// File: connect.cpp
// Module: CMDIAL32.DLL
// Synopsis: The main code path for establishing a connection.
// Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// Author: nickball Created 2/10/98
#include "cmmaster.h"
// Local includes
#include "ConnStat.h"
#include "CompChck.h"
#include "Dialogs.h"
#include "ActList.h"
#include "dial_str.h"
#include "dun_str.h"
#include "dl_str.h"
#include "pwd_str.h"
#include "tunl_str.h"
#include "mon_str.h"
#include "conact_str.h"
#include "pbk_str.h"
#include "stp_str.h"
#include "profile_str.h"
#include "ras_str.h"
#include "cmtiming.h"
#include "cm_eap.cpp"
#include "MemberOfGroup.cpp"
// Include the header for linking to the SafeNet Config APIs
#include "cmsafenet.h"
// .CMP and .CMS flag used only by connect.cpp
const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryMonitorCallingProgram= TEXT("MonitorCallingProgram"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryUserNameOptional = TEXT("UserNameOptional"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryDomainOptional = TEXT("DomainOptional"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryServiceType = TEXT("ServiceType"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryRedialDelay = TEXT("RedialDelay"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryRedial = TEXT("Redial"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryIdle = TEXT("Idle"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryDialAutoMessage = TEXT("DialAutoMessage"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryCheckOsComponents = TEXT("CheckOSComponents"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryDoNotCheckBindings = TEXT("DoNotCheckBindings"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryIsdnDialMode = TEXT("IsdnDialMode"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryResetPassword = TEXT("ResetPassword"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryCustomButtonText = TEXT("CustomButtonText"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryCustomButtonToolTip = TEXT("CustomButtonToolTip"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmDynamicPhoneNumber = TEXT("DynamicPhoneNumber"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmNoDialingRules = TEXT("NoDialingRules");
const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryHideDialAuto = TEXT("HideDialAutomatically"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryHideRememberPwd = TEXT("HideRememberPassword"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryHideRememberInetPwd = TEXT("HideRememberInternetPassword"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryHideInetUserName = TEXT("HideInternetUserName"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryHideInetPassword = TEXT("HideInternetPassword"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryHideUnattended = TEXT("HideUnattended");
const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryRegion = TEXT("Region"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryPhonePrefix = TEXT("Phone"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryPhoneCanonical = TEXT("PhoneCanonical"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryPhoneDunPrefix = TEXT("DUN"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryPhoneDescPrefix = TEXT("Description"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryPhoneCountryPrefix = TEXT("PhoneCountry"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryPhoneSourcePrefix = TEXT("PhoneSource"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryUseDialingRules = TEXT("UseDialingRules");
const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryAnimatedLogo = TEXT("AnimatedLogo"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmSectionAnimatedLogo = TEXT("Animated Logo"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmSectionAnimatedActions = TEXT("Animation Actions"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryAniMovie = TEXT("Movie"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryAniPsInteractive = TEXT("Initial"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryAniPsDialing0 = TEXT("Dialing0"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryAniPsDialing1 = TEXT("Dialing1"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryAniPsPausing = TEXT("Pausing"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryAniPsAuthenticating = TEXT("Authenticating"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryAniPsOnline = TEXT("Connected"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryAniPsTunnel = TEXT("Tunneling"); const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryAniPsError = TEXT("Error");
const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryWriteDialParams = TEXT("WriteRasDialUpParams");
// Used for loading EAP identity DLL
const TCHAR* const c_pszRasEapRegistryLocation = TEXT("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\Rasman\\PPP\\EAP"); const TCHAR* const c_pszRasEapValueNameIdentity = TEXT("IdentityPath"); const TCHAR* const c_pszInvokeUsernameDialog = TEXT("InvokeUsernameDialog");
// Definitions
#define MAX_OBJECT_WAIT 30000 // milliseconds to wait for cmmon launch and RNA thread return
static void LoadPhoneInfoFromProfile(ArgsStruct *pArgs);
HRESULT UpdateTable(ArgsStruct *pArgs, CmConnectState CmState); HRESULT ConnectMonitor(ArgsStruct *pArgs); void OnMainExit(ArgsStruct *pArgs); void ProcessCleanup(ArgsStruct* pArgs);
VOID UpdateError(ArgsStruct *pArgs, DWORD dwErr);
DWORD GetEapUserId(ArgsStruct *pArgs, HWND hwndDlg, LPTSTR pszRasPbk, LPBYTE pbEapAuthData, DWORD dwEapAuthDataSize, DWORD dwCustomAuthKey, LPRASEAPUSERIDENTITY* ppRasEapUserIdentity);
DWORD CmEapGetIdentity(ArgsStruct *pArgs, LPTSTR pszRasPbk, LPBYTE pbEapAuthData, DWORD dwEapAuthDataSize, LPRASEAPUSERIDENTITY* ppRasEapUserIdentity);
void CheckStartupInfo(HWND hwndDlg, ArgsStruct *pArgs);
BOOL InitConnect(ArgsStruct *pArgs);
void ObfuscatePasswordEdit(ArgsStruct *pArgs);
void DeObfuscatePasswordEdit(ArgsStruct *pArgs);
void GetPasswordFromEdit(ArgsStruct *pArgs);
DWORD ReSaveEapCustomAuthData(ArgsStruct *pArgs, CIni *pcini, BOOL fTunnelEntry, LPTSTR pszRasPbk); HRESULT EraseDunSettingsEapData(LPCTSTR pszSection, LPCTSTR pszCmsFile); DWORD SaveNewEAPCustomAuthData(LPCTSTR pszCmsFile, LPTSTR pszLoadSection, DWORD cbEapAuthData, PBYTE pbEapAuthData, PBYTE pbEapStruct);
// Function: GetPasswordFromEdit
// Synopsis: Updates pArgs->szPassword with contents of edit control
// Arguments: pArgs - Ptr to global Args struct
// Returns: Nothing
// History: nickball Created 04/13/00
void GetPasswordFromEdit(ArgsStruct *pArgs) { MYDBGASSERT(pArgs);
if (NULL == pArgs) { return; }
if (NULL == GetDlgItem(pArgs->hwndMainDlg, IDC_MAIN_PASSWORD_EDIT)) { return; }
// Retrieve the password and update memory based storage.
LPTSTR pszPassword = CmGetWindowTextAlloc(pArgs->hwndMainDlg, IDC_MAIN_PASSWORD_EDIT); MYDBGASSERT(pszPassword);
if (pszPassword) { //
// Update pArgs with main password.
(VOID)pArgs->SecurePW.SetPassword(pszPassword); CmWipePassword(pszPassword); CmFree(pszPassword); } else { (VOID)pArgs->SecurePW.SetPassword(TEXT("")); }
return; }
// Function: DeObfuscatePasswordEdit
// Synopsis: Undoes the work of ObfuscatePasswordEdit by updating the password
// edit with the plain text password
// Arguments: pArgs - Ptr to global Args struct
// Returns: Nothing
// History: nickball Created 04/13/00
void DeObfuscatePasswordEdit(ArgsStruct *pArgs) { MYDBGASSERT(pArgs);
if (NULL == pArgs) { return; }
HWND hwndEdit = GetDlgItem(pArgs->hwndMainDlg, IDC_MAIN_PASSWORD_EDIT);
if (NULL == hwndEdit) { return; }
// Make sure we don't trigger EN_CHANGE notifications
BOOL bSavedNoNotify = pArgs->fIgnoreChangeNotification; pArgs->fIgnoreChangeNotification = TRUE; //
// Update the edit control
LPTSTR pszClearPassword = NULL; DWORD cbClearPassword = 0; BOOL fRetPassword = FALSE;
fRetPassword = pArgs->SecurePW.GetPasswordWithAlloc(&pszClearPassword, &cbClearPassword);
if (fRetPassword && pszClearPassword) { SetWindowTextU(hwndEdit, pszClearPassword); pArgs->SecurePW.ClearAndFree(&pszClearPassword, cbClearPassword); }
// Restore EN_CHANGE notifications
pArgs->fIgnoreChangeNotification = bSavedNoNotify; }
// Function: ObfuscatePasswordEdit
// Synopsis: Helper routine to mangle password edit contents by replacing
// them with an equivalent number of *s
// Arguments: pArgs - Ptr to global Args struct
// Returns: Nothing
// NOTE: This function assumes that pArgs->szPassword has been previously
// updated with GetPasswordFromEdit. This assumption is made
// because it is critical to the Odfuscate/DeObfuscate sequence,
// which will breakdown if the latest password is not cached in
// memory (pArgs) before the edit contents are modified.
// History: nickball Created 04/13/00
void ObfuscatePasswordEdit(ArgsStruct *pArgs) { MYDBGASSERT(pArgs);
if (NULL == pArgs) { return; }
HWND hwndEdit = GetDlgItem(pArgs->hwndMainDlg, IDC_MAIN_PASSWORD_EDIT);
if (NULL == hwndEdit) { return; }
// Generate a buffer of the same length as the current password, but
// containing only asterisks.
LPTSTR pszClearPassword = NULL; DWORD cbClearPassword = 0; BOOL fRetPassword = FALSE;
fRetPassword = pArgs->SecurePW.GetPasswordWithAlloc(&pszClearPassword, &cbClearPassword);
if (fRetPassword && pszClearPassword) { //
// Make sure we don't trigger EN_CHANGE notifications
BOOL bSavedNoNotify = pArgs->fIgnoreChangeNotification; pArgs->fIgnoreChangeNotification = TRUE;
LPTSTR pszTmp = pszClearPassword; while (*pszTmp) { *pszTmp++ = TEXT('*'); }
// Update the edit control with the modified buffer
SetWindowTextU(hwndEdit, pszClearPassword);
// Restore EN_CHANGE notifications
pArgs->fIgnoreChangeNotification = bSavedNoNotify;
// Clear and Free the clear-text password
pArgs->SecurePW.ClearAndFree(&pszClearPassword, cbClearPassword); } }
// Function: InitConnect
// Synopsis: Init routine for the connection. Assumes that we have the profile
// initialized and the basic integrity of the profile verified.
// Arguments: ArgStruct *pArgs - Ptr to global Args struct
// Returns: BOOL - True if init succeeds.
// History: nickball Created 03/10/00
BOOL InitConnect(ArgsStruct *pArgs) { //
// If this is an AUTODIAL, add the process ID to the watch list
if ((pArgs->dwFlags & FL_AUTODIAL) && pArgs->piniService->GPPI(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryMonitorCallingProgram, 1)) { CMTRACE(TEXT("InitConnect() Adding calling process to watch list")); AddWatchProcessId(pArgs, GetCurrentProcessId()); } //
// Do we want tunneling?
pArgs->fTunnelPrimary = (int) pArgs->piniService->GPPI(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryTunnelPrimary); pArgs->fTunnelReferences = (int) pArgs->piniService->GPPI(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryTunnelReferences);
// Now we can determine our connect type
// Set fUseTunneling. If not obvious (eg. direct VPN) then
// base the initial value upon the primary phone number.
if (pArgs->IsDirectConnect()) { pArgs->fUseTunneling = TRUE; } else { pArgs->fUseTunneling = UseTunneling(pArgs, 0); }
// Load the path for the VPN file if we have one
LPTSTR pszTemp = pArgs->piniService->GPPS(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryTunnelFile); if (pszTemp && pszTemp[0]) { //
// Now expand the relative path to a full path
pArgs->pszVpnFile = CmBuildFullPathFromRelative(pArgs->piniProfile->GetFile(), pszTemp);
MYDBGASSERT(pArgs->pszVpnFile && pArgs->pszVpnFile[0]); }
TCHAR szTmp[MAX_PATH]; MYVERIFY(GetModuleFileNameU(NULL, szTmp, MAX_PATH)); pArgs->Log.Log(PREINIT_EVENT, szTmp); //
// Run any init time actions that we may have.
CActionList PreInitActList; PreInitActList.Append(pArgs->piniService, c_pszCmSectionPreInit); if (!PreInitActList.RunAccordType(pArgs->hwndMainDlg, pArgs)) { //
// Fail the connection
return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// Function: CheckStartupInfo
// Synopsis: Sub-routine to initialize startup info if necessary and perform
// any other functions specific to this juncture in the init sequence.
// Arguments: HWND hwndDlg - HWND of main dlg
// ArgStruct *pArgs - Ptr to global Args struct
// Returns: Nothing
// History: nickball Created 10/28/99
void CheckStartupInfo(IN HWND hwndDlg, IN ArgsStruct *pArgs) { MYDBGASSERT(pArgs);
if (NULL == pArgs) { return; }
if (!pArgs->fStartupInfoLoaded) { //
// When no one is logged on the IsWindowVisible will not return true when ICS is dialing
if (IsLogonAsSystem() || IsWindowVisible(hwndDlg)) { //
// The code is here to make sure FutureSplash starts with
// the frame associated with Initial/Interactive state
// and not Frame 1
if (NULL != pArgs->pCtr) { pArgs->pCtr->MapStateToFrame(PS_Interactive); }
// If we're doing unattended, and the behavior isn't explicitly turned off,
// hide the UI while we do our unattended dial. Note: Be sure to set hide
// state before first paint message is processed by system.
if (pArgs->dwFlags & FL_UNATTENDED) { if (pArgs->piniService->GPPB(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryHideUnattended, TRUE)) { ShowWindow(hwndDlg, SW_HIDE); } }
// Post a message to ourselves to begin loading startup info.
PostMessageU(hwndDlg, WM_LOADSTARTUPINFO, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0); } } }
// Function: UpdateError
// Synopsis: Simple sub-routine to update the UI and program state in the
// event of an error.
// Arguments: ArgStruct *pArgs - Ptr to global Args struct
// DWORD dwErr - The error code
// Returns: Nothing
// History: nickball Created 05/31/99
VOID UpdateError(ArgsStruct *pArgs, DWORD dwErr) { MYDBGASSERT(pArgs);
if (pArgs) { //
// Update the status display providing that the special case error code
// ERROR_INVALID_DLL is not being used. This code is only used by CM to
// designate that a Connect Action failed. Because the display is
// updated by the action list, we must ensure that we don't overwrite.
if (ERROR_INVALID_DLL != dwErr) { CheckConnectionError(pArgs->hwndMainDlg, dwErr, pArgs, IsDialingTunnel(pArgs)); }
// Update the logon dialog controls
SetInteractive(pArgs->hwndMainDlg, pArgs);
// Update the program state
pArgs->psState = PS_Error; } }
// Function: UpdateTable
// Synopsis: Encapsulates updating to Connection Table according to our
// current state
// Arguments: ArgsStruct *pArgs - Ptr to global Args struct
// CmConnectState CmState - The state we are now in.
// Returns: HRESULT - Failure code.
// History: nickball Created Header 2/9/98
HRESULT UpdateTable(ArgsStruct *pArgs, CmConnectState CmState) { MYDBGASSERT(pArgs); MYDBGASSERT(pArgs->pConnTable);
// Set the state as appropriate
switch (CmState) { case CM_CONNECTING: hrRet = pArgs->pConnTable->AddEntry(pArgs->szServiceName, pArgs->fAllUser); break;
case CM_CONNECTED: hrRet = pArgs->pConnTable->SetConnected(pArgs->szServiceName, pArgs->hrcRasConn, pArgs->hrcTunnelConn); break; case CM_DISCONNECTING: hrRet = pArgs->pConnTable->SetDisconnecting(pArgs->szServiceName); break;
case CM_DISCONNECTED: hrRet = pArgs->pConnTable->ClearEntry(pArgs->szServiceName); break;
default: MYDBGASSERT(FALSE); break; }
return hrRet; }
// Function: EndMainDialog
// Synopsis: Simple helper to encapsulate EndDialog call and associated clean
// up.
// Arguments: HWND hwndDlg - HWND of main dialog
// ArgsStruct *pArgs - Ptr to global Args struct
// int nResult - int to be passed on the EndDialog
// Returns: Nothing
// History: nickball Created 2/23/98
void EndMainDialog(HWND hwndDlg, ArgsStruct *pArgs, int nResult) { //
// Kill timer if we have one
if (pArgs->nTimerId) { KillTimer(hwndDlg,pArgs->nTimerId); pArgs->nTimerId = 0; }
// Cleanup future splash
if (pArgs->pCtr) { CleanupCtr(pArgs->pCtr); pArgs->pCtr = NULL; }
// Release our dialog specific data
pArgs->fStartupInfoLoaded = FALSE;
// hasta la vista, final
EndDialog(hwndDlg, nResult); }
// Function: GetWatchCount
// Synopsis: Determines the number of processes in the watch list by searching
// for the first NULL entry.
// Arguments: ArgStruct *pArgs - Ptr to global Args struct
// Returns: DWORD - Number of processes in list
// History: nickball Created Header 2/10/98
DWORD GetWatchCount(const ArgsStruct *pArgs) { MYDBGASSERT(pArgs);
DWORD dwCnt = 0;
if (pArgs && pArgs->phWatchProcesses) { for (DWORD dwIdx = 0; pArgs->phWatchProcesses[dwIdx]; dwIdx++) { dwCnt++; } }
return dwCnt; } //+----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: AddWatchProcess
// Synopsis: Adds the given process handle to our list. The list is allocated
// and reallocated as needed to accomodate new entries.
// Arguments: ArgsStruct *pArgs - Ptr to global Args struct
// HANDLE hProcess - The process handle to be added to the list
// Returns: Nothing
// History: nickball Created Header 2/10/98
// tomkel Fixed PREFIX issues 11/21/2000
void AddWatchProcess(ArgsStruct *pArgs, HANDLE hProcess) { MYDBGASSERT(pArgs); MYDBGASSERT(hProcess); if (NULL == hProcess || NULL == pArgs) { return; }
// Get count and Allocate room for 2 more, 1 new, 1 NULL
DWORD dwCnt = GetWatchCount(pArgs);
HANDLE *phTmp = (HANDLE *) CmMalloc((dwCnt+2)*sizeof(HANDLE)); if (NULL != phTmp) { //
// Copy the existing list, and add the new handle
if (NULL != pArgs->phWatchProcesses) { CopyMemory(phTmp,pArgs->phWatchProcesses,sizeof(HANDLE)*dwCnt); } phTmp[dwCnt] = hProcess;
// Fix up the pointers
CmFree(pArgs->phWatchProcesses); pArgs->phWatchProcesses = phTmp; } }
// Function: AddWatchProcessId
// Synopsis: Given a process Id, adds a handle for the given process to the w
// atch process list.
// Arguments: ArgsStruct *pArgs - Ptr to global Args struct.
// DWORD dwProcessId - The ID of the process to be added
// Returns: Nothing
// History: nickball Created Header 2/10/98
void AddWatchProcessId(ArgsStruct *pArgs, DWORD dwProcessId) { MYDBGASSERT(pArgs); MYDBGASSERT(dwProcessId);
if (NULL == pArgs || NULL == dwProcessId) { return; }
// Open the process Id to obtain handle
// Add to the watch process list
if (hProcess) { AddWatchProcess(pArgs,hProcess); } else { CMTRACE1(TEXT("AddWatchProcess() OpenProcess() failed, GLE=%u."), GetLastError()); } }
// Function: CleanupConnect
// Synopsis: Helper function encapsulating release of resource allocated duri
// ng connect.
// Arguments: ArgsStruct *pArgs - Ptr to global Args struct
// Returns: Nothing
// History: nickball Created 9/25/98
void CleanupConnect(ArgsStruct *pArgs) { MYDBGASSERT(pArgs); if (NULL == pArgs) { return; }
// Unlink RAS and TAPI DLLs
UnlinkFromRas(&pArgs->rlsRasLink); UnlinkFromTapi(&pArgs->tlsTapiLink); //
// un-init password encryption, only if it is initialized
if (pArgs->fInitSecureCalled) { DeInitSecure(); pArgs->fInitSecureCalled = FALSE; } //
// Cleanup WatchProcess handles
ProcessCleanup(pArgs); //
// Release all paths loaded for connect.
if (pArgs->pszRasPbk) { CmFree(pArgs->pszRasPbk); pArgs->pszRasPbk = NULL; }
if (pArgs->pszRasHiddenPbk) { CmFree(pArgs->pszRasHiddenPbk); pArgs->pszRasHiddenPbk = NULL; } if(pArgs->pszVpnFile) { CmFree(pArgs->pszVpnFile); pArgs->pszVpnFile = NULL; }
if (pArgs->pRasDialExtensions) { CmFree(pArgs->pRasDialExtensions); pArgs->pRasDialExtensions = NULL; }
if (pArgs->pRasDialParams) { CmFree(pArgs->pRasDialParams); pArgs->pRasDialParams = NULL; }
if (pArgs->pszCurrentAccessPoint) { CmFree(pArgs->pszCurrentAccessPoint); pArgs->pszCurrentAccessPoint = NULL; }
// Cleanup Help by killing the help file window if any and releasing the help file
// string.
if (pArgs->pszHelpFile) { CmWinHelp((HWND)NULL, (HWND)NULL, pArgs->pszHelpFile, HELP_QUIT, 0); CmFree(pArgs->pszHelpFile); pArgs->pszHelpFile = NULL; }
// Release Ini objects
// Release OLE links if any
if (pArgs->olsOle32Link.hInstOle32 && pArgs->olsOle32Link.pfnOleUninitialize) { pArgs->olsOle32Link.pfnOleUninitialize(); } UnlinkFromOle32(&pArgs->olsOle32Link);
// Release stats and table classes
if (pArgs->pConnStatistics) { delete pArgs->pConnStatistics; }
if (pArgs->pConnTable) { MYVERIFY(SUCCEEDED(pArgs->pConnTable->Close())); delete pArgs->pConnTable; } }
// Releases any resources allocated during initialization
void OnMainExit(ArgsStruct *pArgs) { //
// Release bitmap resources for main dlg. Make sure to send a STM_SETIMAGE with a NULL
// bitmap pointer to clear out the window classes pointer to our memory. Only then is it
// safe to free it.
SendDlgItemMessageU(pArgs->hwndMainDlg, IDC_MAIN_BITMAP, STM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_BITMAP, (LPARAM)NULL); ReleaseBitmapData(&pArgs->BmpData);
if (pArgs->hMasterPalette) { UnrealizeObject(pArgs->hMasterPalette); DeleteObject(pArgs->hMasterPalette); pArgs->hMasterPalette = NULL; }
// Release icon resources
if (pArgs->hBigIcon) { DeleteObject(pArgs->hBigIcon); pArgs->hBigIcon = NULL; } if (pArgs->hSmallIcon) { DeleteObject(pArgs->hSmallIcon); pArgs->hSmallIcon = NULL; }
if (pArgs->pszResetPasswdExe) { CmFree(pArgs->pszResetPasswdExe); pArgs->pszResetPasswdExe = NULL; }
if (pArgs->uiCurrentDnsTunnelAddr) { CmFree(pArgs->pucDnsTunnelIpAddr_list); pArgs->pucDnsTunnelIpAddr_list = NULL; } if (pArgs->rgwRandomDnsIndex) { CmFree(pArgs->rgwRandomDnsIndex); pArgs->rgwRandomDnsIndex = NULL; } }
// GetPhoneByIdx: get phone number, etc. information from .cmp file
LPTSTR GetPhoneByIdx(ArgsStruct *pArgs, UINT nIdx, LPTSTR *ppszDesc, LPTSTR *ppszDUN, LPDWORD pdwCountryID, LPTSTR *ppszRegionName, LPTSTR *ppszServiceType, LPTSTR *ppszPhoneBookFile, LPTSTR *ppszCanonical, DWORD *pdwPhoneInfoFlags) { MYDBGASSERT(ppszCanonical); MYDBGASSERT(pdwPhoneInfoFlags);
// Note: ppszCanonical and pdwPhoneInfoFlags are now required parameters.
// While somewhat unfortunate, this is necessary to retain the integrity
// of the retrieved data as legacy handling forces us to return data
// that may not be an exact representation of the profile contents.
// For example, the ppszCanonical and pdwPhoneInfoFlags value may be modified
// overridden in certain situations. Please see comments below for details.
int nMaxPhoneLen = 0; BOOL bTmp = FALSE;
// service profile: .CMP file
CIni iniTmp(pArgs->piniProfile->GetHInst(),pArgs->piniProfile->GetFile(), pArgs->piniProfile->GetRegPath());
iniTmp.SetEntryFromIdx(nIdx); //
// Set the read flags
if (pArgs->dwGlobalUserInfo & CM_GLOBAL_USER_INFO_READ_ICS_DATA) { LPTSTR pszICSDataReg = BuildICSDataInfoSubKey(pArgs->szServiceName);
if (pszICSDataReg) { iniTmp.SetReadICSData(TRUE); iniTmp.SetICSDataPath(pszICSDataReg); }
CmFree(pszICSDataReg); }
LPTSTR pszTmp = iniTmp.GPPS(c_pszCmSection,c_pszCmEntryPhonePrefix);
if (ppszDesc) { *ppszDesc = iniTmp.GPPS(c_pszCmSection,c_pszCmEntryPhoneDescPrefix); } if (ppszDUN) { *ppszDUN = iniTmp.GPPS(c_pszCmSection,c_pszCmEntryPhoneDunPrefix); } if (pdwCountryID) { *pdwCountryID = iniTmp.GPPI(c_pszCmSection,c_pszCmEntryPhoneCountryPrefix); } if (ppszPhoneBookFile) { LPTSTR pszPb = iniTmp.GPPS(c_pszCmSection,c_pszCmEntryPhoneSourcePrefix); //
// If the value is empty, just store the ptr
if ((!*pszPb)) { *ppszPhoneBookFile = pszPb; } else { *ppszPhoneBookFile = CmConvertRelativePath(pArgs->piniService->GetFile(), pszPb); CmFree(pszPb); } } if (ppszRegionName) { *ppszRegionName = iniTmp.GPPS(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryRegion); } if (ppszServiceType) { *ppszServiceType = iniTmp.GPPS(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryServiceType); }
// Get the extended form of the telephone number.
if (ppszCanonical) { *ppszCanonical = iniTmp.GPPS(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryPhoneCanonical); } //
// Set the phoneinfo flags
if (pdwPhoneInfoFlags) { *pdwPhoneInfoFlags = 0;
// Get the dial as long distance flag. Check CMS if no value found.
int iTmp = iniTmp.GPPI(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryUseDialingRules, -1); if (-1 == iTmp) { iTmp = pArgs->piniService->GPPI(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryUseDialingRules, 1); }
if (iTmp) { *pdwPhoneInfoFlags |= PIF_USE_DIALING_RULES; } } //
// Truncate phone string if we have one.
// Note: Admin can override our default, but we
// must stay within RAS_MaxPhoneNumber chars.
if (pszTmp && *pszTmp) { int nDefaultPhoneLen = (OS_NT ? MAX_PHONE_LENNT : MAX_PHONE_LEN95); nMaxPhoneLen = (int) pArgs->piniService->GPPI(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryMaxPhoneNumber, nDefaultPhoneLen); nMaxPhoneLen = __min(nMaxPhoneLen, RAS_MaxPhoneNumber); if ((int)lstrlenU(pszTmp) > nMaxPhoneLen) { pszTmp[nMaxPhoneLen] = TEXT('\0'); } }
// Special handling for the case where we have a Phone number
// but the CanonicalPhone value doesn't exist. This indicates
// that its either a legacy profile or a hand-edit.
if (pszTmp && *pszTmp && ppszCanonical && *ppszCanonical && (!(**ppszCanonical))) { //
// This block is for handling LEGACY numbers only. If we detect a
// canonically formatted number (begins with "+"), then we re-format
// the number to fit our new scheme. Hand-edits are not modified,
// but PIF_USE_DIALING_RULES is turned off, which overrides the
// default setting for the flag (if any) specified in
// the .CMS
if (pszTmp == CmStrchr(pszTmp, TEXT('+'))) { *pdwPhoneInfoFlags |= PIF_USE_DIALING_RULES;
if (*ppszCanonical) { CmFree(*ppszCanonical); }
*ppszCanonical = CmStrCpyAlloc(pszTmp);
StripCanonical(pszTmp); } else { *pdwPhoneInfoFlags &= ~PIF_USE_DIALING_RULES; // #284702
return (pszTmp); }
// write phone number dialing options to .CMP file
void PutPhoneByIdx(ArgsStruct *pArgs, UINT nIdx, LPCTSTR pszPhone, LPCTSTR pszDesc, LPCTSTR pszDUN, DWORD dwCountryID, LPCTSTR pszRegionName, LPCTSTR pszServiceType, LPCTSTR pszPhoneBookFile, LPCTSTR pszCanonical, DWORD dwPhoneInfoFlags) {
CIni iniTmp(pArgs->piniProfile->GetHInst(), pArgs->piniProfile->GetFile(), pArgs->piniProfile->GetRegPath());
iniTmp.SetEntryFromIdx(nIdx); //
// Set the write flags
if (pArgs->dwGlobalUserInfo & CM_GLOBAL_USER_INFO_WRITE_ICS_DATA) { LPTSTR pszICSDataReg = BuildICSDataInfoSubKey(pArgs->szServiceName);
if (pszICSDataReg) { iniTmp.SetWriteICSData(TRUE); iniTmp.SetICSDataPath(pszICSDataReg); }
CmFree(pszICSDataReg); }
// Store the raw form of the number
iniTmp.WPPS(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryPhonePrefix, pszPhone);
// Store the canonical form of the number
iniTmp.WPPS(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryPhoneCanonical, pszCanonical);
iniTmp.WPPS(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryPhoneDescPrefix, pszDesc); iniTmp.WPPS(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryPhoneDunPrefix, pszDUN); iniTmp.WPPI(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryPhoneCountryPrefix, dwCountryID); iniTmp.WPPS(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryRegion, pszRegionName); iniTmp.WPPS(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryServiceType, pszServiceType); //
// If there is a phonebookfile path, convert it to relative form
if (pszPhoneBookFile && *pszPhoneBookFile) { LPTSTR pszTmp = ReducePathToRelative(pArgs, pszPhoneBookFile);
if (pszTmp) { iniTmp.WPPS(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryPhoneSourcePrefix, pszTmp); }
CmFree(pszTmp); }
iniTmp.WPPB(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryUseDialingRules, (dwPhoneInfoFlags & PIF_USE_DIALING_RULES)); }
// Function: LoadPhoneInfoFromProfile
// Synopsis: Load phone number information for profile to the dial info structure
// Arguments: ArgsStruct *pArgs -
// Returns: Nothing
// History: fengsun Created Header 3/5/98
void LoadPhoneInfoFromProfile(ArgsStruct *pArgs) { for (int nPhoneIdx=0; nPhoneIdx<MAX_PHONE_NUMBERS; nPhoneIdx++) { LPTSTR pszDUN = NULL; LPTSTR pszDesc = NULL; LPTSTR pszPhoneBookFile = NULL; LPTSTR pszRegionName = NULL; LPTSTR pszServiceType = NULL; LPTSTR pszCanonical = NULL; DWORD dwCountryID; DWORD dwPhoneInfoFlags;
// get phone nubmer by index; Phone0, Phone1 , etc...
LPTSTR pszPhone = GetPhoneByIdx(pArgs, nPhoneIdx, &pszDesc, &pszDUN, &dwCountryID, &pszRegionName, &pszServiceType, &pszPhoneBookFile, &pszCanonical, &dwPhoneInfoFlags);
lstrcpynU(pArgs->aDialInfo[nPhoneIdx].szPhoneNumber, pszPhone, CELEMS(pArgs->aDialInfo[nPhoneIdx].szPhoneNumber));
pArgs->aDialInfo[nPhoneIdx].dwCountryID = dwCountryID; lstrcpynU(pArgs->aDialInfo[nPhoneIdx].szDUN, pszDUN, CELEMS(pArgs->aDialInfo[nPhoneIdx].szDUN));
lstrcpynU(pArgs->aDialInfo[nPhoneIdx].szPhoneBookFile, pszPhoneBookFile, CELEMS(pArgs->aDialInfo[nPhoneIdx].szPhoneBookFile)); lstrcpynU(pArgs->aDialInfo[nPhoneIdx].szDesc, pszDesc, CELEMS(pArgs->aDialInfo[nPhoneIdx].szDesc)); lstrcpynU(pArgs->aDialInfo[nPhoneIdx].szRegionName, pszRegionName, CELEMS(pArgs->aDialInfo[nPhoneIdx].szRegionName)); lstrcpynU(pArgs->aDialInfo[nPhoneIdx].szServiceType, pszServiceType, CELEMS(pArgs->aDialInfo[nPhoneIdx].szServiceType)); lstrcpynU(pArgs->aDialInfo[nPhoneIdx].szCanonical, pszCanonical, CELEMS(pArgs->aDialInfo[nPhoneIdx].szCanonical)); pArgs->aDialInfo[nPhoneIdx].dwPhoneInfoFlags = dwPhoneInfoFlags; // Cleanup
CmFree(pszDUN); CmFree(pszPhone); CmFree(pszDesc); CmFree(pszPhoneBookFile); CmFree(pszRegionName); CmFree(pszServiceType); CmFree(pszCanonical);
} // for loop
// Function: LoadDialInfo
// Synopsis: load dialup information
// Arguments: ArgsStruct *pArgs - Ptr to glbal Args struct
// HWND hwndDlg - HWND of main dialog
// BOOL fInstallModem - Whether we should check modem isntall
// BOOL fAlwaysMunge - Whether we should munge the phone number
// Returns: DWORD - ERROR_SUCCESS if load successfuly
// ERROR_PORT_NOT_AVAILABLE if can not find any modem
// ERROR_BAD_PHONE_NUMBER either there is no primary phone #
// or failed to convert it to dialable #
// History: 10/24/97 fengsun Created Header and change return type to DWORD
// 02/08/99 nickball Added fAlwaysMunge
DWORD LoadDialInfo(ArgsStruct *pArgs, HWND hwndDlg, BOOL fInstallModem, BOOL fAlwaysMunge) { DWORD dwRet = ERROR_SUCCESS;
if (pArgs->bDialInfoLoaded) { if (pArgs->aDialInfo[0].szDialablePhoneNumber[0] == TEXT('\0') && pArgs->aDialInfo[1].szDialablePhoneNumber[0] == TEXT('\0')) { return ERROR_BAD_PHONE_NUMBER; } else { //
// If fAlways munge is set, then stick around.
if (!fAlwaysMunge) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; } } }
// Don't need to repeat ourselves
if (!pArgs->bDialInfoLoaded) { pArgs->fNoDialingRules = pArgs->piniService->GPPB(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmNoDialingRules);
// Do a full test on just the modem
if (fInstallModem) { pArgs->dwExitCode = CheckAndInstallComponents(CC_MODEM, hwndDlg, pArgs->szServiceName, (pArgs->dwFlags & FL_UNATTENDED));
if (pArgs->dwExitCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwRet = ERROR_PORT_NOT_AVAILABLE; goto LoadDialInfoExit; } }
// Establish TAPI link before we continue
if (!LinkToTapi(&pArgs->tlsTapiLink, "TAPI32") ) { //
// Link to TAPI failed.
// If unattended, return with failure.
// Otherwise, try to install components and LinkToTapi again
if (!(pArgs->dwFlags & FL_UNATTENDED)) { pArgs->dwExitCode = CheckAndInstallComponents(CC_MODEM | CC_RNA | CC_RASRUNNING, hwndDlg, pArgs->szServiceName); }
if (pArgs->dwExitCode != ERROR_SUCCESS || !LinkToTapi(&pArgs->tlsTapiLink, "TAPI32")) { pArgs->szDeviceType[0] = TEXT('\0'); pArgs->szDeviceName[0] = TEXT('\0'); dwRet = ERROR_PORT_NOT_AVAILABLE; goto LoadDialInfoExit; } }
// RasEnumDevice and LineInitialize is SLOW. It takes 50% of the start-up time
if (!PickModem(pArgs, pArgs->szDeviceType, pArgs->szDeviceName)) { //
// Because pick modem failed we need to check if we have RAS/Modem installed
// No modem is installed.
// If unattended or caller does not want to install modem, return with failure.
// Otherwise, try to install the modem and call pick modem again
if (!(pArgs->dwFlags & FL_UNATTENDED) && fInstallModem) { pArgs->dwExitCode = CheckAndInstallComponents(CC_MODEM | CC_RNA | CC_RASRUNNING, hwndDlg, pArgs->szServiceName); }
if (pArgs->dwExitCode != ERROR_SUCCESS || !PickModem(pArgs, pArgs->szDeviceType, pArgs->szDeviceName)) { pArgs->szDeviceType[0] = TEXT('\0'); pArgs->szDeviceName[0] = TEXT('\0'); dwRet = ERROR_PORT_NOT_AVAILABLE; goto LoadDialInfoExit; } } }
// See if munge is required and Cleanup as needed
if (!pArgs->bDialInfoLoaded || TRUE == fAlwaysMunge) { MungeDialInfo(pArgs);
pArgs->bDialInfoLoaded = TRUE; }
if (pArgs->aDialInfo[0].szDialablePhoneNumber[0] == TEXT('\0') && pArgs->aDialInfo[1].szDialablePhoneNumber[0] == TEXT('\0')) { dwRet = ERROR_BAD_PHONE_NUMBER; }
return dwRet; }
// Function: MungeDialInfo
// Synopsis: Encapsulates the munging of the phone numbers prior to dialing
// Arguments: ArgsStruct *pArgs - Ptr to global Args struct
// Returns: Nothing - Check Dialable string and fNeedConfigureTapi
// History: 02/08/99 nickball Created - pulled from LoadDialInfo
VOID MungeDialInfo(ArgsStruct *pArgs) { for (int nPhoneIdx=0; nPhoneIdx<MAX_PHONE_NUMBERS; nPhoneIdx++) { //
// If dialing rules is disabled, then just use the NonCanonical #
if (pArgs->fNoDialingRules) { lstrcpynU(pArgs->aDialInfo[nPhoneIdx].szDialablePhoneNumber, pArgs->aDialInfo[nPhoneIdx].szPhoneNumber, CELEMS(pArgs->aDialInfo[nPhoneIdx].szDialablePhoneNumber));
lstrcpynU(pArgs->aDialInfo[nPhoneIdx].szDisplayablePhoneNumber, pArgs->aDialInfo[nPhoneIdx].szPhoneNumber, CELEMS(pArgs->aDialInfo[nPhoneIdx].szDisplayablePhoneNumber));
pArgs->aDialInfo[nPhoneIdx].szCanonical[0] = TEXT('\0');
continue; } LPTSTR pszDialableString= NULL;
// Retrieve the number based upon dialing rules and munge it.
LPTSTR pszPhone; if (pArgs->aDialInfo[nPhoneIdx].dwPhoneInfoFlags & PIF_USE_DIALING_RULES) { pszPhone = CmStrCpyAlloc(pArgs->aDialInfo[nPhoneIdx].szCanonical); } else { pszPhone = CmStrCpyAlloc(pArgs->aDialInfo[nPhoneIdx].szPhoneNumber); }
if (pszPhone && pszPhone[0]) { //
// If we can't munge the number, display an error
if (pArgs->szDeviceName[0] && ERROR_SUCCESS != MungePhone(pArgs->szDeviceName, &pszPhone, &pArgs->tlsTapiLink, g_hInst, pArgs->aDialInfo[nPhoneIdx].dwPhoneInfoFlags & PIF_USE_DIALING_RULES, &pszDialableString, pArgs->fAccessPointsEnabled)) { CmFree(pszPhone); pszPhone = CmStrCpyAlloc(TEXT("")); // CmFmtMsg(g_hInst,IDMSG_CANTFORMAT);
pszDialableString = CmStrCpyAlloc(TEXT("")); // CmFmtMsg(g_hInst,IDMSG_CANTFORMAT);
} else if (!pszDialableString || pszDialableString[0] == '\0') { //
// So what happened now? pszPhone is not empty, but after
// we munge the phone, which means applying TAPI rules,
// pszDialbleString becomes empty. This means only one
// thing: TAPI isn't intialized.
// Note: If you uninstall TAPI between launching the app.
// and pressing connect, all bets are off with the above.
// This flag will be reset in CheckTapi(), which will put
// up a TAPI configuration dialog and ask the user to fill
// up such information
pArgs->fNeedConfigureTapi = TRUE; } }
// Copy the munged number
// Unless explicitly disabled we always apply TAPI rules
// in order to pick up TONE/PULSE, etc.
if (NULL != pszDialableString) { lstrcpynU(pArgs->aDialInfo[nPhoneIdx].szDialablePhoneNumber, pszDialableString, CELEMS(pArgs->aDialInfo[nPhoneIdx].szDialablePhoneNumber));
lstrcpynU(pArgs->aDialInfo[nPhoneIdx].szDisplayablePhoneNumber, pszPhone, CELEMS(pArgs->aDialInfo[nPhoneIdx].szDisplayablePhoneNumber)); } else { if (NULL != pszPhone) { //
// Just do it on WIN32 because our TAPI checks were done above
lstrcpynU(pArgs->aDialInfo[nPhoneIdx].szDialablePhoneNumber, pszPhone, CELEMS(pArgs->aDialInfo[nPhoneIdx].szDialablePhoneNumber));
lstrcpynU(pArgs->aDialInfo[nPhoneIdx].szDisplayablePhoneNumber, pszPhone, CELEMS(pArgs->aDialInfo[nPhoneIdx].szDisplayablePhoneNumber)); } } CmFree(pszPhone); CmFree(pszDialableString);
} // for loop
// Function: LoadHelpFileInfo
// Synopsis: Load the help file name
// Arguments: pArgs [the ptr to ArgsStruct]
// Returns: NONE
// History: henryt Created 3/5/97
// byao Modified 3/20/97 to handle empty helpfile string
void LoadHelpFileInfo(ArgsStruct *pArgs) { MYDBGASSERT(pArgs); //
// Look for a custom helpfile name, otherwise use default.
