Copyright (c) 1990-1995 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
NDIS wrapper functions initializing drivers.
Jameel Hyder (jameelh) 11-Aug-1995
Kernel mode, FSD
Revision History:
#include <precomp.h>
#pragma hdrstop
#include <stdarg.h>
// Define the module number for debug code.
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { #define PQueryTable pConfigurationHandle->ParametersQueryTable
#define LQueryTable pConfigurationHandle->ParametersQueryTable
NDIS_STATUS NdisStatus; PWSTR Export = NULL; NTSTATUS RegistryStatus; PNDIS_CONFIGURATION_PARAMETER ReturnedValue; NDIS_CONFIGURATION_HANDLE CnfgHandle; NDIS_STRING BusNumberStr = NDIS_STRING_CONST("BusNumber"); NDIS_STRING SlotNumberStr = NDIS_STRING_CONST("SlotNumber"); NDIS_STRING BusTypeStr = NDIS_STRING_CONST("BusType"); NDIS_STRING PnPCapsStr = NDIS_STRING_CONST("PnPCapabilities"); NDIS_STRING RemoteBootStr = NDIS_STRING_CONST("RemoteBootCard"); NDIS_STRING PollMediaConnectivityStr = NDIS_STRING_CONST("RequiresMediaStatePoll"); NDIS_STRING NdisDriverVerifyFlagsStr = NDIS_STRING_CONST("NdisDriverVerifyFlags"); NDIS_STRING SGMapRegistersNeededStr = NDIS_STRING_CONST("SGMapRegistersNeeded"); #ifdef NDIS_MEDIA_DISCONNECT_POWER_OFF
NDIS_STRING MediaDisconnectTimeOutStr = NDIS_STRING_CONST("MediaDisconnectToSleepTimeOut"); ULONG MediaDisconnectTimeOut = (ULONG)-1; #endif
HANDLE Handle; PDEVICE_OBJECT PhysicalDeviceObject; NDIS_INTERFACE_TYPE BusType = Isa; UINT BusNumber = 0; ULONG ResultLength; PNDIS_CONFIGURATION_PARAMETER_QUEUE ParameterNode; GUID BusTypeGuid; DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_PNP, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("==>ndisInitializeConfiguration: Miniport %p\n", Miniport)); CnfgHandle.ParameterList = NULL; do { PhysicalDeviceObject = Miniport->PhysicalDeviceObject;
if (Miniport->BindPaths == NULL) { NdisStatus = ndisReadBindPaths(Miniport, LQueryTable); if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { break; } }
if (pExportName != NULL) { //
// get a handle to "driver" section for PDO
RegistryStatus = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; Handle = NULL; #else
RegistryStatus = IoOpenDeviceRegistryKey(PhysicalDeviceObject, PLUGPLAY_REGKEY_DRIVER, GENERIC_READ | MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &Handle); #endif
if (!NT_SUCCESS(RegistryStatus)) { NdisStatus = NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; break; } //
// Set up LQueryTable to do the following:
// 1. Switch to the Linkage key below this driver instance key
LQueryTable[0].QueryRoutine = NULL; LQueryTable[0].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_SUBKEY; LQueryTable[0].Name = L"Linkage"; //
// 2. Call ndisReadParameter for "Export" (as a single multi-string)
// which will allocate storage and save the data in Export.
LQueryTable[1].QueryRoutine = ndisReadParameter; LQueryTable[1].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_REQUIRED | RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_NOEXPAND; LQueryTable[1].Name = L"Export"; LQueryTable[1].EntryContext = (PVOID)&Export; LQueryTable[1].DefaultType = REG_NONE; //
// 3. Stop
LQueryTable[2].QueryRoutine = NULL; LQueryTable[2].Flags = 0; LQueryTable[2].Name = NULL; RegistryStatus = RtlQueryRegistryValues(RTL_REGISTRY_HANDLE, Handle, LQueryTable, (PVOID)NULL, // no context needed
ZwClose(Handle); if (!NT_SUCCESS(RegistryStatus)) { DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_INIT, DBG_LEVEL_ERR, ("ndisInitializeConfiguration: Could not read Bind/Export for %Z: %lx\n", &Miniport->BaseName, RegistryStatus));
NdisStatus = NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; break; } #else
if (NT_SUCCESS(RegistryStatus)) { //
// Set up LQueryTable to do the following:
// 1. Switch to the Linkage key below this driver instance key
LQueryTable[0].QueryRoutine = NULL; LQueryTable[0].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_SUBKEY; LQueryTable[0].Name = L"Linkage"; //
// 2. Call ndisReadParameter for "Export" (as a single multi-string)
// which will allocate storage and save the data in Export.
LQueryTable[1].QueryRoutine = ndisReadParameter; LQueryTable[1].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_REQUIRED | RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_NOEXPAND; LQueryTable[1].Name = L"Export"; LQueryTable[1].EntryContext = (PVOID)&Export; LQueryTable[1].DefaultType = REG_NONE; //
// 3. Stop
LQueryTable[2].QueryRoutine = NULL; LQueryTable[2].Flags = 0; LQueryTable[2].Name = NULL; RegistryStatus = RtlQueryRegistryValues(RTL_REGISTRY_HANDLE, Handle, LQueryTable, (PVOID)NULL, // no context needed
ZwClose(Handle); if (!NT_SUCCESS(RegistryStatus)) { DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_INIT, DBG_LEVEL_ERR, ("ndisInitializeConfiguration: Could not read Bind/Export for %Z: %lx\n", &Miniport->BaseName, RegistryStatus));
NdisStatus = NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; break; } } else { //
// we have to allocate space for default export name because the
// caller will attempt to free it
RtlCopyMemory(Export, ndisDefaultExportName, sizeof(NDIS_DEFAULT_EXPORT_NAME)); } #endif
RtlInitUnicodeString(pExportName, Export); } //
// NdisReadConfiguration assumes that ParametersQueryTable[3].Name is
// a key below the services key where the Parameters should be read,
// for layered drivers we store the last piece of Configuration
// Path there, leading to the desired effect.
