//* Microsoft Windows **
//* Copyright (c) 1994-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// CFGAPI.C - Functions for exported config API.
// 96/05/22 markdu Created (from inetcfg.dll)
// 96/05/25 markdu Use ICFG_ flags for lpNeedDrivers and lpInstallDrivers.
// 96/05/27 markdu Added lpGetLastInstallErrorText.
#include "pch.hpp"
UINT DetectModifyTCPIPBindings(DWORD dwCardFlags,LPCSTR pszBoundTo,BOOL fRemove,BOOL * pfBound);
// FUNCTION: IcfgGetLastInstallErrorText
// PURPOSE: Get a text string that describes the last installation
// error that occurred. The string should be suitable
// for display in a message box with no further formatting.
// PARAMETERS: lpszErrorDesc - points to buffer to receive the string.
// cbErrorDesc - size of buffer.
// RETURNS: The length of the string returned.
extern "C" DWORD IcfgGetLastInstallErrorText(LPSTR lpszErrorDesc, DWORD cbErrorDesc) { if (lpszErrorDesc) { lstrcpyn(lpszErrorDesc, gpszLastErrorText, cbErrorDesc); return lstrlen(lpszErrorDesc); } else { return 0; } }
// FUNCTION: IcfgNeedInetComponents
// PURPOSE: Detects whether the specified system components are
// installed or not.
// PARAMETERS: dwfOptions - a combination of ICFG_ flags that specify
// which components to detect as follows:
// ICFG_INSTALLTCP - is TCP/IP needed?
// ICFG_INSTALLRAS - is RAS needed?
// ICFG_INSTALLMAIL - is exchange or internet mail needed?
// lpfNeedComponents - TRUE if any specified component needs
// to be installed.
// RETURNS: HRESULT code, ERROR_SUCCESS if no errors occurred
extern "C" HRESULT IcfgNeedInetComponents(DWORD dwfOptions, LPBOOL lpfNeedComponents) { CLIENTCONFIG ClientConfig;
// read client configuration
ZeroMemory(&ClientConfig,sizeof(CLIENTCONFIG)); DWORD dwErrCls; UINT err=GetConfig(&ClientConfig,&dwErrCls); if (err != OK) { PrepareErrorMessage(IDS_ERRReadConfig,(UINT) err, dwErrCls,MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return err; }
// check if we are allowed to install TCP/IP
if (dwfOptions & ICFG_INSTALLTCP) { // need TCP/IP present and bound to PPP driver
if (!ClientConfig.fPPPBoundTCP) { if (lpfNeedComponents) { *lpfNeedComponents = TRUE; } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } }
// check if we are allowed to install RNA
if (dwfOptions & ICFG_INSTALLRAS) { // need PPPMAC and RNA files if using modem
if (!ClientConfig.fRNAInstalled || !ClientConfig.fPPPDriver) { if (lpfNeedComponents) { *lpfNeedComponents = TRUE; } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } }
// need Exchange if not installed and user wants to install mail
if ((dwfOptions & ICFG_INSTALLMAIL) && (!ClientConfig.fMailInstalled || !ClientConfig.fInetMailInstalled)) { if (lpfNeedComponents) { *lpfNeedComponents = TRUE; } return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// ChrisK 5/8/97
// check if we have a bound LAN adapter
if (dwfOptions & ICFG_INSTALLLAN) { if (!ClientConfig.fNetcard || !ClientConfig.fNetcardBoundTCP) { if (lpfNeedComponents) { *lpfNeedComponents = TRUE; } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } }
// ChrisK 5/8/97
// Check if we have a bound Dial up adapter
if (dwfOptions & ICFG_INSTALLDIALUP) { if (!ClientConfig.fPPPDriver || !ClientConfig.fPPPBoundTCP) { if (lpfNeedComponents) { *lpfNeedComponents = TRUE; } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } }
// ChrisK 5/8/97
// Check if TCP is install at all on this system
if (dwfOptions & ICFG_INSTALLTCPONLY) { if (!ClientConfig.fTcpip) { if (lpfNeedComponents) { *lpfNeedComponents = TRUE; } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } }
// no extra drivers needed
if (lpfNeedComponents) { *lpfNeedComponents = FALSE; } return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// FUNCTION: IcfgInstallInetComponents
// PURPOSE: Install the specified system components.