LPTSTR pszTmp = pArgs->piniService->GPPS(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryHelpFile); if (NULL == pszTmp || 0 == pszTmp[0]) { CmFree(pszTmp); pszTmp = CmStrCpyAlloc(c_pszDefaultHelpFile); }
// Make sure that any relative path is converted to full
pArgs->pszHelpFile = CmConvertRelativePath(pArgs->piniService->GetFile(), pszTmp); CmFree(pszTmp); }
// CopyPhone:
void CopyPhone(ArgsStruct *pArgs, LPRASENTRY preEntry, DWORD dwEntry) { LPTSTR pszPhone = NULL; LPTSTR pszCanonical = NULL; LPTSTR pszTmp; LPTSTR pszDescription = NULL; BOOL Setcountry = FALSE; DWORD dwPhoneInfoFlags = 0;
pszPhone = GetPhoneByIdx(pArgs,(UINT) dwEntry, &pszDescription, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &pszCanonical, &dwPhoneInfoFlags); //
// If "Use Dialing Rules" turn of CountryAndAreaCodes option
if (dwPhoneInfoFlags & PIF_USE_DIALING_RULES) { //
// We want to use dialing rules, so parse the canonical form
// of the number to get the country and area codes for the entry
pszTmp = CmStrchr(pszCanonical,TEXT('+')); if (pszTmp) { preEntry->dwCountryCode = CmAtol(pszTmp+1); //
// NOTE: Currently CM uses code and ID interchangeably
// The countryID value in the .CMP is actually the country
// code used when constructing the phone number in its
// canonical format. This is probably not entirely correct
// but we maitain consistency with it here by using the
// country code parsed from the number as the country ID.
preEntry->dwCountryID = preEntry->dwCountryCode;
preEntry->dwfOptions |= RASEO_UseCountryAndAreaCodes; Setcountry = TRUE; } if (Setcountry) { pszTmp = CmStrchr(pszCanonical,'('); //strip out area code
if (pszTmp) { wsprintfU(preEntry->szAreaCode, TEXT("%u"), CmAtol(pszTmp+1)); } pszTmp = CmStrchr(pszCanonical,')'); if (pszTmp) { ++pszTmp; while(*pszTmp == ' ') ++pszTmp; //remove whitespace
} else { // no area code
pszTmp = CmStrchr(pszCanonical,' '); if (pszTmp) { while(*pszTmp == ' ') ++pszTmp; // skip past space - may need MBCS change
} } } } else { //
// Use the straight up phone number and don't apply rules
preEntry->dwfOptions &= ~RASEO_UseCountryAndAreaCodes; pszTmp = pszPhone; }
if ((NULL != pszTmp) && *pszTmp) { lstrcpynU(preEntry->szLocalPhoneNumber, pszTmp, CELEMS(preEntry->szLocalPhoneNumber)); } else { lstrcpynU(preEntry->szLocalPhoneNumber, TEXT(" "), CELEMS(preEntry->szLocalPhoneNumber));//prevent zero from appearing
CmFree(pszPhone); CmFree(pszCanonical); CmFree(pszDescription); }
// Function: AppendStatusPane
// Synopsis: Append the text to the main dialog status window
// Arguments: HWND hwndDlg - The main dialog window handle
// DWORD dwMsgId - The resource id of the message
// Returns: Nothing
// History: Created Header 10/24/97
void AppendStatusPane(HWND hwndDlg, DWORD dwMsgId) { LPTSTR pszTmp = CmFmtMsg(g_hInst,dwMsgId);
if (pszTmp != NULL) { AppendStatusPane(hwndDlg,pszTmp); CmFree(pszTmp); } }
// AppendStatusPane: Update the original status, append new message 'pszMsg'
// at the end
void AppendStatusPane(HWND hwndDlg, LPCTSTR pszMsg) { size_t nLines;
// Get the existing message
LPTSTR pszStatus = CmGetWindowTextAlloc(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_STATUS_DISPLAY); LPTSTR pszTmp = CmStrrchr(pszStatus, TEXT('\n')); if (!pszTmp) { // empty message, so simply display 'pszMsg'
CmFree(pszStatus); SetDlgItemTextU(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_STATUS_DISPLAY,pszMsg); //
// force an update right away
UpdateWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_STATUS_DISPLAY)); return; }
pszTmp[1] = 0; CmStrCatAlloc(&pszStatus,pszMsg); // append pszMsg at the end of old message
nLines = 0; pszTmp = pszStatus + lstrlenU(pszStatus); while (pszTmp != pszStatus) { pszTmp--; if (*pszTmp == '\n') { if (++nLines == 2) { lstrcpyU(pszStatus,pszTmp+1); break; } } } SetDlgItemTextU(hwndDlg,IDC_MAIN_STATUS_DISPLAY,pszStatus); SendDlgItemMessageU(hwndDlg,IDC_MAIN_STATUS_DISPLAY,EM_SCROLL,SB_PAGEDOWN,0); CmFree(pszStatus); //
// force an update right away
UpdateWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_STATUS_DISPLAY)); }
// bitmap logo loading code - took this out of LoadFromFile so it can
// be called in multiple cases - like when the FS OC loading code
// fails, we can degrade gracefully with this.
VOID LoadLogoBitmap(ArgsStruct * pArgs, HWND hwndDlg) { LPTSTR pszTmp;
pszTmp = pArgs->piniService->GPPS(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryLogo); if (*pszTmp) { //
// Make sure we have a full path (if appropriate) and load logo bitmap
LPTSTR pszFile = CmConvertRelativePath(pArgs->piniService->GetFile(), pszTmp);
pArgs->BmpData.hDIBitmap = CmLoadBitmap(g_hInst, pszFile);
CmFree(pszFile); } CmFree(pszTmp); if (!pArgs->BmpData.hDIBitmap) { pArgs->BmpData.hDIBitmap = CmLoadBitmap(g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_APP)); }
// If we have a handle, create a new Device Dependent bitmap
if (pArgs->BmpData.hDIBitmap) { pArgs->BmpData.phMasterPalette = &pArgs->hMasterPalette; pArgs->BmpData.bForceBackground = TRUE; // paint as a background app
if (CreateBitmapData(pArgs->BmpData.hDIBitmap, &pArgs->BmpData, hwndDlg, TRUE)) { SendDlgItemMessageU(hwndDlg,IDC_MAIN_BITMAP,STM_SETIMAGE,IMAGE_BITMAP, (LPARAM) &pArgs->BmpData); } } }
const LONG MAX_SECTION = 512;
HRESULT LoadFutureSplash(ArgsStruct * pArgs, HWND hwndDlg) { // set up the Future Splash OC container.
LPCTSTR pszFile = pArgs->piniBoth->GetFile(); TCHAR achSections[MAX_SECTION] = {0}; HRESULT hr; LPTSTR pszVal = NULL; LPTSTR pszTmp = NULL; LPICMOCCtr pCtr;
HWND hDlgItem = ::GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_BITMAP);
if (NULL == hDlgItem) { hr = E_FAIL; goto Cleanup; }
pArgs->pCtr = new CICMOCCtr(hwndDlg, hDlgItem); if (!pArgs->pCtr) { goto MemoryError; }
if (!pArgs->pCtr->Initialized()) { hr = E_FAIL; goto Cleanup; } pCtr = pArgs->pCtr;
if (!::GetPrivateProfileStringU( c_pszCmSectionAnimatedLogo, 0, TEXT(""), achSections, NElems(achSections), pszFile)) { hr = E_FAIL; goto Cleanup; }
pszVal = (LPTSTR) CmMalloc(INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (NULL == pszVal) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
pszTmp = achSections;
while (pszTmp[0]) { // if this fails, we keep on looping, looking for
// the next one.
if (::GetPrivateProfileStringU( c_pszCmSectionAnimatedLogo, pszTmp, TEXT(""), pszVal, INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH, // number of TCHARS in pszVal
pszFile)) { if (lstrcmpiU(pszTmp, c_pszCmEntryAniMovie) == 0) // is this the 'movie' entry?
{ //
// Build full path from .CMP and relative path
LPTSTR pszMovieFileName = CmBuildFullPathFromRelative(pArgs->piniProfile->GetFile(), pszVal);
if (!pszMovieFileName) { hr = S_FALSE; CmFree(pszMovieFileName); goto Cleanup; }
// Does this file exist?
if (FALSE == FileExists(pszMovieFileName)) { hr = S_FALSE; CmFree(pszMovieFileName); goto Cleanup; } lstrcpyU(pszVal, pszMovieFileName); // store the full pathname back
CmFree(pszMovieFileName); } hr = pCtr->AddPropertyToBag(pszTmp, pszVal); if (S_OK != hr) goto Cleanup; } // get the next key name.
pszTmp += (lstrlenU(pszTmp) + 1); }
// create the Future Splash OC.
hr = pCtr->CreateFSOC(&pArgs->olsOle32Link); if (S_OK != hr) { goto Cleanup; }
// now, do the state mappings, no matter what happens, we won't
// fail on this. just keep on going.
pCtr->SetFrameMapping(PS_Interactive, ::GetPrivateProfileIntU(c_pszCmSectionAnimatedActions, c_pszCmEntryAniPsInteractive, -1, pszFile)); pCtr->SetFrameMapping(PS_Dialing, ::GetPrivateProfileIntU(c_pszCmSectionAnimatedActions, c_pszCmEntryAniPsDialing0, -1, pszFile)); pCtr->SetFrameMapping(PS_RedialFrame, ::GetPrivateProfileIntU(c_pszCmSectionAnimatedActions, c_pszCmEntryAniPsDialing1, -1, pszFile)); pCtr->SetFrameMapping(PS_Pausing, ::GetPrivateProfileIntU(c_pszCmSectionAnimatedActions, c_pszCmEntryAniPsPausing, -1, pszFile)); pCtr->SetFrameMapping(PS_Authenticating, ::GetPrivateProfileIntU(c_pszCmSectionAnimatedActions, c_pszCmEntryAniPsAuthenticating, -1, pszFile)); pCtr->SetFrameMapping(PS_Online, ::GetPrivateProfileIntU(c_pszCmSectionAnimatedActions, c_pszCmEntryAniPsOnline, -1, pszFile)); pCtr->SetFrameMapping(PS_TunnelDialing, ::GetPrivateProfileIntU(c_pszCmSectionAnimatedActions, c_pszCmEntryAniPsTunnel, -1, pszFile)); pCtr->SetFrameMapping(PS_Error, ::GetPrivateProfileIntU(c_pszCmSectionAnimatedActions, c_pszCmEntryAniPsError, -1, pszFile)); Cleanup: if (pszVal) { CmFree(pszVal); } return hr;
MemoryError: hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Cleanup; }
// Function: LoadProperties
// Synopsis: This func loads CM Properties from cmp/cms, registry, password
// cache, etc, into its internal variables. This func should
// only be called once. This should not be specific to the main
// sign-in dlg. DO NOT do any icon/bitmap stuff, dlg specific
// stuff here.
// Arguments: pArgs [the ptr to ArgsStruct]
// Returns: NONE
// History: henryt Created 5/2/97
// t-urama Modified 08/02/00 Added Access Points
void LoadProperties( ArgsStruct *pArgs ) { LPTSTR pszTmp = NULL; LPTSTR pszUserName = NULL; UINT nTmp;
CMTRACE(TEXT("Begin LoadProperties()"));
// First make sure we can use the RAS CredStore
// This flag is used in the calls below
if (OS_NT5) { pArgs->bUseRasCredStore = TRUE; }
// Upgrade userinfo if necessary. Note that we have
// an upgrade from CM 1.0/1.1 cmp data and we also
// have an upgrade of CM 1.2 registry data to
// the method used in CM 1.3 on Win2k which uses both
// the registry and RAS credential storage.
int iUpgradeType = NeedToUpgradeUserInfo(pArgs);
if (c_iUpgradeFromRegToRas == iUpgradeType) { UpgradeUserInfoFromRegToRasAndReg(pArgs); } else if (c_iUpgradeFromCmp == iUpgradeType) { UpgradeUserInfoFromCmp(pArgs); }
// Need to refresh Credential support. The TRUE flag also sets the current creds
// type inside the function. If an error occurs we can keep executing.
if(FALSE == RefreshCredentialTypes(pArgs, TRUE)) { CMTRACE(TEXT("LoadProperties() - Error refreshing credential types.")); }
if (IsTunnelEnabled(pArgs)) { //
// do we use the same username/password for tunneling?
// This value is set by ISP, CM does not change it
pArgs->fUseSameUserName = pArgs->piniService->GPPB(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryUseSameUserName);
// read in inet username
// Special case where the same user name isn't being used, and internet globals don't exist
// Then we have to read the user name from the user creds store in order to pre-populate
DWORD dwRememberedCredType = pArgs->dwCurrentCredentialType; pszUserName = NULL; if ((FALSE == pArgs->fUseSameUserName) && (CM_CREDS_GLOBAL == pArgs->dwCurrentCredentialType) && (FALSE == (BOOL)(CM_EXIST_CREDS_INET_GLOBAL & pArgs->dwExistingCredentials))) { pArgs->dwCurrentCredentialType = CM_CREDS_USER; }
GetUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_INET_USERNAME, (PVOID*)&pszUserName);
// Restore credential store
pArgs->dwCurrentCredentialType = dwRememberedCredType;
if (pszUserName) { //
// check username length
nTmp = (int) pArgs->piniService->GPPI(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryMaxUserName, UNLEN); if ((UINT)lstrlenU(pszUserName) > __min(UNLEN, nTmp)) { CmFree(pszUserName); pArgs->szInetUserName[0] = TEXT('\0'); SaveUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_INET_USERNAME, (PVOID)pArgs->szInetUserName); } else { lstrcpyU(pArgs->szInetUserName, pszUserName); CmFree(pszUserName); } } else { *pArgs->szInetUserName = TEXT('\0'); } //
// Read in inet password unless we are reconnecting in which case, we
// already have the correct password, and we want to use it and dial
// automatically.
if (!(pArgs->dwFlags & FL_RECONNECT)) { LPTSTR pszPassword = NULL; GetUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_INET_PASSWORD, (PVOID*)&pszPassword); if (!pszPassword) { (VOID)pArgs->SecureInetPW.SetPassword(TEXT("")); } else { nTmp = (int) pArgs->piniService->GPPI(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryMaxPassword, PWLEN); if ((UINT)lstrlenU(pszPassword) > __min(PWLEN, nTmp)) { CmFree(pszPassword); pszPassword = CmStrCpyAlloc(TEXT("")); } (VOID)pArgs->SecureInetPW.SetPassword(pszPassword);
CmWipePassword(pszPassword); CmFree(pszPassword); } } } //
// The presence of either lpRasNoUser or lpEapLogonInfo indicates
// that we retrieved credentials via WinLogon. We ignore cached
// creds in this situation.
if ((!pArgs->lpRasNoUser) && (!pArgs->lpEapLogonInfo)) { //
// get username, domain, etc. from CMS file
GetUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_USERNAME, (PVOID*)&pszUserName); if (pszUserName) { //
// check username length
nTmp = (int) pArgs->piniService->GPPI(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryMaxUserName, UNLEN); if ((UINT)lstrlenU(pszUserName) > __min(UNLEN, nTmp)) { CmFree(pszUserName); pszUserName = CmStrCpyAlloc(TEXT("")); SaveUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_USERNAME, (PVOID)pszUserName); } lstrcpyU(pArgs->szUserName, pszUserName); CmFree(pszUserName); } else { *pArgs->szUserName = TEXT('\0'); }
// Read in the standard password unless we are reconnecting in which case
// we already have the correct password, and we want to use it and dial
// automatically.
if (!(pArgs->dwFlags & FL_RECONNECT)) { pszTmp = NULL; GetUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_PASSWORD, (PVOID*)&pszTmp); if (pszTmp) { //
// max length for user password
nTmp = (int) pArgs->piniService->GPPI(c_pszCmSection,c_pszCmEntryMaxPassword,PWLEN); if ((UINT)lstrlenU(pszTmp) > __min(PWLEN,nTmp)) { CmFree(pszTmp); pszTmp = CmStrCpyAlloc(TEXT("")); }
CmWipePassword(pszTmp); CmFree(pszTmp); } else { (VOID)pArgs->SecurePW.SetPassword(TEXT("")); } } //
// Load domain info
LPTSTR pszDomain = NULL;
GetUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_DOMAIN, (PVOID*)&pszDomain); if (pszDomain) { nTmp = (int) pArgs->piniService->GPPI(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryMaxDomain, DNLEN); if (nTmp <= 0) { nTmp = DNLEN; } if ((UINT)lstrlenU(pszDomain) > __min(DNLEN, nTmp)) { CmFree(pszDomain); pszDomain = CmStrCpyAlloc(TEXT("")); } lstrcpyU(pArgs->szDomain, pszDomain); CmFree(pszDomain); } else { *pArgs->szDomain = TEXT('\0'); } }
// fDialAutomatically,
// fRememberMainPassword
if (pArgs->fHideDialAutomatically) { pArgs->fDialAutomatically = FALSE; } else { PVOID pv = &pArgs->fDialAutomatically; GetUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_NOPROMPT, &pv); }
if (pArgs->fHideRememberPassword) { pArgs->fRememberMainPassword = FALSE; } else { //
// For Win2K+ this gets trickier because we use the RAS cred store and
// we know which creds were saved. Thus we need to modify this flag according
// to what credentials we actually have, insted of what was retrieved from the registry/file.
// This needs to be done after calling the function that refreshes credential types (above).
if (OS_NT5) { if (CM_CREDS_USER == pArgs->dwCurrentCredentialType) { pArgs->fRememberMainPassword = ((BOOL)(pArgs->dwExistingCredentials & CM_EXIST_CREDS_MAIN_USER)? TRUE: FALSE); } else { pArgs->fRememberMainPassword = ((BOOL)(pArgs->dwExistingCredentials & CM_EXIST_CREDS_MAIN_GLOBAL)? TRUE: FALSE); } } else { PVOID pv = &pArgs->fRememberMainPassword; GetUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_REMEMBER_PWD, &pv); } } //
// remember non-tunnel password?
if (pArgs->fHideRememberInetPassword) { pArgs->fRememberInetPassword = FALSE; } else { //
// For Win2K+ this gets trickier because we use the RAS cred store and
// we know which creds were saved. Thus we need to modify this flag according
// to what credentials we actually have, insted of what was retrieved from the registry/file.
// This needs to be done after calling the function that refreshes credential types (above).
if (OS_NT5) { if (CM_CREDS_USER == pArgs->dwCurrentCredentialType) { pArgs->fRememberInetPassword = ((BOOL)(pArgs->dwExistingCredentials & CM_EXIST_CREDS_INET_USER)? TRUE: FALSE); } else { pArgs->fRememberInetPassword = ((BOOL)(pArgs->dwExistingCredentials & CM_EXIST_CREDS_INET_GLOBAL)? TRUE: FALSE); } } else { PVOID pv = &pArgs->fRememberInetPassword; GetUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_REMEMBER_INET_PASSWORD, &pv); } }
// Make sure that the passwords are empty if we don't want to remember them
// unless we are reconnecting in which case we will just use what we have
// from the previous connection. When the log on type is ICS don't want
// to clear the passwords either.
if ((!(pArgs->dwFlags & FL_RECONNECT)) && (!pArgs->lpRasNoUser) && (!pArgs->lpEapLogonInfo) && (CM_LOGON_TYPE_ICS != pArgs->dwWinLogonType)) { //
// NULL the password if dial-auto is disabled.
if (!pArgs->fRememberMainPassword) { (VOID)pArgs->SecurePW.SetPassword(TEXT("")); }
if (!pArgs->fRememberInetPassword) { (VOID)pArgs->SecureInetPW.SetPassword(TEXT("")); } } //
// has references
pszTmp = pArgs->piniService->GPPS(c_pszCmSectionIsp, c_pszCmEntryIspReferences); pArgs->fHasRefs = (pszTmp && *pszTmp ? TRUE : FALSE); CmFree(pszTmp);
// do we have valid pbk's?
pArgs->fHasValidTopLevelPBK = ValidTopLevelPBK(pArgs); if (pArgs->fHasRefs) { pArgs->fHasValidReferencedPBKs = ValidReferencedPBKs(pArgs); }
// Get idle settings for auto disconnect
// 1.0 profile has a BOOL flag "Idle", if FALSE, IdleTimeout is ignored
if (!pArgs->piniBothNonFav->GPPB(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryIdle, TRUE)) { //
// If this is a 1.0 profile and Idle==0, set IdleTimeout to 0, so CMMOM works correctly
pArgs->dwIdleTimeout = 0; // never timeout
pArgs->piniProfile->WPPI(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryIdle, TRUE); // write back
pArgs->piniProfile->WPPI(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryIdleTimeout, 0); // write back
} else { pArgs->dwIdleTimeout = (int) pArgs->piniBothNonFav->GPPI(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryIdleTimeout, DEFAULT_IDLETIMEOUT); }
// get redial count
// 1.0 profile has a BOOL flag "Redial", if FALSE, RedialCount is ignored
if (!pArgs->piniBothNonFav->GPPB(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryRedial, TRUE)) { //
// If this is a 1.0 profile and Redial==0, set RetryCount to 0
pArgs->nMaxRedials = 0;
pArgs->piniBothNonFav->WPPI(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryRedialCount, 0); // write back
} else { pArgs->nMaxRedials = (int) pArgs->piniBothNonFav->GPPI(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryRedialCount, DEFAULT_REDIALS);
if (pArgs->nMaxRedials > MAX_NUMBER_OF_REDIALS) { pArgs->nMaxRedials = MAX_NUMBER_OF_REDIALS; } } //
// Get the redial delay value
pArgs->nRedialDelay = (int) pArgs->piniService->GPPI(c_pszCmSection,c_pszCmEntryRedialDelay,DEFAULT_REDIAL_DELAY);
// should we enable ISDN dial on demand?
pArgs->dwIsdnDialMode = pArgs->piniService->GPPI(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryIsdnDialMode, CM_ISDN_MODE_SINGLECHANNEL); //
// Get the Tapi location from the registry
if (pArgs->fAccessPointsEnabled) { pArgs->tlsTapiLink.dwTapiLocationForAccessPoint = pArgs->piniProfile->GPPI(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryTapiLocation); }
CMTRACE(TEXT("End LoadProperties()"));
// Function: LoadIconsAndBitmaps
// Synopsis: This func loads icon and bitmap settings. It should be part
// of the main dlg init.
// Arguments: pArgs [the ptr to ArgsStruct]
// hwndDlg [the main dlg]
// Returns: NONE
// History: henryt Copied from LoadFromFile() 5/2/97
void LoadIconsAndBitmaps( ArgsStruct *pArgs, HWND hwndDlg ) { LPTSTR pszTmp; UINT nTmp;
// Load large icon name
pszTmp = pArgs->piniService->GPPS(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryBigIcon); if (*pszTmp) { //
// Make sure we have a full path (if appropriate) and load big icon
LPTSTR pszFile = CmConvertRelativePath(pArgs->piniService->GetFile(), pszTmp);
pArgs->hBigIcon = CmLoadIcon(g_hInst, pszFile);
CmFree(pszFile); } CmFree(pszTmp);
// Use default (EXE) large icon if no user icon found
if (!pArgs->hBigIcon) { pArgs->hBigIcon = CmLoadIcon(g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_APP)); }
SendMessageU(hwndDlg,WM_SETICON,ICON_BIG,(LPARAM) pArgs->hBigIcon);
// Load small icon name
pszTmp = pArgs->piniService->GPPS(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntrySmallIcon); if (*pszTmp) { //
// Make sure we have a full path (if appropriate) and load small icon
LPTSTR pszFile = CmConvertRelativePath(pArgs->piniService->GetFile(), pszTmp);
pArgs->hSmallIcon = CmLoadSmallIcon(g_hInst, pszFile);
CmFree(pszFile); } CmFree(pszTmp);
// Use default (EXE) small icon if no user icon found
if (!pArgs->hSmallIcon) { pArgs->hSmallIcon = CmLoadSmallIcon(g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_APP)); } SendMessageU(hwndDlg,WM_SETICON,ICON_SMALL,(LPARAM) pArgs->hSmallIcon); //
// this is where the Bitmap gets loaded in. Check to see first if we're doing
// the Future Splash thang. if so, no bitmap
// Note that we do not load FutureSplash if this is WinLogon. This is because
// Future Splash Animations can have imbedded actions and thus could be used
// to launch web pages, etc. from WinLogon as the system account. Definitely
// would be a security hole.
nTmp = pArgs->piniService->GPPI(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryAnimatedLogo); if (!nTmp || IsLogonAsSystem()) { //
// either there was no 'Animated Logo' entry, or it was 0, which means
// we go ahead and load the bitmap.
LoadLogoBitmap(pArgs, hwndDlg); } else { //
// if, for any reason, loading FS OC fails, go ahead and
// degrade and load the logo bitmap.
if (S_OK != LoadFutureSplash(pArgs, hwndDlg)) { LoadLogoBitmap(pArgs, hwndDlg); } } }
// Function: DoRasHangup
// Synopsis: Hangup the given RAS device handle
// Arguments: prlsRasLink - Ptr to RAS linkage struct
// hRasConnection - The RAS device to hangup
// hwndDlg - The main dlg to display "Disconnecting .. " msg
// Only used if fWaitForComplete is TRUE
// Optional, default = NULL
// fWaitForComplete - Whether to wait for Hangup to complete on 95
// If set to TRUE, will wait until hRasConnection
// is invalid. Optional, default = FALSE
// pfWaiting - Ptr to boolean value indicating our wait state
// and whether Timer and Ras messages should be
// ignored. Optional, default = NULL
// Returns: DWORD - ERROR_SUCCESS if success or error code
// Note: pArgs is removed so that the Disconnect path can use this function
// thus concentrating the timing mess in one place.
// History: fengsun Created Header 10/22/97
// fengsun Add fWaitForComplete 12/18/97
// nickball Removed pArgs dependency
DWORD DoRasHangup(RasLinkageStruct *prlsRasLink, HRASCONN hRasConnection, HWND hwndDlg, BOOL fWaitForComplete, LPBOOL pfWaiting) { DWORD dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS;
MYDBGASSERT(hRasConnection != NULL); MYDBGASSERT(prlsRasLink->pfnHangUp != NULL);
// Do we need to check the return value
// now that RAS is going to disconnect modem too?
dwRes = prlsRasLink->pfnHangUp(hRasConnection); CMTRACE1(TEXT("DoRasHangup() RasHangup() returned %u."), dwRes); // On Win32 RasHangup returns immediately, so loop until we
// are certain that the disconnected state had been reached
if ((dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) && prlsRasLink->pfnGetConnectStatus) { RASCONNSTATUS rcs;
CMTRACE(TEXT("DoRasHangup() Waiting for hangup to complete"));
// On 95 Wait for HANGUP_TIMEOUT seconds
// On NT wait until the connection is released
// This will cause this to loop till the connection status
// is RASCS_Disconnected
#define HANGUP_TIMEOUT 60 // timeout for 95 hangup
if (pfWaiting) { //
// Keep the message looping to avoid freezing CM
// But do not handle WM_TIMER and RAS msg
MYDBGASSERT(!*pfWaiting); *pfWaiting = TRUE; }
if (fWaitForComplete && hwndDlg) { //
// Display the disconnecting message, if we have to wait
LPTSTR pszTmp = CmLoadString(g_hInst,IDMSG_DISCONNECTING); SetDlgItemTextU(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_STATUS_DISPLAY, pszTmp); CmFree(pszTmp); }
DWORD dwStartWaitTime = GetTickCount();
HCURSOR hWaitCursor = LoadCursorU(NULL,IDC_WAIT);
ZeroMemory(&rcs,sizeof(rcs)); rcs.dwSize = sizeof(rcs);
while ((dwRes = prlsRasLink->pfnGetConnectStatus(hRasConnection,&rcs)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { //
// If it is NT, or do not need to wait for hangup to complete,
// RASCS_Disconnected state is considered hangup complete
if (rcs.rasconnstate == RASCS_Disconnected && (!fWaitForComplete || OS_NT)) { break; } //
// We only have time out for 95/98
if (OS_W9X && (GetTickCount() - dwStartWaitTime >= HANGUP_TIMEOUT * 1000)) { CMTRACE(TEXT("DoRasHangup() Wait timed out")); break; }
// Try to dispatch message, however, some time the wait cursor is
// changed back to arrow
MSG msg; while (PeekMessageU(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { if (msg.message != WM_SETCURSOR) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessageU(&msg);
if (GetCursor() != hWaitCursor) { SetCursor(hWaitCursor); } } }
Sleep(500); }
if (dwRes == ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE) { dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { CMTRACE1(TEXT("MyRasHangup() RasGetConnectStatus(), GLE=%u."), dwRes); } if (pfWaiting) { *pfWaiting = FALSE; } }
CMTRACE(TEXT("DoRasHangup() completed"));
return dwRes; }
// Function: MyRasHangup
// Synopsis: Simple wrapper for DoRasHangup, that takes pArgs as a param.
// Arguments: pArgs - Ptr to global Args struct
// hRasConnection - The RAS device to hangup
// hwndDlg - The main dlg to display "Disconnecting .. " msg
// Only used if fWaitForComplete is TRUE
// Optional, default = NULL
// fWaitForComplete - Whether to wait for Hangup to complete on 95
// If set to TRUE, will wait until hRasConnection
// is invalid. Optional, default = FALSE
// Returns: DWORD - ERROR_SUCCESS if success or error code
// History: nickball Implemented as wrapper 2/11/98
DWORD MyRasHangup(ArgsStruct *pArgs, HRASCONN hRasConnection, HWND , BOOL fWaitForComplete) { CMTRACE(TEXT("MyRasHangup() calling DoRasHangup()")); return DoRasHangup(&pArgs->rlsRasLink, hRasConnection, NULL, fWaitForComplete, &pArgs->fIgnoreTimerRasMsg); }
// Function: HangupCM
// Synopsis: hangup both dial-up and tunnel connection, if exist
// Arguments: ArgsStruct *pArgs -
// hwndDlg the main dlg to display "Disconnecting .. " msg
// fWaitForComplete: Whether to wait for Hangup to complete on 95
// If set to TRUE, will wait until hRasConnection
// is invalid.
// Returns: DWORD -
// History: fengsun Created Header 10/22/97
// fengsun Add fWaitForComplete 12/18/97
DWORD HangupCM(ArgsStruct *pArgs, HWND hwndDlg, BOOL fWaitForComplete, BOOL fUpdateTable) { MYDBGASSERT(pArgs); MYDBGASSERT(hwndDlg); CMTRACE(TEXT("HangupCM()"));
if (!pArgs) { CMTRACE(TEXT("HangupCM() invalid parameter.")); return (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); }
// If change password dialog is up tell it to go away
if (pArgs->hWndChangePassword) { CMTRACE(TEXT("HangupCM() Terminating ChangePassword dialog")); PostMessage(pArgs->hWndChangePassword, WM_COMMAND, IDCANCEL, 0); }
// If Callback number dialog is up tell it to go away too.
if (pArgs->hWndCallbackNumber) { CMTRACE(TEXT("HangupCM() Terminating CallbackNumber dialog")); PostMessage(pArgs->hWndCallbackNumber, WM_COMMAND, IDCANCEL, 0); } //
// If Callback number dialog is up tell it to go away too.
if (pArgs->hWndRetryAuthentication) { CMTRACE(TEXT("HangupCM() Terminating RetryAuthentication dialog")); PostMessage(pArgs->hWndRetryAuthentication, WM_COMMAND, IDCANCEL, 0); } //
// If table updates are desired set the entry to the disconnecting state
// Note: In the case of redial, we don't want to modify the table state
// even though we are hanging up because technically we are still connecting.
if (fUpdateTable) { UpdateTable(pArgs, CM_DISCONNECTING); }
// Check the RasLink pointer and hang up the device, tunnel first
#ifdef DEBUG
if (!pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnHangUp) { CMTRACE(TEXT("HangupCM() can't hang up.")); } #endif
// Show wait cursor before hanging up
if (hwndDlg) { hPrev = SetCursor(LoadCursorU(NULL,IDC_WAIT)); ShowCursor(TRUE); } //
// The assumption is that we have been connected, why else would we call
// hangup. So release statistics handles, hooks, etc.
if (pArgs->pConnStatistics) { pArgs->pConnStatistics->Close(); } //
// Hangup connections
if (pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnHangUp && pArgs->hrcTunnelConn) { //
// first, hangup tunnel connection
CMTRACE(TEXT("HangupCM() calling MyRasHangup() for tunnel connection"));
dwRes = MyRasHangup(pArgs, pArgs->hrcTunnelConn, hwndDlg, fWaitForComplete); #ifdef DEBUG
if (dwRes != ERROR_SUCCESS) { CMTRACE1(TEXT("MyRasHangup failed, GLE=%u."), GetLastError()); } #endif
pArgs->hrcTunnelConn = NULL; }
// If we have a valid link and handle, hangup the modem
if (pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnHangUp && pArgs->hrcRasConn) { CMTRACE(TEXT("HangupCM() calling MyRasHangup() for dial-up connection")); dwRes = MyRasHangup(pArgs, pArgs->hrcRasConn); } // Restore cursor
if (hwndDlg) { ShowCursor(FALSE); SetCursor(hPrev); }
pArgs->hrcRasConn = NULL; //
// Update the Connection table if asked
if (fUpdateTable) { UpdateTable(pArgs, CM_DISCONNECTED); }
return (dwRes); }
// Function: CleanupZapThread
// Synopsis: Simple helper to deal with signaling an event to stop Zap thread
// and waiting for the thread to terminate.
// Arguments: HANDLE hEvent - The event handle
// HANDLE hThread - Handle to the Zap thread.
// Returns: static void - Nothing
// History: nickball Created 3/5/98
static void CleanupZapThread(HANDLE hEvent, HANDLE hThread) { MYDBGASSERT(hEvent); MYDBGASSERT(hThread);
// If we have an event, then it is assumed that have a Zap thread running
if (hEvent) { //
// Signal termination to notify thread that we are done
BOOL bRes = SetEvent(hEvent); #ifdef DEBUG
if (!bRes) { CMTRACE1(TEXT("CleanupZapThread() SetEvent() failed, GLE=%u."), GetLastError()); } #endif
if (hThread) { //
// Wait for thread to terminate, but pump messages in the mean time
BOOL bDone = FALSE; DWORD dwWaitCode;
while (FALSE == bDone) { dwWaitCode = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, &hThread, FALSE, MAX_OBJECT_WAIT, QS_ALLINPUT);
switch(dwWaitCode) { //
// Thread has terminated, or time is up, we're done here
case -1: CMTRACE1(TEXT("CleanupZapThread() MsgWaitForMultipleObjects returned an error GLE=%u."), GetLastError());
case WAIT_TIMEOUT: case WAIT_OBJECT_0: bDone = TRUE; break;
// If there is a message in the queue, process it
case WAIT_OBJECT_0+1: { MSG msg; while (PeekMessageU(&msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessageU(&msg); } break; } //
// Unexpected, report, but continue
default: MYDBGASSERT(FALSE); } }
// We are done with the thread, close the handle
bRes = CloseHandle(hThread); #ifdef DEBUG
if (!bRes) { CMTRACE1(TEXT("CleanupZapThread() CloseHandle(hThread) failed, GLE=%u."), GetLastError()); } #endif
} //
// Close our event handle
bRes = CloseHandle(hEvent); #ifdef DEBUG
if (!bRes) { CMTRACE1(TEXT("CleanupZapThread() CloseHandle(hEvent) failed, GLE=%u."), GetLastError()); } #endif
} }
// Function: OnConnectedCM
// Synopsis: Process WM_CONNECTED_CM which indicates that we are connected and
// connect processing such as connect actions can begin
// Arguments: HWND hwndDlg - HWND of main dialog
// ArgsStruct *pArgs - Ptr to global Args struct
// Returns: Nothing
// History: nickball Created 03/05/98
void OnConnectedCM(HWND hwndDlg, ArgsStruct *pArgs) { HANDLE hEvent = NULL; HANDLE hThread = NULL; CActionList ConnectActList; CActionList AutoActList;
// Check to see if we are in a valid state to connect. if not just abort.
if (pArgs->hrcRasConn == NULL && pArgs->hrcTunnelConn == NULL) { CMTRACE(TEXT("Bogus OnConnectCM msg received")); goto OnConnectedCMExit; }
// Set state to online
if (IsDialingTunnel(pArgs)) { //
// For Win2K+ this tries to resave the EAP Auth data if there is any present in the .cms for a tunnel
if (OS_NT5) { CIni iniFile(g_hInst, pArgs->piniService->GetFile()); ReSaveEapCustomAuthData(pArgs, &iniFile, TRUE, pArgs->pszRasPbk); }
// This is a patch, it is only a patch - #187202
// UI should not be tied to RASENTRY type, but it is for now so we
// have to make sure that it is set back to RASET_Internet once we
// have our tunnel connection connected.
if (OS_NT5) { LPRASENTRY pRasEntry = MyRGEP(pArgs->pszRasPbk, pArgs->szServiceName, &pArgs->rlsRasLink);
CMASSERTMSG(pRasEntry, TEXT("OnConnectedCM() - MyRGEP() failed.")); //
// Set the type back and save the RASENTRY
if (pRasEntry) { ((LPRASENTRY_V500)pRasEntry)->dwType = RASET_Internet;
if (pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnSetEntryProperties) { DWORD dwTmp = pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnSetEntryProperties(pArgs->pszRasPbk, pArgs->szServiceName, pRasEntry, pRasEntry->dwSize, NULL, 0); CMTRACE2(TEXT("OnConnectedCM() RasSetEntryProperties(*lpszEntry=%s) returns %u."), MYDBGSTR(pArgs->szServiceName), dwTmp);
CMASSERTMSG(dwTmp == ERROR_SUCCESS, TEXT("RasSetEntryProperties for VPN failed")); } }
CmFree(pRasEntry); } pArgs->psState = PS_TunnelOnline; } else { //
// For Win2K+ this tries to resave the EAP Auth data if there is any present in the .cms for
// a dial-up connection
if (OS_NT5) { DWORD dwEntry = pArgs->nDialIdx; CIni *piniService = NULL; LPTSTR pszRasPbk = NULL;
if (OS_NT && pArgs->fUseTunneling) { if (!pArgs->pszRasHiddenPbk) { pArgs->pszRasHiddenPbk = CreateRasPrivatePbk(pArgs); }
pszRasPbk = pArgs->pszRasHiddenPbk; } else { pszRasPbk = pArgs->pszRasPbk; }
// Need to work with the correct service file(the top-level service
// or a referenced service).
piniService = GetAppropriateIniService(pArgs, dwEntry); if (piniService) { CIni iniFile(g_hInst, piniService->GetFile()); ReSaveEapCustomAuthData(pArgs, &iniFile, FALSE, pszRasPbk);
delete piniService; piniService = NULL; } }
// Set dial index back to primary number
pArgs->nDialIdx = 0; pArgs->psState = PS_Online;
// Make sure to update the stored username back to just the Username as RAS has saved the exact username
// that we dialed with including realm info.
if (OS_NT5) { if (!pArgs->fUseTunneling || pArgs->fUseSameUserName) { if (0 != lstrcmpi(pArgs->szUserName, pArgs->pRasDialParams->szUserName)) { MYVERIFY(SaveUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_USERNAME, pArgs->szUserName)); } } else { if (0 != lstrcmpi(pArgs->szInetUserName, pArgs->pRasDialParams->szUserName)) { MYVERIFY(SaveUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_INET_USERNAME, pArgs->szInetUserName)); } } } } pArgs->dwStateStartTime = GetTickCount(); // pszMsg = GetDurMsg(g_hInst,pArgs->dwStateStartTime); // connect duration
pArgs->nLastSecondsDisplay = (UINT) -1; //
// added by byao: for PPTP connection
if (pArgs->fUseTunneling && pArgs->psState == PS_Online) { //
// Now do the second dial: PPTP dialup
pArgs->psState = PS_TunnelDialing; pArgs->dwStateStartTime = GetTickCount(); pArgs->nLastSecondsDisplay = (UINT) -1;
DWORD dwRes = DoTunnelDial(hwndDlg, pArgs);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwRes) { HangupCM(pArgs, hwndDlg); UpdateError(pArgs, dwRes); SetLastError(dwRes); } goto OnConnectedCMExit; }
// If this W95, then we need to Zap the RNA "Connected To" dialog
if (OS_W95) { // LPTSTR pszTmp = GetEntryName(pArgs, pArgs->pszRasPbk, pArgs->piniService);
LPTSTR pszTmp = GetRasConnectoidName(pArgs, pArgs->piniService, FALSE); //
// Create an event for signalling Zap thread to snuff itself out
hEvent = CreateEventU(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); if (hEvent) { hThread = ZapRNAConnectedTo(pszTmp, hEvent); }
#ifdef DEBUG
if (!hEvent) { CMTRACE1(TEXT("OnConnectedCM() CreateEvent failed, GLE=%u."), GetLastError()); } #endif
CmFree(pszTmp); }
pArgs->Log.Log(CONNECT_EVENT); //
// If connection actions are enabled, update the list and run it
CMTRACE(TEXT("Connect Actions enabled: processsing Run List"));
ConnectActList.Append(pArgs->piniService, c_pszCmSectionOnConnect);
if (!ConnectActList.RunAccordType(hwndDlg, pArgs)) { //
// Connect action failed
// Run disconnect action
TCHAR szTmp[MAX_PATH]; MYVERIFY(GetModuleFileNameU(g_hInst, szTmp, MAX_PATH)); pArgs->Log.Log(DISCONNECT_EVENT, szTmp); //
// Do not let disconnect action description overwrite the failure message
// Save the status pane text and restore it after disconnect actions
// 162942: Connect Action failed message is not displayed
TCHAR szFailedMsg[256] = TEXT(""); GetWindowTextU(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_STATUS_DISPLAY), szFailedMsg, sizeof(szFailedMsg)/sizeof(szFailedMsg[0]));
CActionList DisconnectActList; DisconnectActList.Append(pArgs->piniService, c_pszCmSectionOnDisconnect);
DisconnectActList.RunAccordType(hwndDlg, pArgs, FALSE); // fStatusMsgOnFailure = FALSE
HangupCM(pArgs, hwndDlg);
// Restore the connect action failure message
if (szFailedMsg[0] != TEXT('\0')) { SetWindowTextU(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_STATUS_DISPLAY),szFailedMsg); } goto OnConnectedCMExit; }
// Always run AutoApps if there are any. Used to only do this in the
// non-autodial case, which was un-intuitive to our admin users.
AutoActList.Append(pArgs->piniService, c_pszCmSectionOnIntConnect); AutoActList.RunAutoApp(hwndDlg, pArgs);
// Connect to the connection monitor
if (SUCCEEDED(UpdateTable(pArgs, CM_CONNECTED))) { if (SUCCEEDED(ConnectMonitor(pArgs))) { EndMainDialog(hwndDlg, pArgs, 0); // TRUE);
// SUCCESS We're fully connected, update error code
// as it may contain an interim value such as a
// failed primary number dial.
pArgs->dwExitCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { HangupCM(pArgs, hwndDlg);
AppendStatusPane(hwndDlg,IDMSG_CMMON_LAUNCH_FAIL); SetInteractive(hwndDlg,pArgs); goto OnConnectedCMExit; } } //
// Update changed password if needed
if (pArgs->fChangedPassword && pArgs->fRememberMainPassword) { //
// Note: fRememberMainPassword should never be set in the
// WinLogon case. Complain if we have WinLogon specific data.
MYDBGASSERT(!pArgs->lpRasNoUser); MYDBGASSERT(!pArgs->lpEapLogonInfo);
// If the password has changed, then update storage
// Make sure this isn't a handle we are saving, because it would actually
// overwrite the correct password.
if (FALSE == pArgs->SecurePW.IsHandleToPassword()) { LPTSTR pszClearPassword = NULL; DWORD cbClearPassword = 0; BOOL fRetPassword = FALSE;
fRetPassword = pArgs->SecurePW.GetPasswordWithAlloc(&pszClearPassword, &cbClearPassword);
if (fRetPassword && pszClearPassword) { SaveUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_PASSWORD, (PVOID)pszClearPassword); if (pArgs->fUseSameUserName) { SaveUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_INET_PASSWORD, (PVOID)pszClearPassword);
// Make sure to update our pArgs structure
(VOID)pArgs->SecureInetPW.SetPassword(pszClearPassword); } //
// Clear and Free the clear-text password
pArgs->SecurePW.ClearAndFree(&pszClearPassword, cbClearPassword); } } }
pArgs->fChangedPassword = FALSE;
// Update changed Internet password if needed
if (pArgs->fChangedInetPassword && pArgs->fRememberInetPassword) { LPTSTR pszClearInetPassword = NULL; DWORD cbClearInetPassword = 0; BOOL fRetPassword = FALSE;
fRetPassword = pArgs->SecureInetPW.GetPasswordWithAlloc(&pszClearInetPassword, &cbClearInetPassword);
if (fRetPassword && pszClearInetPassword) { SaveUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_INET_PASSWORD, (PVOID)pszClearInetPassword);
// Clear and Free the clear-text password
pArgs->SecureInetPW.ClearAndFree(&pszClearInetPassword, cbClearInetPassword); } }
pArgs->fChangedInetPassword = FALSE;
if (hEvent) { MYDBGASSERT(OS_W9X); CleanupZapThread(hEvent, hThread); }
return; }
#define MAX_KEY_NAME_LEN 32
// Function: ReSaveEapCustomAuthData
// Synopsis: This function resaves CustomAuthData key of the EAP settings
// for the given section in a CMS file. The reason we need to
// resave the data is because at connect time the data might
// actually change (eg. if the users accepts a new auth cert). If
// we don't save the data back to the .cms, the user keeps getting
// prompted each time they connect to accept the same cert.