// I.e, ConfigurationPath == "...\Services\Driver".
// 1) Call ndisSaveParameter for a parameter, which will allocate storage for it.
PQueryTable[0].QueryRoutine = NULL; PQueryTable[0].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_SUBKEY; PQueryTable[0].Name = L"";
// The following fields are filled in during NdisReadConfiguration
// PQueryTable[1].Name = KeywordBuffer;
// PQueryTable[1].EntryContext = ParameterValue;
PQueryTable[1].QueryRoutine = ndisSaveParameters; PQueryTable[1].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_REQUIRED | RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_NOEXPAND; PQueryTable[1].DefaultType = REG_NONE; //
// 2. Stop
PQueryTable[2].QueryRoutine = NULL; PQueryTable[2].Flags = 0; PQueryTable[2].Name = NULL; //
// NOTE: Some fields in ParametersQueryTable[3 & 4] are used to
// store information for later retrieval.
// Save Adapter/Miniport block here. Later on, Adapter's PDO
// will be used to open the appropiate registry key
(PVOID)PQueryTable[3].QueryRoutine = (PVOID)Miniport; PQueryTable[3].Name = L""; PQueryTable[3].EntryContext = NULL; PQueryTable[3].DefaultData = NULL; // Now read bustype/busnumber for this adapter and save it
CnfgHandle.KeyQueryTable = PQueryTable;
RegistryStatus = IoGetDeviceProperty(PhysicalDeviceObject, DevicePropertyBusTypeGuid, sizeof(GUID), (PVOID)&BusTypeGuid, &ResultLength); //
// try to get the -real- bus type by first querying the bustype guid
// if we couldn't get the guid, try to get a legacy bustype. because
// some bus drivers like pcmcia do not report the real bus type, we
// have to query the bus type guid first.
if (NT_SUCCESS(RegistryStatus)) { if (!memcmp(&BusTypeGuid, &GUID_BUS_TYPE_INTERNAL, sizeof(GUID))) BusType = Internal; else if (!memcmp(&BusTypeGuid, &GUID_BUS_TYPE_PCMCIA, sizeof(GUID))) BusType = PCMCIABus; else if (!memcmp(&BusTypeGuid, &GUID_BUS_TYPE_PCI, sizeof(GUID))) BusType = PCIBus; else if (!memcmp(&BusTypeGuid, &GUID_BUS_TYPE_ISAPNP, sizeof(GUID))) BusType = PNPISABus; else if (!memcmp(&BusTypeGuid, &GUID_BUS_TYPE_EISA, sizeof(GUID))) { BusType = Eisa; ASSERT(BusType != Eisa); } else BusType = Isa; } if (BusType == Isa) { //
// either the call to get BusTypeGuid failed or the returned guid
// does not match any that we know of
RegistryStatus = IoGetDeviceProperty(PhysicalDeviceObject, DevicePropertyLegacyBusType, sizeof(UINT), (PVOID)&BusType, &ResultLength); }
if (!NT_SUCCESS(RegistryStatus) || (BusType == Isa) || (BusType == PCMCIABus)) {
if (NT_SUCCESS(RegistryStatus)) { ASSERT(BusType != Isa); } //
// if the call was unsuccessful or BusType is ISA or PCMCIABus
// read BusType from registry
NdisReadConfiguration(&NdisStatus, &ReturnedValue, &CnfgHandle, &BusTypeStr, NdisParameterInteger); if (NdisStatus == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { BusType = (NDIS_INTERFACE_TYPE)(ReturnedValue->ParameterData.IntegerData); } } if ((BusType == PCIBus) || (BusType == PCMCIABus)) { ASSERT(CURRENT_IRQL < DISPATCH_LEVEL); NdisStatus = ndisQueryBusInterface(Miniport);
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { ASSERT(FALSE); break; } }
if ((BusType == Eisa) || (BusType == MicroChannel)) { NdisStatus = NDIS_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; break; }
Miniport->BusType = BusType; //
// Read PnP capabilities. By default the WOL feature should be disabled
NdisReadConfiguration(&NdisStatus, &ReturnedValue, &CnfgHandle, &PnPCapsStr, NdisParameterInteger); if (NdisStatus == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { Miniport->PnPCapabilities = ReturnedValue->ParameterData.IntegerData; } else { Miniport->PnPCapabilities = NDIS_DEVICE_DISABLE_WAKE_UP; }
// try to get the bus number from PnP and if it fails
// try reading it from registry
RegistryStatus = IoGetDeviceProperty(PhysicalDeviceObject, DevicePropertyBusNumber, sizeof(UINT), (PVOID)&BusNumber, &ResultLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(RegistryStatus)) { //
// if the call was unsuccessful
// Read Bus Number from registry
NdisReadConfiguration(&NdisStatus, &ReturnedValue, &CnfgHandle, &BusNumberStr, NdisParameterInteger); if (NdisStatus == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { BusNumber = ReturnedValue->ParameterData.IntegerData; } } Miniport->BusNumber = BusNumber; //
// Read Slot Number
NdisReadConfiguration(&NdisStatus, &ReturnedValue, &CnfgHandle, &SlotNumberStr, NdisParameterInteger); if (NdisStatus == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { Miniport->SlotNumber = ReturnedValue->ParameterData.IntegerData; } else { Miniport->SlotNumber = (ULONG)-1; }
NdisReadConfiguration(&NdisStatus, &ReturnedValue, &CnfgHandle, &RemoteBootStr, NdisParameterHexInteger);
if (NdisStatus == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { if (ReturnedValue->ParameterData.IntegerData != 0) { MINIPORT_SET_FLAG(Miniport, fMINIPORT_NETBOOT_CARD); Miniport->InfoFlags |= NDIS_MINIPORT_NETBOOT_CARD; } }
//1 for .NET this is not supported, it should be ifdef'ed out
// read the value for media disconnect timer, set to 20 seconds if not present
// default=disable pm when cable is disconnected
MediaDisconnectTimeOut = (ULONG)-1; NdisReadConfiguration(&NdisStatus, &ReturnedValue, &CnfgHandle, &MediaDisconnectTimeOutStr, NdisParameterHexInteger);
if (NdisStatus == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { MediaDisconnectTimeOut = ReturnedValue->ParameterData.IntegerData; if (MediaDisconnectTimeOut == 0) { MediaDisconnectTimeOut = 1; } } Miniport->MediaDisconnectTimeOut = (USHORT)MediaDisconnectTimeOut; if (MediaDisconnectTimeOut == (ULONG)(-1)) { Miniport->PnPCapabilities |= NDIS_DEVICE_DISABLE_WAKE_ON_RECONNECT; } #else
Miniport->MediaDisconnectTimeOut = (USHORT)-1; Miniport->PnPCapabilities |= NDIS_DEVICE_DISABLE_WAKE_ON_RECONNECT; #endif
//1 this (media polling) is not needed any more.