// PARAMETERS: hwndParent - Parent window handle.
// dwfOptions - a combination of ICFG_ flags that controls
// the installation and configuration as follows:
// ICFG_INSTALLTCP - install TCP/IP (if needed)
// ICFG_INSTALLRAS - install RAS (if needed)
// ICFG_INSTALLMAIL - install exchange and internet mail
// lpfNeedsRestart - if non-NULL, then on return, this will be
// TRUE if windows must be restarted to complete the installation.
// RETURNS: HRESULT code, ERROR_SUCCESS if no errors occurred
extern "C" HRESULT IcfgInstallInetComponents(HWND hwndParent, DWORD dwfOptions, LPBOOL lpfNeedsRestart) { RETERR err; DWORD dwFiles = 0; BOOL fInitNetMAC = FALSE; BOOL fNeedTCPIP=FALSE; BOOL fNeedPPPMAC=FALSE; BOOL fNeedToRemoveTCPIP=FALSE; BOOL fNeedReboot = FALSE; DWORD dwErrCls; CLIENTCONFIG ClientConfig;
// read client configuration
ZeroMemory(&ClientConfig,sizeof(CLIENTCONFIG)); err=GetConfig(&ClientConfig,&dwErrCls); if (err != OK) { PrepareErrorMessage(IDS_ERRReadConfig,(UINT) err, dwErrCls,MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return err; }
// see if we initially have any kind of net card
fInitNetMAC = (ClientConfig.fNetcard | ClientConfig.fPPPDriver);
// install files we need
// install mail if user wants it and not already installed
if (dwfOptions & ICFG_INSTALLMAIL) { // need mail files (capone)?
if (!ClientConfig.fMailInstalled) { DEBUGMSG("Installing Exchange files"); dwFiles |= ICIF_MAIL; }
// need internet mail files (rt 66)?
if (!ClientConfig.fInetMailInstalled) { DEBUGMSG("Installing Internet Mail files"); dwFiles |= ICIF_INET_MAIL; } }
// check if we are allowed to install RNA
if (dwfOptions & ICFG_INSTALLRAS) { // install RNA if user is connecting over modem and RNA
// not already installed
if (!ClientConfig.fRNAInstalled) { DEBUGMSG("Installing RNA files"); dwFiles |= ICIF_RNA; } }
if (dwFiles) { { WAITCURSOR WaitCursor; // show hourglass
// install the component files
err = InstallComponent(hwndParent,IC_INSTALLFILES, dwFiles); if (err == NEED_RESTART) { DEBUGMSG("Setting restart flag"); // set restart flag so we restart the system at end
fNeedReboot = TRUE; // NEED_REBOOT also implies success, so set ret code to OK
err = OK; }
// force an update of the dialog
if (hwndParent) { HWND hParent = GetParent(hwndParent); UpdateWindow(hParent ? hParent : hwndParent); }
// runonce.exe may get run at next boot, twiddle the
// registry to work around a bug where it trashes the wallpaper
PrepareForRunOnceApp(); }
if (err != OK) { PrepareErrorMessage(IDS_ERRInstallFiles,(UINT) err, ERRCLS_SETUPX,MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return err; }
WAITCURSOR WaitCursor; // show hourglass
// do some extra stuff if we just installed mail
if (dwFiles & ICIF_MAIL) { // .inf file leaves an entry in the registry to run
// MS Exchange wizard, which we don't need since we'll be
// configuring exchange ourselves. Remove the registry
// entry.
// run mlset32, Exchange setup app that it needs to have run.
