Copyright (c) 1990-1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
NDIS wrapper functions to handle specific buses
Adam Barr (adamba) 11-Jul-1990
Kernel mode, FSD
Revision History:
26-Feb-1991 JohnsonA Added Debugging Code 10-Jul-1991 JohnsonA Implement revised Ndis Specs 01-Jun-1995 JameelH Re-organization/optimization
#include <precomp.h>
#pragma hdrstop
// Define the module number for debug code.
VOID NdisReadEisaSlotInformation( OUT PNDIS_STATUS Status, IN NDIS_HANDLE WrapperConfigurationContext, OUT PUINT SlotNumber, OUT PNDIS_EISA_FUNCTION_INFORMATION EisaData )
Routine Description:
This routine reads the EISA data from the slot given.
Status - Status of request to be returned to the user. WrapperConfigurationContext - Context passed to MacAddAdapter. SlotNumber - the EISA Slot where the card is at. EisaData - pointer to a buffer where the EISA configuration is to be returned.
Return Value:
--*/ {
DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_BUSINFO, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("==>NdisReadEisaSlotInformation: WrapperConfigurationContext %p\n", WrapperConfigurationContext));
#if !DBG
UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(WrapperConfigurationContext); #endif
DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_BUSINFO, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("<==NdisReadEisaSlotInformation: WrapperConfigurationContext %p, Status %lx\n", WrapperConfigurationContext, *Status)); return; }
VOID NdisReadEisaSlotInformationEx( OUT PNDIS_STATUS Status, IN NDIS_HANDLE WrapperConfigurationContext, OUT PUINT SlotNumber, OUT PNDIS_EISA_FUNCTION_INFORMATION *EisaData, OUT PUINT NumberOfFunctions )
Routine Description:
This routine reads the EISA data from the slot given.
Status - Status of request to be returned to the user. WrapperConfigurationContext - Context passed to MacAddAdapter. SlotNumber - the EISA Slot where the card is at. EisaData - pointer to a buffer where the EISA configuration is to be returned. NumberOfFunctions - Returns the number of function structures in the EisaData.
Return Value:
--*/ { DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_BUSINFO, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("==>NdisReadEisaSlotInformationEx: WrapperConfigurationContext %p\n", WrapperConfigurationContext));
#if !DBG
UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(WrapperConfigurationContext); #endif
*Status = NDIS_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_BUSINFO, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("<==NdisReadEisaSlotInformationEx: WrapperConfigurationContext %p, Status %lx\n", WrapperConfigurationContext, *Status));
return; }
ULONG NdisImmediateReadPciSlotInformation( IN NDIS_HANDLE WrapperConfigurationContext, IN ULONG SlotNumber, IN ULONG Offset, IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG Length ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine reads from the PCI configuration space a specified length of bytes at a certain offset.
WrapperConfigurationContext - Context passed to MacAddAdapter.
SlotNumber - The slot number of the device.
Offset - Offset to read from
Buffer - Place to store the bytes
Length - Number of bytes to read
Return Value:
Returns the number of bytes read.
--*/ { PRTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_TABLE KeyQueryTable = (PRTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_TABLE)WrapperConfigurationContext; PNDIS_MINIPORT_BLOCK Miniport = (PNDIS_MINIPORT_BLOCK)KeyQueryTable[3].QueryRoutine; ULONG BytesRead;
#if !DBG
DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_INIT, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("==>NdisImmediateReadPciSlotInformation: Miniport %p\n", Miniport));
ASSERT(Miniport != NULL);
NDIS_WARN(TRUE, Miniport, NDIS_GFLAG_WARN_LEVEL_3, ("NdisImmediateReadPciSlotInformation: this API is going away. Use NdisReadPciSlotInformation\n", Miniport)); NDIS_WARN((SlotNumber != 0), Miniport, NDIS_GFLAG_WARN_LEVEL_2, ("NdisImmediateReadPciSlotInformation: Miniport %p passes a non-zero SlotNumber to the function\n", Miniport));
BytesRead = ndisGetSetBusConfigSpace(Miniport, Offset, Buffer, Length, PCI_WHICHSPACE_CONFIG, TRUE); DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_BUSINFO, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("<==NdisImmediateReadPciSlotInformation: Miniport %p\n", Miniport)); return BytesRead; }
ULONG NdisImmediateWritePciSlotInformation( IN NDIS_HANDLE WrapperConfigurationContext, IN ULONG SlotNumber, IN ULONG Offset, IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG Length ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine writes to the PCI configuration space a specified length of bytes at a certain offset.