// This function figures out if there is EAP Custom Auth Data,
// and if so, it reads the blob from .cms, and the ras API,
// then it erases the .cms data from the file and calls
// SaveNewEAPCustomAuthData to construct and write out the new
// structure to .cms
// Arguments: ArgsStruct *pArgs - pointer to Args structure
// piniFile - CIni object pointing to .cms file
// fTunnelEntry - TRUE if this is a tunnel entry, FALSE otherwise
// pszRasPhoneBook - RAS Pbk
// Returns: DWORD - ERROR_SUCCESS or error code
// History: tomkel 08/09/2001 Created
DWORD ReSaveEapCustomAuthData(ArgsStruct *pArgs, CIni *piniFile, BOOL fTunnelEntry, LPTSTR pszRasPhoneBook) { int nTmp = 0; LPTSTR pszDun = NULL; LPTSTR pszIniSection = NULL; DWORD dwRetVal = ERROR_SUCCESS;
// pszRasPhoneBook parameter can be NULL
if (NULL == pArgs || NULL == piniFile) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
// Get the DUN name
if ((FALSE == fTunnelEntry) && pArgs->aDialInfo[pArgs->nDialIdx].szDUN[0]) { pszDun = CmStrCpyAlloc(pArgs->aDialInfo[pArgs->nDialIdx].szDUN); } else { pszDun = GetDefaultDunSettingName(piniFile, fTunnelEntry); }
pszIniSection = CmStrCpyAlloc(TEXT("&")); pszIniSection = CmStrCatAlloc(&pszIniSection, pszDun); //TODO:verify pArgs->aDialInfo[dwEntry].szDUN
nTmp = piniFile->GPPI(c_pszCmSectionDunServer, c_pszCmEntryDunServerCustomAuthKey, -1);
// If a type ID for EAP is specified, see if there is any EAP Custom Auth data
if ((-1 != nTmp) && pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnGetCustomAuthData) { //
// We have an ID, read the EAP config data
LPBYTE pbEapStruct = NULL; DWORD cbEapStruct = 0; PBYTE pbEapData = NULL; DWORD dwEapSize = 0; PBYTE pbEapAuthData = NULL; DWORD cbEapAuthData = 0; DWORD dwTmp = 0; LPWSTR pszLoadSection = NULL;
cbEapAuthData = 1024; // some default buffer size
pbEapAuthData = (PBYTE)CmMalloc(cbEapAuthData);
if (pbEapAuthData) { dwTmp = pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnGetCustomAuthData(pszRasPhoneBook, pArgs->pRasDialParams->szEntryName, pbEapAuthData, &cbEapAuthData);
if (ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL == dwTmp) { CmFree(pbEapAuthData); pbEapAuthData = NULL; pbEapAuthData = (PBYTE)CmMalloc(cbEapAuthData + 1); if (pbEapAuthData) { dwTmp = pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnGetCustomAuthData(pszRasPhoneBook, pArgs->pRasDialParams->szEntryName, pbEapAuthData, &cbEapAuthData); } } }
// Need to check pbEapAuthData in case the second CmMalloc failed above
if ((ERROR_SUCCESS == dwTmp) && pbEapAuthData) { BOOL fRead = FALSE; pszLoadSection = piniFile->LoadSection(c_pszCmSectionDunServer); //
// Read the existing data blob. We don't care about just the
// EapData. We want the whole Eap structure (EAP_CUSTOM_DATA)
fRead = ReadDunSettingsEapData(piniFile, &pbEapData, &dwEapSize, nTmp, &pbEapStruct, &cbEapStruct);
if (fRead && pbEapStruct && cbEapStruct && pszLoadSection) { //
// Erase the existing EAP Auth data from .cms file
HRESULT hr = EraseDunSettingsEapData(pszLoadSection, piniFile->GetFile());
// If we weren't able to erase anything (no write access)
// there is no point in trying to save the blob, otherwise save the new auth data
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DWORD dwRC = SaveNewEAPCustomAuthData(piniFile->GetFile(), pszLoadSection, cbEapAuthData, pbEapAuthData, pbEapStruct); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwRC) { CMTRACE1(TEXT("ReSaveEapCustomAuthData() - SaveNewEAPCustomAuthData returned error = %u"), dwRC); dwRetVal = dwRC; } } else { CMTRACE1(TEXT("ReSaveEapCustomAuthData() - EraseDunSettingsEapData returned error = 0x%x"), hr); dwRetVal = (0x0000FFFF & hr); // convert HRESULT back to normal Win32 error
} } }
CmFree(pbEapAuthData); pbEapAuthData = NULL; cbEapAuthData = 0;
CmFree(pbEapStruct); pbEapStruct = NULL; cbEapStruct = 0;
CmFree(pbEapData); pbEapData = NULL; dwEapSize = 0;
CmFree(pszLoadSection); pszLoadSection = NULL; }
CmFree(pszDun); pszDun = NULL;
CmFree(pszIniSection); pszIniSection = NULL;
return dwRetVal; }
// Function: SaveNewEAPCustomAuthData
// Synopsis: This function resaves CustomAuthData key of the EAP settings
// for the given section in a CMS file. The reason we need to
// resave the data is because at connect time the data might
// actually change (eg. if the users accepts a new auth cert). If
// we don't save the data back to the .cms, the user keeps getting
// prompted each time they connect to accept the same cert.
// Arguments: pszCmsFile - filepath to the .cms file
// pszLoadSection - appropriate section in the file to write to
// cbEapAuthData - # of bytes in pbEapAuthData
// pbEapAuthData - buffer with the current eap custom auth data from RAS
// pbEapStruct - buffer of the existing (from .cms) EAP_CUSTOM_AUTH
// structure
// Returns: DWORD - ERROR_SUCCESS or error code
// History: tomkel 08/09/2001 Created
DWORD SaveNewEAPCustomAuthData(LPCTSTR pszCmsFile, LPTSTR pszLoadSection, DWORD cbEapAuthData, PBYTE pbEapAuthData, PBYTE pbEapStruct) { if (NULL == pszCmsFile || NULL == pszLoadSection || NULL == pbEapAuthData || NULL == pbEapStruct) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } DWORD dwRetVal = ERROR_SUCCESS; LPSTR pszAnsiSection = WzToSzWithAlloc(pszLoadSection); LPSTR pszAnsiCmsFile = WzToSzWithAlloc(pszCmsFile); DWORD dwSize = cbEapAuthData + sizeof(EAP_CUSTOM_DATA); // Size for the new EAP_CUSTOM_DATA structure
EAP_CUSTOM_DATA *pNewEAPCustomData = (EAP_CUSTOM_DATA*)CmMalloc(dwSize);
if (pNewEAPCustomData && pszAnsiSection && pszAnsiCmsFile) { CHAR szOutput[MAX_BLOB_CHARS_PER_LINE+1] = {0}; CHAR szAnsiKeyName[MAX_KEY_NAME_LEN] = {0}; CHAR* pszOutput = NULL; int iCount = 0; int iLineNum = 0;
// Replace the data in the strucutre
LPBYTE pCurrentByte = (LPBYTE)pNewEAPCustomData; EAP_CUSTOM_DATA *pEAPExistingCustomData = (EAP_CUSTOM_DATA *)pbEapStruct; pNewEAPCustomData->dwSignature = pEAPExistingCustomData->dwSignature; pNewEAPCustomData->dwCustomAuthKey = pEAPExistingCustomData->dwCustomAuthKey; pNewEAPCustomData->dwSize = cbEapAuthData; CopyMemory(pNewEAPCustomData->abdata, pbEapAuthData, cbEapAuthData);
pszOutput = szOutput;
// Change the buffer to hex and write it out to the file
while (pCurrentByte < ((LPBYTE)pNewEAPCustomData + dwSize)) { *pszOutput++ = HexChar( (BYTE )(*pCurrentByte / 16) ); *pszOutput++ = HexChar( (BYTE )(*pCurrentByte % 16) ); pCurrentByte++; iCount = iCount + 2; // keep track of number of chars in ansi output buffer
if ((MAX_BLOB_CHARS_PER_LINE == iCount) || (pCurrentByte == ((LPBYTE)pNewEAPCustomData + dwSize))) { *pszOutput = '\0'; wsprintfA(szAnsiKeyName, "%s%d", c_pszCmEntryDunServerCustomAuthData, iLineNum);
MYVERIFY(0 != WritePrivateProfileStringA(pszAnsiSection, szAnsiKeyName, szOutput, pszAnsiCmsFile));
pszOutput = szOutput; iCount = 0; iLineNum++; } }
dwRetVal = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { dwRetVal = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
CmFree(pNewEAPCustomData); CmFree(pszAnsiCmsFile); CmFree(pszAnsiSection); return dwRetVal; }
// Function: EraseDunSettingsEapData
// Synopsis: This function erases the CustomAuthData key of the EAP settings
// for the given section and CMS file
// Arguments: LPCTSTR pszSection - section name to erase the CustomAuthData from
// LPCTSTR pszCmsFile - cms file to erase the data from
// Returns: HRESULT - standard COM style error codes
// History: quintinb Created 03/27/00
// tomkel Copied from profwiz 08/09/2001
HRESULT EraseDunSettingsEapData(LPCTSTR pszSection, LPCTSTR pszCmsFile) { if ((NULL == pszSection) || (NULL == pszCmsFile) || (TEXT('\0') == pszSection[0]) || (TEXT('\0') == pszCmsFile[0])) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
HRESULT hr = S_OK; int iLineNum = 0; DWORD dwRet = -1; TCHAR szKeyName[MAX_PATH+1]; TCHAR szLine[MAX_PATH+1];
while(0 != dwRet) { wsprintfU(szKeyName, TEXT("%S%d"), c_pszCmEntryDunServerCustomAuthData, iLineNum); dwRet = GetPrivateProfileStringU(pszSection, szKeyName, TEXT(""), szLine, MAX_PATH, pszCmsFile);
if (dwRet) { if (0 == WritePrivateProfileStringU(pszSection, szKeyName, NULL, pszCmsFile)) { DWORD dwGLE = GetLastError(); hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwGLE); break; } } iLineNum++; }
return hr; } */
// Function: SetTcpWindowSizeOnWin2k
// Synopsis: This function is basically a wrapper to load the RasSetEntryTcpWindowSize
// API (which was QFE-ed and shipped in SP3 for Win2k) and call it.
// It should fail gracefully if the API is not present.
// Arguments: HMODULE hInstRas - module handle for Rasapi32.dll
// LPCTSTR pszConnectoid - name of the connectoid to set the window size for
// LPCTSTR pszPhonebook - phonebook that the connectoid lives in
// DWORD dwTcpWindowSize - size to set, note that calling with 0
// sets it to the system default
// Returns: DWORD - win32 error code or ERROR_SUCCESS if successful
// History: quintinb Created 02/14/2001
DWORD SetTcpWindowSizeOnWin2k(HMODULE hInstRas, LPCTSTR pszConnectoid, LPCTSTR pszPhonebook, DWORD dwTcpWindowSize) { //
// Check inputs, note that pszPhonebook could be NULL
if ((NULL == hInstRas) || (NULL == pszConnectoid) || (TEXT('\0') == pszConnectoid[0])) { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("SetTcpWindowSizeOnWin2k -- Invalid arguments passed.")); return ERROR_BAD_ARGUMENTS; }
// Check to make sure we are only calling this on Win2k
if ((FALSE == OS_NT5) || OS_NT51) { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("SetTcpWindowSizeOnWin2k -- This function should only be called on Win2k.")); return -1; }
// See if we can load the new RAS function to set the Window size
LPCSTR c_pszDwSetEntryPropertiesPrivate = "DwSetEntryPropertiesPrivate"; typedef DWORD (WINAPI *pfnDwSetEntryPropertiesPrivateSpec)(IN LPCWSTR, IN LPCWSTR, IN DWORD, IN PVOID); DWORD dwReturn;
pfnDwSetEntryPropertiesPrivateSpec pfnDwSetEntryPropertiesPrivate = (pfnDwSetEntryPropertiesPrivateSpec)GetProcAddress(hInstRas, c_pszDwSetEntryPropertiesPrivate);
if (pfnDwSetEntryPropertiesPrivate) { RASENTRY_EX_0 PrivateRasEntryExtension;
PrivateRasEntryExtension.dwTcpWindowSize = dwTcpWindowSize; dwReturn = (pfnDwSetEntryPropertiesPrivate)(pszPhonebook, pszConnectoid, 0, &PrivateRasEntryExtension); // 0 = struct version num
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwReturn) { CMTRACE1(TEXT("SetTcpWindowSizeOnWin2k -- DwSetEntryPropertiesPrivate returned %d"), dwReturn); CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("SetTcpWindowSizeOnWin2k -- DwSetEntryPropertiesPrivate returned something other than success, check the trace file for the error code.")); } } else { dwReturn = GetLastError(); }
return dwReturn; }
// Function: DoRasDial
// Synopsis: Call RasDial to dial the PPP connection
// Arguments: HWND hwndDlg - Main signon window
// ArgsStruct *pArgs -
// DWORD dwEntry - The index in pArgs->aDialInfo
// Returns: DWORD -
// ERROR_SUCCESS if success
// E_UNEXPECTED, unexpected error, such as tunnel address not found
// Otherwise, RAS error
// History: fengsun Created Header 3/6/98
DWORD DoRasDial(HWND hwndDlg, ArgsStruct *pArgs, DWORD dwEntry) { LPRASENTRY preRasEntry = NULL; LPRASSUBENTRY rgRasSubEntry = NULL; LPRASEAPUSERIDENTITY lpRasEapUserIdentity = NULL;
DWORD dwSubEntryCount;
LPTSTR pszUsername; LPTSTR pszPassword; LPTSTR pszDomain = NULL; LPTSTR pszRasPbk; LPTSTR pszTmp;
CSecurePassword* pSecPass = NULL; LPTSTR pszClearPassword = NULL; DWORD cbClearPassword = 0; BOOL fRetPassword = FALSE;
CIni *piniService = NULL; DWORD dwRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; // the return value of this function
DWORD dwTmp;
LPBYTE pbEapAuthData = NULL; // Ptr to Eap Data
DWORD dwEapAuthDataSize = 0; // The size of the EAP blob if any
MYDBGASSERT(pArgs->hrcRasConn == NULL); MYDBGASSERT(!pArgs->IsDirectConnect()); pArgs->hrcRasConn = NULL;
if (!pArgs->aDialInfo[dwEntry].szDialablePhoneNumber[0]) { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("DoRasDial() szDialablePhoneNumber[0] is empty.")); return ERROR_BAD_PHONE_NUMBER; }
// set pArgs->fUseTunneling accordingly every time DoRasDial() is called
// since we can switch from phonenumber0 to phonenumber1 and vice versa.
pArgs->fUseTunneling = UseTunneling(pArgs, dwEntry);
// we need to work with the correct service file(the top-level service
// or a referenced service).
if (!(piniService = GetAppropriateIniService(pArgs, dwEntry))) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } //
// If it's NT and we're tunneling, we create the connectoid in a hidden ras pbk, not the
// rasphone.pbk in the system.
if (OS_NT && pArgs->fUseTunneling) { if (!pArgs->pszRasHiddenPbk) { pArgs->pszRasHiddenPbk = CreateRasPrivatePbk(pArgs); } pszRasPbk = pArgs->pszRasHiddenPbk; } else { pszRasPbk = pArgs->pszRasPbk; }
// Setup dial params
if (!pArgs->pRasDialParams) { pArgs->pRasDialParams = AllocateAndInitRasDialParams();
if (!pArgs->pRasDialParams) { CMTRACE(TEXT("DoRasDial: failed to alloc a ras dial params")); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } } else { InitRasDialParams(pArgs->pRasDialParams); }
// Get the connectoid name.
LPTSTR pszConnectoid = GetRasConnectoidName(pArgs, pArgs->piniService, FALSE); if (!pszConnectoid) { return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
lstrcpynU(pArgs->pRasDialParams->szEntryName, pszConnectoid, sizeof(pArgs->pRasDialParams->szEntryName)/sizeof(TCHAR));
// Generate the default connectoid
preRasEntry = CreateRASEntryStruct(pArgs, pArgs->aDialInfo[dwEntry].szDUN, piniService, FALSE, pszRasPbk, &pbEapAuthData, &dwEapAuthDataSize); if (!preRasEntry) { dwRes = GetLastError(); goto exit; } //
// Force update of the phone number to make sure that we pick up any manual
// changes in country, etc.
CopyPhone(pArgs, preRasEntry, dwEntry); //
// Handle NT specifics for Idle Disconnect and IDSN
if (OS_NT || OS_MIL) { //
// set NT idle disconnect
if (OS_NT) { SetNtIdleDisconnectInRasEntry(pArgs, preRasEntry); } else { MYVERIFY(DisableSystemIdleDisconnect(preRasEntry)); } //
// if we're using isdn and we want to dial all channels/on demand,
// set isdn dial mode
if (pArgs->dwIsdnDialMode != CM_ISDN_MODE_SINGLECHANNEL && !lstrcmpiU(pArgs->szDeviceType, RASDT_Isdn)) { MYVERIFY(SetIsdnDualChannelEntries(pArgs, preRasEntry, &rgRasSubEntry, &dwSubEntryCount)); } else { //
// Delete any additional sub entries since we only need one
if (pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnDeleteSubEntry) // available on NT5 & Millennium currently
{ DWORD dwSubEntryIndex = (OS_MIL ? 1 : 2); // NT & Millennium dual-channel differences
DWORD dwReturn = pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnDeleteSubEntry(pszRasPbk, pArgs->pRasDialParams->szEntryName, dwSubEntryIndex);
CMTRACE1(TEXT("DoRasDial -- Called RasDeleteSubEntry to delete a second sub entry if it exists, dwReturn=%d"), dwReturn); } } } else if (OS_W95) { //
// fix another Win95 RAS bug -- byao, 8/16/97
// The Before and After terminal window options will be switched each
// time you call RasSetEntryProperties
// This is fixed in Memphis, so it's only in Win95 Golden and OSR2
BOOL fTerminalAfterDial, fTerminalBeforeDial;
fTerminalBeforeDial = (BOOL) (preRasEntry->dwfOptions & RASEO_TerminalBeforeDial); fTerminalAfterDial = (BOOL) (preRasEntry->dwfOptions & RASEO_TerminalAfterDial);
// switch them
if (fTerminalBeforeDial) { preRasEntry->dwfOptions |= RASEO_TerminalAfterDial; } else { preRasEntry->dwfOptions &= ~RASEO_TerminalAfterDial; }
if (fTerminalAfterDial) { preRasEntry->dwfOptions |= RASEO_TerminalBeforeDial; } else { preRasEntry->dwfOptions &= ~RASEO_TerminalBeforeDial; } }
if (pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnSetEntryProperties) {
#ifdef DEBUG
LPRASENTRY_V500 lpRasEntry50; if (OS_NT5) { lpRasEntry50 = (LPRASENTRY_V500) preRasEntry; } #endif
// use 1 on Millennium to signify that we want to use the modem cpl settings
// for the modem speaker such instead of the cached copy that DUN keeps.
// Note we only do this for a dialup connection and not a tunnel since there
// is no modem speaker to worry about. See Millennium bug 127371.
LPBYTE lpDeviceInfo = OS_MIL ? (LPBYTE)1 : NULL;
DWORD dwResDbg = pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnSetEntryProperties(pszRasPbk, pArgs->pRasDialParams->szEntryName, preRasEntry, preRasEntry->dwSize, lpDeviceInfo, 0);
CMTRACE2(TEXT("DoRasDial() RasSetEntryProperties(*pszPhoneBook=%s) returns %u."), MYDBGSTR(pArgs->pRasDialParams->szEntryName), dwResDbg);
CMASSERTMSG(dwResDbg == ERROR_SUCCESS, TEXT("RasSetEntryProperties failed")); //
// set the subentries for isdn dual channel/dial on demand
if (pArgs->dwIsdnDialMode != CM_ISDN_MODE_SINGLECHANNEL && rgRasSubEntry && pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnSetSubEntryProperties) { UINT i; for (i=0; i< dwSubEntryCount; i++) { #ifdef DEBUG
dwResDbg = #endif
pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnSetSubEntryProperties(pszRasPbk, pArgs->pRasDialParams->szEntryName, i+1, &rgRasSubEntry[i], rgRasSubEntry[i].dwSize, NULL, 0);
CMTRACE2(TEXT("DoRasDial: RasSetSubEntryProps(index=%u) returned %u"), i+1, dwResDbg); CMASSERTMSG(!dwResDbg, TEXT("RasSetSubEntryProperties failed")); }
CmFree(rgRasSubEntry); } }
// Set the TCP Window size -- the NTT DoCoMo fix for Win2k. The Win2k version of this fix
// must be written through a private RAS API that must be called after the phonebook entry
// exists ie. after we call RasSetEntryProperties ... otherwise it won't work on the first
// dial.
if (OS_NT5 && !OS_NT51) { //
// Figure out the DUN setting name to use and then build up TCP/IP&DunName.
LPTSTR pszDunSetting = GetDunSettingName(pArgs, dwEntry, FALSE); LPTSTR pszSection = CmStrCpyAlloc(c_pszCmSectionDunTcpIp); pszSection = CmStrCatAlloc(&pszSection, TEXT("&"));
if (pszDunSetting && pszSection) { pszSection = CmStrCatAlloc(&pszSection, pszDunSetting);
if (pszSection) { DWORD dwTcpWindowSize = piniService->GPPI(pszSection, c_pszCmEntryDunTcpIpTcpWindowSize, 0);
(void)SetTcpWindowSizeOnWin2k(pArgs->rlsRasLink.hInstRas, pArgs->szServiceName, pszRasPbk, dwTcpWindowSize); } else { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("DoRasDial -- unable to allocate section name for setting TcpWindowSize")); } } else { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("DoRasDial -- unable to allocate section name or dun setting name for setting TcpWindowSize")); }
CmFree (pszDunSetting); CmFree (pszSection); }
// On NT5, check for EAP configuration and update the connectoid accordingly.
if (OS_NT5) { //
// pbEapAuthData can be NULL and dwEapAuthDataSize can be 0. The API handles this.
// By passing in NULL and 0, we make sure that the CustomAuthData in rasphone.pbk
// gets cleared.
if (pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnSetCustomAuthData) { dwTmp = pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnSetCustomAuthData(pszRasPbk, pArgs->pRasDialParams->szEntryName, pbEapAuthData, dwEapAuthDataSize);
CMTRACE1(TEXT("DoRasDial() - SetCustomAuthData returns %u"), dwTmp);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwTmp) { dwRes = dwTmp; goto exit; } } }
// Prepare Phone Number
lstrcpynU(pArgs->pRasDialParams->szPhoneNumber, pArgs->aDialInfo[dwEntry].szDialablePhoneNumber, sizeof(pArgs->pRasDialParams->szPhoneNumber)/sizeof(TCHAR));
// Prepare user info
// #165775 - RADIUS/CHAP authentication requires that we omit the
// user specified domain from the dial params and pre-pend it to
// the user name instead when doing same-name logon. - nickball
if (!pArgs->fUseTunneling || pArgs->fUseSameUserName) { pszUsername = pArgs->szUserName; pszDomain = pArgs->szDomain; pSecPass = &(pArgs->SecurePW); } else { //
// if there's no username or password, we need to ask the user for it.
BOOL fIsInetPWEmpty = FALSE;
fIsInetPWEmpty = pArgs->SecureInetPW.IsEmptyString();
if (!*pArgs->szInetUserName && !pArgs->fHideInetUsername && !pArgs->piniService->GPPB(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryUserNameOptional) || fIsInetPWEmpty && !pArgs->fHideInetPassword && !pArgs->piniService->GPPB(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryPwdOptional)) { //
// We need to collect data from user, determine the dlg template ID
if (pArgs->fHideInetUsername) { uiTemplateID = IDD_INTERNET_SIGNIN_NO_UID; } else if (pArgs->fHideInetPassword) { uiTemplateID = IDD_INTERNET_SIGNIN_NO_PWD; }
// Now load the dialog
CInetSignInDlg SignInDlg(pArgs);
if (IDCANCEL == SignInDlg.DoDialogBox(g_hInst, uiTemplateID, hwndDlg)) { dwRes = ERROR_CANCELLED; goto exit; } } pszUsername = pArgs->szInetUserName; pSecPass = &(pArgs->SecureInetPW); }
// Apply suffix, prefix, to username as necessary
pszTmp = ApplyPrefixSuffixToBufferAlloc(pArgs, piniService, pszUsername); MYDBGASSERT(pszTmp);
if (pszTmp) { //
// Apply domain to username as necessary. Note: Reassigns pszUsername
pszUsername = ApplyDomainPrependToBufferAlloc(pArgs, piniService, pszTmp, (pArgs->aDialInfo[dwEntry].szDUN)); MYDBGASSERT(pszUsername); if (pszUsername) { lstrcpynU(pArgs->pRasDialParams->szUserName, pszUsername, sizeof(pArgs->pRasDialParams->szUserName)/sizeof(TCHAR)); } CmFree(pszUsername); CmFree(pszTmp); }
pszUsername = NULL; pszTmp = NULL;
// Update RasDialPArams with domain info if we have any
if (pszDomain) { lstrcpyU(pArgs->pRasDialParams->szDomain, pszDomain); } //
// Prepare the password
if (pSecPass) { fRetPassword = pSecPass->GetPasswordWithAlloc(&pszClearPassword, &cbClearPassword);
if (fRetPassword && pszClearPassword) { //
// Convert password: all upper case, all lower case, or no conversion
ApplyPasswordHandlingToBuffer(pArgs, pszClearPassword); (VOID)pSecPass->SetPassword(pszClearPassword);
// Clear and Free the clear-text password
pSecPass->ClearAndFree(&pszClearPassword, cbClearPassword); cbClearPassword = 0; } } else { dwRes = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; goto exit; }
if (pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnDial) { LPTSTR pszDunSetting = GetDunSettingName(pArgs, dwEntry, FALSE); LPTSTR pszPhoneBook = GetCMSforPhoneBook(pArgs, dwEntry); pArgs->Log.Log(PREDIAL_EVENT, pArgs->pRasDialParams->szUserName, pArgs->pRasDialParams->szDomain, SAFE_LOG_ARG(pszPhoneBook), SAFE_LOG_ARG(pszDunSetting), pArgs->szDeviceName, pArgs->aDialInfo[dwEntry].szDialablePhoneNumber);
CmFree(pszDunSetting); CmFree(pszPhoneBook); //
// Run pre-dial connect action before calling RasDial
CActionList PreDialActList; PreDialActList.Append(pArgs->piniService, c_pszCmSectionPreDial);
if (!PreDialActList.RunAccordType(hwndDlg, pArgs)) { //
// Some pre-tunnel connect action failed
dwRes = ERROR_INVALID_DLL; // Only used for failed CA
} else { //
// Set state and tick counters.
pArgs->psState = PS_Dialing; pArgs->dwStateStartTime = GetTickCount(); pArgs->nLastSecondsDisplay = (UINT) -1;
// Record the initial Dial-Up Adapter Statistic info
// open the registry key for the perfmon data
if (pArgs->pConnStatistics) { pArgs->pConnStatistics->InitStatistics(); } if (OS_NT) { BOOL fUsePausedStates = TRUE; BOOL fUseCustomScripting = !!(preRasEntry->dwfOptions & RASEO_CustomScript); // OS_NT51 (whistler+) only
if (OS_NT4) { //
// If a script is specified, then explcitly don't handle
// pause states. This is because we can't handle the script
// pause state. On W2K, RAS is smart enough not to send us
// the scripting pause state because we have the terminal
// option turned off.
if (preRasEntry->szScript[0] != TEXT('\0')) { fUsePausedStates = FALSE; } }
dwRes = SetRasDialExtensions(pArgs, fUsePausedStates, fUseCustomScripting); if (dwRes != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto exit; }
// On NT5, we may be getting credentials via EAP
if (OS_NT5 && ((LPRASENTRY_V500)preRasEntry)->dwCustomAuthKey) { //
// We're using EAP, get credentials from EAP through RAS
dwRes = GetEapUserId(pArgs, hwndDlg, pszRasPbk, pbEapAuthData, dwEapAuthDataSize, ((LPRASENTRY_V500)preRasEntry)->dwCustomAuthKey, &lpRasEapUserIdentity);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwRes) { goto exit; } } }
CMTRACE1(TEXT("DoRasDial: pArgs->pRasDialParams->szUserName is %s"), pArgs->pRasDialParams->szUserName); CMTRACE1(TEXT("DoRasDial: pArgs->pRasDialParams->szDomain is %s"), pArgs->pRasDialParams->szDomain); CMTRACE1(TEXT("DoRasDial: pArgs->pRasDialParams->szPhoneNumber is %s"), pArgs->pRasDialParams->szPhoneNumber); //
// Decode the password, and fill dial params, then re-encode both the pArgs
// version of the password and the dial params copy.
fRetPassword = pSecPass->GetPasswordWithAlloc(&pszClearPassword, &cbClearPassword);
if (fRetPassword && pszClearPassword) { lstrcpynU(pArgs->pRasDialParams->szPassword, pszClearPassword, sizeof(pArgs->pRasDialParams->szPassword)/sizeof(TCHAR));
// Clear and Free the clear-text password
pSecPass->ClearAndFree(&pszClearPassword, cbClearPassword); cbClearPassword = 0; }
// Write the RasDialParams if necessary.
// We must keep this, even though RasSetEntryDialParams() is expensive. Inverse uses the
// information stored in the DialParams structure. However, since this can cause problems
// with EAP (overwriting the saved PIN for instance) we will make the storing of the
// credential information configurable by a CMS flag. Specifically, the WriteRasDialParams
// flag in the [Connection Manager] section. If the flag is 1, then we will write the
// RasDialParams and otherwise we won't. Note that the flag defaults to 0.
// Please see bug 399976 for reference.
if (piniService->GPPI(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryWriteDialParams)) { //
// Note that since we throw the connectoid away if we are on NT and
// doing a double dial, there is no point in making an expensive set
// dial params call on it.
if ((!pArgs->fUseTunneling && pArgs->fRememberMainPassword) || (pArgs->fUseTunneling && pArgs->fRememberInetPassword && OS_W9X)) { DWORD dwResDbg = pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnSetEntryDialParams(pszRasPbk, pArgs->pRasDialParams, FALSE); CMTRACE1(TEXT("DoRasDial() SetEntryDialParams returns %u."), dwResDbg); } else { //
// Forget the password, note that the DialParams contain the password but we set the
// fRemovePassword flag to TRUE so the password will be removed anyway.
DWORD dwResDbg = pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnSetEntryDialParams(pszRasPbk, pArgs->pRasDialParams, TRUE); CMTRACE1(TEXT("DoRasDial() SetEntryDialParams returns %u."), dwResDbg); } } //
// Do the dial (PPP)
if (OS_NT) { lstrcpyU(pArgs->pRasDialParams->szCallbackNumber, TEXT("*")); }
// check to ensure we're not already in a Cancel operation
LONG lInConnectOrCancel = InterlockedExchange(&(pArgs->lInConnectOrCancel), IN_CONNECT_OR_CANCEL); CMASSERTMSG(((NOT_IN_CONNECT_OR_CANCEL == lInConnectOrCancel) || (IN_CONNECT_OR_CANCEL == lInConnectOrCancel)), TEXT("DoRasDial - synch variable has unexpected value!"));
if (NOT_IN_CONNECT_OR_CANCEL == lInConnectOrCancel) { dwRes = pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnDial(pArgs->pRasDialExtensions, pszRasPbk, pArgs->pRasDialParams, GetRasCallBackType(), GetRasCallBack(pArgs), &pArgs->hrcRasConn); } else { // this is a rare stress case - deliberately did not set dwRes to error value.
CMTRACE(TEXT("DoRasDial() did not dial, we are already in a Cancel operation")); }
(void) InterlockedExchange(&(pArgs->lInConnectOrCancel), NOT_IN_CONNECT_OR_CANCEL);
// No need for us to hold on to this password in this structure since
// we are done using it.
CMTRACE1(TEXT("DoRasDial() RasDial() returns %u."), dwRes); if (dwRes != ERROR_SUCCESS) { pArgs->hrcRasConn = NULL; goto exit; } } }
if (lpRasEapUserIdentity) { MYDBGASSERT(OS_NT5); // NO EAP down-level
// A RasEapUserIdentity struct was allocated, free it via the
// appropriate free mechanism. In the WinLogon case we will always
// perform the allocation, otherwise we have to go through RAS API.
if (pArgs->lpEapLogonInfo) { CmFree(lpRasEapUserIdentity); } else { if (pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnFreeEapUserIdentity) { pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnFreeEapUserIdentity(lpRasEapUserIdentity); } } }
CmFree(pbEapAuthData); CmFree(preRasEntry);
delete piniService;
return dwRes; }
// Function: DoTunnelDial
// Synopsis: call RasDial to dial up to the tunnel server
// Arguments: hwndDlg [dlg window handle]
// pargs pointer to ArgValue structure
// Returns: DWORD -
// ERROR_SUCCESS if success
// E_UNEXPECTED, unexpected error, such as phone entry not found
// Otherwise, RAS error
// History: byao Created 3/1/97
// fengsun change return type to DWORD 3/6/98
DWORD DoTunnelDial(IN HWND hwndDlg, IN ArgsStruct *pArgs) { LPRASENTRY preRasEntry = NULL; LPRASEAPUSERIDENTITY lpRasEapUserIdentity = NULL; LPTSTR pszVpnSetting = NULL;
LPBYTE pbEapAuthData = NULL; // Ptr to Eap Data
DWORD dwEapAuthDataSize = 0; // The size of the EAP blob if any
CSecurePassword* pSecPass = &(pArgs->SecurePW); LPTSTR pszClearPassword = NULL; DWORD cbClearPassword = 0; BOOL fRetPassword = FALSE;
MYDBGASSERT(pArgs->hrcTunnelConn == NULL); pArgs->hrcTunnelConn = NULL; //
// What's the tunnel end point? Do this now so that the UI can be updated
// properly if lana wait or pre-tunnel actions are time consuming.
LPTSTR pszTunnelIP = pArgs->piniBothNonFav->GPPS(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryTunnelAddress); if (pszTunnelIP) { if (lstrlenU(pszTunnelIP) > RAS_MaxPhoneNumber) { pszTunnelIP[0] = TEXT('\0'); }
pArgs->SetPrimaryTunnel(pszTunnelIP); CmFree(pszTunnelIP); }
// See if tunnel server was specified
if (!(pArgs->GetTunnelAddress()[0])) { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("DoTunnelDial() TunnelAddress is invalid.")); return ERROR_BAD_ADDRESS_SPECIFIED; }
CMTRACE1(TEXT("DoTunnelDial() - TunnelAddress is %s"), pArgs->GetTunnelAddress()); //
// Caution should be used when changing this if statement. We want this to happen both for direct connect
// and for double dial connections. You can still get into the LANA situation with two CM
// connections dialed independently (one to the internet and the other a tunnel), doing the lana
// wait for direct connections prevents the lana registration problem from occuring in this situation.
// Note that the Lana wait isn't necessary on Win98 SE or Win98 Millennium because the DUN bug
// is fixed. Thus we have reversed the default and will only do the LANA wait if the reg key exists
// and specifies that the wait should be performed.
if (OS_W9X) { //
// Sets us up to wait for Vredir to register LANA for connection to internet
// Note: Returns FALSE if the user hits cancel while we are waiting. In this
// event, we should not continue the tunnel dial.
if (FALSE == LanaWait(pArgs, hwndDlg)) { return ERROR_SUCCESS; } }
LPTSTR pszDunSetting = GetDunSettingName(pArgs, -1, TRUE);
pArgs->Log.Log(PRETUNNEL_EVENT, pArgs->szUserName, pArgs->szDomain, SAFE_LOG_ARG(pszDunSetting), pArgs->szTunnelDeviceName, pArgs->GetTunnelAddress());
CActionList PreTunnelActList; if (PreTunnelActList.Append(pArgs->piniService, c_pszCmSectionPreTunnel)) { CMTRACE(TEXT("DoTunnelDial() - Running Pre-Tunnel actions")); if (!PreTunnelActList.RunAccordType(hwndDlg, pArgs)) { //
// Some pre-tunnel connect action failed
dwRes = ERROR_INVALID_DLL; // Only used for failed CA
goto exit; }
// Now that pre-tunnel actions have run, what's the tunnel end point?
// We perform this read again here in the event that the pre-tunnel
// action modified the tunnel address. Note: This is an exception to
// the rule that the .CMS should not be modified on the client side,
// especially by 3rd parties.
// REVIEW: It probably isn't necessary to re-read this with the new VPN tab. However, some people might still
// be using the connect action solution that ITG gave out and we want to be careful not to break them if
// we haven't already. Thus we will continue to re-read this for Whistler but we should remove it afterwards.
// quintinb 11-01-00
pszTunnelIP = pArgs->piniBothNonFav->GPPS(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryTunnelAddress); if (pszTunnelIP) { if (lstrlenU(pszTunnelIP) > RAS_MaxPhoneNumber) { pszTunnelIP[0] = TEXT('\0'); }
pArgs->SetPrimaryTunnel(pszTunnelIP); CmFree(pszTunnelIP); } //
// See if tunnel server was specified
if (!(pArgs->GetTunnelAddress()[0])) { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("DoTunnelDial() TunnelAddress is invalid.")); dwRes = (DWORD)ERROR_BAD_ADDRESS_SPECIFIED; goto exit; }
CMTRACE1(TEXT("DoTunnelDial() - TunnelAddress is %s"), pArgs->GetTunnelAddress()); }
// Setup dial params
if (!pArgs->pRasDialParams) { pArgs->pRasDialParams = AllocateAndInitRasDialParams();
if (!pArgs->pRasDialParams) { CMTRACE(TEXT("DoTunnelDial: failed to alloc a ras dial params")); dwRes = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto exit; } } else { InitRasDialParams(pArgs->pRasDialParams); }
// Get the connectoid name
LPTSTR pszConnectoid; pszConnectoid = GetRasConnectoidName(pArgs, pArgs->piniService, TRUE); if (!pszConnectoid) { dwRes = (DWORD)ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto exit; }
lstrcpyU(pArgs->pRasDialParams->szEntryName, pszConnectoid); CmFree(pszConnectoid);
// We'll create the RAS connectoid if the RAS connectoid doesn't exist.
// NOTE: Tunnel settings should always be taken from the top-level CMS.
// so use it when creating the connectoid.
pszVpnSetting = pArgs->piniBothNonFav->GPPS(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryTunnelDun, TEXT(""));
preRasEntry = CreateRASEntryStruct(pArgs, (pszVpnSetting ? pszVpnSetting : TEXT("")), pArgs->piniService, TRUE, pArgs->pszRasPbk, &pbEapAuthData, &dwEapAuthDataSize);
if (!preRasEntry) { dwRes = GetLastError(); goto exit; }
// If this is Millennium we need to disable Idle disconnect so that it doesn't
// fight with ours.
if (OS_MIL) { MYVERIFY(DisableSystemIdleDisconnect(preRasEntry)); }
// We need to delete a second sub entry if it exists. See 406637 for details
if (pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnDeleteSubEntry) // available on NT5 & Millennium currently
{ DWORD dwReturn = pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnDeleteSubEntry(pArgs->pszRasPbk, pArgs->pRasDialParams->szEntryName, (OS_MIL ? 1 : 2)); // see comment in DoRasDial
CMTRACE1(TEXT("DoTunnelDial -- Called RasDeleteSubEntry to delete a second sub entry if it exists, dwReturn=%d"), dwReturn); }
// On NT5, we have to set the connection type to VPN instead of Internet
if (OS_NT5) { MYDBGASSERT(preRasEntry->dwSize >= sizeof(RASENTRY_V500)); ((LPRASENTRY_V500)preRasEntry)->dwType = RASET_Vpn; ((LPRASENTRY_V500)preRasEntry)->szDeviceName[0] = TEXT('\0'); // let RAS pickup the tunnel device
if (pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnSetEntryProperties) {
#ifdef DEBUG
LPRASENTRY_V500 lpRasEntry50; if (OS_NT5) { lpRasEntry50 = (LPRASENTRY_V500) preRasEntry; } #endif
dwRes = pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnSetEntryProperties(pArgs->pszRasPbk, pArgs->pRasDialParams->szEntryName, preRasEntry, preRasEntry->dwSize, NULL, 0); CMTRACE2(TEXT("DoTunnelDial() RasSetEntryProperties(*lpszEntry=%s) returns %u."), MYDBGSTR(pArgs->pRasDialParams->szEntryName), dwRes);
CMASSERTMSG(dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS, TEXT("RasSetEntryProperties for VPN failed")); }
// Set the TCP Window size -- the NTT DoCoMo fix for Win2k. The Win2k version of this fix
// must be written through a private RAS API that must be called after the phonebook entry
// exists ie. after we call RasSetEntryProperties ... otherwise it won't work on the first
// dial.
if (OS_NT5 && !OS_NT51) { //
// Figure out the DUN setting name to use and then build up TCP/IP&DunName.
pszDunSetting = GetDunSettingName(pArgs, -1, TRUE); LPTSTR pszSection = CmStrCpyAlloc(c_pszCmSectionDunTcpIp); pszSection = CmStrCatAlloc(&pszSection, TEXT("&"));
if (pszDunSetting && pszSection) { pszSection = CmStrCatAlloc(&pszSection, pszDunSetting);
if (pszSection) { DWORD dwTcpWindowSize = pArgs->piniService->GPPI(pszSection, c_pszCmEntryDunTcpIpTcpWindowSize, 0);
(void)SetTcpWindowSizeOnWin2k(pArgs->rlsRasLink.hInstRas, pArgs->szServiceName, pArgs->pszRasPbk, dwTcpWindowSize); } else { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("DoTunnelDial -- unable to allocate section name for setting TcpWindowSize")); } } else { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("DoTunnelDial -- unable to allocate section name or dun setting name for setting TcpWindowSize")); }
CmFree (pszDunSetting); CmFree (pszSection); } //
// On NT5, check for EAP configuration and update the connectoid accordingly.
if (OS_NT5) { //
// pbEapAuthData can be NULL and dwEapAuthDataSize can be 0. The API handles this.