// need to display error if this fails, this is fairly important.
err=RunMlsetExe(hwndParent); if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) { PrepareErrorMessage(IDS_ERRInstallFiles,(UINT) err, ERRCLS_STANDARD,MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return err; } }
// run the group converter to put the Inbox icon on desktop,
// put Exchange, RNA et al on start menu
CHAR szExecGrpconv[SMALL_BUF_LEN],szParam[SMALL_BUF_LEN]; LoadSz(IDS_EXEC_GRPCONV,szExecGrpconv,sizeof(szExecGrpconv)); LoadSz(IDS_EXEC_GRPCONV_PARAM,szParam,sizeof(szParam)); ShellExecute(NULL,NULL,szExecGrpconv,szParam,NULL,SW_SHOW);
// only install PPPMAC if we are allowed to install RNA
if (dwfOptions & ICFG_INSTALLRAS) { // install PPPMAC if not already installed
// Note that we have to install PPPMAC *before* TCP/IP, to work
// in the case where the user has no net installed to start with.
// Otherwise when we install TCP/IP, user gets prompted by net setup
// for their net card; net setup doesn't like the idea of TCP/IP lying
// around without something to bind it to.
fNeedPPPMAC = (!ClientConfig.fPPPDriver); if (fNeedPPPMAC) { DEBUGMSG("Installing PPPMAC");
// make up a computer and workgroup name if not already set, so
// user doesn't get prompted
GenerateComputerNameIfNeeded(); err = InstallPPPMAC(hwndParent);
// 96/05/20 markdu MSN BUG 8551 Check for reboot when installing PPPMAC.
// ChrisK 5/29/97 Olympus 4692
// Even if we just rebind PPPMAC we still need to restart the machine.
if (err == NEED_RESTART || err == OK) { // set restart flag so we restart the system at end
DEBUGMSG("Setting restart flag"); fNeedReboot = TRUE;
// NEED_REBOOT also implies success, so set ret code to OK
err = OK; }
if (err != OK) { PrepareErrorMessage(IDS_ERRInstallPPPMAC,(UINT) err, ERRCLS_SETUPX,MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return err; }
// when we install PPPMAC, if there is another net card then PPPMAC
// will automatically "grow" all the protocols that were bound to the
// net card. Strip these off... (netbeui and IPX)
RETERR errTmp = RemoveProtocols(hwndParent,INSTANCE_PPPDRIVER, PROT_NETBEUI | PROT_IPX); ASSERT(errTmp == OK); } }
// check if we are allowed to install TCP/IP
if (dwfOptions & ICFG_INSTALLTCP) { // figure out if we need to install TCP/IP
// we should only put TCP/IP on appropriate type of card (net card
// or PPP adapter)
// user is connecting via modem, need TCP if not already present
// and bound to PPPMAC. Want to bind to PPP adapters,
// As of W98, PPPMAC install also binds TCP/IP to dial-up adapter. Re-read
// the config using a temporary instance of the structure to determine if
// we still need the binding.
// nickball - 03/03/99 - Olympus #49008, Memphis #88375, NT #180684.
CLIENTCONFIG TmpConfig; ZeroMemory(&TmpConfig,sizeof(CLIENTCONFIG));
if (err != OK) { PrepareErrorMessage(IDS_ERRReadConfig,(UINT) err, dwErrCls,MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return err; }
fNeedTCPIP = !TmpConfig.fPPPBoundTCP; if (fNeedTCPIP && ClientConfig.fNetcard && !ClientConfig.fNetcardBoundTCP) { // if we have to add TCP to PPP driver, then check if TCP is already
// on netcard. If not, then TCP is going to glom on to netcard as
// well as PPP driver when we install it, need to remove it from
// netcard later.
fNeedToRemoveTCPIP= TRUE; }
// special case: if there were any existing instances of TCP/IP and
// we just added PPPMAC then we don't need to install TCP/IP --
// when the PPPMAC adapter got added it automatically gets an instance
// of all installed protocols (incl. TCP/IP) created for it
if (ClientConfig.fTcpip && fNeedPPPMAC) { fNeedTCPIP = FALSE; } } // if (dwfOptions & ICFG_INSTALLTCP)
// install TCP/IP if necessary
if (fNeedTCPIP) { DEBUGMSG("Installing TCP/IP"); // call out to device manager to install TCP/IP
err = InstallTCPIP(hwndParent);
// 96/05/20 markdu MSN BUG 8551 Check for reboot when installing TCP/IP.
