnLastStrongRef(). If we
// are, then additional calls to AddRef() do not cause us
// to wake up again.
BOOL m_fInShutdown; };
STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) klass::AddRef() \ { \ return CWeakRef::AddRef(); \ } \ STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) klass::Release() \ { \ return CWeakRef::Release(); \ } \ STDMETHODIMP klass::AddWeakRef() \ { \ return CWeakRef::AddWeakRef(); \ } \ STDMETHODIMP klass::ReleaseWeakRef() \ { \ return CWeakRef::ReleaseWeakRef(); \ } \
(p)->AddRef(); \ (p)->ReleaseWeakRef(); \
(p)->AddWeakRef(); \ (p)->Release(); \
interface IRouterInfo; interface IRtrMgrInfo; interface IInterfaceInfo; interface IRtrMgrInterfaceInfo; interface IRtrMgrProtocolInterfaceInfo;
HRESULT CreateRouterDataObject(LPCTSTR pszMachineName, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, MMC_COOKIE cookie, ITFSComponentData *pTFSCompData, IDataObject **ppDataObject, CDynamicExtensions * pDynExt /* = NULL */, BOOL fAddedAsLocal); HRESULT CreateDataObjectFromRouterInfo(IRouterInfo *pInfo, LPCTSTR pszMachineName, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, MMC_COOKIE cookie, ITFSComponentData *pTFSCompData, IDataObject **ppDataObject, CDynamicExtensions * pDynExt /* = NULL */, BOOL fAddedAsLocal); HRESULT CreateDataObjectFromRtrMgrInfo(IRtrMgrInfo *pInfo, IDataObject **ppDataObject); HRESULT CreateDataObjectFromInterfaceInfo(IInterfaceInfo *pInfo, DATA_OBJECT_TYPES type, MMC_COOKIE cookie, ITFSComponentData *pTFSCompData, IDataObject **ppDataObject); HRESULT CreateDataObjectFromRtrMgrInterfaceInfo(IRtrMgrInterfaceInfo *pInfo, IDataObject **ppDataObject); HRESULT CreateDataObjectFromRtrMgrProtocolInterfaceInfo(IRtrMgrProtocolInterfaceInfo *pInfo, IDataObject **ppDataObject);