// By passing in NULL and 0, we make sure that the CustomAuthData in rasphone.pbk
// gets cleared.
if (pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnSetCustomAuthData) { dwTmp = pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnSetCustomAuthData(pArgs->pszRasPbk, pArgs->pRasDialParams->szEntryName, pbEapAuthData, dwEapAuthDataSize); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwTmp) { CMTRACE(TEXT("DoTunnelDial() - SetCustomAuthData failed")); dwRes = dwTmp; goto exit; } } }
// Phone Number for PPTP is the DNS name of IP addr of PPTP server
lstrcpynU(pArgs->pRasDialParams->szPhoneNumber,pArgs->GetTunnelAddress(), sizeof(pArgs->pRasDialParams->szPhoneNumber));
// Prepare User Name and Domain
lstrcpyU(pArgs->pRasDialParams->szUserName, pArgs->szUserName); lstrcpyU(pArgs->pRasDialParams->szDomain, pArgs->szDomain); //
// Prepare the password
if (pSecPass) { fRetPassword = pSecPass->GetPasswordWithAlloc(&pszClearPassword, &cbClearPassword);
if (fRetPassword && pszClearPassword) { //
// Convert password: all upper case, all lower case, or no conversion
ApplyPasswordHandlingToBuffer(pArgs, pszClearPassword); (VOID)pSecPass->SetPassword(pszClearPassword);
// Clear and Free the clear-text password
pSecPass->ClearAndFree(&pszClearPassword, cbClearPassword); cbClearPassword = 0; } } else { CMTRACE(TEXT("DoTunnelDial() - CmSecurePassword object (pSecPass) is NULL!")); dwRes = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; goto exit; }
if (pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnDial) { if (pArgs->IsDirectConnect()) { //
// Record the initial Dial-Up Adapter Statistic info.
if (pArgs->pConnStatistics) { pArgs->pConnStatistics->InitStatistics(); } }
if (OS_NT) { MYDBGASSERT(TEXT('\0') == preRasEntry->szScript[0]); // we should never have a script on a tunnel connection
dwRes = SetRasDialExtensions(pArgs, TRUE, FALSE); // TRUE == fUsePausedStates, FALSE == fEnableCustomScripting
if (dwRes != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto exit; }
// On NT5, we may be getting credentials via EAP
if (OS_NT5 && ((LPRASENTRY_V500)preRasEntry)->dwCustomAuthKey) { //
// We're using EAP, get credentials from EAP through RAS
dwRes = GetEapUserId(pArgs, hwndDlg, pArgs->pszRasPbk, pbEapAuthData, dwEapAuthDataSize, ((LPRASENTRY_V500)preRasEntry)->dwCustomAuthKey, &lpRasEapUserIdentity);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwRes) { goto exit; } } }
CMTRACE1(TEXT("DoTunnelDial: pArgs->pRasDialParams->szUserName is %s"), pArgs->pRasDialParams->szUserName); CMTRACE1(TEXT("DoTunnelDial: pArgs->pRasDialParams->szDomain is %s"), pArgs->pRasDialParams->szDomain); CMTRACE1(TEXT("DoTunnelDial: pArgs->pRasDialParams->szPhoneNumber is %s"), pArgs->pRasDialParams->szPhoneNumber); //
// Get the password before dialing.
fRetPassword = pSecPass->GetPasswordWithAlloc(&pszClearPassword, &cbClearPassword);
if (fRetPassword && pszClearPassword) { lstrcpyU(pArgs->pRasDialParams->szPassword, pszClearPassword);
// Clear and Free the clear-text password
pSecPass->ClearAndFree(&pszClearPassword, cbClearPassword); cbClearPassword = 0; }
// Do the dial (PPTP or L2TP)
dwRes = pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnDial(pArgs->pRasDialExtensions, pArgs->pszRasPbk, pArgs->pRasDialParams, GetRasCallBackType(), GetRasCallBack(pArgs), &pArgs->hrcTunnelConn);
// No need for us to hold on to this password in this structure since
// we are done using it.
CMTRACE1(TEXT("DoTunnelDial() RasDial() returns %u."), dwRes);
// NT5 - Reset the connection type so that it will display properly in
// the Connections Folder. This is a temporary solution to #187202
if (OS_NT5) { MYDBGASSERT(preRasEntry->dwSize >= sizeof(RASENTRY_V500)); ((LPRASENTRY_V500)preRasEntry)->dwType = RASET_Internet;
if (pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnSetEntryProperties) { dwTmp = pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnSetEntryProperties(pArgs->pszRasPbk, pArgs->pRasDialParams->szEntryName, preRasEntry, preRasEntry->dwSize, NULL, 0);
CMTRACE2(TEXT("DoTunnelDial() RasSetEntryProperties(*lpszEntry=%s) returns %u."), MYDBGSTR(pArgs->pRasDialParams->szEntryName), dwTmp);
CMASSERTMSG(dwTmp == ERROR_SUCCESS, TEXT("RasSetEntryProperties for VPN failed")); } }
if (dwRes != ERROR_SUCCESS) { pArgs->hrcTunnelConn = NULL; goto exit; } }
if (lpRasEapUserIdentity) { MYDBGASSERT(OS_NT5); // NO EAP down-level
// A RasEapUserIdentity struct was allocated, free it via the
// appropriate free mechanism. In the WinLogon case we will always
// perform the allocation, otherwise we have to go through RAS API.
if (pArgs->lpEapLogonInfo) { CmFree(lpRasEapUserIdentity); } else { if (pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnFreeEapUserIdentity) { pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnFreeEapUserIdentity(lpRasEapUserIdentity); } } }
CmFree(preRasEntry); // Now we can release the RAS entry structure. #187202
return dwRes; }
// Function: CheckConnect
// Synopsis: double check to make sure all required fields are filled in, such
// as username, password, modem, etc.
// Arguments: hwndDlg [dlg window handle]
// pArgs pointer to ArgValue structure
// pnCtrlFocus The button whose value is missing will have the focus
// fShowMsg Whether a message should be shown to the user or not. Default value of FALSE.
// Returns: True is ready to connect
// History: byao Modified 3/7/97
// nickball return BOOLEAN 9/9/98
BOOL CheckConnect(HWND hwndDlg, ArgsStruct *pArgs, UINT *pnCtrlFocus, BOOL fShowMsg) { LPTSTR pszTmp; BOOL bEnable = TRUE; int nId = 0; UINT nCtrlFocus; BOOL bSavedNoNotify = pArgs->fIgnoreChangeNotification;
pArgs->fIgnoreChangeNotification = TRUE; MYDBGASSERT(*pArgs->piniProfile->GetFile());
if (bEnable && IsTunnelEnabled(pArgs)) { //
// If we already have a device picked, no need to pick a new one...
if ((pArgs->szTunnelDeviceName[0] == TEXT('\0')) || (pArgs->szTunnelDeviceType[0] == TEXT('\0'))) {
lstrcpyU(pArgs->szTunnelDeviceType, RASDT_Vpn);
// Pick the tunnel device
if (!PickTunnelDevice(pArgs, pArgs->szTunnelDeviceType, pArgs->szTunnelDeviceName)) { //
// If we can't pick a tunnel device make sure tunneling is installed
// Disable the connect/setting button during component checking and installation
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDOK), FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_PROPERTIES_BUTTON), FALSE);
// Install the PPTP and pick tunnel device one more time
if (TRUE == pArgs->bDoNotCheckBindings) { dwComponentsToCheck &= ~CC_CHECK_BINDINGS; } //
// PPTP is not installed.
// If not unattended, try to install the PPTP and call PickTunnel again
if (!(pArgs->dwFlags & FL_UNATTENDED)) { pArgs->dwExitCode = CheckAndInstallComponents(dwComponentsToCheck, hwndDlg, pArgs->szServiceName); }
if (pArgs->dwExitCode != ERROR_SUCCESS || !PickTunnelDevice(pArgs, pArgs->szTunnelDeviceType, pArgs->szTunnelDeviceName)) { bEnable = FALSE; nId = GetPPTPMsgId(); nCtrlFocus = IDCANCEL; }
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_PROPERTIES_BUTTON), TRUE); } } }
// Next, check the username.
if (GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_USERNAME_EDIT)) { if (bEnable && !pArgs->piniService->GPPB(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryUserNameOptional)) { if (!SendDlgItemMessageU(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_USERNAME_EDIT, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, (LPARAM)0)) { bEnable = FALSE; nId = IDMSG_NEED_USERNAME; nCtrlFocus = IDC_MAIN_USERNAME_EDIT; } } }
// Next, check the password.
if (GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_PASSWORD_EDIT)) { if (!pArgs->piniService->GPPB(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryPwdOptional)) { if (!SendDlgItemMessageU(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_PASSWORD_EDIT, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, (LPARAM)0)) { if (bEnable) { bEnable = FALSE; nId = IDMSG_NEED_PASSWORD; nCtrlFocus = IDC_MAIN_PASSWORD_EDIT; }
// Disable "Remember password" check box
if (!pArgs->fHideRememberPassword) { pArgs->fRememberMainPassword = FALSE; CheckDlgButton(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_NOPASSWORD_CHECKBOX, FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_NOPASSWORD_CHECKBOX), FALSE);
if (pArgs->fGlobalCredentialsSupported) { //
// Also disable the option buttons
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_OPT_CREDS_SINGLE_USER), FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_OPT_CREDS_ALL_USER), FALSE); }
} //
// disable the "dial automatically..." checkbox
if (!pArgs->fHideDialAutomatically) { pArgs->fDialAutomatically = FALSE; pArgs->fRememberMainPassword = FALSE; CheckDlgButton(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_NOPROMPT_CHECKBOX, FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_NOPROMPT_CHECKBOX), FALSE); } } else { //
// Enable the "Remember password" checkbox
if (!pArgs->fHideRememberPassword) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_NOPASSWORD_CHECKBOX), TRUE); }
// Enable the "dial automatically..." checkbox
// if HideDialAutomatically is not set
// and if Password is not optional, Remember Password must be true
if ((!pArgs->fHideDialAutomatically) && (pArgs->fRememberMainPassword || pArgs->piniService->GPPB(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryPwdOptional))) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_NOPROMPT_CHECKBOX), TRUE); } } } }
// Next, check the domain.
if (GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_DOMAIN_EDIT)) { if (bEnable && !pArgs->piniService->GPPB(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryDomainOptional, TRUE)) { if (!SendDlgItemMessageU(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_DOMAIN_EDIT, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, (LPARAM)0)) { bEnable = FALSE; nId = IDMSG_NEED_DOMAIN; nCtrlFocus = IDC_MAIN_DOMAIN_EDIT; } } }
// Check whether primary phone number is empty -- a quick fix for bug 3123 -byao (4/11/97)
if (!pArgs->IsDirectConnect()) { //
// Its not a direct connection, so we must check the phonenumber. If both
// szPhoneNumber and szCanonical are blank then we don't have a number.
if (bEnable && IsBlankString(pArgs->aDialInfo[0].szPhoneNumber) && IsBlankString(pArgs->aDialInfo[0].szCanonical)) { bEnable = FALSE; if (pArgs->fNeedConfigureTapi) { nId = IDMSG_NEED_CONFIGURE_TAPI; } else { //
// If direct and dial-up,the message should include the
// possibility of direct connection, otherwise use
// the standard need a phone number message
if (pArgs->IsBothConnTypeSupported()) { nId = IDMSG_NEED_PHONE_DIRECT; } else { nId = IDMSG_NEED_PHONE_DIAL; } } nCtrlFocus = IDC_MAIN_PROPERTIES_BUTTON; } } //
// If tunneling is enabled and we are using a VPN file, make sure
// the user has selected a tunnel endpoint.
if (bEnable && IsTunnelEnabled(pArgs) && pArgs->pszVpnFile) { LPTSTR pszTunnelAddress = pArgs->piniBothNonFav->GPPS(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryTunnelAddress);
if ((NULL == pszTunnelAddress) || (TEXT('\0') == pszTunnelAddress[0])) { bEnable = FALSE; nId = IDMSG_PICK_VPN_ADDRESS; nCtrlFocus = IDC_MAIN_PROPERTIES_BUTTON; }
CmFree(pszTunnelAddress); }
if (bEnable) { //
// well, now we can set the focus to the 'connect' button
// Display ready to dial message
nCtrlFocus = IDOK; nId = IDMSG_READY; }
if (pnCtrlFocus) { *pnCtrlFocus = nCtrlFocus; }
pszTmp = CmFmtMsg(g_hInst,nId);
if (NULL == pszTmp) { return FALSE; } SetDlgItemTextU(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_STATUS_DISPLAY, pszTmp);
// If necessary, throw a message box at the user.
if (!bEnable && fShowMsg) { MessageBoxEx(hwndDlg, pszTmp, pArgs->szServiceName, MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION, LANG_USER_DEFAULT);
CmFree(pszTmp); pArgs->fIgnoreChangeNotification = bSavedNoNotify;
// Something went wrong in the config. we need to recheck the
// configs next time we run CM.
if (GetPPTPMsgId() == nId) // not an assignment, stay left
{ ClearComponentsChecked(); }
return bEnable; }
void MainSetDefaultButton(HWND hwndDlg, UINT nCtrlId) { switch (nCtrlId) { case IDCANCEL: case IDC_MAIN_PROPERTIES_BUTTON: break;
default: nCtrlId = IDOK; break; }
SendMessageU(hwndDlg, DM_SETDEFID, (WPARAM)nCtrlId, 0); }
// Function: SetMainDlgUserInfo
// Synopsis: Set user info in the main dlg.
// Arguments: pArgs - the ArgStruct *
// hwndDlg - the main dlg
// Returns: NONE
// History: henryt Created 5/5/97
void SetMainDlgUserInfo( ArgsStruct *pArgs, HWND hwndDlg ) { HWND hwndTemp = NULL;
// Fill in the edit controls that exist
// Set the textbox modification flag. For Win9x compatibily issues we have to explicitly
// call SendMessageU instead of using the Edit_SetModify macro. The flag is used to see
// if the user has manually changed the contents of the edit boxes.
if (pArgs->fAccessPointsEnabled) { //
// This fuction populates the combo box passed to it with info from the reg
ShowAccessPointInfoFromReg(pArgs, hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_ACCESSPOINT_COMBO); }
hwndTemp = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_USERNAME_EDIT); if (hwndTemp) { SetDlgItemTextU(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_USERNAME_EDIT, pArgs->szUserName); SendMessageU(hwndTemp, EM_SETMODIFY, (WPARAM)FALSE, 0L); } hwndTemp = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_PASSWORD_EDIT); if (hwndTemp) { LPTSTR pszClearPassword = NULL; DWORD cbClearPassword = 0; BOOL fRetPassword = FALSE;
fRetPassword = pArgs->SecurePW.GetPasswordWithAlloc(&pszClearPassword, &cbClearPassword);
if (fRetPassword && pszClearPassword) { SetDlgItemTextU(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_PASSWORD_EDIT, pszClearPassword); SendMessageU(hwndTemp, EM_SETMODIFY, (WPARAM)FALSE, 0L);
// Clear and Free the clear-text password
pArgs->SecurePW.ClearAndFree(&pszClearPassword, cbClearPassword); } }
hwndTemp = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_DOMAIN_EDIT); if (hwndTemp) // !pArgs->fHideDomain)
{ SetDlgItemTextU(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_DOMAIN_EDIT, pArgs->szDomain); SendMessageU(hwndTemp, EM_SETMODIFY, (WPARAM)FALSE, 0L); } }
// Function: OnResetPassword
// Synopsis: Handle reset password.
// Arguments: pArgs - the ArgStruct *
// hwndDlg - the main dlg
// Returns: BOOL -- TRUE if SUCCEEDED
// History: henryt Created 5/6/97
BOOL OnResetPassword(HWND hwndDlg, ArgsStruct *pArgs) { LPTSTR pszArgs = NULL; LPTSTR pszCmd = NULL; BOOL bReturn = FALSE;
MYDBGASSERT(pArgs); MYDBGASSERT(pArgs->pszResetPasswdExe);
// Get the latest password data from the edit control
// and obfuscate its contents so that connect actions
// can't retrieve it.
GetPasswordFromEdit(pArgs); // fills pArgs->szPassword
ObfuscatePasswordEdit(pArgs); if (pArgs && pArgs->pszResetPasswdExe) { if (CmParsePath(pArgs->pszResetPasswdExe, pArgs->piniService->GetFile(), &pszCmd, &pszArgs)) { pArgs->Log.Log(PASSWORD_RESET_EVENT, pszCmd);
ZeroMemory(&ShellExInfo, sizeof(SHELLEXECUTEINFO));
// Fill in the Execute Struct
ShellExInfo.cbSize = sizeof(SHELLEXECUTEINFO); ShellExInfo.hwnd = hwndDlg; ShellExInfo.lpVerb = TEXT("open"); ShellExInfo.lpFile = pszCmd; ShellExInfo.lpParameters = pszArgs; ShellExInfo.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL;
bReturn = pArgs->m_ShellDll.ExecuteEx(&ShellExInfo); }
CmFree(pszCmd); CmFree(pszArgs); }
#ifdef DEBUG
CMASSERTMSG(bReturn, TEXT("OnResetPassword() - ShellExecute failed.")); #endif
return bReturn; }
// Function: OnCustom
// Synopsis: Handle custom button
// Arguments: pArgs - the ArgStruct *
// hwndDlg - the main dlg
// Returns: NONE
// History: t-adnani Created 6/26/99
void OnCustom( HWND hwndDlg, ArgsStruct *pArgs) { MYDBGASSERT(pArgs); if (NULL == pArgs) { return; }
// Get the latest password data from the edit control
// and obfuscate its contents so that connect actions
// can't retrieve it.
GetPasswordFromEdit(pArgs); // fills pArgs->szPassword
// Run the CustomButton actions
int iTextBoxLength = (int) SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_STATUS_DISPLAY, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, (LPARAM)0) + 1; TCHAR *pszTextBoxContents = (TCHAR *) CmMalloc(iTextBoxLength * sizeof(TCHAR));
if (pszTextBoxContents) { GetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_STATUS_DISPLAY, pszTextBoxContents, iTextBoxLength); } CActionList CustomActList; CustomActList.Append(pArgs->piniService, c_pszCmSectionCustom);
if (!CustomActList.RunAccordType(hwndDlg, pArgs)) { //
// Connect action failed
} else { if (pszTextBoxContents) { SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_STATUS_DISPLAY, pszTextBoxContents); } } CmFree(pszTextBoxContents);
DeObfuscatePasswordEdit(pArgs); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function: SetupInternalInfo
// Synopsis: Load system dll's and init ArgsStruct with info from cmp/cms.
// Arguments: pArgs - the ArgStruct *
// hwndDlg - the main dlg
// Returns: NONE
// History: henryt created 8/13/97
BOOL SetupInternalInfo( ArgsStruct *pArgs, HWND hwndDlg ) { HCURSOR hcursorPrev = SetCursor(LoadCursorU(NULL,IDC_WAIT)); BOOL fRet = FALSE;
// Check to see if the SafeNet Client is available.
if ((OS_W9X || OS_NT4) && IsSafeNetClientAvailable()) { SafeNetLinkageStruct SnLinkage = {0};
if (LinkToSafeNet(&SnLinkage)) { UnLinkFromSafeNet(&SnLinkage); pArgs->bSafeNetClientAvailable = TRUE; } }
// Should we check if TCP is bound to PPP? Note that if the SafeNet client is installed, we
// automatically don't check bindings because the Deterministic Networks shim is in the way
// and bindings checking will fail.
if (pArgs->bSafeNetClientAvailable) { pArgs->bDoNotCheckBindings = TRUE; } else { pArgs->bDoNotCheckBindings = pArgs->piniService->GPPB(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryDoNotCheckBindings, FALSE); }
if (TRUE == pArgs->bDoNotCheckBindings) { //
// Do not check if TCP is bound to PPP
dwComponentsToCheck &= ~CC_CHECK_BINDINGS; }
#if 0 // Don't do this until the user gets into the app.
// If current connection type is dial-up (not Direct means Dial-up),
// then check modem
if (!pArgs->IsDirectConnect()) { dwComponentsToCheck |= CC_MODEM; } */ #endif
if (TRUE == IsTunnelEnabled(pArgs)) { dwComponentsToCheck |= CC_PPTP; }
// should we check OS components, regardless what is in the registry key
// Default is use the registry key
BOOL fIgnoreRegKey = pArgs->piniService->GPPB(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryCheckOsComponents, FALSE);
// If fIgnoreRegKey is TRUE, Do not bother looking ComponentsChecked from registry.
// in 'Unattended Dialing' mode, check only, do not try to install
pArgs->dwExitCode = CheckAndInstallComponents( dwComponentsToCheck, hwndDlg, pArgs->szServiceName, fIgnoreRegKey, pArgs->dwFlags & FL_UNATTENDED);
if (pArgs->dwExitCode != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { goto done; } //
// If we haven't loaded RAS yet, do so now.
if (!IsRasLoaded(&(pArgs->rlsRasLink))) { if (!LinkToRas(&pArgs->rlsRasLink)) { if (pArgs->dwFlags & FL_UNATTENDED) { goto done; }
// Something terrible happened! We want to check our configs and install
// necessary components now.
dwComponentsToCheck = CC_RNA | CC_RASRUNNING | CC_TCPIP;
if (TRUE != pArgs->bDoNotCheckBindings) { dwComponentsToCheck |= CC_CHECK_BINDINGS; }
pArgs->dwExitCode = CheckAndInstallComponents(dwComponentsToCheck, hwndDlg, pArgs->szServiceName);
if (pArgs->dwExitCode != ERROR_SUCCESS || !LinkToRas(&pArgs->rlsRasLink)) { goto done; } } } //
// Load properties data
// Get phone info(phone #'s, etc)
// CheckConnect will check for empty phone number
fRet = TRUE;
done: SetCursor(hcursorPrev); return fRet; }
// Function: OnMainLoadStartupInfo
// Synopsis: Load the startup info for the main dlg(after WM_INITDIALOG).
// This includes loading system dll's and setting up the UI.
// Arguments: hwndDlg - the main dlg
// pArgs - the ArgStruct *
// Returns: NONE
// History: henryt created 8/13/97
void OnMainLoadStartupInfo( HWND hwndDlg, ArgsStruct *pArgs ) { UINT i; UINT nCtrlFocus; BOOL fSaveNoNotify = pArgs->fIgnoreChangeNotification;
pArgs->fStartupInfoLoaded = TRUE;
// if failed to load dll's, etc...
if (!SetupInternalInfo(pArgs, hwndDlg)) { PostMessageU(hwndDlg, WM_COMMAND, IDCANCEL,0); return; }
// Set the length limit for the edit controls that exist
if (GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_USERNAME_EDIT)) { i = (UINT)pArgs->piniService->GPPI(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryMaxUserName, UNLEN);
if (i <= 0) { i = UNLEN; // username
} SendDlgItemMessageU(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_USERNAME_EDIT, EM_SETLIMITTEXT, __min(UNLEN, i), 0); } if (GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_PASSWORD_EDIT)) { i = (UINT)pArgs->piniService->GPPI(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryMaxPassword, PWLEN); if (i <= 0) { i = PWLEN; // password
SendDlgItemMessageU(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_PASSWORD_EDIT, EM_SETLIMITTEXT, __min(PWLEN, i), 0); }
if (GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_DOMAIN_EDIT)) // !pArgs->fHideDomain)
{ i = (UINT)pArgs->piniService->GPPI(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryMaxDomain, DNLEN); if (i <= 0) { i = DNLEN; // domain
} SendDlgItemMessageU(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_DOMAIN_EDIT, EM_SETLIMITTEXT, __min(DNLEN, i), 0); }
// if there's no service msg text, we need to hide and disable the control
// so that context help doesn't work.
if (!GetWindowTextLengthU(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_MESSAGE_DISPLAY))) { ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_MESSAGE_DISPLAY), SW_HIDE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_MESSAGE_DISPLAY), FALSE); }
// display the user info
pArgs->fIgnoreChangeNotification = TRUE; SetMainDlgUserInfo(pArgs, hwndDlg); pArgs->fIgnoreChangeNotification = fSaveNoNotify;
// init "Remember password"
if (pArgs->fHideRememberPassword) { //
// disable and hide the checkbox if the ISP doesn't use this feature
//EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_NOPASSWORD_CHECKBOX), FALSE);
} else { CheckDlgButton(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_NOPASSWORD_CHECKBOX, pArgs->fRememberMainPassword); //
// Don't care if the pArgs->fRememberMainPassword is set
// since controls will get disabled later
// Set the save as option buttons according to what the current
// deafult is
SetCredentialUIOptionBasedOnDefaultCreds(pArgs, hwndDlg); }
// init "Dial automatically..."
if (pArgs->fHideDialAutomatically) { //
// disable and hide the checkbox if the ISP doesn't use this feature
//ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_NOPROMPT_CHECKBOX), SW_HIDE);
//EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_NOPROMPT_CHECKBOX), FALSE);
} else { CheckDlgButton(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_NOPROMPT_CHECKBOX, pArgs->fDialAutomatically); }
// Check the main dlg status and set the default button and focus accordingly
BOOL bReady = CheckConnect(hwndDlg,pArgs,&nCtrlFocus); MainSetDefaultButton(hwndDlg, nCtrlFocus); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, nCtrlFocus));
// Check if we want to dial without prompting user
// if so, send the button click to connect button
// We also want to dial if the user isn't logged on (ICS case)
if (bReady) { if (pArgs->fDialAutomatically || pArgs->dwFlags & FL_RECONNECT || pArgs->dwFlags & FL_UNATTENDED || ((CM_LOGON_TYPE_WINLOGON == pArgs->dwWinLogonType) && (pArgs->piniService->GPPB(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryUseWinLogonCredentials, TRUE)))) { PostMessageU(hwndDlg, WM_COMMAND, IDOK, 0); } } else { //
// there are settings missing.
// silently fail in unattended dial, set exit code
if (pArgs->dwFlags & FL_UNATTENDED) { pArgs->psState = PS_Error; pArgs->dwExitCode = ERROR_WRONG_INFO_SPECIFIED; PostMessageU(hwndDlg, WM_COMMAND, IDCANCEL,0); } }
CM_SET_TIMING_INTERVAL("OnMainLoadStartupInfo - Complete"); }
// Function: CreateCustomButtonNextToTextBox
// Synopsis: Creates a pushbutton next to the specified text box
// Arguments: HWND hwndDlg - Dialog Handle
// HWND hwndTextBox - TextBox Handle
// LPTSTR pszTitle - Push Button Title
// LPTSTR pszToolTip - Push Button Tooltip
// UINT uButtonID - Control ID of Button to create
// Returns: Nothing
// History: t-adnani Created Header 6/28/99
void CreateCustomButtonNextToTextBox( HWND hwndDlg, // Dialog Handle
HWND hwndTextBox, // TextBox Handle
LPTSTR pszTitle, // Caption
LPTSTR pszToolTip, // ToolTip Text
UINT uButtonID // ButtonID
) { if ((NULL == hwndDlg) || (NULL == hwndTextBox) || (NULL == pszTitle) || (0 == uButtonID)) { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("Invalid parameter passed to CreateCustomButtonNextToTextBox")); return; }
RECT rt; POINT pt1, pt2, ptTextBox1, ptTextBox2; HFONT hfont; HWND hwndButton;
// Get the rectangle and convert to points before we reduce its size.
GetWindowRect(hwndTextBox, &rt);
pt1.x = rt.left; pt1.y = rt.top; pt2.x = rt.right; pt2.y = rt.bottom;
ScreenToClient(hwndDlg, &pt1); ScreenToClient(hwndDlg, &pt2);
// Then calculate the points for reduction
ptTextBox1.x = rt.left; ptTextBox1.y = rt.top; ptTextBox2.x = rt.right; ptTextBox2.y = rt.bottom;
ScreenToClient(hwndDlg, &ptTextBox1); ScreenToClient(hwndDlg, &ptTextBox2);
// Make the text box smaller
MoveWindow(hwndTextBox, ptTextBox1.x, ptTextBox1.y, ptTextBox2.x - ptTextBox1.x - CUSTOM_BUTTON_WIDTH - 7, ptTextBox2.y - ptTextBox1.y, TRUE); //
// Create the button
hwndButton = CreateWindowExU(0, TEXT("button"), pszTitle, BS_PUSHBUTTON|WS_VISIBLE|WS_CHILD|WS_TABSTOP, pt2.x - CUSTOM_BUTTON_WIDTH, ptTextBox1.y, CUSTOM_BUTTON_WIDTH, ptTextBox2.y-ptTextBox1.y, hwndDlg, (HMENU)UIntToPtr(uButtonID), g_hInst, NULL); if (NULL == hwndButton) { CMTRACE1(TEXT("CreateCustomButtonNextToTextBox() CreateWindowExU() failed, GLE=%u."),GetLastError()); } //
// Set the font on the button
hfont = (HFONT)SendMessageU(hwndTextBox, WM_GETFONT, 0, 0); if (NULL == hfont) { CMTRACE1(TEXT("CreateCustomButtonNextToTextBox() WM_GETFONT failed, GLE=%u."),GetLastError()); return; }
SendMessageU(hwndButton, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)hfont, MAKELPARAM(TRUE,0));
// do the tool tip
CMTRACE2(TEXT("CreateCustomButtonNextToTextBox() hwndTT is %u and IsWindow returns %u"),hwndTT, IsWindow(hwndButton));
if (NULL == hwndTT) { CMTRACE1(TEXT("CreateCustomButtonNextToTextBox() CreateWindowExU() failed, GLE=%u."),GetLastError()); MYDBGASSERT(hwndTT); return; }
TOOLINFO ti; // tool information
ti.cbSize = sizeof(TOOLINFO); ti.uFlags = TTF_IDISHWND | TTF_CENTERTIP | TTF_SUBCLASS; ti.hwnd = hwndDlg; ti.hinst = g_hInst; ti.uId = (UINT_PTR) hwndButton; ti.lpszText = pszToolTip;
SendMessageU(hwndTT, TTM_ADDTOOL, 0, (LPARAM) (LPTOOLINFO) &ti); CMTRACE2(TEXT("CreateCustomButtonNextToTextBox() hwndTT is %u and IsWindow returns %u"),hwndTT, IsWindow(hwndButton)); }
return; }
// Function: OnMainInit
// Synopsis: Process the WM_INITDIALOG message
// initialization function for Main dialog box
// Arguments: hwndDlg - the main dlg
// pArgs - the ArgStruct *
// Returns: NONE
// History: byao Modified 5/9/97
// Added code to handle "Unattended Dial" and "Dial with Connectoid"
void OnMainInit(HWND hwndDlg, ArgsStruct *pArgs) { RECT rDlg; RECT rWorkArea; LPTSTR pszTitle;
// load the icons and bitmaps
LoadIconsAndBitmaps(pArgs, hwndDlg);
// Use long sevice name as title text for signin window,
pszTitle = CmStrCpyAlloc(pArgs->szServiceName); SetWindowTextU(hwndDlg, pszTitle); CmFree(pszTitle);
// Set the msg for the main dlg for profile dialing
LPTSTR pszMsg = pArgs->piniService->GPPS(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryServiceMessage); SetDlgItemTextU(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_MESSAGE_DISPLAY, pszMsg); CmFree(pszMsg); //
// Show "remember password" checkbox?
if (IsLogonAsSystem()) { //
// If the program is running in the system account, hide the checkbox
// Bug 196184: big security hole logging onto box with cm
pArgs->fHideRememberPassword = TRUE;
// Another big security hole by launching help files from winlogon.
// See NTRAID 429678 for details.
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_HELP_BUTTON), FALSE);
} else { pArgs->fHideRememberPassword = pArgs->piniService->GPPB(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryHideRememberPwd); }
// See if the Internet Password should be hidden, take HideRemember
// value as the default if no actual value is specified in the .CMS
// The Internet Password can be saved regardless of the logon context
pArgs->fHideRememberInetPassword = pArgs->piniService->GPPB(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryHideRememberInetPwd, pArgs->fHideRememberPassword);
// show "dial automatically" checkbox?
// if "hide remember password", then we also want to hide "dial automatically"
pArgs->fHideDialAutomatically = (pArgs->fHideRememberPassword? TRUE : pArgs->piniService->GPPB(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryHideDialAuto));
// Get the dialog rect and the available work area.
GetWindowRect(hwndDlg,&rDlg); if (SystemParametersInfoA(SPI_GETWORKAREA,0,&rWorkArea,0)) {
MoveWindow(hwndDlg, rWorkArea.left + ((rWorkArea.right-rWorkArea.left)-(rDlg.right-rDlg.left))/2, rWorkArea.top + ((rWorkArea.bottom-rWorkArea.top)-(rDlg.bottom-rDlg.top))/2, rDlg.right-rDlg.left, rDlg.bottom-rDlg.top, FALSE); }
// hide all the hidden controls asap
if (pArgs->fHideRememberPassword) { //
// disable and hide the checkbox if the ISP doesn't use this feature
// Even though we are hiding the remember password box,
// we should not hide these two controls as they might not exist on the
// dialog. fGlobalCredentialsSupported controls which dialog templates get loaded and
// if the flag is FALSE then the dialog template doesn't have these controls
// thus there is no reason to hide them.
if (pArgs->fGlobalCredentialsSupported) { //
// Also hide the option buttons
ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_OPT_CREDS_SINGLE_USER), SW_HIDE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_OPT_CREDS_SINGLE_USER), FALSE);
ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_OPT_CREDS_ALL_USER), SW_HIDE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_OPT_CREDS_ALL_USER), FALSE); } } else { //
// Here we don't care if pArgs->fRememberMainPassword is set, because
// these controls will get disabled later, but we still need to set
// the default option.
SetCredentialUIOptionBasedOnDefaultCreds(pArgs, hwndDlg ); }
if (pArgs->fHideDialAutomatically) { //
// disable and hide the checkbox if the ISP doesn't use this feature
ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_NOPROMPT_CHECKBOX), SW_HIDE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_NOPROMPT_CHECKBOX), FALSE); }
// Show the custom button?
// NT #368810
// If logged on in the system account, don't do dynamic buttons
if (!IsLogonAsSystem() && GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_USERNAME_EDIT)) { LPTSTR pszTmp = pArgs->piniService->GPPS(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryCustomButtonText); if (pszTmp && *pszTmp) { LPTSTR pszToolTip = pArgs->piniService->GPPS(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryCustomButtonToolTip); CMTRACE(TEXT("Creating Custom Button"));
CreateCustomButtonNextToTextBox(hwndDlg, GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_USERNAME_EDIT), pszTmp, *pszToolTip ? pszToolTip : NULL, IDC_MAIN_CUSTOM); CmFree(pszToolTip); }
CmFree(pszTmp); }
// Show the reset password button?
if (!IsLogonAsSystem() && GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_PASSWORD_EDIT)) { LPTSTR pszTmp = pArgs->piniService->GPPS(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryResetPassword); if (pszTmp && *pszTmp) { DWORD dwTmp; DWORD dwLen = (MAX_PATH * 2);
pArgs->pszResetPasswdExe = (LPTSTR) CmMalloc(sizeof(TCHAR) * dwLen); if (pArgs->pszResetPasswdExe) { //
// Expand any environment strings that may exist
CMTRACE1(TEXT("Expanding ResetPassword environment string as %s"), pszTmp);
dwTmp = ExpandEnvironmentStringsU(pszTmp, pArgs->pszResetPasswdExe, dwLen); MYDBGASSERT(dwTmp <= dwLen);
// As long as expansion succeeded, pass along the result
if (dwTmp <= dwLen) { pszTitle = CmLoadString(g_hInst, IDS_RESETPASSWORD); CMTRACE((TEXT("Showing ResetPassword button for %s"), pArgs->pszResetPasswdExe)); CreateCustomButtonNextToTextBox(hwndDlg, GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_PASSWORD_EDIT), pszTitle, (LPTSTR)MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDS_NEW_PASSWORD_TOOLTIP), IDC_MAIN_RESET_PASSWORD); CmFree(pszTitle); } } }
CmFree(pszTmp); }
// Notify user that we are intializing
// Initialize system menu
HMENU hMenu = GetSystemMenu(hwndDlg, FALSE); MYDBGASSERT(hMenu);
// Delete size and maximize menuitems. These are
// not appropriate for a dialog with a no-resize frame.
// See if we are hiding any InetLogon controls
if (IsTunnelEnabled(pArgs) && !pArgs->fUseSameUserName) { pArgs->fHideInetUsername = pArgs->piniService->GPPB(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryHideInetUserName); pArgs->fHideInetPassword = pArgs->piniService->GPPB(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryHideInetPassword); }
// set timer
pArgs->nTimerId = SetTimer(hwndDlg,1,TIMER_RATE,NULL); }
// map state to frame: splash????
VOID MapStateToFrame(ArgsStruct * pArgs) { static ProgState psOldFrame = PS_Interactive;
ProgState psNewFrame = pArgs->psState;
if (psNewFrame == PS_Dialing || psNewFrame == PS_TunnelDialing) { //
// If we are dialing anything other than the primary number
// switch the state to RedialFrame
// RedialFrame is a misnomer - this is the frame that is displayed
// when dialing backup number. It is not used when Redialing the
// primary number again
if (pArgs->nDialIdx > 0) { psNewFrame = PS_RedialFrame; } }
if (pArgs->pCtr && psNewFrame != psOldFrame) { psOldFrame = psNewFrame;
// don't check for failure here - nothing we can do.
pArgs->pCtr->MapStateToFrame(psOldFrame); } }
// SetInteractive: enable most of the windows and buttons so user can interact with
// connection manager again
void SetInteractive(HWND hwndDlg, ArgsStruct *pArgs) {
if (pArgs->dwFlags & FL_UNATTENDED) { //
// When we are unattended mode we don't want to put the UI into
// interactive mode and wait for user input. Since the unattended
// UI is now hidden, this would put up the UI waiting for user
// interaction even though the UI was invisible. Instead we
// will set the state to Interactive and post a message to cancel
// the dialer.
CMTRACE(TEXT("SetInteractive called while in unattended mode, posting a message to cancel")); pArgs->psState = PS_Interactive; PostMessageU(hwndDlg, WM_COMMAND, IDCANCEL, ERROR_CANCELLED); } else {
pArgs->psState = PS_Interactive; MapStateToFrame(pArgs);
pArgs->dwStateStartTime = GetTickCount(); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDOK),TRUE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_MAIN_PROPERTIES_BUTTON),TRUE); //
// Enable edit controls as necessary
if (GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_ACCESSPOINT_COMBO)) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_MAIN_ACCESSPOINT_STATIC),TRUE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_MAIN_ACCESSPOINT_COMBO),TRUE); }
if (GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_USERNAME_EDIT)) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_MAIN_USERNAME_EDIT),TRUE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_MAIN_USERNAME_STATIC),TRUE); }
if (GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_PASSWORD_EDIT)) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_MAIN_PASSWORD_EDIT),TRUE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_MAIN_PASSWORD_STATIC),TRUE); }
if (GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_DOMAIN_EDIT)) // !pArgs->fHideDomain)
{ EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_MAIN_DOMAIN_EDIT),TRUE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_MAIN_DOMAIN_STATIC),TRUE); }
if (pArgs->hwndResetPasswdButton) { EnableWindow(pArgs->hwndResetPasswdButton, TRUE); }
if (!pArgs->fHideRememberPassword) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_NOPASSWORD_CHECKBOX), TRUE); if (pArgs->fGlobalCredentialsSupported && pArgs->fRememberMainPassword) { //
// Also enable the option buttons
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_OPT_CREDS_SINGLE_USER), TRUE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_OPT_CREDS_ALL_USER), TRUE); } }
if ((!pArgs->fHideDialAutomatically) && (pArgs->fRememberMainPassword || pArgs->piniService->GPPB(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryPwdOptional))) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_NOPROMPT_CHECKBOX), TRUE); }
// Set the default button
SendMessageU(hwndDlg, DM_SETDEFID, (WPARAM)IDOK, 0); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDOK)); }
DeObfuscatePasswordEdit(pArgs); }
// Function: SetWatchHandles
// Synopsis: Handles the messy details of Duplicating each of the Watch
// handles so that they can be accessed by the CMMON process.
// The list of handles is assumed to be NULL terminated.
// Arguments: HANDLE *phOldHandles - Ptr to the current handle list.
// HANDLE *phNewHandles - Ptr to storage for duplicted handles.
// HWND hwndMon - HWND in the target process.
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE on success
// History: nickball Created 2/11/98
BOOL SetWatchHandles( IN HANDLE *phOldHandles, OUT HANDLE *phNewHandles, IN HWND hwndMon) { MYDBGASSERT(phOldHandles); MYDBGASSERT(phNewHandles); MYDBGASSERT(hwndMon);
BOOL bReturn = TRUE; if (NULL == phOldHandles || NULL == phNewHandles || NULL == hwndMon) { return FALSE; } //
// First we need to get the Handle of our current process
DWORD dwProcessId = GetCurrentProcessId(); HANDLE hSourceProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE, FALSE, dwProcessId);
// Now the handle of the target process
GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwndMon, &dwProcessId);
HANDLE hTargetProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE, FALSE, dwProcessId); //
// Loop through our handles list and duplicate
DWORD dwIdx = 0;
if (hTargetProcess && hSourceProcess) { for (dwIdx = 0; phOldHandles[dwIdx]; dwIdx++) { if (FALSE == DuplicateHandle(hSourceProcess, phOldHandles[dwIdx], // Val
hTargetProcess, &phNewHandles[dwIdx], // Ptr
NULL, FALSE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS)) { CMTRACE1(TEXT("SetWatchHandles() - DuplicateHandles failed on item %u"), dwIdx); MYDBGASSERT(FALSE); bReturn = FALSE; break; } } }
MYDBGASSERT(dwIdx); // Don't call if you don't have handles to duplicate
// Cleanup
if (!bReturn) { // we failed during Handle Duplication... must clean up
while (dwIdx > 0) { CloseHandle(phNewHandles[--dwIdx]); } } CloseHandle(hTargetProcess); CloseHandle(hSourceProcess); return bReturn; }
// Function: ConnectMonitor
// Synopsis: Encapsulates the details of launching CMMON, waiting for load
// verification, and providing it with connect data.
// Arguments: ArgsStruct *pArgs - Ptr to global args struct
// Returns: HRESULT - Failure code
// History: nickball Created 2/9/98
HRESULT ConnectMonitor(ArgsStruct *pArgs) { LRESULT lRes = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL fMonReady = FALSE; HWND hwndMon = NULL; TCHAR szDesktopName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szWinDesktop[MAX_PATH];
// Determine if CMMON is running
if (SUCCEEDED(pArgs->pConnTable->GetMonitorWnd(&hwndMon))) { fMonReady = IsWindow(hwndMon); }
// If not, launch it
if (FALSE == fMonReady) { //
// Create launch event
HANDLE hEvent = CreateEventU(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, c_pszCmMonReadyEvent);
if (NULL == hEvent) { MYDBGASSERT(FALSE); lRes = GetLastError(); } else { STARTUPINFO StartupInfo; PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInfo; TCHAR szCommandLine[2 * MAX_PATH + 3]; TCHAR szCmmon32Path[MAX_PATH + 1 + 11 + 1]; // 11 == lstrlenU(c_pszCmMonExeName)
// Launch c_pszCmMonExeName
ZeroMemory(&ProcessInfo, sizeof(ProcessInfo)); ZeroMemory(&StartupInfo, sizeof(StartupInfo)); StartupInfo.cb = sizeof(StartupInfo);
// If this is win2k or whistler, then we don't want to launch cmmon32.exe onto the users
// desktop since it is a security hole to have a system process with a window on the users
// desktop. This window could be attacked by WM_TIMER and other messages ...
// But in case of ICS (no user is logged on), just launch CMMON in normally by leaving
// StartupInfo.lpDesktop = NULL. By leaving this NULL the new process inherits
// the desktop and window station of its parent process.This makes it work with
// ICS when no user is logged-on. Otherwise CM never gets the event back from
// CMMON because it's on a different desktop.
if (OS_NT5 && IsLogonAsSystem() && (CM_LOGON_TYPE_ICS != pArgs->dwWinLogonType)) { DWORD cb; HDESK hDesk = GetThreadDesktop(GetCurrentThreadId());
// Get the name of the desktop. Normally returns default or Winlogon or system or WinNT
szDesktopName[0] = 0; if (hDesk && GetUserObjectInformation(hDesk, UOI_NAME, szDesktopName, sizeof(szDesktopName), &cb)) { lstrcpyU(szWinDesktop, TEXT("Winsta0\\")); lstrcatU(szWinDesktop, szDesktopName); StartupInfo.lpDesktop = szWinDesktop; StartupInfo.wShowWindow = SW_SHOW; CMTRACE1(TEXT("ConnectMonitor - running under system account, so launching cmmon32.exe onto Desktop = %s"), MYDBGSTR(StartupInfo.lpDesktop)); } else { //
// If we are here, cmmon32.exe probably isn't going to be able to communicate with
// cmdial32.dll which means the handoff between the two will fail and the call will be
// aborted.
CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("ConnectMonitor -- GetUserObjectInformation failed.")); } } else if (OS_NT4 && IsLogonAsSystem()) { //
// We are less concerned about the security risk on NT4 and more concerned with the loss
// of the functionality that cmmon32.exe provides to the user. Thus we will push the
// cmmon32.exe window onto the user's desktop.