NdisReadConfiguration(&NdisStatus, &ReturnedValue, &CnfgHandle, &PollMediaConnectivityStr, NdisParameterInteger); if (NdisStatus == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { //
// This miniport wants Ndis to poll it regularly for media connectivity.
// Default value is FALSE for this flag. This flag will be cleared if miniport
// can indicate media status or does not support media query
if (ReturnedValue->ParameterData.IntegerData == 1) { MINIPORT_SET_FLAG(Miniport, fMINIPORT_REQUIRES_MEDIA_POLLING); } }
//1 check for range
NdisReadConfiguration(&NdisStatus, &ReturnedValue, &CnfgHandle, &SGMapRegistersNeededStr, NdisParameterInteger); if (NdisStatus == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { Miniport->SGMapRegistersNeeded = (USHORT)ReturnedValue->ParameterData.IntegerData; } else { Miniport->SGMapRegistersNeeded = NDIS_MAXIMUM_SCATTER_GATHER_SEGMENTS; }
NdisReadConfiguration(&NdisStatus, &ReturnedValue, &CnfgHandle, &NdisDriverVerifyFlagsStr, NdisParameterHexInteger); if (NdisStatus == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { Miniport->DriverVerifyFlags = ReturnedValue->ParameterData.IntegerData; }
PQueryTable[3].DefaultData = NULL; PQueryTable[3].Flags = 0;
NdisStatus = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; } while (FALSE);
// free NDIS_CONFIGURATION_PARAMETER_QUEUE nodes hanging from CnfgHandle
ParameterNode = CnfgHandle.ParameterList;
while (ParameterNode != NULL) { CnfgHandle.ParameterList = ParameterNode->Next;
ParameterNode = CnfgHandle.ParameterList; }
#undef PQueryTable
#undef LQueryTable
DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_PNP, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("<==ndisInitializeConfiguration: Miniport %p\n", Miniport));
return(NdisStatus); }
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { NTSTATUS NtStatus; HANDLE Handle = NULL; PWSTR pPath, p, BindPathData = NULL; UINT i, Len, NumComponents; BOOLEAN FreeBindPathData = FALSE;
DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_PNP, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("==>ndisReadBindPaths: Miniport %p\n", Miniport));
NtStatus = IoOpenDeviceRegistryKey(Miniport->PhysicalDeviceObject, PLUGPLAY_REGKEY_DRIVER, GENERIC_READ | MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &Handle); #endif
if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) break;
// 1.
// Switch to the Linkage key below this driver instance key
LQueryTable[0].QueryRoutine = NULL; LQueryTable[0].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_SUBKEY; LQueryTable[0].Name = L"Linkage";
// 2.
// Read the RootDevice keywords
LQueryTable[1].QueryRoutine = ndisReadParameter; LQueryTable[1].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_NOEXPAND; LQueryTable[1].Name = L"RootDevice"; LQueryTable[1].EntryContext = (PVOID)&BindPathData; LQueryTable[1].DefaultType = REG_NONE;
LQueryTable[2].QueryRoutine = NULL; LQueryTable[2].Flags = 0; LQueryTable[2].Name = NULL;
NtStatus = RtlQueryRegistryValues(RTL_REGISTRY_HANDLE, Handle, LQueryTable, NULL, NULL); ZwClose(Handle);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { break; }
if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { //
// 1.
// Switch to the Linkage key below this driver instance key
LQueryTable[0].QueryRoutine = NULL; LQueryTable[0].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_SUBKEY; LQueryTable[0].Name = L"Linkage";
// 2.
// Read the RootDevice keywords
LQueryTable[1].QueryRoutine = ndisReadParameter; LQueryTable[1].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_NOEXPAND; LQueryTable[1].Name = L"RootDevice"; LQueryTable[1].EntryContext = (PVOID)&BindPathData; LQueryTable[1].DefaultType = REG_NONE;
LQueryTable[2].QueryRoutine = NULL; LQueryTable[2].Flags = 0; LQueryTable[2].Name = NULL;
NtStatus = RtlQueryRegistryValues(RTL_REGISTRY_HANDLE, Handle, LQueryTable, NULL, NULL); ZwClose(Handle);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) break; } else { NtStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS; } #endif
// BindPath is a MULTI-SZ which starts at the top of the filter chain
// and goes down to the miniport. It is of the form
// {FN} {FN-1} ... {F1} {Adapter}
// Where spaces are actually nulls and each of {Fn} is a filter instance.
if (BindPathData == NULL) { BindPathData = Miniport->BaseName.Buffer; } else { FreeBindPathData = TRUE; }
// Split bindpath into individual components. Start by determining how much
// space we need.