WrapperConfigurationContext - Context passed to MacAddAdapter.
SlotNumber - The slot number of the device.
Offset - Offset to read from
Buffer - Place to store the bytes
Length - Number of bytes to read
Return Value:
Returns the number of bytes written.
--*/ { PRTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_TABLE KeyQueryTable = (PRTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_TABLE)WrapperConfigurationContext; PNDIS_MINIPORT_BLOCK Miniport = (PNDIS_MINIPORT_BLOCK)KeyQueryTable[3].QueryRoutine; ULONG BytesWritten; #if !DBG
DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_INIT, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("==>NdisImmediateWritePciSlotInformation: Miniport %p\n", Miniport));
ASSERT(Miniport != NULL); NDIS_WARN(TRUE, Miniport, NDIS_GFLAG_WARN_LEVEL_3, ("NdisImmediateWritePciSlotInformation: this API is going away. Use NdisWritePciSlotInformation\n", Miniport)); NDIS_WARN((SlotNumber != 0), Miniport, NDIS_GFLAG_WARN_LEVEL_2, ("NdisImmediateWritePciSlotInformation: Miniport %p passes a non-zero SlotNumber to the function\n", Miniport)); BytesWritten = ndisGetSetBusConfigSpace(Miniport, Offset, Buffer, Length, PCI_WHICHSPACE_CONFIG, FALSE);
DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_BUSINFO, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("<==NdisImmediateWritePciSlotInformation: Miniport %p\n", Miniport)); return BytesWritten; }
ULONG NdisReadPciSlotInformation( IN NDIS_HANDLE NdisAdapterHandle, IN ULONG SlotNumber, IN ULONG Offset, IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG Length ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine reads from the PCI configuration space a specified length of bytes at a certain offset.
NdisAdapterHandle - Adapter we are talking about.
SlotNumber - The slot number of the device.
Offset - Offset to read from
Buffer - Place to store the bytes
Length - Number of bytes to read
Return Value:
Returns the number of bytes read.
--*/ { PNDIS_MINIPORT_BLOCK Miniport = (PNDIS_MINIPORT_BLOCK)NdisAdapterHandle; ULONG BytesRead; #if !DBG
DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_BUSINFO, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("==>NdisReadPciSlotInformation: Miniport %p\n", Miniport));
NDIS_WARN((SlotNumber != 0), Miniport, NDIS_GFLAG_WARN_LEVEL_2, ("NdisReadPciSlotInformation: Miniport %p passes a non-zero SlotNumber to the function\n", Miniport)); BytesRead = ndisGetSetBusConfigSpace(Miniport, Offset, Buffer, Length, PCI_WHICHSPACE_CONFIG, TRUE);
DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_BUSINFO, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("<==NdisReadPciSlotInformation: Miniport %p\n", Miniport)); return BytesRead; }
ULONG NdisWritePciSlotInformation( IN NDIS_HANDLE NdisAdapterHandle, IN ULONG SlotNumber, IN ULONG Offset, IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG Length ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine writes to the PCI configuration space a specified length of bytes at a certain offset.
NdisAdapterHandle - Adapter we are talking about.
SlotNumber - The slot number of the device.
Offset - Offset to read from
Buffer - Place to store the bytes
Length - Number of bytes to read
Return Value:
Returns the number of bytes written.
--*/ { PNDIS_MINIPORT_BLOCK Miniport = (PNDIS_MINIPORT_BLOCK)NdisAdapterHandle; ULONG BytesWritten;
#if !DBG
DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_BUSINFO, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("==>NdisWritePciSlotInformation: Miniport %p\n", Miniport));
NDIS_WARN((SlotNumber != 0), Miniport, NDIS_GFLAG_WARN_LEVEL_2, ("NdisWritePciSlotInformation: Miniport %p passes a non-zero SlotNumber to the function\n", Miniport));
BytesWritten = ndisGetSetBusConfigSpace(Miniport, Offset, Buffer, Length, PCI_WHICHSPACE_CONFIG, FALSE); DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_BUSINFO, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("<==NdisWritePciSlotInformation: Miniport %p\n", Miniport)); return BytesWritten; }
NTSTATUS FASTCALL ndisQueryBusInterface( IN PNDIS_MINIPORT_BLOCK Miniport ) { PIRP Irp; PIO_STACK_LOCATION IrpSp; NTSTATUS Status; PDEVICE_OBJECT NextDeviceObject; BUS_INTERFACE_STANDARD BusInterfaceStandard = {0}; DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_PNP, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("==>ndisQueryBusInterface: Miniport %p\n", Miniport));
do { NextDeviceObject = Miniport->NextDeviceObject; //
// Allocate an irp to send to PCI bus device driver.