StartupInfo.lpDesktop = TEXT("Winsta0\\Default"); StartupInfo.wShowWindow = SW_SHOW; CMTRACE1(TEXT("ConnectMonitor - running on system account on NT4, so launching cmmon32.exe onto Desktop = %s"), MYDBGSTR(StartupInfo.lpDesktop )); } ZeroMemory(&szCmmon32Path[0], sizeof(szCmmon32Path)); ZeroMemory(&szCommandLine[0], sizeof(szCommandLine));
if (0 == GetSystemDirectoryU(szCmmon32Path, MAX_PATH)) { lRes = GetLastError(); CMTRACE1(TEXT("ConnectMonitor() GetSystemDirectoryU(), GLE=%u."), lRes); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_FOUND); }
// Since there are no params, Application name is the same as the command line
szCommandLine[0] = TEXT('"'); lstrcatU(szCommandLine + 1, szCmmon32Path); lstrcatU(szCommandLine, TEXT("\\")); lstrcatU(szCommandLine, c_pszCmMonExeName); lstrcatU(szCommandLine, TEXT("\"")); CMTRACE1(TEXT("ConnectMonitor() - Launching %s"), szCommandLine);
lstrcatU(szCmmon32Path, TEXT("\\")); lstrcatU(szCmmon32Path, c_pszCmMonExeName);
if (NULL == CreateProcessU(szCmmon32Path, szCommandLine, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &StartupInfo, &ProcessInfo)) { lRes = GetLastError(); CMTRACE2(TEXT("ConnectMonitor() CreateProcess() of %s failed, GLE=%u."), c_pszCmMonExeName, lRes); } else { //
// Wait for event to be signaled, that CMMON is up
DWORD dwWait = WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, MAX_OBJECT_WAIT);
if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 != dwWait) { if (WAIT_TIMEOUT == dwWait) { lRes = ERROR_TIMEOUT; } else { lRes = GetLastError(); } } else { fMonReady = TRUE; }
// Close Process handles. Note, we don't use these handles for
// duplicating handles in order to maintain a common code path
// regardless of whether CMMON was up already.
CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hProcess); CloseHandle(ProcessInfo.hThread); }
CloseHandle(hEvent); } } if (fMonReady) { //
// Get the hwnd for CMMON. Note: CMMON is expected to set
// the hwnd in the table before it signals the ready event.
if (FAILED(pArgs->pConnTable->GetMonitorWnd(&hwndMon))) { CMTRACE(TEXT("ConnectMonitor() - No Monitor HWND in table")); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_FOUND); }
// Make sure the HWND for CMMON is valid before trying to send data.
if (!IsWindow(hwndMon)) { MSG msg; HANDLE hHandle = GetCurrentProcess();
// Sometimes it takes a few ticks for us to get a positive response
// from IsWindow, so loop and pump messages while we are waiting.
while (hHandle && (MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, &hHandle, FALSE, MAX_OBJECT_WAIT, QS_ALLINPUT) == (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1))) { while (PeekMessageU(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { CMTRACE(TEXT("ConnectMonitor() - Waiting for IsWindow(hwndMon) - got Message")); TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessageU(&msg); }
// If the window is valid, we can go. Otherwise, keep pumping.
if (IsWindow(hwndMon)) { break; } } if (FALSE == IsWindow(hwndMon)) { CMTRACE(TEXT("ConnectMonitor() - Monitor HWND in table is not valid")); return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_FOUND); } }
// Allocate buffer for CONNECTED_INFO, including extension for Watch Process list
DWORD dwWatchCount = GetWatchCount(pArgs); DWORD dwDataSize = sizeof(CM_CONNECTED_INFO) + (dwWatchCount * sizeof(HANDLE));
// Allocate the COPYDATASTRUCT
if (NULL == pInfo || NULL == pCopyData) { lRes = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } else { //
// Fill in the CONNECTED_INFO
lstrcpyU(pInfo->szEntryName, pArgs->szServiceName); lstrcpyU(pInfo->szProfilePath, pArgs->piniProfile->GetFile()); //
// Provide any password data that we have
// Due to security issues we are no longer allowed to keep password in memory.
// And the RAS phonebook
if (pArgs->pszRasPbk) { lstrcpynU(pInfo->szRasPhoneBook, pArgs->pszRasPbk, sizeof(pInfo->szRasPhoneBook)/sizeof(pInfo->szRasPhoneBook[0])); } else { pInfo->szRasPhoneBook[0] = L'\0'; }
pInfo->dwCmFlags = pArgs->dwFlags;
// Need to know about global creds for Fast User Switching
if (CM_CREDS_GLOBAL == pArgs->dwCurrentCredentialType) { pInfo->dwCmFlags |= FL_GLOBALCREDS; CMTRACE(TEXT("ConnectMonitor - we have globalcreds!!")); } //
// For W95, we must pass initial statistics data to CMMON
pInfo->dwInitBytesRecv = -1; // default to no stats
pInfo->dwInitBytesSend = -1; // default to no stats
if (pArgs->pConnStatistics) { //
// Get reg based stat data if available
if (pArgs->pConnStatistics->IsAvailable()) { pInfo->dwInitBytesRecv = pArgs->pConnStatistics->GetInitBytesRead(); pInfo->dwInitBytesSend = pArgs->pConnStatistics->GetInitBytesWrite(); }
// Note: Adapter info is good, even if stats aren't available
pInfo->fDialup2 = pArgs->pConnStatistics->IsDialupTwo(); }
// Update the watch process list at the end of the CONNECTED_INFO struct
if (dwWatchCount) { if (FALSE == SetWatchHandles(pArgs->phWatchProcesses, &pInfo->ahWatchHandles[0], hwndMon)) { pInfo->ahWatchHandles[0] = NULL; } } //
pCopyData->dwData = CMMON_CONNECTED_INFO; pCopyData->cbData = dwDataSize; pCopyData->lpData = (PVOID) pInfo;
SendMessageU(hwndMon, WM_COPYDATA, NULL, (LPARAM) pCopyData); }
// Release allocations
if (pInfo) { CmFree(pInfo); } if (pCopyData) { CmFree(pCopyData); } } return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(lRes); }
// Function: CreateConnTable
// Synopsis: Initializes our CConnectionTable ptr and creates a new ConnTable
// or opens an existing one as needed
// Arguments: ArgsStruct *pArgs - Ptr to global args struct containing.
// Returns: HRESULT - Failure code
// History: nickball Created 2/9/98
HRESULT CreateConnTable(ArgsStruct *pArgs) { HRESULT hrRet = E_FAIL; pArgs->pConnTable = new CConnectionTable();
if (pArgs->pConnTable) { //
// We have our class, now create/open the connection table.
hrRet = pArgs->pConnTable->Open();
if (FAILED(hrRet)) { hrRet = pArgs->pConnTable->Create(); if (HRESULT_CODE(hrRet) == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { CMTRACE1(TEXT("CreateConnTable -- ConnTable creation failed with error 0x%x. Strange since the Open failed too..."), hrRet); } else { CMTRACE1(TEXT("CreateConnTable -- ConnTable creation failed with error 0x%x"), hrRet); } } } else { hrRet = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); } MYDBGASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hrRet));
return hrRet; }
#if 0 // NT 301988
// Function: HandleMainConnectRequest
// Synopsis: Helper routine to handle the possibility that there may be a
// connect in progress on this service.
// Arguments: HWND hwndDlg - HWND of main dialog
// ArgsStruct *pArgs - Ptr to global Args struct
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE if we have fully handled the request
// and it is ok to terminate this instance.
// History: nickball Created 2/23/98
BOOL HandleMainConnectRequest(HWND hwndDlg, ArgsStruct *pArgs) { MYDBGASSERT(pArgs);
BOOL fResolved = FALSE;
LPCM_CONNECTION pConnection = GetConnection(pArgs); //
// If no conection found, then there is no work to be done here, continue.
if (pConnection) { //
// If we are in any state besides RECONNECT, we can handle it here
if (CM_RECONNECTPROMPT != pConnection->CmState) { fResolved = TRUE;
if (pArgs->dwFlags & FL_DESKTOP) { //
// Caller is from the desktop, notify the user and we're done
NotifyUserOfExistingConnection(hwndDlg, pConnection, TRUE); } else { BOOL fSuccess = TRUE; //
// We have a programmatic caller, if connected just bump the ref count
// and return successfully. Otherwise we return failure so that the
// caller doesn't erroneously believe that there is a connection.
if (CM_CONNECTED != pConnection->CmState) { fSuccess = FALSE; } else { UpdateTable(pArgs, CM_CONNECTING); }
// Terminate this connect instance.
EndMainDialog(hwndDlg, pArgs, 0); // fSuccess);
} } else { //
// We're in reconnect mode and going to connect.
if (!(pArgs->dwFlags & FL_RECONNECT)) { //
// This request is not a reconnect request from CMMON,
// make that sure the dialog is no longer displayed.
HangupNotifyCmMon(pArgs->pConnTable, pConnection->szEntry); } else { //
// We are handling a reconnect for CMMON, reduce the usage
// count so it is in sync when we begin connecting.
pArgs->pConnTable->RemoveEntry(pConnection->szEntry); } } CmFree(pConnection); }
return fResolved; } */ #endif
// OnMainConnect: Command Handler when user clicked on 'Connect' Button in
// Main Dialog Box
void OnMainConnect(HWND hwndDlg, ArgsStruct *pArgs) { CM_SET_TIMING_INTERVAL("OnMainConnect - Begin");
// If we aren't ready to dial, set focus appropriately and bail
UINT nCtrlFocus;
if (FALSE == CheckConnect(hwndDlg, pArgs, &nCtrlFocus, !(pArgs->dwFlags & FL_UNATTENDED))) { MainSetDefaultButton(hwndDlg, nCtrlFocus); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, nCtrlFocus)); return; }
(void) InterlockedExchange(&(pArgs->lInConnectOrCancel), NOT_IN_CONNECT_OR_CANCEL);
// Access Points - Disable AP combo box before connecting
// Store the current access point to reg.
if (pArgs->fAccessPointsEnabled) { WriteUserInfoToReg(pArgs, UD_ID_CURRENTACCESSPOINT, (PVOID)(pArgs->pszCurrentAccessPoint)); } //
// Assume success unless something contradictory happens
pArgs->dwExitCode = ERROR_SUCCESS;
HCURSOR hPrev = SetCursor(LoadCursorU(NULL,IDC_WAIT));
LPTSTR pszMsg = CmFmtMsg(g_hInst, IDMSG_WORKING);
if (pszMsg) { SetDlgItemTextA(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_STATUS_DISPLAY, "");
AppendStatusPane(hwndDlg,pszMsg); CmFree(pszMsg); }
// We're connecting, update the table.
UpdateTable(pArgs, CM_CONNECTING); //
// Clear out everything on the status panel
SetDlgItemTextA(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_STATUS_DISPLAY, "");
// Set the default button to Cancel
SendMessageU(hwndDlg, DM_SETDEFID, (WPARAM)IDCANCEL, 0); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDCANCEL)); BOOL fSaveUPD = TRUE; BOOL fSaveOtherUserInfo = TRUE; //
// We want to save and/or delete credentials only when the user is logged on.
// This is taken care of by the functions that get called here. As long as
// the user is logged on, we try to mark, delete credentials and
// potentially resave credential info. From this level we shouldn't
// worry if we have the ras cred store or how the creds are really stored.
if (CM_LOGON_TYPE_USER == pArgs->dwWinLogonType) { //
// If this is NT4 or Win9X the GetAndStoreUserInfo takes care of storing
// the user info w/o the credential store.
if (OS_NT5) { //
// For Win2K+ we use the RAS API to save the credentials. The call saves
// and deletes user and global creds based on the current state and the
// user's choices (whether to save a password, etc.)
TryToDeleteAndSaveCredentials(pArgs, hwndDlg); //
// Parameter to GetAndStoreUserInfo() - doesn't save Username, Password, Domain
fSaveUPD = FALSE; } } else { //
// User isn't logged on, thus we don't want to save anything
fSaveUPD = FALSE; fSaveOtherUserInfo = FALSE; }
// Gets the userinfo from the edit boxes into the pArgs structure ans saves the other
// user flags. This is also saves the credentials on NT4 & Win 9x if the 3rd parameter is true
// 3rd parameter (fSaveUPD) - used to save Username, Domain, Password.
// 4th param (fSaveOtherUserInfo) - used to save user info flags. (remember password,
// dial automatically, etc.)
GetAndStoreUserInfo(pArgs, hwndDlg, fSaveUPD, fSaveOtherUserInfo);
// Vars for RAS
pArgs->nDialIdx = 0;
// Set our redial counter with the maximum. The max value is read
// in when we initialize the dialog. It is just a place holder
// nRedialCnt is the var used/modified to regulate the re-dial process.
pArgs->nRedialCnt = pArgs->nMaxRedials;
// Disable username controls before dialing
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_MAIN_USERNAME_EDIT),FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_MAIN_USERNAME_STATIC),FALSE);
// Disable password controls before dialing
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_MAIN_PASSWORD_EDIT),FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_MAIN_PASSWORD_STATIC),FALSE);
// Disable domain controls before dialing
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_MAIN_DOMAIN_EDIT),FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_MAIN_DOMAIN_STATIC),FALSE);
// disable all other buttons
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDOK),FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDC_MAIN_PROPERTIES_BUTTON),FALSE);
if (pArgs->hwndResetPasswdButton) { EnableWindow(pArgs->hwndResetPasswdButton, FALSE); }
if (!pArgs->fHideRememberPassword) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_NOPASSWORD_CHECKBOX), FALSE); if (pArgs->fGlobalCredentialsSupported) { //
// Also disable the option buttons
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_OPT_CREDS_SINGLE_USER), FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_OPT_CREDS_ALL_USER), FALSE); } }
if (!pArgs->fHideDialAutomatically) { EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_NOPROMPT_CHECKBOX), FALSE); }
// Try to check the Advanced Tab settings (ICF/ICS) and see if we need to enable or disable
// them based on what's configured in the .cms file. This is only on WinXP+ & if the user is logged in
// Dial the number
pArgs->Log.Log(PRECONNECT_EVENT, pArgs->GetTypeOfConnection()); //
// Run the Pre-Connect actions
CActionList PreConnActList; PreConnActList.Append(pArgs->piniService, c_pszCmSectionPreConnect);
if (!PreConnActList.RunAccordType(hwndDlg, pArgs)) { //
// Connect action failed
UpdateTable(pArgs, CM_DISCONNECTED); } else { if (pArgs->IsDirectConnect()) { MYDBGASSERT(pArgs->hrcRasConn == NULL);
pArgs->fUseTunneling = TRUE;
pArgs->psState = PS_TunnelDialing; pArgs->dwStateStartTime = GetTickCount(); pArgs->nLastSecondsDisplay = (UINT) -1;
dwResult = DoTunnelDial(hwndDlg,pArgs); } else { //
// If the DynamicPhoneNumber flag is set, then we need to re-read
// the phoneinfo from the profile and make sure it re-munged.
BOOL bDynamicNum = pArgs->piniService->GPPB(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmDynamicPhoneNumber);
if (bDynamicNum) { LoadPhoneInfoFromProfile(pArgs); }
// Load dial info(phone #'s, etc)
// In the auto-dial case we pass FALSE for fInstallModem so that
// LoadDialInfo does not try to install a modem because it would
// require user intervention
dwResult = LoadDialInfo(pArgs, hwndDlg, !(pArgs->dwFlags & FL_UNATTENDED), bDynamicNum); if (dwResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) { dwResult = DoRasDial(hwndDlg,pArgs,pArgs->nDialIdx); }
// If modem is not installed and LoadDialInfo failed to install modem, dwResult will be
// ERROR_PORT_NOT_AVAILABLE. Ideally, we should disable the connect button and display
// a different error message.
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwResult) { pArgs->dwExitCode = dwResult; UpdateError(pArgs, dwResult); } }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwResult) { HangupCM(pArgs, hwndDlg);
if (IsLogonAsSystem() && BAD_SCARD_PIN(dwResult)) { //
// Disable the Connect button to avoid smartcard lockout. Also propagate
// the error back to our caller (RAS) so that they can End the 'choose
// connectoid' dialog and return to winlogon, where the user can enter
// the correct PIN.
pArgs->dwSCardErr = dwResult; EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDOK), FALSE); SendMessageU(hwndDlg, DM_SETDEFID, (WPARAM)IDCANCEL, 0); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDCANCEL)); } SetLastError(dwResult); }
CM_SET_TIMING_INTERVAL("OnMainConnect - End"); }
// Function: UseTunneling
// Synopsis: Check to see if we should do tunneling based on fTunnelPrimary
// and fTunnelReferences.
// Arguments: pArgs [the ArgStruct ptr]
// dwEntry [the phone index]
// Returns: TRUE if we tunnel, FALSE otherwise.
// History: henryt Created 3/5/97
BOOL UseTunneling( ArgsStruct *pArgs, DWORD dwEntry ) { LPTSTR pszRefPhoneSource = NULL; BOOL fPhoneNumIsFromPrimaryPBK;
LPTSTR pszTmp;
CIni iniTmp(pArgs->piniProfile->GetHInst(),pArgs->piniProfile->GetFile(), pArgs->piniProfile->GetRegPath()); BOOL fUseTunneling = FALSE;
// Set the read flags
if (pArgs->dwGlobalUserInfo & CM_GLOBAL_USER_INFO_READ_ICS_DATA) { LPTSTR pszICSDataReg = BuildICSDataInfoSubKey(pArgs->szServiceName);
if (pszICSDataReg) { iniTmp.SetReadICSData(TRUE); iniTmp.SetICSDataPath(pszICSDataReg); }
CmFree(pszICSDataReg); }
iniTmp.SetEntryFromIdx(dwEntry); pszRefPhoneSource = iniTmp.GPPS(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryPhoneSourcePrefix);
// If PhoneSource[0|1] is not empty, verify its existence
if (*pszRefPhoneSource) { //
// pszRefPhoneSource is either a relative or full path.
// CmConvertRelativePath() will do the conversion to a full path properly
pszTmp = CmConvertRelativePath(pArgs->piniService->GetFile(), pszRefPhoneSource); if (!pszTmp || FALSE == FileExists(pszTmp)) { CmFree(pszRefPhoneSource); CmFree(pszTmp); return fUseTunneling; }
// Is the phone # from the primary(top level) phone book?
fPhoneNumIsFromPrimaryPBK = (lstrcmpiU(pszTmp, pArgs->piniService->GetFile()) == 0); CmFree(pszTmp);
fUseTunneling = ((fPhoneNumIsFromPrimaryPBK && pArgs->fTunnelPrimary) || (!fPhoneNumIsFromPrimaryPBK && pArgs->fTunnelReferences)); } else { // the phone # is not from a phone book. the user probably typed it in
// him/herself.
fUseTunneling = pArgs->fTunnelPrimary; } CmFree(pszRefPhoneSource);
return fUseTunneling; }
// OnMainProperties: command handler for 'Properties' button in the main dialog box
int OnMainProperties(HWND hwndDlg, ArgsStruct *pArgs) { CMTRACE(TEXT("Begin OnMainProperties()"));
// do the settings dlg.
BOOL bCachedAccessPointsEnabled = pArgs->fAccessPointsEnabled;
int iRet = DoPropertiesPropSheets(hwndDlg, pArgs);
// We need to re-enumerate the access points and re-check connecting because
// the user may have added or deleted an access point and then hit cancel.
if (pArgs->hwndMainDlg) { if (bCachedAccessPointsEnabled != pArgs->fAccessPointsEnabled) { CMTRACE(TEXT("Access points state changed, returning to the main dialog which needs to relaunch itself with the proper template.")); iRet = ID_OK_RELAUNCH_MAIN_DLG; } else { //
// If the user canceled, then we want to set the accesspoint back to what it was on the main dialog
// since the user may have changed it on the properties dialog but then canceled.
if (pArgs->fAccessPointsEnabled) { if (0 == iRet) // user hit cancel
{ ChangedAccessPoint(pArgs, hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_ACCESSPOINT_COMBO); }
ShowAccessPointInfoFromReg(pArgs, hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_ACCESSPOINT_COMBO); }
UINT nCtrlFocus;
CheckConnect(hwndDlg,pArgs,&nCtrlFocus); MainSetDefaultButton(hwndDlg,nCtrlFocus); SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,nCtrlFocus)); } }
CMTRACE(TEXT("End OnMainProperties()"));
return iRet; }
// user pressed the cancel button!!!!!
void OnMainCancel(HWND hwndDlg, ArgsStruct *pArgs) { CMTRACE1(TEXT("OnMainCancel(), state is %d"), pArgs->psState);
// Re-entrancy protection. If we're in the middle of a RasDial, wait 2 seconds.
// If the "semaphore" is still held, exit. (This is only likely to happen during
// a stress situation, so failing the cancel is acceptable.)
LONG lInConnectOrCancel; int SleepTimeInMilliseconds = 0; do { lInConnectOrCancel = InterlockedExchange(&(pArgs->lInConnectOrCancel), IN_CONNECT_OR_CANCEL); CMASSERTMSG(((NOT_IN_CONNECT_OR_CANCEL == lInConnectOrCancel) || (IN_CONNECT_OR_CANCEL == lInConnectOrCancel)), TEXT("OnMainCancel - synch variable has unexpected value!"));
Sleep(50); SleepTimeInMilliseconds += 50; } while ((IN_CONNECT_OR_CANCEL == lInConnectOrCancel) && (SleepTimeInMilliseconds < 2000));
if (IN_CONNECT_OR_CANCEL == lInConnectOrCancel) { CMTRACE(TEXT("OnMainCancel - waited 2 seconds for system for InRasDial mutex to be freed, leaving Cancel")); return; }
// Terminate Lana
if (PS_TunnelDialing == pArgs->psState && pArgs->uLanaMsgId) { MYDBGASSERT(OS_W9X); PostMessageU(hwndDlg, pArgs->uLanaMsgId, 0, 0); }
if (pArgs->psState != PS_Interactive && pArgs->psState != PS_Error) { pArgs->Log.Log(ONCANCEL_EVENT);
// Run OnCancel connect actions. If we are dialing, this is a cancel
// dialing event. Note: The assumption here is CM never post itself
// an IDCANCEL message when dialing
CActionList OnCancelActList; OnCancelActList.Append(pArgs->piniService, c_pszCmSectionOnCancel);
// fStatusMsgOnFailure = FALSE
OnCancelActList.RunAccordType(hwndDlg, pArgs, FALSE); }
switch (pArgs->psState) { case PS_Dialing: case PS_TunnelDialing: case PS_Authenticating: case PS_TunnelAuthenticating: // fall through
case PS_Pausing:
// we should also try to hangup for ps_pausing since cm could be
// in the middle or redialing the tunnel server. we need to
// hangup the first ppp connection.
// Set fWaitForComplete to TRUE.
// This will cause HangupCM to block until the ras handle is invalid.
// Otherwise, HangupCM will return while the device is in use.
HangupCM(pArgs,hwndDlg, TRUE); // fWaitForComplete = TRUE
// Display cancelled message
AppendStatusPane(hwndDlg, IDMSG_CANCELED); SetInteractive(hwndDlg,pArgs); break;
case PS_Online: //
// If pArgs->fUseTunneling is TRUE, CM actually does not have the PS_Online state
MYDBGASSERT(!pArgs->fUseTunneling); if (pArgs->fUseTunneling) { break; }
case PS_TunnelOnline: { TCHAR szTmp[MAX_PATH]; MYVERIFY(GetModuleFileNameU(g_hInst, szTmp, MAX_PATH)); pArgs->Log.Log(DISCONNECT_EVENT, szTmp); CActionList DisconnectActList; DisconnectActList.Append(pArgs->piniService, c_pszCmSectionOnDisconnect);
// fStatusMsgOnFailure = FALSE
DisconnectActList.RunAccordType(hwndDlg, pArgs, FALSE);
pArgs->dwExitCode = ERROR_CANCELLED;
// fall through
case PS_Interactive: //
// Set the error code to tell us the user cancelled and then fall through
pArgs->dwExitCode = ERROR_CANCELLED;
case PS_Error: EndMainDialog(hwndDlg, pArgs, 0); // FALSE);
default: MYDBGASSERT(FALSE); break; }
// We're definitely not waiting for a callback anymore.
pArgs->fWaitingForCallback = FALSE;
// We are exiting Cancel state
(void)InterlockedExchange(&(pArgs->lInConnectOrCancel), NOT_IN_CONNECT_OR_CANCEL); }
void OnMainEnChange(HWND hwndDlg, ArgsStruct *pArgs) { CheckConnect(hwndDlg, pArgs, NULL); }
// Function: OnRasErrorMessage
// Synopsis: Process RAS error message
// Arguments: HWND hwndDlg - Main Dialog window handle
// ArgsStruct *pArgs -
// DWORD dwError - RAS error code
// Returns: Nothing
// History: fengsun Created Header 10/24/97
void OnRasErrorMessage(HWND hwndDlg, ArgsStruct *pArgs, DWORD dwError) { //
// Save off whether we are tunneling, before we change state
BOOL bTunneling = IsDialingTunnel(pArgs); //
// Set the progstate to Error if user did not cancel dialing.
// Note: Set here to ensure that we don't inadvertantly update the status on
// timer ticks thereby overwriting the error message. Additionally we do this
// following SetInteractive in the no-redial case below.
if (ERROR_CANCELLED != dwError) { CMTRACE(TEXT("OnRasErrorMessage - Entering PS_Error state")); pArgs->psState = PS_Error; }
// Set the "ErrorCode" property
pArgs->dwExitCode = dwError;
lstrcpyU(pArgs->szLastErrorSrc, TEXT("RAS")); if (bTunneling && (OS_NT4 || OS_W9X) && IsSafeNetDevice(pArgs->szTunnelDeviceType, pArgs->szTunnelDeviceName)) { //
// Okay, if we are using the SafeNet client we want to point the user to the
// SafeNet Log file. Let's get the path and log it out.
LPTSTR pszFullPathToSafeNetLog = GetPathToSafeNetLogFile();
if (pszFullPathToSafeNetLog) { pArgs->Log.Log(ONERROR_EVENT_W_SAFENET, pArgs->dwExitCode, pArgs->szLastErrorSrc, pszFullPathToSafeNetLog); CmFree(pszFullPathToSafeNetLog); pszFullPathToSafeNetLog = NULL; } } else { //
// Otherwise just log the OnError event normally.
pArgs->Log.Log(ONERROR_EVENT, pArgs->dwExitCode, pArgs->szLastErrorSrc); }
// Run On-Error connect actions
CActionList OnErrorActList; OnErrorActList.Append(pArgs->piniService, c_pszCmSectionOnError);
// fStatusMsgOnFailure = FALSE
OnErrorActList.RunAccordType(hwndDlg, pArgs, FALSE, TRUE);
LPTSTR pszRasErrMsg = NULL;
// See if the error is recoverable (re-dialable)
// CheckConnectionError also display error msg in the status window
// Get the ras err msg also. we'll display it ourself.
BOOL bDoRedial = !CheckConnectionError(hwndDlg, dwError, pArgs, bTunneling, &pszRasErrMsg);
// Whether CM get ERROR_PORT_NOT_AVAILABLE because of modem change
BOOL fNewModem = FALSE;
if (dwError == ERROR_PORT_NOT_AVAILABLE && !IsDialingTunnel(pArgs)) { //
// Modem is not avaliable. See if the modem is changed
BOOL fSameModem = TRUE; if (PickModem(pArgs, pArgs->szDeviceType, pArgs->szDeviceName, &fSameModem)) { if (!fSameModem) { //
// If the modem is changed, use the new modem.
// bDoRedial is still FALSE here so we will not
// increase redial count or use the backup number
fNewModem = TRUE; } }
// if PickModem failed, do not try to install modem here
// cnetcfg return ERROR_CANCELLED, even if modem is intalled
// should we try another tunnel dns addr?
BOOL fTryAnotherTunnelDnsAddr = FALSE;
if (bDoRedial) { //
// The error is recoverable
CMTRACE1(TEXT("OnRasErrorMessage - Recoverable error %u received."), dwError);
// If we're dialing a tunnel, try a different IP address on failure.
if (PS_TunnelDialing == pArgs->psState) { fTryAnotherTunnelDnsAddr = TryAnotherTunnelDnsAddress(pArgs); }
// If we're trying a different IP, then don't count this as a normal
// redial. Otherwise, bump the indices and move on to the next number.
if (!fTryAnotherTunnelDnsAddr) { //
// we display the ras error only if:
// (1) we're not redialing OR
// (2) we're not redialing a tunnel OR
// (3) we're redialing a tunnel but NOT redialing with a different
// tunnel dns ip addr.
if (pszRasErrMsg) { AppendStatusPane(hwndDlg, pszRasErrMsg); } // should we redial?
if (pArgs->nRedialCnt) { //
// We get an error message from RAS each time we dial (modem, vpn, ISDN). In case of
// dual channel ISDN we get two notification (one per channel), and we need to ignore
// one of them. Here we chose to ignore the 2nd one. Thus we want to change the
// redial count and change the dial index only if this is NOT the 2nd RasSubEntry
// in case of dual channel ISDN.
if (FALSE == ((CM_ISDN_MODE_DUALCHANNEL_FALLBACK == pArgs->dwIsdnDialMode || CM_ISDN_MODE_DUALCHANNEL_ONLY == pArgs->dwIsdnDialMode) && 2 == pArgs->dwRasSubEntry)) { //
// We have not reached the retry limit, try to redial
pArgs->nRedialCnt--; pArgs->nDialIdx++; }
// If ndx now matches count, or if the next number is empty
// (not dialable) this our last number to dial on this pass.
// Adjust the re-dial counter if it applies.
if (pArgs->nDialIdx == MAX_PHONE_NUMBERS || !pArgs->aDialInfo[pArgs->nDialIdx].szDialablePhoneNumber[0]) { pArgs->nDialIdx = 0; } } else { //
// Last redial try failed
bDoRedial = FALSE; } } } else {
CMTRACE1(TEXT("OnRasErrorMessage - Non-recoverable error %u received."), dwError);
// we display the ras error only if:
// (1) we're not redialing OR
// (2) we're not redialing a tunnel OR
// (3) we're redialing a tunnel but NOT redialing with a different
// tunnel dns ip addr.
if (pszRasErrMsg) { AppendStatusPane(hwndDlg, pszRasErrMsg); } }
bDoRedial |= fNewModem; // fNewModem only true if not dialing tunnel
// Perform Hangup here
if (IsDialingTunnel(pArgs) && bDoRedial) { //
// For tunnel dialing, only hangup tunnel connection, Do not hangup
// PPP connection before retry.
MyRasHangup(pArgs,pArgs->hrcTunnelConn); pArgs->hrcTunnelConn = NULL;
if (pArgs->IsDirectConnect()) { //
// The statistic is stopped in HangupCM
// Since we do not call HangupCM, we have to close it here
if (pArgs->pConnStatistics) { pArgs->pConnStatistics->Close(); } } } else { if (OS_NT) { HangupCM(pArgs, hwndDlg, FALSE, !bDoRedial); } else { //
// On win9x, in some PPP case, when CM get Tunnel RAS error message,
// RasHangup will not release the PPP RAS handle until this
// message returns. See bug 39718
PostMessageU(hwndDlg, WM_HANGUP_CM, !bDoRedial, dwError); } }
// If we want re-dial enter pause state, otherwise just SetInteractive
if (bDoRedial) { //
// If the state is PS_Error, we will use the timer we set before the call.
// However we will not check whether the timer expired here.
if (fTryAnotherTunnelDnsAddr) { //
// if we want to try another tunnel dns addr, we don't want to display
// any error msg or pause, just retry with another addr without the
// user realizing it.
pArgs->dwStateStartTime = GetTickCount() + (pArgs->nRedialDelay * 1000); } else { //
// NT #360488 - nickball
// Reset the timer so that we pause for the redial delay before
// trying to connect again. ErrorEx (now unused), conditioned this
// code on the error state not being PS_Error, however, this was
// broken when we started setting the state to PS_Error at the
// beginning of this function. Because ErrorEx is not longer used,
// we can restore the timer reset to all states.
pArgs->dwStateStartTime = GetTickCount(); pArgs->nLastSecondsDisplay = (UINT) -1; }
pArgs->psState = PS_Pausing; } else { SetInteractive(hwndDlg,pArgs);
if (ERROR_CANCELLED != dwError) { CMTRACE(TEXT("OnRasErrorMessage - Restoring PS_Error state")); pArgs->psState = PS_Error; }
pArgs->dwExitCode = dwError;
// in 'unattended dial' mode, exit ICM
if (pArgs->dwFlags & FL_UNATTENDED) { PostMessageU(hwndDlg, WM_COMMAND, IDCANCEL, dwError); } }
if (pszRasErrMsg) { CmFree(pszRasErrMsg); } }
// Function: OnRasNotificationMessage
// Synopsis: Message handler for RAS status/error messages.
// Arguments: HWND hwndDlg - Main Dialog window handle
// ArgsStruct *pArgs - Ptr to global Args struct
// WPARAM wParam - RAS status message
// LPARAM lParam - RAS error message. ERROR_SUCCESS if none.
// Returns: Error code if applicable.
// History: nickball Created Header 05/19/99
DWORD OnRasNotificationMessage(HWND hwndDlg, ArgsStruct *pArgs, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { static BOOL bFirstChannelConnected = -1; // set it to neither connected nor failed
static BOOL bSecondChannelConnected = -1; // set it to neither connected nor failed
CMTRACE2(TEXT("OnRasNotificationMessage() wParam=%u, lParam=%u"), wParam, lParam); if (pArgs->fIgnoreTimerRasMsg) { CMTRACE(TEXT("OnRasNotificationMessage() ignoring Ras and Timer messages")); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// If we have an error notification from RAS, handle it.
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != lParam) { //
// If one of the subchannels on multilinked ISDN fails, default to single channel if we are configured to do so.
if (OS_NT5) { if (CM_ISDN_MODE_DUALCHANNEL_FALLBACK == pArgs->dwIsdnDialMode) { //
// If we are in here then we are doing ISDN dual channel with fallback mode and one of the channels failed.
// Since we are in fallback mode, it is okay to continue with only one. If the other channel has already
// connected then go ahead and post the connect message. If not, then it will be handled below in the
// RASCS_SubEntryConnected processing. Note that RAS doesn't send a RASCS_Connected notification in this case.
if (1 == pArgs->dwRasSubEntry) { bFirstChannelConnected = FALSE; } else if (2 == pArgs->dwRasSubEntry) { bSecondChannelConnected = FALSE; } else { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("OnRasNotificationMessage -- error on unknown subentry.")); }
// If one of the channels connected already, go ahead and post the connect message.
if ((TRUE == bFirstChannelConnected) || (TRUE == bSecondChannelConnected)) { CMTRACE(TEXT("Sending WM_CONNECTED_CM -- one entry succeeded and one failed.")); PostMessageU(hwndDlg, WM_CONNECTED_CM, 0, 0); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } } }
// Skip PENDING notifications
if (PENDING == lParam) { CMTRACE(TEXT("OnRasNotificationMessage() Skipping PENDING notification.")); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// If we're already in the interactive or error state, then
// ignore any subsequent error notifications from RAS.
// For example: RAS often sends a ERROR_USER_DISCONNECTION
// notification when we call RasHangup.
if (pArgs->psState == PS_Interactive || pArgs->psState == PS_Error) { CMTRACE1(TEXT("OnRasNotificationMessage() Ignoring error because pArgs->psState is %u."), pArgs->psState); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
CMTRACE(TEXT("OnRasNotificationMessage() Handling error message.")); OnRasErrorMessage(hwndDlg, pArgs, (DWORD)lParam); } else { // We have a RAS status update, act accordingly
switch (wParam) { case RASCS_OpenPort: { if (OS_NT5 || OS_MIL) { //
// Make sure to init the ISDN fallback mode vars just in case
// the state machine is cancelled in the middle somewhere. We
// want the next call to have the correct values for these vars.
if (1 == pArgs->dwRasSubEntry) { bFirstChannelConnected = -1; } else if (2 == pArgs->dwRasSubEntry) { bSecondChannelConnected = -1; } } } break;
case RASCS_Authenticate: { //
// Win9x often sends two RASCS_Authenticate messages a few seconds apart. This has the disconcerting
// effect of restarting the authenticating timer that the user sees. Thus, we now don't reset the time if
// we are already in the PS_XXX state that we are going to be setting.
BOOL bResetAuthTime = FALSE; CMTRACE(TEXT("RASCS_Authenticate"));
if (IsDialingTunnel(pArgs)) // PPTP dialing
{ if (PS_TunnelAuthenticating != pArgs->psState) { bResetAuthTime = TRUE; }
pArgs->psState = PS_TunnelAuthenticating; } else { if (PS_Authenticating != pArgs->psState) { bResetAuthTime = TRUE; }
pArgs->psState = PS_Authenticating; }
if (bResetAuthTime) { pArgs->dwStateStartTime = GetTickCount(); pArgs->nLastSecondsDisplay = (UINT) -1; } } break;
case RASCS_SubEntryConnected: { //
// Special handling for the ISDN dual channel case when we are in fallback mode. Since
// RAS doesn't send us a RASCS_Connected notification if some of the channels fail but
// not all of them, we must keep track of what happened on the two channels and react
// accordingly.
if (OS_NT5) { if (CM_ISDN_MODE_DUALCHANNEL_FALLBACK == pArgs->dwIsdnDialMode) { if (1 == pArgs->dwRasSubEntry) { bFirstChannelConnected = TRUE; } else if (2 == pArgs->dwRasSubEntry) { bSecondChannelConnected = TRUE; } else { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("OnRasNotificationMessage -- error on unknown subentry. (RASCS_SubEntryConnected)")); }
// If one of the channels failed already, go ahead and post the connect message.
// Otherwise we will wait for the RASCS_Connected.
if ((TRUE == bFirstChannelConnected) && (FALSE == bSecondChannelConnected) || (FALSE == bFirstChannelConnected) && (TRUE == bSecondChannelConnected)) { CMTRACE(TEXT("Sending WM_CONNECTED_CM -- one entry succeeded and one failed.")); PostMessageU(hwndDlg, WM_CONNECTED_CM, 0, 0); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } } } } break;
case RASCS_Connected: { CMTRACE(TEXT("RASCS_Connected"));
// Post a message to ourselves to indicate that we are connected
PostMessageU(hwndDlg, WM_CONNECTED_CM,0,0); break; }
// Pause states are dealt with explicity below
case (RASCS_PAUSED + 4): // 4100 - RASCS_InvokeEapUI
case RASCS_Interactive: case RASCS_RetryAuthentication: case RASCS_CallbackSetByCaller: case RASCS_PasswordExpired: break;
// Callback handling states
case RASCS_PrepareForCallback: pArgs->fWaitingForCallback = TRUE; pArgs->psState = PS_Pausing; break;
case RASCS_CallbackComplete: pArgs->fWaitingForCallback = FALSE; break;
// The following status codes are not handled explicitly
case RASCS_Disconnected: break;
case RASCS_SubEntryDisconnected: break;
case RASCS_PortOpened: break;
case RASCS_ConnectDevice: break;
case RASCS_DeviceConnected: break;
case RASCS_AllDevicesConnected: break;
case RASCS_AuthNotify: break;
case RASCS_AuthRetry: break;
case RASCS_AuthCallback: break;
case RASCS_AuthChangePassword: break;
case RASCS_AuthProject: break;
case RASCS_AuthLinkSpeed: break;
case RASCS_AuthAck: break;
case RASCS_ReAuthenticate: break;
case RASCS_Authenticated: break;
case RASCS_WaitForModemReset: break;
case RASCS_WaitForCallback: break;
case RASCS_Projected: break;
case RASCS_StartAuthentication: break;
case RASCS_LogonNetwork: break;
default: CMTRACE(TEXT("OnRasNotificationMessage() - message defaulted")); break; } } if (wParam & RASCS_PAUSED) { //
// Screen out unsupported states
switch (wParam) { case RASCS_Interactive: // for scripts -- NTRAID 378224
case (RASCS_PAUSED + 4): // 4100 - RASCS_InvokeEapUI
case RASCS_PasswordExpired: case RASCS_RetryAuthentication: case RASCS_CallbackSetByCaller: PostMessageU(hwndDlg, WM_PAUSE_RASDIAL, wParam, lParam); break; default: MYDBGASSERT(FALSE); return (ERROR_INTERACTIVE_MODE); // unhandled pause state
} } return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
// timer: check the current connection manager status, update the status message
// on the screen
void OnMainTimer(HWND hwndDlg, ArgsStruct *pArgs) { //
// If timer ID is null, don't process messages
if (NULL == pArgs->nTimerId) { return; }
// Timer is good, check StartupInfoLoad
LPTSTR pszMsg = NULL; DWORD dwSeconds = (GetTickCount() - pArgs->dwStateStartTime) / 1000;
CheckStartupInfo(hwndDlg, pArgs);
// CMTRACE1(TEXT("OnMainTimer() pArgs->psState is %u"), pArgs->psState);
// Update future splash if any
switch (pArgs->psState) { case PS_Dialing: if (pArgs->nLastSecondsDisplay != dwSeconds) { pszMsg = CmFmtMsg(g_hInst, IDMSG_DIALING, pArgs->aDialInfo[pArgs->nDialIdx].szDisplayablePhoneNumber, pArgs->szDeviceName, dwSeconds); //
// Clear the status window
SetDlgItemTextU(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_STATUS_DISPLAY, TEXT("")); pArgs->nLastSecondsDisplay = (UINT) dwSeconds; } break; case PS_TunnelDialing: if (pArgs->nLastSecondsDisplay != dwSeconds) { pszMsg = CmFmtMsg(g_hInst, IDMSG_TUNNELDIALING, pArgs->GetTunnelAddress(), dwSeconds); //
// Clear the status window
SetDlgItemText(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_STATUS_DISPLAY, TEXT("")); pArgs->nLastSecondsDisplay = (UINT) dwSeconds; } break; case PS_Pausing:
// Special case of pausing is when we're waiting for the server to call us back.
if (pArgs->fWaitingForCallback) { //
// Notify the user of this fact
pszMsg = CmFmtMsg(g_hInst, IDMSG_WAITING_FOR_CALLBACK, (GetTickCount()-pArgs->dwStateStartTime)/1000); //
// Clear the status window
SetDlgItemTextU(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_STATUS_DISPLAY, TEXT("")); pArgs->nLastSecondsDisplay = (UINT) dwSeconds; break; }
if (GetTickCount()-pArgs->dwStateStartTime <= pArgs->nRedialDelay * 1000) { //
// Update the display if not timeout
if (pArgs->nLastSecondsDisplay != dwSeconds) { pszMsg = CmFmtMsg(g_hInst,IDMSG_PAUSING,dwSeconds); pArgs->nLastSecondsDisplay = (UINT) dwSeconds; } } else {
DWORD dwRes;
if (pArgs->IsDirectConnect() || pArgs->hrcRasConn != NULL) { //
// For the first tunnel try, CM does not hangup ppp connection
pArgs->psState = PS_TunnelDialing; pArgs->dwStateStartTime = GetTickCount(); pArgs->nLastSecondsDisplay = (UINT) -1;
dwRes = DoTunnelDial(hwndDlg,pArgs); //
// Update the status right away because there are times
// that things happen so quickly that the main status
// display doesn't have a chance to display the tunnel
// dialing info...
pszMsg = CmFmtMsg(g_hInst, IDMSG_TUNNELDIALING, pArgs->GetTunnelAddress(), 0); //
// Clear the status window
SetDlgItemTextU(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_STATUS_DISPLAY, TEXT("")); } else { dwRes = DoRasDial(hwndDlg,pArgs,pArgs->nDialIdx); }
if (dwRes == ERROR_SUCCESS) { MapStateToFrame(pArgs); pArgs->dwStateStartTime = GetTickCount(); pArgs->nLastSecondsDisplay = (UINT) -1; } else { HangupCM(pArgs, hwndDlg); UpdateError(pArgs, dwRes); SetLastError(dwRes); } } break;
case PS_Authenticating: if (pArgs->nLastSecondsDisplay != dwSeconds) { //
// Get the appropriate username based on whether we're
// tunneling and using the same credentials for dial-up.
