Copyright (c) 1990-1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
NDIS wrapper functions for full mac drivers configuration/initialization
Sean Selitrennikoff (SeanSe) 05-Oct-93 Jameel Hyder (JameelH) 01-Jun-95 Re-organization/optimization
Kernel mode, FSD
Revision History:
#include <precomp.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
// Define the module number for debug code.
// Requests Used by MAC Drivers
VOID NdisInitializeWrapper( OUT PNDIS_HANDLE NdisWrapperHandle, IN PVOID SystemSpecific1, IN PVOID SystemSpecific2, IN PVOID SystemSpecific3 ) /*++
Routine Description:
Called at the beginning of every MAC's initialization routine.
NdisWrapperHandle - A MAC specific handle for the wrapper.
SystemSpecific1, a pointer to the driver object for the MAC. SystemSpecific2, a PUNICODE_STRING containing the location of the registry subtree for this driver. SystemSpecific3, unused on NT.
Return Value:
--*/ { PNDIS_WRAPPER_HANDLE WrapperHandle; ULONG cbSize;
DbgPrint("NdisInitializeWrapper: DriverObject %p\n",SystemSpecific1); #endif
DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_INIT, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("==>NdisInitializeWrapper\n"));
*NdisWrapperHandle = NULL; cbSize = sizeof(NDIS_WRAPPER_HANDLE) + ((PUNICODE_STRING)SystemSpecific2)->Length + sizeof(WCHAR);
if (WrapperHandle != NULL) { *NdisWrapperHandle = WrapperHandle; NdisZeroMemory(WrapperHandle, cbSize); WrapperHandle->DriverObject = (PDRIVER_OBJECT)SystemSpecific1; WrapperHandle->ServiceRegPath.Buffer = (PWSTR)((PUCHAR)WrapperHandle + sizeof(NDIS_WRAPPER_HANDLE)); WrapperHandle->ServiceRegPath.Length = ((PUNICODE_STRING)SystemSpecific2)->Length; WrapperHandle->ServiceRegPath.MaximumLength = WrapperHandle->ServiceRegPath.Length + sizeof(WCHAR); NdisMoveMemory(WrapperHandle->ServiceRegPath.Buffer, ((PUNICODE_STRING)SystemSpecific2)->Buffer, WrapperHandle->ServiceRegPath.Length); }
DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_INIT, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("<==NdisInitializeWrapper\n")); }
VOID NdisTerminateWrapper( IN NDIS_HANDLE NdisWrapperHandle, IN PVOID SystemSpecific ) /*++
Routine Description:
Called at the end of every MAC's termination routine.
NdisWrapperHandle - The handle returned from NdisInitializeWrapper.
SystemSpecific - No defined value.
Return Value:
DbgPrint("NdisTerminateWrapper: WrapperHandle %p\n",WrapperHandle); #endif
DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_INIT, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("==>NdisTerminateWrapper: NdisWrapperHandle %p\n", NdisWrapperHandle));
if ((WrapperHandle != NULL) && (WrapperHandle->DriverObject != NULL)) { #if TRACK_UNLOAD
DbgPrint("NdisTerminateWrapper: DriverObject %p\n",WrapperHandle->DriverObject); #endif
MiniBlock = (PNDIS_M_DRIVER_BLOCK)IoGetDriverObjectExtension(WrapperHandle->DriverObject, (PVOID)NDIS_PNP_MINIPORT_DRIVER_ID); if (MiniBlock != NULL) { #if TRACK_UNLOAD
DbgPrint("NdisTerminateWrapper: MiniBlock %p\n",MiniBlock); #endif
// Miniports should not be terminating the wrapper unless they are failing DriverEntry
if ((MiniBlock->MiniportQueue != NULL) || (MiniBlock->Flags & fMINIBLOCK_UNLOADING)) { DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_INIT, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("<==NdisTerminateWrapper\n")); return; }
DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_INIT, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("NdisTerminateWrapper: MiniBlock %p\n", MiniBlock)); //
// if the driver is going to fail DriverEntry, we expect it to have enough sense
// to undo what it is done so far and not to wait for UnloadHandler
MiniBlock->UnloadHandler = NULL;
// call unload entry point since PnP is not going to do it
ndisMUnload(WrapperHandle->DriverObject); } else { FREE_POOL(WrapperHandle); } }
DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_INIT, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("<==NdisTerminateWrapper\n")); }
VOID NdisSetupDmaTransfer( OUT PNDIS_STATUS Status, IN NDIS_HANDLE NdisDmaHandle, IN PNDIS_BUFFER Buffer, IN ULONG Offset, IN ULONG Length, IN BOOLEAN WriteToDevice ) /*++
Routine Description:
Sets up the host DMA controller for a DMA transfer. The DMA controller is set up to transfer the specified MDL. Since we register all DMA channels as non-scatter/gather, IoMapTransfer will ensure that the entire MDL is in a single logical piece for transfer.