Irp = IoAllocateIrp((CCHAR)(NextDeviceObject->StackSize + 1), FALSE); if (Irp == NULL) { ASSERT(FALSE); Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; break; } //
// Get the stack location for the next device.
IrpSp = IoGetNextIrpStackLocation(Irp); ASSERT(IrpSp != NULL); IrpSp->MajorFunction = IRP_MJ_PNP; IrpSp->MinorFunction = IRP_MN_QUERY_INTERFACE; IrpSp->DeviceObject = NextDeviceObject; Irp->IoStatus.Status = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; IrpSp->Parameters.QueryInterface.InterfaceType = &GUID_BUS_INTERFACE_STANDARD; IrpSp->Parameters.QueryInterface.Size = sizeof (BUS_INTERFACE_STANDARD); IrpSp->Parameters.QueryInterface.Version = 1; IrpSp->Parameters.QueryInterface.Interface = (PINTERFACE)&BusInterfaceStandard;
ASSERT(KeGetCurrentIrql() == 0); Status = ndisPassIrpDownTheStack(Irp, NextDeviceObject);
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Miniport->SetBusData = BusInterfaceStandard.SetBusData; Miniport->GetBusData = BusInterfaceStandard.GetBusData; Miniport->BusDataContext = BusInterfaceStandard.Context; Status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; }
IoFreeIrp(Irp); } while (FALSE);
DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_PNP, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("<==ndisQueryBusInterface: Miniport %p\n", Miniport));
return Status; }
ULONG ndisGetSetBusConfigSpace( IN PNDIS_MINIPORT_BLOCK Miniport, IN ULONG Offset, IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG Length, IN ULONG WhichSpace, IN BOOLEAN Read ) { ULONG ActualLength = 0; DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_BUSINFO, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("==>ndisGetSetBusConfigSpace: Miniport %p\n", Miniport));
DbgPrint("ndisGetSetBusConfigSpace failed to verify miniport %p\n", Miniport); #endif
return 0; }
do { if ((Miniport->SetBusData == NULL) || (Miniport->BusDataContext == NULL)) break; ActualLength = (Read ? Miniport->GetBusData : Miniport->SetBusData)( Miniport->BusDataContext, WhichSpace, Buffer, Offset, Length);
} while (FALSE);
DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_BUSINFO, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("<==ndisGetSetBusConfigSpace: Miniport %p\n", Miniport)); return ActualLength; }
NDIS_STATUS ndisTranslateResources( IN PNDIS_MINIPORT_BLOCK Miniport, IN CM_RESOURCE_TYPE ResourceType, IN PHYSICAL_ADDRESS Resource, OUT PPHYSICAL_ADDRESS pTranslatedResource, OUT PCM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR * pResourceDescriptor OPTIONAL ) { UINT j; PCM_RESOURCE_LIST AllocatedResources, AllocatedResourcesTranslated; PHYSICAL_ADDRESS Offset; PCM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_LIST pResourceList, pResourceListTranslated; NDIS_STATUS Status = NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_CONFIG, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("==>ndisTranslateResources: Miniport %p\n", Miniport)); DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_CONFIG, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, (" translating resource type: %lx, value: %I64x\n", ResourceType, Resource));
do { AllocatedResources = Miniport->AllocatedResources; AllocatedResourcesTranslated = Miniport->AllocatedResourcesTranslated;
if ((AllocatedResources == NULL) || (AllocatedResourcesTranslated == NULL)) { Status = NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; break; } pResourceList = &(AllocatedResources->List[0].PartialResourceList); pResourceListTranslated = &(AllocatedResourcesTranslated->List[0].PartialResourceList); for (j = 0; j < pResourceList->Count; j++) { if (pResourceList->PartialDescriptors[j].Type != ResourceType) continue; switch (ResourceType) { case CmResourceTypePort: case CmResourceTypeMemory: Offset.QuadPart = Resource.QuadPart - pResourceList->PartialDescriptors[j].u.Port.Start.QuadPart; if ((Offset.QuadPart >= 0) && (Offset.u.HighPart == 