LPTSTR pszTmpUserName; if (pArgs->fUseTunneling && (!pArgs->fUseSameUserName)) { pszTmpUserName = pArgs->szInetUserName; } else { pszTmpUserName = pArgs->szUserName; }
// If username is still blank, use the RasDialParams as a
// backup. This can occur in cases such as EAP
if (TEXT('\0') == *pszTmpUserName) { pszTmpUserName = pArgs->pRasDialParams->szUserName; } pszMsg = CmFmtMsg(g_hInst, IDMSG_CHECKINGPASSWORD, pszTmpUserName, (GetTickCount()-pArgs->dwStateStartTime)/1000); //
// Clear the status window
SetDlgItemTextU(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_STATUS_DISPLAY, TEXT("")); pArgs->nLastSecondsDisplay = (UINT) dwSeconds; } break;
case PS_TunnelAuthenticating: if (pArgs->nLastSecondsDisplay != dwSeconds) { LPTSTR pszTmpUserName = pArgs->szUserName; //
// If username is still blank, use the RasDialParams as a
// backup. This can occur in cases such as EAP
if (TEXT('\0') == *pszTmpUserName) { pszTmpUserName = pArgs->pRasDialParams->szUserName; }
pszMsg = CmFmtMsg(g_hInst, IDMSG_CHECKINGPASSWORD, pszTmpUserName, (GetTickCount()-pArgs->dwStateStartTime)/1000);
// Clear the status window
SetDlgItemTextU(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_STATUS_DISPLAY, TEXT("")); pArgs->nLastSecondsDisplay = (UINT) dwSeconds; } break; case PS_Online: //
// If pArgs->fUseTunneling is TRUE, CM actually does not have the PS_Online state
case PS_TunnelOnline: //
// The dialog should be ended by now
MYDBGASSERT(!"The dialog should be ended by now"); break;
case PS_Error: case PS_Interactive: default: break; } // If we have a status message as a result of the above, display it
if (pszMsg) { AppendStatusPane(hwndDlg,pszMsg); CmFree(pszMsg); } } //
// MainDlgProc: main dialog box message processing function
INT_PTR CALLBACK MainDlgProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { ArgsStruct *pArgs = (ArgsStruct *) GetWindowLongU(hwndDlg,DWLP_USER);
// Dialog box message processing
switch (uMsg) { case WM_PAINT:
CheckStartupInfo(hwndDlg, pArgs); break;
// Extract args and perform main initialization
pArgs = (ArgsStruct *) lParam; if (pArgs) { pArgs->hwndMainDlg = hwndDlg; }
SetWindowLongU(hwndDlg,DWLP_USER, (LONG_PTR) pArgs); OnMainInit(hwndDlg, pArgs);
return (FALSE);
// Windows system is shutting down or logging off
if ((BOOL)wParam == TRUE) { //
// Just cancel
OnMainCancel(hwndDlg, pArgs); } return 0;
case WM_COMMAND: switch (LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDOK: OnMainConnect(hwndDlg,pArgs);
// Check if there is an error, and if it's unattended dial,
// we just exit silently -- byao 5/9/97
if ((PS_Interactive == pArgs->psState || PS_Error == pArgs->psState) && (pArgs->dwFlags & FL_UNATTENDED)) { OnMainCancel(hwndDlg, pArgs); } return (TRUE);
case IDC_MAIN_PROPERTIES_BUTTON: if (ID_OK_RELAUNCH_MAIN_DLG == OnMainProperties(hwndDlg,pArgs)) { //
// We want to relaunch the logon UI with Access Points enabled or disabled depending
// on the change the user made in the properties dialog.
EndMainDialog(hwndDlg, pArgs, ID_OK_RELAUNCH_MAIN_DLG); }
return (TRUE);
case IDC_MAIN_HELP_BUTTON: { UINT nCtrlFocus = IsWindowEnabled(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg,IDOK)) ? IDOK : IDCANCEL; CmWinHelp(hwndDlg,hwndDlg,pArgs->pszHelpFile,HELP_FORCEFILE,0); MainSetDefaultButton(hwndDlg,nCtrlFocus); return (TRUE); }
case IDC_MAIN_NOPROMPT_CHECKBOX: pArgs->fDialAutomatically = !pArgs->fDialAutomatically; if (TRUE == pArgs->fDialAutomatically) { MYDBGASSERT(!pArgs->fHideDialAutomatically);
// Display message explaining Dial Automatically
LPTSTR pszTmp = pArgs->piniService->GPPS(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryDialAutoMessage); if (pszTmp && *pszTmp) { MessageBoxEx(hwndDlg, pszTmp, pArgs->szServiceName, MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING, LANG_USER_DEFAULT); }
CmFree(pszTmp); } break;
case IDC_MAIN_NOPASSWORD_CHECKBOX: pArgs->fRememberMainPassword = !(pArgs->fRememberMainPassword); if (!pArgs->piniService->GPPB(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryPwdOptional)) { //
// If password is not optional, enable/disable
// Dial Automatically according to state of
// "Remember password"
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_NOPROMPT_CHECKBOX), pArgs->fRememberMainPassword); if (FALSE == pArgs->fRememberMainPassword) { //
// Reset Dial Automatically if user
// unchecks Save Password and password
// is not optional
CheckDlgButton(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_NOPROMPT_CHECKBOX, FALSE); pArgs->fDialAutomatically = FALSE;
if (pArgs->fGlobalCredentialsSupported) { //
// Also disable the option buttons
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_OPT_CREDS_SINGLE_USER), FALSE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_OPT_CREDS_ALL_USER), FALSE); }
// Since we aren't remembering the main password
// see if we need to not remember Inet passwords
if (pArgs->fUseSameUserName) { pArgs->fRememberInetPassword = FALSE; (VOID)pArgs->SecureInetPW.SetPassword(TEXT("")); }
// If the password edit hasn't been edited by the user, then we
// mostly likely have 16 *'s which doesn't help the user when
// they try to connect. Thus we need to clear the edit box
HWND hwndPassword = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_PASSWORD_EDIT); if (hwndPassword) { pArgs->fIgnoreChangeNotification = TRUE; BOOL fPWFieldModified = (BOOL) SendMessageU(hwndPassword, EM_GETMODIFY, 0L, 0L); if (FALSE == fPWFieldModified) { (VOID)pArgs->SecurePW.SetPassword(TEXT("")); SetDlgItemTextU(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_PASSWORD_EDIT, TEXT("")); }
pArgs->fIgnoreChangeNotification = FALSE; } } else { //
// Save Password option is Enabled
if (pArgs->fGlobalCredentialsSupported) { //
// Also enable the option buttons
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_OPT_CREDS_SINGLE_USER), TRUE); EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_OPT_CREDS_ALL_USER), TRUE); }
HWND hwndPassword = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_PASSWORD_EDIT); if (hwndPassword) { BOOL fPWFieldModified = (BOOL) SendMessageU(hwndPassword, EM_GETMODIFY, 0L, 0L);
if (CM_CREDS_GLOBAL == pArgs->dwCurrentCredentialType) { //
// Try to reload current creds now that the user has enabled the save
// password option, unless the password field has been edited
if (FALSE == fPWFieldModified) { //
// Set the 3rd param to TRUE in order to bypass the check
// that it's called when we are in the local credential mode.
SwitchToGlobalCreds(pArgs, hwndDlg, TRUE); } } else { if (pArgs->fGlobalCredentialsSupported) { CheckDlgButton(hwndDlg, IDC_OPT_CREDS_ALL_USER, BST_UNCHECKED); CheckDlgButton(hwndDlg, IDC_OPT_CREDS_SINGLE_USER, BST_CHECKED); } if (FALSE == fPWFieldModified) { //
// Set the 3rd param to TRUE in order to bypass the check
// that it's called when we are in the global credential mode.
SwitchToLocalCreds(pArgs, hwndDlg, TRUE); } } } } } break; case IDC_OPT_CREDS_SINGLE_USER: { //
// FALSE - allows the function to only execute if we are currently using
// the global credential store and the user now wants to switch.
SwitchToLocalCreds(pArgs, hwndDlg, FALSE); break; }
// FALSE - allows the function to only execute if we are currently using
// the local credential store and the user now wants to switch.
SwitchToGlobalCreds(pArgs, hwndDlg, FALSE); break; }
case IDC_MAIN_RESET_PASSWORD: OnResetPassword(hwndDlg, pArgs); break;
case IDC_MAIN_CUSTOM: OnCustom(hwndDlg, pArgs); break;
case IDCANCEL: OnMainCancel(hwndDlg,pArgs); return (TRUE);
case IDC_MAIN_PASSWORD_EDIT: case IDC_MAIN_USERNAME_EDIT: case IDC_MAIN_DOMAIN_EDIT: if ((HIWORD(wParam) == EN_CHANGE)) { if (!pArgs->fIgnoreChangeNotification) { OnMainEnChange(hwndDlg,pArgs); return (TRUE); } } break; case IDC_MAIN_ACCESSPOINT_COMBO: if (CBN_SELENDOK == HIWORD(wParam)) { if (ChangedAccessPoint(pArgs, hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_ACCESSPOINT_COMBO)) { UINT nCtrlFocus;
CheckConnect(hwndDlg,pArgs,&nCtrlFocus); MainSetDefaultButton(hwndDlg,nCtrlFocus); } } default: break; } break;
case WM_HELP: CmWinHelp((HWND) (((LPHELPINFO) lParam)->hItemHandle), (HWND) (((LPHELPINFO) lParam)->hItemHandle), pArgs->pszHelpFile, HELP_WM_HELP, (ULONG_PTR) (LPSTR) adwHelp); return (TRUE);
case WM_CONTEXTMENU: { POINT pt = {LOWORD(lParam), HIWORD(lParam)}; HWND hwndCtrl;
ScreenToClient(hwndDlg, &pt); hwndCtrl = ChildWindowFromPoint(hwndDlg, pt); if (!hwndCtrl || HaveContextHelp(hwndDlg, hwndCtrl)) { CmWinHelp((HWND) wParam, hwndCtrl, pArgs->pszHelpFile, HELP_CONTEXTMENU, (ULONG_PTR)adwHelp); } return (TRUE); }
case WM_SIZE: //
// Dynamicly Enable/Disable system menu
{ HMENU hMenu = GetSystemMenu(hwndDlg, FALSE);
if (hMenu) { //
// if the dlg is minimized, then disable the minimized menu
if (wParam == SIZE_MINIMIZED) { EnableMenuItem(hMenu, SC_MINIMIZE, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED); EnableMenuItem(hMenu, SC_RESTORE, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_ENABLED); } else if (wParam != SIZE_MAXHIDE && wParam != SIZE_MAXSHOW) { EnableMenuItem(hMenu, SC_MINIMIZE, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_ENABLED); EnableMenuItem(hMenu, SC_RESTORE, MF_BYCOMMAND | MF_GRAYED); } } MYDBGASSERT(hMenu); // assert if hMenu is NULL
} break;
case WM_TIMER:
// Ignore the timer, if a (pre)connect action is running
if (!pArgs->fIgnoreTimerRasMsg) { OnMainTimer(hwndDlg,pArgs); }
break; case WM_PALETTEISCHANGING: CMTRACE2(TEXT("MainDlgProc() got WM_PALETTEISCHANGING message, wParam=0x%x, hwndDlg=0x%x."), wParam, hwndDlg);
// If its not our window that changed the palette, and we have a bitmap
if (IsWindowVisible(hwndDlg) && (wParam != (WPARAM) hwndDlg) && pArgs->BmpData.hDIBitmap) { //
// Handle the palette change.
// Note: We used to pass a flag indicating whether another
// bitmap was being displayed, but given that we select the
// paletted as a background app. this is no longer needed
CMTRACE2(TEXT("MainDlgProc() handling WM_PALETTECHANGED message, wParam=0x%x, hwndDlg=0x%x."), wParam, hwndDlg);
PaletteChanged(&pArgs->BmpData, hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_BITMAP); } return TRUE; }
case WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE: if (IsWindowVisible(hwndDlg)) { CMTRACE2(TEXT("MainDlgProc() handling WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE message, wParam=0x%x, hwndDlg=0x%x."), wParam, hwndDlg);
QueryNewPalette(&pArgs->BmpData, hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_BITMAP); } return TRUE;
case WM_LOADSTARTUPINFO: OnMainLoadStartupInfo(hwndDlg, pArgs); break;
case WM_HANGUP_CM: MYDBGASSERT(OS_W9X); HangupCM(pArgs, hwndDlg, FALSE, (BOOL)wParam); break;
case WM_CONNECTED_CM: OnConnectedCM(hwndDlg, pArgs); break;
case WM_PAUSE_RASDIAL: OnPauseRasDial(hwndDlg, pArgs, wParam, lParam); break; default: break; } if (pArgs && (uMsg == pArgs->uMsgId)) { OnRasNotificationMessage(hwndDlg, pArgs, wParam, lParam); return (TRUE); } return (FALSE); }
// Function: ProcessCleanup
// Synopsis: Helper function to encapsulate closing Watch process handles
// Arguments: pArgs - pointer to global args struct
// Returns: Nothing
// History: a-nichb - Created - 4/30/97
void ProcessCleanup(ArgsStruct* pArgs) { BOOL bRes; if (pArgs->phWatchProcesses) { DWORD dwIdx;
for (dwIdx=0;pArgs->phWatchProcesses[dwIdx];dwIdx++) { bRes = CloseHandle(pArgs->phWatchProcesses[dwIdx]); #ifdef DEBUG
if (!bRes) { CMTRACE1(TEXT("ProcessCleanup() CloseHandle() failed, GLE=%u."), GetLastError()); } #endif
} CmFree(pArgs->phWatchProcesses); } }
// Function: CheckProfileIntegrity
// Synopsis: Helper function to verify that we have valid profile.
// Verifies that we have a .CMP file name and that the
// .CMS file exists.
// Arguments: pArgs - pointer to global args struct
// Returns: TRUE if profile is valid
// History: a-nichb - Created - 5/8/97
// byao - Modified - 6/3/97 Added CMS/CMP file version check
BOOL CheckProfileIntegrity(ArgsStruct* pArgs) { LPTSTR pszTmp = NULL; LPCTSTR pszCmsFile = NULL; DWORD dwCmsVersion, dwCmpVersion, dwCmVersion;
int iMsgId = 0;
if (NULL == pArgs) { return FALSE; }
// Make sure that we have a profile name and a CMS that exists
if (!(*pArgs->piniProfile->GetFile())) { iMsgId = IDMSG_DAMAGED_PROFILE; CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("CheckProfileIntegrity() can't run without a .cmp file.")); }
// If profile is good, check CMS
if (0 == iMsgId) { pszCmsFile = pArgs->piniService->GetFile();
if (!*pszCmsFile || FALSE == FileExists(pszCmsFile)) { iMsgId = IDMSG_DAMAGED_PROFILE; CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("CheckProfileIntegrity() can't run without a valid .cms file.")); } }
// Now check the CMS/CMP file version
if (0 == iMsgId) { dwCmsVersion = pArgs->piniService->GPPI(c_pszCmSectionProfileFormat, c_pszVersion); dwCmpVersion = pArgs->piniProfile->GPPI(c_pszCmSectionProfileFormat, c_pszVersion);
if ((dwCmsVersion != dwCmpVersion) || 0 == dwCmpVersion || 0 == dwCmsVersion) { iMsgId = IDMSG_DAMAGED_PROFILE; CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("CheckProfileIntegrity() can't run with different version numbers.")); } if (0 == iMsgId) { if (dwCmsVersion > PROFILEVERSION || dwCmpVersion > PROFILEVERSION) { //
// CM has older version than either CMS or CMP file
iMsgId = IDMSG_WRONG_PROFILE_VERSION; CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("CheckProfileIntegrity() can't run with a newer CMS/CMP file.")); } } } //
// Report any problems to the user
if (iMsgId) { //
// Make sure we aren't in unattended mode before showing UI to the user
if (0 == (pArgs->dwFlags & FL_UNATTENDED)) { pszTmp = CmFmtMsg(g_hInst, iMsgId); MessageBoxEx(NULL, pszTmp, pArgs->szServiceName, MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP, LANG_USER_DEFAULT);//13309
CmFree(pszTmp); }
pArgs->dwExitCode = ERROR_WRONG_INFO_SPECIFIED; return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// Function: GetConnectType
// Synopsis: Encapsulates determination of connect type based upon tunneling,
// etc.
// Arguments: ArgsStruct *pArgs - Ptr to global Args struct
// Returns: Nothing
// History: nickball Created 2/9/98
void GetConnectType(ArgsStruct *pArgs) { //
// If tunneling is not enabled, the decision is a simple one
if (!IsTunnelEnabled(pArgs)) { //
// Only support dial-up, if tunnel is not enabled
pArgs->SetBothConnTypeSupported(FALSE); pArgs->SetDirectConnect(FALSE); } else { //
// Load connection type info for CM 1.1, default is support both
int iSupportDialup = pArgs->piniService->GPPI(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryDialup, 1); int iSupportDirect = pArgs->piniService->GPPI(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryDirect, 1);
if (iSupportDialup == TRUE && iSupportDirect == TRUE) { pArgs->SetBothConnTypeSupported(TRUE);
if (pArgs->piniBoth->GPPI(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryConnectionType, 0)) { pArgs->SetDirectConnect(TRUE); } else { pArgs->SetDirectConnect(FALSE); } } else { pArgs->SetBothConnTypeSupported(FALSE); pArgs->SetDirectConnect(iSupportDirect == TRUE); } } }
// Function: _ArgsStruct::GetTypeOfConnection
// Synopsis: Figures out what type of connection we are doing (dialup,
// double dial, or direct) and returns one of the connection define
// values listed in icm.h.
// Arguments: None
// Returns: DWORD - value indicating the type of connection, see icm.h for values
// History: quintinb Created 04/20/00
DWORD _ArgsStruct::GetTypeOfConnection() { DWORD dwType = 0;
if (this->IsDirectConnect()) { return DIRECT_CONNECTION; } else { //
// Its not direct, so see if the primary phone
// number is for a tunneling scenario.
if (this->fUseTunneling) // Ambiguous during Pre-Init action.
{ return DOUBLE_DIAL_CONNECTION; } else { return DIAL_UP_CONNECTION; } }
// Function: _ArgsStruct::GetProperty
// Synopsis: get the cm property by name
// This function is used by connect actions
// Arguments: const TCHAR* pszName - name of the property
// BOOL *pbValidPropertyName - ptr to bool to indicate validity of property
// Returns: LPTSTR - Value of the property. Caller should use CmFree
// to free the memory
// History: fengsun Created Header 07/07/98
// nickball pbValidPropertyName 07/27/99
LPTSTR _ArgsStruct::GetProperty(const TCHAR* pszName, BOOL *pbValidPropertyName) { *pbValidPropertyName = TRUE;
// This function could be called with in RasCustomHangup.
// Some information of pArgs may bot be loaded
if (pszName == NULL) { return NULL; }
// Type - Dial-up only, VPN only, double-dial
if (lstrcmpiU(pszName, TEXT("ConnectionType")) == 0) { LPTSTR pszValue = (LPTSTR)CmMalloc(64*sizeof(TCHAR)); // large enough to hold the error code
if (pszValue) { wsprintfU(pszValue, TEXT("%u"), this->GetTypeOfConnection()); }
return pszValue; }
// UserPrefix
if (lstrcmpiU(pszName,TEXT("UserPrefix")) == 0) { LPTSTR pszUsernamePrefix = NULL; LPTSTR pszUsernameSuffix = NULL;
// Retrieve the suffix and prefix as they are a logical pair,
// but we only return the allocated PREFIX in this case.
CIni *piniService = GetAppropriateIniService(this, this->nDialIdx);
GetPrefixSuffix(this, piniService, &pszUsernamePrefix, &pszUsernameSuffix); CmFree(pszUsernameSuffix); delete piniService;
return pszUsernamePrefix; }
// UserSuffix
if (lstrcmpiU(pszName,TEXT("UserSuffix")) == 0) { LPTSTR pszUsernamePrefix = NULL; LPTSTR pszUsernameSuffix = NULL;
// Retrieve the suffix and prefix as they are a logical pair,
// but we only return the allocated SUFFIX in this case.
CIni *piniService = GetAppropriateIniService(this, this->nDialIdx);
GetPrefixSuffix(this, piniService, &pszUsernamePrefix, &pszUsernameSuffix); CmFree(pszUsernamePrefix); delete piniService;
return pszUsernameSuffix; }
// UserName
if (lstrcmpiU(pszName,TEXT("UserName")) == 0) { LPTSTR pszValue = NULL;
// We want to get the value by calling GetUserInfo so that we don't break
// existing scenarios. Otherwise for Winlogon and ICS case we'll just take the
// value directly out of the Args Structure.
if (CM_LOGON_TYPE_USER == this->dwWinLogonType) { GetUserInfo(this, UD_ID_USERNAME, (PVOID*)&pszValue); } else { pszValue = CmStrCpyAlloc(this->szUserName); }
return pszValue; }
// InetUserName
if (lstrcmpiU(pszName,TEXT("InetUserName")) == 0) { LPTSTR pszValue = NULL;
// If we aren't doing a double dial, then the InetUserName doesn't make
// sense and thus should be zero. Also if UseSameUserName is
// set then we want to return the UserName and skip trying to
// find the InetUserName
if (this->fUseTunneling && (FALSE == this->IsDirectConnect())) { if (this->piniService->GPPB(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryUseSameUserName)) { //
// We want to get the value by calling GetUserInfo so that we don't break
// existing scenarios. Otherwise for Winlogon and ICS case we'll just take the
// value directly out of the Args Structure.
if (CM_LOGON_TYPE_USER == this->dwWinLogonType) { GetUserInfo(this, UD_ID_USERNAME, (PVOID*)&pszValue); } else { pszValue = CmStrCpyAlloc(this->szUserName); } } else { //
// We want to get the value by calling GetUserInfo so that we don't break
// existing scenarios. Otherwise for Winlogon and ICS case we'll just take the
// value directly out of the Args Structure.
if (CM_LOGON_TYPE_USER == this->dwWinLogonType) { GetUserInfo(this, UD_ID_INET_USERNAME, (PVOID*)&pszValue); } else { pszValue = CmStrCpyAlloc(this->szInetUserName); } } } return pszValue; }
// Domain
if (lstrcmpiU(pszName,TEXT("Domain")) == 0) { LPTSTR pszValue = NULL;
// We want to get the value by calling GetUserInfo so that we don't break
// existing scenarios. Otherwise for Winlogon and ICS case we'll just take the
// value directly out of the Args Structure.
if (CM_LOGON_TYPE_USER == this->dwWinLogonType) { GetUserInfo(this, UD_ID_DOMAIN, (PVOID*)&pszValue); } else { pszValue = CmStrCpyAlloc(this->szDomain); }
return pszValue; }
// Profile
if (lstrcmpiU(pszName,TEXT("Profile")) == 0) { return CmStrCpyAlloc(this->piniProfile->GetFile()); }
// ServiceDir
if (lstrcmpiU(pszName, TEXT("ServiceDir")) == 0) { LPTSTR pszServiceDir = NULL;
// start with the file name of the Service
LPCTSTR pszService = this->piniService->GetFile(); if (pszService) { // find out where the filename.cmp portion starts
LPTSTR pszTmp = CmStrrchr(pszService, TEXT('\\'));
size_t nSize = pszTmp - pszService + 1;
// alloc enough space for the directory name (and terminating NULL)
pszServiceDir = (LPTSTR)CmMalloc( nSize * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (pszServiceDir) { lstrcpynU(pszServiceDir, pszService, nSize); //
// The Win32 lstrcpyN function enforces a terminating NULL,
// so the above works without requiring any further code.
} }
return pszServiceDir; }
// ServiceName
if (lstrcmpiU(pszName,c_pszCmEntryServiceName) == 0) { MYDBGASSERT(this->szServiceName[0]); return CmStrCpyAlloc(this->szServiceName); }
// DialRasPhoneBook
if (lstrcmpiU(pszName, TEXT("DialRasPhoneBook")) == 0) { //
// We want to return NULL if this was a direct connection
// and we want to return the hidden ras phonebook path if
// this was a double dial connection (tunnel over a PPP
// connection that we dialed).
if (this->IsDirectConnect()) { return NULL; } else { if (this->fUseTunneling) { return CreateRasPrivatePbk(this); } else { return CmStrCpyAlloc(this->pszRasPbk); } } }
// DialRasEntry
if (lstrcmpiU(pszName, TEXT("DialRasEntry")) == 0) { if (this->IsDirectConnect()) { return NULL; } else { return GetRasConnectoidName(this, this->piniService, FALSE); } }
// TunnelRasPhoneBook
if (lstrcmpiU(pszName, TEXT("TunnelRasPhoneBook")) == 0) { //
// If we are not tunneling then we want to make sure that we
// return NULL for the tunnel entry name and the tunnel
// phonebook
if (this->fUseTunneling) { CMTRACE1(TEXT("GetProperty - TunnelRasPhoneBook is %s"), this->pszRasPbk); return CmStrCpyAlloc(this->pszRasPbk); } else { CMTRACE(TEXT("GetProperty - TunnelRasPhoneBook returns NULL")); return NULL; } }
// TunnelRasEntry
if (lstrcmpiU(pszName, TEXT("TunnelRasEntry")) == 0) { //
// If we are not tunneling then we want to make sure that we
// return NULL for the tunnel entry name and the tunnel
// phonebook
if (this->fUseTunneling) { return GetRasConnectoidName(this, this->piniService, TRUE); } else { return NULL; } }
// AutoRedial, TRUE or FALSE
if (lstrcmpiU(pszName, TEXT("AutoRedial")) == 0) { //
// Return TRUE for the first try.
return CmStrCpyAlloc( this->nRedialCnt != this->nMaxRedials ? TEXT("1") : TEXT("0")); }
if (lstrcmpiU(pszName, TEXT("LastErrorSource")) == 0) { return CmStrCpyAlloc(this->szLastErrorSrc); }
// PopName, as the city name in phone-book
if (lstrcmpiU(pszName, TEXT("PopName")) == 0) { if (this->IsDirectConnect()) { //
// Ensure no POP description on DirectConnect #324951
return NULL; } else { //
// the szDesc is in the format of "CityName (BaudMin - BaudMax bps)"
// We could save the CityNme when we load the phone number from phonebook
// But we have to change cmpbk code then.
LPTSTR pszDesc = CmStrCpyAlloc(this->aDialInfo[nDialIdx].szDesc);
// The city name is followed by " ("
LPTSTR pszEnd = CmStrStr(pszDesc, TEXT(" ("));
if (pszEnd == NULL) { CmFree(pszDesc); return NULL; }
*pszEnd = TEXT('\0');
return pszDesc; } }
// The current favorite
if (lstrcmpiU(pszName, TEXT("CurrentFavorite")) == 0) { return CmStrCpyAlloc(this->pszCurrentAccessPoint); }
// The current tunnel server address
if (lstrcmpiU(pszName, TEXT("TunnelServerAddress")) == 0) { if (this->fUseTunneling) { return this->piniBothNonFav->GPPS(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryTunnelAddress); } else { return NULL; } }
// The canonical number if there is one and if not then the szPhonenumber field itself.
if (lstrcmpiU(pszName, TEXT("PhoneNumberDialed")) == 0) { if (this->IsDirectConnect()) { return NULL; } else { if (this->aDialInfo[nDialIdx].szCanonical[0]) { return CmStrCpyAlloc(this->aDialInfo[nDialIdx].szCanonical); } else { return CmStrCpyAlloc(this->aDialInfo[nDialIdx].szPhoneNumber); } } }
// ErrorCode in decimal
if (lstrcmpiU(pszName, TEXT("ErrorCode")) == 0) { LPTSTR pszValue = (LPTSTR)CmMalloc(64*sizeof(TCHAR)); // large enough to hold the error code
if (pszValue) { wsprintfU(pszValue, TEXT("%d"), this->dwExitCode); }
return pszValue; }
// The client's or server's IP address
if (lstrcmpiU(pszName, TEXT("ClientIPAddress")) == 0 || lstrcmpiU(pszName, TEXT("ServerIPAddress")) == 0) { RASPROJECTION RasProj = RASP_PppIp; RASPPPIP RasPPPIP; DWORD dwBufSize = sizeof(RASPPPIP); DWORD dwRet = ERROR_SUCCESS; HRASCONN hrcRasConn = NULL; // Set a flag based on whether client or server was asked for
BOOL fClientIP = ((lstrcmpiU(pszName, TEXT("ClientIPAddress")) == 0) ? TRUE : FALSE);
if (this->hrcTunnelConn) { // we have a tunnel handle => we're tunneling
hrcRasConn = this->hrcTunnelConn; } else if (this->hrcRasConn) { // we have a ras handle => we're dialing
hrcRasConn = this->hrcRasConn; } else { // no soup for you
return NULL; }
ZeroMemory(&RasPPPIP, dwBufSize); RasPPPIP.dwSize = dwBufSize;
dwRet = this->rlsRasLink.pfnGetProjectionInfo(hrcRasConn, RasProj, (PVOID) &RasPPPIP, &dwBufSize); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwRet) { if (fClientIP) { return CmStrCpyAlloc(RasPPPIP.szIpAddress); } else { return CmStrCpyAlloc(RasPPPIP.szServerIpAddress); } } else { CMTRACE1(TEXT("GetProperty - RasGetProjectionInfo returns %d"), dwRet); }
return NULL; } //
// Should the customaction interact with the user
if (lstrcmpiU(pszName, TEXT("Interactive")) == 0) { LPTSTR pszValue = (LPTSTR) CmMalloc(2 * sizeof(TCHAR)); // this is 0 or 1
MYDBGASSERT(pszValue); if (pszValue) { wsprintfU(pszValue, TEXT("%u"), (this->dwFlags & FL_UNATTENDED) ? 0 : 1); }
return pszValue; }
CMTRACE1(TEXT("%%%s%% not a macro, may be environment variable"), pszName); *pbValidPropertyName = FALSE;
return NULL; }
// Function: GetMainDlgTemplate
// Synopsis: Encapsulates determining which template is to be used
// for the main dialog.
// Arguments: ArgsStruct *pArgs - Ptr to global Args struct
// Returns: UINT - Dlg template ID.
// History: nickball Created 9/25/98
// tomkel 01/30/2001 Added support for global credentials UI
// by using pArgs->fGlobalCredentialsSupported
UINT GetMainDlgTemplate(ArgsStruct *pArgs) { MYDBGASSERT(pArgs); if (NULL == pArgs) { MYDBGASSERT(pArgs); return 0; }
UINT uiNewMainDlgID = 0; DWORD dwNewTemplateMask = 0; UINT i = 0;
// Currently there are 24 dialogs used in this function. If you add more dialogs
// make sure to increase the size of the array and the loop. The dialog templates
// aren't in any particular order, since we loop through all of them
// comparing the masks until we find the correct one.
// Set the mask according to the pArgs flags for each value.
if (!pArgs->fHideUserName) { dwNewTemplateMask |= CMTM_UID; }
// If the password edit is not displayed, there is no need to
// check for the global creds flag since there are no such dialogs
if (!pArgs->fHidePassword) { dwNewTemplateMask |= CMTM_PWD;
// Since we show the password field, lets check if we should display
// the global creds option as well.
if (pArgs->fGlobalCredentialsSupported) { dwNewTemplateMask |= CMTM_GCOPT; } }
if (!pArgs->fHideDomain) { dwNewTemplateMask |= CMTM_DMN; }
if (pArgs->fAccessPointsEnabled) { dwNewTemplateMask |= CMTM_FAVS; }
// Now find the corresponding template id
for (i = 0; i < 24; i++) { if (rdwTemplateIDs[i][0] == dwNewTemplateMask) { uiNewMainDlgID = rdwTemplateIDs[i][1]; break; } }
if (0 == uiNewMainDlgID) { MYDBGASSERT(FALSE); uiNewMainDlgID = IDD_MAIN_NO_USERDATA; }
return uiNewMainDlgID; }
// Function: Connect
// Synopsis: The main dialing (connect path) replaces the winmain from the
// original CMMGR32.EXE
// Arguments: HWND hwndParent - window handle of parent
// LPCTSTR lpszEntry - Ptr to the name of the connection entry
// LPTSTR lpszPhonebook - Ptr to the name of the phonebook
// LPRASDIALDLG lpRasDialDlg - RasDialDlg data - ignored
// LPRASENTRYDLG lpRasEntryDlg - RasEntryDlg data - ignored
// LPCMDIALINFO lpCmInfo - CM specific dial info such as flags
// DWORD dwFlags - Flags for AllUser, SingleUser, EAP, etc.
// PVOID pvLogonBlob - Ptr to blob passed by RAS at WinLogon on W2K
// Returns: Nothing
// Note: RasDialDlg->hwndOwner and RasDialDlg->hwndOwner are honored, but they
// are currently passed in via the hwndParent parameter as appropriate by
// the caller, CmCustomDialDlg.
// History: nickball Created 02/06/98
// nickball hwndParent 11/10/98
// nickball Passed down dwFlags instead of BOOL 07/13/99
HRESULT Connect(HWND hwndParent, LPCTSTR pszEntry, LPTSTR lpszPhonebook, LPRASDIALDLG, // lpRasDialDlg,
LPRASENTRYDLG, // lpRasEntryDlg,
LPCMDIALINFO lpCmInfo, DWORD dwFlags, PVOID pvLogonBlob) { MYDBGASSERT(pszEntry); MYDBGASSERT(pszEntry[0]); MYDBGASSERT(lpCmInfo);
if (NULL == pszEntry || NULL == lpCmInfo) { return E_POINTER; }
if (0 == pszEntry[0]) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
HRESULT hrRes = S_OK; BOOL fLoggingInitialized = FALSE;
// Allocate our args struct from the heap. Not on our stack.
ArgsStruct* pArgs = (ArgsStruct*) CmMalloc(sizeof(ArgsStruct));
if (NULL == pArgs) { hrRes = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_ALLOCATING_MEMORY); goto done; }
// Clear and init global args struct
hrRes = InitArgsForConnect(pArgs, lpszPhonebook, lpCmInfo, (dwFlags & RCD_AllUsers));
if (FAILED(hrRes)) { goto done; }
// Setup the connection table
hrRes = CreateConnTable(pArgs);
if (FAILED(hrRes)) { goto done; }
// Initialize the profile
hrRes = InitProfile(pArgs, pszEntry);
if (FAILED(hrRes)) { goto done; }
// Make sure we have a .cmp name and that the specified .cms exists
if (FALSE == CheckProfileIntegrity(pArgs)) { // CheckProfileIntegrity() will set pArgs->dwExitCode accordingly
goto done; }
// Initialize logging
(VOID) InitLogging(pArgs, pszEntry, TRUE); // TRUE => write a banner;
// ignore return value
fLoggingInitialized = TRUE;
// If the SafeNet client is available then let's enable logging. We won't
// know for sure if we are using it till much later and I don't want to miss
// it discovering other adapters (dialup adapters coming up for instance). I
// would rather log too much than not enough.
if ((OS_W9X || OS_NT4) && IsSafeNetClientAvailable()) { SafeNetLinkageStruct SnLinkage = {0}; BOOL bUseLogFile = pArgs->Log.IsEnabled();
if (LinkToSafeNet(&SnLinkage)) { if (SnLinkage.pfnSnPolicySet(SN_USELOGFILE, (VOID*)&bUseLogFile)) { MYVERIFY(0 != SnLinkage.pfnSnPolicyReload()); } else { DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); CMTRACE1(TEXT("Connect -- unable to toggle the SafeNet log file. SnPolicySet failed with GLE %d"), dwError); }
UnLinkFromSafeNet(&SnLinkage); } }
// Pick up any pre-existing credentials (eg. WinLogon, Reconnect)
hrRes = InitCredentials(pArgs, lpCmInfo, dwFlags, pvLogonBlob); if (S_OK != hrRes) { goto done; }
// Now that credential support and existance flags are initialized we need
// to initialize the read/write flags in order to support global user
// info. This can only be called only after InitCredentials
// Calling InitConnect depends on having the Ini objects read/write flags initialized correctly
// thus this calls needs to happen after SetIniObjectReadWriteFlags. This is important in case
// of ICS where it needs to be able to read data correctly from the ICSData reg key or default to
// the .cms/.cmp files.
if (!InitConnect(pArgs)) { goto done; }
// Register Classes
RegisterBitmapClass(g_hInst); RegisterWindowClass(g_hInst);
// Get the helpfile path
// If we are in FL_PROPERTIES mode, just get the settings from the
// profile. Otherwise go ahead and launch the MainDlgProc
if (pArgs->dwFlags & FL_PROPERTIES) { if (*pArgs->piniProfile->GetFile() && SetupInternalInfo(pArgs, NULL)) { OnMainProperties(hwndParent, pArgs); } } else { //
// Need to call OleInitialize()? See if we need FutureSplash. We don't display
// animations at WinLogon because of the security implications.
if (pArgs->piniService->GPPB(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryAnimatedLogo) && !IsLogonAsSystem()) { if (!pArgs->olsOle32Link.hInstOle32) { if (LinkToOle32(&pArgs->olsOle32Link, "OLE32")) { if (pArgs->olsOle32Link.pfnOleInitialize(NULL) != S_OK) { //
// Note: it's not fatal to fail OleInitialize().
// We will just load the normal bitmap then.
CMTRACE(TEXT("Connect() OleInitialize failed")); } } else { CMTRACE(TEXT("Connect() LinkToOle32 failed")); } } } //
// Launch main dialog
INT_PTR iMainDlgReturn = 0; do { iMainDlgReturn = DialogBoxParamU(g_hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(GetMainDlgTemplate(pArgs)), hwndParent, MainDlgProc, (LPARAM) pArgs);
if (0 != pArgs->dwSCardErr) { //
// User entered a bad smartcard PIN. We exit immediately to avoid
// locking up the smartcard with multiple incorrect retries.
MYDBGASSERT(BAD_SCARD_PIN(pArgs->dwSCardErr)); hrRes = pArgs->dwSCardErr; goto done; }
} while (ID_OK_RELAUNCH_MAIN_DLG == iMainDlgReturn); }
// Now that we are done, we should clear up all the messes :)
// Un-initialize logging
if (pArgs && fLoggingInitialized) { (VOID) pArgs->Log.DeInit(); // ignore return value
// Un-initialize Secure password classes
if (pArgs) { pArgs->SecurePW.UnInit(); pArgs->SecureInetPW.UnInit(); }
// If hRes isn't already set, use the exitcode value
if (S_OK == hrRes) { if (pArgs->dwExitCode > 0x7FFFFFFF) { hrRes = pArgs->dwExitCode; } else { hrRes = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(pArgs->dwExitCode); } } //
// Release pArgs, and exit completely
return hrRes; }
// Define funtion prototypes for EAP functions
// that are implemented in the actual EAP dll.
typedef DWORD (WINAPI* pfnRasEapGetIdentity)( DWORD, HWND, DWORD, const WCHAR*, const WCHAR*, PBYTE, DWORD, PBYTE, DWORD, PBYTE*, DWORD*, WCHAR** );
typedef DWORD (WINAPI* pfnRasEapFreeMemory)( PBYTE );
// Function: CmEapGetIdentity
// Synopsis: Given EapUserData, looks up and calls RasEapGetIdentity for
// the current EAP. Designed to handle the WinLogon case when we
// want to use the EapUserData passed to us, rather then letting
// RasGetEapUserIdentity look it up. Because it is only used in
// this case we pass RAS_EAP_FLAG_LOGON this enables other EAPs
// to disregard the data if necessary.
// Arguments: ArgsStruct *pArgs - Ptr to global args struct
// LPTSTR lpszPhonebook - Ptr to the RAS phonebook
// LPBYTE pbEapAuthData - Eap auth data blob
// DWORD dwEapAuthDataSize - size of the Eap auth data blob
// DWORD dwCustomAuthKey - The EAP identifier
// LPRASEAPUSERIDENTITY* ppRasEapUserIdentity - Identity data
// Returns: Error Code
// History: nickball Created 07/16/99
// nickball ppRasEapUserIdentity 07/30/99
static DWORD CmEapGetIdentity(ArgsStruct *pArgs, LPTSTR pszRasPbk, LPBYTE pbEapAuthData, DWORD dwEapAuthDataSize, DWORD dwCustomAuthKey, LPRASEAPUSERIDENTITY* ppRasEapUserIdentity) { MYDBGASSERT(OS_NT5); MYDBGASSERT(pArgs); MYDBGASSERT(ppRasEapUserIdentity); MYDBGASSERT(pArgs->lpEapLogonInfo); if (NULL == pArgs || NULL == pArgs->lpEapLogonInfo || NULL == ppRasEapUserIdentity) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } DWORD dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; DWORD dwTmp = 0; DWORD dwSize = 0; DWORD cbDataOut = 0; LPBYTE pbDataOut = NULL; WCHAR* pwszIdentity = NULL; HKEY hKeyEap = NULL; HINSTANCE hInst = NULL; LPWSTR pszwPath = NULL;
pfnRasEapFreeMemory pfnEapFreeMemory = NULL; pfnRasEapGetIdentity pfnEapGetIdentity = NULL;
// First we have to locate the Identity DLL for our EAP. Step one is to
// build the reg key name using the base path and EAP number.
WCHAR szwTmp[MAX_PATH]; wsprintfU(szwTmp, TEXT("%s\\%u"), c_pszRasEapRegistryLocation, dwCustomAuthKey); //
// Now we can open the EAP key
dwErr = RegOpenKeyExU(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szwTmp, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE , &hKeyEap); CMTRACE2(TEXT("CmEapGetIdentity - Opening %s returns %u"), szwTmp, dwErr); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { return dwErr; }
// See if the EAP supports RasEapGetIdentity
dwSize = sizeof(dwSize);
dwErr = RegQueryValueExU(hKeyEap, c_pszInvokeUsernameDialog, NULL, NULL, (BYTE*)&dwTmp, &dwSize);
CMTRACE2(TEXT("CmEapGetIdentity - Opening %s returns %u"), c_pszInvokeUsernameDialog, dwErr);
if ((dwErr) || (0 != dwTmp)) { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION_FOR_ENTRY; goto CmEapGetIdentityExit; }
// Next we need to retrieve the path of the EAP's identity DLL
dwSize = sizeof(szwTmp);
dwErr = RegQueryValueExU(hKeyEap, c_pszRasEapValueNameIdentity, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE) szwTmp, &dwSize);
CMTRACE2(TEXT("CmEapGetIdentity - Opening %s returns %u"), c_pszRasEapValueNameIdentity, dwErr);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwErr) { return dwErr; }
pszwPath = (LPWSTR) CmMalloc(MAX_PATH * sizeof(TCHAR));
if (NULL == pszwPath) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto CmEapGetIdentityExit; } ExpandEnvironmentStringsU(szwTmp, pszwPath, MAX_PATH);
// Finally we have the path to the identity DLL. Now we can load the DLL
// and get the address of the RasEapGetIdentity and RasEapFreeMemory funcs.