Status - Returns the status of the request.
NdisDmaHandle - Handle returned by NdisAllocateDmaChannel.
Buffer - An NDIS_BUFFER which describes the host memory involved in the transfer.
Offset - An offset within buffer where the transfer should start.
Length - The length of the transfer. VirtualAddress plus Length must not extend beyond the end of the buffer.
WriteToDevice - TRUE for a download operation (host to adapter); FALSE for an upload operation (adapter to host).
Return Value:
--*/ { PNDIS_DMA_BLOCK DmaBlock = (PNDIS_DMA_BLOCK)NdisDmaHandle; PMAP_TRANSFER mapTransfer = *((PDMA_ADAPTER)DmaBlock->SystemAdapterObject)->DmaOperations->MapTransfer; PFLUSH_ADAPTER_BUFFERS flushAdapterBuffers = *((PDMA_ADAPTER)DmaBlock->SystemAdapterObject)->DmaOperations->FlushAdapterBuffers; ULONG LengthMapped;
// Make sure another request is not in progress.
if (DmaBlock->InProgress) { *Status = NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES; return; }
DmaBlock->InProgress = TRUE;
// Use IoMapTransfer to set up the transfer.
LengthMapped = Length;
mapTransfer(DmaBlock->SystemAdapterObject, (PMDL)Buffer, DmaBlock->MapRegisterBase, (PUCHAR)(MDL_VA(Buffer)) + Offset, &LengthMapped, WriteToDevice);
if (LengthMapped != Length) { //
// Somehow the request could not be mapped competely,
// this should not happen for a non-scatter/gather adapter.
flushAdapterBuffers(DmaBlock->SystemAdapterObject, (PMDL)Buffer, DmaBlock->MapRegisterBase, (PUCHAR)(MDL_VA(Buffer)) + Offset, LengthMapped, WriteToDevice);
DmaBlock->InProgress = FALSE; *Status = NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES; }
else *Status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; }
VOID NdisCompleteDmaTransfer( OUT PNDIS_STATUS Status, IN NDIS_HANDLE NdisDmaHandle, IN PNDIS_BUFFER Buffer, IN ULONG Offset, IN ULONG Length, IN BOOLEAN WriteToDevice )
Routine Description:
Completes a previously started DMA transfer.
Status - Returns the status of the transfer.
NdisDmaHandle - Handle returned by NdisAllocateDmaChannel.
Buffer - An NDIS_BUFFER which was passed to NdisSetupDmaTransfer.
Offset - the offset passed to NdisSetupDmaTransfer.
Length - The length passed to NdisSetupDmaTransfer.
WriteToDevice - TRUE for a download operation (host to adapter); FALSE for an upload operation (adapter to host).
Return Value:
--*/ { PNDIS_DMA_BLOCK DmaBlock = (PNDIS_DMA_BLOCK)NdisDmaHandle; PFLUSH_ADAPTER_BUFFERS flushAdapterBuffers = *((PDMA_ADAPTER)DmaBlock->SystemAdapterObject)->DmaOperations->FlushAdapterBuffers; BOOLEAN Successful;
Successful = flushAdapterBuffers(DmaBlock->SystemAdapterObject, (PMDL)Buffer, DmaBlock->MapRegisterBase, (PUCHAR)(MDL_VA(Buffer)) + Offset, Length, WriteToDevice);
*Status = (Successful ? NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS : NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES); DmaBlock->InProgress = FALSE; }
#pragma hdrstop