if (err == NEED_RESTART) { // NEED_REBOOT also implies success, so set ret code to OK
// Reboot flag is set below ALWAYS. Should really be set here,
// but we don't want to suddenly stop rebooting in cases
// where we used to reboot, even if not needed.
err = OK; }
if (err != OK) { PrepareErrorMessage(IDS_ERRInstallTCPIP,(UINT) err, ERRCLS_SETUPX,MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return err; }
if (fNeedToRemoveTCPIP) { // remove TCPIP that may have glommed onto net drivers other
// than the one we intend it for
UINT uErrTmp; uErrTmp=RemoveProtocols(hwndParent,INSTANCE_NETDRIVER,PROT_TCPIP); ASSERT(uErrTmp == OK); }
DEBUGMSG("Setting restart flag"); // set restart flag so we restart the system at end
fNeedReboot = TRUE; }
// if we just installed TCP/IP or PPPMAC, then adjust bindings
if (fNeedPPPMAC || fNeedTCPIP) { UINT uErrTmp;
// if file sharing (vserver) is installed, TCP/IP will bind
// to it by default. This is bad, user could be sharing
// files to Internet without knowing it. Unbind VSERVER
// from TCP/IP instances that may used to connect to Internet
// (instances of type INSTANCE_PPPDRIVER)
uErrTmp = IcfgTurnOffFileSharing(INSTANCE_PPPDRIVER, hwndParent); ASSERT (uErrTmp == ERROR_SUCCESS);
// unbind TCP/IP from VREDIR, if bound on this card type
BOOL fBound; uErrTmp = DetectModifyTCPIPBindings(INSTANCE_PPPDRIVER,szVREDIR, TRUE,&fBound); ASSERT(uErrTmp == ERROR_SUCCESS); }
// refresh the client configuration info
err = GetConfig(&ClientConfig,&dwErrCls); if (err != OK) { PrepareErrorMessage(IDS_ERRReadConfig,(UINT) err, dwErrCls,MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return err; }
// do some special handling if there were *no* netcard devices
// (net cards or PPP drivers) initially installed
if (!fInitNetMAC) { ASSERT(fNeedPPPMAC); // should have just installed PPPMAC
// net setup adds some extra net components "by default" when
// we add PPPMAC and there are no net card devices, go kill them
// off.
RETERR reterr = RemoveUnneededDefaultComponents(hwndParent); ASSERT(reterr == OK);
// since there were no net card devices to begin with, we need
// to restart the system later. (the NDIS VxD is a static VxD
// which needs to run, only gets added when you install a net card.)
DEBUGMSG("Setting restart flag"); // set restart flag so we restart the system at end
fNeedReboot = TRUE; }
// tell caller whether we need to reboot or not
if (lpfNeedsRestart) { *lpfNeedsRestart = fNeedReboot; } return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
NAME: GetConfig
SYNOPSIS: Retrieves client configuration
********************************************************************/ UINT GetConfig(CLIENTCONFIG * pClientConfig,DWORD * pdwErrCls) { ASSERT(pClientConfig); ASSERT(pdwErrCls);
// get most the client configuration from 16-bit dll
UINT uRet = GetClientConfig(pClientConfig); if (uRet != OK) { // GetClientConfig returns SETUPX error codes
*pdwErrCls = ERRCLS_SETUPX; }
return uRet; }
// FUNCTION: IcfgStartServices
// PURPOSE: This is a NOP designed to maintain parity with the NT
// version (icfgnt.dll).
// RETURNS: HRESULT code, ERROR_SUCCESS if no errors occurred
extern "C" HRESULT IcfgStartServices() { return ERROR_SUCCESS; }