Len = sizeof(NDIS_BIND_PATHS); for (pPath = BindPathData, NumComponents = 0; *pPath != 0; NOTHING) { NDIS_STRING us;
RtlInitUnicodeString(&us, pPath); NumComponents++; Len += sizeof(NDIS_STRING) + us.Length + ndisDeviceStr.Length + sizeof(WCHAR); (PUCHAR)pPath += (us.Length + sizeof(WCHAR)); }
// Allocate space for bindpaths. We have NumComponents paths
// which consume Len bytes of space. We could be re-initialzing
// so free any previous buffer allcoated for this.
if (Miniport->BindPaths != NULL) { FREE_POOL(Miniport->BindPaths); } Miniport->BindPaths = (PNDIS_BIND_PATHS)ALLOC_FROM_POOL(Len, NDIS_TAG_NAME_BUF); if (Miniport->BindPaths == NULL) { NtStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; break; }
ZeroMemory(Miniport->BindPaths, Len); Miniport->BindPaths->Number = NumComponents;
if (NumComponents > 1) { MINIPORT_PNP_SET_FLAG(Miniport, fMINIPORT_FILTER_IM); Miniport->InfoFlags |= NDIS_MINIPORT_FILTER_IM; }
// Create an array in reverse order of device-names in the filter path.
p = (PWSTR)((PUCHAR)Miniport->BindPaths + sizeof(NDIS_BIND_PATHS) + NumComponents*sizeof(NDIS_STRING));
for (pPath = BindPathData, i = (NumComponents-1); *pPath != 0; i --) { NDIS_STRING Str, SubStr, *Bp;
RtlInitUnicodeString(&Str, pPath); (PUCHAR)pPath += (Str.Length + sizeof(WCHAR));
Bp = &Miniport->BindPaths->Paths[i]; Bp->Buffer = p; Bp->Length = 0; Bp->MaximumLength = Str.Length + ndisDeviceStr.Length + sizeof(WCHAR);
SubStr.Buffer = (PWSTR)((PUCHAR)p + ndisDeviceStr.Length); SubStr.MaximumLength = Str.Length + sizeof(WCHAR); SubStr.Length = 0; RtlCopyUnicodeString(Bp, &ndisDeviceStr);
RtlUpcaseUnicodeString(&SubStr, &Str, FALSE); Bp->Length += SubStr.Length; (PUCHAR)p += Bp->MaximumLength; } } while (FALSE);
if (FreeBindPathData) FREE_POOL(BindPathData); ; DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_PNP, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("<==ndisReadBindPaths: Miniport %p\n", Miniport));
return NtStatus; }
NTSTATUS ndisCreateAdapterInstanceName( OUT PUNICODE_STRING * pAdapterInstanceName, IN PDEVICE_OBJECT PhysicalDeviceObject ) { NTSTATUS NtStatus, SlotQueryStatus; DEVICE_REGISTRY_PROPERTY Property; PWCHAR pValueInfo = NULL; ULONG ResultLength = 0; PUNICODE_STRING AdapterInstanceName = NULL; ULONG SlotNumber; DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_PNP, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("==>ndisCreateAdapterInstanceName: PDO %p\n", PhysicalDeviceObject));
do { //1 add comments and check to see if the DevicePropertyFriendlyName should always be there.
*pAdapterInstanceName = NULL; Property = DevicePropertyFriendlyName; NtStatus = IoGetDeviceProperty(PhysicalDeviceObject, Property, 0, NULL, &ResultLength);
if ((NtStatus != STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) && !NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { Property = DevicePropertyDeviceDescription; NtStatus = IoGetDeviceProperty(PhysicalDeviceObject, Property, 0, NULL, &ResultLength); if ((NtStatus != STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) && !NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_PNP, DBG_LEVEL_ERR, ("ndisCreateAdapterInstanceName: PDO %p, Failed to query the adapter description\n", PhysicalDeviceObject));
break; } }
// Allocate space to hold the partial value information.
pValueInfo = ALLOC_FROM_POOL(ResultLength, NDIS_TAG_DEFAULT); if (NULL == pValueInfo) { NtStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_PNP, DBG_LEVEL_ERR, ("ndisCreateAdapterInstanceName: PDO %p, Failed to allocate storage for the adapter description\n", PhysicalDeviceObject));
break; }
RtlZeroMemory(pValueInfo, ResultLength);
NtStatus = IoGetDeviceProperty(PhysicalDeviceObject, Property, ResultLength, pValueInfo, &ResultLength); if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_PNP, DBG_LEVEL_ERR, ("ndisCreateAdapterInstanceName: PDO %p, Failed to query the adapter description\n", PhysicalDeviceObject)); break; } //
// Determine the size of the instance name buffer. This is a UNICODE_STRING
// and it's associated buffer.
ResultLength += sizeof(UNICODE_STRING);
// Allocate the buffer.
AdapterInstanceName = ALLOC_FROM_POOL(ResultLength, NDIS_TAG_NAME_BUF); if (NULL == AdapterInstanceName) { NtStatus = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_PNP, DBG_LEVEL_ERR, ("ndisCreateAdapterInstanceName: PDO %p, Failed to allocate storage for the adapter instance name\n", PhysicalDeviceObject)); break; }
// Initialize the buffer.
RtlZeroMemory(AdapterInstanceName, ResultLength);
// Initialize the UNICODE_STRING for the instance name.
AdapterInstanceName->Buffer = (PWSTR)((PUCHAR)AdapterInstanceName + sizeof(UNICODE_STRING)); AdapterInstanceName->Length = 0; AdapterInstanceName->MaximumLength = (USHORT)(ResultLength - sizeof(UNICODE_STRING));
RtlAppendUnicodeToString(AdapterInstanceName, pValueInfo); DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_PNP, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("ndisCreateAdapterInstanceName: %ws\n", AdapterInstanceName->Buffer));
// Return the instance name.
*pAdapterInstanceName = AdapterInstanceName;
//1 this should be in checked builds only.