0) && (((ULONG)(Offset.u.LowPart)) < pResourceList->PartialDescriptors[j].u.Port.Length)) { pTranslatedResource->QuadPart = pResourceListTranslated->PartialDescriptors[j].u.Memory.Start.QuadPart + Offset.QuadPart; Status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } break; case CmResourceTypeInterrupt: if (Resource.QuadPart == pResourceList->PartialDescriptors[j].u.Interrupt.Level) { pTranslatedResource->QuadPart = (LONGLONG)pResourceListTranslated->PartialDescriptors[j].u.Interrupt.Level; Status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } break; case CmResourceTypeDma: if (Resource.QuadPart == pResourceList->PartialDescriptors[j].u.Dma.Channel) { pTranslatedResource->QuadPart = (LONGLONG)pResourceListTranslated->PartialDescriptors[j].u.Dma.Channel; Status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } break; } if (Status == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_INIT, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, (" ndisTranslateResources translated %I64x to %I64x\n", Resource, *pTranslatedResource)); if (pResourceDescriptor != NULL) { *pResourceDescriptor = &pResourceListTranslated->PartialDescriptors[j]; } break; } } } while (FALSE); DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_CONFIG, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("<==ndisTranslateResources: Miniport %p, Status %lx\n", Miniport, Status)); return Status; }
ULONG NdisReadPcmciaAttributeMemory( IN NDIS_HANDLE NdisAdapterHandle, IN ULONG Offset, IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG Length ) { PNDIS_MINIPORT_BLOCK Miniport = (PNDIS_MINIPORT_BLOCK)NdisAdapterHandle; PDEVICE_OBJECT NextDeviceObject; ULONG BytesRead; DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_BUSINFO, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("==>NdisReadPcmciaAttributeMemory: Miniport %p\n", Miniport)); NextDeviceObject = Miniport->NextDeviceObject;
ASSERT(NextDeviceObject != NULL);
// use direct entry points in bus driver to get/set bus data
BytesRead = ndisGetSetBusConfigSpace(Miniport, Offset, Buffer, Length, PCCARD_ATTRIBUTE_MEMORY, TRUE);
DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_BUSINFO, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("<==NdisReadPcmciaAttributeMemory: Miniport %p, Bytes Read %lx\n", Miniport, BytesRead));
return BytesRead; }
ULONG NdisWritePcmciaAttributeMemory( IN NDIS_HANDLE NdisAdapterHandle, IN ULONG Offset, IN PVOID Buffer, IN ULONG Length ) { PNDIS_MINIPORT_BLOCK Miniport = (PNDIS_MINIPORT_BLOCK)NdisAdapterHandle; PDEVICE_OBJECT NextDeviceObject; ULONG BytesWritten; DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_BUSINFO, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("==>NdisWritePcmciaAttributeMemory: Miniport %p\n", Miniport)); NextDeviceObject = Miniport->NextDeviceObject;
ASSERT(NextDeviceObject != NULL);
BytesWritten = ndisGetSetBusConfigSpace(Miniport, Offset, Buffer, Length, PCCARD_ATTRIBUTE_MEMORY, FALSE);
DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_BUSINFO, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("<==NdisWritePcmciaAttributeMemory: Miniport %p, Bytes Written %.8x\n", Miniport, BytesWritten)); return BytesWritten; }
VOID NdisOverrideBusNumber( IN NDIS_HANDLE WrapperConfigurationContext, IN NDIS_HANDLE MiniportAdapterHandle OPTIONAL, IN ULONG BusNumber ) { #if DBG
NDIS_WARN(TRUE, Miniport, NDIS_GFLAG_WARN_LEVEL_1, ("NdisOverrideBusNumber: This API is going away.\n", Miniport));
UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(WrapperConfigurationContext); #endif
VOID NdisReadMcaPosInformation( OUT PNDIS_STATUS Status, IN NDIS_HANDLE WrapperConfigurationContext, OUT PUINT ChannelNumber, OUT PNDIS_MCA_POS_DATA McaData ) { UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(WrapperConfigurationContext); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(ChannelNumber); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(McaData); *Status = NDIS_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; return; }