CMTRACE1(TEXT("CmEapGetIdentity - Loading EAP Identity DLL %s"), pszwPath);
hInst = LoadLibraryExU(pszwPath, NULL, 0);
if (NULL == hInst) { dwErr = GetLastError(); goto CmEapGetIdentityExit; }
pfnEapFreeMemory = (pfnRasEapFreeMemory) GetProcAddress(hInst, "RasEapFreeMemory"); pfnEapGetIdentity = (pfnRasEapGetIdentity) GetProcAddress(hInst, "RasEapGetIdentity");
if (pfnEapGetIdentity && pfnEapFreeMemory) { dwErr = pfnEapGetIdentity(dwCustomAuthKey, pArgs->hwndMainDlg, RAS_EAP_FLAG_LOGON | RAS_EAP_FLAG_PREVIEW, pszRasPbk, pArgs->pRasDialParams->szEntryName, pbEapAuthData, dwEapAuthDataSize, (LPBYTE) pArgs->lpEapLogonInfo, pArgs->lpEapLogonInfo->dwSize, &pbDataOut, &cbDataOut, &pwszIdentity); CMTRACE3(TEXT("CmEapGetIdentity - RasEapGetIdentity returns %u, cbDataOut is %u, pwszIdentity is %s"), dwErr, cbDataOut, pwszIdentity);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErr) { //
// If data was returned, use it. Otherwise, use the
// blob that was given to us by RAS at WinLogon.
if (cbDataOut) { dwSize = cbDataOut; } else { CMTRACE(TEXT("CmEapGetIdentity - there was no pbDataOut from the EAP, using lpEapLogonInfo")); CMTRACE1(TEXT("CmEapGetIdentity - pArgs->lpEapLogonInfo->dwSize is %u"), pArgs->lpEapLogonInfo->dwSize); CMTRACE1(TEXT("CmEapGetIdentity - dwLogonInfoSize is %u"), pArgs->lpEapLogonInfo->dwLogonInfoSize); CMTRACE1(TEXT("CmEapGetIdentity - dwOffsetLogonInfo is %u"), pArgs->lpEapLogonInfo->dwOffsetLogonInfo); CMTRACE1(TEXT("CmEapGetIdentity - dwPINInfoSize is %u"), pArgs->lpEapLogonInfo->dwPINInfoSize); CMTRACE1(TEXT("CmEapGetIdentity - dwOffsetPINInfo is %u"), pArgs->lpEapLogonInfo->dwOffsetPINInfo);
dwSize = pArgs->lpEapLogonInfo->dwSize; pbDataOut = (LPBYTE) pArgs->lpEapLogonInfo; // Note: pbDataOut is not our memory
} //
// Allocate the structure.
*ppRasEapUserIdentity = (LPRASEAPUSERIDENTITY) CmMalloc((sizeof(RASEAPUSERIDENTITY) - 1) + dwSize);
if (NULL == *ppRasEapUserIdentity) { dwErr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto CmEapGetIdentityExit; }
if (pbDataOut) // no crashy
{ CMTRACE1(TEXT("CmEapGetIdentity - filling *ppRasEapUserIdentity with pbDataOut of size %u"), dwSize);
lstrcpyn((*ppRasEapUserIdentity)->szUserName, pwszIdentity, UNLEN); (*ppRasEapUserIdentity)->szUserName[UNLEN] = 0;
(*ppRasEapUserIdentity)->dwSizeofEapInfo = dwSize; CopyMemory((*ppRasEapUserIdentity)->pbEapInfo, pbDataOut, dwSize); CMTRACE1(TEXT("CmEapGetIdentity - *ppRasEapUserIdentity filled with pbDataOut of size %u"), dwSize); } else { dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; MYDBGASSERT(FALSE); goto CmEapGetIdentityExit; } } } else { dwErr = GetLastError(); }
// Cleanup our temporary buffers
if (NULL != pfnEapFreeMemory) { //
// If cbDataOut is 0 then pbDataOut points at
// EapLogonInfo, which is not ours to free.
if (cbDataOut && (NULL != pbDataOut)) { pfnEapFreeMemory(pbDataOut); }
if (NULL != pwszIdentity) { pfnEapFreeMemory((BYTE*)pwszIdentity); } }
if (NULL != hKeyEap) { RegCloseKey(hKeyEap); }
if (hInst) { FreeLibrary(hInst); }
CMTRACE1(TEXT("CmEapGetIdentity - returns %u"), dwErr);
return dwErr; }
// Function: GetEapUserId
// Synopsis: Helper func to deal with the details of calling out to RAS for EAP
// credentials.
// Arguments: ArgsStruct *pArgs - Ptr to global args struct
// HWND hwndDlg - Window handle of dialog to own any UI
// LPTSTR lpszPhonebook - Ptr to the RAS phonebook
// LPBYTE pbEapAuthData - Eap auth data blob
// DWORD dwEapAuthDataSize - Size of the Eap auth data blob.
// DWORD dwCustomAuthKey - The EAP identifier
// LPRASEAPUSERIDENTITY* ppRasEapUserIdentity - Ptr to RAS EAP identity
// struct to be allocated on our behalf.
// Returns: Error Code
// History: nickball Created 05/22/99
// nickball ppRasEapUserIdentity 07/30/99
static DWORD GetEapUserId(ArgsStruct *pArgs, HWND hwndDlg, LPTSTR pszRasPbk, LPBYTE pbEapAuthData, DWORD dwEapAuthDataSize, DWORD dwCustomAuthKey, LPRASEAPUSERIDENTITY* ppRasEapUserIdentity) { MYDBGASSERT(OS_NT5); MYDBGASSERT(pArgs); MYDBGASSERT(ppRasEapUserIdentity); MYDBGASSERT(0 == *ppRasEapUserIdentity); // should always be NULL
if (NULL == pArgs || NULL == pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnGetEapUserIdentity || NULL == ppRasEapUserIdentity) { return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
*ppRasEapUserIdentity = 0;
// If we have data from WinLogon, then use our own version of
// GetEapIdentity. Under the covers, RasGetEapUserIdentity calls
// GetEapUserData (which potentially prompts the user) and then
// GetEapIdentity. Because we already have the equivalent
// (from WinLogon) of the data retrieved by GetEapUserData,
// we can call RasGetEapIdentity directly. This enables us
// to prevent an unnecessary prompt for the identity info that
// the user already gave at WinLogon.
if (pArgs->lpEapLogonInfo) { dwRet = CmEapGetIdentity(pArgs, pszRasPbk, pbEapAuthData, dwEapAuthDataSize, dwCustomAuthKey, ppRasEapUserIdentity); } else { DWORD dwEapIdentityFlags = 0;
// Note: In the case that we are called from WinLogon,
// but without EAP data, but the connection is configured for EAP
// we send the RAS_EAP_FLAG_LOGON flag down to the EAP so it knows
// what to do.
if (IsLogonAsSystem() && (CM_LOGON_TYPE_WINLOGON == pArgs->dwWinLogonType)) { dwEapIdentityFlags |= RAS_EAP_FLAG_LOGON; }
// In case we don't want UI set the - RAS_EAP_FLAG_NON_INTERACTIVE
// same as RASEAPF_NonInteractive
if (pArgs->dwFlags & FL_UNATTENDED) { dwEapIdentityFlags |= RAS_EAP_FLAG_NON_INTERACTIVE; } else { //
// Always prompt for EAP credentials. Otherwise when the PIN is saved
// the user has no way of un-saving it because TLS will cache it and
// won't display the prompt if it has everything it needs.
dwEapIdentityFlags = RAS_EAP_FLAG_PREVIEW; }
// Our smartcard PIN retry story: If called from winlogon with an EAP blob,
// we never retry because we have no way to sending the corrected PIN back
// to winlogon. In other cases, we retry once only.
// Retrying oftener greatly increases the chance of locking the smartcard.
DWORD dwMaxTries = 3; // essentially arbitrary number. (If a smartcard: most do lock you out after 3 tries.)
DWORD dwCurrentTry = 0;
do { dwRet = pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnGetEapUserIdentity( pszRasPbk, pArgs->pRasDialParams->szEntryName, dwEapIdentityFlags, // See Note above
hwndDlg, ppRasEapUserIdentity); } while ((dwCurrentTry++ < dwMaxTries) && (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwRet) && (ERROR_CANCELLED != dwRet));
// We also clear the password and domain in this case because
// they become irrelevant and we don't want to mix CAD credentials
// with smartcard credentials. Specifically, we don't want a clash
// between the UPN username that EAP usually produces and the
// standard username, domain provided with CAD at WinLogon.
// TODO: BUGBUG 739044 (not fixed - postponed to LH)
// In case of EAP-MD5 we shouldn't clear these fields
CmSecureZeroMemory(pArgs->pRasDialParams->szPassword, sizeof(pArgs->pRasDialParams->szPassword)); CmSecureZeroMemory(pArgs->pRasDialParams->szDomain, sizeof(pArgs->pRasDialParams->szDomain)); }
switch (dwRet) { case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: //
// The EAP package couldn't be loaded or didn't exist. In order to send back an error message
// to the user that's better than "File not found", we send ERROR_INVALID_DATA. Our error processing
// code will translate this to IDMSG_UNSUPPORTED_SETTING. Hopefully that gives the user enough to go on.
dwRet = ERROR_INVALID_DATA; break;
// If user id isn't required, succeed
// Retrieve the EAP credential data and store in dial params
// Copy Eap info to Dial Params and Dial Extensions for dialing
CMTRACE(TEXT("GetEapUserId() setting dial extension with *ppRasEapUserIdentity->pbEapInfo"));
lstrcpy(pArgs->pRasDialParams->szUserName, (*ppRasEapUserIdentity)->szUserName); ((LPRASDIALEXTENSIONS_V500) pArgs->pRasDialExtensions)->RasEapInfo.dwSizeofEapInfo = (*ppRasEapUserIdentity)->dwSizeofEapInfo; ((LPRASDIALEXTENSIONS_V500) pArgs->pRasDialExtensions)->RasEapInfo.pbEapInfo = (*ppRasEapUserIdentity)->pbEapInfo;
default: break; }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwRet) { //
// We have a user (identity) now, update internal and external records
// so that this information can be reported out. If we're dialing a
// tunnel, or its not a tunneling profile, store the name in the
// UserName cache, otherwise its the dial-up portion of double-dial
// and we store the identity in the InetUserName cache. #388199
if ((!UseTunneling(pArgs, pArgs->nDialIdx)) || IsDialingTunnel(pArgs)) { lstrcpy(pArgs->szUserName, pArgs->pRasDialParams->szUserName); SaveUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_USERNAME, (PVOID)pArgs->pRasDialParams->szUserName); SaveUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_DOMAIN, (PVOID)pArgs->pRasDialParams->szDomain); } else { lstrcpy(pArgs->szInetUserName, pArgs->pRasDialParams->szUserName); SaveUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_INET_USERNAME, (PVOID)pArgs->szInetUserName); } } CMTRACE2(TEXT("GetEapUserId() returns %u (0x%x)"), dwRet, dwRet);
return dwRet; }
// Func: ShowAccessPointInfoFromReg
// Desc: Get the access points from the registry and populate the combo box
// passed as input to the function
// Args: ArgsStruct *pArgs - Ptr to global args struct
// HWND hwndCombo - Handle to the combo box to puopulate
// Return: BOOL - Success or failure
// Notes:
// History: t-urama 07/28/2000 Created
BOOL ShowAccessPointInfoFromReg(ArgsStruct *pArgs, HWND hwndParent, UINT uiComboID) { MYDBGASSERT(pArgs);
if ((NULL == pArgs) || (NULL == hwndParent) || (NULL == pArgs->pszCurrentAccessPoint)) { return FALSE; } LPTSTR pszKeyName = NULL; DWORD dwTypeTmp; DWORD dwSizeTmp = 1; HKEY hKeyCm; DWORD dwRes = 1; DWORD dwIndex = 0; PFILETIME pftLastWriteTime = NULL;
LPTSTR pszRegPath = BuildUserInfoSubKey(pArgs->szServiceName, pArgs->fAllUser); MYDBGASSERT(pszRegPath);
if (NULL == pszRegPath) { return FALSE; }
CmStrCatAlloc(&pszRegPath, TEXT("\\")); CmStrCatAlloc(&pszRegPath, c_pszRegKeyAccessPoints);
if (NULL == pszRegPath) { return FALSE; } //
// Open the sub key under HKCU
dwRes = RegOpenKeyExU(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, pszRegPath, 0, KEY_READ, &hKeyCm); //
// If we opened the key successfully, retrieve the value
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwRes) { HWND hwndCombo = GetDlgItem(hwndParent, uiComboID); if (hwndCombo) { SendDlgItemMessageU(hwndParent, uiComboID, CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0L); do { dwSizeTmp = 1; do { CmFree(pszKeyName); dwSizeTmp = dwSizeTmp + MAX_PATH; MYDBGASSERT(dwSizeTmp < 320); if (dwSizeTmp > 320) { RegCloseKey(hKeyCm); goto ShowError; }
pszKeyName = (LPTSTR) CmMalloc((dwSizeTmp + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (NULL == pszKeyName) { RegCloseKey(hKeyCm); goto ShowError; }
dwRes = RegEnumKeyExU(hKeyCm, dwIndex, pszKeyName, &dwSizeTmp, NULL, NULL, NULL, pftLastWriteTime); } while (ERROR_MORE_DATA == dwRes);
// now write the name of the sub key to the combo box
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwRes ) { SendDlgItemMessageU(hwndParent, uiComboID, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)pszKeyName); } if (ERROR_SUCCESS != dwRes && ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS != dwRes) { CMTRACE1(TEXT("ShowAccessPointInfoFromReg() failed, GLE=%u."), GetLastError()); RegCloseKey(hKeyCm); goto ShowError; } dwIndex ++; } while(ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS != dwRes); DWORD dwIdx = (DWORD)SendDlgItemMessageU(hwndParent, uiComboID, CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, 0, (LPARAM)pArgs->pszCurrentAccessPoint); if (dwIdx != CB_ERR) { SendDlgItemMessageU(hwndParent, uiComboID, CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)dwIdx, 0L); } else { LPTSTR pszDefaultAccessPointName = CmLoadString(g_hInst, IDS_DEFAULT_ACCESSPOINT);
CMASSERTMSG(pszDefaultAccessPointName, TEXT("ShowAccessPointInfoFromReg -- CmLoadString of IDS_DEFAULT_ACCESSPOINT failed"));
if (pszDefaultAccessPointName) { dwIdx = (DWORD)SendDlgItemMessageU(hwndParent, uiComboID, CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, 0, (LPARAM)pszDefaultAccessPointName); if (dwIdx != CB_ERR) { SendDlgItemMessageU(hwndParent, uiComboID, CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)dwIdx, 0L); ChangedAccessPoint(pArgs, hwndParent, uiComboID); }
CmFree(pszDefaultAccessPointName); } } } CmFree(pszKeyName); CmFree(pszRegPath); RegCloseKey(hKeyCm); return TRUE; } ShowError: CmFree(pszRegPath); CmFree(pszKeyName); return FALSE; }
// Func: ChangedAccessPoint
// Desc: Changes the values of access point relevant stuff in pArgs
// if the value of the current access point changes
// Args: ArgsStruct *pArgs - Ptr to global args struct
// Return: BOOL - True if the access point has changed
// Notes:
// History: t-urama 07/28/2000 Created
BOOL ChangedAccessPoint(ArgsStruct *pArgs, HWND hwndDlg, UINT uiComboID) { BOOL bReturn = FALSE; MYDBGASSERT(pArgs); MYDBGASSERT(hwndDlg);
if ((NULL == pArgs) || (NULL == hwndDlg) || (NULL == pArgs->pszCurrentAccessPoint)) { return FALSE; }
HWND hwndCombo = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, uiComboID);
if (hwndCombo) { LPTSTR pszAccessPoint = NULL; LRESULT lRes = 0; LRESULT lResTextLen = 0;
// Need to get the currently selected text from the combobox.
// Previously we used GetWindowTextU(hwndCombo, szAccessPoint, MAX_PATH+1), but it
// incorrectly returned the text.
// First get the selected index, find out the string length, allocate memory
lRes = SendMessageU(hwndCombo, CB_GETCURSEL, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0); if (CB_ERR != lRes) { lResTextLen = SendMessageU(hwndCombo, CB_GETLBTEXTLEN, (WPARAM)lRes, (LPARAM)0); if (CB_ERR != lResTextLen) { pszAccessPoint = (LPTSTR)CmMalloc(sizeof(TCHAR)*(lResTextLen+1));
if (NULL != pszAccessPoint) { //
// Retrieve the text.
lRes = SendMessageU(hwndCombo, CB_GETLBTEXT, (WPARAM)lRes, (LPARAM)pszAccessPoint); if (CB_ERR != lRes) { if (0 != lstrcmpiU(pArgs->pszCurrentAccessPoint, pszAccessPoint)) { CmFree(pArgs->pszCurrentAccessPoint); pArgs->pszCurrentAccessPoint = CmStrCpyAlloc(pszAccessPoint);
if (pArgs->pszCurrentAccessPoint) { LPTSTR pszRegPath = FormRegPathFromAccessPoint(pArgs);
if (pszRegPath) { pArgs->piniBoth->SetPrimaryRegPath(pszRegPath); pArgs->piniProfile->SetRegPath(pszRegPath); CmFree(pszRegPath);
// First we determine our connect type
// Set fUseTunneling. If not obvious (eg. direct VPN) then
// base the initial value upon the primary phone number.
if (pArgs->IsDirectConnect()) { pArgs->fUseTunneling = TRUE; } else { pArgs->fUseTunneling = UseTunneling(pArgs, 0); }
// Make sure we re-munge the phone number we are about to load.
pArgs->bDialInfoLoaded = FALSE;
// get new values for redial count, idle timeout, and the tapi location
// get new values for phone info
LoadPhoneInfoFromProfile(pArgs); PickModem(pArgs, pArgs->szDeviceType, pArgs->szDeviceName);
CMTRACE1(TEXT("ChangedAccessPoint() - Changed Access point to %s"), pArgs->pszCurrentAccessPoint);
bReturn = TRUE; } else { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("ChangedAccessPoint -- FormRegPathFromAccessPoint returned NULL")); } } else { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("ChangedAccessPoint -- CmStrCpyAlloc returned NULL trying to copy the current access point.")); } } // else, nothing to do if the favorites are the same
} else { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("ChangedAccessPoint -- SendMessageU(hwndCombo, CB_GETLBTEXT,...) returned CB_ERR")); } } else { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("ChangedAccessPoint -- Unable to allocate memory")); } CmFree(pszAccessPoint); } else { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("ChangedAccessPoint -- SendMessageU(hwndCombo, CB_GETLBTEXTLEN,...) returned CB_ERR")); } } else { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("ChangedAccessPoint -- SendMessageU(hwndCombo, CB_GETCURSEL,...) returned CB_ERR")); } } else { CMASSERTMSG(FALSE, TEXT("ChangedAccessPoint -- Unable to get the combo HWND")); }
return bReturn; }
// Function: FindEntryCredentialsForCM
// Synopsis: The algorithm and most of the code is taken from RAS and modified
// for use by CM.
// This routine determines whether per-user or per-connection credentials exist or
// both.
// The logic is a little complicated because RasGetCredentials had to
// support legacy usage of the API.
// Here's how it works. If only one set of credentials is stored for a
// connection, then RasGetCredentials will return that set regardless of
// whether the RASCM_DefaultCreds flag is set. If two sets of credentials
// are saved, then RasGetCredentials will return the per-user credentials
// if the RASCM_DefaultCreds bit is set, and the per-connection credentials
// otherwise.
// Here is the algorithm for loading the credentials
// 1. Call RasGetCredentials with the RASCM_DefaultCreds bit cleared
// 1a. If nothing is returned, no credentials are saved
// 1b. If the RASCM_DefaultCreds bit is set on return, then only
// global credentials are saved.
// 2. Call RasGetCredentials with the RASCM_DefaultCreds bit set
// 2a. If the RASCM_DefaultCreds bit is set on return, then
// both global and per-connection credentials are saved.
// 2b. Otherwise, only per-user credentials are saved.
// Arguments: pArgs - pointer to the ArgStruct
// pszPhoneBook - path to the phone book. Could be NULL.
// *pfUser - out param set true if per user creds found
// *pfGlobal - out param set true if global creds found
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE is succeeds else FALSE
// History: 01/31/2001 tomkel Created
DWORD FindEntryCredentialsForCM(ArgsStruct *pArgs, LPTSTR pszPhoneBook, BOOL *pfUser, BOOL *pfGlobal) { RASCREDENTIALS rc1 = {0}; RASCREDENTIALS rc2 = {0}; BOOL fUseLogonDomain = FALSE; DWORD dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; LPTSTR pszConnectoid = NULL;
CMTRACE(TEXT("FindEntryCredentialsForCM() - Begin"));
if (NULL == pArgs || NULL == pfUser || NULL == pfGlobal) { MYDBGASSERT(pArgs && pfUser && pfGlobal); CMTRACE(TEXT("FindEntryCredentialsForCM() - Error! Invalid Parameter.")); return dwErr; }
// Initialize the out params
*pfUser = FALSE; *pfGlobal = FALSE; //
// After setting the OUT params, check if RAS dll have been loaded and if we can use the ras creds store
if (NULL == pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnGetCredentials || FALSE == pArgs->bUseRasCredStore) { CMTRACE(TEXT("FindEntryCredentialsForCM() - RAS Creds store not supported on this platform.")); return ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; }
// Set the size of the structures
rc1.dwSize = sizeof(rc1); rc2.dwSize = sizeof(rc2);
// The third parameter is used only on Win9x (for tunneling) thus we set it to FALSE
// since this function is called on Win2K+
pszConnectoid = GetRasConnectoidName(pArgs, pArgs->piniService, FALSE); if (pszConnectoid) { do { //
// Look up per-user cached username, password, and domain.
// See comment '1.' in the function header
rc1.dwMask = RASCM_UserName | RASCM_Password | RASCM_Domain; dwErr = pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnGetCredentials(pszPhoneBook, pszConnectoid, &rc1); CMTRACE2(TEXT("FindEntryCredentialsForCM() - Per-User RasGetCredentials=%d,m=%d"), dwErr, rc1.dwMask); if (dwErr != NO_ERROR) { break; }
if (0 == rc1.dwMask) { //
// See 1a. in the function header comments
dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; break; } else if (rc1.dwMask & RASCM_DefaultCreds) { //
// See 1b. in the function header comments
*pfGlobal = TRUE;
// Assumed password was not encoded by RasGetCredentials()
dwErr = ERROR_SUCCESS; break; }
// Look up global per-user cached username, password, domain.
// See comment 2. in the function header
rc2.dwMask = RASCM_UserName | RASCM_Password | RASCM_Domain | RASCM_DefaultCreds;
dwErr = pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnGetCredentials(pszPhoneBook, pszConnectoid, &rc2); CMTRACE2(TEXT("FindEntryCredentialsForCM() - Global RasGetCredentials=%d,m=%d"), dwErr, rc2.dwMask); if (dwErr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { break; }
if (rc2.dwMask & RASCM_DefaultCreds) { //
// See 2a. in the function header comments
*pfGlobal = TRUE;
if (rc1.dwMask & RASCM_Password) { *pfUser = TRUE; }
// Assumed password was not encoded by RasGetCredentials()
CmEncodePassword(rc1.szPassword); CmEncodePassword(rc2.szPassword); } else { //
// See 2b. in the function header comments
if (rc1.dwMask & RASCM_Password) { *pfUser = TRUE; }
// Assumed password was not encoded by RasGetCredentials()
CmEncodePassword(rc1.szPassword); }
}while (FALSE); }
// Cleanup
CmSecureZeroMemory(rc1.szPassword, sizeof(rc1.szPassword)); CmSecureZeroMemory(rc2.szPassword, sizeof(rc2.szPassword));
CMTRACE(TEXT("FindEntryCredentialsForCM() - End")); return dwErr; }
// Function: InitializeCredentialSupport
// Synopsis: Helper function to initialize user and global credential
// support. Some of the flags are redundantly initialized
// (to FALSE). That is done on purpose for clarity.
// Arguments: pArgs - the ArgStruct *
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE is succeeds else FALSE
// History: 01/31/2001 tomkel Created
BOOL InitializeCredentialSupport(ArgsStruct *pArgs) { BOOL fGlobalCreds = FALSE; BOOL fGlobalUserSettings = FALSE;
if (NULL == pArgs) { MYDBGASSERT(pArgs); return FALSE; } //
// By default the the Internet Connection Sharing & Internet Connection
// Firewall (ICS) tab is disabled.
pArgs->bShowHNetCfgAdvancedTab = FALSE; //
// User profile read/write support when user is logged off or using dial-up
// This flag determines if the user info needs to be also saved or loaded from
// the .cmp file
pArgs->dwGlobalUserInfo = 0;
// Credential existance flags - here we cannot yet determine which creds exist
// that is done in a later call to RefreshCredentialTypes
pArgs->dwExistingCredentials = 0;
// Default for which credential store to use - set based on the existance flag so
// this will also get set appropriatelly after a call to RefreshCredentialTypes
pArgs->dwCurrentCredentialType = CM_CREDS_USER;
// Deletion flags - used to mark a set of creds for deletion. Since the
// user can Cancel out of a dialog we don't want to commit the changed
// until we actually do a dial.
pArgs->dwDeleteCredentials = 0;
// Check if this is WindowsXP. We want display the Advanced tab for single-user and
// all-user profiles
if (OS_NT51) { if (IsLogonAsSystem()) { //
// LocalSystem - winlogon or ICS (in both cases user is logged off)
// WinLogon - creds are passed through MSGina
// ICS - need to use glocal creds store
// pArgs->dwWinLogonType was intialized in InitCredentials()
// We don't want to read ICSData info if this is a single user profile
if (CM_LOGON_TYPE_WINLOGON == pArgs->dwWinLogonType || FALSE == pArgs->fAllUser) { pArgs->fGlobalCredentialsSupported = FALSE; pArgs->dwCurrentCredentialType = CM_CREDS_USER; pArgs->dwGlobalUserInfo = 0; } else { pArgs->fGlobalCredentialsSupported = TRUE; pArgs->dwCurrentCredentialType = CM_CREDS_GLOBAL; pArgs->dwGlobalUserInfo |= CM_GLOBAL_USER_INFO_READ_ICS_DATA ; } CMTRACE(TEXT("InitializeCredentialSupport() - LocalSystem - Global creds OK.")); } else { //
// User is logged on
// By default we want to we want to display the tab. By negating
// this value we can then correctly save it in the Args structure. This
// needs to be initialized for everyone
const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryHideICFICSAdvancedTab = TEXT("HideAdvancedTab");
pArgs->bShowHNetCfgAdvancedTab = !(pArgs->piniService->GPPB(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryHideICFICSAdvancedTab, FALSE));
// If this an all-user profile then we want to see if the profile enables
// global user settings and displays global credential options.
// These two features are disabled for single user profiles with the exception of
// showing the Advanced (ICS) tab
if (pArgs->fAllUser) { //
// If ICS is enabled then we need to support global user settings.
// Otherwise we read the setting from the file
if (pArgs->bShowHNetCfgAdvancedTab) { fGlobalUserSettings = TRUE; } else { //
// See if we support global user settings. By default is it off except if ICS is enabled
const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryGlobalUserSettings = TEXT("GlobalUserSettings"); fGlobalUserSettings = pArgs->piniService->GPPB(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryGlobalUserSettings, FALSE); }
// Read the info from the .cms file. By default global credentials are supported
const TCHAR* const c_pszCmEntryHideGlobalCredentials = TEXT("GlobalCredentials"); fGlobalCreds = pArgs->piniService->GPPB(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryHideGlobalCredentials, TRUE); }
// Check to see if we are going to be hiding the Save Password option, if so then
// we don't want to support global credentials
pArgs->fHideRememberPassword = pArgs->piniService->GPPB(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryHideRememberPwd);
if (fGlobalCreds && FALSE == pArgs->fHideRememberPassword) { //
// Global creds are supported
// Pick a default for creds type - it might change after calling RefreshCredentialTypes
pArgs->fGlobalCredentialsSupported = TRUE; pArgs->dwCurrentCredentialType = CM_CREDS_USER; if (fGlobalUserSettings) { pArgs->dwGlobalUserInfo |= CM_GLOBAL_USER_INFO_WRITE_ICS_DATA; } CMTRACE(TEXT("InitializeCredentialSupport() - User, global creds, show global UI.")); } else { //
// Global creds not supported
pArgs->fGlobalCredentialsSupported = FALSE; pArgs->dwCurrentCredentialType = CM_CREDS_USER; pArgs->dwGlobalUserInfo = 0; CMTRACE(TEXT("InitializeCredentialSupport() - User, no global creds, normal UI.")); } } } else { //
// Single user or not WindowsXP
pArgs->fGlobalCredentialsSupported = FALSE; pArgs->dwCurrentCredentialType = CM_CREDS_USER; pArgs->dwGlobalUserInfo = 0; CMTRACE(TEXT("InitializeCredentialSupport() - Single User profile or not WindowsXP. Global creds not supported")); } return TRUE; }
// Function: RefreshCredentialTypes
// Synopsis: This refreshes credential info. If fSetCredsDefault is TRUE
// then we also need to set the default type:
// pArgs->dwCurrentCredentialType.
// Arguments: pArgs - the ArgStruct *
// fSetCredsDefault- used to set the default creds type
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE is succeeds else FALSE
// History: 01/31/2001 tomkel Created
BOOL RefreshCredentialTypes(ArgsStruct *pArgs, BOOL fSetCredsDefault) { DWORD dwRC = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; LPTSTR pszPrivatePbk = NULL;
if (NULL == pArgs) { MYDBGASSERT(pArgs); return FALSE; }
// This should be run on Win2K+ whether this is an all user profile or not
// The call that actually determines which credentials exist makes sure we
// can use the ras cred store
if (OS_NT5) { BOOL fUserCredsExist = FALSE; BOOL fGlobalCredsExist = FALSE;
// See if the main creds exist. Inside the function we determine whether
// we can use the RAS cred store
dwRC = FindEntryCredentialsForCM(pArgs, pArgs->pszRasPbk, &fUserCredsExist, &fGlobalCredsExist); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwRC) { CMTRACE2(TEXT("RefreshCredentialTypes() - FindEntryCredentialsForCM returned: (Main) User=%d, Global=%d"), fUserCredsExist, fGlobalCredsExist); } else { CMTRACE(TEXT("RefreshCredentialTypes() - FindEntryCredentialsForCM returned an error. (Main)")); } //
// Set the existence flags
if (fUserCredsExist) { pArgs->dwExistingCredentials |= CM_EXIST_CREDS_MAIN_USER; } else { pArgs->dwExistingCredentials &= ~CM_EXIST_CREDS_MAIN_USER; }
if (fGlobalCredsExist) { pArgs->dwExistingCredentials |= CM_EXIST_CREDS_MAIN_GLOBAL; } else { pArgs->dwExistingCredentials &= ~CM_EXIST_CREDS_MAIN_GLOBAL; }
fUserCredsExist = FALSE; fGlobalCredsExist = FALSE;
pszPrivatePbk = CreateRasPrivatePbk(pArgs); if (pszPrivatePbk) { //
// See if the Internet creds exist - by using the private phonebook
// Inside the function we determine whether we can use the RAS cred store
dwRC = FindEntryCredentialsForCM(pArgs, pszPrivatePbk, &fUserCredsExist, &fGlobalCredsExist); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwRC) { CMTRACE2(TEXT("RefreshCredentialTypes() - FindEntryCredentialsForCM returned: (Internet) User=%d, Global=%d"), fUserCredsExist, fGlobalCredsExist); } else { CMTRACE(TEXT("RefreshCredentialTypes() - FindEntryCredentialsForCM returned an error. (Internet)")); } }
// Set the flags whether or not we successfully created a private pbk
if (fUserCredsExist) { pArgs->dwExistingCredentials |= CM_EXIST_CREDS_INET_USER; } else { pArgs->dwExistingCredentials &= ~CM_EXIST_CREDS_INET_USER; }
if (fGlobalCredsExist) { pArgs->dwExistingCredentials |= CM_EXIST_CREDS_INET_GLOBAL; } else { pArgs->dwExistingCredentials &= ~CM_EXIST_CREDS_INET_GLOBAL; }
// If we don't support Global Creds then explicitly set
// the existance to FALSE. This can occur if the .cms flag
// is set not to support global creds, but there are actually
// global creds on the system.
if (FALSE == pArgs->fGlobalCredentialsSupported) { pArgs->dwExistingCredentials &= ~CM_EXIST_CREDS_MAIN_GLOBAL; pArgs->dwExistingCredentials &= ~CM_EXIST_CREDS_INET_GLOBAL; CMTRACE(TEXT("RefreshCredentialTypes() - Global Credentials are disabled.")); } if (fSetCredsDefault) { pArgs->dwCurrentCredentialType = GetCurrentCredentialType(pArgs); CMTRACE1(TEXT("RefreshCredentialTypes() - Set default Credentials = %d"), pArgs->dwCurrentCredentialType); } }
return TRUE; }
// Function: GetCurrentCredentialType
// Synopsis: Gets the default credentials based on which ones exist based
// on which flags are set. This function should be called only
// after RefreshCredentialTypes since that function actually
// queries the RAS creds store. This one only looks up the cached
// status of those creds and determines the default according to
// what credentials exist.
// Arguments: pArgs - the ArgStruct *
// fSetCredsDefault- used to set the default creds type
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE is succeeds else FALSE
// History: 01/31/2001 tomkel Created
DWORD GetCurrentCredentialType(ArgsStruct *pArgs) { DWORD dwReturn = CM_CREDS_USER; if (NULL == pArgs) { MYDBGASSERT(pArgs); return dwReturn; }
// If Global creds aren't supported as in WinLogon case or single-user
// profiles or anything below WinXP, the default is User Creds Store
if (FALSE == pArgs->fGlobalCredentialsSupported) { return dwReturn; }
// Normal Rules when a user is logged on
if (CM_LOGON_TYPE_USER == pArgs->dwWinLogonType) { if (pArgs->dwExistingCredentials & CM_EXIST_CREDS_MAIN_USER) { //
// Doesn't matter if main global creds exist since main user credentials
// have precendence if both exist
dwReturn = CM_CREDS_USER; } else if (pArgs->dwExistingCredentials & CM_EXIST_CREDS_MAIN_GLOBAL) { dwReturn = CM_CREDS_GLOBAL; } else { //
// If none of them exist then we want to default to user creds
dwReturn = CM_CREDS_USER; } } else { //
// In any other case dafult to global creds - (ICS scenario)
dwReturn = CM_CREDS_GLOBAL; }
return dwReturn; }
// Function: DeleteSavedCredentials
// Synopsis: Helper function to delete credentials from the RAS store.
// Arguments: pArgs - the ArgStruct *
// dwCredsType - Normal or Internet credentials
// fDeleteGlobal - specifies whether to delete global credentials.
// If TRUE we delete user, domain name,
// password as well
// fDeleteIdentity - specifies whether to delete the user and
// domain names in addition to the password
// Returns: BOOL - TRUE is succeeds else FALSE
// History: 01/31/2001 tomkel Created
BOOL DeleteSavedCredentials(ArgsStruct *pArgs, DWORD dwCredsType, BOOL fDeleteGlobal, BOOL fDeleteIdentity) { RASCREDENTIALS rc; BOOL fReturn = FALSE; DWORD dwErr = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; LPTSTR pszConnectoid = NULL;
CMTRACE2(TEXT("DeleteSavedCredentials() - Begin: %d %d"), fDeleteGlobal, fDeleteIdentity );
if (NULL == pArgs) { MYDBGASSERT(pArgs); return fReturn; }
// Check if globals should be deleted in case globals are not supported.
// This can be in case of global creds are disabled on WinXP or this is
// Win2K or the platform < Win2K where RASSetCredentials isn't even supported.
// Thus we still should return TRUE
if ((fDeleteGlobal && FALSE == pArgs->fGlobalCredentialsSupported) || (NULL == pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnSetCredentials) || (FALSE == pArgs->bUseRasCredStore)) { CMTRACE(TEXT("DeleteSavedCredentials() - Global Creds not supported or do not have ras store on this platform.")); return TRUE; }
// We don't support deleting globals on Win2K (that is caught by the above if since Win2K
// will not have global credentials supported. Otherwise on Win2K we can delete the main
// user creds. On WinXP anything is fine.
if (OS_NT5) { ZeroMemory(&rc, sizeof(rc)); rc.dwSize = sizeof(RASCREDENTIALS); rc.dwMask = RASCM_Password;
if (fDeleteIdentity) { rc.dwMask |= (RASCM_UserName | RASCM_Domain); }
if (fDeleteGlobal && pArgs->fGlobalCredentialsSupported) { rc.dwMask |= RASCM_UserName | RASCM_Domain | RASCM_DefaultCreds; }
// The third parameter is used only on Win9x (for tunneling) thus we set it to FALSE
// since this function is called on Win2K+
pszConnectoid = GetRasConnectoidName(pArgs, pArgs->piniService, FALSE); if (pszConnectoid) { if (CM_CREDS_TYPE_INET == dwCredsType) { LPTSTR pszPrivatePbk = CreateRasPrivatePbk(pArgs); if (pszPrivatePbk) { dwErr = pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnSetCredentials(pszPrivatePbk, pszConnectoid, &rc, TRUE ); CmFree(pszPrivatePbk); } } else { dwErr = pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnSetCredentials(pArgs->pszRasPbk, pszConnectoid, &rc, TRUE ); } if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwErr) { fReturn = TRUE; } }
CMTRACE1(TEXT("DeleteSavedCredentials() - End: RasSetCredentials=%d"), dwErr ); } else { CMTRACE(TEXT("DeleteSavedCredentials() - Platform is less than Win2K")); }
return fReturn; }
// Function: SetCredentialUIOptionBasedOnDefaultCreds
// Synopsis: Selects (checks) the appropriate UI option for saving credentials
// based on the current credential store default.
// Arguments: pArgs - ptr to ArgsStruct
// hwndDlg - handle to the dialog window
// Returns: NONE
// History: 02/05/2001 tomkel Created
VOID SetCredentialUIOptionBasedOnDefaultCreds(ArgsStruct *pArgs, HWND hwndDlg) { if (NULL == pArgs || NULL == hwndDlg) { MYDBGASSERT(pArgs && hwndDlg); return; } //
// fGlobalCredentialsSupported controls which dialog templates get loaded and
// if the flag is FALSE then the dialog template doesn't have these controls
// thus there is no reason to set them.
if (pArgs->fGlobalCredentialsSupported) { if (CM_CREDS_GLOBAL == pArgs->dwCurrentCredentialType) { CheckDlgButton(hwndDlg, IDC_OPT_CREDS_SINGLE_USER, BST_UNCHECKED); CheckDlgButton(hwndDlg, IDC_OPT_CREDS_ALL_USER, BST_CHECKED); } else { //
return; }
// Function: RefreshCredentialInfo
// Synopsis: This is a slimmed down version of LoadProperties. It only
// loads user info from cmp/cms, registry, password
// cache, etc, into its internal variables.
// Arguments: pArgs - ptr to ArgsStruct
// dwCredsType - type of credentials to refresh
// Returns: NONE
// History: 02/05/2001 tomkel Created
VOID RefreshCredentialInfo(ArgsStruct *pArgs, DWORD dwCredsType) { LPTSTR pszTmp = NULL; LPTSTR pszUserName = NULL; UINT nTmp;
CMTRACE(TEXT("RefreshCredentialInfo() - Begin"));
if (NULL == pArgs) { MYDBGASSERT(pArgs); return; }
if (IsTunnelEnabled(pArgs)) { if (CM_CREDS_TYPE_BOTH == dwCredsType || CM_CREDS_TYPE_INET == dwCredsType) { //
// read in inet username
// Special case where the same user name isn't being used, and internet globals don't exist
// Then we have to read the user name from the user creds store in order to pre-populate
DWORD dwRememberedCredType = pArgs->dwCurrentCredentialType; pszUserName = NULL;
if ((FALSE == pArgs->fUseSameUserName) && (CM_CREDS_GLOBAL == pArgs->dwCurrentCredentialType) && (FALSE == (BOOL)(CM_EXIST_CREDS_INET_GLOBAL & pArgs->dwExistingCredentials))) { pArgs->dwCurrentCredentialType = CM_CREDS_USER; }
GetUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_INET_USERNAME, (PVOID*)&pszUserName);
// Restore credential store
pArgs->dwCurrentCredentialType = dwRememberedCredType;
if (pszUserName) { //
// check username length
nTmp = (int) pArgs->piniService->GPPI(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryMaxUserName, UNLEN); if ((UINT)lstrlenU(pszUserName) > __min(UNLEN, nTmp)) { CmFree(pszUserName); pArgs->szInetUserName[0] = TEXT('\0'); SaveUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_INET_USERNAME, (PVOID)pArgs->szInetUserName); } else { lstrcpyU(pArgs->szInetUserName, pszUserName); CmFree(pszUserName); } } else { *pArgs->szInetUserName = TEXT('\0'); } //
// Read in inet password unless we are reconnecting in which case, we
// already have the correct password, and we want to use it and dial
// automatically.
if (!(pArgs->dwFlags & FL_RECONNECT)) { LPTSTR pszPassword = NULL; GetUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_INET_PASSWORD, (PVOID*)&pszPassword); if (!pszPassword) { (VOID)pArgs->SecureInetPW.SetPassword(TEXT("")); } else { nTmp = (int) pArgs->piniService->GPPI(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryMaxPassword, PWLEN); if ((UINT)lstrlenU(pszPassword) > __min(PWLEN, nTmp)) { CmFree(pszPassword); pszPassword = CmStrCpyAlloc(TEXT("")); } (VOID)pArgs->SecureInetPW.SetPassword(pszPassword);
CmWipePassword(pszPassword); CmFree(pszPassword); } } } }
if (CM_CREDS_TYPE_BOTH == dwCredsType || CM_CREDS_TYPE_MAIN == dwCredsType) { //
// The presence of either lpRasNoUser or lpEapLogonInfo indicates
// that we retrieved credentials via WinLogon. We ignore cached
// creds in this situation.
if ((!pArgs->lpRasNoUser) && (!pArgs->lpEapLogonInfo)) { //
// get username, domain, etc. from CMS file
GetUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_USERNAME, (PVOID*)&pszUserName); if (pszUserName) { //
// check username length
nTmp = (int) pArgs->piniService->GPPI(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryMaxUserName, UNLEN); if ((UINT)lstrlenU(pszUserName) > __min(UNLEN, nTmp)) { CmFree(pszUserName); pszUserName = CmStrCpyAlloc(TEXT("")); SaveUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_USERNAME, (PVOID)pszUserName); } lstrcpyU(pArgs->szUserName, pszUserName); CmFree(pszUserName); } else { *pArgs->szUserName = TEXT('\0'); }
// Read in the standard password unless we are reconnecting in which case
// we already have the correct password, and we want to use it and dial
// automatically.
if (!(pArgs->dwFlags & FL_RECONNECT)) { pszTmp = NULL; GetUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_PASSWORD, (PVOID*)&pszTmp); if (pszTmp) { //
// max length for user password
nTmp = (int) pArgs->piniService->GPPI(c_pszCmSection,c_pszCmEntryMaxPassword,PWLEN); if ((UINT)lstrlenU(pszTmp) > __min(PWLEN,nTmp)) { CmFree(pszTmp); pszTmp = CmStrCpyAlloc(TEXT("")); }
CmWipePassword(pszTmp); CmFree(pszTmp); } else { (VOID)pArgs->SecurePW.SetPassword(TEXT("")); } } //
// Load domain info
LPTSTR pszDomain = NULL;
GetUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_DOMAIN, (PVOID*)&pszDomain); if (pszDomain) { nTmp = (int) pArgs->piniService->GPPI(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryMaxDomain, DNLEN); if (nTmp <= 0) { nTmp = DNLEN; } if ((UINT)lstrlenU(pszDomain) > __min(DNLEN, nTmp)) { CmFree(pszDomain); pszDomain = CmStrCpyAlloc(TEXT("")); } lstrcpyU(pArgs->szDomain, pszDomain); CmFree(pszDomain); } else { *pArgs->szDomain = TEXT('\0'); } } }
CMTRACE(TEXT("RefreshCredentialInfo() - End")); return; }
// Function: GetAndStoreUserInfo
// Synopsis: Most of this code existed in the OnMainConnect function.
// Gets the username, domain, password from the edit boxes and saves them
// to the internal structure pArgs->szUserName, pArgs->szPassword, pArgs->szDomain
// if the fSaveOtherUserInfo is TRUE then it also saves them to the appropriate
// place (RAS store, reg, etc.)