// get the slot number
Property = DevicePropertyUINumber; SlotQueryStatus = IoGetDeviceProperty(PhysicalDeviceObject, Property, sizeof (ULONG), &SlotNumber, &ResultLength); if (NT_SUCCESS(SlotQueryStatus)) { DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_PNP, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("ndisCreateAdapterInstanceName: %ws, Slot Number: %ld\n", AdapterInstanceName->Buffer, SlotNumber)); } else { DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_PNP, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("ndisCreateAdapterInstanceName: couldn't get SlotNumber for %ws\n", AdapterInstanceName->Buffer)); }
} while (FALSE);
if (NULL != pValueInfo) FREE_POOL(pValueInfo);
DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_PNP, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("<==ndisCreateAdapterInstanceName: PDO %p, Status 0x%x\n", PhysicalDeviceObject, NtStatus));
return(NtStatus); }
NDIS_STATUS ndisInitializeAdapter( IN PNDIS_M_DRIVER_BLOCK pMiniBlock, IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PUNICODE_STRING InstanceName, IN NDIS_HANDLE DeviceContext OPTIONAL ) { NDIS_WRAPPER_CONFIGURATION_HANDLE ConfigurationHandle; NDIS_STATUS NdisStatus; UNICODE_STRING ExportName; PNDIS_MINIPORT_BLOCK Miniport= (PNDIS_MINIPORT_BLOCK)((PNDIS_WRAPPER_CONTEXT)DeviceObject->DeviceExtension + 1); TIME TS, TE, TD; #define PQueryTable ConfigurationHandle.ParametersQueryTable
#define Db ConfigurationHandle.Db
DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_PNP, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("==>ndisInitializeAdapter: Miniport/Adapter %p\n", Miniport));
do { ZeroMemory(&ConfigurationHandle, sizeof(NDIS_WRAPPER_CONFIGURATION_HANDLE));
ExportName.Buffer = NULL;
// Build the configuration handle.
NdisStatus = ndisInitializeConfiguration(&ConfigurationHandle, Miniport, &ExportName); if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { break; }
// OK, Now lock down all the filter packages. If a MAC or
// Miniport driver uses any of these, then the filter package
// will reference itself, to keep the image in memory.
ArcReferencePackage(); #endif
EthReferencePackage(); FddiReferencePackage(); TrReferencePackage(); MiniportReferencePackage(); CoReferencePackage();
ConfigurationHandle.DeviceObject = DeviceObject; ConfigurationHandle.DriverBaseName = InstanceName;
// Save the Driver Object with the configuration handle.
ConfigurationHandle.DriverObject = pMiniBlock->NdisDriverInfo->DriverObject; NdisStatus = ndisMInitializeAdapter(pMiniBlock, &ConfigurationHandle, &ExportName, DeviceContext); KeQuerySystemTime(&TE); TD.QuadPart = TE.QuadPart - TS.QuadPart; TD.QuadPart /= 10000; // Convert to ms
Miniport = (PNDIS_MINIPORT_BLOCK)((PNDIS_WRAPPER_CONTEXT)(ConfigurationHandle.DeviceObject->DeviceExtension) + 1); Miniport->InitTimeMs = TD.LowPart;
if (ndisFlags & NDIS_GFLAG_INIT_TIME) { DbgPrint("NDIS: Init time (%Z) %ld ms\n", Miniport->pAdapterInstanceName, Miniport->InitTimeMs); }
if (NdisStatus != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { ndisCloseULongRef(&Miniport->Ref); }
// OK, Now dereference all the filter packages. If a MAC or
// Miniport driver uses any of these, then the filter package
// will reference itself, to keep the image in memory.
ArcDereferencePackage(); #endif
EthDereferencePackage(); FddiDereferencePackage(); TrDereferencePackage(); MiniportDereferencePackage(); CoDereferencePackage();
} while (FALSE);
if (ExportName.Buffer) FREE_POOL(ExportName.Buffer);
// free "Bind" data
if (PQueryTable[3].EntryContext != NULL) FREE_POOL(PQueryTable[3].EntryContext); #undef PQueryTable
#undef Db
DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_PNP, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("<==ndisInitializeAdapter: Miniport/Adapter %p\n", Miniport));
return(NdisStatus); }
Routine Description:
This function, reads the registry to get all the protocols that are supposed to bind to this adapter and for each protocol, calls ndisInitializeBinding
Adapter Pointer to ndis Adpater or Miniport block Protocol Optionally if a protocol is specified, initiate binding to only that protocol Return Value: None
---*/ { RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_TABLE LinkQueryTable[3]; NTSTATUS RegistryStatus; PWSTR UpperBind = NULL; HANDLE Handle; PDEVICE_OBJECT PhysicalDeviceObject; UNICODE_STRING Us; PWSTR CurProtocolName; PNDIS_PROTOCOL_BLOCK CurProtocol, NextProtocol; KIRQL OldIrql; DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_PNP, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("==>ndisCheckAdapterBindings: Miniport %p, Protocol %p\n", Miniport, Protocol));
do { //
// get a handle to driver section in registry
PhysicalDeviceObject = Miniport->PhysicalDeviceObject; if (MINIPORT_TEST_FLAG(Miniport, fMINIPORT_SECONDARY)) { //
// Skip bind notifications for a secondary miniport
break; }
RegistryStatus = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; Handle = NULL; #else
RegistryStatus = IoOpenDeviceRegistryKey(PhysicalDeviceObject, PLUGPLAY_REGKEY_DRIVER, GENERIC_READ | MAXIMUM_ALLOWED, &Handle); #endif
if (!NT_SUCCESS(RegistryStatus)) { if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(Protocol)) { ndisInitializeBinding(Miniport, Protocol); break; } else { ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK(&ndisProtocolListLock, &OldIrql); for (CurProtocol = ndisProtocolList; CurProtocol != NULL; CurProtocol = NextProtocol) { if (ndisReferenceProtocol(CurProtocol)) {
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&ndisProtocolListLock, OldIrql); ndisInitializeBinding(Miniport, CurProtocol); ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK(&ndisProtocolListLock, &OldIrql); NextProtocol = CurProtocol->NextProtocol; ndisDereferenceProtocol(CurProtocol, TRUE); } else { NextProtocol = CurProtocol->NextProtocol; } } RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&ndisProtocolListLock, OldIrql); } break; } #else
if (!NT_SUCCESS(RegistryStatus)) { break; } #endif
// Set up LinkQueryTable to do the following:
// 1) Switch to the Linkage key below the xports registry key
LinkQueryTable[0].QueryRoutine = NULL; LinkQueryTable[0].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_SUBKEY; LinkQueryTable[0].Name = L"Linkage";
// 2) Call ndisReadParameter for "UpperBind" (as a single multi-string),
// which will allocate storage and save the data in UpperBind.
LinkQueryTable[1].QueryRoutine = ndisReadParameter; LinkQueryTable[1].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_REQUIRED | RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_NOEXPAND; LinkQueryTable[1].Name = L"UpperBind"; LinkQueryTable[1].EntryContext = (PVOID)&UpperBind; LinkQueryTable[1].DefaultType = REG_NONE;
// 3) Stop
LinkQueryTable[2].QueryRoutine = NULL; LinkQueryTable[2].Flags = 0; LinkQueryTable[2].Name = NULL;
RegistryStatus = RtlQueryRegistryValues(RTL_REGISTRY_HANDLE, Handle, LinkQueryTable, (PVOID)NULL, // no context needed
NULL); ZwClose(Handle); if (NT_SUCCESS(RegistryStatus)) { for (CurProtocolName = UpperBind; *CurProtocolName != 0; CurProtocolName = (PWCHAR)((PUCHAR)CurProtocolName + Us.MaximumLength)) { RtlInitUnicodeString (&Us, CurProtocolName); if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(Protocol)) { if (RtlEqualUnicodeString(&Us, &Protocol->ProtocolCharacteristics.Name, TRUE)) { ndisInitializeBinding(Miniport, Protocol); break; } } else { CurProtocol = NULL; if (ndisReferenceProtocolByName(&Us, &CurProtocol, FALSE) == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { ndisInitializeBinding(Miniport, CurProtocol); ndisDereferenceProtocol(CurProtocol, FALSE); } } } } //
// Handle proxy and rca filters.
if ((Miniport != NULL) && !ndisMediaTypeCl[Miniport->MediaType] && MINIPORT_TEST_FLAG(Miniport, fMINIPORT_IS_CO)) { BOOLEAN bCanMiniportBindtoAllCoProtocol = FALSE; if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(Protocol)) {
// Only create the binding between the bind_all_Co protocol if the miniport
// does not veto it
bCanMiniportBindtoAllCoProtocol = \ ((Protocol->ProtocolCharacteristics.Flags & NDIS_PROTOCOL_BIND_ALL_CO) && (!(Miniport->MiniportAttributes & NDIS_ATTRIBUTE_DO_NOT_BIND_TO_ALL_CO ))); if (bCanMiniportBindtoAllCoProtocol) { ndisInitializeBinding(Miniport, Protocol); } } else { ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK(&ndisProtocolListLock, &OldIrql); for (CurProtocol = ndisProtocolList; CurProtocol != NULL; CurProtocol = NextProtocol) { bCanMiniportBindtoAllCoProtocol = \ ((CurProtocol ->ProtocolCharacteristics.Flags & NDIS_PROTOCOL_BIND_ALL_CO) && (!(Miniport->MiniportAttributes & NDIS_ATTRIBUTE_DO_NOT_BIND_TO_ALL_CO )));
if (bCanMiniportBindtoAllCoProtocol && ndisReferenceProtocol(CurProtocol)) { RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&ndisProtocolListLock, OldIrql); ndisInitializeBinding(Miniport, CurProtocol); ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK(&ndisProtocolListLock, &OldIrql); NextProtocol = CurProtocol->NextProtocol; ndisDereferenceProtocol(CurProtocol, TRUE); } else { NextProtocol = CurProtocol->NextProtocol; } } RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&ndisProtocolListLock, OldIrql); } } } while (FALSE);
if (UpperBind != NULL) FREE_POOL(UpperBind); DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_PNP, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("<==ndisCheckAdapterBindings: Miniport %p, Protocol %p\n", Miniport, Protocol)); }
DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_BIND, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("==>ndisProtocolAlreadyBound: Protocol %p, Miniport %p\n", Protocol, Miniport)); PnPReferencePackage();
ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK(&Protocol->Ref.SpinLock, &OldIrql);
for (pOpen = Protocol->OpenQueue; pOpen != NULL; pOpen = pOpen->ProtocolNextOpen) { if (pOpen->MiniportHandle == Miniport) { rc = TRUE; break; } }
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&Protocol->Ref.SpinLock, OldIrql);
PnPDereferencePackage(); DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_BIND, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("<==ndisProtocolAlreadyBound: Protocol %p, Miniport %p\n", Protocol, Miniport)); return rc; }
NDIS_STATUS NdisIMInitializeDeviceInstance( IN NDIS_HANDLE DriverHandle, IN PNDIS_STRING DeviceInstance ) /*++
Routine Description:
Initialize an instance of a miniport device.
DriverHandle - Handle returned by NdisMRegisterLayeredMiniport. It is a pointer to NDIS_M_DRIVER_BLOCK. DeviceInstance -Points to the instance of the driver that must now be initialized.
Return Value:
--*/ { NDIS_STATUS Status; DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_INIT, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("==>NdisIMInitializeDeviceInstance: Driver %p, DeviceInstance %p\n", DriverHandle, DeviceInstance)); Status = NdisIMInitializeDeviceInstanceEx(DriverHandle, DeviceInstance, NULL);
DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_INIT, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("<==NdisIMInitializeDeviceInstance: Driver %p, DeviceInstance %p\n", DriverHandle, DeviceInstance)); return Status; }
NDIS_STATUS NdisIMInitializeDeviceInstanceEx( IN NDIS_HANDLE DriverHandle, IN PNDIS_STRING DeviceInstance, IN NDIS_HANDLE DeviceContext ) /*++
Routine Description:
Initialize an instance of a miniport device. Incarnation of NdisIMInitializeDeviceInstance.
DriverHandle Handle returned by NdisMRegisterLayeredMiniport. It is a pointer to NDIS_M_DRIVER_BLOCK. DeviceInstance Points to the instance of the driver that must now be initialized. DeviceContext Context to associate with the device. Retrieved via NdisIMGetDeviceContext.