// Arguments: pArgs - ptr to ArgsStruct
// hwndDlg - handle to the dialog window
// fSaveUPD - save UserName, Password, Domain (U, P, D)
// fSaveOtherUserInfo - flag whether to save other userinfo (excluding U, P, D)
// Returns: NONE
// History: 02/05/2001 tomkel Created
VOID GetAndStoreUserInfo(ArgsStruct *pArgs, HWND hwndDlg, BOOL fSaveUPD, BOOL fSaveOtherUserInfo) { if (NULL == pArgs || NULL == hwndDlg) { MYDBGASSERT(pArgs && hwndDlg); return; }
// Process UserName info, if any
if (GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_USERNAME_EDIT)) { LPTSTR pszUsername = CmGetWindowTextAlloc(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_USERNAME_EDIT);
// save the user info
if (fSaveUPD) { SaveUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_USERNAME, (PVOID)pszUsername); }
lstrcpyU(pArgs->szUserName, pszUsername); CmFree(pszUsername);
} else { //
// In case the user name field is hidden then just re-save what's in the
// structure. This needs to be done since all of the credentials might have
// been deleted from the ras cred store
if (fSaveUPD) { SaveUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_USERNAME, (PVOID)pArgs->szUserName); } }
// Update password related flags
if (!pArgs->fHideRememberPassword) { //
// save "Remember password"
if (fSaveOtherUserInfo) { SaveUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_REMEMBER_PWD, (PVOID)&pArgs->fRememberMainPassword); } }
if (!pArgs->fHideDialAutomatically) { //
// save "Dial automatically..."
if (fSaveOtherUserInfo) { SaveUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_NOPROMPT, (PVOID)&pArgs->fDialAutomatically); } }
// Process Password info, if any. If field is hidden, then don't save anything.
HWND hwndPassword = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_PASSWORD_EDIT);
if (hwndPassword) { BOOL fSavePassword = TRUE;
// We don't want to copy the password into pArgs structure if fSaveUPD isn't true,
// because it will be obfuscated in this case. The password is already in the structure
// on Win2K+
if (fSaveUPD) { //
// Get the latest password data from the edit control
// and obfuscate its contents so that connect actions
// can't retrieve it.
GetPasswordFromEdit(pArgs); // fills pArgs->szPassword
// Check if we have 16 *'s
if ((pArgs->SecurePW.IsHandleToPassword()) && (FALSE == SendMessageU(hwndPassword, EM_GETMODIFY, 0L, 0L))) { //
// We have 16 *'s and the user hasn't modified the editbox. This
// password is from the RAS cred store, so we don't want to save the 16 *'s
fSavePassword = FALSE; } }
// For winlogon we need to take the password from the edit box
if (CM_LOGON_TYPE_WINLOGON == pArgs->dwWinLogonType) { GetPasswordFromEdit(pArgs); // fills pArgs->szPassword
} //
// Update persistent storage
// No need to delete the password here as it was done by the calling function
if (pArgs->fRememberMainPassword) { //
// If the password has changed, then update storage
// Always save password - 303382
if (fSaveUPD && fSavePassword) { LPTSTR pszClearPassword = NULL; DWORD cbClearPassword = 0; BOOL fRetPassword = FALSE;
fRetPassword = pArgs->SecurePW.GetPasswordWithAlloc(&pszClearPassword, &cbClearPassword);
if (fRetPassword && pszClearPassword) { SaveUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_PASSWORD, (PVOID)pszClearPassword); //
// Clear and Free the clear-text password
pArgs->SecurePW.ClearAndFree(&pszClearPassword, cbClearPassword); } } //
// Check DialAutomatically and carry remember state
// over to InetPassword if it isn't remembered already.
// Need to check if this is a double-dial scenario. Also need to check if we are
// allowed to save UPD, otherwise we don't want to change the state mainly
// (pArgs->fRememberInetPassword)
if (pArgs->fDialAutomatically && fSaveUPD && (DOUBLE_DIAL_CONNECTION == pArgs->GetTypeOfConnection())) { //
// Carry remember state from DialAutomatically over to
// InetPassword if it isn't already remembered.
if (!pArgs->fRememberInetPassword) { pArgs->fRememberInetPassword = TRUE;
if (fSavePassword) { LPTSTR pszClearInetPassword = NULL; DWORD cbClearInetPassword = 0; BOOL fRetPassword = FALSE;
fRetPassword = pArgs->SecureInetPW.GetPasswordWithAlloc(&pszClearInetPassword, &cbClearInetPassword);
if (fRetPassword && pszClearInetPassword) { SaveUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_INET_PASSWORD, (PVOID)pszClearInetPassword);
// Clear and Free the clear-text password
pArgs->SecureInetPW.ClearAndFree(&pszClearInetPassword, cbClearInetPassword); } }
} } } else { //
// If we don't have the ras cred store then the password wasn't deleted
// so we must deleted by calling this function
if (fSavePassword) // No need to check fSaveUPD, taken care of ras creds store check
{ if (FALSE == pArgs->bUseRasCredStore) { DeleteUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_PASSWORD); } } }
if (fSaveUPD) { BOOL fSaveInetPassword = TRUE;
// Check if we have 16 *'s for Internet Password.
if (pArgs->SecureInetPW.IsHandleToPassword()) { //
// We have 16 *'s This password is from the RAS cred store, so we don't want to save the 16 *'s
fSaveInetPassword = FALSE; }
// Check to see if we should re-save Internet creds
// This needs to be done here in case the user has switched between
// global and local credentials using the option buttons while having Internet
// credentials set in the Internet Login (CInetPage) property sheet. By switching
// the options, the user switched the current credential store
// (pArgs->dwCurrentCredentialType) so in order not to lose that data, we need to
// re-save the internet creds. Re-saving puts them in the correct (global or local)
// ras cred store.
// When the username is the same and we saved the main password (SaveUserInfo)
// this also saves the password to the Internet creds store
if (pArgs->fUseSameUserName) { if (fSaveInetPassword) { if (pArgs->fRememberMainPassword) { //
// Save the UserName into the InetUserName field
// Password has been saved when saving UD_ID_PASSWORD. There is a special
// case that also saves the main password as the internet password
SaveUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_INET_USERNAME, (PVOID)pArgs->szUserName); pArgs->fRememberInetPassword = TRUE; } else { if (FALSE == pArgs->bUseRasCredStore) { DeleteUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_INET_PASSWORD); pArgs->fRememberInetPassword = FALSE; } } } } else { if (fSaveInetPassword) { if(pArgs->fRememberInetPassword) { LPTSTR pszClearInetPassword = NULL; DWORD cbClearInetPassword = 0; BOOL fRetPassword = FALSE;
fRetPassword = pArgs->SecureInetPW.GetPasswordWithAlloc(&pszClearInetPassword, &cbClearInetPassword);
if (fRetPassword && pszClearInetPassword) { SaveUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_INET_PASSWORD, (PVOID)pszClearInetPassword);
// Clear and Free the clear-text password
pArgs->SecureInetPW.ClearAndFree(&pszClearInetPassword, cbClearInetPassword); } } else { if (FALSE == pArgs->bUseRasCredStore) { DeleteUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_INET_PASSWORD); } } }
// Need to save username in either case so we can pre-populate this
SaveUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_INET_USERNAME, (PVOID)pArgs->szInetUserName); } } }
// This should be saved in all cases except ICS
if (fSaveOtherUserInfo) { SaveUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_REMEMBER_INET_PASSWORD, (PVOID)&pArgs->fRememberInetPassword); }
// Process Domain info, if any
if (GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_DOMAIN_EDIT)) // !pArgs->fHideDomain)
{ LPTSTR pszDomain = CmGetWindowTextAlloc(hwndDlg,IDC_MAIN_DOMAIN_EDIT); //
// save the user info
if (fSaveUPD) { SaveUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_DOMAIN, (PVOID)pszDomain); }
lstrcpyU(pArgs->szDomain, pszDomain); CmFree(pszDomain); } else { //
// In case the domain field is hidden then just re-save what's in the
// structure. This needs to be done since all of the credentials might have
// been deleted from the ras cred store.
if (fSaveUPD) { SaveUserInfo(pArgs, UD_ID_DOMAIN, (PVOID)pArgs->szDomain); } }
return; }
// Function: SetIniObjectReadWriteFlags
// Synopsis: If the read or write flags are set we need to enable reading and/or
// writing to the .CMP file. Each instance of the CIni class may
// or may not use the .cmp file. It can also be using the .CMP as either
// the primary file or normal file. See InitProfileFromName function
// in init.cpp for detailed comments about these instances.
// pArgs->piniProfile - uses .CMP as a regular file
// pArgs->piniService - doesn't use .CMP file at all
// pArgs->piniBoth - uses .CMP as a primary file
// pArgs->piniBothNonFav - uses .CMP as a primary file
// Arguments: pArgs - ptr to ArgsStruct
// Returns: NONE
// History: 02/14/2001 tomkel Created
VOID SetIniObjectReadWriteFlags(ArgsStruct *pArgs) { if (NULL == pArgs) { MYDBGASSERT(pArgs); return; }
BOOL fWriteICSInfo = FALSE; BOOL fReadGlobalICSInfo = FALSE;
// Get the read flag
fReadGlobalICSInfo = ((BOOL)(pArgs->dwGlobalUserInfo & CM_GLOBAL_USER_INFO_READ_ICS_DATA) ? TRUE : FALSE);
// Get the write flag.
fWriteICSInfo = ((BOOL)(pArgs->dwGlobalUserInfo & CM_GLOBAL_USER_INFO_WRITE_ICS_DATA) ? TRUE : FALSE);
if (fReadGlobalICSInfo || fWriteICSInfo) { LPTSTR pszICSDataReg = BuildICSDataInfoSubKey(pArgs->szServiceName); if (pszICSDataReg) { //
// Now that there is a reg key and at least one of the above flags is TRUE,
// then we want to set the read and write flags in the classes. By default
// they are set to FALSE in the constructors, so we don't have to
// explicitly set them if we don't need this functionality.
// Set ICSData reg key
pArgs->piniProfile->SetICSDataPath(pszICSDataReg); pArgs->piniBoth->SetICSDataPath(pszICSDataReg); pArgs->piniBothNonFav->SetICSDataPath(pszICSDataReg);
// Set Write flag since we have a reg key
pArgs->piniProfile->SetWriteICSData(fWriteICSInfo); pArgs->piniBoth->SetWriteICSData(fWriteICSInfo); pArgs->piniBothNonFav->SetWriteICSData(fWriteICSInfo);
// Set Read flag since we have a reg key
pArgs->piniProfile->SetReadICSData(fReadGlobalICSInfo); pArgs->piniBoth->SetReadICSData(fReadGlobalICSInfo); pArgs->piniBothNonFav->SetReadICSData(fReadGlobalICSInfo); }
CmFree(pszICSDataReg); }
return; }
// Function: TryToDeleteAndSaveCredentials
// Synopsis: Used on Win2K and WinXP+. This function uses the RAS Credential
// store to save and delete credentials based on user's selection.
// First we need to determine if the user is saving their password.
// Then appropriately delete or prompt to delete existing credentials.
// If we aren't saving any credentials, then delete all of them.
// The special case is if the user is deleting his local credentials
// and global credentials exist on the system. Then we have to prompt
// if we should delete the global creds as well.
// Toward the botton of the function we get the info from the UI.
// If the password is 16 *'s then we don't save the password After
// getting info from the UI, we save it in the RAS Cred store.
// Internet credentials are saved if we are using the same user
// name. Otherwise we leave the Internet creds. They were saved
// on the Inet properties page. There is a scenario where the user
// saved the internet creds on the property page and then switched
// the way credentials should be saved (global vs. local) which might cause
// the internet password to be stored under in the wrong (global vs. local)
// ras store. If the passwords are disjoined (pArgs->fUseSameUserName is FALSE)
// there isn't much we can do.
// NOTE: We only want to delete credentials if and only if the existence
// flag are set! This is to prevent from deleting mainly global credentials
// in a certain profile where global credentials are disabled.
// Arguments: pArgs - ptr to ArgsStruct
// hwndDlg - HWND to dialog
// Returns: NONE
// History: 03/24/2001 tomkel Created
VOID TryToDeleteAndSaveCredentials(ArgsStruct *pArgs, HWND hwndDlg) { if (NULL == pArgs || NULL == hwndDlg) { MYDBGASSERT(pArgs && hwndDlg); return; }
// Check if this is Win2K+ (That's where RAS Creds store is supported)
if (!OS_NT5) { MYDBGASSERT(FALSE); return; }
BOOL fSave = FALSE; BOOL fResaveInetUserCreds = FALSE; RASCREDENTIALS rc = {0}; RASCREDENTIALS rcInet={0}; rc.dwSize = sizeof(rc); rcInet.dwSize = sizeof(rcInet); //
// See if we want to save the credentials
if (pArgs->fRememberMainPassword) { //
// Which password are we saving?
if (CM_CREDS_GLOBAL == pArgs->dwCurrentCredentialType) { //
// Delete User creds w/o asking. No need to check for existence since these
// are just user (main & inet) creds.
// Delete Internet User creds w/o asking
// It doesn't matter that we aren't using the same user name
// If we are saving globals, then user creds must always be deleted! This applies for main and Internet.
// Trying to save User creds. if there is currently no saved per-user password
// and the user opts to save the password himself, then ask whether the global
// password should be deleted if it exists.
if ((CM_EXIST_CREDS_MAIN_GLOBAL & pArgs->dwExistingCredentials) && !(CM_EXIST_CREDS_MAIN_USER & pArgs->dwExistingCredentials)) { LPTSTR pszTmp = CmLoadString(g_hInst, IDMSG_DELETE_GLOBAL_CREDS); if (pszTmp) { if (IDYES == MessageBoxEx(hwndDlg, pszTmp, pArgs->szServiceName, MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_DEFBUTTON2, LANG_USER_DEFAULT)) { DeleteSavedCredentials(pArgs, CM_CREDS_TYPE_MAIN, CM_DELETE_SAVED_CREDS_DELETE_GLOBALS, CM_DELETE_SAVED_CREDS_DELETE_IDENTITY); pArgs->dwExistingCredentials &= ~CM_EXIST_CREDS_MAIN_GLOBAL;
// Check for existence before deleting. If they don't exist, no need to
// delete them.
if ((CM_EXIST_CREDS_INET_GLOBAL & pArgs->dwExistingCredentials)) { //
// Delete Internet Global creds if we are using the same creds
if (pArgs->fUseSameUserName || (FALSE == pArgs->fRememberInetPassword)) { DeleteSavedCredentials(pArgs, CM_CREDS_TYPE_INET, CM_DELETE_SAVED_CREDS_DELETE_GLOBALS, CM_DELETE_SAVED_CREDS_DELETE_IDENTITY); pArgs->dwExistingCredentials &= ~CM_EXIST_CREDS_INET_GLOBAL; } } } } CmFree(pszTmp); } }
// User chose to save password. Cache username, password, and
// domain.
fSave = TRUE; rc.dwMask |= RASCM_UserName | RASCM_Password | RASCM_Domain; } else { //
// Don't save password
// Check which option button is currently selected
if (CM_CREDS_USER == pArgs->dwCurrentCredentialType) { //
// User is trying to delete his local creds. Delete the user creds.
// No need to check if they exist since these are local user creds.
if (pArgs->fUseSameUserName || (FALSE == pArgs->fRememberInetPassword)) { DeleteSavedCredentials(pArgs, CM_CREDS_TYPE_INET, CM_DELETE_SAVED_CREDS_KEEP_GLOBALS, CM_DELETE_SAVED_CREDS_KEEP_IDENTITY); pArgs->dwExistingCredentials &= ~CM_EXIST_CREDS_INET_USER; }
// Check if global creds exist and if so prompt the user asking if he wants
// to delete the globals as well
if (CM_EXIST_CREDS_MAIN_GLOBAL & pArgs->dwExistingCredentials) { int iMsgBoxResult = 0;
LPTSTR pszTmp = CmLoadString(g_hInst, IDMSG_DELETE_ALL_CREDS); if (pszTmp) { //
// Set the default to the 2nd button (NO), thus the user won't
// accidentally delete the global creds.
iMsgBoxResult = MessageBoxEx(hwndDlg, pszTmp, pArgs->szServiceName, MB_YESNO|MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_DEFBUTTON2, LANG_USER_DEFAULT); if (IDYES == iMsgBoxResult) { //
// Delete global creds
if (CM_EXIST_CREDS_INET_GLOBAL & pArgs->dwExistingCredentials) { if (pArgs->fUseSameUserName || (FALSE == pArgs->fRememberInetPassword)) { DeleteSavedCredentials(pArgs, CM_CREDS_TYPE_INET, CM_DELETE_SAVED_CREDS_DELETE_GLOBALS, CM_DELETE_SAVED_CREDS_DELETE_IDENTITY); pArgs->dwExistingCredentials &= ~CM_EXIST_CREDS_INET_GLOBAL; } } } } CmFree(pszTmp); pszTmp = NULL; }
// We need to resave username or domain info, even if it existed in case the
// user has updated it.
fSave = TRUE; rc.dwMask |= RASCM_UserName | RASCM_Domain; } else { //
// Delete both sets of credentials
// Check if we need to resave User Name and Domain. The call that deletes the
// user creds doesn't wipe out User Name and Domain so there is no need to re-save.
if (FALSE == (BOOL)(pArgs->dwExistingCredentials & CM_EXIST_CREDS_MAIN_USER)) { //
// Resave the username, and domain since user creds didn't exist
// and we want to pre-populate this info next time CM is loaded
fSave = TRUE; rc.dwMask |= RASCM_UserName | RASCM_Domain; }
if (CM_EXIST_CREDS_MAIN_GLOBAL & pArgs->dwExistingCredentials) { //
// Delete the global credentials.
// Note from RAS codebase: Note that we have to delete the global identity
// as well because we do not support deleting
// just the global password. This is so that
// RasSetCredentials can emulate RasSetDialParams.
if (CM_EXIST_CREDS_INET_GLOBAL & pArgs->dwExistingCredentials) { if (pArgs->fUseSameUserName || (FALSE == pArgs->fRememberInetPassword)) { DeleteSavedCredentials(pArgs, CM_CREDS_TYPE_INET, CM_DELETE_SAVED_CREDS_DELETE_GLOBALS, CM_DELETE_SAVED_CREDS_DELETE_IDENTITY); pArgs->dwExistingCredentials &= ~CM_EXIST_CREDS_INET_GLOBAL;
// If we don't have Inet user creds then we need to cache the username for Inet creds
if (FALSE == (BOOL)(CM_EXIST_CREDS_INET_USER & pArgs->dwExistingCredentials)) { fResaveInetUserCreds = TRUE; } } }
// Delete the password saved per-user. Keep the user name
// and domain saved, however.
if (CM_EXIST_CREDS_INET_USER & pArgs->dwExistingCredentials) { if (pArgs->fUseSameUserName || (FALSE == pArgs->fRememberInetPassword)) { DeleteSavedCredentials(pArgs, CM_CREDS_TYPE_INET, CM_DELETE_SAVED_CREDS_KEEP_GLOBALS, CM_DELETE_SAVED_CREDS_KEEP_IDENTITY); pArgs->dwExistingCredentials &= ~CM_EXIST_CREDS_INET_USER; } } } }
// Gets the info from the UI into pArgs and copy them into the RASCREDENTIALS structure
GetUserInfoFromDialog(pArgs, hwndDlg, &rc);
// See if we need to save anything
if (fSave) { LPTSTR pszConnectoid = GetRasConnectoidName(pArgs, pArgs->piniService, FALSE); DWORD dwCurrentMask = rc.dwMask; DWORD dwInetCurrentMask = rc.dwMask & ~RASCM_Domain; // Don't need domain info
if (pszConnectoid && pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnSetCredentials) { DWORD dwRet = (DWORD)-1; // Some non ERROR_SUCCESS value
DWORD dwRetInet = (DWORD)-1; // Some non ERROR_SUCCESS value
LPTSTR pszPhoneBook = pArgs->pszRasPbk; LPTSTR pszPrivatePhoneBook = CreateRasPrivatePbk(pArgs);
CopyMemory((LPVOID)&rcInet, (LPVOID)&rc, sizeof(rcInet));
// Save the creds
dwRet = pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnSetCredentials(pszPhoneBook, pszConnectoid, &rc, FALSE);
// Then the phonebook entry doesn't exist yet, lets create it.
if (pRasEntry && pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnSetEntryProperties) { pRasEntry->dwSize = sizeof(RASENTRY); dwRet = pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnSetEntryProperties(pszPhoneBook, pszConnectoid, pRasEntry, pRasEntry->dwSize, NULL, 0);
// Lets try to set the credentials one more time ...
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwRet) { //
// dwMask needs to be reassigned, the previous call modified it
rc.dwMask = dwCurrentMask; dwRet = pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnSetCredentials(pszPhoneBook, pszConnectoid, &rc, FALSE); }
CmFree(pRasEntry); } }
// Now try to save Internet creds
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwRet && pszPrivatePhoneBook) { //
// If we aren't using the credentials for main and Inet, then there
// is no need to resave Internet credentials, because they were saved on
// the Inet-Dialog page and they weren't deleted above.
if (pArgs->fUseSameUserName) { //
// dwMask needs to be reassigned, the previous call modified it
rcInet.dwMask = dwInetCurrentMask; dwRetInet = pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnSetCredentials(pszPrivatePhoneBook, pszConnectoid, &rcInet, FALSE); } else { if (fResaveInetUserCreds) { rcInet.dwMask = dwInetCurrentMask; dwRetInet = pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnSetCredentials(pszPrivatePhoneBook, pszConnectoid, &rcInet, FALSE); }
if (pArgs->fDialAutomatically && (DOUBLE_DIAL_CONNECTION == pArgs->GetTypeOfConnection())) { //
// Carry remember state from DialAutomatically over to
// InetPassword if it isn't already remembered.
if (FALSE == pArgs->fRememberInetPassword) { pArgs->fRememberInetPassword = TRUE;
LPTSTR pszClearInetPassword = NULL; DWORD cbClearInetPassword = 0; BOOL fRetPassword = FALSE;
// Compare to 16 *'s. We don't want to resave if we have 16 *'s
// otherwise the user will get an auth-retry.
if (FALSE == pArgs->SecureInetPW.IsHandleToPassword()) { fRetPassword = pArgs->SecureInetPW.GetPasswordWithAlloc(&pszClearInetPassword, &cbClearInetPassword);
if (fRetPassword && pszClearInetPassword) { //
// No need to save the domain
rcInet.dwMask = dwInetCurrentMask; lstrcpyU(rcInet.szUserName, pArgs->szInetUserName); lstrcpyU(rcInet.szPassword, pszClearInetPassword); dwRetInet = pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnSetCredentials(pszPrivatePhoneBook, pszConnectoid, &rcInet, FALSE);
// Clear and Free the clear-text password
pArgs->SecureInetPW.ClearAndFree(&pszClearInetPassword, cbClearInetPassword); } } } } } } if ((ERROR_CANNOT_FIND_PHONEBOOK_ENTRY == dwRetInet) && pszPrivatePhoneBook) { //
// Then the phonebook entry doesn't exist yet, lets create it.
if (pRasEntry && pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnSetEntryProperties) { pRasEntry->dwSize = sizeof(RASENTRY); dwRetInet = pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnSetEntryProperties(pszPrivatePhoneBook, pszConnectoid, pRasEntry, pRasEntry->dwSize, NULL, 0);
// Lets try to set the credentials one more time ...
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwRetInet) { //
// dwMask needs to be reassigned, the previous call modifies the mask
rcInet.dwMask = dwInetCurrentMask; dwRetInet = pArgs->rlsRasLink.pfnSetCredentials(pszPrivatePhoneBook, pszConnectoid, &rcInet, FALSE); }
CmFree(pRasEntry); } }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwRet) { //
// Only set the existance flags if we are saving the password and everything
// succeeded
if (pArgs->fRememberMainPassword) { if (CM_CREDS_GLOBAL == pArgs->dwCurrentCredentialType) { pArgs->dwExistingCredentials |= CM_EXIST_CREDS_MAIN_GLOBAL; if (pArgs->fUseSameUserName && (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwRetInet)) { pArgs->dwExistingCredentials |= CM_EXIST_CREDS_INET_GLOBAL; } } else { pArgs->dwExistingCredentials |= CM_EXIST_CREDS_MAIN_USER; if (pArgs->fUseSameUserName && (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwRetInet)) { pArgs->dwExistingCredentials |= CM_EXIST_CREDS_INET_USER; } } } } CmFree(pszPrivatePhoneBook); } CmFree(pszConnectoid); }
CmSecureZeroMemory(rc.szPassword, sizeof(rc.szPassword)); CmSecureZeroMemory(rcInet.szPassword, sizeof(rcInet.szPassword));
return; }
// Function: GetUserInfoFromDialog
// Synopsis: Gets the user information from the editboxes into pArgs
// structure. Then it copies the info into rascredentials
// structure. If the password is 16 *'s then we clear
// the password mask in the rascredentials in order not to save
// the password.
// Arguments: pArgs - ptr to ArgsStruct
// hwndDlg - HWND to dialog
// prc - [IN/OUT] rascredentials structure
// Returns: NONE
// History: 03/24/2001 tomkel Created
VOID GetUserInfoFromDialog(ArgsStruct *pArgs, HWND hwndDlg, RASCREDENTIALS *prc) { if (NULL == pArgs || NULL == hwndDlg || NULL == prc) { MYDBGASSERT(pArgs && hwndDlg && prc); return; } //
// Process Password info, if any.
HWND hwndPassword = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_PASSWORD_EDIT);
if (hwndPassword) { //
// Get the latest password data from the edit control
// and obfuscate its contents so that connect actions
// can't retrieve it.
GetPasswordFromEdit(pArgs); // fills pArgs->szPassword
ObfuscatePasswordEdit(pArgs); // sets *'s into the password edit box
// Check if we have 16 *'s
if (pArgs->SecurePW.IsHandleToPassword() && (FALSE == SendMessageU(hwndPassword, EM_GETMODIFY, 0L, 0L))) { //
// We have 16 *'s and the user hasn't modified the editbox. This
// password is from the RAS cred store, so we don't want to save the 16 *'s
prc->dwMask &= ~RASCM_Password; } }
// Process UserName info, if any
HWND hwndUserName = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_USERNAME_EDIT); if (hwndUserName) { LPTSTR pszUsername = CmGetWindowTextAlloc(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_USERNAME_EDIT);
lstrcpyU(pArgs->szUserName, pszUsername); CmFree(pszUsername); } //
// Process Domain info, if any
HWND hwndDomain = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_DOMAIN_EDIT); if (hwndDomain) { LPTSTR pszDomain = CmGetWindowTextAlloc(hwndDlg,IDC_MAIN_DOMAIN_EDIT);
lstrcpyU(pArgs->szDomain, pszDomain); CmFree(pszDomain); }
// This needs to be separate because in some cases
// the editboxes will not exist on the dialog, but we still need to save the info
// from the pArgs structure into RASCREDENTIALS.
lstrcpyU(prc->szUserName, pArgs->szUserName); lstrcpyU(prc->szDomain, pArgs->szDomain);
LPTSTR pszClearPassword = NULL; DWORD cbClearPassword = 0; BOOL fRetPassword = FALSE;
fRetPassword = pArgs->SecurePW.GetPasswordWithAlloc(&pszClearPassword, &cbClearPassword);
if (fRetPassword && pszClearPassword) { lstrcpyU(prc->szPassword, pszClearPassword); //
// Clear and Free the clear-text password
pArgs->SecurePW.ClearAndFree(&pszClearPassword, cbClearPassword); } }
// Function: SwitchToLocalCreds
// Synopsis: Clear the password, but only if it wasn't recently modified
// only then we can reuse and resave it. That's because when
// we switch credential stores, the value of the szPassword
// is what was read from the RAS cred store (16 *'s). It doesn't
// make sense to save this value into a new user RAS creds store. If the
// password already existed there, then it's fine.
// In case the user modified the password text box and then decided
// to swich, the modification flag will be on, so we'll assume that the
// user entered a valid password and that it wasn't read in from the
// creds store.
// The actual deletion of credential happnes once the user clicks
// the connect button. Here we just clear things out of memory
// and update the UI. We also need to update the remember Internet
// flag based on if the Internet credential exist. This is so the
// UI stays consistent with what credentials are loaded in memory.
// Arguments: pArgs - ptr to ArgsStruct
// hwndDlg - HWND to dialog
// fSwitchToGlobal - used to ignore the check which credential
// store is currently active
// Returns: NONE
// History: 03/24/2001 tomkel Created
VOID SwitchToLocalCreds(ArgsStruct *pArgs, HWND hwndDlg, BOOL fSwitchToLocal) { if (NULL == pArgs || NULL == hwndDlg) { return; }
// Switching to using Single-User credentials
// Check that previously the default was the Global creds store
if (CM_CREDS_GLOBAL == pArgs->dwCurrentCredentialType || fSwitchToLocal) { pArgs->dwCurrentCredentialType = CM_CREDS_USER;
HWND hwndTemp = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_PASSWORD_EDIT); BOOL fPWChanged = FALSE;
if (hwndTemp) { //
// Don't use Edit_GetModify. This needs need to run on Win9x so call
// SendMessageU
fPWChanged = (BOOL) SendMessageU(hwndTemp, EM_GETMODIFY, 0L, 0L); if (FALSE == fPWChanged) { pArgs->fIgnoreChangeNotification = TRUE;
SetDlgItemTextU(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_PASSWORD_EDIT, TEXT("")); pArgs->fIgnoreChangeNotification = FALSE; } } if (FALSE == fPWChanged) { //
// Only if Password field didn't change
if (OS_NT51) { //
// Wipe the Internet password - since we are switching from globals
// or we are using the same user name the Inet password will get re-populated
// from the main password, otherwise the user needs to set this password in
// the InetDialog.
pArgs->fRememberInetPassword = FALSE;
// Only reload if main user creds exist
if (pArgs->dwExistingCredentials & CM_EXIST_CREDS_MAIN_USER) { if (pArgs->dwExistingCredentials & CM_EXIST_CREDS_INET_USER) { ReloadCredentials(pArgs, hwndDlg, CM_CREDS_TYPE_BOTH); pArgs->fRememberInetPassword = TRUE; } else { ReloadCredentials(pArgs, hwndDlg, CM_CREDS_TYPE_MAIN); } } else { if (pArgs->dwExistingCredentials & CM_EXIST_CREDS_INET_USER) { ReloadCredentials(pArgs, hwndDlg, CM_CREDS_TYPE_INET); pArgs->fRememberInetPassword = TRUE; } else { pArgs->fRememberInetPassword = FALSE; } } } else { ReloadCredentials(pArgs, hwndDlg, CM_CREDS_TYPE_BOTH); } } else { if (OS_NT51) { if (pArgs->dwExistingCredentials & CM_EXIST_CREDS_INET_USER) { ReloadCredentials(pArgs, hwndDlg, CM_CREDS_TYPE_INET); pArgs->fRememberInetPassword = TRUE; } else { pArgs->fRememberInetPassword = FALSE; } } else { ReloadCredentials(pArgs, hwndDlg, CM_CREDS_TYPE_INET); } } } }
// Function: SwitchToGlobalCreds
// Synopsis: Clear the password and reload the credentials if they exist.
// Otherwise we clear the password if it hasn't been modified by
// the user.
// Arguments: pArgs - ptr to ArgsStruct
// hwndDlg - HWND to dialog
// fSwitchToGlobal - used to ignore the check which credential
// store is currently active
// Returns: NONE
// History: 03/24/2001 tomkel Created
VOID SwitchToGlobalCreds(ArgsStruct *pArgs, HWND hwndDlg, BOOL fSwitchToGlobal) { if (NULL == pArgs || NULL == hwndDlg) { return; }
// This should only be called on WinXP+
if (!OS_NT51) { MYDBGASSERT(FALSE); return; }
// Switching to using Global credentials
// Check that previously the default was the User creds store
if (CM_CREDS_USER == pArgs->dwCurrentCredentialType || fSwitchToGlobal) { pArgs->dwCurrentCredentialType = CM_CREDS_GLOBAL; if (pArgs->dwExistingCredentials & CM_EXIST_CREDS_MAIN_GLOBAL) { (VOID)pArgs->SecurePW.SetPassword(TEXT(""));
pArgs->fRememberInetPassword = FALSE;
// Globals exist
if (pArgs->dwExistingCredentials & CM_EXIST_CREDS_INET_GLOBAL) { //
// Both exist - reload both
ReloadCredentials(pArgs, hwndDlg, CM_CREDS_TYPE_BOTH); pArgs->fRememberInetPassword = TRUE; } else { //
// User Globals - exist, reload
// Internet Globals - don't exist, clear password
ReloadCredentials(pArgs, hwndDlg, CM_CREDS_TYPE_MAIN); } } else { HWND hwndPassword = GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_PASSWORD_EDIT);
pArgs->fIgnoreChangeNotification = TRUE;
pArgs->fRememberInetPassword = FALSE;
if (pArgs->dwExistingCredentials & CM_EXIST_CREDS_INET_GLOBAL) { //
// User Globals - don't exist - clear password
// Internet Globals - exist - reload
RefreshCredentialInfo(pArgs, CM_CREDS_TYPE_INET); //
// In case user inet creds didn't exist, we should
pArgs->fRememberInetPassword = TRUE; } //
// Clear the main password only if it wasn't recently modified
if (hwndPassword) { if (FALSE == SendMessageU(hwndPassword, EM_GETMODIFY, 0L, 0L)) { (VOID)pArgs->SecurePW.SetPassword(TEXT(""));
SetDlgItemTextU(hwndDlg, IDC_MAIN_PASSWORD_EDIT, TEXT("")); } }
pArgs->fIgnoreChangeNotification = FALSE; } } }
// Function: ReloadCredentials
// Synopsis: Wrapper to reload credentials into the editboxes
// Arguments: pArgs - ptr to ArgsStruct
// hwndDlg - HWND to dialog
// dwWhichCredType - type of credential to reload
// Returns: NONE
// History: 03/24/2001 tomkel Created
VOID ReloadCredentials(ArgsStruct *pArgs, HWND hwndDlg, DWORD dwWhichCredType) { if (NULL == pArgs || NULL == hwndDlg) { MYDBGASSERT(pArgs && hwndDlg); return; }
pArgs->fIgnoreChangeNotification = TRUE; RefreshCredentialInfo(pArgs, dwWhichCredType); SetMainDlgUserInfo(pArgs, hwndDlg); pArgs->fIgnoreChangeNotification = FALSE; }
// Function: VerifyAdvancedTabSettings
// Synopsis: Verifies and possibly modifed the connection's ICF/ICS settings
// based on what was configured in the .cms file. These functions
// depend on the hnetcfg objects and private/internal interfaces.
// We got them from the homenet team.
// Some parts of the code were taken from:
// nt\net\homenet\config\dll\saui.cpp
// Arguments: pArgs - ptr to ArgsStruct
// Returns: NONE
// History: 04/26/2001 tomkel Created
VOID VerifyAdvancedTabSettings(ArgsStruct *pArgs) {
#ifndef _WIN64
HRESULT hr; IHNetConnection *pHNetConn = NULL; IHNetCfgMgr *pHNetCfgMgr = NULL; INetConnectionUiUtilities* pncuu = NULL; BOOL fCOMInitialized = FALSE; BOOL fEnableICF = FALSE; BOOL fDisableICS = FALSE; BOOL fAllowUserToModifySettings = TRUE; if (OS_NT51) { CMTRACE(TEXT("VerifyAdvancedTabSettings()")); //
// Check rights - taken from saui.cpp
if (FALSE == IsAdmin()) { return; }
fEnableICF = pArgs->piniService->GPPB(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryEnableICF, FALSE);
fDisableICS = pArgs->piniService->GPPB(c_pszCmSection, c_pszCmEntryDisableICS, FALSE);
if (fEnableICF || fDisableICS) { hr = CoInitialize(NULL); if (S_OK == hr) { CMTRACE(TEXT("VerifyAdvancedTabSettings - Correctly Initialized COM.")); fCOMInitialized = TRUE; } else if (S_FALSE == hr) { CMTRACE(TEXT("VerifyAdvancedTabSettings - This concurrency model is already initialized. CoInitialize returned S_FALSE.")); fCOMInitialized = TRUE; hr = S_OK; } else if (RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE == hr) { CMTRACE1(TEXT("VerifyAdvancedTabSettings - Using different concurrency model. Did not initialize COM - RPC_E_CHANGED_MODE. hr=0x%x"), hr); hr = S_OK; } else { CMTRACE1(TEXT("VerifyAdvancedTabSettings - Failed to Initialized COM. hr=0x%x"), hr); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// Check user permissions. Needed to initialize COM first
// Check if ZAW is denying access to the Shared Access UI - taken from saui.cpp
hr = HrCreateNetConnectionUtilities(&pncuu); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pncuu) { fEnableICF = (BOOL)(fEnableICF && pncuu->UserHasPermission(NCPERM_PersonalFirewallConfig)); fDisableICS = (BOOL)(fDisableICS && pncuu->UserHasPermission(NCPERM_ShowSharedAccessUi));
if ((FALSE == fEnableICF) && (FALSE == fDisableICS)) { goto done; } }
// Create the home networking configuration manager
hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_HNetCfgMgr, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IHNetCfgMgr, (void**)&pHNetCfgMgr); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //
// Convert the entry to an IHNetConnection
CMTRACE(TEXT("VerifyAdvancedTabSettings - Created CLSID_HNetCfgMgr object.")); GUID *pGuid = NULL;
LPRASENTRY pRasEntry = MyRGEP(pArgs->pszRasPbk, pArgs->szServiceName, &pArgs->rlsRasLink);
if (pRasEntry && sizeof(RASENTRY_V501) >= pRasEntry->dwSize) { //
// Get the pGuid value
pGuid = &(((LPRASENTRY_V501)pRasEntry)->guidId); hr = pHNetCfgMgr->GetIHNetConnectionForGuid(pGuid, FALSE, TRUE, &pHNetConn); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pHNetConn) { if (fEnableICF) { EnableInternetFirewall(pHNetConn); }
if (fDisableICS) { DisableSharing(pHNetConn); } } else { CMTRACE1(TEXT("VerifyAdvancedTabSettings() - Call to pHNetCfgMgr->GetIHNetConnectionForGuid returned an error. hr=0x%x"), hr); } } else { CMTRACE(TEXT("VerifyAdvancedTabSettings - Failed to LoadRAS Entry.")); } CmFree(pRasEntry); pRasEntry = NULL; } else { CMTRACE(TEXT("VerifyAdvancedTabSettings - Failed to create CLSID_HNetCfgMgr object.")); } } }
done: //
// Clean up and Uninitilize COM
if (pHNetConn) { pHNetConn->Release(); pHNetConn = NULL; }
if (pHNetCfgMgr) { pHNetCfgMgr->Release(); pHNetCfgMgr = NULL; }
if (pncuu) { pncuu->Release(); pncuu = NULL; } if (fCOMInitialized) { CoUninitialize(); } }
#endif // _WIN64
// Function: EnableInternetFirewall
// Synopsis: Taken from : CNetSharingConfiguration::EnableInternetFirewall
// This is part of the internal api.
// Arguments: pHNetConn - HNetConnection
// Returns: None.
// History: 04/26/2001 tomkel Taken & modified from nt\net\homenet\config\dll\hnapi.cpp
VOID EnableInternetFirewall(IHNetConnection *pHNetConn) { HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; BOOLEAN bEnabled = FALSE;
if (NULL == pHNetConn) { return; }
hr = InternalGetFirewallEnabled(pHNetConn, &bEnabled);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && !bEnabled) { IHNetFirewalledConnection* pFirewalledConnection = NULL;
hr = pHNetConn->Firewall(&pFirewalledConnection);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (pFirewalledConnection) { pFirewalledConnection->Release(); pFirewalledConnection = NULL; } } } }
// Function: InternalGetFirewallEnabled
// Synopsis: Taken from : CNetSharingConfiguration::EnableInternetFirewall
// Arguments: pHNetConnection - HNetConnection
// pbEnabled - [out] whether the Firewall is enabled
// Returns: HRESULT
// History: 04/26/2001 tomkel Taken & modified from nt\net\homenet\config\dll\hnapi.cpp
HRESULT InternalGetFirewallEnabled(IHNetConnection *pHNetConnection, BOOLEAN *pbEnabled) { HRESULT hr; HNET_CONN_PROPERTIES* pProps = NULL;
if (NULL == pHNetConnection) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; } else if (NULL == pbEnabled) { hr = E_POINTER; } else { *pbEnabled = FALSE;
hr = pHNetConnection->GetProperties(&pProps);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (pProps->fFirewalled) { *pbEnabled = TRUE; }
CoTaskMemFree(pProps); } }
return hr; }
// Function: DisableSharing
// Synopsis: Taken from : CNetSharingConfiguration::EnableInternetFirewall
// Arguments: pHNetConn - HNetConnection
// Returns: HRESULT
// History: 04/26/2001 tomkel Taken & modified from nt\net\homenet\config\dll\hnapi.cpp
STDMETHODIMP DisableSharing(IHNetConnection *pHNetConn) { HRESULT hr;
if (NULL == pHNetConn) { return E_INVALIDARG; } hr = InternalGetSharingEnabled(pHNetConn, &bEnabled, &Type);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && bEnabled ) { switch(Type) { case ICSSHARINGTYPE_PUBLIC: { IHNetIcsPublicConnection* pPublicConnection = NULL;
hr = pHNetConn->GetControlInterface( __uuidof(IHNetIcsPublicConnection), reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pPublicConnection) );
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pPublicConnection->Unshare();
if (pPublicConnection) { pPublicConnection->Release(); pPublicConnection = NULL; } } } break;
case ICSSHARINGTYPE_PRIVATE: { IHNetIcsPrivateConnection* pPrivateConnection = NULL;
hr = pHNetConn->GetControlInterface( __uuidof(IHNetIcsPrivateConnection), reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pPrivateConnection) );
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = pPrivateConnection->RemoveFromIcs();
if (pPrivateConnection) { pPrivateConnection->Release(); pPrivateConnection = NULL; } } } break;
default: hr = E_UNEXPECTED; } }
return hr; }
// Function: InternalGetSharingEnabled
// Synopsis: Returns whether sharing is enabled on a given connection
// Arguments: pHNetConnection - HNetConnection
// pbEnabled - [out] returns the value
// pType - type of connection
// Returns: HRESULT
// History: 04/26/2001 tomkel Taken & modified from nt\net\homenet\config\dll\hnapi.cpp
HRESULT InternalGetSharingEnabled(IHNetConnection *pHNetConnection, BOOLEAN *pbEnabled, SHARINGCONNECTIONTYPE* pType) { HRESULT hr; HNET_CONN_PROPERTIES* pProps;
if (NULL == pHNetConnection) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; } else if ((NULL == pbEnabled) || (NULL == pType)) { hr = E_POINTER; } else { *pbEnabled = FALSE; *pType = ICSSHARINGTYPE_PUBLIC;
hr = pHNetConnection->GetProperties(&pProps);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (pProps->fIcsPublic) { *pbEnabled = TRUE; *pType = ICSSHARINGTYPE_PUBLIC; } else if (pProps->fIcsPrivate) { *pbEnabled = TRUE; *pType = ICSSHARINGTYPE_PRIVATE; }
CoTaskMemFree(pProps); } }
return hr; }
// Function: HrCreateNetConnectionUtilities
// Synopsis: Returns the pointer to the connection ui utilities object
// Arguments: ppncuu - pointer to INetConnectionUiUtilities object
// Returns: HRESULT
// History: 04/26/2001 tomkel Taken & modified from nt\net\homenet\config\dll\saui.cpp
HRESULT APIENTRY HrCreateNetConnectionUtilities(INetConnectionUiUtilities ** ppncuu) { HRESULT hr = E_INVALIDARG;
if (ppncuu) { hr = CoCreateInstance (CLSID_NetConnectionUiUtilities, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_INetConnectionUiUtilities, (void**)ppncuu); }
return hr; }