Return Value:
DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_INIT, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("==>NdisIMInitializeDeviceInstanceEx: Driver %p, Instance %p, Context %p\n", DriverHandle, DeviceInstance, DeviceContext));
PnPReferencePackage(); WAIT_FOR_OBJECT(&MiniBlock->IMStartRemoveMutex, NULL); do { Miniport = ndisFindMiniportOnGlobalList(DeviceInstance); //1 we need some protection so miniport does not go away. (Should ref the miniport)
if (Miniport != NULL) { if (MINIPORT_PNP_TEST_FLAG(Miniport, fMINIPORT_RECEIVED_START) && !MINIPORT_PNP_TEST_FLAG(Miniport, fMINIPORT_REMOVE_IN_PROGRESS | fMINIPORT_PM_HALTED)) { DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_INIT, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("NdisIMInitializeDeviceInstanceEx: we have already received START_IRP for Miniport %p\n", Miniport));
// check to make sure the miniport has not been initialized already
// i.e. we are not getting duplicate NdisIMInitializeDeviceInstance
// a device that has already been initialized
if (ndisIsMiniportStarted(Miniport)) { DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_INIT, DBG_LEVEL_ERR, ("NdisIMInitializeDeviceInstanceEx: we have already initialized this device. Miniport %p\n", Miniport)); Status = NDIS_STATUS_NOT_ACCEPTED; break; } Status = ndisIMInitializeDeviceInstance(Miniport, DeviceContext, FALSE); if (Status != NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { //
// since we have already succeeded the START_IRP, signal PnP to remove this device
// by tagging the device as failed and requesting a QUERY_PNP_DEVICE_STATE IRP
MINIPORT_PNP_SET_FLAG(Miniport, fMINIPORT_DEVICE_FAILED); IoInvalidateDeviceState(Miniport->PhysicalDeviceObject); }
break; } }
// device is not started or not added yet.
Status = ndisIMQueueDeviceInstance(DriverHandle, DeviceInstance, DeviceContext);
} while (FALSE);
PnPDereferencePackage(); DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_INIT, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("<==NdisIMInitializeDeviceInstanceEx: Driver %p, Instance %p, Context %p, Status %lx\n", DriverHandle, DeviceInstance, DeviceContext, Status));
return Status; }
NDIS_STATUS ndisIMInitializeDeviceInstance( IN PNDIS_MINIPORT_BLOCK Miniport, IN NDIS_HANDLE DeviceContext, IN BOOLEAN fStartIrp ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is called when we have received NdisIMInitializeDeviceInstance -AND- START IRP for an IM miniport. Initialize an instance of a miniport device.
Miniport Handle to NDIS_MINIPORT_BLOCK DeviceContext Context to associate with the device. Retrieved via NdisIMGetDeviceContext.
fStartIrp flag to signal if we are in the context of handling START IRP Return Value:
--*/ { NDIS_STATUS Status; NTSTATUS NtStatus;
DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_INIT, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("==>ndisIMInitializeDeviceInstance: Miniport %p, Context %p, fStartIrp %lx\n", Miniport, DeviceContext, fStartIrp));
// it is quite possible we are dealing with a miniport block that has been "used"
// several times. inother words, it has been started and DeviceInitialized, then
// Device-De-Initialized and then has received a few query_stop and cancel_stop.
// in this case the miniport block has to be cleaned up. otherwise, ndisPnPStartDevice
// is not going to detect that miniport block needs re-initalization
Miniport->DeviceContext = DeviceContext; Status = ndisPnPStartDevice(Miniport->DeviceObject, NULL); // no Irp
if (Status == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { //
// if we are in the context of start IRP, queue a workitem to initialize
// the bindings on this adapter to avoid the delay
if (!fStartIrp) { //
// Now set the device class association so that people can reference this.
NtStatus = IoSetDeviceInterfaceState(&Miniport->SymbolicLinkName, TRUE);
if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) { //
// Do protocol notifications
ndisCheckAdapterBindings(Miniport, NULL); } else { DBGPRINT(DBG_COMP_PNP, DBG_LEVEL_ERR, ("ndisCheckAdapterBindings: IoSetDeviceInterfaceState failed: Miniport %p, Status %lx\n", Miniport, NtStatus)); Status = NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; } } else { Status = ndisQueueBindWorkitem(Miniport); } } else { //
// ndisPnPStartDevice can return an internal Error Code if the call
// to ndisMInitializeAdapter fails. convert this to NDIS_STATUS
DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_INIT, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("<==ndisIMInitializeDeviceInstance: Miniport %p, Context %p, Status %lx\n", Miniport, DeviceContext, Status));
return Status; }
NDIS_STATUS ndisIMQueueDeviceInstance( IN PNDIS_M_DRIVER_BLOCK MiniBlock, IN PNDIS_STRING DeviceInstance, IN NDIS_HANDLE DeviceContext ) { NDIS_STATUS Status = NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS; PNDIS_PENDING_IM_INSTANCE NewImInstance, pTemp; KIRQL OldIrql; DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_INIT, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("==>ndisIMQueueDeviceInstance: Driver %p, Instance %p, Context %p\n", MiniBlock, DeviceInstance, DeviceContext));
do { //
// Queue the device name for which we have received an InitializeDeviceInstance
// from an IM driver. Check for duplicates.
NewImInstance->Context = DeviceContext; NewImInstance->Name.MaximumLength = DeviceInstance->Length + sizeof(WCHAR); NewImInstance->Name.Length = 0; NewImInstance->Name.Buffer = (PWSTR)((PUCHAR)NewImInstance + sizeof(NDIS_PENDING_IM_INSTANCE)); RtlUpcaseUnicodeString(&NewImInstance->Name, DeviceInstance, FALSE); ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK(&MiniBlock->Ref.SpinLock, &OldIrql);
for (pTemp = MiniBlock->PendingDeviceList; pTemp != NULL; pTemp = pTemp->Next) { if (NDIS_EQUAL_UNICODE_STRING(&NewImInstance->Name, &pTemp->Name)) { FREE_POOL(NewImInstance); Status = NDIS_STATUS_NOT_ACCEPTED; break; } }
if (Status == NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS) { NewImInstance->Next = MiniBlock->PendingDeviceList; MiniBlock->PendingDeviceList = NewImInstance; }
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&MiniBlock->Ref.SpinLock, OldIrql);
} while (FALSE); DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_INIT, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("<==ndisIMQueueDeviceInstance: Driver %p, Instance %p, Context %p, Status %lx\n", MiniBlock, DeviceInstance, DeviceContext, Status));
return Status; }
BOOLEAN ndisIMCheckDeviceInstance( IN PNDIS_M_DRIVER_BLOCK MiniBlock, IN PUNICODE_STRING DeviceInstanceName, OUT PNDIS_HANDLE DeviceContext OPTIONAL ) { PNDIS_PENDING_IM_INSTANCE pDI, *ppDI; PNDIS_PROTOCOL_BLOCK Protocol = MiniBlock->AssociatedProtocol; KIRQL OldIrql; BOOLEAN rc = FALSE;
DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_INIT, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("==>ndisIMCheckDeviceInstance: Driver %p, DeviceInstanceName %p\n", MiniBlock, DeviceInstanceName));
PnPReferencePackage(); ACQUIRE_SPIN_LOCK(&MiniBlock->Ref.SpinLock, &OldIrql);
for (ppDI = &MiniBlock->PendingDeviceList; (pDI = *ppDI) != NULL; ppDI = &pDI->Next) { if (NDIS_EQUAL_UNICODE_STRING(&pDI->Name, DeviceInstanceName)) { if (ARGUMENT_PRESENT(DeviceContext)) { *DeviceContext = pDI->Context; } *ppDI = pDI->Next; FREE_POOL(pDI); rc = TRUE; break; } }
RELEASE_SPIN_LOCK(&MiniBlock->Ref.SpinLock, OldIrql);
DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_INIT, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("<==ndisIMCheckDeviceInstance: Driver %p, Name %p, Context %p\n", MiniBlock, DeviceInstanceName, DeviceContext)); if (!rc && ARGUMENT_PRESENT(DeviceContext)) { //
// Send a reconfig notification to the protocol associated with this IM
// so it can re-initialize any device(s) it wants to
if (((Protocol = MiniBlock->AssociatedProtocol) != NULL) && (Protocol->ProtocolCharacteristics.PnPEventHandler != NULL)) { //
// We got a start device for an IM. Make sure its protocol
// half has all the requisite bindings. This can happen
// if an IM is disconnected and reconnected, for example.
// Also give it a NULL reconfig event. ATMLANE uses that
NdisZeroMemory(&NetPnpEvent, sizeof(NetPnpEvent)); INITIALIZE_EVENT(&Event); NetPnpEvent.NetEvent = NetEventReconfigure; PNDIS_PNP_EVENT_RESERVED_FROM_NET_PNP_EVENT(&NetPnpEvent)->pEvent = &Event;
Status = (Protocol->ProtocolCharacteristics.PnPEventHandler)(NULL, &NetPnpEvent);
if (NDIS_STATUS_PENDING == Status) { //
// Wait for completion.
WAIT_FOR_PROTOCOL(Protocol, &Event); } RELEASE_PROT_MUTEX(Protocol); } }
return rc; }
NDIS_STATUS NdisIMCancelInitializeDeviceInstance( IN NDIS_HANDLE DriverHandle, IN PNDIS_STRING DeviceInstance ) { NDIS_STATUS Status; UNICODE_STRING UpcaseDevice; DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_INIT, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("==>NdisIMCancelInitializeDeviceInstance: Driver %p, DeviceInstance %p\n", DriverHandle, DeviceInstance));
// change to upper case
UpcaseDevice.Length = DeviceInstance->Length; UpcaseDevice.MaximumLength = DeviceInstance->Length + sizeof(WCHAR); UpcaseDevice.Buffer = ALLOC_FROM_POOL(UpcaseDevice.MaximumLength, NDIS_TAG_STRING);
if (UpcaseDevice.Buffer == NULL) { return NDIS_STATUS_RESOURCES; }
Status = RtlUpcaseUnicodeString(&UpcaseDevice, (PUNICODE_STRING)DeviceInstance, FALSE); ASSERT (NT_SUCCESS(Status));
Status = (ndisIMCheckDeviceInstance((PNDIS_M_DRIVER_BLOCK)DriverHandle, &UpcaseDevice, NULL) == TRUE) ? NDIS_STATUS_SUCCESS : NDIS_STATUS_FAILURE; DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_INIT, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("<==NdisIMCancelInitializeDeviceInstance: Driver %p, DeviceInstance %p, Status %lx\n", DriverHandle, DeviceInstance, Status));
FREE_POOL(UpcaseDevice.Buffer); return Status; }
NDIS_HANDLE NdisIMGetDeviceContext( IN NDIS_HANDLE MiniportAdapterHandle ) { PNDIS_MINIPORT_BLOCK Miniport = (PNDIS_MINIPORT_BLOCK)MiniportAdapterHandle; DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_INIT, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("==>NdisIMGetDeviceContext: Miniport %p\n", Miniport));
DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_INIT, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("<==NdisIMGetDeviceContext: Miniport %p\n", Miniport)); return(Miniport->DeviceContext); }
NDIS_HANDLE NdisIMGetBindingContext( IN NDIS_HANDLE ProtocolBindingContext ) { PNDIS_OPEN_BLOCK Open = (PNDIS_OPEN_BLOCK)ProtocolBindingContext; PNDIS_MINIPORT_BLOCK Miniport = Open->MiniportHandle;
DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_INIT, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("==>NdisIMGetBindingContext: Open %p\n", Open)); DBGPRINT_RAW(DBG_COMP_INIT, DBG_LEVEL_INFO, ("<==NdisIMGetBindingContext: Open %p\n", Open)); return(Miniport->DeviceContext); }